65.15% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1536: Might

章節 1536: Might

Though it was customary to evaluate a new Gladiator's strength before arranging a match for them, Vahn's previous act of wreaking havoc had invalidated the need for such measures. He was actually quite hated among the staff of the Coliseum, so, while others would start off by facing off against a few magical creatures, his first opponent was a relatively famous Gladiator, someone who had been able to win 83 of their Hundred-Series matches.

When Vahn first heard about his opponent, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes, ignoring the hateful looks he was receiving from the organizers as he prepared for the coming fight. It ultimately didn't matter how they tried to scheme against him; in the end, he was just here to familiarize himself with the restrictions of the Akamatsuverse. Something that forced him to discard propriety was bound to happen, as, with the popularity of the Coliseum, various Aristocrats and Nobles would be observing his matches.

While waiting for his own match to begin, Vahn absentmindedly observed the other contenders that mulled around the waiting room. There were a total of twenty-three people of various races, ages, and genders. Most wore relatively simple clothing, consisting of matted trousers and tattered tunics. Only those who had proven themselves in the Arena were given the chance to obtain better quality clothing and equipment, forcing new Gladiators to fight with their bodies.

Like the rest of the Gladiators, Vahn was wearing relatively plain clothes, but, a stark contrast to even the most well-equipped among them, his clothes were pristine and unblemished. This drew the eyes of nearly every person in the room, earning him a few hateful looks from the more prideful veterans in the group. Even then, they didn't try to make trouble, as, for reasons few people would be able to understand, Vahn gave off a natural and intimidating aura. If they could actually see why this was, it undoubtedly would have caused a few of them to laugh...

Ever since he had arrived in the Akamatsuverse, Vahn seemed to have become a veritable magnet for Elemental Spirits. At the present moment, there were more than a hundred lingering around him, and, despite his constant efforts to remove them, a new batch would quickly replace those climbing on his body. He didn't really have the heart to 'scare' them away, so, with the most casual demeanor he could manage, Vahn simply pretended they didn't exist...

When it finally came time for his match to begin, Vahn didn't even bother to remove the Elementals for his body when he rose to his feet. This caused some of them to release high pitched sounds, but, rather than fall 'normally', they would float to the ground like fallen leaves before bouncing after him with the larger group. It almost felt like he had become a mother duck, unable to shake off a literal hoard of multi-colored ducklings...


As the matches in the Coliseum were the most entertaining pastimes for most residents of the Hellas Empire, a lot of effort went into organizing the event and hyping up the crowd. There were hundreds of official brokers to handle bets, monstrously powerful barriers to protect the crowd, and, though they were exorbitantly expensive, large monitors that allowed those in the 'nosebleed' seats to see what was going on below.

In an effort to hype up the crowd and keep people interested, special announcers and referees had also been prepared. In the past, these roles had been filled by famous Gladiators, but, due to a small shift in social dynamics, the most popular fight casters were beautiful women. Their voices carried a lot better over acoustics, and, with many casters competing for popularity, it had become normal to see a few of the bolder beauties show off a fair amount of skin.

Aiming for the number one caster position, Urszula Padi Glowacka wasn't shy when it came to riling up the crowd. She was a rather petite Hellas woman with the same characteristic bronze skin, blonde hair, curved horns, and fur-covered ears as other Hellasian women. What allowed her to 'shine' were her tight leather shorts, the form-fitting top that hugged her voluminous chest, and the ornamental devil wings and tail that made her look like a succubus. She was also provided a harness that allowed her to fly around the Arena as she excitedly commented on the events taking place inside. This had made her rather popular among the fans, much to the chagrin of her competition.

Hearing the explanation from the producers, Urszula began to hype the crowd up by performing a few acrobatic maneuvers as she exclaimed, "The next match is sure to be a special treat! Not only are we going to witness the debut of a new Gladiator, but his opponent is none other than the Blade of Darkness' Bane, Zeigrein Lesiak~! And...what's this!? I'm being told the new Gladiator is responsible for the tragic events of yesterday afternoon! Will we be witnessing another bloodbath, or will the Blade of Darkness' Bane enact justice on behalf of the tragic men and women who lost their lives in yesterday's attack!?"

Though killing your opponent was supposed to be against the rules, a number of lives were lost in the Coliseum each day. There were no great penalities for 'accidentally' killing your opponent, so, at times, the organizers used stronger Gladiators to kill or cripple people that had offended them. This was generally frowned upon, causing an uproar whenever the truth was exposed, but few people did anything to try and change the broken system. All most citizens cared about was watching a bloody match and making money, allowing them to overlook such injustices entirely.

Normally, a Fight Caster would never directly draw attention to the fact a match was one-sided, as it hurt the gambling odds, but the producers had made an exception this time around. They wanted to rile up the crowd and get them to hate Vahn. Not only had he killed Coliseum personnel, but he was also a 'vile human', an indiscriminate killer who had butchered more than fifty Demihumans without remorse. Rumors were already circulating about the previous incident, so they had spun it in a way that made their people the victims by turning it into a racial issue. They didn't even allow Urszula to mention his name, simply mentioning his crimes in an effort to make him seem more like a monster.

When the crowd saw what appeared to be a human male in his late twenties enter into the Arena, they immediately erupted. Though it was against the rules, some people unhesitantly threw their concession items, causing a shower of partially eaten food to phase through the Arena's barrier. It wasn't impossible to create a barrier that blocked physical attacks, but most magical barriers were just that, barriers that blocked magic attacks. This allowed the closer audience members to try and pelt Vahn with food, but, without getting anywhere near him, everything thrown simply deviated to the sides...

Vahn wasn't surprised by the amount of hatred directed toward him, but, seeing Elementals readily block the things thrown at him, he couldn't help but smile slightly. This, of course, earned him even more booing and jeering, but, as he had never particularly cared about the opinions of people who were swayed by the machinations of others, he ignored them. Instead, he focused on the other side of the Arena, observing the entrance of his opponent.

Standing at 193cm tall, Ziegrein was a mountain of a man with dark skin, spiky black hair, two large canine ears, and a bushy tail that was covered in as many scars as his bare chest. He was a member of one of the various Beastman tribes, specifically the Black Wolf tribe indigenous to the forests of Elysium, the Continent to the West. Though they were typically on the smaller side, there were a few larger members of the tribe that were designated as Alphas due to their vastly superior speed and strength.

Seeing the rather feral-looking man, Vahn looked towards his left ear, noticing more than half of the fluffy protrusion was missing. It always reminded him of the incident with Milan whenever he saw a damaged ear or tail, so he had to restrain a sigh as he looked towards the massive cleaver-like sword on the man's back, asking, "You don't think that is a bit excessive...?"

Hearing his opponent speak, Ziegrien's eyes sharpened like daggers as he flashed his sharp canines and said, "It's perfect for slaying beasts and monsters..."

Shaking his head, Vahn ignored the cheering Ziegrien's words had caused, holding out his hand with a wry smile on his face as he said, "Paw..."

With his hair standing on end, Ziegrien didn't wait for the signal to begin, flexing his powerful legs to propel himself the 100m distance between him and Vahn in an instant. The sword on his back, which was more of a slab of jagged metal than anything else, created a tearing sound as it flashed through the air with surprising swiftness. Despite this, Vahn likened the attack to one performed by a weaker Einzbern Homunculi, meaning he was only around twenty times stronger than a normal human.

Since it felt like he had literal seconds to block the attack, Vahn didn't immediately catch Ziegrien's blade out of the air. He noticed the Elementals got upset the moment the man unsheathed his blade and tried to attack, his killing intent riling them up quite a bit. As a result, without him needing to do anything at all, some of the Elementals fused together before blasting the unsuspecting swordsman with a barrage of fire, wind, and water elemental energy.

Vahn knew his [True Friend of the Elements] would come in handy, but he never expected it would cause the Elements to proactively defend him. This gave him the idea of traveling to the nine sacred regions that were governed by Greater Elemental Spirits. For Mages and Knights specializing in one or two elements, they would make a pilgrimage to these locations in the hopes of learning from the true masters of said element. They were already on his list, but, seeing how readily the usually docile Elementals attacked Ziegrien, there could be a lot of merit to visiting them sooner...

As his opponent hadn't so much as moved a single centimeter, Ziegrien couldn't help but retreat a few meters, starting at Vahn like he was an actual monster. Most Magi needed staves or special rings to be able to cast Magic, and, even then, they required the use of incantations, chants, or activation keys. Seeing someone use Magic without the use of a catalyst or a chant was unheard of, unless, of course, you were an Elementalist.

Believing his opponent was hiding somehow hiding his contracted Spirits, Ziegrien released a bright blue magical aura from his body, a type of natural reinforcement magic that functioned similarly to [Mellodia Bellax]. It allowed him to greatly increase his speed, and, so long as his reserves held out, he would be able to resist weaker Magic attacks.

Seeing his opponent release an aura, Vahn's eyes flickered with a golden light as he used his [Eyes of Truth] to determine just how strong Ziegrein had become. He could see the man's internal energy surging like a fire that had gasoline thrown onto it. This made him much stronger than before, but, due to his weak foundation, there was no way he could keep it up for more than a few minutes.

Shaking his head, Vahn lifted his right hand, revealing a katana nobody had noticed him pulling out. He adopted a relatively casual stance, but, the moment he did so, Ziegrein literally jumped back like he was evading a lethal attack. His evasion was so swift that he nearly impacted the physical wall of the Arena, his eyes widening as his pupils rapidly expanded and contracted.

Vahn was quite surprised by Ziegrein's reaction, causing him to issue a light hum before asking, "Is it the benefit of your enhanced instincts? I'm surprised someone at your level can sense the difference in our skill...it's no wonder you have lived until now."

Though it looked like his opponent had countless openings, Ziegrein's instincts were screaming at him to run away. His fight or flight response was issuing a resounding call for flight, quickly quelling any thoughts he had of fighting back. Instead, he pressed his back flat against the wall, ignoring the protests of the crowd as he asked, "What...what are you...?"

With his excitement almost completely drained, Vahn dropped his stance completely, looking toward the booing crowd as he answered, "I am Vahn Aldrnari Mason, the Sage Dragon Emperor. You need not worry about forgetting it...from today onward, you'll be hearing it often..."

Before Ziegrein could ask what Vahn was talking about, the latter pointed his katana toward the sky, silencing the entire crowd as he said, "Set alight the all-consuming flame, Laevateinn...!"

From the moment Vahn released his Shikai, a heavy pressure spread nearly 10km in every direction from his position. His domain had more than doubled in size, its volume increasing by around ten times what it had been previously. As for his Base Power, it increased from 1,018 to 7,490, showing that power did, indeed, plateau. A Shikai was supposed to increase its user's power by around ten times, meaning he should have been at 10,180. Since the volume of his domain had increased, the only reasonable answer was that Base Power plateaued at certain points, something he would need to learn more about as he familiarized himself with the world...

Now that he had everyone's undivided attention, Vahn let Laev-tan rest on his shoulder, smiling in a way that didn't quite reach his eyes as he stated in a voice that echoed from all of the monitors, "My purpose here is to seek absolution for my past actions, not perform for your entertainment. It is your own prerogative if you wish to observe my battles, but, if you deign to intervene in the future, do not blame me for taking matters into my own hands. You came here to witness battles and make money, not act like a mob of petulant children. This is the only warning I will afford you...do not forget it..."

Though his words were enough to cow most people, Vahn wanted to deter those who believed they could do whatever they wanted just because they were in a crowd. He would mete out punishment to the organizers for rabblerousing, but, for now, his goal was to teach a lesson to the masses. Thus, with a strike most people couldn't even perceive, he brandished Laev-tan in a smooth arc. From the perspective of others, he went from standing confidently to having already completed his attack, a peculiar sight that almost made it seem as though the world had glitched.

By the time their mental faculties began to catch up with them, the crowd could only stare in horror as a visible crack appeared on the barrier meant to protect them. Most had never even heard of such a phenomenon occurring, but, much like a fish tank that had been compromised, the crack spread in a jarring manner, accompanied by a soul-shaking sound. Then, like fragmented glass, the part of the barrier that had been closed to Vahn simply shattered into pieces...

Ignoring the ache in his arm, Vahn gave a small nod of approval to himself before turning his gaze to Ziegrein and saying, "You are free to go. In the future, come see me about that left ear of yours. I can help you heal it. I can sense that you are a good person, so consider it my apology for breaking your winning streak."

As if only just then remembering why he was in the Arena, a small amount of Ziegrein's willpower came back. His reason ultimately won out, however, causing him to nod his head in understanding as he picked up his previously discarded weapon and said, "I'll keep that in mind..." before quickly departing the Arena.

After watching Ziegrein retreat, Vahn returned Laev-tan to her sealed state before looking up at the fight caster who, at this point, had fallen into the viewing stands. Her immediate reaction was to try and hide behind other members of the audience, but, realizing her intentions, everyone nearby had immediately moved away from her. This left her alone in a small void that had been opened in the previously packed audience, tears building up in corner of her eyes as she accepted her fate...

Ignoring the urge to laugh, Vahn adopted a casual smile as he asked, "Are you going to announce my victory...?"

Hearing the terrifying man's words, Urszula felt her body tense up, but, when her mind actually processed them, she opened her eyes, tilting her head to the side as she muttered a somewhat adorable, "Yes...?"

Vahn felt this Fight Caster was a bit on the ditzy type, causing his smile to turn more sincere as he gave a small nod, stating, "Proceed. I don't want to hold up the other matches."

As if given newfound purpose, energy returned to Urszula's body as she flittered up into the air, her voice a little higher than normal as she exclaimed, "A-And the victory goes to our newest Gladiator, the Sage Dragon Emperor, Vahn Aldrnari Mason! Let's all give him a round of applause...!?"

Despite the attempted fervor in Urszula's voice, most of the crowd was still recovering from having their bodies and minds pressured by Vahn's aura. He had held back considerably, as he might have accidentally killed someone otherwise, but they were still slow to recover. Those closest to the exits had come to their senses a little faster than most, but, due to their uncooperative limbs, they hadn't been able to flee very far.

Without waiting for anything like applause, Vahn gave an approving nod towards Urszula before turning around and departing the Arena. It wasn't until he had completely vanished that the majority of people began returning to their senses, but, even then, they weren't quite sure what, exactly, had happened. It almost felt like a nightmare, one that left behind a partially shattered barrier that, even now, continued to crackle...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Elementals: "It's a race to the top...!" *scales Vahn like a mountain*','The curse of 'perfect' memory (o_o)...','Vahn isn't laying low very well xD...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 1537: Lure

Though it was possible to fight multiple matches in a single day, it was more common to fight a single bout every two weeks. This was the main reason for the two-year sentencing, allowing you plenty of time to recover between bouts. In essence, Vahn had a little more than 1,374 days before his sentence would expire, as, in Mundus Magicus, one year was 687 days. There were systems and clocks that kept track of the date and time on Earth, but, for natives of the Magical World, this was the norm.

After retiring to his room, Vahn relaxed in his bed as he thought about his earlier actions. He felt like he might be taking things a little too far, even for him. The disgust and hatred that poured from the crowd like droplets in a rainstorm made him feel as though he was just wasting time. He didn't want to go back on his word, but, seeing the extent others were going to in order to sway public opinion against him, he was wondering whether or not it would be better to 'play nice'.

Shaking his head in exasperation, Vahn decided not to worry about it before turning his attention to a group of Earth Elementals that were forming a ladder as they tried to climb up the side of the bed. The nebulous little creatures worked together so naturally, making him wonder why people were so bad at it...

Interrupting him from his thoughts, even though he had already sensed them coming, Vahn said, "It is open..." before the servants outside could knock on the door. This caused the duo to fluster a bit, but, after a few seconds had passed, they managed to open the door, pushing in another large cart of food.

Since he could tell the girls wanted to ask something, Vahn sat up on the bed, a relaxed smile on his face as he said, "Out with it. There is something you wish to say to me...correct?"

Seemingly the bolder of the two cat-like women, the more petite girl stepped forward, cupping her hands around her mouth to make it harder for others to hear as she asked, "Did you really free Tilka? I heard one of the cooks say the girl assigned to attend you disappeared..."

Not surprised by the girl's inquiry, Vahn gave a curt nod that caused the feline duo to become a little giddy. They were both members of the Lesser Catkin tribe, so, unlike other Cat People, both girls had a layer of short fur covering much of their body, thick tails, and a dense coat of fluffy fur around their necks, forearms, calves, and 'paws'. In a way, they were almost like a fusion between Fenrir and Illya, a combination that made them, unfortunately, very popular as slaves.

Understanding what the girls wanted to ask, Vahn preempted them, stating, "There is nothing like a price. I can provide you with supplies and equipment, but you'll be on your own from then on. If you are confident in your ability to make a better life for yourselves, I don't mind freeing you."

Hearing Vahn's words, even the demure beauty behind the petite woman's back showed a hopeful smile on her face as she said, "We have friends outside of the Coliseum. If you can really remove our collars, we can escape the city and return to our homes. We'll go-"

Interrupting the woman before she could explain their plan to him, Vahn adopted a wry smile as he stated, "It is best you keep your plans a secret. I can't become your benefactor or the guarantor for your plan. Once I remove your collars and move you someplace safe, you'll be on your own. I don't mind if you tell people I helped you, but keep the methods I used a secret unless it endangers your life. I'm not afraid of trouble, but try not to bring too much my way, okay...?"

Vahn had always been against things like slavery, so, if he came across good people, he wouldn't mind helping them out. Though he couldn't be responsible for them after the fact, their gratitude would also provide him a small increase in strength due to his [Will of the Emperor], so, in a way, it was a win-win situation. He couldn't call himself a Vagrant Hero if he never helped anyone and just kept intimidating everyone who offended him...

Without trying to argue, both girls fell very silent until the smaller one asked in a hushed tone, "What do we need to do...?"

Rather than answer, Vahn gestured for the two girls to approach, surprising them both when he put his hands on their heads. Before they could complain, however, this surprise quickly turned to what could only be described as a 'melting' expression. His [Hands of Nirvana] were still SSS-Rank, and, if not for how peculiar it was, Vahn was certain he would have developed a Skill related to Petting Laws in every Record he visited.

Feeling as though their brains had turned into a pleasant mush, both servant girls began to purr in a rather adorable manner, bringing a smile to Vahn's face as he reached down and pressed his index finger to the small locks attached to their collars. It might not be possible for others to fabricate the key, but, with his understanding of the collar's structure, Vahn could, very easily, disable the function that caused it to explode. He could even erase and modify ritual grade magic while it was still being chanted, so there was little a magical lock could do to stop him.

While both girls were still in an absentminded state, Vahn removed both of their collars and tossed them onto the nearby table. Then, having made preparations for this inevitability, he pulled out two robes, a rucksack full of clothes, and a few other necessities that would aid in travel. There was even a tiny bag of gold nuggets, enough to exchange for more than enough Drachma to fund a long trip.

By the time the girls were coming back to their senses, Vahn had already prepared everything they would need, handing it to them with a smile as he explained, "There are clothes, supplies, and other valuables in this bag. There is also a good luck charm inside. It might look a little silly, but there is a chance it will save your life in an emergency. Now, are you ready? It will become a problem if others see you now that your collars are gone."

Hearing Vahn's words, both girls instinctually touched their necks to confirm whether or not he was telling the truth. When they felt nothing but soft fur, tears began to well up in their eyes, but, before they could express their gratitude, Vahn just lightly chuckled and said, "Take care of yourselves..." as they both vanished. He might not have any actual teleportation Magic, but, with a 94% mastery over Space Laws, Vahn could bend the rules quite a bit within his domain...


When two more Slaves were announced missing, the Coliseum Director couldn't help but punch a hole in the wall of his office. He had been warned by Jagoda not to seek trouble, but there was only so much he could tolerate. Now, one of his prisoners had not only killed dozens of his men, but he had also started arbitrarily freeing Slaves. There had also been reports of extra food, blankets, and other supplies just appearing out of thin air, interfering with the training of new recruits...

With an expression that could make a Demon blush, the Coliseum Director, a Hellas man named Igor Marceli Gayda, glared toward his 'Assistant' with a venomous gaze as he said, "If I find you snooping around that man's room, your mother and sister are history. Now, go tell those bastards to search all of the recruit quarters. If they find contraband, break the fingers of those who refuse to fork it over!"

Though she wanted to remind the Director about the Magistrate's words, the Slave-turned-Assistant ultimately just gave a polite bow before quickly carrying out her Master's orders. She couldn't deny that the thought of freedom had crossed her mind, but, with a sick mother and a younger sister, her Master had more than enough leverage to keep her in check. It was for them that she abandoned her rights as a Slave, becoming literal property that could be killed, maimed, or even worse, without any repercussions for her Master...

Seeing his Assistant leave the room, Igor plopped down in his lavish leather chair, running his hand through his spiky golden hair as he muttered, "What did I do to deserve another monster like Jack? If that bitch weren't an Aristocrat, I would stop at nothing to make her my slave...haaa. This is going to give me an aneurism..."

Feeling a powerful migraine sweeping over him, Igor pulled out a bottle of dark-brown liquor that would cost as much as a small house. It was usually reserved for special celebrations, but, feeling as if he 'deserved' something to ease off the tension, Igor poured a finger into a glass before throwing back the entire shot in a single gulp. The burning sensation allowed him to reminisce of all the good times he had while partaking of the special alcohol, but, due to the unique circumstances, he felt as though there was an especially bitter aftertaste this time around...

Sensing there was something more to the taste, a frown spread across Igor's face as he inspected the glass in hand. He held it up to eye level, squinting to see if there had been anything stuck to the bottom. What he didn't expect was to see someone standing in the doorway to his office, causing the cup to fall from his hand as he stammered, "Y-Y-You..."

Before Igor could rise to his feet and grab his trusty ax from the wall, the figure vanished from his view. Immediately afterward, a deathly chill ran through his body that caused his movements to slow to a crawl, his outstretched hand developing a thin layer of ice that quickly spread through the rest of his body. By the time his index finger reached the handle of his prized weapon, Igor's body had been frozen completely, his expression perpetually fixed into one of incredulity and horror...


Though he appeared to be 'behaving' within the confines of his room, the truth of the matter was very different than it seemed. Vahn wasn't able to create as many bodies as he could in the final few years he spent in the Nasuverse, but, with 95 years of practice, he had been able to push himself to manifest ten forms. This required being inside a Realm like a Marble Phantasm, but, so long as he had no distractions, he could keep them together without too much trouble.

At his current level, the most Vahn could manage without compromising his reserves was creating a second body. This was largely due to his attempts to 'condense' and store Source Energy within his Dantian. He wanted to summon Medusa and Fenrir as soon as possible, so, after determining there weren't many worthwhile enemies to face, Vahn decided to be more 'productive' with his time.

It was probably a terrible idea, but Vahn decided to start cleaning up the Coliseum using a second identity, his Master's. She would probably kill him a few times once she learned the truth, but, in the hopes of trying to lure her out, Vahn had decided to borrow Eva's appearance to teach some of the more troublesome people a lesson. This would allow him to remove a bit of the focus from himself, and, if she were paying attention to worldly affairs, Eva might actually come to investigate.

Vahn wasn't sure how long he would stay in the Hellas Empire, but his 'instincts' were telling him to stick around for a few months. He couldn't see the Flow of Fate very well, but he could still sense it to a certain extent. Unless he wanted to rush directly to Ostia, staying near one of the major players in the coming war would make tracking down and dealing with Cosmo Entelecheia easier. He knew they would have agents pulling the strings behind the scenes, so, after meeting with Jack, Vahn was intending to undermine their plans by weeding out the principal instigators behind the war.

Even without confirming it for himself, Vahn knew that the Second Prince was going to attempt a coup immediately following the Third Princess' kidnapping. This would ultimately end in failure, but it was a strong indicator he had ties to Cosmo Entelecheia. The fact they hadn't killed Theodora was a sure sign they had some use for her, especially as the contractor of the Ancient Dragon.

If his speculation was correct, Vahn imagined the agents of Cosmo Entelecheia basically bribing the Second Prince by promising to transfer or seal the Ancient Dragon into his own body. With both the Emperor and Theodora losing their lives in the conflict, he would be the only remaining member of the Imperial Family, so it was all but guaranteed he would receive the crown. He also had a powerful faction behind him, and, for whatever reason, had been placed in charge of the Coliseum.

Based on how shoddily things were run, it was pretty easy to understand what type of character the Second Prince was. If he had been a competent and righteous leader, the people working under him wouldn't be a bunch of thugs who enjoyed beating children and exploiting Slaves. Jagoda's reaction all but confirmed his suspicions, so, at some point in the near future, Vahn was expecting the Second Prince to send someone to 'negotiate' with him.

Regardless of what else happened, Vahn was certain Jack had already been recalled to try and deal with him. The Empire had a few measures they could resort to in order to deal with powerful people, including the use of Vrixho Nagasha, but such methods would result in a massive loss of face. To the type of people that embellished their dwellings just to show off to other affluent people, how others viewed them was a matter of supreme importance. They would go to great lengths to make others do things for them, avoiding any real responsibility unless it would further increase their prestige...

As Vahn was humoring the thought of robbing the Palace blind, his other self appeared within the room. He was still transformed as Eva, so, for a very brief moment, Vahn's heart ached as he saw the familiar figure of the lonely Vampiress. This was immediately followed by a feeling of awkwardness, causing him to revert his second vessel into an indestructible crystalline shard. To his amusement, the Elemental Spirits seemed to be very confused by the presence of two natural auras, fumbling about atop the bed in a fretful manner...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Fluff Sect grows stronger by the day','That's a nice plan you have there...it would be a shame if someone were to put it on ice o3o...','*fretful spirit sounds*')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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