After recovering her senses, Ayesha did her best to try and catch up to Yo but quickly realized the futility of her actions. Yo's speed greatly eclipsed hers, so much so that she would have immediately lost sight of her if not for the fact she was radiating a bright light in an otherwise dark region.
As an Ignis Fatuus, Ayesha was an Intermediate Earth Spirit capable of generating and manipulating natural gas. Her specialty, however, lay in creating illusions to deceive people. She could produce blue flames, but, much like the tiny tufts that would sometimes appear over marshes, they were relatively harmless.
Biting the nail of her left thumb, Ayesha's ordinarily haughty expression turned to one of vexation. The Battle of the Creators was supposed to be her debut and an opportunity to repay the Leader of her Community, Willa the Ignis Fatuus. Ayesha was indebted to the much older Earth Spirit after she and Jack both protected and provided her a home. She didn't want to lose, not in such an embarrassing and one-sided manner.
"Jack! No more holding back! We can't afford to lose...!"
Nodding his oversized pumpkin head, Jack answered, "Very well." before his body appeared to flicker out of existence. In the very next moment, he appeared in front of Yo, stating, "Sorry about this, Oujo-chan."
Though his original size was around 2m, Jack spontaneously grew to more than 5m in height as he swept his oversized, white-gloved hand towards Yo.
"That's cheating! That was clearly some kind of spatial movement...!"
Though Yo managed to evade Jack's attack with relative ease, Asuka couldn't stay quiet after seeing the pumpkin-headed creature suddenly appear to block her path. Unfortunately, Shiroyasha summarily shot her down, explaining, "No, it just resembles spatial movement. In reality, he's just fast."
Furrowing her brows, Asuka wanted to say more but immediately decided against it as Izayoi added, "Calm that pretty little head of yours. Yo's got this one in the bag."
As if to demonstrate just how unnecessary Asuka's concern had been, Yo used the surrounding tree branches to maneuver around Jack with such extreme speed that she created numerous afterimages. Though it lacked anything even remotely resembling pores, a bead of sweat could be seen running down the side of Jack's pumpkin head as it barely evaded one of Yo's increasingly powerful blows.
Seeing Yo's stunning display, Asuka was once again reminded that she was among the weakest of her Community's main forces. Her expression immediately turned somber, and, though she was happy that Yo had the upper hand, she couldn't help doubting her qualifications as Leader of the No Names...
Noticing the sudden and rather drastic change in his girlfriend's mood, Izayoi muttered, "This girl..." in a quiet and reasonably exasperated tone. One of the only complaints he had about Asuka, aside from her nagging, was her chronic bipolarism. There were times when she would go from a supremely confident woman to a meek and moody Aristocrat at the drop of a hat. The most annoying thing about her behavior was that she rarely trained yet got upset when others performed feats beyond her level.
Shaking his head, Izayoi decided to focus on the match. If he attempted to talk with her in such a 'public' setting, Asuka would invariably accuse him of trying to embarrass her. She would know that wasn't his intention, but her rigid upbringing and 'noble' mentality compelled her to behave in a certain way. She was quick to apologize after the fact, but it was still an extremely troublesome character flaw, one Izayoi wished she would make an earnest effort to correct...
After darting around her opponent for several seconds, Yo decided to test Jack's durability by doing something she hadn't been able to do just days prior, combining her transformations.
As an honorary member of the Menagerie, Yo had befriended most of the girls within. She had also befriended every Companion she came across, so, after contemplating which would be the best to fuse with her Pikachu form, Yo's lightning-bolt-shaped tail suddenly inflated before splitting into nine distinct appendages. At the same time, long, fox-like ears protruded from her head as the color of her fur shifted from a bright, sunny yellow to a luminous shade of reddish-gold with black markings.
Empowered by the hybrid transformation, Yo's figure became a blur as she darted past Jack and lefter several significant cuts in his robe. When she looked back at him, her previously brown eyes had become crimson with black slits as she mused, "I'll have to thank Kushina-nee when I get back..."
Before he could ask who Kushina was, Jack was sent flying by a massive fist nearly the size of his body. Yo made sure to hold back, but a sizeable crack had appeared on his pumpkin-like head after he was sent crashing through more than a dozen of the inordinately large branches. It promptly closed up thanks to his incredible regenerative ability, but Yo was already long gone by the time he was able to recover enough to fly...
"And our winner is Kasakabe Yo of the No Names! Everyone give her a round of applause~!"
Though the match ended much faster than anyone expected, the crowd still erupted into cheers. Not entirely because Yo had won, but because her hybrid outfit made her appear practically naked. Her entire body was veiled in a reddish-gold light, but that same light had also obscured the contours and details of her outfit. She wasn't actually exposed, but that didn't stop people from imagining she was.
Misinterpreting the reason for the crowd's enthusiasm, Yo inadvertently exacerbated matters by pumping her fists, waving her arms, and bouncing around the center stage with a contagious smile on her face. It was when she heard several people shouting out marriage proposals that she began to settle down, her expression becoming awkward as she meekly replied, "Sorry, but there is already someone I love..."
With her words were broadcast to the entire coliseum, Yo's response was met with a number of boos, an ample amount of laughter, and even louder cheering. A few of the more hopeful crowd members believed they would be able to poach Yo from the No Names, but they would soon realize the futility of their beliefs once it became known that Vahn was the object of her affection...
"That's not something you see every day..."
Following Vahn's gaze, Sandora, who had been sitting beside him atop matching thrones, remarked, "Demons..."
While they failed to blot out the sky, the sight of millions of pitch-black Geass Rolls raining down from the sky was rather intimidating. Had she not spent part of her seven and a half years in the Actualized World of Ni No Kuni saving it, Sandora may have been as terrified as the members of the crowd. Instead, she was one of the first to take action, shouting, "An enemy Demon Lord has appeared! Prioritize relocating and protecting the citizens!"
Surprised by his younger sister's swift reaction, Mandra and many of his Officers were momentarily stunned. When she turned towards him with a severe expression and shouted, "Now!" however, he immediately regained his senses, repeated her orders, and began helping to carry them out.
Increasing the dread many people were feeling, an eerie black miasma began to manifest around Shiroyasha. Her expression immediately soured, not because of the miasma, but because of the feeling of powerlessness that had suddenly permeated her body.
"How annoying..."
Just as the black miasma attempted to surge outward from Shiroyasha's position, a two-layered spherical barrier appeared around her, one to prevent it from touching her and the other to prevent it from spreading outward. Immediately after that, an aqueous white light spread between the two barriers, rapidly purifying the miasma as Vahn appeared next to her and asked, "Should I let you out?" with a cheeky smile on his face.
To Vahn's surprise, Shiroyasha answered, "Check the Geass Roll first. If there is a rule prohibiting me from leaving this area, it could result in our loss if I try."
Though he was confident he could 'overwrite' the rules by initiating a Gift Game of his own, Vahn nodded his head and teleported a Geass Roll into his hand, reading:
<The Pied Piper of Hamelin>
1: Players, Hosts, Communities, and Citizens currently in the Outer Gate of 3999999 and 4000000, Kouen City.
[Victory Condition(s) for Participants]
1: Kill the Host Master
2: Shatter the False Legend, making the True Legend known.
[Victory Condition(s) for Host Master]
1: All Participants are either killed or forced to submit.
1: Spirit of the Sun and White Night, Star Class Demon Shiroyasha is the Host Master.
2: Participants who surrender during the Game are automatically enlisted as members of Community: Grim Grimoire Hamelin.
3: Members of Grim Grimoire Hamelin must do everything in their power to force others to submit.
1: Suicide or killing of other Participants.
2: Gifts capable of modifying or interfering with the Rules/Conditions of a Gift Game.
3: The creation of Domains is strictly prohibited.
[Time Limit]
Hearing Vahn read off the rules, Shiroyasha's expression soured further as she remarked, "How absurd. Killing other Participants is against the rules, but the victory conditions for both sides include me dying or killing everyone else? Even I wasn't this unreasonable during my Problem Child days."
After shaking her head in mild exasperation, Shiroyasha ignored the fact that everyone had gathered around her and Vahn, asking, "So? What are you going to do? If you use your ability, I imagine you could settle this in an instant."
Though he nodded in affirmation, Vahn didn't say he was going to settle things. Instead, he surprised Sandora by lightly touching her lower back, gently pushing her forward as he said, "Since the rules prohibit killing and suicide, I see no reason to intervene. Rather, this is a perfect opportunity for Sandora to demonstrate her capacity as a Leader. I'll only intervene if things get out of hand."
Recovering from her momentary discomposure, Sandora regained a calm and serious expression as she declared, "I am in agreement with Vahn. Though Salamandra and the Aldrnari Empire will soon become allies, this is currently a matter for the North to handle. If I can't resolve something like a Demon Lord attack, I have no reason being Floor Master."
"Well said, chibi."
Though his words were a little out of turn, Izayoi couldn't help admiring Sandora's conviction. He was also eager to cut loose, so, before Asuka could even think about lecturing him, he leaped into the air and took off towards the massive wall surrounding the city.
"That impatient oaf...!"
Unwilling to be left behind, Asuka directed her gaze to Sandora, saying, "The No Names and Salamandra used to be allies. Once this matter has been settled, we should sit down and discuss the terms of our renewed Alliance. Agreed?"
As she had been planning to do just that, Sandora immediately nodded in response to Asuka's words, stating, "There are very few things that would make me happier, Asuka-san." with a radiant smile on her face.
Adopting a faint smile of her own, Asuka shifted her attention to Yo and Lily, asking, "Can I ask the two of you to escort me? Though I may be the Leader, my combat power is severely lacking compared to the two of you and Izayoi. The best I can do is provide support."
Though Yo readily agreed to Asuka's proposal, Lily refused, apologizing before she explained, "I dislike fighting. If possible, I would prefer to aid in the evacuation and help treat the injured."
Seeing no reason to refuse and too anxious to continue standing around talking, Asuka immediately approved of Lily's suggestion before she and Yo took to the skies with the aid of their Companions. Sandora was very tempted to follow them, but her top priority was ensuring her people were safe. If there were people who hadn't read the rules and ended up giving in, things might quickly devolve into a situation resembling a civil war...
As important as it was to repel or deal with the enemies, defeating them would not bring the game to an end...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Legendary Nine-Tailed Demon Rat...!','Yo would make a great idol (O w O)...','Those are some pretty janky rules...')
After departing the coliseum, Izayoi, aided by his whale-like Companion, Seiun, darted across the sky like a pale-blue meteorite.
While Izayoi's senses were nowhere near the level of Vahn's, he could detect bloodlust and hostility across vast distances. The woman he had sent flying the previous day had apparently held a grudge towards him, as, shortly after the Black Geass Rolls appeared, he detected her anger towards him from several tens of kilometers away.
Fortunately for the woman, less so for her companion, she wasn't alone this time around. He had already determined her to be a non-threat, at least to him, so Izayoi's first target was her pointy-eared companion, a man with spikey black hair and an outfit reminiscent of a German Army Officer.
"What the-"
Before the man could finish exclaiming his surprise, Izayoi grabbed his head and smashed him into the wall surrounding the city. He was tempted to smash the man through it, but, understanding that would end with him being forced onto the enemy team, Izayoi held back quite a bit.
"It's you, that damnable man with the headphones...!"
Having learned her lesson from the previous day, the scantily clad blonde, Ratten, attempted to fly up and away from Izayoi, flute in hand. She knew she wasn't Izayoi's match, so she intended to assist the man buried in the wall, a Low-Class Demon named Wesser.
Demonstrating that he was far more durable than his companion, Wesser managed to endure Izayoi's retrained blow without losing consciousness. More importantly, he managed to convert a large section of the city wall into a mud-like substance, temporarily trapping him and Izayoi as he spat up blood and groaned, "Cocky bastard..."
Only marginally inconvenienced by the thick layer of mud, Izayoi drew back his right fist, a cheeky smile on his face as he rebutted, "You idiots targetted a Community hosting the Sage Dragon Emperor, and you have the gall to call me cocky? Your Leader had better be a badass, or this is going to be a stomp."
With the intent of punctuating his words, Izayoi threw his fist towards the snarling demon, only for his body to temporarily freeze as the sound of a flute reached his ears.
Seeing Izayoi stop mid-swing, a wicked expression developed across Wesser's face until the former's fist promptly impacted it. Ratten's flute had halted his movements, but, unfortunately for the two demons, Vahn was the one who repaired Izayoi's headphones following his stay in the Game Board. Not only were they borderline indestructible, but they could play music from Izayoi's original world while simultaneously blocking out all sounds from the outside.
"You assholes are so going to pay for making me owe that lizard a favor..."
After seeing Izayoi resist the compulsion of her flute, Ratten immediately turned tail and flew away. Her task was to mind control people and cause chaos, not fight some monstrous pretty boy with more than enough bite to back up his bark.
Unfortunately for Ratten, she soon found her path blocked by Asuka and Yo. Her expression immediately soured, and, for a very brief moment, she felt like crying as she brought her flute up to her lips and said, "Get out of my way...!"
While Asuka instinctually commanded Abyssinian to cover her ears, Yo charged forward with the intention of preventing Ratten from playing her flute. Her reserves were spent after using a hybrid transformation during the Finals, but her Maneki-neko was more than willing to provide its own.
Not expecting Yo to be so fast, Ratten cursed the Communities that were supposed to be supporting her own as the former's comparably small fist impacted the same spot as Izayoi's. She managed to avoid being knocked out, but the pain made her wish she had been.
Adding insult to literal injury, Asuka waved her open hand towards Ratten, her voice echoing through the void as she shouted, "Drop your flute!" in a commanding tone. Ratten attempted to resist, but the last thing she saw before Yo placed her in a chokehold was Asuka enthusiastically grabbing her flute before it could fall to the streets below...
As the rules didn't strictly prohibit her from moving around, Shiroyasha elected to join Vahn, Vanilla, and Caramel in the comfort of his room. Her status as Host Master prevented her from providing any help or feedback, so she figured she might as well enjoy Vahn's pampering as he kept tabs on events happening throughout the city.
Though the rules prohibited their creation, Vahn's domain had never been a representative example of the ability. His [Will of the Emperor] was also SSS-Rank, equivalent to Laplace and the Central Network itself. Unless he 'agreed' to play by the rules, there wasn't a force in the Divine Realm that could compel him to do so.
Fortunately for his would-be enemies, Vahn knew this event was at least partially the result of Mandra's machinations. It was a ploy concocted to silence Sandora's critics by demonstrating, once and for all, that she was capable of dealing with Demon Lords and carrying out her responsibilities as Floor Master. Vahn didn't wholly agree with his methods, but he could understand Mandra's desire to support his sister.
The far more significant threat was the forces pulling the strings behind Mandra and the Grimm Grimoire Hamlin. Vahn knew at least six different groups were coordinating with each other, two serving as diversions, one targetting Sandora's crown and horn, one targetting Shiroyasha's life, and two entire Communities targetting him.
Though he asked her to keep mum regarding the specifics, Vahn hadn't been able to resist asking Loi-chan about each group's objectives. Their penultimate goal was clearly to release the seal on the Demon God, but his very existence had thrown a wrench into that plan.
While thinking about what he would do if the enemy attempted to lure him into an 'unwinnable' Gift Game, Vahn ran his fingers through Shiroyasha's pale-blue, perennially warm hair. She was currently playing the part of his little spoon as any overtly intimate acts could be seen as 'collusion' due to the remarkable potency of his seminal fluid.
Voicing one of the many thoughts lingering in Vahn(s) mind, Shiroyasha whispered, "We should do this more often...I almost forgot how relaxing your aura can be when you aren't hopped up on lust..."
Resisting the urge to point out that she was frequently the one riling him up, the Vahn spooning Shiroyasha planted a kiss on her head. At the same time, his other self adopted a faint smile as he continued gently caressing the heads of the two girls using his lap as a pillow.
Compared to the chaos outside, the atmosphere within the suite was truly serene.
"It would appear your hypothesis was correct, Rin. So long as we do not directly anger or offend him, the Sage Dragon Emperor seems satisfied with simply observing."
Happy to receive praise, a radiant smile developed across Rin's face as she merrily chimed, "I told you so. Beings like the Sage Dragon Emperor live according to a stringent set of rules. We just need to figure out what they are, and he's easy to plan around."
Nodding his head in affirmation, the white-haired youth standing next to Rin waved his hand to change the spherical display to show Sandora. For a very brief moment, a glimmer of conflict flashed across his eyes before promptly disappearing as he asked, "So, what now? Do we tell the others to pull back, or should we continue with our original plan? I get the feeling that man won't just sit around if we target something that belongs to him."
With a noticeably more cramped smile, Rin nervously combed through her hair as she answered, "I'm not entirely sure. We don't have nearly enough data on the Sage Dragon Emperor's omniscience or sensory abilities. If he thinks, even for a moment, we intend to hurt Sandora, he will probably kill us all. Our best bet is to leverage the lives of the people of Salamandra in an exchange, but I can't imagine the Sage Dragon Emperor behaving if we start killing hostages..."
Furrowing his brows, the white-haired youth, Highness, raised his hand to stare at his palm. He was relatively confident he could at least stall Vahn; the question was whether or not it would be enough. As far as they could tell, Vahn had near-absolute dominion over the flow of time within a given area. They ascribed this ability to an unseen domain, but if it turned out to be something 'more', it might not matter what they do.
"Though we have never met, I sincerely hate that Shiroyasha woman..."
Exhaling a sigh, Rin groaned, "I agree with you completely. While I can understand her motives, inviting the Sage Dragon Emperor into the Divine Realm was an outrageous decision. At this rate, it may only be a few years before the Little Garden has a new ruler..."
As Vahn had exceeded their expectations at every turn, Rin had no doubt he would continue growing faster than they could plan around him. It had taken him less than a year to acquire one of the lowest-digit Gates in the Little Garden. If the rumors alleging him to be the Progenitor of Dragons continued to gain traction, he might very well become the most powerful being in Creation. After all, every major Authority, even those of the Sun, manifested in the form of Pure-Blooded Dragons...
Just as Highness was about to make a suggestion to help Rin come up with a plan, one of the mirrors lining the wall of their hideout began to emit a pale white light. Shortly after that, the visage of a woman with a dark hood covering half her face came into view, stating, "It's no good. The space surrounding the Sage Dragon's Hearth is as impregnable as always. To make matters worse, we have confirmed the presence of the Sage Dragon Emperor within his castle. Are you certain the one on your end is the real deal...?"
Though he wasn't traditionally very expressive, Highness couldn't help hanging his head and rubbing his temples when he heard the woman's report. They knew about Vahn's ability to create 'clones' of himself, but the ongoing Gift Game should have made that impossible. The moment the Central Network detected a version of him outside of Kouen City, he should have been compelled to join the Grimm Grimoire Hamlin.
Hazarding a guess, Rin suggested, "Perhaps we were wrong. Instead of clones, there is a possibility that each of the Sage Dragon Emperors we have seen thus far is an Avatara. We already know that most of the core members of the Aldrnari Empire were created by him. Since there were no records of his existence before his emergence in the Divine Realm, who's to say he didn't simply...create himself?"
"You suspect him to be Self-Actualizing? If that were the case, how was Shiroyasha able to summon him? The Lower Realms do not support the concept of Self-Actualized beings. Such an aberration would completely disrupt the balance of Creation..."
Realizing what he was saying, Highness's expression turned grim as the entire room fell into an eerie silence. After all, his refusal was basically a textbook definition of Vahn's existence. Everything about the latter was anomalous, so much so that every attempt they made to understand him resulted in them learning just how little they truly knew...
Voicing the thought on everyone's minds, the hooded woman, Aura, softly muttered, "By the Gods...if what you say is true, the Sage Dragon Emperor is basically a Poet writing himself into the story of Creation itself. How can we hope to oppose such a being...?"
Answering without a moment's hesitation, Rin's eyes briefly lost focus as she listlessly replied, "That's all we can do...within the rules that the Sage Dragon Emperor, himself, has set..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Getting hit on a bruise hurts like hell...','Vahn does what he wants...','When you realize the person you're trying to gank in PvP is the Admin...')