69.8% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1646: Fatigue

章節 1646: Fatigue

Seeing the unconscious Nagi lying on the ground with a smug grin on his sleeping face, Vahn couldn't help shaking his head in mild exasperation. The boy certainly had the drive expected from a 'protagonist', but, as was often the case with such individuals, their personalities were more than a little extreme. If not, they wouldn't be able to perform the impossible feats that allowed them to go from something like an orphan to the strongest person in the world over the course of a few years.

With Nagi down for a few hours, at the very least, Vahn shifted his attention towards nothing in particular, his expression a mask of calm as he said, "I'm no longer in the mood for games. If I have to force you out, none of us are going to have a good day."

In response to Vahn's words, a phenomenon similar to Space peeling opening like the page of a book appeared a few meters from his and Nagi's position. It was a rather peculiar application of Space Laws that bordered on the realm of Reality Manipulation, a point Vahn made a note of as he stared at the purple-haired man standing behind the other two.

Noticing Vahn's gaze, the purple-haired man, Albireo Imma, stared back at him with what could only be described as soulless purple eyes, smiling as he said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Vahn Aldrnari Mason..."

Immediately following the scholarly man's words, the tallest among the group, a Japanese man in his late twenties or early thirties, retorted in a huff, "A pleasure? Don't give me that crap! This guy just tortured our disciple! Are we just going to ignore that!?"

Answering the man's question, the shorter among them, a youth with unkempt white hair, silvery-brown eyes, and permanent blush marks answered, "Relax, Eishun. This incident will help Nagi grow much stronger in the future. We all saw the look of conviction on his face. He didn't give up to the very end, so, while the Sage Dragon Emperor's methods were certainly a little excessive, it wasn't to the extent we should enter hostilities against each other. That wouldn't benefit anyone...is that not so, Mr. Time Traveling Dragon?"

Understanding why they might refer to him as a time-traveling dragon, Vahn's only reaction to the youth's words was the simple raising of a brow before answering, "There is no sense in talking here. I've also grown rather tired of this current situation so I'll just state my opinion directly..."

Though he had also been intending to help Nagi train, Asuna's words reminded Vahn of his feelings regarding the rearing of children soldiers. He certainly understood the merits of helping the young grow stronger, but, rather than guide him for his own benefit, Nagi, Negi, Asuna, and several other children had been selfishly pulled into a war, acting in the interests of people they hadn't even met.

After his presentation in Megalomesembria, Vahn was already planning to take matters into his own hands. He was going to cement his status as a deterrent, and, though he would give Eva her shot at vengeance, he wasn't going to entrust the fate of the Magical World to literal children. Asuna might have the power to dominate the entire magical world, but, on the most fundamental level, she was just a kind young girl who wanted to be pampered and praised, not some superweapon that should be used at others' convenience...

Just imagining the group across from him attempting to shape Asuna into a weapon, even going as far as to erase her memories, Vahn's expression darkened. Then, finishing his previous statement, a heavy atmosphere descended upon his domain as he stated, "All three of you are unworthy of your status as mentors..."

Hearing Vahn's remark, the only person to display any anger was the inordinately tall Japanse man, Eishun Konoe. While the other two had masks of calm, his expression morphed into one filled with hatred, resentment, and, though it was difficult to see for others, Vahn could see a fair amount of guilt in the man's eyes as he shouted, "Shut your mouth! You have no right to say such things when you weren't even there to help Nagi when he needed it most!"

Rather than deny the man's words, Vahn just nodded his head, his expression still as dark as before as he said, "You're right. I can't be there to help everyone that deserves it. The best I can do, at least for the time being, is become a deterrent to prevent even greater tragedies. I am willing to shoulder the burden of hatred in order to make the world a better place. I am also willing to fight against any and all who would threaten the stability of this world, even its creators. Now, tell me, Eishun Konoe, how does my not being present to prevent Nagi's suffering justify the three of you turning him into a weapon with virtually no regard for the consequences of his actions!?"

With Vahn's aura growing progressively stronger with each passing second, Eishun found himself unable to come up with a response. Part of him just wanted to attack Vahn outright, but, with the latter giving off an even more dangerous impression than his Grandmother, the most he was able to manage was gripping the hilt of his sword a little tighter. Then, noticing Asuna standing beside another version of Vahn, a ridiculing smile began to spread across his lips.

Anticipating what the man was going to say, Vahn just shook his head, preempting Eishun's words by saying, "Your ignorance is only rivaled by your stupidity. If you dare to speak such inconsiderate and petulant words, don't blame me for the suffering you will experience. I've already grown tired of this situation, and, as I said previously, this isn't really the place to have a discussion. If you want to continue this, search for me North-East of Tempe. You can also wait until I next appear; it doesn't really matter to me."

Having genuinely grown tired of the current situation, largely due to ever-increasing mental fatigue, Vahn didn't wait around for the trio to respond. Instead, he used Unit Management to recall Asuna and Fenrir back to their base before allowing his two vessels to simply fade out of existence, a large volume of Source Energy flooding into the surroundings and breathing renewed life into the craggy wasteland...


Surprised by the sudden disappearance of Vahn and his entourage, even Albireo Imma showed an expression of confusion as he mused in an almost inaudible tone, "This isn't spatial movement...it is like he just stopped existing suddenly...?"

Hearing the mysterious Mage's musings, Filius looked up at him with an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face as he asked, "Are you implying that he can simply 'exist' when and wherever he pleases?"

Shaking his head, Albireo was about to answer Filius' question when Eishun, seemingly having just processed what happened, exclaimed, "What kind of coward calls someone else an idiot and then just runs off!? I swear, the next time I meet that damned lizard...I...I'll do something...!"

Unable to think of a way to even get a pyrrhic victory against Vahn, Eishun couldn't help but recall his Grandmother's words about taking his training more seriously. Now, she had even instigated a succession competition, threatening his status as the incumbent head of the Shinmei-Ryu School. This thought alone was enough to make him feel depressed, as, prior to his arrival in the Magical World, he promised his wife that he would settle down and assume the position upon his return...

Suddenly feeling as if his soul had left his body, Eishun ignored the pitying looks from Albireo and Filius as he looked over at the sleeping Nagi. The latter had what some would describe as a 'shit-eating grin' on his face, but, rather than feel annoyed, Eishun couldn't help but recall Vahn's words, wondering whether or not they were doing the right thing.

As if he had read the man's mind, Albireo Imma helped to calm Eishun a bit by saying, "Nothing is set in stone. That man's presence in this world has already altered the course of history in ways we can only begin to imagine. I suppose it would be prudent of us to track him down and attempt to form an alliance. If his words regarding his willingness to face this world's creators ring true, there is a chance this little excursion into the Magical World will simply remain an exciting adventure for our young charge..."

Though he still had a few doubts, Filius found himself agreeing with Albireo's statement, adding, "If his ability to reverse time is anything to go by, it is safe to assume he truly did arrive here from the future. That being the case, he must have some confidence in his ability to succeed. His decision to guard the Key of Twilight is a testament to this fact, so, before our enemies take action, we should unify our forces."

Having just recently learned about their 'true enemy' a few minutes ago, Eishun didn't have much room to refute the two youthful monsters standing before him. They had yet to explain everything, but, at the very least, he understood the fate of all worlds was at stake. This included Mundus Vetus, so, even if it meant putting his life on the line in a world that had nothing to do with him, he would do everything within his power to protect the people waiting for him back home...

Releasing a profound sigh that made him appear even older than the two antiquated monsters at his side, Eishun walked over and picked up the unconscious Nagi before asking, "Well? What are we waiting for? The world ain't gonna save itself."


After returning to the sanctity of their secret base, Vahn's wanted nothing more than to soak in the bath and spend a few days within his Realm. Before that, however, he determined it was necessary, as a 'proper' Mentor, to follow up with Asuna. She had experienced a number of firsts throughout the day, and, though she was mature enough to cope, he wouldn't forgive himself if she developed some kind of trauma.

While the Chacha Sisters prepared a light meal, tea, and snacks, Vahn allowed Asuna to snuggle up next to him as he pulled out a Memory Orb containing his memories of her battle. She had already learned a lot from the battle itself, but, with the benefit of his ultra-high-definition perception, there was a lot more to learn from viewing the battle from another perspective.

Using his Telekinesis, Vahn positioned the Memory Orb at a comfortable distance, but, before he was able to activate it, Asuna surprised him by saying, "I am the one who wanted to grow stronger. I practically had to beg you to start training me so please don't let other people's words get to you. This world is not your burden to bear. It is none of ours. We do so because we choose to wield our power responsibly. That's what you taught me, so, when the time comes, please trust me to do what I think is right according to my own convictions. Even if I end up making a few mistakes, I will never regret the path I have chosen..."

As he had actually been thinking about talking to Asuna regarding Eishun's words, Vahn was a little caught off guard by her resolution. He had even been considering having her remain in the Garden of Avalon whenever he went out to deal with their enemies. After all, she hadn't even turned twelve yet, and, even though he had prevented her from killing people, the fact remained that he had been allowing a child fight against people who would not hesitate to kill her...

Feeling that he should say something, Vahn attempted to speak, but, as if she had been waiting for that exact timing, Asuna's eyes flashed like a master swordsman who had just discovered the single weakness in their opponent's defense. Then, preceding her using a short-range teleportation spell to run away, Asuna stole a kiss so brief that Vahn wasn't even sure their lips had actually come into contact with each other...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's frustrations mirror my own this chapter xD...','Fine...I'll do it myself','A very resolute young lady...RIP Vahn's SAN')

(A/N: There will probably be delays today. I had to go to the bathroom five times just over the course of this chapter. Don't drink a large glass of milk on its expiration date.)

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 1647: Devotion

With Asuna fleeing to her bedroom to hide beneath the blankets, Vahn decided to just lay down for a few minutes, blankly staring at the ceiling. It wasn't until several nearly identical mint-haired Maids came into the room that his eyes came back into focus, preempting their questioning by saying, "Please, leave the lunch items here. As for the tea and cake, take them up to Asuna's room after a few minutes have passed..."

Dutifully followed Vahn's orders, the group of five quickly arranged everything on the table next to the sofa before as 'eldest' sister, Chachaichi, asked, "Master? If you aren't feeling well, I have been modified to be able to give massages."

To emphasize her statement, Chachaichi removed one of her gloves, revealing an extremely intricate mechanical hand with visible joints. From within the microscopic pores at the tips of her fingers, a tiny amount of fragrant oil began to build up like condensation. Vahn instantly recognized the oil as the kind he used on Eva, bringing an affectionate smile to his face as he politely replied, "Maybe next time. Thank you for your concern, Ichi-chan."

Hearing her Master's response, Chachaichi pulled out a handkerchief to deftly wipe away the oil from her hands before covering them with the characteristic white gloves used to each of the Chacha sisters, Chachazero included. Then, alongside the rest of her sisters, she folder her hands across her lap, bowing politely before filing out of the room in an orderly line.

Waiting until the group had departed, Vahn released a sigh as he used his Telekinesis to guide a pastry to his mouth. Asuna's words had prevented him from worrying about what Eishun had said, but, due to her age, Vahn couldn't help but feel introspective following her little 'surprise'.

Though Asuna had made up her mind pretty early on, largely thanks to the 'support' of her mother, that didn't make it any easier to accept her affections. She was simply too young, and, though this wasn't the first time he had dealt with a similar situation, Vahn's paternal instincts prevented him from ever becoming accustomed to it.

Raising his hand toward the ceiling, the focus in Vahn's eyes began to gradually fade away as he muttered, "Life moves on in a never-ending cycle...there is no sense in worrying about the future when there are countless things you could be doing in the present..."

Hearing his own words, Vahn's eyes immediately came back into focus as he tilted his head to the side and asked, "What just happened...?"

Understanding the question was directed toward her, Sis answered, (*It seems your subconscious thoughts surfaced for a brief moment? If I had to guess, it is probably related to your unawakened Mind Innate. At the very least, there weren't any external forces acting upon you to influence your thoughts.*)

Rather than feel relieved by Sis' words, Vahn couldn't help but frown slightly as he thought about what purpose an Innate that caused him to spew random philosophies might serve. It almost felt like he was trying to make excuses to justify his actions, something he had been proactively trying to avoid since his initiation of 'The Fall' back in the Nasuverse...

As this thought crossed his mind, Vahn couldn't help but shake his head as he moved to a seated position. Innates always took on a form and function suitable for their users, so, rather than develop doubts about something that had yet to even awaken, it made more sense to focus on the goals he had set for himself. Thus, after adopting a lotus position, Vahn allowed his thoughts to melt away as an indecipherable yet pleasant tone began to echo in the most distant regions of his subconscious...


Opening his eyes, Vahn found himself seated atop an altar-like throne, his body in a similar lotus position as his outside form. There were various candles burning around him, and, kneeling on the ground to his front, hands clasped in prayer, an indescribably beautiful woman in garments suitable for the High Priestess of a fantasy religion could be seen reverentially lowing her head.

Though he could hear the woman's prayer in the back of his mind, Vahn had developed the habit of filtering out such things since it always sounded like a vast crowd of people trying to talk over each other. That didn't mean he couldn't selectively listen to prayers, however, so, with an amused smile on his face, Vahn opened his mind to the woman's heartfelt-

Before he could even finish his thoughts, Vahn's mental processes came to a halt when he heard the woman internalize, ("Though I might not be worthy of such grace, I pray the day when I can devote my everything to the Lord comes even one day sooner. Even now, the aching in my body continues to grow....ahhn...control yourself, Jeanne...the Lord is watching...")

Despite her own attestations that she was being observed, the woman, Jeanne, allowed her hands to part. Then, without realizing he was actually watching her, she began to roughly squeeze her left breast before slipping her hand between her thighs and staring up at him with an impassioned look on her face...

As if time had immediately ceased flowing, Jeanne's hands stopped completely as she stared back at the 'deadpan' expression on her God's face. All thoughts within her mind had completely ceased as an overwhelming feeling of shame began to creep up on her. At the same time, however, she felt as though a massive blaze had been ignited in her body, compounding the aching feeling that had existed within her body from the moment her God had anointed her the status of High Priestess...

Before she realized it, Jeanne had started to squeeze her breast with a bit of force, her eyes fixed on the image of her God looking down at her. She saw no disgust anywhere within his gaze, and, even as the intensity of her movements began to increase, he made no effort to stop her. There was even a bit of redness creeping into his ears, and, after a few seconds, Jeanne felt as if her heart was going to explode when she saw him gulp what she assumed to be his saliva...


Though Vahn had seen women masturbate many times, the sight of Jeanne pleasuring herself in sacramental vestments was unlike anything he had ever seen. It felt like he was bearing witness to something 'forbidden', and, though he had been aware of her burgeoning desires, this was the last thing he had expected to happen...

Just as this thought crossed his mind, Vahn witnessed something even more unbelievable. Jeanne, perhaps emboldened by his silent observation, hiked up the edges of her skirt to reveal that, rather than pristine white panties, her vestments hid silky black, slightly transparent, lingerie. This was a stark contrast to the ornate white gown she wore in the execution of her duties, and, based on the impassioned look in her eyes, Vahn understood the reasons she concealed such garments beneath her robes...

As interesting as it was to simply observe such an 'awe-inspiring' scene, Vahn didn't have the habit of disappointing the expectations of his women. Jeanne might have been excluded from this group in the past, but, seeing her devotion replaced by a palpable yearning, refusing her any further was simply impossible.

With a simple wave of his hand, Vahn caused the vestments concealing Jeanne's body to fade out of existence. This revealed the transparent black babydoll underwear she wore beneath, but, even more prominent than her perfectly sculpted figure, Vahn's eyes were drawn to the silky black choker wrapped around her neck. The limited omniscience provided by his Realm allowed him to ascertain where she had obtained such a garment, and, much to his surprise, she had actually 'stolen' it from Atalanta...

Noticing the gaze of her God, Jeanne couldn't help but avert her eyes, even as her face flushed to a dangerous degree. She had no excuse for her actions, and, though she felt guilty whenever she met Atalanta, she simply couldn't bear to part with the stolen accessory...

Rather than blame Jeanne for the theft, Vahn decided he would just make it up to Atalanta on her behalf. She was generally pretty understanding, and, ever since he gave her Authority over both the Forests and Children, their relationship had become more than a little intimate. She also had a large collection of collars and chokers, so, while she undoubtedly noticed the absence of the choker, she wouldn't particularly care unless someone tried to steal her original, hand-crafted, collar.

While producing several versions of himself at different locations within his Realm, Vahn made his way over to Jeanne, raising her from the ground and wrapping her in his arms. This was enough to overwrite her worries regarding the choker, her sky-blue eyes glistening with a hopeful light as she looked up at him with what could only be described as a 'hungry' look.

Vahn knew Jeanne could be very loveable at times, but, seeing her adopt such a sultry expression, a familiar possessiveness sprouted from within his mind as he leaned down to kiss her slightly parted lips. He could feel her voluminous breasts, some of the largest among his harem, squashing against his chest, and, though they had stood out quite a bit through the thin fabric, Vahn couldn't help but smile slightly as he felt hardened protrusions poking against him.

Having already made up his mind, Vahn stopped kissing Jeanne after three minutes, allowing her to issue heated gasps as he traced his thumb across her moistened lips and issued the words he knew she wanted to hear, his voice deep and resonate as he said, "Your everything...I will take it and dye it in my colors...from this moment onward, you will belong to me...always and forever..."

Feeling a tantalizing tremble run through her body, Jeanne stared up at her God with even greater fervor visible in her countenance. If he hadn't been holding her closely, she would have bowed until her forehead was pressed into the ground. Instead, she offered no resistance to his forceful hold as a surprisingly carnal smile spread across her lips. This even caught Vahn by surprise, and, for a brief moment, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was the one about to get eaten up by the beauty in his arms...

Surprising him even further, Jeanne licked her lips in one of the most naturally seductive ways Vahn had ever seen before tiptoeing to whisper, "I have belonged to you from the moment you liberated me from the darkness. My only regret is that I don't have more of myself to give..."

Hearing Jeanne's words, Vahn couldn't help feeling slightly confused. He was even tempted to read her thoughts for a brief moment, but, seemingly aware of what he was thinking, Jeanne smiled even more sultrily as she explained, "If it was within my power, I would have surrendered every version of myself in all realities to you. Knowing there are versions of me who will never experience this bliss...I can't help but mourn for them..."

Imagining an 'infinite' number of scantily clad Jeanne's surrounding him, each with similarly hungry expressions on their faces, Vahn couldn't help but swallow a second time. This hadn't escaped the uncharacteristically seductive Jeanne's notice, and, as if to emphasize that her switch hadn't simply been flipped, but broken, she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered, "I suppose I'll just have to show you as much love and devotion as an infinite number of me could display..."

As if she hadn't been bashfully looking away from him minutes prior, Jeanne took the initiative to initiate an even more passionate kiss. This was something she had been thinking about a lot as of late, so, now that she had the opportunity to devote herself completely, she wasn't going to allow the chance to slip away from her...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I wonder what other modifications she has...','Omen to awakening','Oh my (OwO)...','Check Chapter Comments for images')

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Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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