With the episode they were watching coming to an end, Sandora happily remarked, "It's amazing how interesting and diverse the worlds of anime can be. Once the baby has arrived, we should go on holiday to one of the safer worlds."
Though it would be his third time descending into an Actualized World with Sandora, Vahn readily replied, "Sure. Not for too long, though. We don't want a repeat of what happened during our stay in Runeterra..."
Unable to restrain her curiosity, Sala sat a little straighter before asking, "What happened in Runeterra...?"
Seizing the initiative, Sandora giggled before explaining, "Vahn is popular wherever he goes. He also saves a lot of people, so those with powerful fates end up being drawn to him. During our stay in Runeterra, we ended up accumulating quite a number of bedfellows..."
Understanding what Sandora meant by 'bedfellows,' Sala gave Vahn a disproving look as she asked, "What will it take for you to be satisfied? You've already dug your claws into my sister and countless others...does the word 'restraint' not exist in your vocabulary?"
Answering before Vahn could, Sandora adopted a pouty expression as she said, "You're mistaken, Sala. Vahn did his best to avoid starting any new relationships during our stay in Ni No Kuni and Runeterra. I was the one who convinced him to share his love with others."
Not expecting Sandora's response, Sala found herself at a prolonged loss for words. She couldn't understand why anyone, much less her own sister, would want their man to sleep with other women.
Seeing through her sister's thoughts, Sandora was once again tempted to try and convince her to give Vahn a chance. Before she could, Vahn shook his head and whispered, "It's okay, Sandora. I'm sure she'll understand in due time. For now, there is something I need to mention..."
Shifting his attention to Sala, an action that caused the bronze-skinned woman to tense, Vahn maintained a relaxed smile as he revealed, "Draco Greif intends to step down as Floor Master. He has nominated you as his successor and the Leader of Five-Claws as his second. If you refuse, the position will fall to her by default."
Though Draco Greif had once asked her if she was willing to take up the mantle of Floor Master, Sala was still taken aback by Vahn's words. Ever since she fled the North, she had viewed herself as someone unqualified to rule. She also wasn't a Beast Person, Kemono, or Eudemon, so it didn't seem right for her to represent them as the Leader of the Alliance.
Adopting an empathetic look, Vahn's tone softened as he said, "You don't need to make your decision immediately, and no one is going to force you to accept. Even if you choose to remain here or seek happiness in one of my Actualized Worlds, I will not allow the Draco Greif Alliance to crumble. Rest easy, and make the decision you believe to be best for yourself. You have that right...I guarantee it..."
Feeling more relieved than she was willing to admit, Sala averted her eyes from Vahn and fell into deep thought. She felt like he was goading her to enter one of his Actualized Worlds, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't tempted. The Little Garden had never felt like a home to her, and though she felt a sense of obligation towards the Draco Greif Alliance, she wasn't ready to helm the entire organization...
Though she immediately felt guilty, Sala hugged herself in self-comfort as she meekly inquired, "Where would I even go...?"
Adopting an assuring smile, Vahn replied, "That's the beauty of Actualized Worlds. You can go anywhere and be anyone you want. I could send you to a completely innocuous world without conflict, a multiversal battlefield where you can harness your skills, or an empty void where you can create worlds of your own. More importantly, you can return whenever you want and, if applicable, bring along any family or friends you happen to make during your stay..."
Turning to meet Vahn's gaze, Sala's expression revealed a hint of disbelief as she questioned, "I can bring people back with me? Doesn't that violate the Laws of the Little Garden...?"
Shaking his head, Vahn calmly replied, "We wouldn't be violating the Law of Equivalence as we're not calling anyone from outside the Little Garden. Each of the Actualized Worlds I create exists within myself. The moment I entered the Divine Realm, the functionally infinite and diverse inhabitants of my Actaulized Worlds came with me..."
Despite the tranquility of Vahn's tone, Sala felt her body trembling due to the implication of his words. While it wasn't uncommon for powerful Gods to manifest personalized Realms within the Gates they occupied, not even the Primordials occupying the 2-3-Digit Gates were capable of what Vahn was describing. Their existence gave rise to the myriad worlds making up the Lower Realms, but there was always a degree of separation between said worlds and the Divine Realm. If Vahn's Actualized World truly existed within him, he possessed a power that completely circumvented the Laws of the Little Garden...
Seeing through Sala's thoughts, Vahn gave a playful wink and said, "Relax. If it hasn't been made apparent, I'm the type that prefers to handle things himself. I might bring a few unique and interesting individuals out to play, but I have no intention of overwhelming the Little Garden with an endless tide of formerly fictional characters. I don't view people as pawns."
Realizing how rude she was acting, Sala lowered her head and said, "I apologize...it was never my intention to insinuate such a thing..."
Dismissively waving his right hand, Vahn mused, "I'm used to people thinking much worse of me. Now, what do you want to do? Keep in mind that you don't have to make a decision right this instant."
Instead of immediately responding to Vahn's words, Sala shifted her gaze to Sandora. It was impossible to convey how guilty she felt about running away and leaving Sandora to bear her responsibilities. If Sandora asked it of her, she would dedicate the remainder of her life to serving Salamandra and, if necessary, Vahn...
Returning an affectionate, blameless smile, Sandora placed her hand on her abdomen as she expressed, "The only thing I want is for you to find happiness. I've already moved on and found my own. Isn't it about time you do the same?"
Feeling an achieving feeling in her chest, Sala placed her hand over her heart and started to tear up. She didn't believe she deserved forgiveness, much less happiness, but she couldn't help craving it all the same...
Driving the final nail home, Vahn conveniently reiterated, "Time within the Actualized Worlds flows independently from the Little Garden. Even if you decided to stay a literal eternity, not even a second would pass for us. In other words, you don't have to worry about leaving Sandora behind. She'll be here waiting for you the moment you're prepared to return."
Recalling that Vahn had mentioned something similar before, a faint blush colored Sala's cheeks. If his words were accurate, which they likely were, she was being overly dramatic over nothing.
Suppressing her embarrassment, Sala forced herself to meet Vahn's gaze as she asked, "You mentioned I could go anywhere, right? Are you able to create 'personalized' worlds on a whim...?"
Making a so-so gesture with his left hand, Vahn answered, "It's not that straightforward, but basically. The only real requirement is that I have a point of reference to work from. Why, did you already have something in mind?"
Though she was tempted to ask if Vahn could create a version of the Little Garden where she hadn't run away from her responsibilities, Sala understood that it wouldn't fix things. With that in mind, she adopted a resolute look and said, "Send me somewhere where I can grow stronger and recruit dependable allies. When I return, I will take up the mantle of Southern Floor Master and work with both the North and East to ensure the Little Garden's prosperity."
Nodding his head in approval, Vahn replied, "Very well." before waving his hand to change the image reflected on the display they had been using to watch anime. On it appeared a remarkably beautiful woman with fiery red hair and matching eyes, the former styled in a manner that resembled cat ears. Her body was garbed in form-fitting armor, much like a Valkyrie, and she wielded an intricate-looking, double-sided blade in her right hand.
Without needing to be asked, Vahn revealed, "This is Mitra Paramatman. In the world I'm sending you to, she is fated to become the first of seven Hegemon-class Deities. I'm not telling you to ally with her, but you should avoid antagonizing her too much..."
Raising his left hand, Vahn produced a large, ancient-looking grimoire that closely resembled the Sacred Tome he often had Loi-chan transform into, adding, "This grimoire details the fate of that entire verse. You don't have to use it, but if you ever find yourself at a crossroads and unable to make a decision, feel free to refer to it at your leisure."
Though she was a little reluctant, Sala accepted the ancient-looking tome. It disappeared the moment her hand touched it, but, much like her other Gifts, she had the feeling she could summon it at will.
Since the world he was sending her to was among the most dangerous he had stumbled across, Vahn adopted a serious expression as he reminded her, "Never forget that you can leave that world whenever you please. You need only focus on your desire to leave, and it shall be done..."
Nodding her head, Sala adopted an appreciative smile as she said, "Thank you, Vahn. I know you're going out of your way-"
Catching the fiery-haired Dragoness off-guard, Vahn silenced her by pressing his index finger to her lips and saying, "You can thank me after you've obtained the happiness both Sandora and I desire for you...until then..."
Without giving Sala the chance to respond, Vahn subsumed her into the Actualized World he had created for her, a ludicrous reality known as the Masadaverse. The Tier of the beings within was restricted by his own, but their in-verse feats were comparable to the Little Garden's 'Big Three.' He had gone there twice before and, due to playing by their rules, suffered a handful of defeats against the verse's more powerful Hegemons...
Seeing her sister abruptly disappear, Sandora gave Vahn a side-eye as she said, "That's pretty mean-spirited of you..."
Laughing off the remark, Vahn insisted, "It's better this way. Now, what do you want to do? I can recall her instantly, or we can peek in on her to see the path she took. Either that, or we can fool around for a bit..."
Placing his hand on Sandora's abdomen, Vahn narrowed his eyes in a way that caused her entire body to tremble with anticipation. However, instead of giving in to her urges, she swallowed hard and replied, "You should call her back..."
Unsurprised by Sandora's response, Vahn just nodded before rewarding her with a chaste kiss. He then closed his eyes, focusing on the presence of Sala as he connected with the Template assigned to watch over her. He wasn't the type to leave things to chance, so he had produced a Template to keep an eye on Sala throughout her stay in the Actualized World...
Seeing the usually carefree smile on Vahn's face turn progressively awry, Sandora's expression became mischievous as she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Let me guess...you created a Template to protect her, and the two ended up falling in love~?"
Opening his eyes, Vahn's smile became even wrier as he answered, "It's a little more complicated than that..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Theo be like, "Trust me, girl, Vahn knows all about restraints..."','Everyone deserves to be happy...','Vahn's Templates are just as bad as him xD...')
Opening her eyes after what felt like an eternity of peaceful serenity, Sala didn't immediately react to the presence of Vahn and Sandora. She stared directly at them, but her expression was a flawless deadpan as she softly inquired, "Is this real...?"
Concerned about her sister, Sandora attempted to approach her but was stopped by the red and blue blade of a fierce-looking woman with scarlet, pink, and light purple hair.
Channeling her authority, the buxom warrior narrowed her eyes as she commanded, "You will remain where you are." To her surprise, Sandora completely ignored the compulsion of her words, asking, "Why are you getting my way? Sala is my sister...!"
Blinking her red and blue eyes, a confused expression developed across the Valkyrian beauty. She no longer occupied the Throne, but she couldn't believe her power had dwindled to the point someone could disregard her compulsion entirely.
In an effort to deescalate the situation, a red-haired woman wearing a form-fitting dress and robes reminiscent of a Scholar interjected herself between Sandora and the confused warrior woman, expressing, "These people are not our enemies. Stand down, Mitra."
Though she kept her blade pointed toward Sandora, the tri-haired woman looked towards her marginally more diminutive counterpart and intoned a confused, "Yvonne...?"
Ignoring her companion's query, the red-haired, amethyst-eyed woman met Vahn's gaze, a wry smile marring her otherwise flawless features as she stated, "This man is Vahn Aldrnari Mason, the Sage Dragon Emperor and the being that gave form to our world..."
Reacting to Yvonne's words, Sala repeated, "Vahn...?" as she blinked back to awareness. Her previously lifeless eyes became filled with vigor as she adopted a radiant smile and added, "It really is you..."
Returning a wry smile, Vahn replied, "Indeed." before gently pulling Sandora to stand in front of him as he added, "However, there is another person you should be greeting, no?"
As if she had just noticed her, Sala excitedly exclaimed, "Sandora!" before separating herself from the bevy of beautiful women surrounding her and embracing her sister for the first time in what felt like eons.
Since her sister had been a relatively awkward and taciturn woman before her departure, Sandora was surprised by Sala's emotional outburst. When the two embraced, Sala practically clung to her, tears streaming down her face as she whispered, "My Sandora..." in a grief-stricken tone.
Though she returned Sala's embrace, Sandora looked toward Vahn to ask what she should do. In response, he exhaled a faint sigh through his nose before shaking his head and telepathically advising, ("She'll be okay...she just needs time to process things.")
Nodding her head in understanding, Sandora just held Sala like a mother trying to console her child. Vahn had already explained the 'complications' that had occurred during Sala's stay in the Masadaverse, so Sandora had a basic understanding of why her sister was reacting this way. Fusing with a 'system' that conferred boundless knowledge of the past, present, and future took a toll on even the strongest wills...
After arranging for Sandora and Sala to have a bit of privacy, Vahn sat down with the Yvonne, Mitra, and a trio of breathtakingly beautiful yet peculiar-looking women. One had a shapely figure with long golden hair, off-colored eyes that glistened with gold and silver light, and an outfit that was both regal and scant at the same time. Another had a modest physique, peculiar black and white hair, and, much like the former, off-colored eyes that contrasted one another. As for the final woman, it was difficult to describe her as her appearance seemed to change every time Vahn blinked. She would resemble a young girl with ashen skin, wine red eyes, and muted grey hair one moment before transforming into a buxom beauty with obsidian skin, golden eyes, and demonic horns the next. And those were just two of her many transformations...
Though Vahn was already well aware of the trio's identities, Yvonne went out of her way to introduce the trio, explaining, "These are my partners, Mitra, the Goddess of Dualism, Ahura Mazda, the Ultimate White, Nadare, the Ultimate Black, and Naraka, the Ouroboros Cycle..."
Following her introduction, Ahura Mazda narrowed her eyes and playfully mused, "And this is Vahn Aldrnari Mason...the being who supposedly gave form to our fractured world..."
Unperturbed by Ahura's accusatory statement, Vahn raised his hand and smiled in a friendly manner as he replied, "Nice to meet you."
Returning a smile of her own, Ahura raised up the sides of her transparent skirt and replied, "The pleasure is all mine."
"Quiet, you."
Annoyed by her Avatara's behavior, Mitra gave her a warning look out of the corner of her eyes before shifting her gaze back to Vahn and saying, "By all rights, I should loathe you. However, without Yvonne and Sala, we would have been powerless to reach the Origin Coordinate and undo the Curse of Amrita. For that, you have my thanks..."
Though she was famous for her unbending pride, Mitra lowered her head to express gratitude toward Vahn. In the very next moment, however, she manifested her red and blue twin-blade, lunging toward him with a fierce expression on her face.
Instead of attempting to evade the fiery-tempered woman's strike, Vahn allowed it to pierce his chest, smiling sadly as he explained, "I may have given form to your world, but it was another who determined its fate. You have every right to be angry, but that isn't why you accompanied Sala and Yvonne to this world, is it...?"
Removing her blade from Vahn's chest, Mitra stared at it with a conflicted look, muttering, "How annoying..." before spinning it around, twisting her body, and slicing cleanly through Vahn's neck.
With his 'wound' closing behind the path of Mitra's blade, Vahn managed to keep his head on his shoulders as he looked to Yvonne and said, "You sure know how to pick 'em..."
Adopting a wry smile, Yvonne extended her hand toward Mitra and said, "That's enough, Mitra. Come and take a seat."
Though she gave Vahn one final glare, Mitra returned to her companions with a pouty look on her face. However, instead of sitting beside Yvonne, she sat down on the floor and placed her head on the scholarly-looking woman's lap, closing her eyes and allowing herself to be caressed.
Exhaling a faint sigh, Yvonne combed her fingers through Mitra's hair, an affectionate yet melancholic smile as she softly muttered, "I know you're already aware of the justification behind my actions, but I feel I owe you an apology..."
Raising her head, Yvonne found Vahn staring back at her with an equally apologetic smile on his face. Yvonne had fulfilled her duty by stepping in to prevent Sala from experiencing a great tragedy. That would have been the end of things under normal circumstances, but instead of accepting her loss and allowing herself to be expelled from the Masadaverse, Sala pleaded for Yvonne to let her return. The red-headed Template couldn't simply ignore Sala's appeal, so, even though she should have refused the request, she ended up becoming progressively more involved...so much so that she eventually ended up 'fixing' things directly...
Shaking his head, Vahn said, "You did absolutely nothing wrong. If I were placed in a similar situation, I likely would have taken even more extreme action..."
Understanding that Vahn wasn't just paying her lip service, the smile on Yvonne's face revealed hints of relief and vindication. Vahn had given her the freedom to make her own decisions, but she couldn't help feeling she had failed in her duty. Vahn's assurance that she had done nothing wrong meant more than she could put into words.
After wiping away a tear that had condensed at the corner of her right eye, Yvonne adopted a markedly more serious expression as she removed her hood and sprouted a pair of large, cat-like ears. She also grew a fluffy tail from her lower back before asking, "Is it okay with you if I take up the mantle of Floor Master in Sala's place? After merging with the Throne, she has lost the desire to rule over and manage others. The five of us will bear that burden in her stead."
Without having to consider his response, Vahn nodded and replied, "I feel bad for the Leader of Five-Claws, but pacifying her shouldn't be too much of a problem. She doesn't actually care about the position of Floor Master, only protecting her people. If you can prove yourself more capable in that regard, she should serve you willingly."
Supplying a nod of her own, Yvonne raised her right hand and sprouted a pair of golden claws as she said, "I no longer possess the Authority of the One True God, but I'm confident I can handle a single naughty kitten..."
Smiling wryly, Vahn advised, "Just don't take things too far. The five of you are technically affiliated with the Aldrnari Empire, so some might regard it as a hostile takeover if you fail to show adequate restraint..."
Feeling Vahn's gaze, Mitra opened her eyes and gave him a sidelong glare as she retorted, "We don't need your advice..."
Maintaining his wry smile, Vahn replied, "We'll see." before returning his gaze to Yvonne and adding, "Though I have granted you autonomy, you are still a part of me. I trust you to do the right thing..."
Retracting her nails, Yvonne adopted a teasing smile as she said, "I know when to apply pressure and when to exhibit tenderness. I can assure you that the South will prosper under our management."
Nodding a second time, Vahn replied, "I'm sure it will." before rising to his feet and adding, "As for Sala, I suggest we entrust her to Sandora for the time being. Come, I'll give you a tour of the palace. You'll likely be staying here for a couple of weeks."
Instead of rising to her feet, Yvonne shifted her attention to Ahura Mazda and Nadare, saying, "Please accompany the Sage Dragon Emperor. I need to have a chat with Mitra and Naraka."
Though Nadare rolled her eyes in response to Yvonne's request, she still rose alongside Ahura Mazda. As for the latter, she gave a courteous bow, answering, "As you will..." before shifting her gaze to Vahn, narrowing her eyes, and adding, "We'll be in Your Imperial Majesty's care..."
Returning a polite smile, Vahn did his best to ignore the fact Ahura was attempting to use a powerful allure on him. He knew she was just testing him, so he allowed her ability to affect him but simply ignored its effects...
Though the festivities hadn't even started to die down for the day, the version of Vahn touring Underwood with Sis and Fenrir decided to return to the Sage Dragon's Hearth for the night. The situation with Sala and the memories he had absorbed from Yvonne gave him the urge to spend time with his family, so that's exactly what he did.
While a version of himself split off to visit the nursery, Vahn Prime, as per usual, made his way over to see Xysteria, Krona, and Silva. It had been a few days since he last visited them, and while that wasn't a particularly long period of time, he couldn't help worrying about Xysteria.
Emerging from the door that separated the triplets' personalized realm from the 'outside' world, Vahn found himself immediately pounced upon by a white blur. Several versions of Xysteria had been curled up nearby, so he barely had time to get his bearings before they practically buried him beneath their amorphous, indescribably fluffy bodies...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Mitra is a very stabby woman...','Male or Female, Vahn's Templates are fated to have a harem xD...','The real Ahura Mazda when he discovers he has an Ojou-sama counterpart: (O _ O)...')