92% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2171: Plans, Pestering, and Persistence

章節 2171: Plans, Pestering, and Persistence

With Wu promising to clean up the kitchen and behave, at least for the time being, Vahn released her from the spatial prison. Afterward, the three of them, four if he included Riolu, moved to one of the empty residences while a total of eighteen Wu clones stayed behind to wipe down surfaces and mop up the veritable pond of vomit she had regurgitated onto the floor.

"I can't believe you made me waste food like that. You're a hell of a lot stronger than I gave you credit for. I mean, I can't even recall the last time someone stirred up my insides like that."

Ignoring Wu's innuendous remark, Vahn finished setting up the TV while she and Nezha made themselves comfortable on the sofa he had pulled out of his Inventory. They were going to be watching an anime called RE: Born with a Cultivation Chat Group! as it was one of the first things that popped into Vahn's mind when he thought about words with relatively modern settings and cultivation techniques.

As the name implied, RE: BCCG was an anime where the main character, a Korean by the name of Dae Song, had been reincarnated into a seemingly innocuous world that was no different from his original. It was only when he was preparing to enter college that he realized how truly mystical the world he had found himself in was, as, three weeks before he was scheduled to attend classes, he received an invitation to a WeChat group known as the [Nine Provinces (1) Group].

When the main character first stumbled upon the group, he didn't take it seriously as the name had reminded him of a fictional story from his previous world. It wasn't until events began playing out in accordance with his memories that he realized the truth. He may not have reincarnated with cheats, but, thanks to the knowledge he had inherited from his previous life, he was able to break free from the constraints of mundane society and enter a fantastical world filled with limitless possibilities and just as many hardships.

Once everything was set up, Vahn occupied the center of the sofa as Nezha was leaning on the left armrest while Wu had sprawled out with her feet kicked up on the right. She was relatively petite at only 133cm tall, but, as the sofa was rather cozy at 248cm in width, she managed to occupy half of it despite her feet dangling off the side.

At first, Wu had positioned herself in such a way that Vahn would have needed to cozy up next to Nezha. Instead, he didn't hesitate to plop down where Wu's head had been moments prior. If she hadn't lurched forward like someone doing a crunch at the last moment, he would have sat on her face.

Unfortunately, Vahn hadn't really thought his actions through, so, the moment he plopped down, Wu returned to her original position. Instead of resting her head on the sofa, however, she used his lap as a pillow, a mischievous smile on her face as she cheekily remarked, "Well hello there~."

Instead of reacting as Wu expected, Vahn just returned a casual smile before placing his left hand on her exposed abdomen and his right on her head. This caused the playful smile on Wu's face to tense, the pupils of her emerald-green eyes contracting for a brief moment to indicate surprise and a marginal amount of panic. In the end, however, she didn't protest his actions. Instead, she fell into a ruminative silence as the warmth from his hand slowly spread through her belly...




With hours passing like minutes, it wasn't long before Vahn had both Wu and Nezha snuggling up to him while Riolu made itself comfortable on the back of the sofa.

Unsurprisingly, the Monkey Wine produced from Wu's Gift possessed the qualities of a moderate aphrodisiac. Had he been a normal person, or even a lesser God, Vahn would have easily fallen into the mischievous monkey's trap. Instead, he easily suppressed the fiery heat in Nezha's body using a combination of headpats and feigned obliviousness. So long as he didn't acknowledge the hungry look she would periodically send his way, he didn't have to worry about her getting embarrassed or doing something she would regret.

In this manner, the first season of RE: Born with a Cultivation Chat Group! came to an end without incident. When it was over, Vahn removed his arm from Nezha's shoulder before pushing aside Wu, who, for some time, had been pretending to be asleep atop his lap. The former ended up staring at him with a slightly confused expression on her noticeably flushed face while the latter ended up on the ground, her head making a loud thump as she fell off the couch.

Ignoring the fact Wu's bib-like top had slid up to cover her face instead of her breasts, Vahn made his way over to the TV, saying, "I suggest we wrap things up. It's already been nine hours and forty-three minutes. I can lend you the remaining seasons if you'd like to watch them on your own time."

Tucking her legs inward, Wu promptly bounded to her feet, saying, "It's about time. I was starting to think you were going to continue pretending to watch that screen the entire night. I guess even you have your limits."

As Vahn had consumed the largest quantity of alcohol, Wu misinterpreted his intentions when he said they should wrap things up. Nezha wasn't any different, but, thanks to Vahn's efforts in abating the heat in her body, an expression of reluctance developed across her face as she softly muttered, "I'm not too sure about this..."

Just as Wu was about to give Nezha a push, Vahn interjected, saying, "Stop. If it wasn't obvious, I'm not affected by the...medicinal properties of your Monkey Wine. I also took the liberty of remedying the effects in Nezha's body so she's just drunk, not concupiscent. If you keep pushing in spite of the consideration I've shown, I'm going to get angry..."


Having never encountered anyone that was resistant, much less immune to her Monkey Wine, Wu was genuinely surprised by Vahn's words. At the same time, however, she could easily believe them as most people in his situation would have been harder than the Ruyi Jingu Bang by now. After all, her wine was so potent that men without a partner would literally drill a hole in the ground if they couldn't find something more 'accommodating'.

Despite realizing her plan was a complete and utter failure, a cheeky smile developed across Wu's face as she shrugged her shoulders and teased, "That's a shame. I may have been planning to get revenge for that punch to the gut but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't taken a liking to you. If you had just played along, I would have at least given you a tail job...maybe more..."

Demonstrating the dexterity of her inordinately long tail, Wu created a loop near the end before jerking it up and down in a familiar motion. She also made no effort to fix her clothes, which, due to her poor sleeping posture and the fact she had rolled off the couch, were in a state of disarray that made it apparent she wasn't wearing any undergarments.

Shaking his head, Vahn maintained a placid expression as he plainly stated, "If your words weren't false bravado rather than genuine boldness, I wouldn't mind keeping you company. As for Nezha, she has someone to return to. If you truly cared for her, you would respect that."

Though she hadn't actually intended to do anything, Wu was annoyed by Vahn's insinuation that she was afraid. She regarded herself as the most fearless existence in the Heavens and abroad, so, after a very brief moment of hesitation, she pulled at the fabric concealing her modest yet shapely breasts as she asserted, "The only thing I'm afraid of is the feeling of disappointment you're bound to bring me..."

As if she were tearing through rice paper rather than nearly indestructible fabric, Wu tore away her top with a casual motion before staring at Vahn with a challenging smile. If it weren't for the myriad blues and purples that appeared in her previously sunny aura, he might have been tempted to put her resolve to the test. Instead, he maintained the same expression as he remarked, "Not bad. Once you get your feeling sorted out, I wouldn't mind proving your assumptions wrong."

With that said, Vahn waved his hand to produce a hazy green aura around Wu's body. Almost immediately thereafter, the bib-like shirt was restored to its previous form. As for Wu, she had a predominately blank, slightly pensive look on her face as she stared back at him with her vibrant, emerald green eyes. The fretful threads in her aura gradually faded away. In their place, a single, almost imperceptible thread of pink appeared as she stated, "You're really weird..." as if she were uttering a simple truth.

Returning a wry smile, Vahn's voice softened as he explained, "Not everyone views the world in terms of giving and receiving benefits. Some people attain gratification and reach fulfillment by helping others. As someone who wants for very little, it does me no harm to render assistance to those in need."

Snorting through her nose, Wu's expression became somewhat pouty as she grumbled, "You're starting to sound like Sanzang..."

Unable to suppress his curiosity, Vahn willed Loi-chan to manifest as Sanzang. When he saw that it was a beautiful woman, he wasn't even remotely surprised. What did surprise him was the fact her head was completely shaven, and, despite being a monk, she carried a longsword sword on her hip and wore a necklace fashioned from cat-like skulls around her neck. Even more surprising was the fact that Loi-chan promptly reported, "Oh? It seems like she can sense it when people are thinking about her. She has just taken notice of you."


Restraining the urge to palm his own forehead, Vahn thanked Loi-chan before promptly dismissing her with a thought. Then, as if he hadn't even heard Wu's previous statement, he said, "I'll show you to the exit. Not a lot of time has passed since your arrival so you have ample time to trespass a few of the other pavilions before returning to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits."

Furrowing her brows, Wu inquired, "What makes you think I'm just going to turn tail and return to Mount Huoguo? So long as you're in the Heavenly Domain, I'm going to keep bothering you until you either reveal your true colors or run away..."

Confused by Wu's statement, Vahn's expression reflected his bewilderment as he asked, "My true colors? What do you mean...?"

Crossing her arms in a triumphant manner, Wu's previous expression of doubt was replaced by an unbridled air of confidence as she answered, "You're a Pure-Blooded Dragon. There's no way you came to a place like the Jade Palace just to participate in a banquet when the food you can provide is better than anything Zao Shin can come up with. You're up to something and I intend to find out what it is."


Realizing that Wu was likely just bored and wanting to play around, Vahn shook his head in mock exasperation before adopting a wry smile and saying, "Do what you want. Just keep in mind that I won't tolerate you bullying people in my presence. That punch from earlier is just the tip of a very large iceberg. I may not be particularly fond of violence but I'm not even remotely a stranger to it..."

Surprised by how easily Vahn had acquiesced to her selfishness, a radiant smile developed across Wu's face as she promptly pounced over to him. Then, with her soft and visibly expanding breasts pressed against him, she playfully tantalized, "Since you gave me permission, I'll be keeping a 'very' close eye on you until you leave the Heavenly Domain..."

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Vahn startled Wu by giving her a chaste hug as he whispered, "If that's what you want. I don't mind keeping you company..."




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I would be happy with just Vahn's ability to watch virtually any anime...','You have no power here...!','Conquering the stone monkey with kindness...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 2172: Longing

While his other self was dealing with matters in the Heavenly Domain, another version of Vahn was helping Heng'e get situated in the Sage Dragon's Hearth. She had requested to become a Maid so the first thing he did was introduce her to Shiroyukihime, Leticia, Iris, Mira, Lisanna, and quite a few others. He also explained his relationship with Black Rabbit, a revelation that had caused the silvery-haired Avatar to briefly short-circuit as neither she nor Chang'e had expected to encounter the last surviving descendant of their former Masters.

Though Black Rabbit was more than a little famous within the Little Garden, few people knew where she lived or what she was up to. Her association with the No Names wasn't particularly well known, as, for the time being, neither were they. All anyone knew for certain was that she was working for and under the protection of the Eastern Floor Master, Shiroyasha.

Needless to say, Heng'e was both befuddled and tremendously relieved to learn that the daughter of her former Mistress was both alive and well. They even had a brief yet tearful reunion that caused Black Rabbit quite a bit of duress as she hadn't met anyone from the Moon Palace in more than 300 years. Heng'e's unexpected arrival ended up bringing back a lot of memories, so, while Lisanna and the others helped the former get situated, Vahn stayed with Black Rabbit to help ease her tensions...

"You okay...?"

Though she nodded in affirmation, Black Rabbit didn't remove her face from Vahn's chest. His smell had a calm and relaxing quality to it, almost like taking a nap in a verdant forest on a cool yet sunny day. She had developed a bit of a dependence on it, so, fearing Vahn might leave if she opened her eyes and said everything was okay, Black Rabbit elected to remain silent as she enjoyed the warmth from his body.

Well aware of Black Rabbit's thoughts, Vahn nestled his face between her ears, a faint melancholy visible in his countenance as he ran the fingers of his right hand through her silky blue hair. He had always been sensitive to the emotional states of others, so, whenever someone he cared about was feeling blue, he couldn't help feeling the same. Thus, with Black Rabbit's mind replaying memories of her family, Vahn couldn't help thinking about the family he had left behind...

"I want a baby..."

Blinking back to awareness, Vahn looked down to find the roots of Black Rabbit's hair transitioning from a melancholic blue to a luminous pink. Then, as if she could sense his gaze, she looked up at him, her red eye glistening with longing as she repeated, "I want a baby..."

Returning a smile, Vahn resisted the urge to ask why she had chosen this particular timing to ask for a baby. He had already been keeping her waiting for more than seven months, so, without showing any signs of unwillingness or hesitation, he brought his face closer to hers as he playfully replied, "I was hoping you'd ask..." before stealing her lips the moment she tried to respond.

As if a switch had been flipped, Black Rabbit went from sitting at Vahn's side to stradling his lap in less than three seconds. She had always been one of his more 'active' girls, but, now that she knew what was at stake, Black Rabbit was like an entirely different person as she ripped open Vahn's shirt without breaking from his kiss. This gave Vahn the urge to laugh. Instead, he followed Black Rabbit's example by tearing away her skirt and panties in the same motion...




Sensing what his counterpart was up to, Vahn couldn't help cracking a smile and muttering, "Lucky bastard..." before throwing back a glass of hazel-brown liquid.

Hearing Vahn's remark, a battered and bruised Erlang Shen gave him a sidelong glance, asking, "Are you making fun of me? Which part of me looks lucky to you...?"

Answering in Vahn's stead, Wu ceased noming on a plate of golden apples long enough to chime in and remark, "Stop whining. You're supposed to be a proud warrior God. A few cuts and bruises after battling against the Great Me is getting off easily. Besdies, don't think I haven't noticed you stealing glances at my butt. I'm keeping count of each one so you had better prepare yourself..."

Though he paled quite a bit in response to Wu's words, Erlang Shen was unable to prevent his eyes from wandering towards the peachy mounds visible within arm's length. Wu, for reasons he dared not inquire, had taken it upon herself to lay across the table in front of Vahn. She had also changed into her martial attire, but, after complaining about the heat, she ended up removing the coat that usually concealed her exposed back and bottom. As a result, her butt was completely visible except for a piece of thin fabric that disappeared between her pert and peachy butt cheeks...

Snorting through his nose, Erlang Shen was tempted to state he didn't have an interest in children, but, understanding the risks involved, he elected not to. Instead, he took several large swigs of the six-thousand year old whiskey Vahn was having him try. It tasted drastically different from the wines of Heaven, but, thanks to the fiery aftertaste, it was quickly growing on the three-eyed God.

After increasing Erlang Shen's tally by three, one for each eye, Wu took a bite out of a half-eaten apple before shifting her attention to Vahn and asking, "You're doing something naughty, aren't you? I can feel my skin tingling in response to the excitement you're trying to suppress. Look."

Holding up her left arm, Wu revealed that the fine hairs along its surface were standing on end. Her tail also appeared noticeably more bristly, and, though he was certain she was only doing it to mess with Erlang Shen's dog-like senses, Vahn could smell an aroma reminiscent of flowers and fruit that didn't come from the apples strewn across the table.

Though it earned him a moderately incredulous look from Erlang Shen, Vahn didn't attempt to deny Wu's words. Both she and Erlang Shen possessed the ability to see through lies and falsehoods, so, after a moment of silence, he answered, "You're not wrong. Rather than saying I'm doing something naughty, however, it would be more accurate to say I'm being...procreative..."

Blinking in surprise, Wu's expression became unreadable even to Vahn as she responded with a soft and curt, "Oh..." before biting into the core of her golden apple. As for Erlang Shen, he honestly had no idea how to approach such a conversation so he ended up finishing off the contents of his glass before slaming it on the table, exhaling a sigh, and saying, "I should probably be going. When next we meet, drinks are on me."

Sensing things were heading in a strange direction, Erlang Shen decided to leave before he ended up digging himself into an even deeper hole. Before he could depart, however, Vahn called out to him, saying, "Feel free to stop by the Sage Dragon's Hearth in the future. I tend to take care of my friends so expect a pleasant surprise if you decide to stop by."

Turning around, it was Erlang Shen's intent to return an appreciative smile, but, as if compelled by instinct, his eyes briefly darted to Wu's bottom. As a result, his expression appeared more wry than grateful as he said, "I'm looking forward to it..."

With Wu giving him a casual look that was somehow scarier than when she was angered, Erlang Shen punctuated his words by promptly departing with a wave. He had always trusted his instincts, so, the moment he got outside, his speed increased as he bolted from the premises like a criminal in flight...

Sensing the speed in which Erlang Shen departed, Vahn's expression hardened ever so slightly as he remarked, "I thought I told you not to bully people..."

Raising her brows, Wu took a bite out of a fresh apple, its flesh and juices mixing in her mouth as she flatly rebutted, "You said you wouldn't tolerate me bullying people in your presence, not that I couldn't bully them. Besides, I'm the victim here. All I've been doing the past hour or two is eating apples. I didn't force him to stare at my butt."

Unable to outright refute Wu's words, an exasperated sigh escaped Vahn's throat as he leaned back and combed through his hair. This prompted Wu to shift atop the table, but, instead of perching on his lap as Vahn expected, she ended up sitting at the very edge of the table with her legs drawn up in a way that allowed her to rest the soles of her feet on its side. This left absolutely nothing to the imagination, but, instead of staring at the ostensibly inviting sight less than a few centimeters away from him, Vahn met Wu's gaze as he asked, "What do you want...?"

With a smile developing across her face, Wu supported herself by leaning back on her hands as she lowered one of her feet to Vahn's left thigh. Then, as if stating a simple truth, she answered, "I don't know. I'm not exactly the type of person that wastes time anguishing over the consequences of my actions. I just follow my instincts and act in the moment..."

Punctuating her statement, Wu traced her toes along the interior of Vahn's thigh before moving further up. Before she could make any substantial progress, however, Vahn grabbed her ankle, his expression flat yet serious as he clarified, "That isn't what I was asking about. I want to know what your dream is."

Blinking in surprise, Wu hesitated for a moment before leaning forward to place her right foot on Vahn's knee. Then, with her face less than ten centimeters away from his, she asked, "Who sent you here? Was it Shiroyasha...?"

Though he wouldn't be able to deny Shiroyasha's involvement, Vahn shook his head, answering, "I came here of my own volition. I'm aiming to occupy a 4-Digit Gate in the near future so I'm making deals with a few existing powers to ensure things progress smoothly. If you think I came here at the behest of someone else, you're mistaken. I also had no idea our paths would intersect. In fact, prior to the banquet, I didn't even know you were a woman..."

Sensing no falsehoods in Vahn's words, Wu's tensions gradually relaxed as she liberated her foot from his grasp and said, "I see...though I find it hard to believe you were unaware of something as basic as my gender, I can't really blame you. The Demon King of Confusion has been spreading all kinds of misinformation about me in an effort to influence my Origin..."

Recalling her self-proclaimed nemesis, an exasperated sigh escaped from Wu's throat as she stared up at the ceiling for several seconds. Then, just as Vahn was about to ask if everything was okay, she elected to answer his previous question, revealing, "My dream died more than three-hundred-years ago. Now, the only thing I'm looking forward to is teaching a certain three-headed albino bastard a lesson..."

Undertanding exactly who Wu was referred to when she said 'three-headed albino bastard', Vahn's expression softened into an apologetic smile. He could be jumping to conclusions, but, with what he knew of the Seven Sages and their bond, he imagined Wu had been devasted when nearly half the group was wiped out. Wu was a prideful person who cared deeply about her subordiantes so she had likely taken it personally when the Demon God and his forces killed her friends...

Feeling the deep-seeded resentment Wu had towards the Demon God, Vahn pulled the befuddled monkey girl onto his lap. Then, before she could protest or misinterpret his intentions, he wrapped his arms around her body, his tone as sincere as possible as he whispered, "Shhhhh...it's going to be okay..."

Furrowing her brows, Wu was tempted to escape from Vahn's grasp, smack him on the head, and remind him she wasn't some child that needed coddling. Instead, her body tensed as he hugged her head to his chest and added, "Your hair smells nice..."




(A/N: Alternate Titles: '(O w O): Oh my...','Poor Shen xD...','Bruh...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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