58.73% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1384: Timing

章節 1384: Timing

Though he usually divested his time between multiple groups of women, there were moments when Vahn enjoyed relaxing with just one girl at a time. Thus, while he was performing his usual rounds, he decided to surprise Lakshmibai, interrupting her training to see if she would accompany him. Since it was very rare for the girls to refuse his offer, Vahn soon found himself escorting the loveable olive-skinned beauty through the verdant orchards of Avalon.

Vahn was quite fond of his homeland but, when he explored alongside one of his lovers, it always felt even more fantastical than normal. It was such a calm and serene place, especially inside of the Projection, so they could wander unobstructed for hours if they really wanted to.

Unfortunately, despite having several times more than others, time was often a rare commodity for Vahn. Thus, rather than wander aimlessly, he brought Lakshmibai to a large clearing, a place used by the Dryads as a site for various rituals. Within the projection, however, it was just a place filled with a mass of comforting energy, filled with warmth and carrying the fragrance of flowers and honey.

It wasn't her first time visiting the rather popular location but, feeling the familiar warmth wash over her exposed shoulders, the wind blowing gently through her hair, Lakshmibai hummed contentedly before resting her head against Vahn's shoulder and saying, "Thank you for taking me out today...it made me happy to see you show up unexpectedly..."

Hearing Lakshmibai's words, Vahn wanted to comment about how hard she had been working these past few months but, knowing there were better ways to spend their time, he opted to remain silent, resting his cheek against the top of her head. He knew she wasn't really satisfied with her progress but, instead of complaining about it, Lakshmibai continued to push herself even further. There were days where she would be training upwards of 15-16 hours straight, only stopping when others came to check on her. Thus, rather than talk about training, Vahn just relished their time together, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and the scent of lemon that wafted from her hair...

Unfortunately, as was too often the case when he was with Lakshmibai, Vahn sensed a spatial ripple in the Transfer Room, followed by the emergence of Sherlock. He had just gone to check on Tiamat so, if Sherlock was looking for him, which was almost always the case, Vahn would have to deal with him using this form. This would undoubtedly make Lakshmibai sad and, while she was always very understanding of such things, Vahn knew it ate away at her more than she would ever admit.

Refusing to make Lakshmibai sad, Vahn preempted the Master Detective, telepathically stating, "I am indisposed of at the moment. Please confer with Da Vinci or Merlin unless it is a matter that requires my immediate attention." Then, without waiting for a response, he blocked external communications, telling Alaya to monitor the situation and to inform him if it was something important...

Since she was always attentive to Vahn's subtleties, Lakshmibai hadn't missed the mild perturbance in her Master's eyes. She could easily guess something was amiss as, during their last three times alone together, something always came up. His not saying anything showed that he had elected to ignore whatever the trouble was and, while this made her happy, she ultimately nestled against his chest and said, "You are the Emperor...your duties should come before me. Please, don't worry about me, Master..."

Opting to ignore Lakshmibai's selfless remark, Vahn wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her close to his body as he stated, "I am a Father, a Master, and a Lover before I am an Emperor. You, of all people, should be aware of this. Don't tell me you've grown bold enough to push me away when I've already made the decision to stay...?"

Having already dedicated her everything to Vahn, in more ways that one, Lakshmibai's expression became complicated when she heard his words. Then, compelled by his silence, she turned her pale-pink eyes up at him, a thin layer of moisture present as she replied, "I would never..." in a sheepish and demure tone.

Hearing Lakshmibai's response, Vahn allowed a smile to replace his previously solemn expression. It had been a bit lacking in spirit but he could feel the sincerity contained within her words. Thus, in an effort to reward her loyalty, he traced his finger across the choker around her neck before lowering his head to steal her lips. This was generally enough to make her forget about everything else and, while there was a brief moment of palpable trepidation, it didn't take long for Lakshmibai to dutifully reciprocate his affections...


Having heard Vahn's words echo in his mind, Sherlock merely issued a thoughtful hum as he pulled out his pipe, this time without lighting it. He knew Vahn wasn't such a thoughtless individual so, after a few seconds of silent rumination, he plainly stated, "Alaya, I know you are listening. If you help me with this task, your Master will be free from interruptions and I will be able to carry out my assigned duty without being forced to dally. In exchange, I will tell you a method to get closer to your Master in the future...what say you?"

Though she would normally never appear in front of another person, Vahn's order, combined with Sherlock's offer, compelled Alaya to manifest in her human form. Then, with a cold expression on her face, she stated, "I am unable to forge contracts in my current state. If you want my help, you must provide the information before I offer my assistance. I refuse to trust your words alone..."

Sherlock had already anticipated Alaya's response so, without beating around the bush, he gave a small nod before explaining, "It's elementary, really. All you have to do is tell him directly what you would like him to do. Though there are limits to this, he will not refuse if you are sincere. If you do this for a long enough period of time, he will be more susceptible to listening to other requests so it is the fastest way for you to achieve your objectives. I'm certain you can verify this based on the data you have collected over the past three years."

Without having to think about the feasibility of Sherlock's words, Alaya immediately shook her head, explaining, "As I am, it is impossible for me to make such direct requests. All past attempts to directly influence Vahn Mason have resulted in failure. Your advice has no merit-"

Before Alaya could continue, Sherlock caused blue electricity to dance across her body as he lifted his hand, interrupting her to say, "What you have tried in the past has no relevance to the present. It isn't difficult to reason that your past attempts lacked sincerity. The next time you are alone with him, you need only express your desire to be treated well and, so long as you state this clearly, he will undoubtedly oblige. So long as you do not try and deceive him, Vahn is a rather simple fellow to get along with..."

Hearing Sherlock's explanation, Alaya remained silent for several long seconds as lines of runes ran across her irises. When they finally faded away, she gave an approving nod before asking, "What is it you require? Know that I cannot take any action that violates the restrictions placed against me."

With Alaya being far more agreeable than before, Sherlock allowed a small yet victorious smile to spread across his lips as he explained, "I am tracking an entity that seemingly does not exist in the physical world. I understand it takes an immense amount of power for you to view all subsequent timelines but, if it is just a singular timeline, I believe you will be able to manage. With that in mind, I would like you to view my future along the current time axis. Tell me, where is the location I am set to investigate in the pursuit of this mysterious entity?"

Since Sherlock's request was, in fact, a relatively simple feat, Alaya briefly closed her eyes, her senses briefly focusing on the annoying Detective's future. Though even this wouldn't be truly accurate, as even the act of revealing the future would change it, Alaya didn't particularly care if the end result was different than what he desired. She had already received the information she required so, even if Sherlock ended up walking to his death, it mattered very little to her.

After obtaining the requested information, Alaya plainly stated, "You will appear at coordinates: 41.38514° N, 2.17342° E to investigate five victims within an abandoned warehouse at 20:29:21:08, Coordinated Universal Time."

Hearing Alaya's response, Sherlock pulled out an ornate pocket watch which, upon being opened, immediately calibrated to UTC+00:00. With this, he calculated he had approximately seventeen minutes to reach his destination so, after snapping the fob of his watch shut, he gave a polite bow to Alaya before immediately teleporting outside of Avalon. There, Lilith was obediently waiting for him, now having returned to her secretarial appearance after calming down. Then, without any hesitation, he repeated the coordinates given by Alaya, intent on pursuing the white-haired girls in the equally white dress...


With Sherlock departing Avalon, Alaya no longer bothered to manifest herself within the Transfer Room. Instead, back within Tiamat's Marble Phantasm, she turned her eyes up at Vahn, grabbing his wrist with her hands and interrupting his petting.

As Alaya had never proactively stopped him from petting her, Vahn was slightly surprised by her actions, asking, "Did something happen?" in a concerned tone. At the same time, Tiamat cocked her head adorably to the side, the white crosses in her eyes becoming more prominent as if to say, 'Why are you interrupting?', even if her expression didn't change in the slightest.

Though it didn't qualify as being 'alone' with him, Alaya knew this was one of the few chances she would get to actually put Sherlock's advice to the test. Since she had already received permission to move forward, she ignored Vahn's question, moving his hand from her head to her chest. Then, in a serious tone, she plainly stated, "I want you to do more...I don't like only getting my head pat and my cheeks played with. I would like you to do more..."

Hearing Alaya's 'confession', Vahn couldn't help but momentarily blank as, from what he could tell, she was actually being sincere. This, however, didn't make a lot of sense to him as he couldn't even begin to fathom what had set her on this course of action. It was obviously related to Sherlock but, given Alaya's usual behavior, he never expected she would directly converse with, much less fall to the Master Detective's machinations.

Still, just as Sherlock had stated, Vahn had very little resistance to women being straightforward and honest about their desires. His Divinity was one reason but, after coming to coexist with Alaya, to the point he didn't like being separated from her for long periods of time, it was hard to refuse such an earnest request. The soft feeling against his palm didn't make the decision any easier and, if not for the presence of Tiamat, he might have readily accepted...

Just as Vahn was thinking about how to gently refuse Alaya's request, the latter held his wrist a little tighter and, for a brief moment, she had a fretful look in her eyes. This caused his words to get stuck in his throat. Instead, the next sound to come out of his mouth was a sigh of acquiescence since, for a very long time, he always knew things would eventually develop to this point. Alaya had become an ever-present fixture in his life so refusing her earnest appeal would cause him to feel awkward and, more than a little, guilty. Thus, despite knowing it wasn't the best course of action, he put a little bit of force into his right hand, his fingers moving skillfully as warm energy flowed from his palm and into her body...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Lakshmibai is a good woman','Elementary, dear Alaya','The world in his left hand, the embodiment of humanity's will to survive in his right...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 1385: Abyss

Ever since the collapse of modern society, the most prosperous groups, outside of those who quickly acquiesced to the Empire, were the various gangs and religious communities. Both typically relied on fearmongering and extreme violence to maintain control over their territories. Thus, if you wanted to avoid becoming a victim, the only viable options were to either flee or become an active member of the local gang. Even this didn't guarantee your safety, however, as many regions had become lawless wastelands where territorial disputes and squabbles over supplies became increasingly common.

In the early days of the fall, gun violence had reigned supreme over most regions but, with no way to replenish their stock of ammunition, people defaulted to increasingly visceral and medieval methods of violence. As a result, it wasn't uncommon to see people walking around with tire irons, kitchen knives, baseball bats, golf clubs, and even pieces of driftwood. Most simply hoped to deter attackers but, in an increasing number of cases, these formerly innocuous items became deadly instruments...

From atop a relatively colorful building in Barcelona, Spain, a city once reputed for its art and culture, Sherlock silently observed several small groups of people patrolling, many doing their best to avoid each other. He could see that most of them were afraid, fearful of the world and the dark days ahead of them. Their everyday lives were now wrought with uncertainty so, in order to preserve even the most minuscule amount of control over their destiny, they banded together for fear of being alone and isolated in an unforgiving world.

After exhaling a thin line of smoke from his slightly parted lips, Sherlock, to no particular listener, muttered, "Tis a shame, really...I had never underestimated humanity as a base and barbaric species but, to see them brought low in such a short period of time...I can't help but mourn being born as a human myself. These people join groups in order to resist violence but, by throwing their lot in with one of the very groups perpetuating said violence, they isolate themselves from everyone else...such foolish creatures..."

Though she knew he hadn't been addressing her, Sherlock's remark elicited a sensuous laugh from Lilith, her voice carrying a peculiar echo that stirred the instincts of most men to action. She then wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head against his back as she mused, "Even if they were twice as hopeless, you would still do your best for them, wouldn't you~? That is the charm of humanity, really. They are brought into this world without purpose, their lives holding no meaning beyond what they, themselves, have decided. Though easy to manipulate, there are always outliers who appear in each generation, distinguishing themselves from the norm and elevating their entire species as a result...they are so full of...potential..."

Without minding the soft feeling pressing against his back, Sherlock gave a curt nod in response to Lilith's words before placing his pipe into a small container and saying, "Well, shall we get to work, my curious companion? The stage is already set, let's not keep the other actors waiting..."


Hugo had never been fond of violence. Though he was much larger than other boys his age, more than a head taller than most, he had always been what many refer to as a 'gentle giant'. Before the fall it had been his dream to become a Veterinarian but, now that the world had gone to hell, he had been forced by his cousin, Carlos, to join the local gang in order to protect his family. His only other option had been to flee but, with a sick mother and a younger sister, this had been unthinkable.

From the moment he first laid eyes upon his little sister, Hugo felt as if she had been an angel who had blessed their lives with her presence. Though she had lost a bit of this charm as she grew older, he would still do everything in his power to keep her safe. She, nor any child, deserved to suffer in this cold and dark world, a place where former neighbors, people you had been friendly with for years, turned into people that would readily stab you in the back for a couple of canned goods.

Were it up to him, Hugo would have used 'God's Light' to take all of the children away from this hellish world. Though their families would have been devastated, it was better than forcing them to live in a world and society that had seemingly abandoned them. There was no hope of pursuing a peaceful life any longer as, rather than get better with time, things had only become more chaotic as people became increasingly more familiar with witchcraft and magic.

Hugo had been raised as a fervent Catholic thus, while others learned how to start fires with their hands or shoot balls of darkness from their fingertips, he relied on his brute strength and his belief in God to keep him safe. He, like many others, believed this was the onset of the End of Days, the precursor to the War between Heaven and Hell. They had already seen the advent of the Devil so, in anticipation of Christ's return, he hardened his heart with each passing day, dreaming of one day seeing the Kingdom of God after the end of these seven years of torment...

It was a combination of his beliefs, his family, and his nature, that propelled Hugo, upon seeing a little white girl in a strange white dress, to flusteredly whisper, "Hoi! Chica, get out of here! It's not safe to be out on your own like this!"

Rather than obey the man nearly twice her size and several times her weight, the little girl cocked her head to the side, a complex expression on her face as she stated, "You should leave this place. If you are here when the others arrive, something terrible will happen..."

Hearing the little girl's remark, Hugo looked over his shoulder, his face colored with anxiety and doubt as his cadre's voices revealed just how close they were to his position. He had originally left the group to relieve himself so it wouldn't even take them a few seconds to reach the alleyway he was located. When that happened, something terrible might happen to the little girl before him so, fearing for her safety, he made a shooing gesture, hushedly exclaiming, "Get out of here! Go home, get! Vete! Vete!"

With an expression growing increasingly more frustrated with each passing moment, the little girl eventually stamped her feet in response to Hugo's insistence, shouting, "You should be the one leaving, you, you dumb idiot! Do you really think its normal to encounter someone like me in the middle of an alleyway like this...!?"

Though he somewhat expected the little girl to scream and run away, Hugo never expected her to suddenly shout directly at him. She showed absolutely no fear and, processing her words, he quickly understood she wasn't a normal girl. Despite this, he couldn't just ignore his brotherly instincts so, even as his survival instincts screamed at him to run away, he ultimately snatched up the shouting girl and took off running. One of his fellow gang members had called out when he heard the girl's shout so, without thinking, Hugo just ran as fast as his trunk-like legs could take him.

Contrary to expectations, the little girl didn't outright resist being carried. Rather, she became almost unnaturally docile, her body turning limp as a chill passed from her body and into his arms. If not for the fact she was glaring at him, Hugo would have believed he was holding a corpse, something he had the misfortune of experiencing several times in the last few weeks. This made the little girl seem even more dangerous and, before he knew it, Hugo could feel tears pouring from his eyes as, even if he managed to run away, he didn't really know what to do after this.

Seeing the giant-like man suddenly break into tears, the white-haired girl released a frustrated groan before rolling her eyes and commenting, "You really are an idiot..." in a dull tone. Then, before Hugo could respond, a wiry-looking man with a lanky frame, deeply set eyes, and a large nose cut off his path. From behind, his other three companions quickly caught up as, while strong, Hugo had never been fleet of foot.

With a malicious grin on his mouse-like face, the lanky man in front began to tap a rusted machete against his leg as he coldly stated, "Where you going, cabrón? Why you tryna run away and keep the good stuff to yourself? C'mon, tú, hand over the girl and we won't have to tell the boss you tried to run away..."

Following the wiry man's words, one of the men behind Hugo was the next to speak up, saying in a cautious tone, "Hoi, Hugo, don't do anything stupid. Come on, man, give up the girl. Think of Carlos and Nina..."

Though he was surrounded on all sides, Hugo would never forgive himself if he just abandoned someone he had tried to save. His instincts told him the girl didn't actually need his help but, with her appearance, his nature overwhelmed the voices in his head that told him to run away. Besides, it was already too late to back down now as, even if he gave up the girl, the wiry man, Alonzo, would never let him go. Even if he wasn't the one to do the deed, he would undoubtedly tell their boss what he had done, sealing his fate.

Knowing there were no paths forward, Hugo clenched his teeth and resolved to make one. He held the girl a little tighter and, without bothering to respond to the men's words, charged forward with the momentum of a mountain. This caused Alonzo to startle like a cockroach when the lights were turned on but, due to his violent nature, he still managed to swing the machete in his hand. As a result, Hugo got a shallow cut along his left shoulder but, in turn, he barreled through Alonzo like a car crashing through a fruit stall.

Unfortunately, though the blade of the machete had become dull over the past few weeks, the encrusted blood and other feces it had accumulated made even small nicks turn into nightmarish wounds when they got infected. Hugo had seen many of Alonzo's victims beg for death due to the intense fevers and other detrimental effects so, if he didn't clean his wound soon, he was all but guaranteed to suffer the same fate. Before that, however, he would take his mother and sister to the nearest food distribution center as, even if it was operated by the Devil, they could find shelter there for a short while...

Just as Hugo was about to turn the corner and disappear into another alleyway, a thunderous crack range out, followed by an impact, intense pain, and a searing sensation...

Hugo knew he had been shot but even this wasn't enough to immediately stop him. Though his knees began to feel weak, his head murky, and his feet like lead, he continued forward; His will to protect his family giving him the strength to continue...

As Hugo continued to force himself to take one step after the other, the girl in his arms suddenly released a frustrated sigh. In the very next moment, another thunderous crack echoed through the alleyway they had just departed, this time knocking Hugo off his unsteady feet. At the same time, the girl in his arms broke free, seemingly without any difficulty, avoiding the fate of being crushed under his weight. Then, with a pouting expression on her face, she looked down at him and complained, "I might have told you to run away but I never said to take me with you! Really, you are such a stupid fool...!"

Hearing the little girl's complaints, Hugo attempted to laugh but, after being shot in the lung, the best he could do was issue a pained cough before saying, "Run away...I don't know what you want to do but don't do it...just...run away...please..."

Instead of obeying Hugo's wishes, the little girl huffed in response to his words before unhesitantly walking toward the group of three men barreling down the alleyway. This caused alarm bells to ring in the men's minds but, before they were able to regret their course of action, the girl extended her hand. With this simple action, the darkness in the alleyway became absolute, all light fading away in an instant as inky shadows enveloped the men.

For a brief moment, the only thing that could be seen was the icy blue eyes of the girl, blazing like ghostly flames within the abyssal black void that had enveloped the alleyway. Following this, against all common sense, a toothy grin appeared within the darkness, expanding far beyond the bounds of a person's face. It continued to grow, forming a maw of shark-like teeth that, upon reaching several meters across, opened to reveal a swirly abyss. At the very center of this vortex, a singular eye could be seen staring out, it's iris blazing with a malicious purple light that far exceeded the illumination of the two ghostly blue eyes floating in the void...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Purpose is something to you give yourself...','A gentle giant','If you gaze into the abyss long enough, you will find yourself, not the observer, but the one being observed~')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

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