As much as he enjoyed seeing Jaina defeating Yuri in every single game they played together, Vahn decided it would be prudent of him to focus a little more on his training. The limitations he had set regarding the Little Garden gave him considerably less time to focus on things like honing his skills, so, for the first time in a long while, he had to balance his life like a 'normal' person.
A usual day for Vahn involved waking up long before dawn, cooking breakfast for the girls, taking a nice long bath, checking in on everyone in the Tower, tending to Pram, performing maintenance on his Zanpakuto, preparing lunch, checking in on everyone a second time, watching anime, preparing dinner, having sex, checking in on everyone a third time, and, last but not least, spending time with the members of the Eurasia Family within his Dreamscape.
Though he could always 'find' extra time when he really needed it, Vahn's schedule was jam-packed from non-existent sunrise to sunset. He also couldn't skip things like watching anime, as, at least for the time being, it was one of the only ways he got to relax and simply cut loose with his women. He didn't want their relationship to revolve around sex, so, while there were a number of exceptions, he typically kept 'sexy times' for after dark.
As could be expected when every waking moment of your day was dictated by a routine, the last few months had, at least from Vahn's perspective, passed in a blink. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but, every now and again, he would imagine the voices of his former mentors scolding him for letting his skills rust. While this was far from the actual truth, large in part due to his [Universal Mind] and [Actualization] Innates, the central themes of Vahn's life had always been working hard, playing hard, and grasping power with his own hands.
With [Universal Mind] compounding in accordance with its rank, Vahn would be able to produce upwards of 3,265,920 Templates once it reached SSS. To this end, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that he could simply allow his Templates to run wild, and, as a result, he would be accumulating the knowledge and experiences of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of Tier 5 beings. In a way, this made training seem pointless, but, were it not for the support of Sis, Vahn had little doubt he would have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of useless and conflicting information transmitted by his Templates.
To this end, the vast majority of Vahn's 'training' revolved around meditation, or, more specifically, attempting to comprehend the Mantra of Eternity. He no longer had any doubts that The Path had given him the Mantra and Eva's Orb to aid him along the path he had chosen. The former's purpose was still an enigma, but, were it not for Eva, there was a very real chance that his past would still be haunting him to this day.
Mastering the Magia Erebea had forced Vahn to confront his past directly, and, in the end, he was able to accept and move on from the events that had shaped his childhood. From that moment on, he no longer experienced the night terrors that Sis kept at bay. Instead, he found a kindred spirit in Eva, and, in the end, he even managed to return the favor by liberating her from the cycle of hatred and negativity forced upon her by The Mage of the Beginning.
Since the Mantra of Eternity had been bestowed upon him around the time when he was seriously considering linking multiple Records, Vahn believed mastering it was the key to achieving that goal. It had the ability to increase his spiritual energy without limit, and, ever since he had obtained it, the mantra had been one of the pillars supporting his rapid development. It had reinforced the concept introduced by his [Will of the Emperor], chiefly that there were no limits, only inexperience, a lack of will, and a lack of comprehension...
Opening his eyes, Vahn exhaled a stagnant breath that caused the emerald-green moss that had spontaneously sprouted around him to ripple as if it were a living creature. At the same time, the Shinheuh who had been watching him from a distance promptly retreated, the glaze covering their eyes rapidly faded away as the inordinately peaceful energy radiating from his body was expunged from their systems.
Shifting his attention away from the fleeing monstrosities, Vahn extended his index finger so that a crystalline dragonfly could land. This was one of the many mysterious creatures that appeared when he contemplated the Mantra of Eternity, and, now that he had awoken, it was only a matter of time before it dissolved away into nothingness, undetectable by even Da Vinci's most advanced scientific instruments.
As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn watched silently as the tips of the dragonfly's wings rapidly dissolved. The emerald-green moss coating the large stone he was seated upon also began to lose its color, but, unlike the dragonfly, it managed to persevere as relatively normal moss even after the energy exuding from his body faded away. The same could be said for every other type of flora that was affected by his power, but, considering his inordinate affinity with plants, Vahn wasn't especially surprised.
Suppressing a sigh, Vahn rose to his feet, and, after dusting himself off, he checked the time to see that seven hours had passed since he told the girls he was going to train. This meant he had missed lunch, and, while it wasn't an issue for any of them to miss meals, he knew Yuri and Enne would be a little disappointed he hadn't shown up to taste the results of their effort. They had been working hard to master the basics of cooking, so, in a way, he had let them down by not being there when they needed him.
Shaking that thought from his mind, a wry smile developed across Vahn's face as he found himself considering whether or not he should pause time, retire to an Actualized World, or make use of the Little Garden in secret. This was a testament to just how reliant he was on the boons his Innates had provided him, as, despite having one of the most fulfilling lives imaginable, he was always searching for something 'more'. It was almost like an instinct, and, no matter how much he tried to focus on a single matter, his mind had a way of placing just as much emphasis on other, oftentimes unrelated, things...
Though he had once considered this a side-effect of his [Universal Mind] Innate, Vahn knew he had been this way ever since he first stepped out of the Western Forest hundreds of years prior. He just hadn't realized it at the time, as, back then, even the existence of trees, grass, and curiously shaped stones were new and exciting to him. He was someone without any real experience, so, every time he encountered something new, regardless of how mundane others might consider it to be, he felt compelled to know more.
At this point, nearly four-hundred-years had passed since his time in the forest, yet, in spite of this, Vahn's curiosity and intrigue towards the world around him had never waned. Rather, they seemed to grow stronger with the passage of time, and, were it not for his rather expansive harem and the family he had waiting for him back 'home', he could easily imagine himself spending thousands of years just experimenting with his [Actualization] Innate. The amount of control he had over each of the Actualized Worlds was, simply put, intoxicating. There was little he couldn't do, and, if he really wanted, he could make an amalgamation of multiple worlds just to see how the inhabitants, chiefly the Gods, would react to various situations...
Staring at his palms, Vahn imagined each speck of moss, remnants of when he had brushed himself off, to be entire multiverses. Were he inside his Internalize Realm, these would have been motes of light, but, regardless of the form they took, it didn't change the fact that he held incomprehensible power over beings who, for the most part, didn't even know he existed. This was a terrifying notion, and, were it not for The Path affording him insights into the very structure of creation, he might not even be aware of how his life was being manipulated by beings beyond comprehension...
Noticing his fingers trembling ever-so-slightly, the pupils of Vahn's aquamarine eyes narrowed to the size of pinholes, as, for a very brief moment, the idea that he was currently being manipulated crossed his mind. He knew Tier 7 basically encompassed everything in reality and fiction, yet, at the very beginning of his journey, he had actually met a being that eclipsed all of that...
Thinking of Klyscha, Vahn attempted to recall their encounter, yet, despite possessing the ability to recollect everything he had ever experienced, he couldn't remember what she looked like. The only thing he could remember was that he had met her, and, despite not being able to even imagine her voice, her words resonated in his ears as if he were hearing them for the first time...
With a sound similar to lightning reaching his ears, Vahn's eyes immediately came back into focus as he noticed the boulder he was standing on now had a massive crack from top to bottom. Then, as if responding to the notion that he hadn't intended to break anything, both sides rejoined as if they had never been separated in the first place. This caused a cold sensation to spread through his body, and, for the first time in a long while, his [Will of the Emperor] was operating in overdrive just to keep him calm.
Though he didn't actually need to breathe, Vahn willed himself to take several deep breaths as the realization that Sis hadn't been speaking dawned upon him. This was something that had only ever occurred under very specific circumstances, so, rather than allowing himself to panic, Vahn began to consider alternatives to the existential realization he had 'chanced' upon.
Since his [Will of the Emperor] had only recently activated, Vahn quickly dismissed the possibility that he might be suppressing her. In fact, ever since she had obtained an Ego of her own, he wasn't even sure he 'could' suppress her. Thus, with that possibility eliminated, the only viable explanations were that he was either dreaming or trapped within an illusion. Of these options, the former made a lot more sense, as, unless he had somehow ensnared himself, the [Eyes of Truth] made him immune to most illusions that didn't affect reality itself.
While it was possible that someone like Madara might be able to prank him using something like the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Vahn didn't want to imagine she would go to such lengths just to mess with him. It wasn't like there was any bad blood between them, so, unless she had been put up to it by someone else...
As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn remembered who, exactly, Madara had been traveling with. This caused his left brow to twitch, and, though he wasn't 'too' angry, Vahn couldn't prevent a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes from developing across his face. After all, the first thing he had done after 'waking up' had been to check the time using the system interface. This would be impossible if he were in a dream, as, not only did the system interface not appear, the only Innate he could make use of while unconscious was his [Will of the Emperor]. In other words, someone with 'very' intimate knowledge of his memories, likely containing a version of their own, was either dictating everything he was currently experiencing, or, less likely, he had synchronized with one of his Templates during his meditation and was currently accessing their version of his memories...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is a busy man...','I would argue that an insatiable curiosity is necessary for any being that could feasibly exist beyond eternity...','This is either an omega-tier bruh moment or a very peculiar turn of events...') <-(p.atreon link)
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While Vahn was attempting to make sense of his situation, the control room within his mind was in a state of disarray. Catgirls of various shapes and sizes were running around in a panic, and, though she was doing her best to maintain control, even Sis was feeling more than a little anxious.
Somehow, against all rhyme and reason, Vahn had managed to peel back a substantial number of the protective layers guarding his greatest secret. This was very-nearly a worst-case scenario, as, if he accessed that information before he was ready, the consequences would be both unimaginable and irreversible.
Though she hated keeping things from him, The Path had determined that Vahn needed to be very near the pinnacle of Tier 6 before the seals placed on him could be removed. At the present, he was still meandering through the shallow end of what it meant to be an 'unrestrained' Tier 5, so, while it was only a matter of time before he uncovered the truth, he was grossly unprepared to cope with it.
Seeing the seals surrounding the sphere representing Vahn's soul slowly dissolve away, Sis couldn't help clicking her tongue before biting her nail with a vexed expression on her face. The degradation rate was only at 8.03219%, but, from the moment he had become one with The Path, the amount of power Vahn could access was limited to 1% of his Soul's potential. Even that required him going 'all out', so, now that his limiter had been breached, there was no way of calculating just how powerful he had become.
The Path was literally connected to the source of all energy within what Vahn described as the Tier System. It was one of the foundational pillars of reality itself, so, even if he had only ever been able to access a single percentage of its power, it was only a matter of time before he stood at the very pinnacle of power within the Records. The only thing preventing him from reaching that point in an instant was his desire to see and experience the world around him rather than simply lording over it like some kind of untouchable existence.
Vahn was the type of person who could be totally engrossed in the structure of a single atom, so, while he could easily obtain even greater power, his curiosity and his sincere desire to interact with the residents of each Record prevented him from advancing too quickly. In even simpler terms, this meant his power increased in direct proportion to the perceived strength of whatever threat he was facing. There were no limits to this, as, unlike the beings restricted to their respective Records, Vahn was an existence that, on the most fundamental level, transcended everything else entirely.
Suppressing a sigh, Sis ordered her sisters to do everything in their power to prevent the seal from degrading even further. It was beyond her power and authority to even attempt reapplying the seal, as, from the very beginning, it was always intended to be destroyed when Vahn began searching for answers about himself. Right now, he was too distracted by events happening around him to really care, but, once he was nearing the pinnacle of Tier 6, he would have had no choice but to reflect, as, from the moment he ascended to Tier 7, reality would essentially become a representation of how he and his counterpart viewed themselves in respect to one another. In essence, it would become a compromise shared between them, so, without having an absolute understanding of himself, Vahn's path towards Tier 7 was blocked...
Unaware of the turmoil his minor breakthrough into comprehending the Mantra of Eternity had caused, Vahn began experimenting with ways to break through the 'illusion' that had been cast on him. He had convinced himself that his current situation was the result of someone with an intimate understanding of his thoughts and memories pulling a prank, so, rather than get all flustered about it, he decided to use it as an opportunity to practice breaking free from techniques that intercepted his consciousness.
Though there were a number of differences, Vahn likened his current situation to a 'full dive' into the Virtual World. Simply put, someone had used a technique to fool his own mind into creating a world based on his own thoughts and memories. In other words, everything he was currently seeing and experiencing was a construct of his own mind, so, when he imagined the sky turning pink, there wasn't even a delay before the pitch-black void above became a vibrant pink hue. He could extend his hand to grasp mountain-sized Shinheuh in the distance, and, due to the Law of Perspective, they would become the size of insects within the palm of his hand.
Seeing the miniature monstrosities panicking within the invisible bounds of his grasp, Vahn decided to test the limits of this Phantasmagoria-like illusion by expanding his domain far beyond its natural limits. His domain allowed him to grasp the position of even the most minute particles within range of his senses, so, if the world was being generated based on his thoughts and memories, he should be able to 'break' it by pushing his perception to the absolute limits.
Unsurprisingly, Vahn was able to extend his domain far beyond the maximum range he was able to achieve in the outside world. Infinitely more surprising was the fact he couldn't detect even a single anomaly within its 8,991km range. This indicated that his mind was either filling in the blanks, or, far more frightening, drawing from his memories to generate the entire Tower all at once. In Layman's Terms, there was a very real possibility he was currently trapped within a fully fabricated yet illusory Realm...
Rubbing his temples, both as a result of frustration and the sheer amount of information his brain was trying to process, Vahn habitually retracted his domain before 'teleporting' back to the cottage he shared with the girls. His domain had allowed him to sense that each and every one of them was being generated, but, while they emulated natural thoughts and movements, it hadn't escaped him that they were 'exactly' where he expected them to be. In other words, everything within the illusion was moving, perfectly, in accordance with his expectations.
Emphasizing this point, Vahn found Fenrir lying face-down in their bed, butt raised and face pressed into the spot where he typically lay. This was a marking behavior she had developed years ago, and, though he was fully aware of it, Vahn had never called her out on it since her aroma actually helped him to relax. She was also pretty careful about not getting caught, so, the moment that thought his mind, Vahn was unsurprised to see Fenrir simply vanish before reappearing in the kitchen alongside Yuri and Enne.
Though he wasn't nearly as shameless as his faithful companion, Vahn allowed himself to fall face-first onto the bed, Fenrir's aroma soaking through his olfactory system as he did his best to remain calm. After all, this was actually quite the opportunity, and, so long as he suspended his disbelief a bit, he could experience a wondrous dream dictated by his expectations...
As that thought crossed his mind, Vahn's heart seized as a very subtle vibration transmitted to him, a tell-tale sign that someone had just sat on the edge of the bed. Then, as his mind made itself up, he was able to sense a heart-wrenchingly familiar aura. Were it not for the fact his face was buried against the bedding, he might not have been able to prevent himself from tearing up, as, moments later, a concerned and slightly husky voice asked, "Is something the matter...?"
Though Fenrir's scent remained, the moment Vahn heard the voice, the world around him seemed to undergo a shift. He no longer found himself on the upper floor of a demure cottage situated on the 199th Floor of the Tower. Instead, in the blink of an eye, he was lying in bed back at the Hearth Manor, and, despite an extreme amount of guilt swelling from within, he couldn't resist the urge to turn his head and face the red-headed beauty staring down at him with her slightly mismatched red and crimson eyes.
Before Vahn could find the words the express himself, the woman, Hephaestus, adopted the most gentle smile he could imagine as she reached out to caress the side of his face and say, "You must have had it rough...come, even if this is ultimately just an illusion, I can still be here for you..."
Not expecting her to call attention to the fact they were currently trapped within an illusion, Vahn found himself at a complete loss for words. This elicited an amused chuckle from the Goddess, who, with a confident smile on her face, carefully moved aside a few strands of his hair as she asked, "Did you forget? We are connected in a way that no one else can emulate. Your thoughts, memories, and even your emotions are all transmitted to me. Besides, you're a hundred-million-years too young to think you can keep secrets from a Goddess as intuitive as myself..."
Though her words had been directed towards him, Hephaestus' eyes briefly shifted away from Vahn as a second red-headed beauty appeared out of thin air. Her casual mention of intuitive Goddesses had caused him to think about Loki, and, as a result, the Goddess in question appeared to ask, "Oh? What's going on here~? Is our little boy toy feeling lonely~?"
Without waiting for a reply, Loki caused Vahn to become a statue as she raised her hand to the side of her mouth and shouted, "Hey! Everyone! Get your butts in here! Vahn's back~!"
The moment Loki's words fell, the door connecting Vahn's room to the rest of the manor shattered into countless pieces as Tiona, followed by a veritable horde of women, burst into the room. Before she could leap towards him, however, Hestia appeared out of thin air, her godly aura active as she adopted an almost comical martial arts stance and threatened, "Don't even think about swarming him before I get a chance to welcome him home...!"
Completely ignoring the petite Goddess' words, Tiona attempted to slip past Hestia only to find an impenetrable barrier blocking her path. This wasn't in the form of any godly magic, however, it was due to the presence of numerous child-like individuals manifesting around Vahn the moment he sat up. These were none other than his children, and, the moment they appeared, understanding smiles appeared across the faces of everyone present as Hestia led them all to say, "Welcome home..."
After what felt like an inordinately long and painfully short length of time, Vahn opened his eyes to find himself seated atop the same moss-covered boulder he had chosen to meditate on. This time, however, there were far more animals, several of which were mammalian in nature, lingering around him. This included a remarkably adorable creature that looked like a mix between an emerald-green fox, a moth, and some kind of ivy. It also had watery blue eyes, and, the moment he looked down at it, Vahn could swear it smiled back at him.
Undoubtedly as a result of this perception, the peculiar creature did not immediately dissolve when the rest of its kin disappeared into nothingness. Instead, it tentatively approached Vahn, cautiously sniffing his extended hand before nimbly climbing up to his shoulder and rubbing against him in a manner reminiscent of a cat. This caused a fine green powder to cover the left side of his face, but, after what he had experienced, there was very little that could perturb Vahn's mental state. Instead, a smile developed across his face, and, though he wasn't sure it would work, that didn't prevent him from picking up the creature and musing, "I think I'll call you...Beryl..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: '...','...','...') <-(p.atreon link)
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