87.01% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 2053: Posturing

章節 2053: Posturing

"Nono! Get away from that bastard...!"

Apparently having failed to learn his lesson, Justinian, Leader of the Silver Adonis, shouted with such rage and indignation in his voice that it nearly cracked.

Nono, hearing his outburst, immediately turned towards Vahn, face buried into his sleeve as she clung to his yukata with her right hand. This caused the silver-haired man to become even more incensed, but, before he could shout a second time, Dorothea adopted a harsh tone and said, "I didn't bring you here to insult people and throw a tantrum. Be quiet."

Though he looked like he had swallowed a bug, Justinian fell silent when he saw Dorothea shift the oversized sword on her shoulder.

While this interaction was going on, Vahn maintained an unperturbed expression on his face as he listened to Loi-chain reveal the reason behind the man's anger. He had apparently been more than a little fond of Nono's adult self. This factored into why he had elected to summon her from among the functionally infinite number of Heroes present within the Lower Realms. He intended to turn her into his future bride, so, seeing her next to another man, it was no wonder he was upset.

Snorting through his nose, Vahn's expression became discernible cold as he handed the rickshaw coolie a rather handsome tip. Then, with Nono effectively hiding behind him, he passed his icy gaze over the predominately hostile group before setting his sights on Dorothea and asking, "What's this about? Is Twice Twilight in the business of backing ruffians and scoundrels? I would be more than a little disappointed if that was the case..."

Furrowing her brows ever so slightly, Dorothea shook her head and explained, "No. It's nothing like that. We do our best to be fair and impartial. This is ultimately just an extension of our investigation into yesterday's matter."

Nodding his head, Vahn gestured for Dorothea to continue as he shifted his gaze to Justinian. This caused the purple-haired beauty to release a tired sight, but, despite her frustrations, she went on to add, "According to the members of Silver Adonis, their reason for attacking you was because you had kidnapped a member of their Community. I believe the young lady behind you is the person in question...?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Vahn's expression morphed into a deadpan as he asked, "Does it look like I have kidnapped her? Even a fool would be able to see that I'm protecting her..."

Though she didn't appreciate the fact that Vahn was basically insinuating she was a fool, Dorothea maintained an ostensibly unperturbed expression as she replied, "Yes, that much is clear. However, as there are clearly some personal grievances between both sides, it would serve the public order if you either set aside your differences or settled things with a Gift Game. I have been sent here to act as an impartial Host. If both sides agree, we will settle this using the means ordained by the Gods."

"Oh? And what are the terms you came up with? If it wasn't obvious at this point, Nono is now a member of my Community. Specifically, she is our Adjutant. Even if Silver Adonis offered the lives of every single one of their members as collateral, their combined value wouldn't even reach a fraction of Nono's. In other words, they have absolutely nothing to offer if I win. Why should I participate in a Gift Game with them?"

"You son of a bi-"

Before Justinian could finish his ill-conceived words, Vahn made a pointing gesture towards the ground, saying, "Lower your head and keep quiet." in a commanding tone. This caused the silver-haired man to faceplant into the ground, his eyes turning bloodshot as he found himself unable to raise his head so much as a single centimeter.

Stepping in between Vahn and Justinian, Dorothea's expression showed her unwillingness as she said, "This isn't how we do things in the Little Garden. You can't just resort to violence to solve all of your problems. Please reconsider before this matter grows even further out of proportion..."

Upon closer inspection, Vahn noticed that the massive sword on Dorothea's shoulder was actually another syringe. Unlike the needleless one she was carrying yesterday, however, it had a 20cm long golden needle dripping a fiery red liquid that had crystallized into the structure of her sword. As she stepped out in front of him, the liquid within the syringe began to glisten with an intense light, and, though she was clearly holding back, the surrounding temperature began to skyrocket.

With a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Vahn plainly stated, "It's a little counterintuitive to say you condemn violence when you clearly have no problems resorting to it yourself. Is this really the hill you wish to fight upon? Defending a group of individuals that target and attack children from a samaritan that stepped in to prevent a tragedy? You didn't show up when Nono was being chased through the streets with bloodied feet. Instead, you appear to protect the people who spent the last seven months tormenting her. You've quite the twisted sense of justice, don't ya...?"

Clenching her teeth, Dorothea wanted to say something in her defense, but, from an objective point of view, everything Vahn said hit the nail on the head. She was literally preparing to confront him in order to protect a group of individuals that were, very clearly, in the wrong. There were also no laws prohibiting people from leaving one Community and joining another, so, after a moment of tense silence, she ultimately chose to retract her blade, her outfit changing to resemble the one she wore the previous day as she lowered her head and said, "I don't wish to fight you. I just want to preserve the peace. The members of Silver Adonis might be absolute scum, but they are still residents of the Little Garden. Please try and settle things in accordance with our laws..."

Not expecting Dorothea to suddenly bow her head, a pleading undertone to her voice, Vahn felt as though all the wind had been taken out of his sails. Sincerity had been one of his most prominent weaknesses even as far back as his time in Danmachi. Thus, understanding that Dorothea was just doing what she believed was best, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Fine. State your terms. So long as the conditions aren't too ridiculous, I don't mind teaching these buffoons a more official lesson..."

Punctuating his words, Vahn snapped his fingers, removing the invisible force pressing Justinian's head to the ground. This cause the man to leap to his feet, but, rather than attacking, he just glared venomously as Dorothea went on to explain, "Very well. Both sides will issue their own terms while I, acting as an impartial Host, will determine which Game shall be played. Don't worry. I will make sure it is as fair and balanced as possible."

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Justinian pointed towards Nono, his expression absolutely livid as he stated, "I want you to return Nono. My Community invested thirteen years' worth of resources into summoning her. You have no right to poach her out from under us...!"

Snorting a second time, Vahn crossed his arms as he asked, "And you're telling me you had a right to kidnap a 9-year-old girl from her homeworld? Ridiculous. If you want her that badly, feel free to wager your banner and territory. I already mentioned it previously, but the combined value of your entire Community can't measure up to a single strand of her hair on her head. I also have no use for your Gifts, so, unless you're willing to wager your territory, get out of my face."


Holding up her hand, Dorothea effectively silenced Justinian before turning to Vahn and saying, "I don't mean to take sides, but the Central Network will never recognize the value of a single person as equivalent to a Community's banner and territory. While it is praiseworthy to place such value in your compatriots, others would be able to make similar claims by stating that something as simple as a stone carries comparable value...Unless you have something to offer that is of equal value to what you are requesting, please reconsider your terms..."

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Vahn manifested what appeared to be a thick stack of tarot cards. This caused everyone in the surroundings, not just Dorothea and the members of Silver Adonis, to immediately tense up.

"I will wager an additional 100 C-Rank Gift Cards against your Community's Flag and Territory. Also, now that you have triggered my ire, know that I will immediately declare war on you the moment you refuse. You forced me to participate in this little charade. You will see it through to the end or face consequences you can't even begin to imagine."

Though his golden pupils reflected a greedy light the moment he saw the stack of Gift Cards, any desire Justinian had to challenge Vahn had dissipated greatly. Even Floor Masters only possessed a few hundred Gifts yet the person in front of him was able to casually proffer forth an entire deck full of them. This implied that Vahn had an incomprehensible backing, and, were it not for the threat he had tacked on to the end of his statement, Justinian might have voluntarily lowered his head to the ground.

Demonstrating just as much shock as everyone else, Dorothea swallowed hard before asking, "Can I inspect them? Even if they are C-Rank Gifts, it would be a problem if they were all the same thing..."

Since it was possible to seal the branches of Water Trees into Gift Cards, effectively converting them into portable water sources, Dorothea needed to check in order to make sure Vahn wasn't trying to pull the wool over their eyes. The casualness in which he handed them over made it pretty clear this wasn't the case, but, as she had already promised to be an impartial Host, Dorothea went through each of the Gift Cards in turn, her eyes widening as she found a few B and A-Rank Cards mixed in.

"Umm...Vahn...sama? Some of these cards are B and A-Rank..."

Waving his hand in a gesture of dismissal, Vahn stated, "It doesn't really matter. They decided to prick at this Dragon's Reverse Scale. Now they will pay the price."

Punctuating his words, Vahn allowed horns to grow from his head like a crown as golden wings and a thick tail protruded from his upper and lower back. This caused the more opportunistic individuals who were watching from the sidelines to immediately mind their own business. As for the members of Silver Adonis, Justinian's expression paled as more than half of the group he brought along with him attempted to retract their affiliation with his Community.

Since they had already come this far, Vahn's pupils retracted to form thin slits as he said, "It's far too late for that. You had your chance when I entrusted you to the Twice Twilight Community. Now, you come requesting a member of my family as a prize. Did you really think I would let you walk away a second time...?"

Though he was doing his best to restrain his aura, even Vahn was surprised by how oppressive it was becoming. This was the first time he had transformed into a dragon since his awakening, and, based on what he was currently seeing, it was a hell of a lot stronger than usual.

Fortunately, just as it seemed like the surroundings buildings might collapse, a somewhat childish voice echoed through the streets, saying, "This is getting a little out of hand. How about we all just calm down and take a niiiiiiice long breath~?"

Immediately following the words, a girl appearing even younger than Sarina and Nono manifested out of thin air with a mischievous yet serious expression on her face. This caused the few remaining people nearby to immediately disperse, as, despite being a recluse, there were very few people who didn't know what the Eastern Floor Master looked like. She was, after all, the most infamous lolita in the entire Divine Realm...




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Justinian be like, "Don't cuck me...!"','I kind of feel sorry for Dorothea. She was not prepared to deal with someone like Vahn xD...','Front row seats~! Shishishishishisi~')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 2054: Compromise : Cooperation?

Retracting his horns, wings, and tail, more for the benefit of Sarina and Nono than anything else, Vahn's expression relaxed as he mused, "I was wondering when you were going to show up. Have you been enjoying the show...?"

Seemingly amused by Vahn's words, Shiroyasha snickered mischievously before remarking, "It seems the Little Garden has another Problem Child in its midst. You know, for someone with the power to resolve this matter simply, you sure do have a way of escalating things."

Shaking his head, Vahn adopted a helpless expression as he said, "I'm doing my best to hold back, but people like this just grate on me like no other. Not only did they target one of my people, but I'm basically a Guardian God of Children. How could I overlook something like this...?"

Having seen the outcome of Vahn 'not' holding back, Shiroyasha knew he was telling the truth. His power didn't seem to be restricted in the same manner as the average resident of the Little Garden. If he really went all out, he could probably destroy tens of thousands of 7-Digit Communities before anyone could even think to stop him.

Not really having an answer to Vahn's question, Shiroyasha shifted her attention to the members of Silver Adonis before looking at Dorothea and stating, "Return to your Community. I'll handle things from this moment onward. Also, try not to take this matter to heart. Twice Twilight's handling of this situation wasn't exactly wrong. You just got wrapped up in something a little above your paygrade."

Since Floor Masters had the highest authority when it came to settling disputes and overseeing Gift Games, Dorothea didn't attempt to argue. Rather, after witnessing Vahn sprout horns, wings, and a tail, there were few things she wanted more than to disentangle herself from the current situation.

Bowing politely but not subserviently, Dorothea demonstrated considerable relief in her expression and posture as she said, "Thank you for interceding in this matter. I'm certain that Shiroyasha-sama will be able to uphold justice. Allow me to express my gratitude on behalf of my entire Community."

Waving her hand in a shooing gesture, Shiroyasha responded, "Yeah, yeah. Just get going." before returning her golden-eyed gaze to the members of Silver Adonis and asking, "Tell me, do you still wish to participate in this Gift Game?"

Understanding this might be their only option for clemency, Justinian immediately dropped to his knees, expression paling as he lowered his head and said, "I have seen the error of my ways. Please forgive my transgressions. I swear on my pride as a descendent of Adonis. Nothing like this will ever happen again..."

Rolling her eyes, Shiroyasha shifted her attention to Vahn, asking, "You hear that? Now that he has sworn on the name of his ancestor, he'll be flagged by the Central Network if he breaks his promise. You can also have him sign a Geass Contract. I wouldn't mind seeing a show, but are you sure this is the best course of action? Have you asked the little ones for their opinion on the matter~?"

Though he furrowed his brows ever so slightly, Vahn's expression returned to normal by the time he looked back at Sarina and Nono. Both appeared more than a little nervous. Nono, however, seemed genuinely horrified by how things were developing. She didn't have any positive feelings left for the members of Silver Adonis, but that didn't mean she wished to see them suffer.

Realizing he might have gone a little too far, a slightly apologetic smile spread across Vahn's face as he ruffled the two girls' hair and muttered, "Sorry...I should have asked for your opinions. I just get a little hotheaded when people try to antagonize and threaten those in my charge..."

Returning a smile, Sarina did her best to appear supportive as she said, "It's okay. Nono and I both understand that you just wanted to protect us...isn't that right, Nono-chan...?"

Though she didn't say anything, Nono only hesitated for a brief moment before nodding her head, color returning to her cheeks as she reached out to grasp the hem of his tunic. This caused Vahn's expression to relax, his smile returning until Shiroyasha chimed in to remark, "Lolicon~" in a teasing timbre that only he could hear.

Deadpanning in response to the white-haired Demoness's remark, Vahn resisted the urge to call her a Lolibaba as he declared, "So long as they don't go around making trouble in the future, I have no reason to pursue this matter further. Consider yourselves lucky that Nono has such a big heart...the next time something like this happens, I will annihilate you without a trace..."

With Justinian appearing as though he was about to say something ingratiating, Vahn teleported the entire group away with a wave of his hand. He hated how villains would try to suck up to the strong only to turn around and try to stab them in the back later on. It was one of the cliches he hated most within fiction. Unfortunately, reality itself was derived from fiction, so, if you lived long enough, it was only a matter of time before you encountered every type of person imaginable.

Understanding Vahn's thoughts, even without reading his mind, Shiroyasha giggled before turning her attention to Dorothea and asking, "You're still here? I'm warning you right now, little missy, but you don't want to get involved with this man. The moment you drop your guard, you'll find yourself in his bed. He might have a stupidly kind face, but he's a real beast when the lights go out."

Blushing in response to Shiroyasha's words, Dorothea supplied another bow, saying, "I-I'll be on my way then...!" before quickly scampering off. The libido of Dragons was infamous, not just within the Divine Realm, but all realities. She also knew of Vahn's association with Inanna, so, having already dedicated her heart to the Leader of her Community, Dorothea didn't hesitate to escape from the front of the Cafe at a full sprint.

Cackling like a hyena, Shiroyasha hugged her stomach as she watched Dorothea disappear in the distance. When she turned around, however, her expression paled as she found Vahn towering over her with an unamused expression on his face. She wasn't actually afraid of him, but, for the sake of theatrics, she recoiled away from him, hands covering her breasts and the front of her skirt as she nervously stammered, "W-What are you looking at...?"

Though his expression momentarily became even more severe, Vahn ultimately just exhaled a sigh, a wry smile developing across his face as he said, "Thanks for making an appearance when you did. My power is a little unstable at the present. I'm also not sure I could reverse time at my current level so I appreciate your intervention. I'm not particularly fond of senseless destruction so...thanks..."

Even without the aid of her Gifts, Shiroyasha could perceive that Vahn was being sincere by the look in his eyes. Despite this, her brow began to twitch slightly as she asked, "Are you enjoying yourself? You know, it's rather rude to pet someone's head without permission..."

Blinking in surprise, Vahn retracted his hand from Shiroyasha's head, his smile turning even wrier as he said, "Sorry. It's basically an instinct at this point. You're also the perfect height so...yeah...sorry..."

Amused by Vahn's uncharacteristically meek behavior, an amused smile spread across Shiroyasha's face as she dissipated the strange energy that had flowed into her body. She wasn't really upset, so, rather than harp over it, she just made a mental note to stay out of Vahn's range as she said, "Well, I originally intended to give you the chance to spread your wings and do your own thing. Now that it is all but confirmed that your power can't be regulated by the Central Network, I have no choice but to intervene. How about making the Sage Dragon's Hearth a branch of the Thousand Eyes? If you're serious about maintaining neutrality, I can help you find clients. I imagine that would save us both a lot of trouble."

Though it was an obvious choice from his point of view, Vahn still turned towards Sarina and Nono, asking, "What do the two of you think? Would you rather build up our Community from the ground up or work together with a much larger organization to keep the peace?"

Reacting to Vahn's words, Sarina ceased glaring at Shiroyasha long enough to answer, "As much as I hate to admit it, I don't really have anything to contribute as a Sub-Leader right now. You're such an amazing person, Vahn. If you believe it's a good idea, I'll trust in your judgment...I promise to do my best, no matter what you choose..."

Though he got the distinct impression that Sarina was fishing for headpats, Vahn didn't disappoint her. As for Nono, she had even less to say on the matter, saying, "I just don't want to hurt people..." in a meek tone of voice.

Recalling his desire to make this a memorable day for both girls, Vahn found himself suppressing a sigh as he noticed Nono's muddled aura. She was still shaken after the encounter with her former Community, so, with the hope of restoring her confidence in him, he retracted his hand from Sarina before taking a knee and saying, "You'll never have to hurt anyone. I promise..." in the most sincere tone he could manage. Then, before the petite redhead could fully process what was happening, he wrapped his arms around her body, gently embracing her as a father would his daughter.

Feeling a tremendous amount of warmth and comfort in Vahn's embrace, the tensions in Nono's body gradually relaxed as she leaned into his embrace. She was still feeling a little doubtful, but, understanding he had gotten angry on her behalf, she didn't blame him for what had happened. She just wished he could have settled things without needing to resort to threats or violence...she didn't like it when his kind smile turned into an angry expression...

Noticing Nono's aura beginning to stabilize, Vahn gradually released her from his embrace before offering an affectionate smile and pinching her nose. Then, before Sarina could begin pouting, he gestured for her to come closer before giving both girls one final hug...




After agreeing to Shiroyashas's proposal, Vahn had to rent a total of eleven rickshaws to take them to Gate #2105380, the closest Thousand Eyes branch. As for why Shiroyasha didn't simply teleport them, it was because her Authority as a Floor Master prevented it. Most of her powers only worked during Gift Games, so, even if they were members of her Community, she couldn't show favoritism by using them outside her official capacity as a Floor Master. Instead, she promised to prepare an interesting gift for them before promptly disappearing in a flash of bluish-white light.

Though he could have easily ascertained what the 'gift' was before their arrival, Vahn dismissed the Law of Identity every time she attempted to spoil him. She was getting better at appearing when he wasn't focused on her, but, rather than begrudge her for this, Vahn was actually looking forward to the day when she might be able to manifest on her own. It didn't matter if he was the only one that could see her. He would be happy so long as she was...

At the end of their journey, Vahn, Sarina, and Nono found themselves standing outside of what could best be described as a run-down fortune teller's shop. There were purple banners on the outside declaring it the property of Thousand Eyes, but, if you looked closely, it was possible to see paint flaking from the exterior walls and tiles. As for its structure, it almost resembled a Japanese Shrine, complete with a multi-tiered structure and a sloped-tile roof.

Speaking the words on everyone's minds, Sarina asked, "Is this really a shop owned by the Eastern Floor Master? I expected it to be a little more...extravagant...?"

Chuckling in response to Sarina's words, Vahn gently ruffled the girl's hair as he said, "It's quite a bit bigger on the inside."

Though she was about to ask what he meant, Sarina's expression morphed into a hostile deadpan as a woman with bluish-purple hair and distinct rabbit-like ears emerged from the interior of the shop, asking, "Are you Vahn Mason...?" in an audibly nervous tone.




(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Justinian's Luck parameter must be through the roof...','That instinct though xD...','The appearance of a wild bun's buns...!?')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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