51.67% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 1217: Uncommon Intimacy

章節 1217: Uncommon Intimacy

After getting settled, Vahn had tried to start a casual conversation, asking what Luvia had been up to while they were apart but, rather than answer directly, Luvia had sat across his, her head nestled into the nape of his neck as she murmured, "We have been apart for so long. Let's talk about something other than business..." Though she didn't mind explaining what she had been doing for the last two and a half weeks, Luvia felt it would be a waste to spend what little time she had with Vahn talking about such droll topics.

With an understanding nod, Vahn let his right hand rest on Luvia's waist, allowing her to relax a bit as he stated, "Very well. There are some matters I wanted to discuss, but I don't mind putting them off for a while..." After saying this, Vahn lifted Luvia's face by running his fingers along her slender neck and chin, punctuating his remark by giving her a gentle kiss. This caused her to giggle before biting his lower lip playfully when he tried to separate from her.

Rather than discussing business and other important matters, Vahn and Luvia just cuddled with each for the better part of half an hour as her staff prepared dinner. Luvia wasn't a bashful woman in the slightest and, as she had been thinking about him often since their parting, even the presence of his two escorts couldn't prevent her from 'recharging'. Fortunately, Kenshin and Lakshmibai didn't seem to mind this at all, with the former only raising her brows slightly while the latter had a thoughtful look reflected in her rose-pink eyes. As for Siegfried, he had the wherewithal to excuse himself from the room directly, not wanting to spoil the mood with his presence.

By the time dinner had started, Luvia had become bubbly and energetic, her face fixed in a perpetual smile as she sat next to Vahn at the dining table. Now that she had gotten an 'appetizer', Luvia was looking forward to the evening meal and dessert that would follow dinner. Before that, however, she wanted to get more troublesome matters out of the way and, understanding Vahn had come to her for a reason, Luvia mused, "Tell me, Vahn. Why have you come to New York? Not that I'm troubled in the least, mind you~."

Hearing Luvia's question, Vahn didn't beat around the bush, answering, "Nobunaga, Rin, and Da Vinci are all pregnant. Rin is even expecting triplets..." Vahn allowed his words to trail off at the end as, with her mouth forming an 'o' shape and shock reflected in her golden eyes, it was obvious that Luvia's mind hadn't finished processing what it had just heard. When the gears finally clicked into place, Luvia brought her left hand to her mouth, biting the side of her index finger with a thoughtful yet consternated look on her face.

Vahn didn't expect Luvia to be shaken by what he had said so, seeing her like this, small alarm bells began to ring inside of his head. Fortunately, Luvia shook her head a few moments later, causing the alarms to cease as she looked toward him with a serious expression and said, "We need to make a baby. I don't want our child to be at a disadvantage against their siblings." With that said, Luvia put down her silver fork, apparently done with dinner as she tried to drag Vahn toward the bedroom.

Though not completely outside of his expectations, as Luvia sometimes showed a complete lack of shame, Vahn had a wry smile on his face as he sent a glance toward Lakshmibai and Kenshin. This caused the latter to give him a curt nod before mouthing the words, 'you can do it' with a supportive smile on her face. Vahn's mind momentarily blanked when he saw this but, as Luvia had the strength of seven grown men, he didn't have time to retort as she whisked him away to her bedroom.

With Vahn and Luvia absent from the dining table, Lakshmibai and Kenshin no longer had much of an appetite as, even with physical bodies provided by Vahn, they didn't require food. Though it was all very good, it was a far cry from the meals they enjoyed back in Avalon so they readily excused themselves, allowing the staff to quickly clean up. Then, as Kenshin made her way towards Siegfried's room to discuss what he had been doing to protect Luvia, Lakshmibai's eyes kept looking toward the direction Vahn had left with. This caused the former, influenced by Nobunaga, to surprise Lakshmibai quite a bit when she hugged her from behind and whispered, "Just go if you want to go. You are one of our Master's Empresses as well. You don't have to mind that woman so much..."

Hearing Kenshin's words, and feeling the heat of her breath, Lakshmibai's face formed a small blush as she quickly extricated herself from the former's grasp. Due to their height difference, Lakshmibai looked up at Kenshin with upturned eyes, her expression filled with concern as she stated, "I do not want to get in the way. Master didn't invite-" Before she could say anything further, Kenshin shook her head and, surprising Lakshmibai yet again, picked her up in a princess carry before heading in the direction of Luvia's room. This caused Lakshmibai to panic and fluster as she exclaimed, "You...! U-u-unhand me this instant, Kenshin!"

While Lakshmibai struggled to free herself, which should have been easy given the difference in their Strength, Kenshin had already reached the room. At the same time, Vahn opened the door, having already sensed their approach through his domain. Before he was able to ask what had happened, Kenshin tossed Lakshmibai toward him, eliciting a yelp from the brown-skinned beauty before the former stated, "I'll leave this one in your care." Then, brushing her hands together, Kenshin gave a nod before alight to talk with Siegfried and the other security personnel.

After staring at Kenshin's departing figure for a moment, Vahn looked at the startled silent woman in his arms, finding her hiding the flush on her face with both hands. Though he had a lot of questions, seeing her like this caused Vahn's expression to soften so, rather than put her down, he stepped into the room and closed the door with his Telekinesis. Luvia was already in the bed, her clothes in a state of disarray as she covered her body with the blankets. When she saw what he had done, rather than refuse Lakshmibai's participation, Luvia had an amused look on her face as she remarked, "I suppose it was only a matter of time...ohohoho~"


With Luvia being fine with it, Vahn obviously wasn't going to kick Lakshmibai out of the room. Since the latter was always very receptive to his words and actions, especially in the bedroom, it was easy to lead her around and make the experience more interesting for all three of them, himself included. He enjoyed seeing the contrast between Lakshmibai's dark skin overlapped with Luvia's impeccably fair complexion, especially since they both had amazing figures.

Vahn also enjoyed the strange 'tension' that would exist between women whenever they were having sex with the same man for the first time. As they were both on the receiving end of his care, they could easily see each other's expressions as their gazes would periodically meet. By the time an hour had passed, they had come to a nonverbal agreement of sorts and, shortly thereafter, Vahn got to witness the two women making out rather passionately with Lakshmibai, being Luvia's senior in both age and experience, taking the lead.

As their inhibitions slowly gave way, tossing aside things like reason, Vahn savored each and every moment before deciding to wrap things up in a way that Luvia would never forget. Since she wanted to be impregnated, he forced her body to begin ovulating and, when it finally came time to perform the deed, Vahn took advantage of Luvia's euphoric state to get permission to perform 'lockpicking' on her. Though this had startled her slightly, as he had already explained the process in the past, she ultimately relented. Then, while holding Lakshmibai's hand for support, Luvia was practically driven crazy by the time he had finished.

The process of 'lockpicking' was actually very simple, so long as you had the capabilities and the other party was sensitive at the entrance to their cervix. It merely required Luvia to straddle his hips snugly before Vahn rolled forward, her hips slightly raised due to their previous position as he rested his body flush against hers. This could make it hard to breathe, especially for buxom women, but this was just another part of the process. With his arms wrapped around her body, being pressed into the bed by their combined weight, it was difficult for either of them to move properly, meaning he was restricted to 'very' small movements. The only thing he could do was flex his lower back muscles slightly, his glans pressing against her cervix with a subtle increase in pressure.

At first, due to her already euphoric state, Luvia was actually able to calm down quite a bit due to how gentle the act was. She managed to restore her breathing and just enjoy the peculiar feeling of unity between her and Vahn. Over time, however, she could feel a numbing and ticklish sensation from within her body, causing a feeling like small electrical pulses to pass along her spine. While it was tolerable at first, the sensation seemed to have no upward limit as it continued to build upon itself, causing things to quickly turn unbearable. She desperately wanted to move her hips but, due to their positions, it was virtually impossible without forcibly creating pushing Vahn away, an even more impossible act due to the vast gulf between their respective strengths.

Before she realized it, as any kind of rational thought had ceased to form itself within her mind, Luvia was releasing a long and drawn out serious of inarticulate moans. Vahn wasn't even moving his hips a single centimeter but it felt like the gentle pressure impacted her brain like a sledgehammer. Her vision would flash white before darkness quickly began to encroach upon her, making it impossible to even take in her surroundings. This didn't even matter to Luvia, however, as it felt like she had become the embodiment of pleasure itself. She couldn't even pass out as, before the darkness was able to completely cloud her vision, another burst of white light would dash it away as her brain felt like it had melted.

Though Lakshmibai was actually quite terrified to bear witness to what was happening with Luvia, her body was burning up from the inside as she watched the process almost without blinking. She also kept holding Luvia's hand long after the golden-haired woman had stopped putting strength into her grasp. Now, her body seemed to have lost all tension and, if not for the fact Vahn was holding onto her, Lakshmibai had the delusion that Luvia would have melted into a puddle before dissipating into a cloud of pink vapor...

After precisely three hours, though it felt like an eternity to Luvia, Vahn's glans felt like they had become fused with her cervix as it had dilated slightly, almost as if it were kissing him. When he released himself inside of her, Luvia immediately blacked out, her mouth hanging open in the last vestiges of an inaudible scream. Then, as if it had been desperately anticipating the cloudly white fluid, Luvia's cervix began to palpitate, creating the illusion that it was gobbling up the invasive liquid. During this process, Vahn ensured that Luvia was pregnant using a similar method to how he had dealt with Goddesses back in Danmachi. Though it wasn't guaranteed, the odds were very close to one-hundred percent.

When Vahn finally pulled himself free of Luvia's body, he noticed her body had a red flush while his chest and thighs were damp with her sweat. The entire bed beneath her was soaked through while the most startling thing, though he had seen it before, was that her labia and mons pubis were both glowing with a rainbow hue. Due to the extended penetration, her vagina was gaping even after he had removed his member, allowing Vahn to see it expand and contract slightly as the interior was lit up with vibrant light. This indicated his 'Sex Laws' had activated, something Vahn still struggled with controlling as he usually just felt like he was doing things the same as normal...

While lightly stroking Luvia's abdomen to help her body calm down, as it was persistently vibrating in a seemingly endless climax, Vahn looked toward the simultaneously pale yet flushed Lakshmibai. She swallowed hard when he turned his gaze upon her, causing Vahn's smile to turn gentle as he calmly whispered, "You don't need to push yourself. Not everyone has a constitution like Luvia so you shouldn't try to put yourself in her place..."

As if she had just been given a reprieve, Lakshmibai released a sigh of relief as she released Luvia's sweat-covered hand. She then helped Vahn clean Luvia's body before wrapping her in a bundle of blankets to stay warm. Without help, Luvia would be asleep for several hours but Vahn would make sure she was ready and energized by the time the sun came up. It was already slightly after 3 AM so, at this point, they had been going at it for the better part of six hours. Still, he wasn't quite finished and, as Lakshmibai had been watching the 'lockpicking' process for three hours straight, he knew she also had some pent up tensions to release.

To emphasize that she had control over the situation, Vahn let Lakshmibai take the lead, something she rarely even attempted. He had her straddle his hips while laying against the bed, an enamored smile on his face as he watched her bounce, bob, and twist. Her perfectly shaped breasts, while quite a bit smaller than Luvia's, were a tantalizing sight to behold, especially when she leaned forward to find a better angle, a pleasured and insistent expression on her face. Since he didn't want to break her focus, as she looked adorable while trying so hard, Vahn just passively placed his hands behind his head, enjoying the experience to the fullest while feeling like the Emperor he was...

Despite her best efforts, Lakshmibai's body also began to sweat quite a bit as her breathing became ragged. After a strenuous twenty minutes, she had a pouting expression on her face as she looked up at him with her rose-pink eyes and whimpered, "Help..." Though it felt good to move on her own, Lakshmibai discovered that it was almost impossible to climax with her efforts alone. She had grown used to Vahn's 'handling' and, even though it made her feel giddy and excited to see him enjoying her efforts, the lingering ache in her body had become unbearable. It made her feel ashamed to ask for help after he had allowed her to take the initiative but, as Vahn wasted not time in acceding to her request, she got over it very quickly...

For the remainder of the time until sunrise, Vahn took it upon himself to teach Lakshmibai how to pleasure herself while guiding her through the process. In between having sex, he would teach her things like proper masturbation and 'presenting', things he had learned back in Danmachi from Loki, Freya, Anubis, and dozens of other women. Since Lakshmibai had a very eager yet submissive nature in the bedroom, with borderline masochistic tendencies, Vahn felt their relationship had reached the point that she was ready to begin learning more proactively. They had done small plays in the past but, as her failure to reach orgasm had shown, he had been one-sidedly taking benefitting from their interactions, despite how much Lakshmibai seemed to enjoy it.

Seeing how inexperienced she was at seduction techniques and trying to lead him, Vahn actually enjoyed himself quite a bit. Lakshmibai also noticed this and, seemingly misunderstanding what he was trying to teach her, began to behave rather clumsily on purpose. Since she had a very mature and serious personality outside of the bedroom, Vahn found this gap a lot more interesting than he had expected. It was almost like a flip had been switched, causing her to act in a bashful and clumsy nature that made her seduction attempts at least three times as effective. Though she got a little carried away with it at one point, sucking one of his testicles with far too much pressure, it became another memorable experience they shared...


Since he expected Luvia to have business planned for the day, Vahn let Lakshmibai use the shower as he worked to revitalize and awaken the former. He was slightly surprised to discover that her body would still periodically tremble slightly but, by the time her eyelids fluttered open, Vahn had dealt with this side-effect. When she saw him, Luvia was completely silent for nearly a minute, almost as if she was looking 'beyond' him, even as their gazes met. Then, in a very serious tone, she stated, "You are a beast..." before falling silent once again. Vahn could only smile wryly in response to this as he didn't know what to say. This was the first time he had performed 'lockpicking' outside of Danmachi, especially with a 'mortal', so reminding Luvia he had warned her just sounded like an excuse.

Seeing his reaction, Luvia's face blossomed into a teasing smile and, as if the momentary existential crisis she had been having was completely negligible, she lightly pinched his nose before moving into a seated position. Even this caused a small shiver to run up her body, however, as the slight pressure from her own body weight made her insides tingle. Though she resisted letting it show on her face, Luvia was feeling rather incredulous at the moment as, being naked, she could feel a bit of moisture leaking from beneath the covers. This caused her to mumble, "I'm going to have to cancel my meetings..." in a low voice that obviously wasn't intended for Vahn's ears...

While Luvia was thinking about her previously busy schedule, Lakshmibai emerged wearing nothing but pale-white lingerie and a towel. She was still drying her hair and intended to have Vahn help with her braids as, in the past, he always helped to brush and style her hair after they had sex. When she saw that Luvia was awake, the latter looked toward her and, for a brief moment, silence once again dominated the atmosphere. Then, as if answering a question that Luvia had asked telepathically, Lakshmibai explained, "Don't worry. You will get used to it." with a small smile on her face.

As if Lakshmibai had said something unbelievable, Luvia shook her head in response before stating, "There is no way anyone could get used to that..." To this, Lakshmibai became somewhat serious as she walked towards the bed, saying, "If you put in the effort, even reaching the Root or becoming a God is possible. Have more confidence in yourself. Master would not have put you through such a thing if he did not believe you couldn't take it." By now, Lakshmibai had reached the side of the bed, reaching out her hand to touch Luvia's lower abdomen faster than the latter could react.

Releasing a sensuous moan in response to the sudden touch, Luvia's cheeks became red until she heard Lakshmibai add, "You are a strong woman. If you have doubts, you just need to become even stronger. Now that you carry Master's child, you must work even harder..." These words reminded Luvia of the reason she and Vahn had sex the previous night and, though it felt like her insides had been tenderized, she instinctually placed her hand against her lower abdomen. Soon after, a much larger and warm hand overlapped her own, causing Luvia to look towards Vahn as he nodded with an affectionate smile on his face.

Though it did little to 'fix' the state of her body, Luvia's mind began racing as a radiant smile spread across her face. She began to feel giddy with excitement and, though it caused her body to spasm, she uninhibitedly threw herself at Vahn, tackling him to the bed and claiming his lips for herself. This exposed her backside to the air, allowing Lakshmibai to see her state as mild shock flashed across her eyes. As if she had already gone through hours of foreplay, Luvia was already sopping wet, to the point murky liquid was flowing down her thighs as she continued to kiss Vahn. It was obvious that it would take some time for her body to 'recover' but, with her pregnancy as an excuse, Luvia planned to go on maternity leave in the near future...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Siegfried is a bro','Kenshin doesn't fool around xD...','Beast (O,...,O)...')

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章節 1218: Turmoil : Reprieve

Due to the state she was in, Luvia had Sophia reorganize her schedule before contacting her family and updating them on the situation. The management of their businesses could easily be handled by her mother for a few months so, with the passage of time in the Projection, Luvia was confident there wouldn't be any issues. What she was more concerned about, at least for the time being, was the fact she couldn't even walk without assistance. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with her legs and muscles, but even standing upright was 'troublesome' for her at the moment.

Despite this, Luvia decided to make the most of the situation and, as it was irrefutably Vahn's fault, she had him pamper and attend her as compensation. This included carrying her around the suit like a princess, helping her bathe, and massaging her legs 'properly'. Since he was very aware of the fact she wasn't faking her condition, Vahn dutifully carried out her requests as, compared to how Nobunaga would behave at times, Luvia's demands were pretty tame. The only complaint he had, which he kept to himself, was that she would undoubtedly recover faster if he wasn't around.

Currently, Luvia's body was reacting to his presence alone and, as he helped her stretch to ease the tensions in her thighs and legs, Luvia's face would become red as her body heated up to the point her eyes began to water. She was even more sensitive than the women he had performed Nirvana Rebirth on, putting Vahn in a relatively precarious situation as it was difficult to resist the heated looks she was giving him. This was exacerbated by the fact she was only wearing a leotard and, as she hugged her own body to control her breathing, Vahn felt as if his own restraints were being pulled apart slowly and meticulously.

Fortunately, Luvia was able to avoid tempting him outright so, after their exercises had come to an end, she managed to calm down by asking about the affairs of Avalon. Since he also needed the distraction, Vahn answered each of her questions while also explaining about the Quest Board and his [World Power] Quest. As Luvia was the closest thing to a Political Advisor and Magistrate that he had, her opinion was very important when it came to foreign affairs. Most of the domestic matters would be attended by Artoria, himself, and Da Vinci, so, while she was also his Keeper of the Imperial Seal, Luvia also served as his Minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance.

As could be expected, Luvia was very interested in the existence of the Quest Board, to the point her golden eyes were practically blazing with intrigue and expectation. If it worked the way that Vahn had explained, the Quest Board may very well become one of the most important pieces of leverage she could use to entice other parties. Just the existence of the Skill Tree would shake the foundation of the Mage's Association as it almost completely invalidated the current curriculum. The only 'downside' was that it required accepting Vahn's Familia Crest or entering a binding contract with him to access its capabilities. Fortunately, as it was considered 'common sense' that benefits could only be obtained if you were willing to give up some freedoms, there would still be quiet a few people willing to join their camp.

While thinking of ways to capitalize on this revelation, Luvia was also thinking about Vahn's [World Power] Quest. Though it seemed impossible to complete, at least from a 'normal' perspective, she had no doubt he would be able to pull it off. The more important matter was determining the order in which he challenged each force. If Vahn didn't plan to destroy them outright, they would also need to consider things like the allocation of resources while simultaneously removing any divisive elements to establish a proper balance in the aftermath. After all, taking on the Mage's Association, Holy Church, and Dead Apostle Ancestors was the same as taking on the entire world. This meant, even after claiming victory, they would suddenly find themselves in a position to dictate how the governments of each country functioned from the top down...

Luvia had a migraine just thinking about how troublesome it would be to institute reforms in the various countries, even if the existence of Magecraft was made public. There would be political and social upheavals the world over as, despite the changes being for the better, there would be an endless amount of resistance. Even if Vahn wasn't intending to go to war against the world, normal people would tear it apart as they did everything in their power to hold on to the 'easy' lives they had lived previously. She could already imagine the crowds of millions, gathering to riot and protest while the more opportunistic amongst them built small criminal factions to benefit from the ensuing anarchy...

After making her concerns known, Vahn gave an understanding nod in response and, as he had already discussed this matter with Artoria, Da Vinci, and Illya, he carefully explained, "I know the world isn't ready for the change we are bringing. In the decades that follow, I know millions of people would die, even conservatively. Even if we use the Holy Grail to change the perception of everyone in the entire world, the current structure of society guarantees this. There is nothing we can do about it besides doing our best to help as many people as we can..."

Though he didn't have a full understanding of how each country worked, Vahn knew that it would be impossible for people to adapt to a new system smoothly. Since people the world over were extremely reliant on the current structure, perpetuating a cycle of infinite consumption and waste, a large number of people will die during the transition. The sad truth of the matter was, if not for the existence of a system that treated them as a commodity and errantly promoted capitalism, there wouldn't even be as many people in the world as there were at present. Even sadder still was the fact that, other than living as a part of the system, the vast majority of people contributed absolutely nothing to their species other than being another variable for genetic diversity.

Vahn knew things weren't so cut and dry, as every individual deserved to live freely as they sought their own happiness. However, when their lifestyle directly harmed themselves and the planet, a bit of accountability was required. Without the system that promoted complacency and material wealth, the vast majority of people wouldn't even know what to do with their lives. They relied on the conveniences they were provided, to the point some didn't even know how to perform even basic skills such as fishing, hunting, or cooking. Without having things ready-made and provided to them, they would die as a result of 'natural selection', blaming others for failing them despite the fact they made no effort to change their fate...

Though it wasn't a pleasant topic, Vahn and Luvia discussed ways to mitigate the damage and make the transition smoother. He brought up Da Vinci's idea about turning the entire world into a Bounded Field that turned the Surface into something akin to a virtual simulation. They also had the more extreme option, provided courtesy of Merlin, to create an entirely separate, looping, time axis where 'normal' humans would be able to live without any overlap with the existence of Magecraft. The only reason Vahn was against this idea was that it was akin to trapping the majority of humanity within a temporal prison but, as the Root System itself was already such an existence, it was hard not to consider.

In response to these options, Luvia had a complex expression on her face but, knowing how much chaos the world would be thrown into as the Surface and Reverse Side began to meld together, it actually seemed like the best choice. After all, the alternative required them to come up with a system that ensured the survival of billions of people, many of whom wouldn't even be making an effort. They would just complain and protest until they either got their way or, failing that, take it from other people while blaming the system. This was the mindset of many criminals and, with the changes the world would soon face, such individuals would exponentially increase in number.

After thinking it over, Luvia shook her head before asking, "Why not just focus on building our Empire and slowly expanding its borders? Rather than worrying about the governance of other countries, we can handle things both diplomatically and militarily. Though many would label you as a Tyrant and a Conquerer, you shouldn't have to be the one regulating everything. Since you will already be dealing with those at the highest level, you can pass your decree unto them and focus on strengthening the foundation of the Empire."

As this was also something that had already been discussed, Vahn nodded his head, answering, "I have heard this suggestion multiple times. Even so, it isn't easy for me to ignore the suffering of people around the world...haaa..." If he went with this route, it would take a very long time before the changes he wanted to see could be implemented. However, as Luvia pointed out, it wasn't his responsibility to personally oversee the governance of every country. Instead, as she had brought up in the past, he could continually expand his territory and assign Heroic Spirits to govern in his stead. At the same time, the production of Companions would continue and, slowly but surely, the Empire would become an unstoppable force due to its prosperity and military might.

The biggest problem with this method, as Vahn had stated, was the fact that even more people would die during the transition. There was also a chance that, if the transition period was too long, monsters would begin to appear all over the place, claiming even more lives. Though some people would undoubtedly awaken powers to be able to resist against these changes, becoming Heroes, their presence would either be preceded or immediately followed by, Villains. This would be an opportunity for them to dispatch forces of their own to establish order but, according to the simulations run by Ark, the total population of the world would have decreased to around 40% of its current value before finally stabilizing...

Listening to Vahn's talk about such things was a sobering experience for Luvia as it almost felt like anything they tried to do would ultimately result in a grievous amount of death. Though it was the fault of the existing system, it was still rather depressing to think about the amount of suffering the world would experience during the transitory period. For a moment, she even hoped that they would be a little slow in stopping Angra Mainyu as, with a great evil wreaking havoc, it would actually be much easier to unite people in the aftermath. They also wouldn't be responsible for the deaths as, being the literal manifestation of 'All the World's Evils', Angra Mainyu was a force of nature that humans had wrought upon themselves...

Deciding that such matters, while important, could always be discussed later, Luvia cleared her head of negative thoughts before asking, "How soon until the next summoning? Also, when do you plan to establish the Heaven's Feel Ritual?" As the situation would change with each force Vahn managed to either subjugate or subordinate, Luvia would rather focus on more pressing matters. She was also looking forward to increasing her own strength as, with the existence of the Quest Board and Skill Tree, she felt it would be a simple matter with her prodigious talent and firm conviction.

Since he also didn't feel like discussing the troubles of the future in the present, Vahn adopted a gratified smile in response to Luvia's questions, answering, "If things continue as projected, it will be possible to summon others as early as next week. Da Vinci was a bit annoyed with the fact that so many Spirits had come to reside on Avalon but it's undeniably a good thing. As for the ritual...it will take a bit of time. The current process requires a willing sacrifice that possesses a significant amount of Od...for now, we're researching a solution. I know it is impossible to build an Empire without sacrifices but I will never send others to their death arbitrarily..."

Hearing Vahn's words, Luvia wasn't at all surprised by the fact a wish-granting ritual required a few sacrifices. This wouldn't even cause the majority of modern Magi to flinch as, if it meant access to the Root or having their wish granted, there were few lengths they wouldn't go to. Hearing Vahn adamantly state he would find a better way, one which didn't require such sacrifice, Luvia couldn't help feel a small amount of vindication. At the same time, however, she felt a bittersweet twinge in her body, causing her to release a hot sigh as she suddenly looked at Vahn with blame clearly visible in her gaze.

Laughing awkwardly at Luvia's sudden change, Vahn guided the conversation down a different tangent, asking, "Do you want to accompany me back to Avalon?" In response to this, Luvia kept staring at him for a few seconds before answering, "Of course. If I stayed outside, our child would be several years behind its siblings. I've already explained the situation to my family so we will first travel to London before returning." Then, remembering something, Luvia added, "When we reach London, you'll need to meet with Lord Animusphere. He contacted me a few days ago to arrange a meeting, presumably over the matter regarding Chaldea, Olga, or both."

With Luvia's reminder, the image of a pale-haired woman flashed across his mind, her face fixed in a perpetual blush. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before his and Olga's relationship moved to the next level so, before then, it would be good to discuss the matter directly between her and Marisbury. It still wasn't too late for her to change her mind and, as he would continue to support her regardless of her choice, now was as good a time as any to take care of it.

Even if the odds were 'astronomically' small, Vahn 'needed' the choice to be Olga's to avoid any future guilt he might feel as a result of her bashful, haughty, yet eager-to-please mentality. Besides, though it seemed like Marisbury was okay with it, Vahn needed to make things clear. Since he would want his own daughters, and their future lovers, to be forthright with him, he needed to set a proper example himself.

Luvia hadn't missed the subtle change in Vahn's expression but, considering she was the one who orchestrated the current situation, she had nothing to say. Though it had only been eighteen days since she left Avalon, this translated to nearly one-hundred-and-thirty within the Projection. A lot could change over the course of three months so she was actually more surprised by the fact that Vahn hadn't done 'more'. She could tell from his reaction that he was still 'troubled' by Olga and, though there was a glimmer of expectation in his gaze, her intuition told her he had been holding back. Because of this, she was looking forward to meeting the pale-haired woman again as it was both fun and easy to tease her...


Though it would be better to head back sooner, Vahn left Luvia in the care of her own forces, Siegfried, and Lakshmibai as he left The Plaza alongside Kenshin. He had promised to take her to the Zoo and, after his long night with Lakshmibai, the latter had elected to stay behind in order to show Kenshin her gratitude. As a result, Kenshin was wearing casual clothes, consisting of form-fitting black capris, a black cashmere sweater, a white designer coat, tinged with tufts of golden fur, and matching boots. With her hair braided in a loose black-and-white style, combined with her long legs and lean figure, she really did look a lot like a model or an actress.

Despite giving off the aura of a 'cool beauty', matching Vahn's own rather domineering presence, he quickly learned this was just an illusion. After purchasing tickets, Kenshin dragged him around rather forcefully, a radiant and child-like smile on her face. Since Zoos weren't really a thing while she was alive, seeing so many animals gathered together was exciting for Kenshin. Though she had struggled to make connections with humans during her life, she never had any trouble when it came to interacting with animals. Even when she simply sat in her courtyard meditating, or when she took a walk through the mountains, animals would naturally gravitate toward her.

Vahn wasn't enjoying himself as much as Kenshin, as he felt melancholic seeing animals locked up for the amusement of humans but, remembering that the Ganesha Familia had used monsters to educate the citizens of Orario, he didn't have much to say. He could also tell that the vast majority of these animals were treated relatively well, to the point that some were as fat and complacent as the people gawking at them. Though he did go out of his way to observe the interior kennels and enclosures, as not all the animals were on display due to the winter season, Vahn found they were treated well enough, even if not to his own standards.

So as not to ruin the mood, Vahn did his best to match Kenshin's enthusiasm and, as there were actually a number of particularly cute animals, he began to enjoy himself by lunchtime. If not for the fact people would periodically try to snap photos of them, Vahn would have been in a much better mood. Still, he didn't mind them too much as, compared to how some people would act in Danmachi, there were virtually no threats here in New York. Even Luvia wasn't able to exercise her full capabilities here so, while there had been a few Magi secretly stalking them, Vahn wasn't too concerned. Instead, he enjoyed his time holding hands with Kenshin as they toured around the small Zoo, making the most of their impromptu date.

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'RIP Luvia','Vahn needs to learn how to properly delegate (e,...,e)','Kenshin is adorable')

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