89.64% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2115: Sowing the Seeds of Future Troubles

章節 2115: Sowing the Seeds of Future Troubles

Resisting the urge to bonk the purple-skinned loli on the head, Vahn introduced himself before asking if she remembered anything prior to waking up. This caused her to look at him like he was an idiot, but, moments later, her expression morphed into one of stupefaction as she realized the only things she could recall were her name.

"What did you do to me...!?"

Covering her chest as if she were afraid Vahn might assault her, Algol took a few steps back before looking down at her body. Over the course of a single second, her expression morphed from fear to disbelief before finally settling on hostility as she pointed towards him and exclaimed, "You fiend! Is this some kind of sick joke!? What happened to my bodacious, bombshell of a body!? I'm supposed to be the most beautiful and intelligent woman in existence! How dare you reduce me to this...!"

Raising his brows, Vahn asked, "If you don't remember anything, how do you know you're supposed to be the most beautiful and intelligent woman in existence...?"

Adopting a pitying gaze, Algol crossed her arms beneath her surprisingly well-developed breasts as she answered, "Huuuuuh? Are you an idiot? I don't need to remember anything to know something as simple as that. That's like asking what color the sky is. Unless some asshat goes out of their way to change it, everyone knows it's blue. You'd have to be pretty dumb to argue otherwise."


Finding himself at a loss for words, Vahn briefly considered teleporting Algol to Shiroyasha. He got the impression she was even more overbearing than Seraphina, so, while he didn't mind liberating her from Laius and the Olympians, he wasn't particularly enthused by the prospect of sheltering her. There was a reason she was classified as a Problem Child...

While Vahn was thinking about pawning her off on Shiroyasha, Algol was giving him a skeptical yet appraising look. She couldn't remember anything about her past. There was a bunch of information in her mind but it felt distant, almost like she was looking at it through a screen.

In spite of this, Algol felt a strange familiarity when she was looking at Vahn. Her intuition told her they had never actually met, but, at the same time, she felt as though they had known each other for a very long time. It was a strange, inexplicable feeling that left her feeling both suspicious and fearful that he would abandon her...

As that thought crossed her mind, a light shade of purple colored Algol's cheeks as she averted her eyes, fiddled with her hair, and muttered, "Anyways...what now? There is obviously a reason for our meeting like this. What were you intending to do with me...?"

Noticing the spontaneous change in Algol's behavior, Vahn found himself restraining a wry smile as he answered, "Right...well, the truth is..."

Since he had already made the decision to respect Sarina's and Nono's choices, Vahn spent the next hour or so explaining Algol's past, her present situation, and her options for the future. Most of this information just bounced off of her or went in one ear and out the other. In her mind, the only two things she cared about were getting revenge and having fun. To that end, she waited until Vahn was finished speaking before asking, point blank, "So...wanna fuck?"

Raising his brows, Vahn was about to ask what the petite demoness was thinking when Algol made her intentions very clear, "Look at me. I'm dressed like a BDSM fetishist's wet dream. You said I was a slave for some asshat that wanted to turn the members of your Community into slaves, right? I'd rather not think about it, but I'm guessing he had his fun with me before I ended up in this state. It would karmic justice if he were to see someone else fucking me right in front of him."


Seemingly upset by Vahn's silence, Algol snorted through her nose before a frustrated pout as she looked down at her figure and said, "Well...can't really say I blame you..."

Without minding Vahn's gaze in the slightest, Algol grabbed her breasts before pushing them up and squeezing them together with an even more frustrated look on her face. She didn't have any memories directly related to herself but she 'knew' her body wasn't supposed to be like this. She was supposed to be the most beautiful and intelligent woman in existence. There was still a chance that Vahn was just an outlier, but, based on his reaction, she was pretty sure this form wasn't what people across reality preferred...

Unable to resist the urge, Vahn placed his hand atop Algol's head, gently caressing her peculiar yet eerily nostalgic hair. It reminded him a lot of Medusa, Euryale, and Stheno, as, despite appearing to be normal at a glance, it had a texture similar to the underside of a snake. It was extremely smooth to the touch, but, at the same time, it was both warm and somewhat oily.

Looking up at Vahn with a pout, Algol was about to say something when he beat her to the punch, saying, "I don't mind helping you with your revenge. I'm just not comfortable with such...advanced plays. I've already made my decision regarding Laius's fate. Doing what you've proposed would just be adding insult to his considerable injuries..."

Raising her brows, Algol, seemingly having already forgotten who Laius was, asked, "What are you talking about?"

Blinking in surprise, Vahn briefly hesitated before repeating what she had asked him to do. When she looked at him with clear confusion in her eyes, a creeping sense of dread well within his heart as he asked, "Do you remember the names of the people who sealed you...?"

Appearing even more confused, Algol tilted her head ever so slightly to the side, finger on her chin as she replied, "If I had to guess, it was probably some petty or jealous Goddess? I don't remember any of their names, but I remember that a lot of Goddesses resented me because of my beauty and intelligence. What does that have to do with anything?"


While listening to Algol's words, Vahn spread innumerable threads of source energy into her mind and body. He didn't find anything wrong with her, but, based on her words, it was pretty obvious she had already forgotten what they were talking about.

"Do you remember my name...?"

With an incredulous look on her face, Algol was tempted to ask if there was something wrong with Vahn's brain when it donned on her that she didn't actually know his name. Thus, in response to his question, her expression became hostile as she asked, "How would I know your name if you haven't introduced yourself? Look, you might be handsome and famous but that doesn't mean everyone is going to know who you are. Don't be conceited."

Retracting his hand from Algol's head, Vahn's mind was racing a mile a femtosecond as he worked to process everything that was happening. He didn't want to consider it, but there was a very real chance that Algol's ability to form short-term memories had been destroyed. He had repaired the damage to her brain, but, as a Tier 5 being, the complexity of Algol's existence far transcended the physical...

As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn adjusted the color of his eyes while staring directly into Algol's. Then, while counting in his head, he made idle conversation with her while periodically asking if she remembered what his original eye color was. This annoyed her quite a bit the first couple of times he asked, but, if he waited for more than thirty-seven seconds before asking, she would stare at him as if he were an idiot before asking how she was supposed to know if she had never seen the original...




"Please...please stop...I'll never-"

Without waiting for Laius to continue, Vahn stepped on the man's chest with a cold expression on his face. He knew the man was still thinking about taking revenge in the future, so, after crushing every bone in his sternum, he quickly healed the dying man before calmly asking, "Want to know something curious about time...?"

Staring up at Vahn with trembling eyes, a feeling of dread that far transcended the suffering he had already experienced began to swell in Laius's chest. He wanted to swear and curse at the former for looking down on him, but, fearing an even greater punishment, the only thing he could mutter was, "Please...just stop..."

Ignoring the man's pleading, Vahn began to increase the pressure on Laius's chest as he said, "Time is relative. Two hours, two days, two years. None of these things truly exist. It is our perception that gives meaning to them. Want to know how much time has passed since we started this little heart-to-heart chat?"

With Vahn's foot weighing on him like a mountain, Laius was unable to respond as a peculiar green hue encompassed his body. At the same time, the world around him seemed to distort, almost like it was falling away from him. Colors became progressively more distorted until the only thing that remained was an assortment of reds, magentas, and a color that could only be described as bluish-yellow.

As Laius's mind was struggling to comprehend his new superhuman perception of time, Vahn's tone became even colder as he gradually increased the pressure and answered, "None at all..."




Seeing the catatonic body of Laius carried away by the teary-eyed members of his Community, a tired sigh escaped Shiroyasha's mouth. She had never expected that Vahn would increase the man's perception of time to the point that a single second felt like decades. By the time the Gift Game had come to an end, Laius had experienced having every bone in his body shattered over the course of hundreds of years. It was honestly a little terrifying, but, after hearing what had happened to Algol, she couldn't really blame him...

"Don't worry...I created a 'snapshot' of his memories before I taught him a lesson. His ego may have been fractured but it hasn't been destroyed. He'll recover. After that, I intend to send him a memory fragment of his original self. I'm curious to see how they interact with one another..."

Exhaling an even louder sigh, Shiroyasha sent a stink eye towards Vahn as she said, "I still think you went overboard. Pushing yourself to behave reprehensibly even though you want to show mercy is never a good thing..."

Shaking his head, Vahn suppressed a sigh of his own as he muttered, "If this were a Gift Game with normal stakes, I might have gone easier on him. He's the one who accepted outside help and used underhanded tactics to make sure my side didn't gain anything. If he was smarter, he would have at least brought out the Aegis Shield that Athena gave to him. He was just too prideful..."

Shrugging with an expression of mock helplessness, Shiroyasha decided she might as well change topics, asking, "What about Algol? She would probably be okay even if you released her but there's a good chance she would rampage the moment someone upset her. I can take her off your hands, but she seems to have grown quite fond of you..."

Looking over to where another version of Vahn was standing with two young women and a petite Algol, a teasing smile developed across Shiroyasha's face. This left the former with a helpless look of his own as he said, "I feel obligated to look after her but I fear she would cause a lot of issues in her current state..."

Snorting through her nose, Shiroyasha surprised Vahn by saying, "Truth be told, she isn't that much different from her usual self. She likes to call herself the most beautiful and intelligent woman in the world but I'm not even sure if she could perform basic arithmetic without using her Gift."

Having butt heads with Algol countless times in the past, Shiroyasha was intimately familiar with her fellow Problem Child. As far as she knew, Algol had never really thought about anything other than her own interests. After all, if she had even an iota of intelligence, she wouldn't have spent a full ten years heckling Athena until the latter eventually snapped.

Smiling wryly in response to the petite demoness's words, Vahn decided to guide the conversation back on track, asking, "Mind if I leave her with you for a bit? I have a few ideas in mind to improve her retention ability. Until then, I can't really trust her with being around my kids..."

Nodding her head in understanding, Shiroyasha gave Vahn's lower back a pat as she said, "Leave it to me. I was expecting something like this to occur so I've already prepared a room. Just make sure you visit often. There's no way in hell I'm looking after that brat on my own..."

Since he was already intending to do just that, Vahn nodded his head without giving it any thought. He knew the mischievous cat was up to something, but, when it came to people like Shiroyasha and Loki, he would honestly be more surprised if they weren't scheming...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Hi, my name's Dory...','Vahn be like, "Don't worry, friend. We have all the time in the world..."','(O w O)...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 2116: Wish Fulfillment

Following their rather unceremonious victory over the Perseus Community, Vahn decided to take Sarina and Nono to celebrate and get to know one another. The two girls, now young women, had changed rather drastically during their time in the Game Board so he wanted to catch up with them before heading back to the Sage Dragon's Hearth.

From what he could tell, Nono was the same quiet yet perceptive girl she had always been. There was an air of maturity that lingered around her, but, due to suffering a fatal injury in the Dungeon, her stay was cut short at two and a half years.

While others might have been traumatized by such an experience, Nono took it in stride as she had died protecting her friends. As for her physical appearance, she wasn't all that different from before. She had grown taller, her bust had practically exploded, and her bottom had developed quite a bit, but, even at a glance, it was impossible to mistake her for anyone else.

Sarina, on the other hand, was like a completely different person. Her time with the Loki Familia had drastically altered her character. She was no longer a brash yet adorable young tomboy who single-mindedly pursued the things she was interested in. Instead, she had mellowed out quite a bit whilst simultaneously developing a calm and confident personality.

Though she had only managed to reach Level 3, Sarina had become close with Tiona, Tione, Lefiya, Anakitty, and Ais. She had tried to become closer with Riveria as well, but, as a member of the 3rd Squad, it was hard for her to get close with the leadership of the vanguard unit. She spent most of her time acting as a Supporter and was only able to reach Level 3 thanks to her knowledge of future events and her relationship with Lefiya and several other young members of the Loki Familia.

Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for Loki to figure out that Sarina possessed knowledge of future events. It was her encounter with the petite Goddess that caused Sarina's shift in mentality. At first, she was completely horrified that Loki had forced her to expose the truth. She did her best to keep her head down, and, for a time, even avoided interacting with the other members of her Familia. It was only when Loki confronted her months later that her fear gradually turned to respect, as, even after learning her world was false, the red-headed Goddess didn't care in the slightest. Her highest priority was ensuring the survival of her Familia, so, rather than blame Sarina for the differences in the nature of their existence, she protected her like the rest of her children.

As an orphan, the closest thing Sarina had ever had to a parent was Vahn. Unfortunately, she had always viewed him as a potential love interest, so, even though he treated her very well, she didn't have the heart to view him as a father.

After overcoming her fears and growing closer to her matron Goddess, Sarina began to genuinely view Loki as her mother. This allowed her to open up quite a bit, and, thanks to the advice she had received from her 'older sisters', specifically Tiona and Tione, her confidence was only rivaled by her ever-increasing beauty.

Unfortunately for her many suitors, the only person Sarina had even given the time of day was Raul due to the latter's relationship with Aki(Anakitty). Aki was the person placed in charge of her when she first started out, and, much like how the Second Unit supported the First, Sarina's Third Unit was never far behind the Second.

After Aki suffered an injury that forced her to give up adventuring, she was hoping that Raul would finally man up and confess. Instead, the pressure he was under to replace Finn caused them to grow apart. By the time he gained the confidence to come forward, Aki was already in a relationship with another retired member of the Familia. He was eventually consoled by Alicia, but, as Vahn had never fixed the issues with Elves in this version of Danmachi, their relationship lasted less than a year since Raul was unwilling to move beyond simple dating and hand-holding.

Though she respected Raul as the Commander of the Second Unit, things became pretty awkward when the twenty-seven-year-old executive confessed feelings for her. She was only around sixteen at the time, and, while age gaps didn't really bother her that much, it was pretty well known by then that she was already in a relationship with someone else. This didn't stop quite a number of people from making a pass at her, but, in the end, Sarina managed to keep most of her would-be suitors at bay by coming out as a Lesbian.

This was perhaps the biggest factor behind Sarina's change in mentality, as, for the last six months, she had basically been dating a young half-elf named Aleesa. Their relationship never reached the point of having sex, but, having already come to terms with the fact she would be interacting with a lot of women in the future, everything else was fair game. She just wanted her first time to be with Vahn.

Since he knew exactly how persistent the men in Danmachi could be, Vahn was largely unaffected by the news that Sarina had dated a slightly younger woman. If anything, he was curious to meet this Aleesa as Sarina seemed quite fond of her, particularly her breasts.

After suffering at the hands of Loki for several years, Sarina's perverted nature had mellowed into a genuine appreciation for the female form. This was reflected in how she presented herself to others, as, rather than conceal her beauty, she flaunted it. She wore skirts that barely covered the skin-tight shorts she wore beneath, fashionable stockings, a leather bodice that pushed up her full yet modest breasts, and a half-vest that only concealed her neck, shoulders, and upper arms. Her black hair had grown past her waist, and, though they still possessed a hint of amethyst, her eyes had faded into a glistening shade of silver.

Simply put, Sarina was now a remarkably beautiful woman with a hint of Japanese features. She was also a lot more confident, so, while Nono was perfectly content with sitting across from him, Sarina shamelessly sat next to Vahn with a relaxed smile on her face. She no longer felt compelled to hurry things along, but, at the same time, she intended to make her interest in him very clear.

Fortunately for her, Vahn had no qualms with her current behavior. If anything, he was genuinely impressed by how much she had matured over the course of her time in the Game Board. He had expected her to become even more perverted after hanging out with people like Tiona, Tione, and Loki so this was a drastic yet welcome change. Sure, he was a little sad that he didn't get to see her grow up but that was just another part of life. Everyone had their own path to walk and he couldn't be there to see every step taken by others. Not yet...




"Since the two of you were gone for so long, feel free to request anything you can think of. I won't promise to fulfill your every desire but I'm more than capable of rewarding your efforts."

Though an expectant glimmer flashed across Sarina's silver eyes, she managed to suppress her true desires as she answered, "I want you to prepare a banquet and hand-feed it to me. It might sound a little silly, but I have literally dreamt about your food while we were apart."

Nodding her head in understanding, Nono chimed in with a curt, "Indeed..." before pressing the tip of her index finger against her moderately puffy lips and adding, "If we're able to request anything, I would like a massage and to have my status updated. After that...I would be happy just to have my head pat."

Seeing Nono gently trace her finger across her lips, Vahn had the distinct impression she wanted to ask for something else but her aura made it hard to tell. Sure, there was a fair amount of pink mixed in, but, rather than give off an amorous vibe, it gently exuded from her body as if it were completely natural. Compared to Sarina's, it was like comparing a simmering flame to a bonfire.

"Sure. I was actually planning to update your statuses the moment we got home. I have no problem giving you a massage in the process."

Smiling radiantly, Nono ceased tracing her bottom lip before leaning forward, elbows on the table and hands supporting her head as she replied, "Splendid..." in a soft, ostensibly amorous tone.


Seeing the way Nono was behaving, Sarina's silvery eyes formed into a squint. She thought she had the advantage now that she was older, but, even if she were to force herself, she doubted she could match Nono's sex appeal. What made this even more frustrating was the fact that Nono didn't even have to try. She was a complete natural.

Shaking such thoughts from her mind, Sarina comforted herself with the knowledge that she didn't actually have to compete with the auburn-haired minx. Vahn was more than capable of loving them both. Thus, rather than waste time comparing herself to the sly woman seated across from her, she decided to focus on Vahn, saying, "If that's the case, I would like to revise my request...is that okay?"

Though he could see the calculating glimmer in Sarina's eyes, Vahn didn't hesitate to nod his head. He had already come to terms with the fact that she was no longer going to be deterred, so, even if she asked him to bed her the moment they got home, he wouldn't refuse. After all, six years was a long time to be away from the person you loved.

Smiling in a playful yet mischievous manner, Sarina leaned into Vahn's shoulder as she looked up at him and said, "I want you to do whatever you want...truth be told, there are so many things I desire that it's impossible for me to place them all into a single request. All I know for certain is that I want you to be happy. After all, so long as you're happy, all of us will be..."

With each word bringing her close to Vahn's lips, Sarina made it very clear what she wanted. In the end, however, it was ultimately Vahn's decision to make. This was something she had come to terms with after reflecting upon Nono's words for the past six years. If she kept pressuring him, she would be no better than the people who only coveted her looks. Thus, while a part of her wanted nothing more than to press her lips against his, Sarina knew the action would have much greater meaning if Vahn met her halfway.

Fortunately for her, Vahn had always been weak to sentiment and sincerity, so, shortly after Sarina finished speaking, he returned a smile before leaning down to give her a peck on the lips. It was a much tamer kiss than she would have liked, but, at the same time, Sarina couldn't help smiling as a sensation akin to a horde of butterflies swirled around in her body. She had no idea what the future held but this was sure as hell a step in the right direction...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Oof. Even if it's his fault, I kind of feel bad for Raul xD...','Nono is like the girl next door amped up to the level of a Goddess...','Sarina is slowly starting to figure things out...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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