65.32% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1540: Conviction

章節 1540: Conviction

Ignoring the various complaints she received from her Governess and Maid escorts, Theo held onto Rakan's hair like reins as she directed him towards the largest courtyard. She ignored the fact that he was already well-acquainted with the Palace's layout, and, believing children should be more spirited, Rakan made no attempt to correct her behavior. Instead, he smiled somewhat viciously at the people who tried to force Theo to get down, intimidating them into silence.

Theo noticed what Rakan was doing, but, as she always felt like the 'Queen of the World' while riding on his shoulders, she didn't mind. Instead, she actually felt somewhat envious of the fact he was able to basically do whatever he wanted. She had always dreamed of becoming strong enough to wander around as free as the wind, but, due to her status as the Crown Princess, this was wishful thinking. At best, she could become an Imperial Envoy or a General in the military, traveling abroad only when it suited the interests of her nation...

Due to Rakan's rather monstrous gait, it didn't take long to reach one of the largest courtyards in the Imperial Palace, a place generally reserved for the Imperial Family to relax. There were various types of flora, fauna, and, to make it more aesthetically pleasing, intricately designed aqueducts and small ruin-like structures. If you knew where to look, there were even a few secret areas that connected to various passages or hidden chambers, many of which were only known to their respective owners to prevent a purge instigated by members of the Imperial Family.

With several hundred meters of open area, Theo hopped off Rakan's back before glaring at him and saying, "You better not peek..."

Hearing Theo's warning, Rakan burst into laughter, continuing until she 'lightly' punched him in his seemingly indestructible eight-pack. This caused her to wince in pain, bringing an end to Rakan's laughter as he ruffled her hair and said, "No worries, Princess. I ain't interested in brats."

Though his words were said in a genial manner, a visible tick mark appeared on Theo's brow as she began pounding Rakan's chest, exclaiming, "I told you not to call me a brat you stupid monkey!"

Rather than evade Theo's blows, Rank began to twist his body so that she was hitting his side, a sly smile on his face as he mused, "Your massage skills are improving. A little to the left..."

With triple tick-marks on her head, Theo took a few steps back in order to get a running start. This caused the smile on Rakan's face to turn slightly wry, forcing him to evade the Princess' attempt to dropkick him 'below the belt'. Then, before she could recover, he waved over his shoulder, laughter resounding throughout the area as he walked behind a pillar.

Seeing Rakan's walking away, Theo stuck out her tongue at him with a pretend-angry expression on her face. She was a little annoyed at Rakan's teasing, but she wasn't really that upset. She hated how stuffy most people were around her, and, though he might be a little lascivious in his words at times, she knew Rakan was a 'gentleman'. She trusted him more than the Maids assigned to help her bathe and dress, as, if it really came down to it, she knew Rakan would place his life on the line to keep her safe.

After waiting for a few seconds, Theo looked around the area for a bit, her pointed ears waggling a bit as she lifted up the hem of her blouse. She had only recently entered puberty, and, though it was really beginning to show, she still opted not to wear a bra. She didn't like the way they felt, and, with the large crest on her chest, she felt it would only get in the way. Summoning Vrixho used the crest as a gateway, so, if it was covered, she would end up destroying her clothes...

Ignoring the burning on her cheeks, Theo puffed out her chest as she shouted, "Come forth, Vrixho Nagasha! Your descendent, Teodora Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia, requires your aid!"

Following Theo's call, light shot out from the crest on her chest like a projector that created three-dimensional images. It quickly coalesced into the form of a vaguely humanoid dragon with muscular arms, a tapered waist, powerful legs, an exceptionally long tail, and three pairs of blade-like wings. It had the ability to change size, but, by default, it was around 120m in length, two-thirds of which was its glaive-like tail. As for its wings, they were able to extend upwards of 250m, the bladed segments capable of cutting through Superdreadnaught-Class Air Whales as if they were made of styrofoam...

Though Vrixho had been in the middle of reading at a local orphanage, he never hesitated to answer the call of his contractors. Even if Theo only ever called him to mess around, he still released an awe-inspiringly powerful aura as he looked around, his slender head and sword-like horns swiveling as he searched for potential enemies.

Realizing what he had been summoned for, Vrixho snorted through his nose as he used his tail like a whip, smashing the collum Rakan was hiding behind. This sent the muscular man smashing through a few trees, laughing boisterously the entire way.

Seeing Vrixho immediately attack Rakan, Theo showed a small amount of panic as she exclaimed, "I didn't call you here to battle! You're going to get me in trouble if you end up destroying things you damned lizard! That goes doubly for you, dumb gorilla! I know you can hear me...!!"

Clicking his tongue, Rakan sneakily placed his massive greatsword back into the pocket dimension he kept with him. He knew the Emperor wouldn't care all that much, but, as others were bound to complain, Theo would probably get grounded for a few weeks. The spirited brat hated being locked up more than anything else, so, after making a mental note to smack the dragon a few times in the near future, he dusted off his shoulders before making his way over...

With Rakan backing down, Vrixho gave the closest thing to a taunting sneer he could manage before his body was enveloped in light. He rapidly decreased in size, becoming an old man with long white hair, two dagger-like white horns, and a thick white tail protruding out of his long, flowing, robes. At a glance, he seemed to be little more than an elderly member of the Ancient Hellas race, albeit with an aura that greatly eclipsed even the Emperor's.

Though he had acknowledged Rakan's strength, Vrixho wasn't fond of how the man would often greet him with a punch to the face. The man seemed absolutely determined to break through his defenses, an inevitable event that Vrixho wasn't particularly looking forward to...

Ignoring the glowering expression of the old man, Rakan raised his hand in a gesture of greeting as he said, "Yo. How have you been, old lizard? Scare any children recently?"

Choosing to ignore Rakan's question, Vrixho plainly stated, "I know what you want to ask. You want to inquire about that man, the Sage Dragon Emperor, right? I already told both Mike and Theo not to mess with that man. Even if you manage to defeat him, the consequences will be disastrous. Even the Lord of Spirits is not as loved by the World as that man. If you manage to kill him, I imagine our nation's death will not be far behind..."

Though he had heard something similar from the Emperor, Rakan winced when he heard the words directly from Vrixho, asking, "Is it really that bad? How could someone like that just suddenly appear out of thin air? Did he come from the Spirit World?"

Shaking his head, Vrixho explained, "There is a land called Avalon within the Land of Spirits, but there is no Empire there. It is the resting place of one of Mundus Ventus' Great Guardians, Draigo Flamma, the Welsh Dragon. Though some refer to him as the Red Dragon Emperor, that is a drastic difference from the title 'Sage Dragon Emperor'. As for that man's candidacy as an Ancient Dragon...my senses fail me. All I can say for certain is that his aura is like that of nature itself...it is unlike anything I have ever experienced."

As Vrixho was one of the most powerful creatures in the entire world, Rakan couldn't take his word lightly. His smile faded away completely, replaced by a serious expression that belied the excitement in his heart. He was looking forward to being able to battle against such an enigmatic existence, but, before that, he asked, "So, you're saying it's fine as long as I don't kill him, right?"

Hearing Jack's question, Vrixho snorted through his nose before saying, "With everything happening abroad, I am against antagonizing that...thing. We cannot afford to fight against Megalomesembria if we are simultaneously fighting against nature itself. Even without a contract, the Elements choose to protect that man. If you battle, there is no way of knowing how they will react. If famine and disaster strike the Empire, our people will suffer when the Megalomesembrian Shocktroopers sweep through our lands..."

Though his fighting spirit hadn't been diminished in the slightest, Rakan's expression became even more serious as he stated, "You speak as though we should just ignore him. Even if he is only killing people he thinks are evil, the stability of the Empire will be threatened if he takes it too far. Change is something that must happen gradually. If you force it, the people may not be able to adapt in time. I don't like it any more than the next person, but there is a need for underground organizations. If not for the Black Market, most people would never have the change to obtain rare elixirs and armaments to protect themselves..."

After experiencing life as a slum-dweller, Rakan was well aware of the disparity that existed between the Nobility and the average citizen. He was doing his best to change things by becoming a symbol for future generations to rally behind. Changing things forcefully would only result in even greater problems, as, despite their corrupt nature, the nobility was needed to ensure a power vacuum didn't form. While rebellion might make the people feel empowered, it did little to address the issues that immediately followed a successful coup. The collapse of the economy, alone, would result in millions of people dying from starvation, disease, and the criminal acts that resulted from desperate people simply trying to survive...

Remembering the past, Rakan shook his head before adding, "Something must be done. If he can't be reasoned with, we would need to slay or destroy him. Even if the Spirits riot, we can request an envoy from Elfenhof to act as an intermediary. If necessary, I'm willing to conduct a pilgrimage to the Sacred Lands in order to request the aid of a Great Spirit..."

Hearing the conviction in Rakan's tone, Vrixho couldn't help but release a sigh as he said, "If anyone else were to say such things, I would have called them a fool. You, however, I can trust to remain true to your word. So long as you have the proper conviction, I have nothing else to say on the matter. All I ask is that you attempt to reach an accord before resorting to more forceful methods. Though I fail to understand his purpose, that man seems to be testing this nation. I believe you and he have more in common than you think...so long as you possess righteous intentions, I do not believe he will try and kill you. The Spirits would never love someone with a malicious heart...if you can understand one another, I believe the Empire's victory in the coming war will be assured..."

Understanding what Vrixho was trying to convey, Rakan nodded in a solemn manner, saying, "I'll be sure to keep that in mind. If what you say is true, it is inevitable that he and I exchange blows. In the end, I'll do what I believe is best for the Empire. Even if I make a mistake, I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't hurt the people."

Without doubting Rakan's convictions, Vrixho gave a curt nod as an appreciative smile spread across his aged face. He often lamented the fact that Rakan hadn't been born into the Imperial Family. If the Empire had someone like him at the helm, they would undoubtedly prosper for hundreds of years. It was truly unfortunate that his lifespan was so limited, but, considering how most long-lived species viewed the world, it was perhaps for the best. Had Rakan been born as a full Hellesian man, his views would undoubtedly be very different than his present self...


Though he hadn't bee particularly paying attention to things taking place within the Imperial Palace, Vahn felt a subtle shift in the flow of fate. This caused him to put down the Embercat, his aquamarine irises shifting into the characteristic gold of his Huanglong form as a smile spread across his lips. He didn't know what had changed, but his instincts told him a powerful opponent had just shifted their focus toward him. This caused his draconic blood to boil, exciting the surrounding Elemental Spirits and causing them all to face the same direction...

Sensing her Master's excitement, Medusa's own began to grow, albeit for very different reasons. She, much like Fenrir, had an inexplicable desire to see him reign over everything. Though she had greatly enjoyed their time together, seeing her Master laze about had been steadily increasing the anxiety in her heart. She could sense his desire to explore the world, so it left an itchy feeling in her heart that simply couldn't be scratched.

Now that her Master was releasing his aura, Medusa could feel her anxiety begin to subside as a potent heat began spreading throughout her body. She felt as if 'something' inside her had just clicked into place, and, before she even realized it, she was using her hair as a support so that she could embrace her Master's shoulders from behind. It just seemed like the most natural thing to do, and, as if proving this was the case, her Master didn't even seem to notice it. Instead, his aura had only become more potent as golden scales began to slowly sprout across his body...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Mordred and Theo would get along','If Jack's bangs were reversed, he would basically be All Might xD...','The gentle embrace of a Gorgon...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 1541: Storm Approaches

Ever since the arrival of the man known as the Sage Dragon Emperor, attendance at the Coliseum had declined. Though it was gradually recovering, the loss of personnel and the rumors regarding the Dark Evangel were enough to keep most people indoors. Others had already been stockpiling supplies in preparation for the coming war, so, for the first time in years, attendance had decreased to fewer than 50,000 people.

Fortunately for the weary Coliseum staff, on tenterhooks after nearly half their staff had either died or disappeared, things took a sudden and unexpected turn when the Sealing Corps, accompanied by a squadron of Imperial Guards, appeared. This would normally be a disastrous event, as it would tank their profits even further, but, much to their surprise, the two groups had arrived with the sole purpose of reinforcing the Coliseum's defenses. This was a much-needed stimulus, allowing them to recover some of the losses they had sustained after Vahn destroyed half their barrier.

What the Coliseum personnel didn't expect was that immediately after the repairs were finished, an Imperial Decree was issued. This was both a blessing and a curse, as, immediately following the announcement, Coliseum attendance bounced back like never before. If not for the Imperial Guard anticipating a riot, they would have been completely overrun by the sheer volume of people trying to witness the historic moment with their own two eyes: the battle between the Eternal Champion, Jack Raken, and the Sage Dragon Emperor, Vahn Aldrnari Mason.

Despite the impromptu nature of the event, more than three-hundred-thousand people had been crammed into the Coliseum stands. Everyone was gathered to witness the moment their Champion fought against the man whose name had recently started to circulate throughout the Capital. They knew it would be a climactic battle for the ages, and, with the presence of the Imperial Guard, it was obvious the Imperial Family was closely observing this affair as well. This further excited the citizens who had been fretting over the coming war, giving them a much-needed distraction from the worry that kept them awake late at night...


Even without being directly informed of his coming matchup, Vahn was well aware of the Empire's machinations. He didn't particularly mind, however, as he had been looking forward to facing one of the Record's strongest fighters, someone who would undoubtedly push the limits of his current capabilities.

While waiting for the 'big reveal', Vahn idled about his room, enjoying the uncommonly affectionate Medusa's care. She was normally very clingy, and, if not for his physique, most of his bones would have been pulverized as a result of her fervor. Now, however, she had turned relatively docile, using her hair to gently caress his body as she pepped his neck and shoulders with kisses. It seemed to be a very 'possessive' display of affection, but, for reasons Vahn could only speculate, it made his heart feel even more excited for the coming battle...

With less than an hour until the match was officially scheduled to begin, Vahn could sense someone approaching his room. Rather than a member of the Coliseum staff, however, it was a Hellasian man with a lean body, handsome features, and, most notably, venomous, disdain-filled eyes. He gave off the impression of someone that 'needed' to be elevated above others, the type of man who would not hesitate to order the execution of any who offended him.

Even if he was blind, deaf, and dumb, Vahn would have been able to guess this man was the Second Prince of the Hellas Empire, Kacper Bashireia Herasu De Vesuperisujimia. As for why he was showing up now, Vahn didn't even have to guess the reason. He clearly wanted to rile him up in the hopes of killing or crippling Rakan, the man who had become the greatest thorn in his side...

Without even bothering to knock, the entourage of the Second Prince opened the doors to Vahn's room, their expression fixed into perpetually alert scowls. One, a rather beautiful Hellasian woman, even stepped out in front of the rest, a hateful glare on her face as she exclaimed, "You are in the presence of His Imperial Highness! Get up and bow your heads!"

Rather than comply, Vahn just stared at the woman as if she had completely lost her mind, sitting on the bed bare-chest as Medusa massaged him from behind. This caused her to clench her teeth in fury, but, before she could lash out, 'genial' laughter could be heard from behind before a soft and charismatic voice stated, "Stand down, Ruta. We have come here to express our goodwill, not seek trouble..."

Before the voice had finished speaking, a handsome man appeared from between the large crowd of guards, his expression fixed in a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. As for the woman named Ruta, she quickly stepped off to the side, lowering her head at a steep angle as she said, "My most sincere apologies, Your Imperial Highness!"

As if he were truly magnanimous, the Second Prince issued a light-hearted chuckle before giving his permission to raise her head. Then, turning his attention back to Vahn, his gaze very briefly flickered to Medusa before seemingly losing interest as he said, "Tales of-"

Having no interest in the Second Prince's machinations, Vahn plainly stated, "You have five seconds to remove yourself from my sight. If you haven't fixed that snake-like nature of yours by the time of our next meeting, you will be spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair."

Hearing Vahn's words, the guards surrounding the Second Prince seemed ready to lay down their lives at a moment's notice. The Second Prince, however, saw the countdown Vahn had been doing with his fingers, a cold sweat spreading out across his body. He knew that, even if Vahn was only half as strong as Rakan, it was more than enough to crush his entourage. As a result, he held up his hand even before his mind could fully process his options, stating, "Fall back! We did not come here to fight!"

Without waiting for his entourage to comply, Kacper turned around on his heels and departed the room. There was a lot he wanted to say, but, seeing Vahn's countdown nearing completion, his fight or flight response had directed him toward the latter. His plans wouldn't amount to much if he was dead, so, rather than provoke a man bold enough to call himself an Emperor with an actual Empire, he began thinking about how he should punish his men for 'kicking' the proverbial hornet's nest...

Rather than immediately follow after their Master, a few members of the Second Prince's entourage decided not to heed Vahn's warning. They stared in disdain with hands near their swords, practically daring him to take action. This was rather amusing, as, with the exception of the Ruta and the rather cold-looking woman who stuck close to the Second Prince, the strongest in the group had a BP of around 200.

The moment Vahn's hand closed, denoting his countdown had completed, Medusa's hair formed a silver-white snake for each member foolish enough to ignore his warning. Then, before the Second Prince could order them to stop dallying, all eight people were turned to statues as beams of light impacted their bodies. Their armaments did absolutely nothing to protect them, leaving them stuck in a perpetual state of drawing their swords with taunting expressions on their faces...

Seeing nearly half his entourage turned to stone, Kacper felt unbridled rage swelling up inside of him, both as a result of Medusa's actions and the foolishness of his own men. He internally vowed to have his revenge, but, knowing there was a vast disparity between himself and Vahn, he wasted no time in shouting, "We're leaving!"

This time, none of the Second Prince's entourage dared dally, quickly falling into place around him as he sped away from the scene. With the exception of the cold-faced woman, none of them dared to even spare their former companions a second glance, fearing what fate would await them if they looked back for even a moment...


After watching the Second Prince's party retreat, Vahn briefly cast his gaze upon the statues that now littered the entrance of his room. Medusa hadn't killed them, but, if they were left in that state for too long, death was all but assured. This was a strange quirk of Petrification, and, at least in the Akamatsuverse, it was possible for some types to preserve their victims for decades. There had even been instances of Adventurers being returned to life after spending more than a hundred years as a stone statue within the various ruins that dotted Mundus Magicus...

Shaking his head, Vahn decided not to worry about the fate of the thug-like individuals, turning to Medusa with a smile on his face. Her eyes were still glimmering with ferocity, but, seeing him turn around, she quickly reverted back to normal, returning a smile as she unhesitantly asked, "Why did you allow that man to leave? Would the world not be a better place without such disrespectful and arrogant people...?"

Rather than refute Medusa's claim, Vahn nodded his head, stating, "Indeed...unfortunately, unless I intend to expand my Empire into this world, arbitrarily eliminating Aristocrats will cause too many problems. The Second Prince might be an arrogant fool, but he is also the rallying point for much of the Empire's corruption. If he were killed, those supporting him would branch out and spread their corruption to others. Unless he does something the people disdain, such as attempting a coup, it is not as simple as simply eliminating him..."

Though he would not have hesitated to kill the Second Prince if the latter had ignored his warning, Vahn was the type that was compelled to take responsibility for his actions. If he one day decided to purge the Nobility, he would have little choice but to take over the Hellas Empire. It would be better to simply cripple the Second Prince and slowly eliminate the underground factions that caused the most discourse within the Empire, allowing the more 'righteous' criminal organizations to flourish in their stead.

Remembering why he disdained politics, Vahn shook his head in exasperation before saying, "This is not our battlefield...our fight will take place on a much grander stage than a single Empire. Though I might lend a hand, the fate of the Hellas Empire can only be changed by the people and those they have placed their trust in..."

Unless he completely eliminated the Nobles and began hand-picking representatives to govern, it would be very difficult to seize complete control over the Hellas Empire. The next best option was to either marry or support one of the candidates for the Throne, but, with no interest in playing the game of politics, Vahn would rather just become an existence that instills fear in the hearts of every disreputable Noble family. If he became strong enough, he could even act as a natural deterrent for war, becoming a literal God that meted out divine retribution to any country whose ambitions grew beyond their borders...

Nodding his head in approval of his own thoughts, Vahn rose from the bed, allowing Medusa to help him dress. There was less than half an hour until his scheduled match but he could already feel Jack's aura surging like a tidal wave. The man's aura shone almost as brightly as a star, and, though there was a small amount of black near the very core, Vahn knew this was largely due to the [Magia Erebea]. The fact Jack was able to completely suppress this corruptive influence spoke highly of his character, and, if he had to make a guess, Vahn would be willing to bet the man had an Innate that was directly related to Willpower.

Willpower and Intent seemed to be two of the most powerful forces within the Records, so, more often than not, anyone with strong Willpower was a force to be reckoned with. They had the fastest growth rates, and, under the right conditions, could even comprehend the Laws in a relatively short period of time. As a result, Vahn could feel the blood in his veins surging with excitement as every cell in his body seemed to writhe about in anticipation. His own Willpower was nothing to scoff at, so, regardless of the fight's outcome, he was guaranteed to experience a monstrous increase in his own strength...

With this in mind, Vahn gave Medusa one last kiss before leaping off from the veranda, drawing a lot of attention to himself as he crashed like a meteor into the Arena below. There, already waiting for him, a mountain of a man was already waiting for him, his body largely concealed by an ornate mantle as he stood with a massive greatsword planted in the ground before him. He gave off a very solemn impression with his head slightly lowered, his eyes concealed by the shadow of his bangs and the red bandana firmly tied around his forehead.

Seeing Jack from just a few hundred meters away, Vahn couldn't help but be impressed by the man. His aura was even more impressive than Heracles', giving the impression of a summitless mountain rather than a man. Vahn could even sense his power gradually increasing, tempered by the fervor of hundreds-of-thousands of people shouting his name. It was almost like he was a God, the shouts of his adoring fans giving him greater strength as a palpable aura of Fate permeated from his body...


Though every fiber of his being was compelling him to take the initiative to attack, Rakan's had full mastery over his emotions. He might pretend to be airheaded at times, but, were he to be given an actual IQ test, he would score somewhere in the 200 range. His true nature was hyperrational, and, though his thirst for battle was genuine, each of his fights had 'purpose'. He did not enjoy bullying the weak, nor did he harbor vendettas against those who were stronger than him. All that mattered to him was pushing forward, becoming an example for all those who would follow behind him...

Raising his head, Rakan's golden eyes glimmered with an intense light as he stared at his opponent for the first time. He could feel the natural aura that lingered around Vahn, making it impossible to determine the man's actual strength. The closest thing he could approximate it to was looking at a storm brewing on the horizon while at sea. Though it seemed distant, almost untouchable, even the most experience Sea Captain would feel an existential dread when they saw the clouds sweeping in their direction...

Having experienced his fair share of natural disasters, an eager smile spread across Rakan's face as he muttered, "I've always wanted to try diverting a hurricane..." while drawing his greatsword from the Arena floor...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Match of the Century','With Great Power comes Great Responsibility','A man with purpose will never find his courage lacking')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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