Though they were slightly pressed for time, Vahn wanted to wait until Illya had calmed down a bit before they returned to the Manor. He would need to discuss things with Rin a bit before reporting the completion of the Holy Grail War and the destruction of the Greater Grail. Originally, Rin would have been the one taking the fall for the grail's destruction as, even if the Mage's Association was upset by the event, there wasn't too much they could do to her as one of the three families involved in the creation of the Heaven's Feel ritual. With the destruction of the Makiri and the fact that Illya could make a strong case for becoming the Einzbern's Head once again, they simply had no grounds to stand on if they wanted to try any of the involved parties. There was also the fact that Luvia and Lord El-Melloi II had already been intending to support Rin in the event of any trouble, putting the Mage Association in a difficult position if they wanted to try and throw around false accusations...
While thinking about the future, Vahn's hands hadn't been idle as both Fenrir and Circe had been receiving his 'affection' in the form of head pats. It seemed like Circe was quickly becoming fond of them after a short period of time, especially with how her ears would waggle adorably as she shifted her weight from side-to-side happily. Since now was the most convenient time to deal with it, Vahn caused her eyes to snap open when he removed his hand and said, "You need to turn everyone here back into a human. It will cause unnecessary antagonism towards our group if you transform normal civilians into animals. You've had your fun so it's time to change them back..."
Though it didn't seem like Circe was fond of the idea, given that she seemed to consider it deeply for several long seconds, she eventually nodded her head before answering, "Okay, but, in exchange, you'll have to shower me with a whoooole lot more affection later~." In response to this, Vahn gave a small nod of his own before plainly stating, "So long as you don't go around causing trouble for others, I don't mind pampering you every now and again. You should also keep in mind that I may punish you if you act out though..." Even if he hadn't come up with a suitable punishment for Circe just yet, Vahn knew he would need 'something' to reign her in. She seemed a bit scatter-brained but Vahn figured she would 'learn' quickly if he treated the matter seriously...
Without taking Vahn's warning to heart, Circe went out picking up each piglet before kissing their foreheads in turn. This caused the small animals to quickly begin morphing back into humans who, as Vahn should have anticipated, were all naked. Circe didn't seem to care about this at all but, while Illya might not exactly look her age, Vahn felt it wasn't a suitable sight for a young lady. Thus, after entrusting the task of taking care of the girls to Artoria and Fenrir, Vahn went through the process of helping change the Ryuudou Temple residents and visitors into more suitable attire. Fortunately, their memories during their transformation wouldn't carry over as their ego and personalities were suppressed by Circe's magic. To make sure there were no negative side-effects, however, Vahn had Merlin look around inside their minds and make the whole ordeal seem like nothing more than a strange dream...
By the time all of Circe's victims had been tended to, including a fat and despotic individual who Circe begrudgingly pointed out as her former Master, Illya had finally calmed down enough to be able to hold a conversation. Though she had red and swollen eyes, there was a big smile on her face as she bowed in an overly polite manner and said, "Thank you...I am sorry for attacking you before. As I will be in your care from now on...if it pleases you, I would like it if you call me Illya."
Though he had actually been referring to her as Illya this entire time, as that is how Rin and Artoria referred to her, Vahn knew it was 'significant' that Illya herself was giving him permission to. As a result, he gave a warm smile as he reached out his hand and began to stroke her surprisingly soft white hair. This initially caused her to flinch but, a few seconds after Vahn's hand came into contact with her head, Illya's face had morphed into a contented smile. Then, though it may not be the best way to phrase things, Vahn expression softened even further upon seeing her smile, followed by him stating in a gentle tone of voice, "I will do my best to make you happy, Illya..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Illya opened her big eyes and stared up at him as if she were able to see through whether or not he was telling the truth. Then, feeling the warm and inexplicably comfortable feeling coming from Vahn's palm, Illya's smile turned even more radiant as she gave an adorable "Nn!" Following this, Vahn felt like his heartstrings were being tugged on when Illya suddenly asked, "Is it okay if I call you...Onii-sama...?" Though she was going on thirty years old, Vahn was well over 150 and had intended to treat Illya almost like a surrogate daughter. If she wanted to be his little sister instead, however, he didn't mind all that much. As a result, Vahn sent a wave of calming energy into her head as he answered, "Of course you can...Illya..."
With Illya in a state where moving around wouldn't be troublesome for her, Vahn and co quickly returned to the Tohsaka Manor to avoid having to deal with the Holy Church and any other enemies that might appear. It was hard to know how people would be moving, especially after Akasha erased the memories associated with most of the Holy Grail War's deaths. He was more than a little curious how something like Gilgamesh destroying a small part of the City would be 'explained away' now that there weren't any victims of the event. At the same time, Vahn wondered whether or not the attack against the Makiri would have been included in the scope of Akasha's memory erasure. If that were the case, Sakura's position might become a little strange since there was a very real chance that any memory of the Makiri's horrible Magecraft had also been erased...
Just as she had before, Nobunaga leaped down from her 'roost' atop the Manor before Vahn was able to pass through the gate. She passed her blood-red eyes across Circe and Illya for a brief moment before looking at Vahn with a taunting smile. This made it apparent that she was unable to see Alaya but, as that wasn't all that important, Vahn's expression hardened a bit as he said, "Don't even start, Nobu...come, let's go inside. I'll explain everything once we're all gathered together." Since he knew Nobunaga was going to try and tease him about being a 'lolicon', Vahn tried to nip her expected reaction in the bud. Now was neither the time nor the place for such remarks as, if possible, he would rather Illya actually fall into the persona of a child instead of developing any strange thoughts...
Giving a dismissive shrug in response, Nobunaga then began tapping her matchlock on her shoulder as she did an about-face and led the way through the gate. She knew there was always some kind of reason behind everything Vahn did, even if it almost seemed nonsensical at times. Since he said he would explain things, Nobunaga was interested to hear what kind of fantastical story he would come up with this time around. Little did she know that, while her imagination had already gone to a few extremes, her wildest imagination was actually far tamer than what had actually happened...
As everyone else was heading into the Manor, Merlin came to a stop outside before tapping the ground to draw Vahn's attention. When the latter looked back with a questioning look in his eyes, Merlin explained, "There are matters I must attend. Worry not, as I will find you when the times allow. The future you will create, I intend to see it with my own eyes. Until then, farewell, Vahn, Artoria, Illyasviel..." Though it looked like he was about to make the rounds and call everyone by name, Merlin's body had vanished by the time he mentioned Illya. In a way, this made it clear that he was only interested in a few members of their group. Since Circe and Fenrir didn't particularly care about him either, they, fortunately, didn't seem to mind the small slight in the least...
After entering into the Manor proper, Rin was waiting for them in what looked like a sleeping robe as she nursed a cup of hot coffee. The light from sunrise was slowly beginning to brighten the horizon so it wasn't all the difficult to imagine why Rin was tired after everything that happened the previous night. Though she hadn't been involved in the fighting, it couldn't be easy coping with the idea of suddenly having to raise your sister as if she were your daughter. Rin was probably thinking about all the hassles she would have to deal with, not because of Sakura, but due to the nature of the Mage's Association and the Magus Community in general. This, combined with the fact that several enemies were lurking about, only added to her rising stress levels...
With a tired smile on her face, Rin supported her coffee cup with both hands as she said, "Welcome home..." In response to this, Vahn surprised her a great deal by casually walking forward and giving her a light kiss on her forehead before answering, "We're home..." in a slightly teasing voice. This seemed to help Rin wake up a great deal, as her fatigued expression melted away into a far more bashful one as she turned away from Vahn and complained, "Not in front of everyone..." in a demure manner. Though Vahn had kept his actions relatively tame, Rin could see Illya standing next to Fenrir, something that made her feel more than a little uncomfortable since the young girl was actually her senior...
Once Rin had calmed down a bit, Vahn spent the better part of two hours explaining the situation to her, including the details surrounding his contact with the Root, the fact that Alaya was now assisting him, and his intentions for creating an organization to oppose Angra Mainiiu in the future. Each of these revelations garnered an almost comical response from Rin who, by the time Vahn had finished, couldn't help releasing a tired sigh as she complained, "I swear, everything you do is so 'extreme'..." Though Rin had thought she was beginning to get used to how chaotic things around Vahn seemed to get during the Holy Grail War, these new revelations reinforced the idea that she was a much 'smaller' existence than he was. These emotions, however, weren't enough to stop her from lightly slapping her own cheeks before saying, "Yosh! I might not be able to do much right now, but I'll do my best to help find support within the Mage's Association. Once I've sorted out all the things I need to take care of, I'll come and help you out directly...just make sure there is still a place for me, okay?"
If not for the fact they were seated across from each other, Vahn would have run his hand along Rin's back to remind her of the fact she had his crest permanently embedded there. Since this wasn't an option, he instead smiled affectionately before stating in a sincere tone, "Always." Though he could have used more flowery words, Vahn figured keeping it simple was more than enough to get his point across. Given how Rin showed a genuine smile, complete with a small blush, Vahn figured it had been effective.
With the larger explanations completed, Vahn and Rin had started to discuss how they would deal with the Mage's Association in the future, specifically what they would tell Lord El-Melloi II. With the Greater Grail having been destroyed, there was bound to be a few issues that would need to be addressed in the short term. To make things a little easier, Vahn agreed to turn over a few fragments of the Greater Grail so smoothen things over as, with something to gain from the situation, it would be much easier to pacify the Mage's Association. Following this, they also discussed how Sakura was faring, a topic that brought a conflicted smile to Rin's face as she explained, "I'm not quite sure what to make of the situation, honestly...
Understanding that the topic was probably going to get sensitive, Vahn had Fenrir go get Illya situated in one of the guest bedrooms while Scáthach's gaze was enough to get Circe to behave and grant them some privacy. Since Nobunaga had already left after listening to Vahn's explanation, this only left him, Rin, and the silent Alaya in the room after Artoria politely excused herself. As Alaya would still be 'present', even if he asked her to leave, Vahn decided it was best to simply ignore her for the time being as he asked, "Did something happen...?" It was easy to see from Rin's behavior that something unexpected had occurred, perhaps due to the fact the Makiri had been eliminated and potentially 'erased' from memory...
Now that Vahn was seated next to her, Rin had already started leaning into his shoulder as she released a tired sigh and answered, "Her memories seem 'wrong'...the first thing she called me after waking up was 'Okaa-chan'..." After this, Rin went into great detail about how Sakura seemed to genuinely believe that Rin was her mother, even though her appearance wasn't all that similar to their actual mother, Aoi Tohsaka. By the time she was finished explaining everything, Vahn already had a good idea what had happened as, during that time, Merlin had undoubtedly been spying on them. Though he had likely intended it as an act of good faith, the fact he had essentially re-written Sakura's memories was a marginally uncomfortable thought. It wasn't all that dissimilar to what he had done, however, so Vahn couldn't exactly blame the errant Magus for wanting to help...
With that in mind, Vahn discussed his thoughts with Rin, causing her to actually show a bit of relief as, before then, she thought Sakura was just projecting after experiencing a deep trauma. Though it was more than a little heartbreaking to imagine that Sakura had forgotten their actual mother, she felt it might be the best, at least for the time being. What had happened to their mother was a tragic event that Sakura was, perhaps, better off never learning of. At the same time, however, Rin couldn't help producing a wry smile as she leaned against Vahn's shoulder and muttered, "To think I suddenly have a six-year-old daughter at only twenty-seven...I wonder how I'm supposed to explain this to everyone back at the Clock Tower..."
Though there weren't all that many people that knew about her actual family situation, Rin knew that the higher-ups within the Mage's Association would be able to put the pieces together quickly. This ultimately didn't change her plans but, knowing there was a chance one of her enemies would try to reveal the truth to Sakura, Rin couldn't help feel a little apprehensive. The next few years were going to be especially difficult as, with the fallout of the Holy Grail War, all of her actions would be heavily scrutinized. For a brief moment, she even thought about entrusting Sakura to Vahn as, no matter how she looked at it, it felt like he would be a better Guardian than she could be a Mother. However, remembering how much she already owed Vahn, regardless of how he saw things, Rin didn't want to trouble him with her family's issues...
Regardless of Rin's own intentions, Vahn could feel her apprehension and had already decided he would get involved with the two sisters turned Mother-Daughter. In response to Rin's concerns about the Clock Tower, Vahn plainly stated, "I know you have a few things to take care of within your own faction and alliance. You should consider entrusting Sakura to the care of the Edelfelt or El-Melloi families until you are able to stabilize. After that, I can come retrieve the two of you once I have established the roots of my organization. With your knowledge of the inner workings of the Mage's Association and the Magus Community, there is a chance we can avoid troublesome conflicts before the emergence of Angra Mainiiu in ten years time..."
Hearing Vahn essentially telling her to come and live with him in the future, Rin felt her heart begin to speed up a bit, even though she was already intending to join his organization in the future. The only thing that could have made her happier right now is if he suddenly claimed that he would no longer freely hand out his love like pieces of candy that seemingly anyone could grab. She could only imagine how many strong and capable Heroic Spirits he would have surrounded himself with by the time she and Sakura went to stay with him. Even though Vahn had shown great restraint in the past, something that had frustrated her greatly, Rin was very aware that this was no longer the case. Since many female Heroic Spirits had strong personalities and very 'skewed' perceptions of the relationships between men and women, Rin was afraid there would 'literally' be more than twenty women surrounding Vahn in just a few year's time...
Releasing a heavy sigh, Rin once again admonished herself for falling in love with a man who had no restraint when it came to interacting with powerful women. Since Ereshkigal and Ishtar were also fond of him, on top of making her body their 'permanant' vessel, there wasn't much she could do about the situation. After all, Vahn was a very capable man and, even with all his failings, he would still make a good father to Sakura. Of course, when this thought crossed her mind, Rin's face turned scarlet as she began to pinch Vahn's side, even if it was completely ineffective against him. This futile action only put an affectionate smile on the latter's face, exacerbating Rin's embarrassment a great deal...
After collecting herself a bit, Rin decided to get 'even' with Vahn, even if it was actually just a poor excuse to see how he would respond. With that in mind, Rin looked directly at him with a 'serious' expression on her face as she asked, "Will you be Sakura's father? I'm not sure if Merlin gave her any memories related to a secondary parental figure. If..." Before Rin could stammer on any further, Vahn quickly settled the turmoil in her heart by showing an equally serious expression as he answered, "Of course. Though our familial situation will undoubtedly be a little strange, I have no problem fulfilling the responsibilities as Sakura's father..." As he said this, Vahn slipped his hand around Rin's waist, an action that made her heart begin to beat even faster since it almost felt like he was laying claim to her. However, when she thought about all the things she owed Vahn, Rin felt this was a surprisingly appropriate way to view the situation...
Though Vahn hadn't exactly implied that they were married, Rin knew they would still have to fill out a family registry together as Sakura's parents. This caused her face to turn beet red as she began to breathe audibly through her nose. Since it felt like she was 'expecting' it, Vahn used this opportunity to lean in and give Rin a probing kiss, one that almost immediately turned into something far more passionate. If not for the fact they were in the study, and there were other pressing matters to attend, things very well might have developed even further. At the same time, at least from Vahn's perspective, the mood was somewhat ruined by the fact that Alaya was hovering over them as she closely observed their actions with her emotionless purple eyes...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Emperor, Onii-sama, Father, Master...what a day...','RIP Rin's common sense','*Data Collection Intensifies*') <-(p.atreon link)
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After helping Illya get situated and making sure that Sakura was still sleeping, Vahn, Rin, Fenrir, Artoria, and the lingering presence of Alaya all made their way towards the Fuyuki City Hyatt Hotel. Though it was very early in the morning, with a chilly air passing through the City, Vahn and co still drew a lot of attention to themselves. Artoria and Fenrir were both wearing casual clothing as the latter used her transformation magic to conceal her ears and tail. With Rin's beauty also being rather exceptional, Vahn was garnering a lot of hateful stares from the men rushing to their jobs while the girls themselves were earning similar stares from other women. Since Vahn was uncommonly handsome, while also having a natural aura due to his [Will of the Emperor], many girls assumed he was an extremely wealthy CEO or, at the very least, a profligate man with a 'greedy' nature they would have liked to exploit for themselves...
Fortunately, even without Vahn needing to keep them away, the slight bloodlust that lingered around Fenrir was more than enough to cause most people to give them a wide berth. Even a group of street punks, who seemed to have taken an interest in the girls surrounding Vahn, immediately retreated into an alleyway after Fenrir passed her gaze over them for just a moment. Since they had probably troubled other people in the past, Vahn also didn't let them off too easily. When they had vanished from the main throughways, he sent a little 'pulse' of condensed killing intent that caused the men to immediately collapse on the spot. The one that appeared to be their leader even lost control over his bladder, releasing a foul-smelling liquid that caused steam to rise from his pants...
By the time Vahn and co reached the Fuyuki City Hyatt Hotel, it was a little after 7 AM but, with a number of people from the Mage's Association and Holy Church moving about, it was obvious that Lord El-Melloi II wasn't able to rest peacefully. Before Vahn was even able to meet the baggy-eyed Magus, however, he encountered someone brand new within the lobby that caused Rin's expression to immediately sour. This wasn't just her reaction, though, as Vahn also felt an unnatural level of hostility radiating from this woman from the moment his eyes met her's.
Though her appearance was almost 'flawless', as it was very clear she put a lot of effort into maintaining her image, there was an extreme level of hostility contained within her hazel-brown eyes. Since she also had a haughty expression that appeared to have been 'fixed' into a contemptuous glare, Vahn's impression of her was rapidly on the decline. Even with her well-tended brown hair, set in a neat ponytail, Vahn could tell by her pseudo-military style garb and the small metal baton she kept at her hip that she was likely a violent woman by nature. She even had a complex metal gauntlet on her right hand which, at a glance, made Vahn's skin tingle due to the Holy Element radiating off of it...
Almost as soon as Vahn and co had made their appearance, the woman fixed her gaze on Vahn before turning her cold eyes towards Rin and saying, "Miss Tohsaka...I was wondering when you would finally show your face here. To think the Head of the Tohsaka family needs to rely on the grace of Lord El-Melloi II to cover for your shamelessness. Do not think I will allow that old fool to protect you this time around..." After saying these harsh words to Rin, the brown-haired woman then turned her attention to Vahn. Before she was able to say anything to him, however, Vahn had activated his [Will of the Emperor] completely, causing a building-shaking pressure to radiate from his body as he coldly stated, "How uncouth..." At the same time, he infused [Enkidu] into his domain, giving it a suppressive golden aura that would interfere with any attacks she might try to use against him...
Having already unfurled her baton in the same instant that Vahn released his domain, the woman was glaring at him with equally cold eyes. If not for the fact that Artoria had already transformed into her battle-ready form and was standing between them, she would have already attacked. Though she didn't know Vahn's 'true' identity, she was very aware of who the swordsman protecting him was. Since most of her abilities wouldn't be able to affect an entity comprised almost entirely of Holy Elemental energy like Artoria, the woman decided not to immediately attack. Instead, she stared back at Vahn, asking, "What are you...?"
It was at this point that a familiar baritone voice answered out from the corridor connecting to the elevators, "I have already given my report to the Clock Tower. He is not the type of enemy you make sport of, Madam Barthomeloi. Now, as I am certain Miss Tohsaka has come here to explain tonight's events, I would ask that you not impede my duties further." Though his status was insignificant compared to the woman before him, as she was actually the Vice-Director of the entire Clock Tower, the Magus known as 'The Queen', Barthomeloi Lorelei, Lord El-Melloi II knew she would never besmirch her family's dignity by impeding official business. After all, she was the Head of one of the Clock Tower's three most prestigious families, the latest in a long line of Magus Nobility that has existed for nearly two-thousand years.
Raising her head, almost as if she were pointing her nose up at Lord El-Melloi II, Madam Barthomeloi coldly stated, "It is beneath you to stick your neck out on behalf of fallen families. Though, perhaps it is the nature of failures to seek comfort in each other's company? Well, I suppose there is still hope for both of your families if you produce a suitable heir. And to think, I had mistakenly believed that little 'pet' of yours had been enough to keep you satiated..." With these harsh and abrasive words, implying that Lord El-Melloi II and Rin were more than simple associates, Madam Barthomeloi made her way towards the exit. In passing, she glared at Vahn with her cold brown eyes, lightly tapping her baton against her leg as if she were considering whether or not to attack him...
Understanding she wasn't worth the trouble of associating with, Vahn made a point of rolling his eyes in response to her cold glare. This caused her brows to furrow but, already on her way out, Madam Barthomeloi just raised her head a little more before 'ignoring' him. If not for the fact that he could tell she was a very powerful Magus, Vahn would have pulled a bit of a prank on her by using [Enkidu] as a tripwire. With her head raised, he figured she would be unable to react in time if he brought out the chains just as she was about to descend the steps. Though she would probably be able to right herself without actually tripping, it was a very tempting thought nonetheless...
Though he couldn't be blamed for Barthomeloi Lorelei's behavior, Lord El-Melloi II gave a polite bow almost as soon as her entourage had left the building. His long black hair fell forward like curtains as he sincerely stated, "Allow me to apologize for my superior's behavior. I had hoped she would have left before your arrival but I believe she was waiting around just to see you for yourself..." When he said this, Lord El-Melloi II was staring at Vahn, making it clear that Madam Barthomeloi had likely been sent here in response to his actions in the Holy Grail War. Before he could ask what the Mage's Association was up to, Lord El-Melloi II gave another bow towards Rin, saying, "Her words toward you and Gray were unnecessarily harsh. Please do not take them to heart..."
As this wasn't the first time she had been on the receiving end of a tongue lashing by the Vice-Director, Rin just crossed her arms before shaking her head in an exasperated manner and saying, "Her words toward you were equally as harsh. Do not apologize on behalf of that vile woman..." These words elicited an understanding nod from Lord El-Melloi II but, as he couldn't simply allow Rin to badmouth her superiors, he lightly reprimanded, even though there was a smile on his face. After this, the group made their way to the penthouse which, even after Luvia had returned to London, served as the Command Center for the Mage's Association. It was here that Vahn learned the reason for Madam Barthomeloi's appearance.
Even with the thousands of disappearances 'forgotten', Akasha had allowed the annihilation of the Makiri family and the death's of the Holy Church's Exorcists to remain. In response, the Holy Church had sent some of its heavy hitters, eliciting a similar response from the Mage's Association as, no matter how they tried to spin it, even a blind man could see that the Holy Church was making a play for the Holy Grail. As they would never allow such a powerful object to fall into the Holy Church's hands, especially since it belonged to three prominent families belonging to the Mage's Association, they had sent Madam Barthomeloi and her forces to keep order. She was apparently strong enough to even fight against Dead Apostle Ancestors on her own and, though there were a few naysayers, she was 'officially' recognized as the most powerful female Magus in the present era...
Without needing to ask why she would harbor animosity towards him, Lord El-Melloi II took it upon himself to explain, "Madam Barthomeloi has a propensity towards hunting down and eliminating Vampires. As you appeared out of nowhere, the Mage's Association sent her to ascertain whether or not you were someone who had been given power by a Dead Apostle Ancestor as, with very few exceptions, incredibly powerful individuals are usually well known before they gain power. Since you had even summoned Nobunaga, someone known as a 'Demon King', the Mage's Association fears that you may become a thorn in their side in the future..."
Vahn was tempted to laugh at Lord El-Melloi II's words but, understanding the man wasn't entirely on his side, he decided against it and asked, "What is her issue with Rin and Gray...?" Though it might not have been his place to ask, especially with Rin sitting right next to him, it was also true that they were a little 'more' than simple friends now. Until the truth came forward, he was Sakura's father and, though they weren't married, Rin would be playing the part of her mother. Perhaps it was because of this but, even though she might have taken offense in normal circumstances, Rin didn't interrupt even when Lord El-Melloi II cast his gaze towards her.
Taking Rin's silence as consent, Lord El-Melloi II slightly furrowed his brows as he answered, "Though the Tohsaka family has been a part of the Mage's Association for generations, their affiliation with the Clock Tower is still very recent. Before then, they were known to have ties with the Holy Church and, though it had little to do with Rin, there are many who hold her accountable for the failure in the previous Holy Grail Wars. As for the hostility towards Gray..." When he got to this point, Lord El-Melloi II looked at Artoria, his expression paling slightly as he took a deep breath through his nose to stay calm.
Artoria blinked in surprise at Lord El-Melloi II's response as, from her perspective, it had only been around three months since she saw the boy who had participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War. She was unable to place him with the weak and frail child that had barely scraped by on the laurels of the powerful Iskandar. This didn't go both ways, however, as Lord El-Melloi II knew exactly who Artoria was and, though he had developed his confidence greatly over the past twenty years, his trauma from that time was rising to the surface as he saw her face up close. It was due to the memories her face brought to his mind that Lord El-Melloi II required Gray to wear a hood, even though he knew it was unfair to the poor girl...
After collecting himself, Lord El-Melloi II answered, "I will not speak on Gray's behalf. However, as I'm sure you have noticed, she bears a striking resemblance to Artoria. It is due to the circumstances surrounding her development that Madam Barthomeloi chooses to disdain my protege...if you want more details, I am afraid you would have to ask Gray directly..." Though these words were indeed not a surprise to Vahn and Rin, Artoria's brows shot up a great deal as she immediately asked, "You claim this woman named Gray shares my appearance?" As she had never thought to encounter someone like Gray, Artoria was interested to see what kind of person she was.
In response to Artoria's words, Lord El-Melloi II had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself before explaining, "Gray is part of the investigation team looking into the destruction of the Makiri family. Of the one-hundred-fourteen members that inhabited the main estate, only a few servants had been spared during the massacre. The Patriarch of the family, Zouken Matou, known within private circles as Zouken Makiri, had even been completely eviscerated. His body was found in such a wretched state that the only way he could be identified was by the ring he kept on his left hand..."
As Lord El-Melloi II was speaking, he cast his eyes towards Vahn, almost as if to say that he was aware of the role he played in the massacre. This, however, didn't phase Vahn in the slightest as he asked in genuine curiosity, "Have the investigation teams been able to identify why they were attacked? There must have been something for an entire family to be pushed to the brink of extinction like that..." Since he had entrusted the task to Scáthach, Vahn was confident there would be no signs that Crest Worms ever existed in association with the Makiri family. Though this made them seem 'innocent' on the surface, he didn't mind if the few survivors Scáthach had spared were treated as victims deserving empathy. The more important thing to him was that Sakura's past would never be exposed to Rin before their surrogate daughter grew happily into a young woman...
Seeing how Vahn reacted, Lord El-Melloi II experienced a small amount of shock as, unless Vahn's acting skill was far beyond his ability to see through, it appeared as though he had no involvement in the massacre. Since his impression of Vahn actually made him into a somewhat 'transparent' and honest man, Lord El-Melloi II now felt a little uncomfortable since this would imply that there was another force at work behind the scenes, one that could wipe out an established Magus family in a short few hours. He didn't allow his concerns to show on his face, however, smoothly answering, "It is because they have been unable to ascertain why an enemy would wipe out the Makiri's that the investigations are ongoing..."
The entire time he was speaking, Lord El-Melloi II looked for any changes in Vahn's expression but, other than a mild curiosity, he couldn't see anything else contained within his eyes. This caused Lord El-Melloi II to shake his head slightly before saying, "I believe this line of conversation has already drawn on long enough. Now, Rin, please explain what you know about what happened during the previous evening. How close are we to completing our objective...?" Since Vahn had Artoria and Fenrir with him, Lord El-Melloi II had mistakenly believed that the Holy Grail War was still ongoing. This caused Rin to produce a wry smile while, sitting next to her, Vahn couldn't help but laugh in a lighthearted and amused manner.
Taking pity on Lord El-Melloi II, Rin gave a brief summary explaining that the Greater Grail had already been destroyed. She didn't mention anything about the emergence of Angra Mainiiu in ten years, as that would undoubtedly be prophesied at some point in the near future. Though she trusted Lord El-Melloi II, Rin was already in the mindset of helping Vahn keep his secrets. Since she was intending to join his faction in the future, there were no benefits in exposing his hand before he had already cemented his position somewhere. When the time came, she would try and bring Lord El-Melloi II and Luvia into an alliance with Vahn's emergent faction, as it would be almost impossible for them to join it due to their familial circumstances...
Hearing that the Holy Grail War had already come to an end, Lord El-Melloi II didn't know whether to laugh or cry since both the Mage's Association and the Holy Church had 'literally' just started trying to intervene. Though this was the best possible outcome, he knew the next couple of days were going to be extremely stressful as he tried to explain to the higher-ups why he learned about the fact so late. Fortunately, Vahn and Rin gave him several large sections of the Greater Grail to serve as a 'chip' in his favor, making things marginally easier for him. His only concerns after that was why Vahn had decided to keep Artoria manifested, even though the Grail War had come to an end. It wouldn't be the first time a Servant had been kept around after the completion of a war but, as Vahn wasn't a simple existence, Lord El-Melloi II couldn't help feeling that a headache was coming his way.
Though he could tell Vahn would probably never expose his hand, Lord El-Melloi II decided to try his luck by asking, "How long do you intend to keep Artoria manifested?" As he did not know that Vahn was able to access the Greater Grail using a non-standard method, Lord El-Melloi II assumed that Artoria was the only remaining Servant in Vahn's arsenal. Vahn didn't bother to go into such details, though he did smile as he answered, "Artoria is here to stay indefinitely." This caused Lord El-Melloi II to release a heavy sigh in response, even though he suspected that would be the case. At the same time, however, he felt a little apologetic towards Gray since he knew the girl had become more than a little fond of Vahn as of late. He had even been thinking of giving her a long vacation since, over the last ten years, she had almost always been guarding his side and carrying out her duties with diligence...
Vahn noticed the judgmental glint in Lord El-Melloi II's eyes, causing him to frown slightly since he didn't like the way the man looked at him. The only thing that kept him from commenting further was due to the fact that the elevator was currently coming to a stop. Then, as if driven by some divine cue, Gray appeared in her usual getup, something that never seemed to change. Now that Vahn could see that Lord El-Melloi II's trauma was likely the reason why she kept herself hidden away, he suddenly felt slightly antagonistic towards the man. People that expected others to 'adapt' to their sensitivities, just because they couldn't get over themselves, were some of the worst types, at least in Vahn's opinion. Because of his behavior over several years, it was easy to see that Gray had become increasingly self-conscious about her appearance, even though she was actually a very beautiful woman...
Seeing everyone in the room looking at her, Gray shrunk back instinctually until she noticed that one of the people present was Vahn. This caused a small smile to spread across her lips, at least until she saw what looked like a mirror-image of her past self staring back at her. Though she had known that Artoria was one of the summoned Servants, Gray had never expected to suddenly meet her like this. Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest but, as if to clear away all her nerves in an instant, Vahn looked toward her with a gentle smile before saying, "Gray, it is good to see you up and about so soon. I was worried your trauma might have affected your mentality and affected your behavior..." As Vahn said the last few words, he turned an accusatory stare towards Lord El-Melloi II that made the man frown deeply...
Though she could sense the strange tension between Vahn and Lord El-Melloi II, Gray felt a lot better when Vahn expressed his concern with a smile. Her heart was still beating a little quickly, but it was for very different reasons as she walked towards the two sofas, gravitating towards Vahn's side as if it were natural. She noticed that Artoria was looking at her with an intrigued glimmer in her green eyes, a stark contrast to the 'proud' and 'noble' woman she had heard so much about. Instead of the air of a King, Artoria seemed to radiate purity and innocence as she tilted her head somewhat adorably and said, "You really do look very similar to me. Though our hair and eyes are a different color, it is almost like looking into a mirror of my future self..."
If Artoria's body wasn't 'fixed' at the age of fifteen, it wasn't wrong to assume she would look almost identical to Gray's current appearance. Even then, however, the two weren't all that different from each other from the start. Gray was only a single centimeter taller than Artoria and, unless you were looking 'very' closely, even her physical proportions were almost exactly the same. Only someone like Vahn, who knew both women's bodies even better than they knew themselves, could see that Gray's breasts were around 76cm, compared to Artoria's 73cm. Their waist was exactly the same, both at a lithe 53cm, while Gray once again won out in the development of her butt. Artoria's was 'very' soft, but it was rather small at 76cm while Gray's was a perky 80cm after the 'Nirvana Rebirth'. Though Vahn hadn't focused on the area, there were some things that had simply become a part of the process he had developed.
Vahn was currently unaware of the fact that Gray had actually interpreted the subtle changes in hip size as Vahn's way of showing interest in her. She had tried to wear a pair of her old panties and noticed the band was a little uncomfortable compared to the past, something that had caused her to have a small flustered fit at the time. As a result, she had to wash the panties that Vahn had given her after his 'operation' before deviating from her usual duties to go buy some new underwear. Previously, her hip size had only ben 77cm so it was quite noticeable now that there was 3cm difference. When she saw her own butt in a standing mirror, it even looked considerably perky compared to the past.
Unaware of how her words had caused people's thoughts to be wandering, Artoria gave Gray an appreciative nod before extending her hand and saying, "It may be a little late, but my name is Artoria Pendragon. If possible, I would like us to become friends in the future, Gray...?" Since it was uncommon for people in this era to only have a single name, Artoria was curious about Gray's surname. In response to her implied question, Gray gave an awkward smile as she gingerly accepted Artoria's hand and said, "Just Gray...if you are Vahn's friend, you are my friend as well. If possible...I would like to get to know you better in the future..." As Artoria was 'literally' the person she was made to emulate, Gray was more than a little curious about the real King Arthur, the person people had tried to force her to become. She felt that getting to know Artoria better would finally give her the answers to many questions she had long ago given up on finding the answers to...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Oh look, Nobility acting like a cunt. How rare...','Lord El-Melloi II is getting played pretty hard...','Poor Gray, she is already within the palm of the Godhand, just like her Ancestor...') <-(p.atreon link)
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