Though a far cry from her peak capabilities, Atalanta still had A-Rank Agility, allowing her to cover vast distances in an exceptionally short period of time. She moved swifter than the wind, leaving few traces of her existence as she zipped passed various Attack Programs, the majority of which didn't even react to her presence. Only those with flight capabilities, or those designed with speed in mind, were able to trace her path. By the time they shifted from a neutral blue to a vibrant red, however, they already had arrows sticking out of their bodies, followed by small explosions that either killed or disabled them.
Atalanta had always been skilled at hunting on the move, an ability that had allowed her original self to hunt down the legendary Calydonian Boar, a Phantasmal Beast created by Artemis to lay waste to the Calydonian region. She had been the only one capable of wounding the creature, a combination of Artemis' blessing, her reputed speed, and her ability to manipulate the wind to guide her arrows to their target. As a result, she drew first blood against the beast, allowing other Heroes to eventually deal a fatal blow, saving all of Greece in the process.
Now, as a result of the skills her original self had polished, Atalanta moved with impunity through the Photonic Abyss, bypassing a startling amount of foes along the way. She only began to slow after seeing a massive, plesiosaur-like Attack Program in the distance, its length more than 30m. It was also capable of swimming through the air, floating several hundred meters above the ground as it bombarded the terrain with massive, reddish-black, lasers.
Hunting large game always got her excited so Atlanta wasted no time in drawing her bow, shaping Wind Elemental energy into three vibrant green arrows. Before she was able to loose them upon the massive creature, however, she sensed a strange fluctuation that made her hair stand on end. In the next moment, the 30m long Attack Program was bisected in two, its individual halves slowly sliding away from each other before ultimately exploding seconds later...
Atalanta had already assumed the people engaging the creature were her quarry, so, rather than let the monster's death bother her, she quickly made her way over to the site of the battle, finding three women and one man spread out over the uneven terrain. They, or at least the man, also noticed her, his pale-gold eyes glimmering with a subtle silver light as he calmly stared back at her.
Though generally not fond of men, for a variety of reasons, Atalanta didn't get the same impression as usual when seeing the white-haired man before her. He reminded her a lot of Paris, a delicate boy with a gentle nature. Unlike Paris, however, the man before her gave off the impression of someone that had born heavy burdens, much like a soldier that had spent an inordinate amount of time upon the battlefield.
While she was somewhat interested in the man's story, Atalanta ultimately decided to simply ignore him, turning her eyes upon the muscular woman with horse-like ears, surprising the latter by asking, "Are you Caenis?"
Due to the nature of Atalanta's existence, Caenis hadn't even noticed the feline woman 'sneaking' up from behind her, causing her ears to perk up in surprise as she spun around, spear brandished as she shouted, "Who are you!?" in a higher pitch than normal.
Having dashed back more than a hundred meters by the time Caenis had turned around, Atalanta just ran her fingers through her hair, answering in a dull tone, "I am Atalanta. Based on your features, you must be Caenis, correct?"
Hearing Atalanta's introduction, realization donned on Caenis, followed by her spear lowering as she offered a rare smile and answered, "I remember you now...yes, you are that little brat that ran around with the Argonauts back in the day. Did Jason send you to guide us?"
Though Caenis didn't get along with most people, those like Atalanta were the exception. Not only was she a woman worthy of respect, but, much like herself, Atalanta had suffered greatly as a result of both men and God alike. She knew the original Atalanta for a brief moment, and, though they had only exchanged a few words, Caenis had come to empathize with the woman's plight. As for why she hadn't recognized the famous huntress, it was due to the fact that nearly sixteen hundred years had passed since their last meeting. Back then, Atalanta also had a relatively 'normal' appearance, bereft of the feline traits she currently possessed...
Sensing no hostility from Caenis, Atalanta's grip on her bow loosened slightly, followed by a slight shaking of her head as she answered, "Not exactly...? I was sent to ascertain whether or not you had malicious intentions. That coward got spooked by your killing intent and has been panicking ever since."
Hearing Atalanta refer to Jason as a coward, Caenis couldn't help but release a loud laugh as she shouldered her spear and said, "That pansy would be started by his own shadow if he saw it in the middle of the night. Though I wouldn't mind leaving that man to rot on a pike, I'm not going to kill him for no reason..."
Though she wasn't exactly lying, even Caenis didn't quite believe her own words, causing Atalanta to frown slightly. Fortunately, Shirou had approached, leaving Musashi and Altria to finish off what few enemies remained. The Photonic Abyss seemed to produce a functionally infinite amount of Attack Programs, but, so long as you cleared out an area, they wouldn't respawn in the same location. Thus, by clearing out an area, you could give yourself some breathing room by establishing and growing a territory.
Ignoring the glare Caenis sent his way, Shirou held up his hands in a disarming manner as he stated, "My name is Shirou...Shirou Emiya. We have come with the intent to share information. Many things have changed in the last few hours. Before Jason ends up doing something that causes trouble for everyone, we wanted to meet with him and explain the new situation. Tell him that he doesn't need to worry. Unless he starts a fight, none of us have the intention of trying to harm him..."
Though she didn't sense any falsehood in Shirou's words, Atalanta got the distinct impression that, if it came down to it, the pale-haired man wouldn't hesitate to kill Jason. This was a problem, as, while she cared 'very' little about the arrogant man, she didn't want to just vanish into thin air. At the very least, it was strangely comfortable staying inside the mysterious abyss every Argonaut existed within prior to being summoned, so, if possible, she wanted to avoid Jason's death.
Shirou could tell his words hadn't been able to convince Atalanta, causing his smile to turn wry as he lowered his hands and added, "It's fine if you just pass on the information to him. If he just chooses to stay put, we don't have any pressing need to interfere in his life. Ultimately, the person he needs to worry about is the Sage Dragon Emperor. The latter has only given us forty-eight hours to reach a consensus. If Jason is unwilling to compromise...there is a good chance he will die a very painful and gruesome death..."
Compared to before, Atalanta could hear the sincerity in Shirou's words, despite their gravitas. This made it seem like there was no room for discussion, implying that death was an absolute, impossible to avoid, outcome.
With her own existence threatened, Atalanta showed a resolute expression, saying, "Tell me. I will do my best to convince him. That man is a coward who prioritizes his own survival over everything else. If he can be convinced that his death is a certainty, he should be willing to compromise..."
Shirou didn't harbor much hope that Jason would actually acquiesce to the Empire's Common Law, but, as it would be unnecessarily cruel to leave him in the dark, he still explained the situation from start to finish. This left Atalanta slightly pale, her expression showing clear disbelief as it was hard to imagine someone as powerful as Shirou described. If not for the presence of Musashi, one who had easily cut down a veritable army of enemies, she wouldn't have been able to believe it...
Around the same time that Shirou was convincing Atalanta, Vahn found himself face-to-face with a woman possessing many shared features with his Shishou. It could almost be said they were twins, if not for the fact one had deep purple hair while the other's was closer to vermillion. Even their outfits were similar, with Aife wearing a skin-tight bodysuit that was sparsely covered in pale-gold plating. If not for her royal-blue cape and the small diadem she wore to represent her status as a queen, her aesthetic would have been virtually identical to Scáthach's...
After the initial shock wore off, a period of time lasting less than a single second, Vahn initiated the conversation, stating plainly, "You are Aife, elder sister to Scáthach...tell me, what end did you expect, attacking my people and assaulting my fortress with such disregard? Though an honorable death is the right of everyone warrior, the fact you surrendered so quickly shows this was not your intention."
Hearing Vahn's remark, Aife's face became somewhat red due to embarrassment and shame. This was always the worst part when surrendering to an enemy, as, more often than not, female warriors experienced great shame before they were finally released. She knew little about the Sage Dragon Emperor, as it hadn't been all that long since she was summoned. What she did know, however, was that he had an entire army filled with beautiful, and devout, women.
Taking a few deep breaths to compose herself, Aife met Vahn's gaze without shying away, answering, "I came to meet with my sister. I had hoped to lure her out by making a scene. Unfortunately, as you can see, I seem to have overestimated myself...your forces are truly mighty, Sage Dragon Emperor..."
Toward the end of her statement, Aife performed a courteous bow, as, after suffering defeat, things like titles and status meant very little. In her era, it wasn't uncommon for survivors to be stripped of their titles and land upon surrendering, the only exception being when the victorious party showed leniency. She had conquered many territories by taking advantage of this principle, gaining vassals by sparing and assimilating various clans into her own.
Since Aife had a lot of similarities with Scáthach, Vahn was slightly perturbed by her elegance and the amount of emotion she displayed. Thus, in response to her praise, he took a deep breath of his own, asking, "You haven't heard from Shirou and Musashi, I presume?"
Hearing the familiar names, Aife showed a contemplative expression before ultimately shaking her head and saying, "I have not personally conversed with either in recent memory. After we separated previously, I wandered around the area, slaying strange monsters before stumbling upon the mighty walls of Your Majesty's fortress. After that...well, it is as you see..."
Seeing Aife draw attention to the golden accessories linked around her wrists and ankles, Vahn gave a small nod before pulling a chair out of his Inventory and saying, "Sit. This could take a while. Before that, however, allow me to explain what happened to your sister. Afterward, you will be free to go. I know of your culture and traditions, but, this is no longer your era. You are free to live as you please, so long as it does not violate the Common Law. Now, before you ask questions, allow me to explain the situation...starting with the death of your sister..."
Though she had been expecting many things, hearing Vahn mention her sister's death was not one of them. As a result, Aife's mind completely blanked for what felt like several hours, unable to muster any thoughts at all as she passively listened to his recounting of events...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I'm fast a fuck booooooi~','A meeting between a horse and a cat','RIP Aife's mind...') <-(p.atreon link)
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By the time Vahn had finished detailing the events surrounding Scáthach, leaving out most of the sensitive details, Aife had become slightly catatonic. She had always felt a powerful rivalry towards her younger sister, who, from the time they were young girls, had excelled in everything. There were many factors that increased the tensions between them, especially when it came to Cú, but, despite having fought an actual war against each other, she never harbored hatred toward her sister, only a desire to claim victory.
As a result of her incredulity, Aife ended up shaking her head, stating, "You're must be.", even though she could tell that Vahn was speaking the truth. She just couldn't accept that her sister had died, even if part of her was relieved that Scáthach finally found the peace she had sought.
Vahn had been gauging Aife's reaction through the entire conversation, so, seeing how shaken the red-headed woman was, he felt slightly relieved. Scáthach had rarely talked about her older sister, as the two had spent much of their life separated from each other, so it was a relief to see that Aife still cared. Unfortunately, it was a little too early to allow her and the Lily version of Scáthach to meet, as there was no way of knowing what kind of sequelae would come about as a result.
Rather than refute Aife's words, Vahn allowed his true feelings on the matter to come to the surface, his eyes showing the melancholy that still existed within his heart. This was enough to cause a light layer of moisture to cover Aife's eyes, but, other than adopting what could only be described as a pouting gesture, she didn't cry. She simply chose not to believe his words, even if, in her heart, she knew her little sister was gone.
Before things could devolve any further, Vahn explained the situation surrounding Archimedes and the agreement he had reached with Shirou and Musashi. This didn't seem to matter all that much to Aife, however, at least until he added, "Your sister's legacy still exists in this world. One day, when the conflict between our two sides has settled, you will come to learn the full story surrounding her final moments. Even if you choose not to continue the fight, you must show me that you're able to live in this world without causing unnecessary harm...I will not tell you how to live, but, if it infringes upon the rights all people deserve, expect repercussions..."
Though she was still honor-bound to fight for Archimedes, the fact he had already died allowed Aife to make her own decisions. She was intending to join the Empire, both as a matter of course and to ascertain the truth of her sister's death, but, after hearing Vahn's words, she realized it wouldn't be a simple matter. His words made it clear that, even if she ended up surrendering, that didn't mean she would be allowed within Avalon. She was still his enemy until she had proven herself worthy of trust, a stark contrast to how things had been done in her own era. Considering how commonplace things like treachery and betrayal had been, however, she could somewhat understand his concerns...
In truth, Vahn was tempted to accept Aife into their ranks, as, with the six [Seal of Binding] he had obtained long ago, he could effectively designate himself as the Master of any Heroic Spirit. Though this required the target's acquiescence, often requiring the death of their former Master, he didn't imagine Aife would refuse his offer after her previous defeat. The only thing that prevented him from using them was the fact that his Unit Management made the item virtually useless for anything other than 'forcing' a target to obey.
While it would certainly make things easier for him, Vahn felt it was important to have something like the 'Heroes Faction'. He was hoping to use them as the foundation to develop the counterpart to the Mage's Guild he intended to establish in the near future. It was important for people to feel as if they had the means to 'escape' the confines of the Empire, and, though all people would be bound by the Common Law, they could experience 'freedom' by rising through the ranks of the Mages and Heroes Guilds.
Though it was possible to create the Heroes Guild using his own forces, people would be more open to the idea of joining the force that, for a time, directly opposed the Empire. This was why Vahn had encouraged Shirou to build his own faction, traveling around the world and uniting people towards a common goal. Even if this goal was to 'resist' the Empire's control, it wouldn't really matter, so long as the Common Law was still upheld.
With this in mind, Vahn refused Aife's request to join the Empire before it even left her lips. She had a flashy Noble Phantasm that would leave a deep impact on people. Thus, having her on the side of Shirou and Musashi would be optimal, especially given their small numbers. There had already been instances of mutated animals reported throughout the world, so, pretty soon, 'monsters' would likely begin emerging. The people would need something to rally behind and there were few things more inspiring than seeing an entire army of crystalline warriors holding the line.
Aife was unaware of Vahn's true intentions, but, with the intent of setting out to prove herself worthy of his trust, she carried a copy of the Common Law with her upon leaving the Ivory Castle. While she didn't accept the fact that Shirou and Musashi had become their de facto leaders, she still intended to meet with them, helping to convince the others. The Empire's forces were too strong for them to directly contend against, so, rather than fight an all-out war, shifting their focus to Vahn alone would save them a lot of time and effort. It was time they stop hiding in the shadows, becoming the Heroes they purported themselves to be...
Having heard the details from Shirou, Musashi, and Caenis, Atalanta quickly returned to Chang'e's Moon Rabbit Palace. She harbored little hope that Jason would actually acquiesce, but, if she could convince him that his death was assured if he didn't, he should at least 'pretend' to obey. Then, they could only hope that the Sage Dragon Emperor didn't have the means to see through Jason's usual facade, dooming them all as a result of his inability to lower himself to others.
With her speed, Atalanta was able to quickly reach her destination, bounding up the steep terrain of Chang'e's territory as if it were flat ground. When she reached the top, she landed silently near the same ledge she had jumped from previously, her cat-like ears twitching as her nostrils flared almost imperceptibly. This allowed her to ascertain whether or not Jason had summoned anyone else while she was gone, something she would rather avoid due to her general dislike towards the majority of the Argonauts.
Fortunately, with the exception of a considerable number of rabbits, there didn't seem to be any new presences within the palatial structure. Thus, with silent movements, Atalanta followed the wine-like aroma that always permeated Jason's body, quickly tracing the pungent fragrance back to its source.
Since Atalanta produced virtually no sound while moving, Jason nearly spilled his drink after seeing her enter the periphery of his vision. As a result, he adopted his characteristic scowl, shouting, "I told you not to sneak up on me like that! Can't you wear a bell or something!?"
Hearing Jason's remark, Atalanta's face formed a deep frown as, in the distant past, he had actually tried to 'gift' her a collar with a bell attached. Shortly after that, she ended up leaving the Argo, but, due to the nature of his Noble Phantasm, she now found herself accompanying the hateful man, this time with her very existence on the line.
Feeling a palpable bitterness on her tongue, Atalanta glared at Jason, venomously stating, "I came back with information pertaining to the continuation of your life. Now, I don't feel like explaining it to you."
With those parting words, Atalanta turned tail, alighting from the room with swift movements that were impossible for someone like Jason to follow. This left him glowering with an expression that alternated between red and white as he tried to forcibly calm himself. He knew Atalanta would just ignore him if he ended up lashing out at her, so, while he wanted nothing more than to drag her back by the tail, his reason, combined with the fact she was much stronger than him, kept him at bay.
Understanding she wasn't likely to disclose the information to him, Jason turned to Medea, a tired look on his face as he said, "Go and find out what Atalanta has learned. Return to me as soon as she discloses the information to you. Don't dally...go..."
With a demure bow, followed by a smile that never seemed to reach her eyes, Medea answered, "Of course, Master." Afterward, tiny, faerie-like wings appeared behind her back, allowing her to quickly follow after Atalanta, a resolute look replacing her previous smile. Since it was a matter pertaining to her 'beloved' Master's life, Medea couldn't forgive Atalanta for being so selfish as to keep the details to herself. She intended to give the cat-like woman a piece of her mind, albeit after politely inquiring about the details of her previous excursion...
Knowing Medea would carry out his orders without fail, Jason released a tired sigh before plopping onto his throne and muttering, "I miss the open seas..." before closing his eyes and recalling his past glory. He missed being able to freely travel, going on various adventures with his comrades as they fought against the forces of nature to claim fame and fortune. Though some had treated his group as a band of pirates, the fact he was a King, supported by many Demigods and Heroes, gave him the moral high ground in most situations.
Jason missed those simpler times, a time when City Lords and Kings would flock to the Ports every time his ship neared their cities. They would come bearing gifts of gold, wine, and other treasure, all in the hopes of requesting his assistance or preventing trouble. These offerings always gave Jason an overwhelming feeling of supremacy, as, during those days, he had been a disenfranchised prince, his throne claimed by another. Despite that, other Kings and Lords lowered their heads to him, dreading the consequences of triggering his ire...
Due to his reflection, Jason didn't notice when a woman gracefully sat at his side, a jade vase in hand as she dutifully filled his cup with fragrant plum wine. This broke him free from his reminiscent state, forcing a sigh from his lips as he unhesitantly accepted the proffered cup and said, "I usually do my best not to appear weak in front of others. Thank you, Chang'e, for never looking at me with eyes filled with scorn...truly, you are a good woman...haaaaa-"
Hearing Jason's compliment, Chang'e released a peal of sonorous laughter, sounding much like a gentle, soothing, bell. This brought a smile to Jason's face, allowing him to relax a bit after stressing out over the last few hours. He hated being cooped up in one place for a long period of time, but, if he had someone like Chang'e at his side, it wouldn't be all that bad. She was caring and attentive in a way that Greecian women couldn't quite match, something he was coming to appreciate more and more with each passing day.
If not for their difference in status, Jason wouldn't hesitate to make Chang'e his woman. Regrettably, the current dynamic between them meant that 'he' would become hers, something his pride didn't allow. Though it might not matter to some, as the end result was pretty much the same, it was a very important distinction, at least within Jason's mind. The other party being a Goddess only made him want her even more, as, if she agreed to become his, it would elevate his status even higher...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Loki would be proud','Jason would do surprisingly well in the Record of One Piece...Cavendish, is that you!?','There is a meeting point between Pride, Hubris, Vanity, and Conceit. Jason exists at that intersection. He is basically a CN protagonist...') <-(p.atreon link)
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