Seeing the rather tantalizing sight, Vahn raised his brows slightly before stroking his chin with an appreciative look in his eyes. She might lack the refinement of someone like Arika but she was still one of the most beautiful women he had seen in the Akamatsuverse. Her inordinately long legs and plump thighs were just two of her most noteworthy features, but, compared to her perfectly shaped backside and the healthy glow of her brown skin, even those lost out. Her sandy-golden hair, rabbit ears, and flawlessly sculpted breasts served to further enhance her beauty, but, the thing that made her appear almost irresistible was the seductive look in her pale-green eyes as she slowly licked her lips...
Having observed Vahn's gaze, the rabbit-eared woman seemed to interpret his silence as consent, her hands releasing her skirt as she walked over with a longer-than-average gait. She stopped just opposite of Vahn's side of the desk before taking a seat on the edge, smiling as she asked, "Do you find my appearance to your tastes...?"
Without hesitation, Vahn nodded in a sagely manner, but, when he opened his mouth to answer, he surprised the woman by saying, "I prefer your true form, but, if you want to keep playing around, I'd be a fool to this the disguise you decided upon?"
Hearing Vahn's words, the woman scrunched up her nose in an admittedly adorable manner before turning her head to the side and haughtily stating, "I have no idea what you're talking about..."
Rather than argue, Vahn slowly rose to his feet, walking around the desk until he was standing next to the rabbit-eared woman. Then, without showing any inhibitions at all, he pulled her waist closer to his to initiate a very passionate kiss. To his surprise, her weight had actually increased to around 44kg, but, after a detailed scan with his senses, he realized she was just using a relatively advanced magical formation to artificially increase her weight...
Leaving no time for the woman to adapt to his pace, Vahn ran his left dexterously hand along her right flank, passing over her perfectly plump buttocks before running it down her smooth thigh. At the same time, he leaned into her slightly, forcing her to arch backward as he lifted up her right leg using his left hand. Then, using his right hand as a support, he guided her to lay against the top of the desk before she fully realized what was happening. Her eyes widened in response to the sudden change in orientation, but, without letting up, Vahn continued to entangle his tongue with hers as his right hand caressed along the interior of her thighs, invading the humid confines before gently probing something smooth, hot, and moist...
Though she had been patting his chest in a vain attempt to get him to pull back, the woman's eyes widened even further at the sudden stimulation. In response, her aura surged outwards, and, if not for the protective barriers he had erected during the restructuring of his office, Vahn's body would have been sent flying through the walls after she blasted him away in panic. Then, with a beet-red face, she glared at him while hugging her robe, exclaiming, " beast...!"
Hearing the usual insult, Vahn just chuckled lightly before rising to his feet and asking, "You don't want to play anymore? You even went out of your way to prepare a garment like that...I'd hate to waste your preparations and leave you disappointed, Eva..."
As if she was an actual bunny girl, Eva's ears twitched in frustration, her expression a perfect blend of anger, embarrassment, and bashfulness. Fortunately, the other two emotions eclipsed her anger, so, after glaring at him for a tense twenty seconds, Eva released a pouty 'hmph' before crossing her arms and saying, "If you were convinced it was me, you should have been more resolute in trying to refuse my advances. Like this, it's like you don't care about appearances at stupid pervert..."
Rather than answer directly, Vahn surprised Eva by causing his body to rapidly transition between several different forms. It was almost like waves were passing across his body, each one changing everything from his height, weight, build, facial features, and race. She already knew he could freely change forms, but, seeing how skilled he had gotten at it, Eva had a reasonably incredulous look on her face.
After settling on a form that looked completely different than any Eva had ever seen him in, Vahn made his point by asking, "If this was my true form, would you suddenly hate me...?"
Hearing Vahn's question, Eva frowned deeply as she began to scrutinize his form with her now icy blue eyes. Her transformation hadn't completely broken, but, due to her previous flustering, her size had shrunken slightly as her eye reverted back to their natural color. It actually made her even more beautiful, but, rather than vocalize this, Vahn waited silently as she examined his current, relatively plain, appearance...
Though Vahn was nowhere near as handsome as he usually was, giving her an urge to make a few biting remarks, Eva found herself unable to vocalize her thoughts. Every time she tried, the words would get stuck in her throat, and, though it was subtle, a pang of guilt would well up inside of her whenever she thought about insulting him. It was very difficult to proactively insult the people you cared about, a realization that caused Eva to release a melancholic sigh as she answered, "It doesn't matter what you look like...I..."
Unable to finish her words, Eva hung her head slightly, but, without prominent bangs to cover her eyes, her expression was still completely visible. As a result, Vahn deliberately made his way to her side before pulling her into a hug, his form reverting back to 'normal' as he held her head close to his chest. She had always enjoyed listening to his heartbeat, so, while combing his fingers through her slowly growing hair, Vahn held her shrinking body close to his, whispering, "I'm glad you came back, Eva...thank you..."
After reverting back to her 'true' form, Eva was curled up in Vahn's lap as the two reclined in a sofa the latter had pulled out of his Inventory. Neither had said anything for more than half an hour as Eva continued to straddle his hips, her head resting against his chest. They were both aware of the fact she was still wearing crotchless panties, but, as if it didn't cause his heart to itch, Vahn focused his gaze on the crackling fire while gently caressing Eva's body. He had a feeling she wouldn't mind if he took a few liberties, but, after several weeks apart, at least from his perspective, Vahn was more than content with just being together like this...
Breaking the silence, Eva surprised Vahn quite a bit when she suddenly murmured, "Don't let it go to your head...but I also missed you...specifically your cooking. Now that my biological processes have returned, I seem to get hungry all the have to take responsibility..."
Chuckling lightly in response to Eva's words, Vahn hugged her a little tighter as he whispered, "I am always ready and willing to take responsibility..."
Though she snorted through her nose, Eva didn't issue one of her usual biting remarks. Instead, she buried her face into his chest while hooking her arms around his body. She could hear the sincerity in his words, and, after isolating herself in a diorama for several months, Eva had come to miss Vahn greatly. His cooking was one of the reasons, but, more than any other, it was his warmth that finally convinced her to return. It was a potent warmth that seemed to pervade her entire body, but, rather than feel oppressive and stifling, it brought her an unmatched sense of comfort and security...
Before she realized it, Eva had fallen asleep within Vahn's embrace. A contented smile had spread across her face, and, seeing it, Vahn's became especially affectionate as he held her gently cradled her body in his arms. Though it was a very different kind of suffering, Eva was even more tragic than girls like Naomi.
Eva desperately needed someone else to rely on, but, as a result of her monstrous strength, others ended up relying on her instead. This placed even more burdens on her, as, despite the facade she maintained, Eva was actually a very kind girl at heart. She was the type that would do everything in her power to help those she cared about, but, fearing they would suffer as a result of the powerful enemies she had made, Eva always did her best to keep them at an arm's length. She would rather isolate herself and face her enemies alone, refusing to let other people help her for fear of having to bear responsibility for their deaths for all eternity...
Vahn knew that Eva had done some terrible things throughout her lifetime, but, at no point did she ever proactively target the innocent. Though she was responsible for events like the Fire of London, burning nearly ninety-percent of the city to the ground, only six people out of the 80,000 residents had died in the resultant blaze. This was an extraordinarily low amount, showing just how much Eva cared about preserving the lives of the innocent. She might consider herself 'irredeemably evil', but, from Vahn's perspective, she was one of the most caring and noble people he had ever met...
After picking a few strands of golden hair from her face, Vahn raised her bangs before planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. This caused her brows to furrow slightly, but, after a few seconds had passed, a happy smile spread across her face as she nestled closer to him. She was an unbelievably adorable girl, and, if it was to protect her smile, Vahn reasoned that he wouldn't mind being labeled as a Demon King, or, perhaps, a Demon Dragon Emperor...
After sleeping comfortably for more than ten hours, Eva's eyelids slowly peeled open, her stomach loudly protesting its emptiness. This would normally cause her to blush madly, but, the moment she opened her eyes, Eva could see Vahn deftly forking up a piece of cheesecake before presenting it to her with an affectionate smile on his face. This also caused her to flush quite a bit, but, rather than a palpable feeling of embarrassment, it was more so the result of her bashfulness. She could feel her heartbeat gradually begin to accelerate, and, after tasting the rich and creamy taste, her expression instantly morphed into one of gleeful satiation as Vahn continued to feed her...
Once the slice of cheesecake had vanished into thin air, Vahn produced a cup of chamomile mint tea to help clean Eva's palate and satiate her thirst. It was a little awkward, as she was still nestled pretty close to his chest, her pert bottom resting against his lap, but Eva didn't seem to mind it too much. She straightened her back, suddenly appearing more elegant than usual as she gracefully emptied the contents of her teacup. Then, after releasing a contented sigh, she smiled back at him and mused, "It seems there is still some hope for you. Thanks for the cake and tea~."
Though her words were a little roundabout, Vahn didn't particularly mind. He was quite fond of how headstrong Eva could be, as, once she let down her guard, she became one of the most affectionate women he had ever known. Rather, once she had started to open her heart, she quickly became the type of person you needed to be careful of, as, after hundreds of years, there were countless things that Eva was eager to try...
As if reading his mind, Eva attempted to toss a tiny red pill into her mouth, but, before she was able to, Vahn caught her wrist, smiling as he whispered, "There is no need to rely on such things in order to feel confident. You are a beautiful woman, Eva...never force yourself on my behalf..."
Punctuating his words, Vahn prevented Eva's response by sealing her lips with his own, guiding her right hand away from her face and deftly removing the [Age-Deceiving Pill] hidden within. He knew she felt infinitely more confident in her adult form, but, if she continued relying on such things just to express herself, it would become yet another burden on her heart and mind. She had only just started to take steps in the right direction, so, unless it caused her significant stress, he wouldn't let her rely on such crutches when they were alone together...
Eva felt a small amount of indignation in response to Vahn's actions, but, after a few seconds had passed, she was more focused on the fluttery feeling in her body as she reciprocated his kiss. She didn't exactly have a large sample size to draw from, but Eva was pretty sure that Vahn was better at kissing than the vast majority of people. Not only was his tongue skilled at guiding hers, but his saliva was unnaturally sweet, possessing similar qualities to his blood. Every time she swallowed a bit of it, Eva felt her giddiness increase as a tiny flame was lit in her body...
Feeling a familiar ache, Eva separated her mouth from Vahn's, tucking her head close to his chest so he couldn't steal another kiss while she was trying to calm down. Any thoughts of running away had faded during the time they had nestled together in silence. She was no longer willing to give up his warmth, as, during the latter half of their separation, she fell into a depressive state that made both eating and sleeping difficult.
Eva's original intention had been to have Vahn search for her, but, after realizing even her favorite cake was lacking in flavor, it wasn't long before she found herself in Ariadne. She wanted to return to Vahn immediately after arrival, but, unable to muster up the courage for such a direct approach, she spent much of the morning spying on the bunny girl he had previously stalked. She wanted to test him to determine whether he was truly loyal to her, but, perhaps due to her inability to discover the source of the smell Vahn had mentioned, he had seen through her in an instant...
Remembering how 'bold' Vahn's previous actions were, Eva could feel the fire in her body growing in intensity. She became hyper-aware of her lower body, and, though Vahn's dragon was peacefully slumbering, she could still feel its outline. Her breathing gradually became more ragged, and, after a few seconds had passed, Eva could feel a light trickle that caused her face to become beet red. At the same time, however, Vahn firmly embraced her body, and, like a benevolent rain passing over a forest fire, the heat in her body gradually subsided as a gentle stream of calming energy pervaded her entire existence before pooling in her heart...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn does not fear the bun's buns (UwU)~!','A much-needed warmth','There is no need to rush...') <-(p.atreon link)
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With the school day nearing its end, Vahn was helping Eva choose outfits while she made subtle adjustments to her physical appearance in front of a standing mirror. She was wearing little more than lacy black lingerie, and, after more than two hours in front of the mirror, she had become a rather striking beauty.
Vahn had tried to convince Eva to remain in her base form, but, despite his efforts to convince her, she insisted on wearing a disguise. She pointed out that, while it might not bother him, it bothered her to be seen as a child by others. She had already agreed to help him train the girls in preparation for the coming battles, so, until her physical body matured adequately, Eva was determined to keep up appearances when teaching them.
Though Vahn wanted to convince her otherwise, Eva won the argument by plainly stating she didn't want to be associated with someone who others believed had a preference for children. It made her happy knowing he appreciated her true form, but, knowing others would view their relationship in a different light, Eva wanted to preserve both their reputations. Thus, unless he was willing to stay in the diorama with her for a few months, allowing her to quickly mature, she would need a form that allowed her to walk around in the outside world.
Truth be told, Vahn was more than willing to spend a few years living alongside Eva in the diorama, but, due to the drastic difference in the flow of time, it would make it a lot harder to protect Asuna. The only way he could guarantee her safety was to allow her to stay in the diorama as well, but, as this was the trigger for 'everyone' staying inside for a few months, he was apprehensive about it.
Asuna, Arika, and Theo were already spending between 240~300 hours within the diorama with each passing day, so, unless they quit using it altogether, they would age ten years for every year that passed in the outside world. On Earth, this would equate to around nineteen years, so, if they just idled in Ariadne for a few more months, Asuna might very well start looking like a young lady in a very short period of time. As for Theo and Arika, they were already in the midst of blooming into world-class beauties, and, if he spent such a long period of time with them, Vahn knew 'something' was bound to happen...
In the end, Vahn agreed with Eva's decision, so, when he wasn't helping to 'test' the modifications she had made, he was helping choose her outfits. She was able to manifest clothes on her own, but, as magically created garments were 'exceptionally' rare, it would stand out if she wore them around people who were sensitive to such things. They were also extremely susceptible to disarming magic, so, with the option of wearing high-quality clothes provided by Vahn, many of which would cause a stir within the magical community, her choice was simple.
By the time Eva was satisfied with her appearance, nearly five hours had passed. Her final form was that of a beautiful woman with stylish golden hair, a mature figure, and, after trying on more than a hundred outfits, she ended up choosing an outfit that made her look similar to a secretary. This was infinitely better than her original outfit, giving her an appearance similar to a dominatrix, but it was still a little surprising to see her settle on something so simple.
Doing away with her usual gothic-style garments, Eva decided upon a simple white blouse, a black pencil skirt, a thin white belt, black pantyhose, and a pair of black heels. These might look plain on other people, but, due to the alterations she had made to her body, Eva was strikingly beautiful. She also hadn't changed her style of lingerie, so, if you looked closely, it was possible to see the outline of her black bra beneath the white blouse. This, combined with her 'sleepy' expression, casual smile, and striking blue eyes, gave Eva what could only be described as a sultry appearance, causing Vahn to audible swallow when she looked towards him and lightly combed through her fringe bangs...
After experiencing a momentary lapse in mental acuity, clarity returned to Vahn's gaze as he smiled appreciatively and said, "Remarkable. Though I feel inclined to mention I prefer the 'real' you, I can't help but admire the effort you put into your appearance. It really is breathtaking, Eva...unbelievably so...."
Though she lazily rolled her eyes at Vahn's comment about preferring her true form, Eva's offered an even more sultry smile as she played with her bangs and mused, "Just this once, I'll allow you to do whatever you want to me your appreciation through your actions..."
Seeing Eva's hand move towards the top button of her blouse, Vahn felt the urge to tug as his own while resisting the urge to swallow. The stability of her aura and the look in her eyes indicated how serious she was, so, for a brief moment, he nearly discarded all propriety and inhibitions. Instead, he made his way over to her side, staring directly into her icy blue eyes as he extended his hand and tenderly caressed her head. Her Memory Fragment had once confided in him that, more than any other display of affection, she enjoyed having her head pat, so, despite earning a momentary glare, Vahn continued to stroke her head with an affectionate smile on his face...
After a few seconds had passed, Eva's angry facade slowly melted away as she muttered, "You are a real idiot..."
Despite her words, Eva stepped a little closer to him, gently wrapping her arms around his body as she nestled her face into the nook of his neck. She planted a single light kiss on the exposed skin before nuzzling against him for a few moments as he continued to stroke and caress her head and hair...
Completing her outfit, Eva wore a stylish trenchcoat that did little to conceal the impressive figure hidden beneath. She also carried herself with confidence and dignity, cowing anyone who tried to make eye contact with her as she walked alongside Vahn. Since the latter was so popular, she drew a considerable amount of attention from both staff and students, a fact she seemed to enjoy quite a bit considering the amused smile on her face as she loosely linked her arm with his.
Though Vahn wasn't particularly fond of standing out in such a manner, he didn't bother to correct Eva's behavior. Rather, if anyone were to ask what their relationship was, he would unhesitantly say they were lovers. This was proven when their path was blocked by a group of thirteen well-dressed young ladies, each rather fervent members of his fan club.
Earning himself a pointed nail to the side, Vahn shamelessly introduced Eva as his fiancee, a rather silly smile on his face as he said as he explained, "This is Katherine, my fiancee. There is a chance she will become an Advisor in the future, so make sure you get along properly~."
Hearing Vahn introduce the mystery woman as his fiancee, the group of girls showed incredulous expressions on their faces. Some even glared toward Eva as if she had taken something precious from them, their fervor enough to even cow the outwardly confident ice queen. Fortunately, before her facade was seen through by the group of young girls, Vahn adopted a serious expression as he asked, "Is this how we treat other people? I had thought you were all kind and hardworking young ladies, but it seems I was mistaken..."
Emphasizing his disappointment, Vahn went ahead and addressed each of the young girls by name, a disheartened and slightly pained look on his face that caused each of them to lower their heads in shame. People quickly broke down when you singled them out within a group, and, due to the fact he had always treated them well, they felt exceptionally guilty for behaving selfishly. As a result, all thirteen girls quickly apologized, and, as a show of gratitude, Vahn adopted his usual smile before giving each of the girls a light head pat and a few cookies to share amongst themselves.
After passing the blockade, Vahn guided Eva for a few meters before she pointedly stated, "I don't remember agreeing to marry you..."
Hearing the slightly chilly remark, Vahn just smiled as he softly answered, "You underestimate just how important you are to me, Eva. Unless you fall in love with someone else, I will continue to do everything in my power to convince you to marry me. Even then, I will support your happiness to the best of my ability...consider it my selfishness, but I'm completely serious..."
Without minding the fact there were a considerable number of eyes focused on them, Vahn caused Eva's eyes to widen completely as he stole a quick kiss from her lips. This earned them a few girlish squeals from the surrounding, while, at the entrance to various classrooms, a few of the Professors were eyeing Eva with a deadpan stare. They could all see the blush she was trying to conceal on her face; envy and longing appearing in their expressions as they wondered what was so special about her to be chosen by Vahn...
Resisting the urge to bury Vahn into the floor, Eva hung her head in silence for a few seconds as she did her best to ignore their surroundings. She was normally very confident while assuming an adult form, but, ever since her vampiric nature had been sealed away, her split personalities had gradually started to fuse together. Though it would probably take years for them to reconcile completely, the current Eva felt extremely bashful despite the fact most of their audience was children younger than ten years of age. (A/N: Eva goes by Earth time.)
Though he might have to suffer a bit later on, Vahn was proud to have Eva at his side. He knew the only reason she cared about the opinions of the young students was that some of them were pretty close to her 'apparent' age. This was also the primary reason she had wanted a disguise, as, if they saw her walking with him in her true form, some of the students might get strange ideas. After all, if Vahn was seen with someone around their own age, there was a non-negligible chance they would mistake their own chances. As for the teachers, they might assume he was an actual lolicon, ruining the reputation he had built after exposing the trafficking ring run by the former Arch-Dean...
Now that he thought about it, Vahn realized that Eva's foresight was greater than his own. He was a little too confident that things would go his way, as, for the last couple of decades, that had always been the case. He even had a massive karmic boon to ensure things would go smoothly, so, unless he did something extreme, the odds of anything going wrong were slim. Still, this didn't mean that everything would always go his way, so, prior to reaching Asuna's classroom, he lightly squeezed Eva's hand and muttered, "Sorry...I'm just a little too happy right now...please don't be too mad at me..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Eva released an audible sigh, her shoulders slouching briefly before she lifted her head and quickly regained her composure. His words actually resonated quite deeply within her heart, but, as everything was happening so quickly, she still felt a bit of trepidation. She had actually decided to stay at his side for the foreseeable future, but, until they had spent more time together, she simply couldn't vocalize the truth. Instead, she adopted a slightly accusatory look in her eyes as she muttered, "I know you didn't mean to upset're just an idiot...don't worry, I'm beginning to get used to it..."
Understanding Eva's words amounted to forgiveness, Vahn's mood quickly recovered, the edges of his smile curling up as she squeezed his hand in turn. There was still a light blush on her face, and, though she was looking away from him, Vahn was still able to sense it. This made him feel greatly vindicated, but, having learned his lesson, he decided not to push his luck by pointing out the red coloration at the tips of her ears...
Though she would normally spend an hour or so playing with her friends after class, Asuna could currently be seen dangling her feet from one of the benches that were interspaced throughout the Academy. Since she wasn't interacting with anyone, she had defaulted to her neutral expression, a listless look in her eyes as she absentmindedly observed a few students riding brooms of various different shapes and sizes.
Asuna had always been a very curious and introspective girl, so, whenever she saw something new, she couldn't help but wonder how it worked. She would also contemplate on the nature of things, wondering what drove people to make certain decisions and institute certain policies. Thus, with a blank look on her face, she couldn't help but wonder what the Grandmaster was thinking when she made the age for wearing skirts the same age that students were allowed to fly on brooms...
While others might not have the visual acuity to see clearly, Asuna was able to discern the pattern and make of every pair of panties that flashed overhead. Most were rather plain, but, every now and then, a pair of very 'adult' panties would flash across her vision. She couldn't help but wonder what compelled some students to wear such risque undergarments at a young age. They were obviously trying to appear more mature than they actually were, but, while Asuna could empathize with this mentality, she didn't understand why they would focus more on appearance rather than improving their comprehension and fixing their behavior...
Thinking about girls who didn't quite act their age, Asuna recalled the changes that had occurred in her cousin and Theo. They slept in the same bed so she had noticed the change in Arika's choice of sleepwear from the very beginning, understanding it was a paradoxically direct yet roundabout way to appeal to Vahn. As for Theo, she was even more direct, often forgoing everything but her panties when she got the chance to sleep next to Vahn...
After seeing the changes in Arika and Theo, Asuna began wondering whether or not panties held some kind of secret that had simply escaped her. She had even asked Fenrir for advice, but, rather than give her a pair of 'adult' panties, she had been given a simple pair with a tiny paw print on the front. She later showed these to Vahn, and, matching what Fenrir had said, he complimented her on how cute they were. Even now, the memory of his smile made her heart palpitate irregularly, so, for the last couple of days, Asuna had been ruminating over the mystery of panties, wondering whether or not it was better to be cute or mature...
Before her senses had detected the abnormality, Asuna noticed the clump of hair that Vahn referred to as an ahoge twitch. This caused a smile to spread across her lips, and, after spreading her senses through the area, she instantly pinpointed Vahn's location. Immediately after she saw him, however, a tiny frown spread across her face as she saw the woman clinging to his arm. It was only for a brief moment, however, as she quickly recalled everything Vahn had told her about Eva's tragic existence.
Hopping off of the bench, Asuna approached Vahn and the presumed Eva, giving the former a firm hug before turning to the latter, extending her hand as she said, "My name is Asuna. Vahn has told me a lot about you. I hope we can be friends."
Seeing the young girl masterfully shift through emotional states, Eva was slightly taken aback, but, as Vahn had already told her a lot about Asuna, she quickly accepted the latter's outstretched hand, offering a smile of her own as she said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Asuna. Vahn praises you often during our talks so I've been looking forward to meeting you. I'm not sure about becoming friends, but I will do my best to answer your questions during training. I taught Vahn and Fenrir everything they know about Magic, so I'm quite confident in being able to guide you as well..."
Though she took note of Eva's noncommital remark about becoming friends, Asuna didn't take it to heart. Instead, she offered an even bigger smile than before, squinting her eyes happily as she said, "I'm looking forward to it~!" in an excited tone.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The dangers of a diorama...','Eva's already falling hard xD...','Asuna has the makings of a great Scholar...') <-(p.atreon link)
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