97.2% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2294: Freedom

章節 2294: Freedom

Several days after the Pied Piper incident, nearly the entire population of Kouen City had gathered to witness the wedding ceremony between Vahn and Sandora.

Wearing a phoenix-like wedding dress, hand-crafted by Vahn himself, Sandora surprised the crowd of millions by appearing in her adult form. The top resembled a fiery red, form-fitting bodice that left parts of Sandora's neck, navel, and back exposed, while the bottom resembled ethereal flames with a subtle rainbow hue. The entire outfit was accented with gold, but, instead of ordinary gold, it was comprised of the same material as many Divine Weapons and Armaments.

When the crowd first saw Sandora appear, a stunned silence descended over the entire gate. She had always been very popular with the people due to her adorable appearance and hard-working nature. Many viewed her as the little sister of the entire Community, but, while some people were disappointed to see her suddenly appear as a breathtakingly beautiful woman, it wasn't long before the entire city was trembling due to their cheers.

Fortunately for the guests attending the ceremony directly, there was a very powerful barrier that muted sounds from the outside. Vahn could still feel the envy and hatred of a remarkable number of people, but that was nothing new.

As Sandora made her way up the aisle, escorted by her brother, a casual yet loving smile set across Vahn's face. He and Sandora had cohabitated for the better part of eight years, and this was far from his first wedding. He was still a little nervous, but it was nothing compared to Sandora.

With the gazes of millions of people directed at her, Sandora felt like her every action, despite being impeccably smooth, was robotic. Things got a little better when she laid eyes on Vahn, but her body was trembling with anxiety as she made her way up the aisle.

Since the ceremony was more of a performance than anything else, Sandora couldn't help using her telepathy to remark, ("I never expected this to be so nerve-wracking...")

Revealing a hint of amusement in his smile, Vahn proposed, ("If you want, I can create an illusion, and the two of us can observe from the side. Our Communities and the Central Network already regard us as husband and wife.")

Though the old her might have felt compelled to continue playing her part till the end, Sandora didn't hesitate to answer, ("Let's get out of here.")

With a subtle nod, Vahn separated himself and Sandora from the Principle Axis of Reality while simultaneously creating realistic, physical illusions of the two of them. Then, as the wedding progressed in the background, he swooped the lovable redhead up in his arms before promptly teleporting back to their room.

After breathing a sigh of relief, the tensions in Sandora's body relaxed as she adopted a slightly mischievous smile and asked, "Should we proceed to the honeymoon~?"

Adopting a wolfish smile of his own, Vahn drew his face and lips closer to Sandora's as he asked, "Is here okay, or would you like to go someplace else...?"

Though she would have been fine even if Vahn pushed her down in the middle of the aisle, Sandora didn't immediately respond to his words. The notion she could now go anywhere and do virtually anything crossed her mind as she drew her lips close enough to touch Vahn's. However, instead of kissing him outright, she replied, "I want to become stronger..."

Despite defeating Pest rather handily, Sandora wasn't even remotely satisfied. She couldn't even grasp the distance between her and Vahn, so even though she knew she was more than a little selfish, Sandora wanted Vahn to take her someplace where she could become much stronger.

Having anticipated Sandora's words, Vahn planted a lingering kiss on her lips before pulling away to explain, "There are two worlds I have in mind. The first is not dissimilar to the Little Garden, governed by a God of Play known as Tet. The second is a world ruled by sorcery and magic, a place where summoners have tapped into the very essence of creation to attain power comparable to the beings that created their world."

With a bit of a teasing undertone, Sandora inquired, "Which has the most beautiful women? Can you show me~?"

Smiling wryly in response to Sandora's words, Vahn created two displays in mid-air, one showing a surreal world known as Disboard while the other displayed a relatively normal-looking world known as Runeterra. However, while both worlds had powerful beings inhabiting them, Vahn believed the latter to be far more dangerous. In Runeterra, even Dragon Gods capable of producing stars could be trapped and ensnared by the powerful magics that governed that world.

Seeing the drastically different worlds depicted by Vahn, Sandora rolled her eyes before remarking, "If they are worlds you're familiar with, there must be people you've taken an interest in. Show me the girls."

Waving his hand, Vahn forced the displays to cycle through the various casts affiliated with each world. The world of Disboard was inhabited by races standard within fantasy settings, while the world of Runeterra was filled with so many unique and sapient races that it was nearly impossible to keep track of them all.

Though the aesthetics of both worlds were drastically different, Sandora could tell the world of Disboard was a bit more perverted than Runeterra due to how scantily clad most of the women were. There were many lascivious-looking women in the latter, but it seemed a heck of a lot more 'normal' compared to a world filled with chess pieces that penetrated the atmosphere.

Since she was a little fed up with how the Little Garden chose to settle everything through games, Sandora found herself increasingly drawn to the more naturalistic setting of Runeterra. She felt like she would have a lot more freedom to act there, so, after a brief period of deliberation, she nodded her head towards the display and said, "Let's go there. We could make a far more significant impact on a world wrought with conflict and strife. As enjoyable as Gift Games are, they get tiring after a while..."

Nodding his head in both approval and affirmation, Vahn held Sandora a little closer, drawing her Ego and consciousness into himself as he made use of his Actualization Innate. He still had to create vessels for himself and the people who wished to inhabit the worlds he created, but he had gotten a lot better at it. At the very least, he could prevent their original bodies from being destroyed during the transfer...




Despite the immense danger involved, two little girls, roughly eight and nine years old, could be found crossing a rampaging river in pursuit of a bright, fiery blue butterfly. The eldest, a blonde-haired girl named Daisy Hastur, was the one chasing after the butterfly while her brown-haired stepsister, Annie, followed after, shouting, "Daisy! Wait! It's dangerous...!"

Ignoring her sister's pleas, Daisy, enchanted by the magical properties of the butterfly, simply giggled as she ran across the slippery, moss-covered stones spanning the river. She would usually be very cautious of the river, but the butterfly she was chasing was a type of pseudo-spiritual creature known as a Fae Willow. The dust from its wings was used to produce one of the most powerful hallucinogens in the world, but the thing it was most famous for was luring lost children to their deaths.

Though she and Annie had been warned to stay away from both the river and butterflies, Daisy was already captivated by the Fae Willow's spell as she ignored every danger to her life and tried to catch it. In response, the Fae Willow flittered to the edge of the most precarious rock before finally stopping in place and waiting for Daisy to try and grab it. When she did, it simply dispersed into thin air like a Will o' Wisp, the little girl's shock and momentum causing her to slip.


Mustering strength and speed she didn't know she had, Annie practically flashed forward to grab Daisy just as the latter plunged into the rapids, screaming, "Annie...!" with renewed clarity.

Though she failed to grasp her stepsister's hand, Annie was able to extend her favorite doll, a stuffed teddy bear named Tibbers, just in time for Daisy to grab it. Unfortunately, she was nowhere near strong enough to oppose the force of the rapids. The most she could do was hold on as tightly as possible as Daisy, tears streaming down her face, cried, "Help! Annie, please...!"

"Just...just hold on! Help is coming...!"

As if to spite both of the desperate girls, the Fae Willow reappeared as the seams along Tibbers' body began to weaken and tear. It was a type of creature that dined on fear, and there was no fear more succulent than the despair of children facing their inevitable end.

Just as the Fae Willow contemplated exacerbating the situation, all thoughts ceased from its mind as a bronze-skinned hand suddenly closed around it. Immediately after that, the river seemed to freeze in place as a man with tanned skin, dark hair, and glistening green eyes scooped up the two girls, saying, "You shouldn't be playing out here by the river."

Though Annie was stunned by the appearance of the strange man, Daisy immediately clung to him, tears streaming down her face as she cried her heart out. She had never been more scared in her entire life, so she didn't even notice that the man was standing in the air or that the world around them was moving at a snail's pace...




After saving the two damsels in distress and giving their parents a bit of advice, Vahn reappeared in a homely-looking tavern filled with swirling golden portals.

Noticing Vahn's return, the barkeep, a 93cm tall 'man' with large pointed ears and features reminiscent of a red panda, asked, "Off saving the world again?" as he continued cleaning a glass mug.

Returning a smile, Vahn asked, "When am I not?" before looking around at the emptied tavern and asking, "Where is everyone?"

Setting aside the glass, the mustached barkeep explained, "Corki, Teemo, and Tristana ported over to Bilgewater. Ever since the Harrowing a couple of months ago, a bunch of wraiths have been appearing to cause trouble. As for Lady Sandora and the rest, you would know better than me..."


Shifting his awareness to Sandora, Vahn was pleasantly surprised to find her napping at the base of a tree next to a woman identical to her in every way. Nearby, another woman, possessing purple-blue hair, large ears, and the centaurian lower body of a fawn, could be seen strumming a lyre with a contented smile on her face.

Waving to the barkeep, Vahn said, "See ya around, Jim." before vanishing into thin air. His appearance briefly startled the deer-like girl playing the lyre, but her nimble fingers never stopped strumming the lyre as she said, "Welcome back, Vahn. Have you come to use the Dreaming Tree or to see us?"

Before Vahn could answer, one of the Sandora's sprang up, shouting, "It's the Vahn~!" before pouncing on him. When she did, her form slowly gave way to reveal a slender woman with purple-pink hair that flared outward at the sides like oversized ears. There was bright pink plumage protruding from the crown of her head, but her most striking features were her large amber eyes, green sclera, the green scales covering various parts of her body, and the lizard-like tail protruding from her lower back.

With said tail curling around his body, much like the woman's legs, Vahn's expression became slightly wry as he said, "It's good to see you as well, Neeko. Have you been a good girl?"

Nodding her head with a bit of vigor, Neeko declared, "Neeko is always a good girl~!" before following it up by wiggling her hips and asking, "Is the Vahn going to give Neeko a reward~?"

Though it wasn't how he planned to spend the rest of his day, Vahn didn't hesitate to nod his head, answering, "Sure." before shifting his attention to Sandora and adding, "If your big sis permits it."

Before Neeko could pounce on her, Sandora rose to a seated position with a dream-like smile on her face as she replied, "Of course. What about you, Lillia? Do you want to join in...?"

Hearing Sandora's words, Lillia missed a few notes on her lyre, her oversized ears twitching as she sheepishly replied, "N-No...but thank you for offering..."

Since it was customary for Lillia to refuse her invitation, especially when Neeko was around, Sandora wasn't particularly surprised by her answer. Instead, she just stretched her body, issuing a long yawn in the process, before bouncing to her feet and saying, "Let's have fun."




(A/N: This was supposed to come out yesterday, but my brother wanted me to come see his recently born twins. Also, EPIC will be starting back up with the new year as my main, potentially only project. We just got the issues with the site resolved, so I'm going to be pushing to finish EPIC in one go as my New Years' resolution. There will only be one chapter a day on Webnovel, but there should be 3-4 on Library of Akasha. If you'd like to support EPIC and any future series I work on, please consider reading there~!)

章節 2295: Return

As their stay in the Actualized World came to an end, space and time began to distort around Vahn and Sandora. The dimensions of the room they occupied increased exponentially as more than a thousand beings of various shapes and sizes manifested into existence.

Among the incredibly diverse group, a 96cm tall man with a bushy white mustache and golden hair reminiscent of an afro exclaimed, "Fascinating! To think there were planes of existence beyond our own! I can't wait to uncover the secrets of this Little Garden~!"

Reacting to the pointy-eared man's words, Vahn replied, "Just be careful. The people here can be even more opportunistic than the Summoners of the Council."

Squinting his eyes in response to Vahn's words, the schnauzer-like man, better known as Professor Heimerdinger, remarked, "Worry not, Your Majesty. If this world is as you reported, I'm certain we'll be able to thrive. I can hardly wait to get to work~!"

Nodding his head, Vahn was about to mention introducing Heimerdinger to Da Vinci or Bulma before he was interrupted by a young woman with fur-covered ears, curved horns, a lion-like tail, and somewhat unkempt, raven-black hair that extended to the small of her back.

"Is this really Master Vahn's and Lady Sandora's home? The amount of spiritual energy here is incredible..."

Agreeing with the chimeric beauty, an attractive woman with maroon-red hair, golden eyes, ears comparable to a fennec fox, taloned feet, and a wing-like mantle remarked, "It would need to be if we're to rebuild our people..."

Adding to the exotic-looking woman's words, a shirtless man with red and white hair reminiscent of a cockscomb wrapped his arms around her, teasing, "Speaking of which...I think it's about time you accepted my marriage proposal..."

Though she elbowed the man in his gut, a smile developed across the face of the maroon-haired woman as she said, "I told you not to act all lovey-dovey in front of the Emperor..."

Coming to the bird-like man's aid, Vahn casually replied, "There is no shame in displaying one's love..." before planting a kiss on the fiery-haired dragoness cradled in his arms.

Despite the attention of everyone in the spacious room shifting toward them, Vahn and Sandora continued kissing for several seconds before he separated from her lips. Afterward, he shifted his attention towards the crowd and said, "As I said before, you're free to make your own decisions from this moment onward. Those of you that wish to continue supporting or serving the Aldrnari Empire can accompany me back to the East. If you'd like to try setting out on your own, the only thing I ask is that you remember the tenets established by the Sage Dragon Emperor's Decree. As long as you remain true to our cause, I can revive you as many times as necessary."

Without attempting to break free from Vahn's princess carry, Sandora added, "Those of you who aren't a part of the Vastaya, please consider joining my Salamandra Community. We're ultimately an extension of the Aldrnari Empire, but our political situation is tumultuous compared to Vahn's court. I could really use some help getting things in order..."

Though she was tempted to just entrust everything to Vahn, Sandora hadn't given up on her desire to stand beside him. She now knew it was impossible to close the distance in their respective power levels, but she could at least alleviate some of his burdens by governing the North reliably.

In response to Sandora's words, an enigmatic figure with golden horns, nebulous purple hair, and a body that resembled the night sky answered, "Allow me to be of assistance, young one. I promised the Sage Dragon Emperor that I would act as a Guardian of the Tenets in exchange for my freedom. If there are enemies who would oppose your rule, allow me to deal with them."

Answering in place of Sandora, Vahn stated, "If that is your decision, Aurelion, I will not stop you. However, now that we've left the Plane of Runterra Prime behind, you are free to act as you please."

Having been bested by Vahn in single combat, Aurelion, full name Aurelion Sol, maintained a neutral expression as he replied in a remarkably deep voice, "I gave you my word. So long as you continue along your current path, I will continue to support and protect all those who obey the Tenets."

Unsurprised by Aurelion's response, Vahn just nodded his head before directing his gaze to the other nebulous entities that stood out even among the remarkably diverse group. They were the various Aspects of Targon Prime, the colloquial name given to the Gods that presided over various Laws.

"I offer you the same opportunity. Now that we've departed the Actualized World, you are free to act as you please. You no longer have to obey me unless you choose to."

Answering before the others could speak up, a remarkably beautiful woman with silvery-white hair and six angelic wings replied, "You are the one who restored balance to our fractured world. We will continue to follow you until the end of all things."

Though he would normally smile wryly in response to such a statement, Vahn just supplied a series of nods as he listened to each of the Aspects affirm their loyalty. The only exception was a youthful-looking girl with inordinately long hair that transitioned from bright orange to nebulous purple as it flowed behind her in defiance of gravity. When it was her 'turn' to speak up, she said, "I'm gonna go exploring." before asking, "Is that okay~?"

Nodding his head in approval, Vahn said, "Of course. Just try not to cause too much trouble, okay? Also, keep in mind that your powers are not as omnipotent here as they were back in the Actualized World. My Familia Crest affords you a certain amount of impunity, but there are beings in this world that can destroy entire metaversal structures with a wave of their hand."

Ignoring Vahn's warning, the youthful-looking Aspect waved towards a boyish man with golden blonde hair, sky blue eyes, and pale blue markings on his cheekbones, exclaiming, "Ezreal~! Let's go exploring together~!"

Though he was fully intent on exploring the Little Garden, the golden-haired man winced when he heard the diminutive Aspect's words.

Scratching the back of his head, Ezreal replied, "I appreciate the invitation, Zoe, but I already-"

Before Ezreal could finish speaking, the petite Aspect dropped through a circular-shaped portal before reappearing behind him, musing, "I won't let you go back on your promise." before they both disappeared. Vahn could have interfered to prevent the abduction, but he knew that Ezreal had dug himself into his current predicament.

Much like himself.

Though he held back a bit in the beginning, Vahn had underestimated how 'liberal' Sandora had become after their marriage. She apparently felt guilty about 'holding him back' during their stay in the Actualized World of Ni No Kuni, so she ended up 'conspiring' against him a bit when it came to the various women he encountered during their journey.

In the process of brokering peace between the various nations and assisting the foundation of an organization known as the League of Legends, Vahn allowed his curiosity and lack of inhibitions to get the better of him. By the time he had become the God-Emperor of Runeterra, he had slept with a total of twenty-nine different women, the vast majority belonging to the Vastaya, a chimeric race comprising nearly seventy percent of the people he brought back with him.

While most of Vahn's partners had been members of the nearly extinct Vastaya, a race he promised to help rebuild, his other conquests included the various Aspects and a handful few Yordles. He was a little reluctant at first, but, as was often the case, Vahn's sentiments and curiosity got the better of him. His ability to transform into virtually any race, and the fact he had initially based himself out of Bandle City, the homeland of the Yordles, worked against him.

Shifting his attention to the diverse group of women than had succumbed to his charms, three of which were Yordles, Vahn's expression softened as he stated, "This is your last chance...if you refuse to set out on your own, I might never let you go..."

Though a few of them looked towards each other as if to confirm whether or not they were willing to stay, the majority of the group appeared resolute. This included a 96cm tall woman with blue fur, long pointy ears, an adorable snaggletooth, and pale white hair fastened into pigtails.

"I can't speak for the others but I intend to follow you until the end. You showed me what it meant to be a true hero and prevented multiple wars. Even if you were to push me away, I would continue following after you for as long as my feet will carry me..."

Shouldering a massive hammer that was more than twice her size, the resolute Yordle made it clear she wasn't going to back down. Before encountering Vahn, she had spent nearly a thousand years searching for a hero that ultimately turned out to be her. When Vahn initially explained the situation to her, she refused to believe him. However, after traveling back in time and helping him to save the world, there were no longer doubts in Poppy's mind. More importantly, Vahn had also been able to wield the Hammer of Orlon, so she vowed to follow him for as long as the hammer found them to be worthy.

Though none of them actually intended to leave Vahn, those that were feeling a little apprehensive about becoming a member of a massive harem felt more at ease when they heard Poppy's words. Vahn had either saved or changed their lives for the better, so, even if it was just for a short while longer, they wanted to continue following, supporting, and being loved by him...




After getting the majority of the Vastaya situated in his personal Little Garden, Vahn compressed a few weeks into a few hours so that everyone could be brought up to speed on the situation in the Divine Realm. It was no longer as necessary as before, but he also wanted to give them a bit of time to adapt to the Laws of the Little Garden. This was especially important for the Aspects, as, back in their world, they had near-absolute power over the Laws they represented.

While Vahn's backing and Authority could make up for what the Aspects had lost, they would still need to 'prove' themselves in order to acquire the status of Gods within the Little Garden. Without it, they risked being foddered and one-sidedly oppressed by anyone in the 4-Digit Gates or lower. Thus, while they would ultimately belong to the Aldrnari Empire, Vahn had Pantheon, the Aspect of War, and Urza, the Aspect of Identity, established Communities of their own. The former would be located in the South, aiding in the conquest of the Greek and Norse Pantheons, while Vahn planned for the latter to reside in the West.

Urza, better known as the Mask Mother, had the unique ability to both assign and remove identities from people. While most being would lose their power upon entering the West Side, the Domain of Identity superseded nearly every other Law in existence. Its influence was also inviolable, so, as long as she coordinated with Da Vinci, Vahn was confident that Urza could 'rewrite' the Laws within the West. She had a strange personality, but Urza was one of the first three Aspects within her world, a timeless entity that governed fate itself.

Since Urza could literally create her own supports, the only 'people' Vahn sent with her were Bard and Tyari, the Aspects of Journey and Travel. He was tempted to send Kindred, the Aspect of Death, but the dualistic entity had become rather attached to him after he survived their hunt and taught them the meaning of life. Lamb, in particular, was one of Vahn's earliest 'conquests' during his stay in the Actualized World of Runeterra...




(A/N: I have been bedridden for nearly nine days. I'd like to say I'm feeling better, but I can't even sit up for a few minutes before I start coughing violently. I'm doing what I can to recover, but it's taking a lot longer than I expected.)

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