Shortly after Hecate had vanished from his sight, Vahn could feel a subtle ripple in the surrounding space, followed by the complete darkness he had been submerged in fading away. With the ritual complete, the surroundings returned to normal, well, as normal as they could be with a hundred lamb corpses dotting the area. Vahn didn't pay much attention to these, however, as his vision was dominated by the scene of Circe laying next to the now extinguished pyre. Compared to before, her presence was like a wispy flame compared to a tiny sun, indicative of the fact that she was now a 'normal' girl.
In less than a blink's time, Vahn was already kneeling next to Circe, his palm resting against her abdomen as he inspected her body for any sign of injuries. His 'scan' immediately brought to attention the two large scars on Circe's back, which, despite their attempt to 'resist' his treatment, were dealt with after a few minutes of concerted effort. Since Circe's own mana density was very low at the moment, albeit much higher than a normal human, it was easy to discern the invasive energy that had permeated through her body. Though he wouldn't have been able to easily discern what this energy entailed in the past, Vahn's studies related to [Curse] Magecraft gave him a good idea of what was going on.
With Circe physically, mentally, and spiritually drained, Vahn knew it would be dangerous to wake her up before she had rested properly. She would be in an extremely unstable state so, rather than guide her back towards consciousness, he instead lulled her into a much deeper sleep. Then, after setting up a powerful barrier around them, Vahn decided his time was best spent making sure there were no sequelae left in her body as a result of the powerful curse. Before that, he checked Circe's status within the Unit Management, wondering if her Status would offer him any useful information.
Name: [Circe]
Age: Ageless->2348
Race: Human(new), Nymph(sealed), God(sealed)
Strength: 2E->1E
Endurance: 31B->5E
Agility: 16D->2E
Magical Power: 50A++->13D
Good Luck: 49A+->50A+
Circuit Quality: 24C
Soul Tier: 3
Noble Phantasm: [Metabo Piglets: C->E]
Skills: [Phantasmal Chef:Innate:SS(sealed)], [Sun God's Descendant:Innate:A], [Blood Moon's Curse:Innate:D]->[Blessing of the Night Mother:Innate:(-)], [High-Speed Divine Words:B]->[N/A], [Poisoned Meal:A], [Advice for Sailing:A], [Territory Creation:B], [Item Construction:A]
Magic: [Helios's Divine Protection:SS]
Magecraft: [Mutagen:S]->[N/A], [Alchemy:B]->[N/A], [Herbology:B]->[N/A], [Refiining:B]->[N/A], [Addiction Enchantment:B]->[N/A]
Seeing Circe's Status, Vahn was more than a little surprised but, rather than lamenting too long, he was actually more relieved than anything. Though her Od was a mess, her reserves weren't actually that low and, with a Magical Power of 13, she was still far stronger than even prodigious Magi. Since her Quest would afford her with 3,000,000VE, she would be able to quickly increase her strength once again. Fortunately, due to being a Servant summoned through the Throne of Heroes, Hecate's so-called 'blessing' had no effect on her Class Skills and those derived from her legend. As for her loss of [High-Speed Divine Words] and the reduced efficacy of her Noble Phantasm, these were both things that could be remedied with time and concerted effort on Circe's part.
With a better understanding of Circe's condition, Vahn spent the better part of an hour nourishing her body with his Source Energy while doing what he could to expel the 'curse' within her body. As it was derived from her own Innate, however, he didn't have too much luck driving it away. It was now an intrinsic part of her and, unless Circe was the one to change it, there was little he could do other than guide towards a better future. Curiously, her Good Luck had actually increased and, though it was subtle, there was now a discernible flow of fate, not simply around her body, but linking them together. Vahn knew he could 'sever' this thread without much difficulty but, fearing it would have disastrous consequences on Circe, he instead tried sending his own Source Energy through the aura to strengthen it...
Though he had some success in interacting with the aura of fate, Vahn wasn't able to discern any real changes in its structure or density. His comprehension of the Laws governing Fate were sub-par as, even with their massive power and pseudo-omniscience, Merlin and Scáthach were also unable to do anything to influence the flow of Fate. It was, perhaps, one of the most powerful manifestations of Law as, without Fate tying together certain individuals, the Record itself likely couldn't exist. After all, though the Record he inhabits may not be the version created by the original Creator, it was still brought into existence as an amalgamation of the hopes and dreams of an incalculable number of people, each believing in a certain story structure and chronology...
After doing everything he could to stabilize and strengthen Circe's body, excluding giving her a new one comprised of his Source Energy, Vahn wrapped her up in the two mantles that had been used as her bed and blanket. Even though his impression of Hecate wasn't that great, it was obvious that she cared rather deeply about Circe as, despite the fact the latter had 'betrayed' her teachings, most of the harm Circe had suffered seemed to be of her own creation.
Vahn could tell that the feathered mantle that was left behind was comprised of Circe's previous winged attachment, complete with the complex array of Magic Circuits on the interior. As for the fur cloak, Vahn was able to discern that it was a very powerful artifact as, despite his efforts, it resisted being placed into his Inventory. It also had a strong power flowing through it and, though it was far too big for Circe to wear normally, he could tell it was intended to protect her from harm.
Remembering Hecate's treatment towards him, Vahn couldn't help but produce a wry smile as, if he considered it from her perspective, he would probably lambast himself. It couldn't be easy seeing someone you cared about making a decision you didn't agree with, especially if they were in your care for a long period of time. If it were one of his children, or someone that had been close to him, Vahn knew he would probably react in an even more extreme manner. Thus, despite the fact he was extremely annoyed by Hecate's treatment, Vahn decided not to harp over it. He certainly couldn't say anything bad about her towards Circe as, if she didn't respect Hecate, she never would have gone through the Red Moon Ritual in the first place...
With this in mind, Vahn held Circe gingerly in his embrace as he flew through the air, his destination the Ivory Castle on the northern end of the island. It was a very short flight and, after a few twists and turns, Vahn quickly found himself in the Menagerie, despite the fact that Circe was, technically, just a normal human woman. Then, while waiting for her to wake up on her own, Vahn decided to keep her company as, if he wasn't here when she awoke, he could only imagine the duress she would feel.
Holding her light body in his embrace, separated only by the fur cloak, Vahn continued to nourish Circe's Magic Circuits with his Source Energy. Now that she didn't have her wings, it was very easy to hold her in his embrace so, for the better part of six hours, Vahn did just that. At the same time, he enjoyed the subtle and bittersweet fragrance of her air while closely observing her Status inside of his mind. He had already experienced marginal success with this method in the past but, with his ability to view her Status in real-time, Vahn wanted to see how quickly he could improve her Magic Power and Circuit Quality through the nourishment of his Source Energy...
Before he was able to make any progress, not that he expected immediate results, Medusa had returned from her etiquette lessons to take a rest. When she found them inside the Menagerie, her first reaction had been bubbly excitement but, feeling the peculiar atmosphere, she resisted the urge to pounce into the bed. Though Vahn had raised his head to give her a glance, he waited until she was near the side of the bed before whispering, "Circe made a big sacrifice tonight, Medusa. In the future, please take care of her when I'm not around..."
As they had already become relatively close over the last few months, Medusa furrowed her brows slightly, her expression becoming one of concern as she looked into the sleeping face of Circe. In response to her Master's words, she nodded her head in understanding, muttering, "I understand..." Then, without asking for permission, which wasn't exactly necessary considering it was her own bed, Medusa crawled under the blankets before grabbing Circe's hands. In this manner, Vahn and the silver-haired Gorgon sandwiched Circe from both sides, keeping her warm and bringing her comfort as she slowly extricated herself from the darkness of unconsciousness...
By the time Circe's eyelids began to flicker, she had already been asleep for nearly thirteen hours, during which time her Circuit Quality had actually increased from 24C->25C. Though he could help her increase it to the EX rating by providing her with a body, Vahn felt that Circe was in the same camp as women like Rin and Luvia, preferring their original flesh and blood over the 'convenience' of what amounted to an artificial body.
When her eyes peeled open, Circe's pupils were actually pale gold in color, a few shades lighter than Medusa's own. Since the latter was the first thing she saw after opening her eyes, Circe's heart began to beat in an anxious rhythm but, before she could jump to conclusions, Vahn made his presence known by holding her a little more firmly as he whispered, "I'm's okay..." This caused Circe to tremble lightly and, causing Medusa to pout, just a little, she ignored the latter before wriggling around to face him. Vahn was able to see her new eye color for himself but, before he could say anything further, Circe gripped the sides of his face with what little strength she could manage as she began to kiss him rather passionately...
Despite the fact she was even weaker than before, and had just awoken from a long slumber, Circe didn't seem to care at all. The moment she saw Vahn, all of the emotions she had been bottled up for the last few months surface and, no longer holder herself back, she practically attacked him on the spot. This caught both Vahn and Medusa off guard, the latter letting her mouth hang agape as she suddenly felt like a third wheel. As for Vahn, he had no idea how someone with 1E Strength was able to muster up so much 'intensity' but, rather than push her away, he decided to reciprocate by holding her waist and allowing her to press herself against him.
Though she seemed to enjoy kissing quite a bit, Circe didn't seem satisfied with just this as, while they were interlocked with each other, she would periodically yank at his belt and trousers. Since Vahn felt things were going a little fast, he decided to take some initiative of his own, tracing his hands around her slender waist and back. Since she was just a relatively normal human at the moment, even these simple actions, when combined with his Petting Laws and [Hands of Nirvana] were enough to make her body go limp as she trembled against him. Then, after giving her plush yet small rump a gentle squeeze, Vahn sat up from the bed, allowing Circe to lay across his lap as he stroked her hair and said, "There is no rush...leave it to me..."
With her eyes glazed over slightly, Circe looked up into his face, the strength she had previously mustered now nowhere to be seen. Even then, she managed to say in an almost whimpering tone, "You have to take responsibility..." This was answered with an understanding nod by Vahn, followed by him planting a long yet tame kiss on her lips. He was aware that, even with her divine spark taken away, Circe's body still had a subtle influence on him. Making use of certain Laws for thousands of years gave a certain amount of familiarity with them so, despite the fact she had been drastically weakened, his body was beginning to heat up a bit.
After giving her a long kiss, Vahn ran his hand down the length of her body, marveling at how soft it was before snaking his hand between her thighs. This caused Circe to curl up in his lap while closing her legs fruitlessly around his hand. At the same time, Vahn sent Medusa an apologetic look with his eyes, causing her to surprise him a bit when she stuck out her tongue. He had expected her to leave the room and perhaps go take a bath, as she had nearly completed her Quest, but Medusa seemed to have very different intentions. Rather than excuse herself, she seemed to get a little excited by the scene playing out in front of her and, without removing the skin-tight bodysuit she wore to keep her body warm, she began fiddling with herself while observing his actions...
As he had already shared his fair share of intimate moments with Medusa, Vahn just shook his head with a wry smile as he turned his focus back to Circe. He knew that, despite the fact that she seemed to be lost in the pleasure wracking her body, she was paying close attention to him. Her ability to discern if people were paying attention to her was a part of her Innate so, during the brief moment he had turned his attention to Medusa, Vahn had felt the subtle fluctuations in her internal energy.
Understanding how important this moment was for her, he could only leave Medusa to her own devices as he shifted Circe's position so that she was seated leaning against him. This allowed him to fondle with her small yet inexplicably soft mounds as his finger slowly penetrated into her soft folds. He was immediately greeted by an unbelievable tightness which, given Circe's petite figure, wasn't too much of a surprise. In response, he craned his head down to nibble on her long ears, which she fortunately had retained, while lowering his left hand to her belly and gently rubbing her navel. He would periodically press into a few areas as, if she wasn't properly prepared, Circe's first time would likely be very painful for her...
Though he had already expected it, Circe's body suddenly tensed up in his embrace as her body curled in on itself like a shrimp. Her insides clamped up around his singular finger, causing it to briefly get imprisoned in her now vice-like folds. He could feel her rampant heartbeat through his finger as, with each quick contraction, the digit was pulled deeper into her interior, allowing him to feel her above-average body heat, at least for a 'human'. Fortunately, with her body easing out of her climax, the small flood of love juices, combined with his efforts in weakening the tensions of her muscles, allowed him to extricate his finger. It would have been easy to remove it by force but, with Circe only having the strength of a normal human, he didn't want to accidentally injure her...
With her rationale recovering, Circe looked down at the state of her own body before craning her head to look up at him, a pitiful look in her eyes as she whimpered, "I'm tired of waiting..." As she had already been a virgin for thousands of years, Circe's patience was quickly wearing thin, despite the fact she knew Vahn was just being considerate. She didn't care how much pain she would have to experience as, compared to losing her wings, it was simply incomparable. Since she was also very aware of Vahn's skills when it came to doing the deed, Circe knew any pain she experienced would be quickly replaced by pleasure. Thus, despite the fact she could hardly muster any strength in her already fatigued body, she did her best to turn around as she tried to push him down against the bed...
Resisting against Circe's efforts, Vahn showed a gentle smile before tilting her chin and giving her another kiss, this time keeping it to only a few seconds as he understood her eagerness. When he separated from her rather flavorful lips, Vahn repeated, "Just leave it to me..." as he quickly guided Circe's lower body so that she was straddling his hips. Though her ears began erect after she felt something hot poke against her backside, Circe still answered his words with a nod before placing her forehead against his chest, her eyes looking downward as she tightly clung to his body...
Vahn knew her body wasn't ready but, as Circe was already beyond the point of caring about things like pain, he quickly positioned himself at her soft and pliant entrance. It was somewhat ironic that this extremely pleasant sensation would soon be replaced by an unbelievably tight pressure but, as his penis began to gradually heat up due to the influence of Circe's body, he slowly plunged himself deep into her insides. By temporarily making it impossible for her insides to contract, there wasn't too much resistance, even as he tore through her hymen, but Circe still tensed up considerably. Her nails indented harmlessly into his skin as, due to there being zero-clearance, even blood wasn't able to escape from her insides...
Despite the very intense pain she was experiencing, Circe's expression showed a great deal of relief, even as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. She released a hot sigh against his chest, enjoying the painful pulse in her body that indicated she had finally given herself to the person she loved. No matter what happened in the future, she would never forget this moment, causing her to squeeze Vahn's body as tightly as she could manage. In response, he also held her as tightly as her frail body could withstand, sending comforting energy into her body as their respective body heat flowed into each other.
Fortunately, Circe didn't try to goad him into moving as, now that they were connected, most of her anxiety had faded away. Thus, for the better part of ten minutes, Vahn helped her relax while doing everything in his power to make sure she would be able to enjoy things when she was ready to continue. This ended up being a little sooner than he expected as, while she leaned against his chest, Circe could see Medusa staring at her from the side. For a brief moment, their golden eyes locked on each other, causing the cheeky Gorgon to smile in a mischevious manner as she slightly parted her legs. Strangely, though she usually only cared about the attention of men, Circe felt her body heat up a bit after seeing what Medusa was doing.
Since much of the pain had faded away, replaced by a throbbing pulse that seemed to match her heartbeat, she moved her hips a little, an action that caused a small 'pa' sound as an unnerving amount of blood and viscous fluid flowed from her insides to coat Vahn's still visible shaft. This didn't deter Circe, however, as a small smile spread across her face after witnessing the proof of her maidenhood's sacrifice. Then, as the pain had mostly faded away, she looked up into Vahn's face and, without needing to say anything, he returned a gentle smile of his own before guiding her hips in a gentle yet steady motion...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Circe's New Game+','Impatience : Union','Medusa likes to watch (o 3 o)...') <-(p.atreon link)
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Despite her eagerness, Circe had been through quite a bit in the moments leading up to the loss of her virginity. As a result, even though Vahn 'cheated' by sending revitalizing energy into her body, it didn't take long before her body began cramping up and she was simply too mentally exhausted to continue. During that time, Circe had entrusted everything to Vahn and, knowing what she expected from him, he obliged by pushing her far beyond the limits of what he would have otherwise done. In her current state, she 'needed' to feel wanted and, just as he had during their first bathing session, Vahn completely surpassed her expectations.
In the end, Circe's eyes had glazed over and, in a completely absentminded and powerless state, she just laid sprawled out over the bed. Sweat covered her body from head to toe and, as Vahn had yet to perform the after-care, her lower body was tender and swollen as a seemingly endless flow of viscous white fluid drained from her insides. Her entire body was flush and, with her slim and delicate features, Vahn almost felt criminal regarding his treatment of his long-eared lover. However, seeing how she still managed a dazed smile, he knew she would recover and, so long as he prevented her from becoming addicted to the pleasure, she should be just fine with the passage of time.
Since he couldn't just leave her sprawled out like a stringless marionette, Vahn carefully wiped down Circe's body with warm towels while gently caressing her naked figure. This seemed to rile her up a bit but, as the soothing energy continued to invade her body, it wasn't long before her eyelids slowly drooped shut. Moments later, a rhythmic noise began to sound from Circe's nose as, despite the fact she had slept thirteen hours previously, physical and mental fatigue had once again claimed her.
Understanding he was 'trapped' in the room until Circe awoke again, Vahn had a wry yet gentle smile on his face as he finished cleaning her body. Then, using the fur cloak and feathered mantle that had been left with her, Vahn wrapped her body up so that she could stay warm. She seemed to be aware of his care as, despite being in a deep slumber, Circe managed a contented smile as she attempted to snuggle up at his side. Vahn used his advantageous position to stroke her head and run his fingers through her long pink hair, doing his best to comfort her as he turned his eyes toward the little voyeur who had been watching them.
Acting as if she was surprised he had 'noticed' her, even though she had not even tried to hide her actions, Medusa snapped her thighs shut while turning her golden eyes up at him with a pretense of shyness. Her tail, however, gave away that she was riled up quite a bit though, as it was slowly snaking across the bed behind her. Compared to the past, where it had only been 80cm long, Medusa had grown up a bit. Now, her tail had grown to 85cm in length and, every time she finished a molt, her height, and other physical proportions would change slightly. As a result, she was now around 142cm tall and, though the rest of her body hadn't really filled out all that much, her thin waist, toned butt, and slightly thick thighs had become more prominent than before.
With how close Circe and Medusa had become, Vahn knew the latter was considerably riled up after watching the former's loss of virginity. At this point, there was only a 5cm height difference between them, making the two very similar due to their petite appearance and complementary personalities. Thus, seeing someone similar to her engaging in such acts would have an obvious impact on the mischevious Gorgon, giving her a bit of expectation and courage. She also knew that he was stuck looking after Circe for a bit and, with the evening and normal rest period still open, it meant she could have him to herself for several hours.
Understanding what she must be thinking, Vahn had a serious yet affectionate expression on his face as he whispered, "If you believe you're ready, I won't refuse you, Medusa...just don't push yourself..." This remark seemed to give her even more courage than before as, after swallowing audibly, Medusa used her hair to propel her across the surface of the bed in a somewhat eerie yet seductive way. Compared to her height, her hair was around 160cm in length and, being able to manipulate each individual strand, it wasn't long before Medusa found her way to his side. Then, while gingerly wrapping her arms around him, she also used her hair to constrict his body a bit, something he had gotten used to over the last nine and a half months.
Despite what her actions would suggest, complete with Medusa flicking her abnormally long tongue against his chest while grinding against him with her hot and moist lower body, she ultimately answered, "I want to grow a bit more first...". Since she was already close to molting, even without using the [First Layer Molting Pill], Medusa felt it wouldn't be long before she was able to grow to around Circe's size.
Though each molt had somewhat diminishing returns, unless she was proactively trying to increase her strength, she was confident it wouldn't be long until she reached a point that her Master would be satisfied with. Even if he would set aside his inhibitions for her, she didn't want to push him to do anything and, if possible, Medusa actually wanted him to be the one to push her down. If not for this desire, she would have become one with him long ago as, at times, it was almost unbearable to see how happy Fenrir was when they were together.
Respecting Medusa's decision, even though her actions seemed to contradict her words, Vahn's smile became more pronounced as he leaned down and gave her a kiss. Her long tongue happily entwined with his while the constricting force of her hair more than doubled in intensity. At the same time, her long tail coiled around his leg and, though Circe might be a little upset when she awoke, the two remained bound together for several hours. Since having sex with Medusa was an ordeal that would take anywhere between ten-to-twelve hours, Vahn knew she was essentially 'practicing' for the moment when they were finally united. To that end, he performed his duty as well, tightly embracing her body in turn as he tolerated the startling heat and pulsation of her lower body pressed against his...
Though she was still extremely tired and lethargic, Circe awoke around nine hours later. Her eyelids slowly peeled open and, though she felt happy to see Vahn next to her, the presence of the silver-haired 'bundle' clinging to his body annoyed her more than a little. Still, as she had grown accustomed to the presence of Medusa, Circe did her best to calm the anxiety in her heart as she locked away with Vahn. This caused him to squeeze Medusa's pert buttocks, eliciting a slight moan from her lips as she came back to awareness.
As they had been overlapped for such a long period of time, she had become absentminded due to Vahn's caressing and the warmth of his body. The whole reason she wore a bodysuit was that her core temperature was usually very low and, if she didn't warm herself up in the bath or by laying with him, she would barely even be able to move around the castle due to the fact it was currently winter. This was the main reason she had yet to finish her own Quest as, while taking a hot bath was rather easy, she needed someone to accompany her if she took a bath in freezing temperatures. If not, she would literally pass out as her body entered a state of hibernation, one which she could only awaken from after being warmed up for several hours.
With Medusa obediently releasing his body, as she already understood his intentions, Vahn sat up in the bed before pulling Circe into his embrace once again. She offered no resistance against his actions, allowing him to move her into his lap as he loosely wrapped his arms around her and asked, "How are you feeling...?" This caused her to think back to the moments leading up to her losing consciousness, her face turning a rosy hue as a result. At the same time, her ears drooped adorably as she nuzzled into his chest and answered, "I'm were very gentle..." Though Vahn had pushed her body further than she even though possible, he had still treated her with a lot of care and concern the entire time. Circe even felt like she had become an extension of his body at one point, giving her the comfortable illusion that she would never be able to separate from him...
Holding her a little closer as she nuzzled into his chest, Vahn began to comb his finger through her hair as he muttered, "I'm glad...from now on, we are lovers...thank you for choosing me..." Since Hecate's actions had left a bit of an impact on him, there was a small feeling of guilt inside of Vahn's heart since he knew Circe had given up a lot just to be with him. Still, this wasn't enough to make him actually regret his decision as, when a woman truly dedicated herself to him, Vahn knew he would do whatever it took to make them happy. Now, he just needed to continue taking care of her and, though he may not be able to stay around her at all times, he would do his best to make the moments they are together meaningful...
In response to Vahn's words, Circe giggled in a sonorous tone as her ears waggled a bit. Then, looking up at him with slightly glazed golden eyes, she stated, "That's right...I chose grateful~." After this, despite the fact she had only just awoken, Circe extended her hand into the small gap between their bodies, grabbing at Vahn's member with her delicate fingers. For a brief moment, he thought she wanted to continue from where they left off but, surprising him once more, Circe added, "I don't like sharing...but...until I'm confident I can tame this on my own...I may need a little help..." While saying this, Circe gave a glance toward Medusa, earning a snicker from the latter that both amused and annoyed her.
Though Circe would have obviously preferred to stay with him at all times, Vahn eventually had to part ways with the two by the end of the second rest period. Before that, he provided her with a lot of reading materials after explaining her current Status and encouraging her to complete her Quest. This ended up being a considerable boon as, even though Skills like [High-Speed Divine Words] had been erased from her mind, they still existed within her Skill Tree. Though it took a monstrous 30,000,000VE just to awaken the E-Rank version of the Skill, that made sense when considering that the current Circe had no knowledge concerning even basic Magecraft.
Fortunately, with 3,000,000VE banked after completing her Quest, Circe would be able to relearn most of the basics in a very short period of time. Getting E-Rank in all the Thaumaturgical fields would only require an investment of around 90,000VE. Rather than rely on such a thing, however, Circe was determined to reach a middling understanding in the fields she previously specialized in while using her Variable Experience on Skills she had an interest in but had never used. Her first action, however, was to invest 2,700,000VE into [Od Conversion:C] as, the faster her recovery, the more she could increase her reserves.
Unlike most Modern Magi, Circe was very aware of the fact that it took a torturous amount of effort if you truly wanted to reach the pinnacle of the arts. She had actually been a teacher to some of the most powerful Magi of her time, including her niece, Medea. Thus, as a matter of personal pride, Circe believed her talent and effort alone would be able to help her reach her previous potential. Then, following the teachings that Vahn had already made common amongst the residents of the castle, she would rise up to become a Goddess in her own right. This would be her way of vindicating herself and proving to Hecate that she had not made a mistake when choosing her lover...
As a result of her convictions, Circe ended up discarding one of her Quest rewards outright as, now that she had finally become one with the man she loved, there was no way she was going to punish herself just for a boost in strength. Since Vahn had been able to see the description and use of the items, he completely understood where she was coming from and, with the design of said item being rather 'precarious', it would be hard to find a use for it. After all, while a [Chastity Belt] was certainly useful in some situations, especially with the bonus effects it provided, the fact that it couldn't be removed until marriage made it hardly worth the trouble...
[Chastity Belt]
Rank: Unique
Use: Greatly increased the replenishment of all energy sources. Inhibits arousal.
A belt formed from soft leather that has the intended purpose of preventing sexual intercourse and masturbation. In exchange for remaining chaste, this belt is said to greatly increase focus while also supporting mental, physical, and spiritual development.
Restriction: Cannot be removed until marriage.
[Pendant of the Moon's Promise]
Rank: Unique
Use: Bolsters the efficacy of all forms of training when performed under the light of the moon. Depending on the moon's cycle, the effects can be increased by as much as 200%. When the moon is absent from the night sky, however, the user's powers are completely sealed.
A crescent pendant that, despite its relative simplicity, contains a powerful enchantment. Legends say that the moon has always served as a mirror to reflect all things. As a result, training beneath its cold light allows the user to enter a focused state that greatly increases the efficacy of their training.
Restriction: Soulbound: [Circe]
Fortunately, while the [Chastity Belt] seemed like a great inconvenience, the [Pendant of the Moon's Promise] was, despite the availability of better descriptives, promising. Using it, Circe would be able to make even faster progress and, as much of Fenrir's meditation and magical training were conducted at night, the two could train together. Even though they didn't get along all that well, Circe had come to respect and 'tolerate' Fenrir before so, now that she had most of her power stripped, the hierarchy in their relationship had been cemented.
Now, with few better teachers available, Circe had become something of a protege to Fenrir and, rather than learning the 'faulty' system taught in the Nasuverse, she was learning both Cultivation Techniques and Eva's Magic System. She was determined to reach Tier 4 through both Magic and, of all things, Cooking, so learning techniques to strengthen her Soul was a must. Since Fenrir and her both had an affinity for the Moon, there were few people more qualified to guide Circe as she began her climb towards the peak of Magic anew.
While this was going on, Vahn also continued focusing on his own efforts, passing much of the evening either focusing on his comprehension of the Laws, reforging [Laevateinn], or spending time with his children. He had currently entered a period where he was primarily focused on growth and, with most of the residents of the castle also dedicating a lot of time and effort to completing their Quests, things were always rather lively. The only 'problems' he was facing right now, other than preparing to hold Court after the next summoning, were meeting with Vivian, helping Mordred finish her Quest, and spending time with the increasingly violent Nobunaga.
At this point, Nobunaga was around two-months into her pregnancy and, understanding that she could get away with a lot, she had been 'bullying' him a bit. Still, Vahn tolerated her demands as, when she was finally pacified, he enjoyed the moments where they just quietly cuddled together as she allowed him to stroke her belly. Though she had barely started to show, there was a small bump around her navel that indicated the progress of her pregnancy. This actually caused her a fair amount of stress as, despite how confident she had been going into things, Nobunaga was very nervous about being a mother. It was because of this that she would randomly lash out at Vahn as, despite the fact that many of the other women in the castle spent time with her, she only really felt calm when he was around...
In this manner, Vahn passed his days proactively, his strength increasingly demonstrably, just like everyone else in the castle. Because of this period of growth, Vahn was rather excited about the future and, as if to add fuel to his already raging fire, yet another piece of good news reached his ears, albeit in a precarious manner. He had been making love to Rin, Ereshkigal, and Ishtar, as his relationship with the three girls had developed quite a bit after Sakura's birthday, when he was suddenly given a bombshell. Though all three girls seemed to have been aware of it, he noticed there were budding life forms within Rin's body that caused his heart to beat madly. Then, with Ereshkigal framing his face lovingly with her hands, she explained in an emotional tone, "We're pregnant..."
Though this news alone had caused Vahn to be over the moon with excitement, the rather unique situation of the three girls sent ripples throughout the entire castle. This was due to the fact that, while Rin was certainly pregnant, so too were Ereshkigal and Ishtar. Though this could have been misconstrued as them all being pregnant with the same child, the truth was considerably stranger as, rather than carrying one child, Rin was actually carrying three distinctly different children at the same time. One of the children was clearly the culmination of his and Rin's love while, having seen several examples, Vahn knew the other two were undoubtedly Vanir.
As a result of this peculiarity, Ereshkigal actually became the 'dominant' personality within Rin's body as, fearing for her child, as well as the other two, she had convinced Rin to give her primary control except when she was with Sakura. This was due to the fact that it could be very dangerous for Rin to bear two borderline Gods within her body as, just like how other Vanir were formed, the developing fetuses consumed a great deal of energy while also leeching off the Divinity of their parent. As Ishtar was actually troubled by the prospect of bearing a child, though she did have a few moments where the manifested, this left Ereshkigal with the responsibility of bringing the three to term.
Because of this unexpected development, Vahn's focus shifted away from his Quests and, though he was still training hard and carrying out his other duties, he spent a fair amount of time staying at Ereshkigal's and Nobunaga's side. Though he didn't ignore the other women he was involved with, obviously, his relationship with Ereshkigal had developed beyond his expectations. Similar to Gray, she would proactively seek him out and, so long as he wasn't busy training, this would end with him tending to her for a few hours. This usually only involved holding hands and talking but, as Ereshkigal had become rather emotional over the fact that she, a Goddess of Death, was able to bring life into the world, Vahn never turned her away...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Medusa is very clingy...','I wonder how the [Chastity Belt] works on already married women...?','Circe must be annoyed xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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