Though Nezha was a bit slower, both girls recovered pretty quickly as Wu crossed her arms and teased, "It seems we have a little voyeur on our hands. Tell me, did you enjoy our little bonding session~?"
Waving his hand in a 'so-so' manner, Vahn casually replied, "It looked a little forceful but otherwise pretty decent. If I was interested in watching two little girls make out, I might have enjoyed it a bit more."
Snorting through her nose, Wu unfolded her arms to reveal a much larger pair of breasts than the ones that had been present previously. She was the creator of the 72 Transformations Technique, so, while her agreement with the Buddhist Faction prevented her from disguising herself as others, Wu could still use it to disguise as an alternate version of herself.
"You say that but I don't see any apprehension in your eyes. You also wouldn't go out of your way to conceal your scent and suppress your pheromones if you didn't feel 'something'. Come on. Be a good boy and I might let you cop a feel~?"
With a naive and innocent smile that didn't match her actions, Wu pressed her breasts together with a slight glimmer in her brilliant, emerald-green eyes.
Noticing that Wu's aura remained a playful, remarkably vibrant, and sunny yellow, Vahn just shook his head, saying, "That's enough..." in a soft yet firm tone. Then, before the monkey girl could react, he plopped his hand down on her head, gently ruffling her strangely metallic-feeling hair as he said, "You don't need to push yourself. I was going to help Nezha even without you doing something like this...."
Retracting his hand, Vahn had to restrain an amused smile as both Wu and Nezha gawked at him with dumbfounded expressions on their faces. After all, even the Jade Emperor would never be so brazen as to try and caress the head of the legendary 'Monkey King'.
Before either could recover, Vahn adopted a tender yet chiding tone as he said, "Even if you regard her as a subordinate, Nezha is still your friend. I can understand your desire to protect her by giving her a bit However, forcing her into a situation where she is forced to acquiesce on the matter of her identity isn't very considerate. If she ended up losing her virginity to someone she just met, how do you think that would affect her sense of self? I'm not trying to brag, but I'm not exactly the type of person you can have sex with and walk away unaffected..."
Recovering from her previous stupor, Wu adopted a challenging look as she said, "Yeah, yeah, sure. As if every man in existence doesn't think they're a god in the bedroom. I won-"
Without waiting for her to finish, Vahn pulled out the Gift Card denoting his status as an A-Rank God of Sex. The average Rank for Divinities outside the 1-3-Digit Gates was C-Rank, so, even if she looked down on men, Wu didn't have any ground to stand on in regard to arguing his prowess in the bedroom.
Snatching the card out of Vahn's hand, Wu attempted to bend it with her fingers before biting the edge like an old prospector. Once she had confirmed the card was real, the expression on her face changed quite a bit as she looked up at him and remarked, "You don't really give off the same vibe as the other Gods of Sex I've met. I mean, what kind of Sex Deity actively tries to talk people out of having it. Did the Chief Deity of your Pantheon drop you on your head as a child...?"
With a deadpan expression on his face, Vahn attempted to retrieve his Gift Card only for Wu to snicker as she inserted it between her breasts. It was clear she was baiting him into a literal booby trap, so, with the same deadpan expression on his face, he simply willed the card to disperse as he explained, "I possess numerous Divinities. Sex is merely one of them. Now, where were-"
"Do you feel it when other people are having sex? How many girls have you done it with? Have you ever tried butt stuff~?"
Like a child who had just discovered a new toy, Wu invaded Vahn's personal space in an attempt to make him feel uncomfortable. Instead, he just raised her brows at her before stepping forward. This confused Wu quite a bit until he passed, unobstructed, through her body. She responded to this by waving her inordinately long tail through his body, curiosity coloring her expression as she inquired, "Is this an illusion? It's pretty advanced if even my eyes can't see through it..."
Shaking his head, Vahn decided to guide the conversation back on track, his gaze settling on Nezha as he asked, "Are you happy in the Jade Palace...?"
Blinking in surprise, Nezha adopted a slightly hostile expression as she answered, "I don't see how that's any of your business..."
Though she had secretly panicked when Vahn revealed his status as an A-Rank God of Sex, Nezha was still annoyed by the fact he had previously referred to her as a 'little girl'. He had then tried to use her gender identity as a talking point in his half-assed attempt to convince Wu. She had never needed the support of others when it came to her identity, so, rather than appreciating the fact he had taken her side, Nezha was annoyed by the fact he thought she 'needed' him, or anyone for that matter, to take her side.
Surprised by Nezha's sudden hostility, Vahn had to resist the temptation to call on Loi-chan as he adopted an apologetic smile and said, "I apologize if my words have offended you. Perhaps I was a bit too vague. Rather than prying into your personal matters, I should have asked if you wanted me to do something-"
Adopting a markedly more hostile expression, Nezha balled her hands into fists as she shouted, "I don't need you to do anything for me! If you're serious about helping, just give me the resources I need to fix my own problems! What, do you think I'm some 'little girl' that needs a big strong man to deal with my own father? Eat a big, fat, smelly dragon di-"
Appearing behind Nezha, Wu promptly covered the enraged tomboy's mouth as she said, "Whoa now, no need to go that far. He was only trying to help. He just didn't take into consideration your nature and personality..."
Though she was speaking in a manner to calm Nezha down, Wu directed a pointed glare towards Vahn that told him everything he needed to know about the current situation. It was obvious that someone like Nezha wouldn't accept outside help so easily. If it were that simple, Wu would have solved her problems a long time ago.
("Looks like I stepped on a landmine...")
(*How very astute of you...*)
Ignoring the playful quip, Vahn attempted to smooth things over by manifesting a veritable feast atop the nearby table. They were currently in the kitchen so there was a large number of cooking utensils, a massive cauldron, and several flat surfaces which could be used as a tabletop.
"It seems I've offended you twice now. For what it's worth, it was never my intent to look down on you. I'm just a little sensitive when it comes to children and bad parenting. I understand you're not really a child but your appearance reminds me of my more spirited sons and daughters..."
Though she squinted her eyes when Vahn, once again, referred to her as a child, Nezha's temper began to wane when she heard him comparing her to his actual children. It would explain why he helped her, and, more importantly, why he didn't want to have sex. She hadn't been all that eager about moving forward with Wu's plan but Vahn's refusal and subsequent attempts to make excuses had bothered her more than she was willing to admit...
Feeling the tensions in Nezha's body fade, Wu promptly released her as several other versions of her manifested around the table Vahn had prepared. She quickly joined them, a massive grin on her face as she engorged herself on the food without any hesitation. This left Vahn at a momentary loss for words while Nezha, having long since grown accustomed to Wu's antics, whispered, "Damned glutton..." before looking toward Vahn and asking, "Got anything to drink?"
Pulling out the same apple-cinnamon tea he had supplied to Xiao Yue and her cousins, Vahn was slightly offended when Nezha snorted through her nose and asked, "Are you an idiot? If I wanted tea, I would have asked for tea. When a man asks for a drink, they're obviously talking about wine. Man, you really are ignorant..."
Despite his sudden urge to bend Nezha over his knee and give her a spanking, Vahn's expression remained calm as he remarked, "I have a large variety of alcohols. Unfortunately, they're reserved for friends, family, complete strangers, spirits, stray animals, and people with manners. I'm afraid I can't spare a single drop for brats who get pissy when someone offers them high-quality tea..."
With the kind of expression most people only reserved for their mortal enemy, Nezha's feet began to glow in a manner reminiscent of heated steel as she said, "Call me a more time..."
Without missing a beat, Vahn casually retorted, "I refuse." before offering the same cup of tea as before. This caused Nezha to flare up even more, but, after several exceptionally tense moments, the heat building in her legs promptly dissipated as she accepted the tea and said, "Whatever..." in a huffy, ill-tempered tone.
Though he was tempted to deny her the tea as well, Vahn watched expectantly as Nezha sipped at the aromatic liquid that had even earned an intrigued look from Wu. She was especially sensitive to the smell of flowers and fruit so she could tell the tea was exceptional even without tasting it.
Noticing the expectant look on Vahn's face, Nezha was fully prepared to tell him the tea tasted like cow piss the moment it touched her tongue. Instead, her malcontent sip quickly turned into several full-mouth gulps before she ultimately exhaled a satisfied, cinnamon-flavored sigh...
Preempting Nezha's realization of what she had done, Vahn adopted a mirthful smile as he said, "You're welcome." in an ostensibly teasing tone. Then, before she could lash out at him, he made his way over to the table, saying, "Make some space. There are thousands of plates where these came from. Eat properly or I'm going to pack up and go home. I no longer have any business with the Jade Palace so nothing is preventing me from leaving."
Though her first instinct was to flip the table and attempt to snatch his storage ring, Wu's instincts told her things might not end in her favor. She was pretty confident she could beat Fenrir without breaking a sweat but the final attack of Mikoto had caused the hairs on her back, arms, and legs to stand on end. Vahn was clearly stronger than the both of them, so, while she was fully intending to prank him, Wu decided it could wait until after she had eaten her fill...
Seeing Wu make space for Vahn at the table, everything Nezha had been intending to say got stuck in her throat. Wu had never, ever, not in the entire history of the Heavenly Domain, shared her food with someone else. Thus, for a brief moment, Nezha humored the notion that she might be trapped in an illusion. It was the only thing that explained the ridiculousness of the current situation...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Booba...','I would make a joke about the LGBT community but they're not exactly known for their tolerance...','Snap back to reality...') <-(p.atreon link)
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After engorging herself to the point she appeared pregnant, Wu released a thunderous burp as she gave her protruding belly a contented pat. This earned her a fish-eyed stare from Nezha, who, after coming to terms with the fact she wasn't dreaming, ended up joining Vahn and Wu at the table.
"Haaaa, look what you've done to me. You better take responsibility~."
Raising his brows, Vahn gave Wu's melon-like belly a stare before commenting, "That looks pretty convincing. I'm guessing this isn't the first time you've made use of the 72 Transformations to appear pregnant?"
Rather than answer Vahn's question, Wu pressed down on her stomach as if she were deflating a balloon. This wasn't an exaggeration, as, despite possessing the ability to transform seamlessly, Wu ended up releasing a prolonged far reminiscent of a whoopie cushion...
Contrasting Wu's expectations, Vahn responded with a light chuckle before casually disposing of the mountain of plates dominating the kitchen table. One of Gaia's Textures was a Realm of flesh and blood, so, compared to the stench of billions of rotting corpses, the flowery farts of Wu were relatively tame.
"If there's nothing else, I'll escort the two of you to the front gate. Feel free to stop by tomorrow morning for breakfast. I don't mind cooking up one last feast prior to my departure."
Since Wu seemed to possess an Innate or Gift that prevented involuntary spatial transfers, Vahn decided to escort the duo on foot. Before he could even urge them out of the kitchen, however, it was Nezha who asked, "Huh? Weren't we supposed to get drunk and piss the night away? You also promised me resources. How am I supposed to obtain them if you just run off?"
Piggybacking off of Nezha's words, Wu nodded her head, adding, "Nezha's right. I was planning to crack out one of my best Monkey Wines. You can't just give us the boot after feeding us like a pair of stray animals."
Exhaling an inaudible sigh, Vahn's expression morphed into a troubled smile as he ran his fingers through his hair and said, "Listen...I don't mind lending a hand. You're just not willing to accept it without some form of equivalent exchange. While I can appreciate that, the truth of the matter is that you have nothing I want, need, or desire..."
Shifting his attention to Nezha, Vahn's brows furrowed as he continued, adding, "You shouldn't be so quick to compromise on matters regarding your integrity. I'm not sure what kind of relationship you have with Ao Bing but it's clear they're important to you. They might forgive you and you might be able to come to terms with your actions, but, in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't be worth the guilt and regret you would feel during the interim..."
Leaving Nezha at a loss for words, Vahn shifted his attention to Wu next, his expression hardening as he said, "Pressuring your friend to use their virginity as leverage in some kind of transaction isn't something a real friend would do. It's also remarkably hypocritical. You might be able to conceal it from others, but, as a God of Sex, I can tell you're still a virgin. Trying to convince someone to make a sacrifice you're unwilling to make is one of the-"
Without waiting for Vahn to finish, Wu gave him an incredulous look, asking, "What are you talking about? I've never tried to conceal the fact I'm a virgin. In fact, it's one of the things I'm most proud of. I mean, just look at me. I might not be a conventional jade beauty but I'm super adorable. I also have my 72 Transformations so I can make myself look as young or mature as I like. The only reason I'm still a virgin is because I've never found anyone strong enough to be my partner. Don't lump me in with those hussies who need to spread their legs in order to get stro-"
Realizing what she was about to say, Wu promptly covered her mouth with both hands before sending a wide-eyed stare towards Nezha. To her surprise, the latter appeared more vexed than angry. After all, even if she was offended by Wu's words, she couldn't deny the cold, hard truth contained within...
Instead of blaming Wu for her weakness, Nezha directed her crimson gaze to Vahn as she asked, "If I decided to move forward in spite of your warnings, would you still reject me...?"
Though he was tempted to immediately nod in the affirmative, Vahn decided to remain patient, asking, "Why? Explain your reasoning..."
Spreading her hands and shrugging in a helpless manner, Nezha answered, "I mean, my life isn't exactly free from regret. Most of the books written about me omit the finer details but they still manage to convey the more important aspects of my history. My nature is tied to destruction, and, no matter how I try to suppress it, I always end up hurting the people around me. Ao Bing was even my slave at one point. It wasn't until a few hundred years ago that we actually hit it off. Before that, I was pretty terrible to him..."
As she had never confided in anyone like this, Nezha's words began to trail off as she broke eye contact with both Vahn and Wu. She felt weaker in this one moment than every other moment in her entire life. In spite of this, she managed to gather enough resolve to continued, explaining, "If it's for the sake of, mine, and Bing Bing's freedom, I don't mind picking a few more regrets onto the mountain I live with every single day. The more important thing is that I'm able to obtain our freedom through my own efforts...I don't need...I don't want anyone's pity..."
Hearing Nezha bare her heart to him, Vahn would be lying if he said his own hadn't melted for the troubled girl. Even Wu wasn't unaffected, her characteristically mischievous smile replaced by a far more serious and concerned expression. She was well aware of Nezha's struggles but this was the first time she had ever seen the youthful-looking girl expose herself in such a manner...
Directing her gaze to the person responsible for Nezha's extremely out-of-character behavior, Wu couldn't help wondering if Vahn had done something. If he had, she hadn't been able to detect it. Either way, he was clearly an exceptional person to be able to get the hot-blooded and extremely prideful Nezha to open up mere hours after their first meeting...
Noticing Wu's gaze, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face. In truth, he knew exactly why Nezha was behaving this way. He had been exuding a natural and calming aura ever since he arrived in the kitchen. This was aided by his capacity as an A-Rank God of Nature, but, more than anything else, it was the combination of delicious food and drink that had lowered Nezha's defenses.
Electing to keep this to himself, Vahn's expression softened as he stared at the crimson-eyed girl slowly coming to terms with the fact she had just revealed her innermost desires. Then, before she could experience an emotional overflow that caused her vulnerability to turn to intractable hostility, he surprised both girls by manifesting a Riolu, the pre-evolved form of the Pokemon Lucario, out of thin air.
"Just as you have things you won't compromise on, my nature makes it impossible for me to take advantage of your present situation. Thus, instead of providing you a direct increase to your power, I will provide you the means to increase it through your own efforts. This adorable little kit is known as a Riolu. So long as you care for it and treat it like a friend, it will eventually evolve into a creature known as a Lucario. After that, you need only train alongside it to drastically increase your power."
Preempting any protests she might have, Vahn tossed the Riolu towards the stunned Nezha before going on to explain, "There are more important things than raw power when it comes to strength. If you're lacking in emotional and spiritual development, your power will rule you instead of the other way around. As a C-Rank God of Destruction, trust me when I say that comprehension and mastery surpass raw power by several orders of magnitude."
So as to remove any doubt from her mind, Vahn produced the Gift Card denoting his status as a God of Destruction. This earned him a slack-jawed stare from Nezha, as, despite claiming her nature was tied to destruction, she lacked the corresponding Divinity. She was a lesser God of Flames, and, due to the influence of the Three Pure Ones and the Buddhist Faction, her principal Divinities made her the Patron God of Children and Filial Piety. According to Sanzang, it was actually her rejection of these two identities that resulted in her unstable nature.
Alternating her gaze between the violet-hued Gift Card and the predominately blue creature staring up at her with large, rust-red eyes, the emotion at the forefront of Nezha's mind was confusion. She had already resolved to do whatever it took to secure freedom for herself and Ao Bing, so, now that Vahn had put his foot down and presented her with an alternative solution, she didn't know how to react...
As if sensing her thoughts, Riolu extended its paws upward, a smiling expression on its face as it playfully chimed, "Ri Riolu~!"
Though her heart palpitated slightly when she met its gaze, Nezha held out the confused Riolu towards Vahn as she said, "I can't accept this. I don't have the means to care for it and it's clearly not a normal animal if it has the potential to help a High-Ranking God become stronger. If it was sold at an auction, there's no way in hell I would be able to afford it. Like I said before...I have no intention of accepting any handouts..."
Refusing to accept the disheartened-looking creature, Vahn took a step away from Nezha as he said, "You're mistaken. I'm not actually giving this to you. Pokemon, the race of creatures this little fella comes from, are not pets. They are companions with their own wants and needs. If you failed to earn its trust or treated it poorly, it would simply leave. As for the whole auction thing, well, you can rest assured nothing like this would ever appear. Each Pokemon is tied to my Divinity and has received my Blessing. The moment they are in danger, I would become aware of it. If someone did try to put them up on auction, I would merely summon the Pokemon to my side and then persecute the people responsible."
Furrowing her brows, Nezha was about to refuse a second time when the Riolu in her hands began to tear up, its previously happy smile replaced by a pitiful, puppy-eyed expression as it muttered a sad, "Riolu...?"
Though she would never, ever admit it, Nezha had always had a weakness for cute things. Thus, the moment she met the pitiable Riolu's gaze, it was like a vice had closed around her heart. Her brows furrowed even deeper, but, instead of addressing Vahn, she maintained eye contact with the puppy-like creature as she inquired, "Do you really want to be my partner that badly? You don't even know me..."
Without so much as a moment of hesitation, the diminutive Pokemon raised one of its paws, its sad expression disappearing in an instant as it happily replied, "Riolu~!"
Feeling waves of happiness exuding from the Riolu's body like a gentle warmth, a byproduct of its natural ability to manipulate its aura and interpret emotions, Nezha's brows ended up creasing to the point it looked like she was constipated. Wu immediately took advantage of this, saying, "If you need to take a shit, there's a bathroom down the hall..."
With an illusory tick mark appearing on her head, Nezha immediately glared towards Wu, shouting, "You're the one that needs to take a shit you flatulent monkey...!" with a slight flush to her face...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Someone needs to give this monkey a spanking...','Everyone has a reason for the way they behave...','The indefensible puppy eyes strat...!') <-(p.atreon link)
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