"This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I asked if you wanted to walk around town."
After indulging themselves for a couple of hours, Vahn and Yo took a nap in the same hallway where they had made love. Afterward, he asked her if she still wanted to go on a date, to which Yo readily agreed.
What Vahn hadn't expected was for Yo to want to walk around with time still frozen. As for her reason, it appeared she had always wanted to feel what it was like to walk around completely naked.
"Doesn't walking around like this feel free and liberating, though? I never really understood why people were so obsessed with things like clothing. I mean, I get that it helps us resist the natural elements, but humans are ultimately just animals. I don't get why so many people are afraid to just 'be' themselves."
Walking with her arms spread wide and an uninhibited smile on her face, Yo was enjoying every moment of her date with Vahn. Others might view her as a pervert, but she honestly didn't care. In her opinion, people were always too concerned about other people, and rarely in a good way. Now, for the first time in her life, Yo felt like there were no more obstacles in her way. She was finally free.
Feeling the need to express herself, Yo began laughing as she performed a series of playful pirouettes and gamboled over to the highest point of a stone bridge. Vahn was following close behind her, so, while enjoying the scene of the frozen river below, Yo leaned over the parapet, her butt and tail swaying from side-to-side as an open invitation. Whether or not Vahn accepted was ultimately up to him, and, as far as Yo was concerned, that was how it should be.
Though he did take a moment to admire the sight of Yo's perfectly pear-shaped bottom, Vahn didn't walk over and insert himself into her. Instead, he stood next to her, a complacent smile on his face as he leaned over the parapet and answered, "I won't deny it...it does feel liberating. Back when I was still living in the world of Danmachi, one of my favorite things to do was spend time with the Xenos. Though I have walked this path willingly, I would be lying if I said my heart didn't yearn for a simpler time..."
Recalling how he would spend hours cuddling with the Almiraj or lazing about and allowing Naho to groom him, a longing smile developed across Vahn's face. He wasn't as far gone as Yo, but he also disliked how society forced responsibilities onto people and forced them to fill specific molds. It was one of the reasons he would spend days on end just playing with Xysteria or cuddling Fenrir. It was just so...easy...so simple.
"Hey, if I jump down, will I fall into the water or remain above it...?"
Sensing Vahn's melancholy, Yo decided a change of scenery was in order. Thus, without waiting for his response, she issued a cheerful, "Yaho~!" as she leaped down onto the water's surface. It felt like landing on a sponge, but it didn't so much as deform when she landed on it.
"Whoa...how weird..."
Jumping down next to Yo, Vahn's expression had returned to normal as he asked, "Want to check it out? So long as we remain in constant contact, I can phase us through pretty much anything."
Fascinated by the notion of being able to stroll beneath the surface of the river, Yo leaped towards Vahn in a manner that compelled him to catch her in a bridal carry. Vahn dutifully did just that, so Yo rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek before raising her fist into the air and shouting, "Let's go~!" in an eager, excited tone.
Feeling Yo's body beginning to heat up, Vahn had a pretty good idea of what she had in mind once they reached the bottom of the river or found a more scenic location. Instead of feeling even remotely put off by this, a wolfish grin developed across his face as he returned her kiss and started their gradual descent to the river's depths...
"So you never entered one of Vahn's Actualized Worlds or spent time in a Game Board...?"
Though Vahn had expected it to come up, he couldn't help smiling wryly when the subject of Sandora's and Lily's conversation veered towards the specifics of his affiliation with the No Names and the development of their romance. However, instead of intruding upon their conversation, his two selves merely exchanged wry smiles with one another before continuing to give the two childhood friends a massage.
"Nnn...Vahn placed a magical seal on my body that helps to regulate and consolidate spiritual energy. I maintained my adolescent form for a while but chose to enter my third stage of development when everyone decided to enter the Game Board. As for my current form...well..."
Swaying her tails in a fluid motion, Lily's voice and smile gained a sensual undertone as she appended, "I believed my fourth form would help me to seduce a certain someone..."
Noticing Lily shift her attention to the Vahn massaging her back, Sandora briefly exchanged glances with the one being smothered by the kitsune's nine tails. He immediately returned a smile while the version kneading her back and shoulders spontaneously ran his middle and index fingers down the line of her back. A pleasant shiver ran through her body, and though it wasn't visible even in her revealing attire, she had a tiny nub of a dragon tail that twitched in response.
Though he had already gotten over his previous inhibitions, Vahn softly whispered, "Lily has always been a very mature girl. You've made a lot of progress these past couple of weeks, Sandora, but you still have a ways to go before I consider you an adult."
Hearing Vahn's words, Sandora attempted to form a pouty expression, but Vahn prevented it by pressing into one of the more sensitive nerves above her tail. As a result, a surprised yelp escaped her throat before mellowing out into a prolonged "Waaaauuuu~" as her tiny frame became increasingly limp.
Spoiling Vahn's attempt to keep Sandora subdued, Lily issued an amused giggle before adopting a squinting smile as she sonorously replied, "Don't worry, Sandora-chan. It may be a little difficult right now, but once Vahn recognizes your growth, you'll be able to experience a degree of pleasure that makes this massage feel like a gentle breeze..."
"..." x2
Resisting the urge to give Lily's pert yet pillowy bottom a firm smack, the two Vahn's, once again, exchanged glances. Then, at the same time, their fingers began to exude a faint rainbow glow as they softly chorused, "You are severely underestimating the potency of our massage..."
As they had spent the previous day exploring the city, watching parades, and visiting various stands, Izayoi and Asuka decided to take it easy by visiting one of the Festival's main attractions, the Corridor of Displays, an exhibit showcasing the various artisanal crafts of Salamandra Community and their affiliates.
Though the North Side was known for its abundance of Spirits, the sight of dozens of Tool Spirits, many taking the forms of Floating Lanterns and Candlesticks, was enough to make Asuka's eyes sparkle. One of the tales she had enjoyed the most as a child was a classical story called 'Beauty and the Beast', so she couldn't help comparing herself and Izayoi to the titular main characters. After all, while he may be easy on the eyes, Izayoi was definitely a beast at heart...
Fortunately, Asuka kept her thoughts to herself as she didn't want to ruin the mood. Instead, she allowed Izayoi to escort her, a contented smile on her face as she leaned against him and enjoyed the stone corridor and its many displays.
Unbeknownst to the young couple, their highly ranked [Child of Destiny] Innates were in full sway. As a result, they found themselves pulled along by fate's invisible current until Asuka, specifically, noticed a tiny, luminous figure flying around with a fretful expression on its face.
"Hmm? What's that...?"
Following Asuka's gaze, Izayoi noticed the tiny, humanoid creature flitting about like a vibrant candle. He didn't know the exact species, but he was pretty confident as he answered, "I'm guessing it's either a faerie or some form of house spirit. It's pretty cute."
Standing 4cm tall, the faerie in question was a vaguely humanoid and distinctly feminine creature that flittered about while releasing a vibrant, bright yellow aura. It had fluffy golden hair, simple facial features, and, as far as clothing was concerned, it wore a frilly yellow dress that flared out at the waist, a pointed yellow hat, tiny mittens, and oversized shoes. The only thing it was missing was a pair of wings to denote it, unequivocally, as a faerie.
Though she gave Izayoi a skeptical look when she heard him call the tiny creature cute, Asuka quickly returned her attention to the fretful-looking faerie, asking, "Do you think she's in trouble? Or perhaps she's lost...?"
Shrugging his shoulders, Izayoi replied, "Only one way to find out." before half-dragging-half-escorting Asuka towards the diminutive fae. The latter was a little annoyed by his shameless behavior, but, as she was genuinely curious about the tiny creature, Asuka allowed herself to be pulled along without a fuss.
Unfortunately, the moment they got close to the adorable little fae, Izayoi beat Asuka to the punch, asking, "Hey, chibi, you lost or something? Need help finding your Community...?"
Though she was startled by the sudden appearance of two giants, the fae was intelligent enough to understand Izayoi's words. As a result, it began flailing its mittened hands, shouting, "Rattenfanger~! Rattenfanger~!" over and over again.
"Rotten Finger...?"
Due to the faerie's accent, Asuka couldn't fully comprehend what it was trying to say. Izayoi, however, immediately recognized the word, stating, "Rattenfanger...it's a German word meaning rat catcher. The real question is, is that its name or the name its Community?"
Having learned to speak German and several other languages, Asuka was on the same page as Izayoi as she released his arm, stooped down, and asked, "Are you a member of the Rattenfanger Community? If so, do you need us to help you find them?"
Tilting her head to the side, the tiny faerie pointed to herself, repeating, "Rattenfanger!" in a cheerful yet insistent tone.
Voicing what Asuka was thinking, Izayoi stated, "I'm guessing that means it's her name?"
Though she had the same thought, Asuka felt compelled to say, "It could be both. For now, let's take her with us. We might be able to find someone who recognizes her."
Extending her hands towards the faerie, Asuka gave her best smile in the hopes of coaxing it into her palms. Fortunately, like most faeries, the tiny sprite was sensitive to people's intentions. It could tell that Asuka wanted to help, so, after a moment of hesitation, it promptly leaped into the palms of her hands before adopting a v-shaped smile.
Returning a smile of her own, Asuka rose to her feet before shifting her gaze to Izayoi and asking, "What do you think we should do? Should we try and ask the Salamandra Military Police for help?"
Spreading his arms and shrugging in a carefree manner, Izayoi answered, "Beats me. For all we know, it's someone's Familiar or a newly manifested Spirit without a Community. The Military Police can probably help, but I'm not exactly keen on the idea of going to a station and answering a bunch of questions. Authority figures and I rarely see eye to eye."
Hearing Izayoi mention authority, Asuka's thoughts shifted to Vahn and Sandora. The former seemed to know just about everything, and the latter was the Leader of Salamandra. If anyone could help them find the faerie's home, it was them...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Taking free-spirited to another level...','RIP Lily and Sandora...','Ah, yes, the illustrious Rotten Finger Community...')
Since they didn't feel like walking back to the Palace right then, Izayoi and Asuka decided to continue along with their date. Fortunately, the tiny faerie didn't seem to mind. Rather, shortly after Asuka picked her up, the diminutive fae climbed atop her head, a happy smile on her face as she playfully kicked her feet and enjoyed the view.
"Some of these displays are fairly impressive. You can really feel how much effort the Communities behind them put into their creation."
Though he nodded his head in approval, most of Izayoi's attention was on the various flags and symbols decorating the innumerable displays. There was a rather drastic disparity between Communities with Flags and those without them. Asuka may not have noticed, but Izayoi could see that even the half-assed creations of a famous Community were presented in a way that made them stand out over the masterpieces o lesser-known groups.
"Ah! Rattenfänger~! Rattenfänger~!"
Patting Asuka's head, the tiny faerie attempted to draw hers and Izayoi's attention to one of the most prominent exhibitions in the gallery. However, this was completely unnecessary as it would have been pretty difficult for them to overlook a giant, crimson automaton.
"Wow, I didn't know the Little Garden had Gunpla. Nice."
Though he knew the object was a kind of golem, Izayoi couldn't help comparing the crimson automaton to the giant robots commonly seen in the anime of his world. It stood around 14m in height, and, as far as he could tell, it appeared to be made out of the same material as Wu's Ruyi Jingu Bang. Izayoi had fought against the legendary monkey kind a few times, so he was 'intimately' familiar with the mystical energies radiated by her staff.
Since she came from a world that was just a bit farther in the past than Izayoi's, Asuka wasn't familiar with the term Gunpla. However, before she could ask for an explanation, the lights abruptly went out in the gallery. At the same time, a frigid wind carrying the stench of death surged through the stone cavern as a feminine voice reverberated, "I've finally found you, one who dares to lie about the name Rattenfänger...!"
The moment the voice echoed through the cavern, a wave of pitch-black energy spread across the walls, floor, and ceiling as Izayoi shouted, "It's a domain! They're trying to trap us...!"
Summoning his whale-like Companion, Seiun, Izayoi managed to repel the expanding domain by unleashing his own. This was apparently outside the expectations of the person who released the previous domain, a beautiful woman with milky skin, blue eyes, elf-like ears, and blonde hair that flared outward at the sides and framed the sides of her face with long bangs.
Further accenting her beauty, the befuddled woman wore a rather skimpy outfit consisting of a pointed white hat, a flowing white cape, long sleeves accented with purple stripes, puffy leg warmers, stylish white heels, and a top and bottom set better suited for the role of undergarments.
Suppressing the almost overwhelming urge to comment on the woman's outfit and appearance, a luminous blue aura erupted from Izayoi's body as he charged forward like an arrow of light.
If she was surprised before, the pointy-eared woman was utterly terrified when Izayoi suddenly charged toward her. He was a lot faster than he, or anyone else for that matter, had the right to be. She was able to manifest her weapon, a silver flute, but Izayoi's fist was already barrelling into her abdomen long before she could bring it to her lips.
Shifting his weight and twisting his body, Izayoi sent the scantily-clad woman flying in a counterclockwise motion, her body crashing into the wall of the Corridor of Displays and embedding itself nearly a meter into the surface.
Though it was against his policy to strike a 'defenseless' woman, Izayoi had a very advanced view on gender equality. Domains were one of the most dangerous weapons in the entire Divine Realm as they could strip away a target's power and render them completely helpless. They were also strictly prohibited outside of Gift Games, so the moment she tried to imprison him and Asuka in a Domain, Izayoi recognized the woman as an enemy. And as far as he was concerned, the gender of his enemies didn't matter in the slightest.
Knocked senseless by Izayoi's punch, the pointy-eared woman lay limply within her earthy prison with a visible imprint of a fist just above her navel. It was a rather sorry sight to behold, so much so that two of the guards tasked with providing security for the exhibit ran over, shouting, "Hey! You there! Stop what you're doing! You're under arrest...!"
Furrowing his brows, Izayoi was about to knock some sense into the two guards when Asuka shouted, "Go to sleep!" in an authoritative tone that echoed throughout the cavern. The eyes of the two guardsmen promptly rolled towards the backs of their heads as Asuka grabbed Izayoi's sleeve and added, "Let's go!" in a firm tone.
Though he was about to protest, Izayoi noticed the thing that Asuka had seen moments prior. The body of the half-naked woman was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was just a vaguely human-shaped hole in the wall and a smell similar to ozone lingering in the air...
Since she had refused to wear them of her own accord, Vahn was helping Yo to both choose and wear a new outfit. She wanted to change things up completely, so, after several hours of dressing her up and down, Vahn had helped her decide upon a single-sleeved, open-collared white blouse, a daffodil-yellow jacket, a pair of form-fitting red shorts, open-toed leather boots, and a single, thigh-high stocking. She also carried her usual pouch, but the thing that stood out most was the silver key that now adorned the indestructible chain hosting her Genome Tree.
Though the key appeared relatively plain, it was actually an S-Rank Gift-Grade Artifact that allowed Yo to create a door on virtually any surface. Said door connected to a pocket dimension that would grow in size and autonomously produce biomes to accommodate just about any creature. More importantly, time would effectively 'freeze' the moment Yo entered the interior, simultaneously alerting Vahn to her presence.
Put simply, the pocket dimension was a veritable paradise where Vahn and Yo could rendezvous and express themselves. To guarantee this, Yo asked Vahn to create a Law that prohibited wearing anything that might qualify as clothing. Exceptions were made for items and accessories such as the [REquip] System, but, for the most part, the interior of Yo's private dimension was an exhibitionist's Eden. To that end, she had even named it Elysium, the paradise where Greecian Heroes were said to rest after being conferred Immortality by the Gods.
With her outfit decided, Yo asked the Maneki-neko to memorize it before promptly discarding the original garments atop one of the large piles that had formed around her. She and Vahn were currently alone, so unless he specifically dressed her up or asked her to wear clothes, she would rather forgo them entirely.
"There's one last thing I want to ask you before we return to the Palace. Is that okay...?"
Removing his eyes from Yo's rather sizeable, milky-white breasts, Vahn's smile curled up at the edges as he teased, "I think we're beyond the point of asking for things like permission. Just tell me what you want, and I'll do my best to provide it."
Resisting the urge to ask Vahn to give her a layer of fur across her entire body, Yo adopted a radiant smile of her own as she reached up the grasp her inordinately long fringe bangs, explaining, "I want you to cut my hair. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, so I want everyone to be able to tell at a glance. You can leave my bangs alone, but I'd like the rest of my hair to fall above my shoulders."
Raising his brows, Vahn asked, "Are you sure? Pretty soon, your bangs are going to extend to your nipples..."
Blushing at Vahn's mention of her present perky nipples, Yo lowered her head and used the ends of her hair to cover them as she explained, "I like having two tufts of hair on the side of my head. They kind of remind me of floppy dog ears."
Nodding his head in affirmation, Vahn extended his hands to frame Yo's face, the tips of his fingers tracing the elf-like ears she had asked him to provide her as he answered, "I understand...and yes, they suit you..."
Leaning down, Vahn planted a kiss on Yo's lips as her delicate fingers immediately found their way to his crotch. Some might misconstrue this as a desire to have sex, but the truth of the matter was that she simply enjoyed fondling his genitals. It was one of her many, many quirks, but, like most concerning Yo, Vahn didn't mind it in the slightest. Instead, he found her open and honest behavior both adorable and refreshing...
Though his massage had taken both girls out of commission for several hours, Vahn's ability to manipulate time had given Sandora and Lily plenty of time to recover. Afterward, the two girls temporarily gave him a wide berth, not because they suddenly hated him, but because just looking at his hands caused their bodies to tremble in expectation rather than fear.
Fortunately, Vahn had long developed a habit of standing with his hands in his sleeves or behind his back. He could also create an illusion around them to ensure they didn't draw attention, a handy little trick developed by Madara to make it difficult to discern her hand seals.
Thanks to Vahn's efforts, Sandora was able to appear calm and collected as a member of the Salamandra Military Police informed her of the attack that had taken place at the Corridor of Displays. Except for the Battle of the Creators and Sandora's Coronation, the Corridor of Displays was the most prominent event occurring during the Festival of the Fire Dragon. As a result, even a minor disturbance was a big deal as it could be seen as a direct slight against Salamandra, a Community known for its pride.
"I see...thank you for your report. Now, please return to your station and continue protecting the residents of Kouen City. As for this matter, I will assign a specialist to deal with it."
"Yes, Your Majesty! Long live Salamandra...!"
Though Sandora had yet to ascend the throne, Mandra had been putting a lot of pressure on dissident groups to ensure there was no opposition to her enthronement. Thus, despite Sandora's attempts to assure them that such formalities were unnecessary, everyone reporting to her was overtly formal. What she failed to understand was that their behavior had less to do with her and more to do with the man standing at her side.
Seeing the man depart the audience chamber as though he was trying to flee a fire, a soft sigh emanated from Sandora's throat. Immediately after, however, she regained her composure and looked to Vahn, asking, "Can I ask for your help in this matter? Just the names of the culprits will suffice. Everything else will be resolved by myself or the Salamandra Community."
Nodding his head, Vahn made a show of closing his eyes before promptly stopping time and opening them to find Loi-chan staring at him from less than two centimeters away.
Adopting a smile, Vahn was about to return Loi-chan's greeting when she skillfully evaded his embrace, snickering as she said, "Too slow~!"
Rolling his eyes, Vahn resisted the temptation to chase the mischievous imp around, asking, "Can you help out?"
Though she flipped upside down first, a teasing smile on her face, Loi-chan happily answered, "Sure~!" before promptly transforming through a series of people, Asuka and Izayoi being two of the first.
Exhaling a sigh, Vahn muttered, "I should have known those brats were involved..." before falling silent as Loi-chan stalled on a man with pure-white hair. Instead of stopping there, however, she reversed the order of her transformations until she settled on a young-looking girl with purple hair, inordinately long sleeves, and a gothic-style dress.
"There are a boatload of people pulling the strings, but this is the person responsible for the attack at the Corridor of Displays. Their target is the faerie that is accompanying Asuka. I can give you her name, but it would qualify as one of those 'spoilers' you wanted to avoid."
Furrowing his brows, Vahn took a moment to consider Loi-chan's words. She only said things like this when something 'interesting' was about to happen. More accurately, she would tease him whenever she felt it was a matter 'beneath' his concern, something that would either resolve itself or didn't pose a legitimate threat to the people around him.
Seeing Vahn trying to make up his mind, Loi-chan decided to tease him a bit by lifting her skirt and saying, "They're black with frills." in a matter-of-factly tone of voice. This earned her a deadpan from Vahn, but Loi-chan could tell he had sneaked a peak with his perception...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'In the art world, reputation and status are often regarded higher than actual skill...','Yo is really embracing her newfound freedom (O w O)...','Loi-chan is yabai...')