Though his increased size made him a much easier target for skilled foes, Vahn was actually quite fond of his Huánglóng transformation. It always made him feel like an untouchable God, and, while he certainly wasn't immune to damage, the vast majority of attacks couldn't even reach him, much less cause him injury. Thus, in order to make the most of the moment, he did something none in the room expected, laying down on his stomach, crossing his forelimbs, and rhythmically tapping his tail with enough force to cause powerful reverberations through the pillar-like arena.
As he had never faced off against Vahn's complete transformation, Sigurd showed a brief hint of surprise in his generally placid expression. Consuming the [Heart of Fafnir] had sealed away the vast majority of his emotions, turning him into a cold, intelligent, and fearless warrior due to his unique Skill, [Crystallized Wisdom]. It granted him such a boon that, if intelligence had been one of the quantifiable Parameters in the Nasuverse, Sigurd's would be very near the peak of what humans, even those descended from Gods, could reach. He wasn't an outlier like Da Vinci and Gozen, but, when it came to decision-making, there was a reason why people called him the King of Warriors...
Seeing Vahn adopt a 'passive' stance, Sigurd's [Helm of Fafnir] activated, shrouding his face with an angular and stylish helmet. It, combined with his bodysuit, actually allowed him to survive in virtually any environment, even the vacuum of space. In the past, he had even used it to invade the Mountain where Byrnhildr had been sealed, passing through magically flames cast by none other than Odin, all to save the tragic Valkyrian woman. This wasn't out of love, but, upon seeing her beauty for himself, even the emotionless King of Warriors had been smitten.
With no other battle preparations, Sigurd hefted his greatsword, the legendary [Gram]. It was one of the most potent 'Dragon Slaying' Noble Phantasms, capable of even smiting immortal with a curse that rent most defenses useless. It even looked pretty cool, at least in Vahn's opinion, possessing two blades formed of ruby-red crystalline metal, completely devoid of anything like a guard, as, against the kind of foes Sigurd faced, such ornamentations were simply inefficient...
Though his Agility was only B-Rank, Sigurd's Parameters were capable of doubling whenever he was facing off against Dragons. He also had a version of [Primordial Rune], given the subclassification of 'Warrior' as he could only use them for enhancing his physique and power. His futuristic armor had these runes engraved into their surface, allowing him to freely regulate their activation with nothing more than a thought.
After appearing a few meters away from Vahn's location, Sigurd's body slammed into what appeared to be an invisible wall. His charge actually carried enough force to cause cracks to appear within the void itself, but, with his A+ Rank Endurance, he was entirely unharmed as he quickly recovered, two blazing blue runes on his gauntlets as he struck a vertical blow with [Gram], a wall of ghostly flames erupting into existence as a result.
Unfortunately, no matter how many boons he had against Dragons, Sigurd would be hard-pressed to overcome Vahn's mastery of Space and Time. Though it looked like he was just allowing Sigurd to attack freely, he was actually condensing Space to the point it had become a near-indestructible solid. Unless the opponent also had the power to rend Space, approaching within ten meters of his body was all but impossible.
Seeing his wall of flames crash into the same invisible force, Sigurd seemed to 'pause' for a very brief moment. In the next, however, his [Gram] shifted from ruby-red to a sapphire-blue, runes flaring to life across its entire length.
With his mastery of [Primordial Rune]s, Vahn was able to understand Sigurd's intentions, but, rather than take any countermeasures, he squinted his eyes in intrigue.
Not leaving Vahn in suspense, Sigurd drove his sword forward, piercing into the invisible membrane with tremendous force. This caused large spatial cracks to develop, but, despite spreading for several tens of meters, the tip of his blade only pierced thirty centimeters into the compressed Space.
Undaunted, the runes in Sigurd's sword began blazing with intense and violent energy, but, instead of exploding outward, it began to condense, forming a physical blade. This was the state of [Gram] when it was fully active, requiring that his opponent be a high-ranking Dragon just to take effect. As a result, the rank of his Noble Phantasm was elevated from A to A++ Rank in an instant, reaching very near the point of the unquantifiable EX-Rank.
As if refusing to bow down to a Dragon, [Gram] began to produce a shrill metallic sound as its blade began to slowly increase in length, piercing through the spatial membrane. The previous cracks even began to erupt with blue flames, seemingly produced from the void itself. It was a dazzling sight to behold, but, no matter how impressive an attack appeared, it took more than flare to overcome Time and Space...
In exchange for extending his blade's length nearly three meters into the spatial member, Sigurd had destabilized the surrounding Space, specifically near him. As a result, the beautiful blue flames were actually the result of a backlash, the chaotic energies threatening to tear him apart. Spatial fractures were able to completely ignore conventional defenses, so, while his Endurance and armor were both exceptional, pieces of the latter had begun to flake away after cracking violently under the pressure.
Vahn was actually impressed with Sigurd's resolute display, as he seemed completely unwilling to back down. However, the last thing he needed was a crazed Valkyrie hunting him down, crying tears of blood as she attempted to avenge her lover. Thus, rather than lay idle as Sigurd tore his body to pieces, Vahn's slowly lifted his body to a seated position, squatting on his disproportionately small hind legs as he puffed out his chest.
Following a brilliant glimmering of gold, Vahn spread apart his wings to their full length, seemingly in an instant. As a result, a powerful pulse of energy erupted with him as the epicenter, crashing into Sigurd and launching him like a cannonball several hundred meters. More surprisingly, at least to the Xiantian Elders atop the viewing platform, the arena itself began to crack as sections of the ancient array began to fade.
Seeing the incomprehensible display of might, those left standing could no longer resist falling to their feet, their pride shattered in the face of their 'greatest' Ancestor. One man even started crying, behaving as if he was a child trapped in a nightmare instead of a six-hundred-year-old man who had seen the rise and fall of entire Dynasties. This would have normally earned him reproachful remarks from his kinsmen, but, seeing the power displayed by the 'Yellow Dragon Emperor', they were at a complete loss for words...
Vahn hadn't actually been intending to destroy the array so early, but, rather than shrink back and reduce his momentum, he felt more emboldened by the destruction. This was one of the downsides to his Huánglóng transformation, even if it was also one of his greatest strengths. The pride of a True Dragon wasn't something that could be discarded easily, and, much like the Divinity of a God, giving in to its influence brought an incredible amount of power.
Abiding by his instincts, Vahn began to slowly ascend into the air, his wings spread wide as his rather lithe figure came into view. He took on the form of a western dragon, but, instead of having a figure suited to walking on all-fours, he maintained a vaguely humanoid physique. He actually thought the slender and muscular form complimented his resplendent golden wings quite a bit. Others seemed to agree with this sentiment, as, every time he came to his full height, Vahn could see awe, fear, and reverence in the countenance of all who viewed him...
Spreading his arms to the side, further increasing the pressure within the arena, Vahn plainly asked, "Are you satisfied...?" while looking between Sigurd and the 'audience'.
Hearing Vahn's address, the Xiantian Elders dared not answer, each bowing low as if preparing to kowtow at a moment's notice. As for Sigurd, he pulled himself free of the far wall, several parts of his armor now missing. He didn't hesitate to jump back into the arena, the blade of his sword growing to nearly ten meters in length as he confidently stated, "I am unconvinced."
Following his rather bold claim, runes glowed along Sigurd's greaves, greatly enhancing his Agility and allowing him to bound through the air as if it was solid ground. The upper-half of his helmet had been shattered in the previous collision so it was possible to see the expression in his icy-blue eyes, completely bereft of fear. It was actually rather admirable, but, despite thinking this, Vahn did not hesitate to use his tail to flick the man out of the sky, mid-step.
Despite his size, Vahn suffered no reduction in speed whatsoever. Rather, due to his attunement with Space and Time, his relative speed was even faster than his base form. As for his perception, it had been enhanced to the point that, the faster his opponent was, the slower they seemed to move. He was nearing the point where he could even isolate himself from the Time Axis, so, while not on the level of a Spiritron Supercomputer, capable of computing trillions of processes simultaneously, he wasn't far off...
This time, when Sigurd emerged from his personalized hole, his left arm had been shattered beyond recognition. He also suffered tremendous internal injuries, but, as if it was someone else's problem, he still managed to lift [Gram] with his right hand, stating, "I am unconvinced..." in an unperturbed tone.
Vahn didn't know whether to laugh or cry at Sigurd's obstinance, but, fortunately, he didn't have to talk the man down as Shirou, appearing out of thin air, prevented the machine-like man's charge. He had his arms spread wide, a severe expression on his face as he shouted, "Sigurd, think of Brynhildr! If you die here, you know what she would do!"
As if he had only remembered Brynhildr, realization seemed to flicker across Sigurd's eyes. He then gave a curt nod, shouldering his weapon as he answered, "I understand. Sorry."
With no other words necessary, Sigurd turned away from Shirou, leaping up to one of the eight large viewing platforms that encircled the arena. There was a teleportation ward that had been set up in the area, allowing them to move between the Forbidden City and their 'Headquarters'. This not only allowed them to 'surprise' Vahn, preventing him from knowing who he was going to be facing, but it also allowed them to quickly retreat to mend their wounds.
Seeing the taciturn man run off, Shirou released a tired sigh before turning his attention towards the twelve-meter tall golden Dragon. If you included his tail, Vahn's overall length exceeding twenty-two meters. His thirty-five-meter wingspan made him seem even more majestic and intimidating, almost like a small star that had taken the shape of a dragon. It was almost impossible to even look at him, not simply due to his brilliance, but the fact that his existence seemed to suppress everything else in the vicinity...
As Shirou had appeared next to his previous opponent, Vahn was staring down at the white-haired man with a neutral expression on his face. It was actually pretty difficult to be expressive when he was in a dragon state, as even a smile looked like he was baring his fangs, but everyone seemed to somehow understand what he was thinking. Thus, rather than show confusion, Shirou smiled wryly, stating, "I am not your next opponent..."
Hearing Shirou's words, Vahn was tempted to snort, but, as he had already grown used to the man's behavior, he decided to simply land on the arena, stating, "Time is a precious commodity, one which is highly sought after, even by those with immense power. We have agreed to face your champions, but that does not mean we will be kept waiting. Make haste, Shirou Emiya."
Following his words, Vahn stretched his wings and neck before furling the former and laying back down on the arena floor. He needed to conserve his energy, and, though he could transform back whenever he pleased, the 'restrictions' of the arena seemed to be trying to force him to remain in his Huánglóng form. This is what made him assume they were trying to stall things out, as, if he lacked the ability to break through the array, it was very possible their plan would have been a success.
Though he knew Vahn would, despite his words, continue waiting patiently, Shirou also knew it was important to at least give the overbearing Dragon some face. Fortunately, it seemed like he had left Artoria behind, as, when they were together, both were even more overbearing than normal. During their last encounter, Artoria, alone, had severely injured more than half their forces over a perceived slight. It had been a rather disheartening experience, so, while he was slightly saddened to see Vahn alone, Shirou was also grateful that the aptly named 'Dragon God Empress' was not present...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'TFW you go Plus Ultra and the enemy doesn't even have to move...','*Casual tail smack*','Shirou and Vahn have a lot of enmity between each other xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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After waiting for longer than he would have liked, Vahn was beginning to lose his patience. As a result, he began to slowly increase the amount of pressure his aura put on the array, causing small bands of golden electricity to dance through the void. At the same time, he began to lightly tap the arena with his talon, each tap causing the entire stage to tremble slightly as his golden eyes began to blaze with increasing intensity...
Being 'glared' at by Vahn, Shirou was feeling more pressure than anyone else in the room. Even he was starting to wonder what was taking so long. He assumed the delay had something to do with Sigurd's condition, as Brynhildr would have undoubtedly made a scene, but it shouldn't have taken this long. If the next person didn't show up soon, he, or Hou Yi, would have to enter into the arena a little earlier than expected.
Fortunately, just as the tensions seemed to reach a dangerous level, a fluctuation occurred near the teleportation ward. Vahn sensed this before anyone else, causing him to turn his head out of curiosity. When he saw who appeared, however, his face formed the closest thing to a deadpan expression that a Dragon could manage, the vibrance of his eyes dimming slightly as he internally remarked, ("This is going to be a long day...")
Appearing atop the viewing platform was a 'woman' with vibrant red hair that seemed to flow away from her scalp like flames, ending in a ponytail. Unlike a normal human, she also had hair growing from the sides of her face, giving her a monkey-like appearance, similar to a macaque. Her expression was perpetually fixed in a confident grin, set with two relatively bush eyebrows that, much like her hair, seemed reminiscent of flames above her ruby-red eyes.
Though the woman wasn't a heaven-sent beauty, she was still relatively attractive, especially with her fit and shapely figure. She wore a sarashi-style wrap to cover her relatively buxom chest, and, though she had a golden chainmail shirt, it hung loosely from her left shoulder, leaving the right side exposed. To complete her outfit, she had a golden band around her head, set with phoenix plumes, red 'kung-fu' trousers, black feet wraps that were patterned like storm clouds, and, most notably, an ornate red and gold staff...
While the woman's appearance was rather 'unique', what really stood out was the fact that her arms and legs were covered in rust-red fur. Though this could be mistaken as part of her clothes, closer inspection would reveal that the covering was, in fact, part of her body. What made this most apparent was the relatively thick, monkey-like, tail that was often wrapped around her waist like a belt...
As Vahn was lamentin his fortune, the monkey-like woman stood on the edge of the balcony, a toothy grin spreading across her face as she mused, "Wahaha, what's this, what's this? What a strange-looking lizard. I wonder, is your asshole also gilded with gold~?"
With the same 'deadpan' expression as before, Vahn released an annoyed sigh before rising to his full height and saying, "Still pretending to be a woman, you damn ape...?"
Seemingly finding Vahn's words quite funny, the monkey-like woman began to snicker and cackle, kicking and rolling in the air as if gravity had no bearing on them. Then, as if realizing exactly what Vahn had said, the froze in mid-air before flipping onto their feet and shouting, "I'm not an ape! You're an ape! Your entire family is a group of apes! I'm a proud monkey! See this majestic tail!? How many apes do you know that have tails, huh? Are you some kind of lizard-brained idiot!?"
Snorting through his nostrils with enough force to create a small shockwave, Vahn rolled his eyes and asked, "How long are you going to continue stalling? Don't tell me the Great Sage Equal to Heaven is afraid...?"
Almost immediately after the last syllable escaped his maw, Vahn felt a mild destructive pulse pass through his body as the monkey-like woman's staff slammed into the spatial membrane that protected him. She seemed to have taken offense to his accusation, her eyes blazing like flames as she shouted, "I even bullied that Jade Emperor brat. Do you think I, Sun Wukong, am afraid of some shiny asshole who cowers behind a wall!?"
Following her initial attack, Wukong brandished her [Ruyi Jingu Bang] a second time, leaping back as the staff grew to more than ten meters in length, and three across, smashing into the spatial membrane with tremendous force. It was a weapon that weighed 7,960kg by default, but, based on Wukong's intentions, it could increase to 81,000,000kg in an instant, growing to more than 150m in the process.
Needless to say, Wukong was a physical powerhouse, and, though she had no understanding of things like Space and Time, it didn't matter. By simply 'wanting' to deal damage, she was able to ignore most defenses and obstacles, the result of their Divinity and an irrational understanding of 'Strength' Laws. This was one of the reasons Vahn didn't like fighting her, as, not only did she talk a lot of crap, but all of her attacks actually caused him a considerable amount of pain...
Though his spatial membrane was still holding up, Vahn wasn't going to just remain idle as the enraged monkey continued beating on him. His body radiated an intense light, enough to blind most people, as he spun around, smashing his tail into Wukong as she attempted a third strike. This sent her flying like a meteor, crashing into the wall and causing a small cave-in when one of the viewing platforms collapsed.
Wukong's [Golden Chainmail Shirt] actually made her invulnerable to most attacks, but, with his Source Energy, Vahn could still hit through her defenses. This meant they both had the means to deal significant damage to the other party, but, in his transformed state, Vahn had a significant advantage over her. Unfortunately, Wukong actually had several other forms of immortality, so, even if she could be beaten down, she bounced back even faster than Heracles...
Proving Vahn's point, Wukong burst forth from the rubble, steam flowing from various wounds on her body as her blood seemed to simply evaporate. Then, in a somewhat feral tone of voice, she shouted, "Suck on this, ya shiny cunt...!" before increasing the size of [Ruyi Jingu Bang] enough to block his vision.
Though his spatial membrane held up, Wukong's attack caused fractures to spread more than a hundred meters, shattering part of the arena and causing the surrounding space to tremble. Vahn was also given a considerable migraine, vanishing just as quickly as it had set in. Then, resisting the resonating shockwave generated by the pillar-like staff, golden light ran from his abdomen to his throat before culminating into a soul-shaking roar.
Wukong had a ferocious grin on her face while attacking, but, seeing the golden light erupt from Vahn's maw, her confidence quickly receded as she muttered, "Oh, fu-"
Before she could finish her expletive, Wukong's body was bathed in golden light, its radiance so bright that even shadows seemed to be erased from existence. Fortunately, Vahn had constrained the beam somewhat, preventing it from causing too much destruction as it tore through hundreds of meters of stone, piercing through the Forbidden City and continuing even beyond the planet's atmosphere...
Though Wukong was relatively fast, she didn't have the ability to dodge attacks that, according to Da Vinci's calculations, were roughly 73% the speed of light. This was actually the 'slowest' Vahn could make the attack go, as, when he went 'all-out', it was impossible to quantify just how fast his Dragon's Breath was able to travel. It could even strike entities that existed beyond the Time Axis, so, theoretically, it could travel from one side of the Universe to the other before a photon could cover a single attometer.
By the time he closed his maw, a perfectly cylindrical hole had been carved at a roughly thirty-degree angle in the ceiling. As for Wukong, she was nowhere to be seen, but, while others might be worried for her safety, Vahn lazily eyed the hole her body had created previously, asking, "Do you really think you can hide from my senses, little monkey?"
At a glance, the hole seemed to be completely empty, but, if you were to look very closely, it was possible to spot a few strands of fine red hair. In response to Vahn's words, these hairs began to slowly levitate, before, moments later, erupting into plumes of white smoke. By the time it cleared away, there were a total of twenty-three Wukongs littering one side of the increasingly destroyed arena, each with cheeky, taunting, smiles.
Snorting through his nose, Vahn spread his wings wide as he asked, "They say that ten million ants can even topple an elephant. Is that what you had in mind...?"
Hearing Vahn's words, each of the Wukong's furrowed their brows, chorusing, "Are you trying to say we are just ants? If so, you're one deformed elephant. Is that why you cover yourself in gold?"
Rather than dignify Wukong's remark with a verbal response, dozens of magic circles began to emerge on the interior of Vahn's wings. This was one of the benefits of being a True Dragon, as, while he could certainly emulate the feat in his 'human' form, Dragons were simply 'wired' to be able to spam Magic. He still struggled with manifesting it outside of his body in a cost-effective manner, but, if it was just serving as a glorified artillery platform, that wasn't too difficult...
Further enhancing the power of his attack, Vahn chanted, "Gather, 101 spirits of light, shoot at the enemy. Magic Archer, Convergence of 101 Light Arrows!"
Following Vahn's chant, 101 beams of pure white light erupted from his wings, each, despite their name, only moving around Mach 10, roughly 12,000km/h. This allowed agile opponents to easily evade a few, but, when there were more than a hundred, things became marginally more difficult.
As each of her 'clones' was able to think and act on their own, the horde of Wukong's each took evasive action to try and evade the magical barrage. Their [Golden Chainmail Vest] would have been able to protect them from most magical attacks, but, after having fought against Vahn in the past, Wukong knew it wasn't exactly wise to tank his attacks. She wasn't too fond of pain, so, while she would heal from almost any injury, avoiding damage was preferred, rather than taking it...
Of the twenty-three clones, nineteen were pinned down by the unforgiving barrage of magical arrows, each able to bend at nearly ninety-degree angles in order to home in on their target. This allowed Vahn to seemingly 'blink' through Space in an instant, appearing like a burst of golden light as he snatched the suppressed Wukong's with his claws, ripping them to pieces or crushing their bodies in an instant. His Strength had long reached the EX-Rank, so, if he managed to get his hands on something, no amount of conventional resistances could save them.
Fortunately, due to the nature of Wukong's clones, there was no blood and gore. Rather, when he destroyed them, they shattered into small stone fragments, almost as if they were nothing more than statuettes. This was due to the fact that Wukong was originally a 'Stone Monkey', born from a magic stone that was cast off the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. Their true nature was closer to a Divine Spirit than anything else, albeit one that had established itself, for a time, as a 'demon'...
By the time his 'rampage' had ended, Vahn had dealt with all but one of the Wukong's, making it the 'original' by proxy. She had the ability to produce upwards of a hundred clones by shedding her fur, but, in exchange, her power was equally divided amongst each of them. She also only had a single [Ruyi Jingu Bang], so, while her other armaments could mysteriously be copied, it wasn't too difficult to discern who the 'real' Wukong was.
After watching Vahn destroy her other bodies, Wukong showed an 'impressed' expression on her face as she shouldered her staff and mused, "Wow, quite brutal, aren't ya? I'm starting to think we have some enmity between us. I wonder...did my comment about your shiny asshole make you a little butthurt? Wahahaha~!"
Feeling his eye twitch slightly, Vahn began to slowly ascend into the sky as he muttered, "I should have just summoned Sanzang...I suppose this is what I ought to have expected when I summoned a Trickster God with more muscle than brains..."
Seemingly finding Vahn's comment amusing, Wukong began to laugh as she brandished her staff and said, "Hey now, there is no reason for remarks like that. I already became a woman. Shouldn't you be a little more grateful? That monk wore her britches so tight she probably had to spend an hour each night just removing the stains. Don't compare me to her. Aren't we having fun?"
Rolling his eyes, Vahn remarked, "Fighting against you is enjoyable, but hearing your voice is the stuff of nightmares. If you're going to change your appearance into a woman, the least you can do is change your voice as well. Do you know how weird it is to hear your gravelly voice when your body is like that?"
Hearing Vahn's remark, Wukong began laughing uninhibitedly, her voice deep and resonating, a harsh contrast to her appearance. The whole reason she adopted her current form was to mess with Vahn, so, hearing him complain, she felt both amused and vindicated. Unfortunately, due to how costly her Skills and abilities were, she was already beginning to run low on Mana. Her only method to extend the fight was to use her Reality Marble, but, after what happened the last time, doing so provided more benefits to Vahn than herself...
Despite being considered a relatively famous 'idiot', Wukong was also a notorious trickster. She had even fooled some of the 'wisest' Gods and Goddesses in the Nine Heavens, so, despite her laughter, her mind was actually mulling over various solutions. By the time it seemed like Vahn was going to attack, she had regained her confident smile, enjoying the look on his face as she said, "Well, I guess that was enough for a warm-up. I never got to state my condition, so none of this counts. Seriously, weren't you trying a little too hard? The fight hasn't even started...!"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'You've gotta be kidding me...','Vahn is kind of OP...?','This fella really knows how to monkey around xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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