79.4% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1873: Roots

章節 1873: Roots

Rather than the original two weeks, Vahn ended up staying in the Actualized world of Dog Days for a total of sixteen days. Leo had taken advantage of his extended stay to declare war on the Biscotti Republic, and, though they generally avoided 'conflict', even the Principality of Pastillage, Kamiberu Kingdom, Sankt Halver, and Endou Duchy joined in to make things more interesting.

Vahn found it rather amusing that the prize for victory was earning the right to enshrine him within their respective nations. His popularity within each was rather extreme, so much so that the Biscotti Republic's population had increased by nearly eighteen percent since he started living there. People from all over the Continent flocked there to receive his blessing, and, as a result, Biscotti's economy had been booming due to the drastic increase in tourism.

With very few exceptions, the rulers of the various nations of Flognarde, despite being Royalty, were elected to their positions. This was one of the main reasons why they had never fallen to corruption, as, the moment people felt disenfranchised with their current leadership, they would elect someone new to act as their representative. There were also strict regulations regarding removing funds from the national treasury, and, more often than not, you needed support from the public and a majority vote in the Senate before such expenses could be authorized.

Since the people would feel fatigued if their ruler was the same person for a long period of time, it was rather common for new representatives to be chosen every 10~15 years. These were often the children of the previous representatives, and, as a result, it was common for people to be elected as early as ten years old. This was the case for Millhi, and, though she had inherited her position, Leo had also become the ruler of her country at only fourteen-years-old. Now, the former was coming up on fourteen, and, though she was beginning to complain about her age, Leo had only recently turned seventeen.

With the average life expectancy of Flongnarde being scarily low, ranging between 39~54 in most regions, it wasn't difficult to understand why someone like Leo was feeling pressured. Most people gave birth between the ages of 13~25, as, any later and they might miss seeing their children grow into adulthood. Because of this, Vahn hadn't been surprised when Leo managed to lead her forces into the very heart of Biscottian territory, war ax in hand as she challenged him to their fifth 'official' duel.

The Galette Lion Territory, despite being relatively small compared to others, was one of the most powerful nations on the entire Continent. Their people were descended from the Great Lion Spirit, and, as a result, even their average footsoldier was much stronger than the Knights found within some countries. This allowed them to secure victory in a number of wars, and, though he had done his best to help the Knights of Biscotti with their training, Gaul hadn't been the only one to benefit from the presence of Xiao Bai in the neighboring Galette Lion Territory.

Truth be told, Leo was a remarkably beautiful girl, and, though she was somewhat petite, a common trait among women in Flongnarde, her figure was incredible. She had a toned and flat stomach, full breasts, and paradoxically soft yet muscular thighs. This, combined with the fact she had pure white hair, golden eyes, and lion-like features made Leo one of the most breathtakingly beautiful women in all of Flognarde.

Though he wouldn't mind taking a tumble with charismatic and persistent Princess, the pragmatic way in which the people of Flongnarde viewed sex made him reluctant to do so. They weren't the type of people who sought out sensual pleasures, and, though they could be remarkably passionate during the act, their main reason for coupling was, very specifically, to produce offspring.

Vahn didn't particularly mind having children with Leo. After all, she had basically acted as Gaul's surrogate mother, and, despite her brave and forward nature, she was an exceptionally kind and caring woman who would make a great mother to any child fortunate enough to be born in her care. The problems arose when he took into consideration his influence on women, Leo's tragically short lifespan, and the impact his children would have on the world around them.

Leo had been born rather 'late' based on the sentiments of Flongnarde, and, by the time Gaul had been born, he was considered to be a 'miracle child' due to the fact her mother was 41 at the time. This had placed a tremendous burden on the former, so, seven months after the new Prince's birth, their mother ended up passing away. Their father followed suit shortly thereafter, so, from the time she was four, Leo had been doing her best to look after Gaul while training hard to become strong enough to win back the territories they hemorrhaged after the deaths of her parents.

The idea of children growing up without their parents was a tragedy that touched the very core of Vahn's being. As a result, he would never allow the mothers of any of his children to simply die off due to something like old age or medical complications. This meant that Leo would effectively live forever, and, while this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it would gradually become a problem as the number of pseudo-immortals in the world gradually increased.

Vahn speculated that the limited lifespan of the populace was the primary reason for the relatively peaceful state Flognarde had found itself in. Their lives were 'very' short, so, rather than waste time on trying to establish dynasties, consolidate wealth, and wage wars that lasted decades, everything was designed to be rather 'transient' in nature. Even the 'Elders' in the Senate were only in their mid to late forties, an age where most humans were just beginning to think about things like retirement and truly settling down...

By siring children with the residents of Flognarde, Vahn would effectively be upsetting the balance of the entire world just to indulge himself and pander to a beautiful woman. While this, technically, applied to every Record he had visited, acting selfishly in such a peaceful world just felt wrong. He would also be opening the proverbial pandora's box, as, the moment he gave into Leo's insistence, a number of other women were bound to approach him.

Though he could always hold himself back, Vahn had become well aware of the influence he had on the women he slept with. He could even make a frigid woman like Altria behave like an affectionate kitten, so, after experiencing the pleasures he could bring, Vahn was afraid that his presence, alone, would be enough to cause the women around him to go into heat. From that moment onward, the Actualized world of Dog Days would no longer be a place for him to simply relax. Instead, it would gradually become the origin of yet another expansive harem, as, even if he held himself back, it was only a matter of time before the endearing qualities of other women compelled him to act...

'Unfortunately', Vahn had always been weak against persistent and sincere women, so, following the Winter War, he spent an additional two days in the Galette Lion Territory. From there, he went on to explain his reasoning and justifications to Leo, informing her of the true nature of his existence and allowing her to make an informed decision about her own future. This ended up causing her quite a bit of confusion, but, after a brief trip to one of the nearby moons, upon which he created an entire palace, she understood he wasn't just making things up.

Though she was a little annoyed at the realization that she would never be able to defeat him in a fight, Leo was excited by the prospect of exploring other worlds and reaching heights others had only ever dreamed of. She also felt a considerable amount of relief knowing that, even if she died, Vahn would always be around to watch over their children in her stead. Thus, almost immediately after their return to the Galette Lion Territory, she pounced on him like a lioness stalking its prey, her restraint thrown to the wind as she attempted to push him down in the middle of a corridor...


As tempting as it was, Vahn understood he couldn't just stay in the Actualized world of Dog Days for the rest of life. He still had a lot of important things to accomplish outside, and, though he could technically stay inside for a literal eternity without any time passing in 'reality', doing so was bound to have adverse consequences. Thus, with visible reluctance on his face, he caressed the head of the woman who had fallen asleep against him in the bath, a contented smile on her face as she nestled close to his chest.

Feeling the familiar sensation, combined with the subtly stimulating energy flowing into her mind, Leo's golden eyes gradually opened, confusion visible in their depths until she remembered where and what she had been doing. Then, with a wry smile on her face, she turned her head up to look at him, arms linking around his neck as she cheerfully mused, "You won't let me have any victories, will you...?"

Before answering the woman's question, Vahn tightened his hold on her plump yet muscular butt, lifting her body slightly to liberate his penis from her maddeningly hot cavern as he asked, "Would you be satisfied if you knew I let you win?"

Exhaling an impassioned sigh in response to Vahn's actions, Leo began to breathe a little faster, a ruddier hue spreading through her cheeks as she confidently replied, "Hell no. You might be a God, but I still have my pride as a Princess of Galette. Even if it takes me a thousand years, I'll eventually get a win against you...one way or another..."

To punctuate her words, Leo attempted to pull Vahn's face closer to her own. Instead, she ended up pulling herself towards him, a slight chuckle emanating from her throat prior to her inexperiencedly seizing his lips. In response, Vahn began to lightly massage her butt, momentarily forgetting about his intended departure. After all, with a functionally infinite amount of time on his hands, refusing the advances of a beautiful woman seemed rather senseless...

Since it was already pretty late in the day, Vahn decided to spend the rest of the evening tending to Leo before informing her of his decision to depart. Fortunately, she didn't take this news negatively. Rather, after indulging herself for the better part of two days, she had started to feel guilty about neglecting her duties as Galette's representative. She also needed to explain her decision to Gaul and have an important discussion with several other heads of state, so, rather than fretting over his departure, Leo actually felt a little relieved.

Though she was lacking in experience, Leo understood that having sex with Vahn was very different from conventional intercourse. The latter was biologically driven, and, though it was rumored to be quite enjoyable, it's primary purpose was to produce the next generation. The former, however, was like a true union between two people, and, for a brief moment, Leo felt as though she had become a part of something much greater than herself. This made it very difficult to separate, and, if not for Vahn mentioning his coming departure, they might have remained together for several days longer.

Fortunately, thanks to the explanation she had received prior to their union, Leo wasn't taken aback by her sudden and overwhelming urge to be with Vahn. Instead, she was able to remain surprisingly calm, and, though she doubted her ability to refuse his advances, she was confident in her ability to keep her urges under control. At the very least, she needed to lead her people until Gaul was ready to take control, a day that was fast approaching considering the latter was already nearing fourteen years of age...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'That life expectancy tho...','Who else but Quag-, I mean, Vahn?','Fortunately, there are plenty of other worlds in the Dog Days metaverse xD...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 1874: Habit

Emerging from his Internal World, Vahn 'awoke' to find himself lounging lazily on the incline of a grass-covered hill. The first thing he noticed was the 'sun' shining brightly overhead, its gentle rays warming his bodies along with the numerous figures that surrounded him.

Though he was somewhat reluctant to do so, Vahn ceased reclining against Fenrir's perpetually cool and comfortable fur, inhaling a deep breath that ultimately transitioned into a yawn. This resulted in a number of other yawns emanating from his surroundings, the result of everyone gradually waking up in response to his stirring.

Amused by the chain-reaction, a lazy smile spread across Vahn's face as he hugged the half-asleep beauty in his arms, surprising her as he whispered, "Your drowsy expression is adorable..." before stealing her lips. This caused the woman, Atalanta, to startle awake, eyes widening as she moved to push powerlessly against his shoulders. At the same time, she also attempted to lean away from his lips, but, due to his paradoxically gentle yet unbreakable hold, she didn't get very far.

Realizing there was no escape, Atalanta did her best to bury her embarrassment, reciprocating his kiss despite her face turning red as an apple. Her tail also began to twitch slightly, but, knowing he shouldn't push her too far, Vahn ran his hand down the line of her back, relaxing her tensions with a single caress before retracting his lips and adding, "Sorry if I embarrassed you..." in a soothing tone.

Recovering from her momentary daze, Atalanta adopted a slight pout, puffing out her cheeks for a brief moment before concealing her face against his chest. She had never become accustomed to public displays of affection, so, with so many people present, it wasn't too surprising that she would feel a little embarrassed. Vahn was well aware of this, but, hearing her issue an adorable 'funyaaaa~' while 'pawing' at her fringe with the back of her hand, he simply couldn't help himself...


After an impromptu petting party, Vahn, accompanied by a veritable army of 'fluff', made his way over to the canteen to enjoy a meal. There, more than half of the Emerald Grove's residents were idling about, smiles on their faces as they enjoyed delicious food and good company. At a glance, the interior resembled a lively tavern, or, more specifically, the interior of a Magic Guild commonly found in Fairy Tail.

Completing the 'illusion', Lisanna, wearing a filly outfit reminiscent of a waitress, quickly intercepted the newly arrived group, an impish smile developing across her face as she asked, "Would you like to order something? Just so you know, today's 'special' is Dragon Tail Steak~."

With Lisanna tacking a wink on to the end of her statement, Vahn could easily guess what made the Dragon Tail Steak special. This caused a dry laugh to emanate from his throat as several of the girls around him, unable to restrain themselves, swallowed hungrily...

Electing to have his meal decided for him, Vahn left the girls to their own orders as he made his way over to a table occupied by Mavis, Index, and Mikoto. His approach caused smiles to spread across the faces of the first two girls, an amusing sight considering both had 'chipmunk cheeks' filled with food. As for Mikoto, her face became noticeably red, and, though they had never done anything to be embarrassed about, she couldn't help but avert her eyes as she shrank further into her seat.

Feeling a little awkward, Vahn fought the urge to rub the back of his head as he sat down next to Mavis, the furthest seat from Mikoto. Based on the way she was acting, he could assume she had recently done something perverted. This was actually pretty common when it came to the bashful Electromaster, so, whenever she became like this, Vahn did his best to give her space without overly avoiding her...

As that thought crossed his mind, realization donned upon Vahn as he saw what, exactly, Mikoto was eating. She noticed this subtle change in his expression, and, as could be expected, her face became even redder as she hung her head and mumbled, "I was curious..." in a meek tone.

Though the ingredients produced from his body weren't particularly different from the minerals and ore he used to generate, only the boldest among the Emerald Grove's residents would eat the food cooked using ingredients harvested from his body. Generally speaking, the primary culprits were his wives, the more instinct-driven women among his harem, and, to a lesser extent, those who wanted to experience the 'intimacy' of consuming a dish that, quite literally, contained a piece of him...

Unsure of what to say, Vahn defaulted to a relaxed smile, trusting that someone else would speak up before things became too awkward. Fortunately, Mavis was 'extremely' perceptive when it came to things like reading people and understanding social cues. As a result, she quickly gulped down a mouthful of food before chasing it with strong and fragrant grape wine. Then, with a radiant smile on her face, she happily chimed, "You have nothing to feel ashamed of, Mikoto-chan! I won't argue that it isn't a little strange, but Vahn is super delicious, you know? Besides, I can't imagine you ever leaving the Emerald Grove to wander around without Vahn. Why not just embrace your identity as a Pokemon and enjoy the unique opportunities available to you?"

Seemingly inspired by her own advice, Mavis scooched over, a contented smile on her face as she sat in Vahn's lap and added, "Pamper me~." in a lackadaisical tone. This left the latter feeling a little helpless, but, rather than ask her to sit in her own seat, Vahn just lightly chuckled before moving his hands up to massage Mavis' head and shoulders. In response, the wing-like ornaments on the sides of her head began to gleefully waggle, her exposed feet dangling playfully beneath the table as she resumed eating.

Though her face was still noticeably red, Mikoto's embarrassed expression gradually morphed into an accusatory deadpan as she witnessed Mavis' shamelessness. At the same time, however, she also seriously considered the mischievous Fairy's words, wondering if she should just 'give up' on trying to live a 'normal' life. She was, after all, a god-tier Pokemon, and, if she pushed herself, reaching Tier 5 should only take a few years within the Little Garden...

Imagining herself as a Tier 5 Pikachu, Mikoto couldn't help but lament Vahn's decision to assign her the identity of an electrical mouse. She understood he had done so because he thought it was cute, but, unless she went out of her way to change, she was now stuck looking like an adorable mouse with a heart-shaped tail for the rest of her life. The problem with this was that she actually felt most comfortable as her Pikachu self, and, though she would never admit it, being small was surprisingly convenient...

Before she realized it, Mikoto's eyes were fixed on Vahn's hands, her brows furrowing slightly as a few vibrant blue sparks of electricity emanated from the ahoge atop her head. This drew the eyes of everyone at the table, instantaneously returning the blush to her cheeks. To make matters infinitely worse, her stomach released a not-so-subtle grumble due to the heavenly aroma of food wafting from the table in front of her...

Just as Mikoto felt like her brain was going to short circuit, a jolt ran through her body as Vahn, having returned Mavis to her seat before vacating his own, sat down next to her. Then, before she could find the words to explain herself, her mind blanked as Vahn deftly cut a piece of the Dragon Tail Steak and raised it to her partially opened mouth, smiling as he said, "Eat..." in a calming tone.

Though he hadn't made use of the Law of Authority, Mikoto's body moved, seemingly by instinct, to taste the unbelievably fragrant morsel that had been proferred to her lips. The taste caused a powerful shiver to run through her body, and, if not for Vahn erecting a soundproof barrier, the entire hall would have been able to hear the sonorous, high-pitched, sound emanating from her throat and nose.

As the intoxicating juices spread across her tongue, Mikoto felt as though the inside of her brain and body were beginning to melt, waves of flavor and pleasure gently washing over her like the continuous caress of the sea against a pristine white beach in Summer. She could feel a warmth pervade her entire body, and, for a brief moment, she was gripped by the illusion that she was at the beach, preparing to sunbathe as Vahn applied a generous layer of sunscreen over the entirety of her naked body...

Back in 'reality', a dazed expression had replaced the usual clarity in Mikoto's eyes as she leaned against Vahn's body for support. This earned her a few curious gazes from other diners, but, as it was actually quite common for such scenes to occur when trying one of Rindo's new dishes, most just giggled to themselves while others lightly chided Vahn, warning him not to take things too far.

Since he was just feeding her, Vahn made a show of dramatically rolling his eyes in response to the teasing remarks as he picked up another piece of meat and held it near Mikoto's lips. This had an effect similar to smelling salts, clarity returning to her eyes as she stared somewhat trepidatiously at the proferred piece of meat. Then, with a blush extending into her ears, she leaned a little closer to Vahn, meekly accepting the offering as the ahoge atop her head twitched vigorously...


Though it felt like a considerable amount of time had passed, less than six hours had passed by the time Vahn and Co emerged from the Little Garden. This was a little jarring for the former members of Team Fug, but, like most Regulars, they quickly adapted, accepting the reality without bothering to question the mechanics behind the time dilation.

With everyone waiting for him to speak up, Vahn adopted his usual smile as he said, "Just as before, Ryun will act as a Guide while Yura coordinates everyone through her Lighthouse. Since Vicente and David have fused together, there aren't really any changes to consider. Just follow orders and fulfill the responsibilities expected of your Position. So long as everyone works together, we'll be able to track down Albelda within ten days. After that, you'll be free to relax until we reach the next station. From there, you can pretty much do whatever you want. I'm not going to tell you how to live your lives, and, so long as you don't default into becoming monsters, you'll never have to worry about me tracking you down..."

Noticing Daniel raise his hand, Vahn's smile took on an undertone of amusement as he allowed his words to trail for a brief moment before adding, "I have already promised your former companions that I would resurrect Ms. Yuia. If you would like to accompany us until then, you are welcome to do so. That applies to you as well, Ms. Yura. I understand you have some business on the Hidden Floor. So long as you don't try anything 'shady', you are welcome to accompany us until we reach the End Station."

Though they couldn't help but pale slightly, neither Daniel nor Yura was surprised by Vahn's ability to ascertain their intentions. The latter even suspected he knew exactly why she 'needed' to venture to the Hidden Floor, and, depending on how she played her cards until then, there was a chance he might even help her. She had gradually come to recognize that Vahn's group were the 'good guys', so, with his purported power to resurrect the dead, there was a chance he might be able to save her twin brother as well. This was something she was willing to gamble her life on, so, in response to his words, she forced herself to swallow dryly before muttering, "Thank you..." in a sincere yet uncertain tone...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn is a bully (O w O)...','Om nom nom~','Do your best and trust in the Sage Dragon Emperor! So long as you work hard, all your dreams are certain to come true! -excerpt from Fenrir's 'How to be a Good Girl' handbook.')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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