Though Artoria's thoughts were already filled with incredulity, she practically blanked when Fenrir rubbed the tip of Vahn's member with a playful smile on her face as she commented, "It looks like Master plans to go easy on you, Artoria. It looks cute compared to how big it can get~." At the end of her words, Fenrir could feel her Master's annoyance, causing her to snicker before sneaking a final lick and moving back a bit to observe. She didn't mind if Artoria got the first turn or two as, if she was 'eliminated' early on, that meant she would be able to monopolize their Master for even longer. Fenrir was even hoped that Artoria tried to insist that their Master not hold, effectively guaranteeing she would be 'dealt with' in short order...
Matching Fenrir's expectations, Artoria did feel a little bothered by the fact that Vahn was going easy on her. However, as she saw his erect member between her own legs, she found herself lacking the courage to insist that he treat her just as he would the others. Since the same 'warnings' flashed across her mind shortly afterward, Artoria literally swallowed her words with an audible gulp in reality. This seemed to spur Vahn to action though, instead of immediately going for her breasts, Artoria felt her back tremble as he began to gently caress her abdomen and the area around her diaphragm.
Unlike almost every other woman he had been with, Vahn knew that Artoria's heart still belonged to someone else. With his own being shared with so many people, he didn't really have any room to try and pressure her into forgetting the person she had wanted to dedicate herself to. That didn't mean he wouldn't endeavor to shift her heart's priorities, however, resulting in Vahn using his [Hands of Nirvana] on a mild setting as he continued to caress Artoria's body. At the same time, he began to lightly nibble on her ear, enjoying her surprisingly innocent responses as she attempted to bear the rising pleasure with clenched teeth.
Knowing he was already controlling the tempo, Vahn wanted to lead Artoria even further so, as her body temperature began to rise, he whispered in a hot and husky voice, "It now feels like a lifetime ago...but I was once a broken boy...far removed from any semblance of normalcy. In those days, for better or worse, I learned about the unique bond a man and woman could share. Though it would have been more accurate to call me a boy back then...I still did my best to be a man..." As Vahn spoke, his voice became even deeper as it began to resonate in Artoria's ear. At the same time, his hands never ceased their actions though, seemingly without her even realizing it, Vahn was now tracing the band of Artoria's top as he drew small circled around her navel with his fingers...
Taking her silence as a desire to know more, Vahn gently rubbed his head against Artoria's before saying, "Back when I was still broken, I developed the habit of 'giving' without restraint...I'm sure that is something you can also understand..." With the precision of a machine, Vahn's finger began to emit a small blue light that slowly cut through the fabric of Artoria's top as he continued, saying, "I gave and gave and gave, believing that, so long as I kept giving, I would be able to receive the affection of others in turn. Things got so bad that, before I even realized it, I had surrounded myself with several women that I endeavored to always make happy..."
Instead of cutting all the way through, Vahn decided to keep Artoria in a tense state so he stopped halfway before lightly stroking the almost indiscernible line of her abdominal muscles. She had a lithe and petite figure that seemed to lack even the smallest semblance of fat. In a way, she wasn't all that dissimilar to Fenrir, though her complexion and softness were something the latter could only manage with magic. It was obvious that Artoria was loved by whoever had created the Nasuverse as, even after only knowing her for a few days, Vahn could feel her influence on him growing as the flow of fate around her washed over him, flowing through his body and leaving subtle changes in its wake. Even the fact that he was 'spontaneously' telling her his story was out of character for him, at least under these circumstances...
Since her 'fate' seemed to bind them together, matching Vahn's own intentions, he decided to see how things played out by snaking his hand ever closer to her skin-tone bottoms as he added, "It was fortunate that I had surrounded myself with amazing women who were equally as concerned about my wellbeing as I was with making them happy. Though I had to learn a lot of hard lessons along the way, they were always patient with me, even after several years of having to put up with my broken personality. Throughout that entire time, I never stopped trying to improve the methods in which I could use to make them happy, mastering techniques that were able to humble goddesses that were considered unrivaled in the bedroom..."
Vahn knew that, though Artoria had some experience with matters between men and women, there was nothing that could prepare her for the moment they were sharing together. She was already breathing deeply with her eyes closed, slowly reaching a height few people would be able to experience through simple touching. Even if Shirou had been some kind of paragon, he had only been a boy that was sorely lacking experience. As for Rin, though she had the Goddess Ishtar to help guide things along, Vahn imagined she was actually the one in control most of the time. If Shirou was anything more than a 'participant', Vahn would be extremely surprised. Because of this, he intended to show Artoria a level of passion and 'connection' that she simply couldn't experience with another person...
After slowly snaking his fingers up Artoria's chest, passing through the valley of her modest breasts along the way, Vahn gently stroked her neck before bringing his fingers to her lips. She didn't react much at first but, after a few seconds, Artoria gave his fingers a probing lick, causing Vahn to smile as he continued, saying, "After the birth of my children, I finally became a 'complete' person for the first time. Nothing can ever compare to the emotions I felt each time one of my children was was their birth that cemented my resolve to make the world a better place. Though I cannot be at their sides right now, they dominate the largest part of my is for them that I will endeavor to help this world as well...knowing they would expect me to do my best in everything I set my mind to..."
Feeling that his own thoughts had run away from him, Vahn felt a little awkward so he simply embraced Artoria's body for a few minutes so they could both calm down a little. When he was able to better organize what he wanted to say, Vahn peppered Artoria's shoulder a few times with gentle kisses before saying, "A lot has changed over the last one hundred and forty years, but the one thing that has remained consistent is my 'giving' nature. I want you to be prepared, Artoria...I will not hold it against you for having another man in your heart...what I refuse to see is you wallowing in guilt when I do my best to make a place for myself. If you do not believe your heart is big enough to accommodate my affection and love, we shouldn't do this..."
Vahn wasn't even sure if his words were his own at this point as, just like Artoria was in a bit of a daze while listening to his deep voice, so too was he. It felt like the words were just flowing from his mouth naturally while, at the very end of his 'warning' to Artoria, Vahn found his index and middle finger slipping into the band of Artoria's hotpants before freezing the moment he stopped talking. He currently had two fingers in her mouth while his right hand was on the very verge of breaching her defenses below. Even he felt like this was an unfair situation to put her in as, worst of all, Artoria had just neared the peak of an intense climax that was now denied to her...
Though she had been listening closely to all of Vahn's words, Artoria felt her body tremble madly when he suddenly stopped moving. A lot of the things he had said had a bigger impact on her than she would like to admit, especially with how his hands seemed to know exactly how to handle her body. He would gentle press into pressure points around her chest, ribs, and abdomen, sending a warm flow of energy into her body that caused her to feel giddy inside. All of her past experiences were akin to 'getting the deed done', so this was a completely new situation she had found herself in. Since Vahn felt so much bigger than her, Artoria felt a strange feeling of security leaning against his chest and just entrusting herself to him...
While drawing labored breaths, Artoria began to fidget about in Vahn's lap but, no matter how much she moved, his hands remained idle. Eventually, after failing to accomplish anything on her own, she began to calm down a bit and consider what Vahn was asking of her. Her 'reasoning' told her that it was impossible to have two people within her heart. Yet, when she thought about how 'common' it had been for other Kings and Emperors to have multiple lovers, Artoria felt a strange incongruity building within her. She had only ever married out of obligation, never giving much thought to the matter since she had been focused on keeping her Kingdom from falling apart. Now that she heard everything Vahn had to say, Artoria's heart was beating madly in her chest as she wondered if it was her misunderstanding of the heart that had caused her to fail as a King. Since even her most trusted Knight had an affair with her Wife, Artoria suddenly felt as if her 'dedication' towards Shirou was just another misguided decision she had made under circumstances beyond her control...
Uncertain as to how Artoria would respond to him, Vahn decided to help her shaking body calm down a bit by gently wrapping his arms around her body. This, however, caused her to tremble even more as she hung her head and curled in her feet. Though she had originally done this due to her sudden feelings of insecurity, Artoria's eyes widened when she saw that Vahn's member was still waiting 'patiently' between her thighs. Her lithe figure and inability to gain weight ensured there was a perpetual gap in her thighs but, due to the almost ridiculous thickness of Vahn's member, Artoria felt its heat against her inner thighs, immediately followed by an accidental 'release' that made her face instantly turn crimson...
Just as Vahn was about to ask if she was okay, Artoria hung her head even further as she murmured, "I am inexperienced in matters of the heart...I will only know the answer in hindsight..." Though this was an extremely roundabout way to give her 'consent', Vahn gave a sigh of relief that had the unexpected consequence of sending a shiver along Artoria's spine as his hot breath flowed across her neck. This caused Vahn's heart to itch and, though he had originally intended to take Artoria from behind to make things easier for her, that thought immediately faded from his mind after her adorable reaction.
With his mind made, Vahn sent a few threads of energy into Artoria's body as he leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "I want to see your face as we make love...if you confront the matter directly, you may be able to find the answer you're looking for..." These words caused Artoria to shake in his arms but, after he eased her out of his embrace, she went through the awkward process of crawling out of his lap and turning around to face him directly. Since he was still sitting, this had Artoria looking down at him with her previously crystal-clear green eyes, now tinged with a passionate light and a thin layer of mist. Before she could sit down, however, Fenrir's arms wrapped around Artoria's body, startling her more than a little bit. Then, in one swift motion, Fenrir cut through the final half of Artoria's top before whispering in her ear, "Clothes will get in the way at this point..."
Fenrir felt like things were taking way too long and, though she knew it wasn't necessarily Artoria's fault, it was easier to lay the blame on her than their Master. In response to this, Vahn gave a wry smile before making a mental note to give Fenrir some special service once he had finished with Artoria. Seeing the latter panic when Fenrir gave her butt a light tap, Vahn had to resist the urge to laugh since it was supposed to be a serious moment. Fortunately, Artoria didn't seem to realize his struggle as she bashfully fumbled forward before muttering almost inaudibly, "Excuse me..." To make things easier for her, Vahn extended his hands to serve as a support, causing Artoria to blush madly as she placed her hands in his before stepping forward enough that Vahn would have been able to lick her sacred garden just by extending his tongue...
After setting her feet so that they were flanking Vahn's legs, Artoria slowly lowered her trembling hips until she was sitting in the gap between his legs. This had her looking up at him, causing Artoria to feel even smaller than when she had been cradled in his arms. There was a big difference between being hugged from behind and having to stare directly into the face of a man wrought with desire. Artoria was unable to prevent herself from swallowing hard, causing Vahn's smile to soften as he reached out his hand and stroked her left cheek. This caused Artoria's face to become even redder as she averted her eyes to the side and shrunk her shoulders inward. Vahn was a little surprised with how insecure she seemed so, instead of delaying things further, he hooked his left hand around her waist before lifting her body gently with his right hand under her armpit...
Knowing the time had come, Artoria closed her eyes tightly as she linked her arms around Vahn's neck and allowed him to take the lead. It felt like he had been in control from the start so, trusting in his experience, Artoria did her best to steady her rampant heart as Vahn pulled her close enough that her chest was resting against his. Immediately following this, Artoria's body trembled when she felt something unbelievably hot press against her lower body. The worst part of it all was the wet sounded that accompanied the contact, making her feel even more embarrassed than everything else leading up to it...
Since he knew someone like Artoria had a high tolerance for pain, Vahn didn't make things even more difficult for her by asking her to prepare herself. She knew that her body had been reverted to its virgin state so, before they had even started, Artoria must have prepared herself. Since he had warmed up her body to the point that she was only a few small pushes from climaxing, Vahn felt she was more than ready as he slowly guided her hips downward. Feeling the sudden tight and tingling sensation against his glans, Vahn was forced to inhale sharply as he hadn't actually expected such an intense stimulation from the start. This didn't stop his movements, however, as he didn't want to bully Artoria any further than he already had. Thus, after tearing through a surprisingly thin membrane, Artoria's hips came to rest against his as, instead of a pained groan, she released a hot and 'agonized' sigh that only more mature women could manage...
For a brief moment, Vahn wondered what kind of person Artoria's creator had been to give her such a 'unique' constitution. Deciding that it ultimately didn't matter, however, he wrapped his arms around her body and gave her a bit of time to adapt to the sudden intrusion, even if it didn't seem like she actually needed it. Her body was on the verge of a powerful climax but, knowing she would probably feel ashamed about orgasming at the loss of her virginity, Vahn decided not to push her too hard. He waited until her breathing had calmed down considerably and for Artoria herself to say, "I'm fine...thank you..." before he began moving again.
Though he had adjusted his size out of consideration for Artoria, Vahn was surprised by the fact that she had taken his full length without much difficulty. He kept this to himself, however, and just kept holding Artoria in his embrace while slowly rocking her hips in a small circle. She was clinging to him pretty firmly so it would take him practically ripping her from his body in order to manage any larger movements. Since he knew this was due to her building climax, Vahn remained patient as he focused on his own breathing, something that was actually necessary due to how pleasant Artoria's insides felt. It could be due to her inherent Holy Elemental Affinity, but Vahn felt an unbelievable 'tingle' running through his entire length as Arotoria squeezed down on him with an amount of pressure few other virgins could match. Though she could never 'force' him to ejaculate, Vahn felt like he wouldn't have lasted long if he was a normal person...
A few minutes after they had started, Artoria's grip around his neck more than doubled in intensity as she released a suppressed whine and buried her face his neck. At the same time, Vahn alternated slowly running his fingers along the line of Artoria's back, effectively 'spreading' the pleasure across her body instead of having it concentrated around where they were connected. When she began climaxing, Vahn actually had to 'cut' off his ability to ejaculate as Artoria's womb descended slightly as her insides squirmed around with an intensity that caused Vahn genuine surprise. It could be due to the fact he had 'no resistances' against her, but Artoria's insides were even starting to overlap with his memories of Freya, Syr, and Lefiya...
With his 'assistance', Artoria gently eased out of her climax as a pleasant and comfortable sensation spread through her whole body. She felt like she was starting to understand what the others were talking about, completely ignorant of the fact that Vahn hadn't even started treating her 'gently' just yet. Thus, after gaining a bit of confidence after her first climax, Artoria released a hot sigh against Vahn's neck before placing her lips against it and suckling. This caused Vahn to blink in mild surprise but, realizing this was essentially Artoria's way of showing she was now in the 'mood', he decided to start making good on his earlier promise...
Grabbing Artoria's small but supple butt, Vahn pressed his fingers firmly into her flesh while hooking his thumbs near her hips bones. This gave him a good grip and allowed him to move around her center of gravity easily, meaning he had full control over the movements of her lower body. At the same time, he began to wiggle his fingers with varying degrees of pressure, sending small waves of Source Energy into her body, carrying with it a small amount of stimulation that would continue to build without leaking for several hours. Since this was completely undetectable, it was only a matter of time until Artoria was awash in the chaotic ocean of pleasure that Vahn was able to fearlessly guide his partners through without them having to fear drowning...
Though she felt that Vahn's movements brought her both stimulation and release, Artoria began to feel a bit of panic in her heart after her body was quickly brought to an even more powerful climax only ten minutes after the first. The troublesome thing was, even after the numbing sensation washed over her mind, causing her vision to be obscured with white light, the pleasure never fully faded away when she came back down. She found herself leaning against Vahn as he moved around inside her body as if he had known it for years, skillfully navigating even the most minutely sensitive parts buried deep within. This was well beyond her expectations, causing Artoria to wish he would ejaculate soon for fear that she might pass out, causing an extreme feeling of shame to well up inside of her...
Feeling Artoria suddenly clamp down on him, Vahn had to clench his teeth before a sudden realization hit him like a truck. She may not realize it herself, but Artoria was flexing her abdominal muscles as she tilted her hips forward in an almost 'greedy' manner. Since it didn't take a genius to understand her intentions, Vahn felt as if his heart was being played with by a kitten as he began exploiting the angle Artoria had forced herself into to scrape against the top of her already writhing vagina. This caused her to release an extended moan that almost sounded like she was in pain, even though Vahn was well aware that was the complete opposite of what she was experiencing...
Deciding not to keep Artoria in suspense any longer, Vahn waited until her nervous system began to light up like a fireworks display before spontaneously flipping her onto her back and pressing himself into her depths. She didn't even seem to notice the position change as a loud shout escaped her lips, followed by Vahn releasing himself almost directly into her womb. Though she 'probably' couldn't get pregnant, the fact her womb had descended and was slightly open made him feel more excited than normal as he pumped her with more than the 'necessary' amount. As a result, Artoria's legs were twitching like a frog's that had been soaked in soy sauce as she kept her eyes tightly closed in a vain attempt to bear the sensations that had long overwhelmed her senses...
For a surprising seven minutes, Artoria's body continued to twitch as Vahn released a slow yet steady stream into her body. He kept his release rate almost identical to the rate in which her body was processing the energy, something he was helping to facilitate as he hugged her still trembling body until she slowly opened her hazy green eyes. After opening her eyes, Artoria just focused on her breathing without even looking directly at Vahn, almost as if she wasn't even aware of his presence. It wasn't until she had moved to wipe the sweat from her brow, hitting the side of Vahn's head in the process, that Artoria's eyes blinked back into awareness. After seeing Vahn's face at a near-zero distance to her, Artoria felt a blush quickly creep on her face before practically 'exploding' when Vahn smiled teasingly and asked, "Ready for round two...?"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's SSS-Ranked [Cassanova] skill...','TFW the girl you're f*cking is trying to purify your d*ck...','Vahn is a bully') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
Without knowing how long she had been asleep, Artoria awoke to feel a comfortable lethargy encompassing her entire body. Instead of the dirty and uncomfortable feeling of dried sweat, she noticed a subtle lavender smell wafting from her body. At the same time, Artoria realized she was wearing light blue pajamas that she didn't remember creating while, instead of being left to sprawl at the side, a pair of thick blankets covered her shoulders while her head rested snugly within a comfortable pillow. All of these were new experiences for Artoria as, after having sex in the past, there was always a feeling of mild shame and discomfort that would require her to bathe shortly after the fact...
Understanding this was another extension of Vahn's 'experience', Artoria pulled the blankets a little closer as her green eyes came into focus on the scene occurring only two meters away from her. She was a little confused about how no vibrations were transferred through the comfortable mattress but that seemed inconsequential as she looked into the blissful face of Fenrir as the latter tore out pieces of the mattress in timing with Vahn's movements. She was momentarily reminded of how a cat would behave but, almost as though she were able to read her mind, Fenrir's scarlet red eyes met her gaze at the same time such thoughts crossed her mind. This left Artoria awkwardly staring at Fenrir, using her blankets as a protective barrier as she saw a flash of mild frustration briefly pass across Fenrir's eyes as she muttered, "Master..."
Vahn had already noticed Artoria stirring awake so he lightly caressed Fenrir's backside as he replied, "I know..." without stopping his movements. This instantly put Fenrir in a better mood, causing her to 'taunt' Artoria with her eyes before ultimately ignoring her completely. Now, feeling even more awkward, Artoria pulled the blankets over her head, noticing the sound of Fenrir's mewling moans no longer reached her. Not only did the mattress completely mitigate vibrations, but the blankets Vahn had given her were both extremely comfortable while also being completely sound absorbent. This allowed Artoria to understand how she had even been able to sleep with the two of them going at it right next to her...
After making sure Fenrir was momentarily satiated, as her hunger in the bedroom was equal to her appetite, Vahn heavily pet her head as he said, "You did very well. Make sure you and Artoria get along in the future, okay? She will be with us for a long time..." In response to this, Fenrir playfully stuck out her tongue, surprising Vahn a bit when she said, "Don't worry, Master. I can tell she is different from normal girls so I will do my best to get along with her. Now that we are 'sisters', I can do all kinds of things to break through her meaningless resistance..." As she had been taught by Loki and Syr that women became 'sisters' if they were committed to the same man, Fenrir was intending to 'teach' Artoria some of the things that had been bestowed to her for this exact purpose...
Knowing that Fenrir was probably cooking up a scheme of her own, Vahn gave a light chuckle before ruffling her hair even more than before. This caused her to snicker before she eventually wriggled free from his hand and 'jumped' onto the lump that represented Artoria's fortress. Though the bed might prevent vibrations from passing through the unique material, that didn't mean the blanket had the same properties. As a result, Artoria was startled by the sudden 'attack', causing her to quickly move the blankets aside and send Fenrir tumbling along the bed, laughing all the while. This behavior confused Artoria a great deal, causing her to look questioningly at Vahn before realizing he was still naked and averting her eyes...
Seeing her bashful behavior, Vahn smiled teasingly before pulling out a towel and asking, "Will you help wipe me down?" Since she was undoubtedly aware that he had done the same for her, Vahn didn't imagine Artoria would be able to refuse a direct request. As expected, she gave him a sidelong glance before awkwardly crawling to his side and accepting the towel. Then, without so much as a single word, Artoria began to dab his body with the towel in an awkward and inexperienced manner. It took her a full five minutes to even finish the front side of his body, primarily as a result of her inhibitions about wiping down a specific part of his body, now lying dormant until the time of its next conquest...
Deciding to give Artoria some leniency, Vahn equipped a fresh set of clothing before lightly stroking the top of her head and saying, "Thank you, Artoria." This only caused her face to turn even redder, leading to the biting of her lower lip before she eventually said, "I wish you wouldn't try and tease me, Master..." Though she made no attempt to escape his hand, it was obvious that Artoria wasn't fond of the idea of having her head stroked. Since he didn't want her to think she had no say in how she was treated, Vahn pulled his hand away from her head before lightly stating, "Sorry..." in an apologetic tone. After that, he turned his back and slid off the bed, saying, "You should rest for now. We'll be leaving in around three hours so relax while you can..."
With that said, Vahn stood up from the bed and stretched his body in an exaggerated fashion before leaving behind the silent Artoria and the listless Fenrir thumping her tail at the side. She waited until her Master had left the room before looking over at Artoria and remarking, "You don't need to worry so much. Master isn't going to force you to do anything you aren't willing to do. If you start putting yourself beneath him unnecessarily, it will only trouble him..." Since she could tell that Artoria was feeling guilty about asking their Master not to bully her, Fenrir felt she needed to carefully instruct her junior so that she didn't make the same mistakes as her predecessors. The last thing their Master needed was another 'dependent' that was trying too hard to please him in the most awkward ways imaginable...
Artoria frowned after hearing Fenrir's words, mixed feelings welling up in her heart as she looked towards the blue-haired Vanargandr with a 'lost' expression and asked, "Can you help me to better understand our Master? I want to know even more about his past, but I'm afraid to ask him directly." As she could no longer simply look at Vahn 'objectively', Artoria felt that any attempt to try and talk with Vahn would almost come off as a desperate attempt to get his attention. She couldn't shake the feeling that had been deeply ingrained into her body as, even now, she felt a disturbing amount of 'relief' that made her just want to lounge around for the rest of the night...
In response to Artoria's words, Fenrir rolled into a sitting position before nodding her head and saying, "I will tell you everything you want to know. You are now one of Master's important people so I will trust you as well. In exchange, you will have to pay close attention...then, when you have no more questions, I will begin to teach you. You did well for your first time, but Master gave you 'a lot' more than you gave him, you know? I feel bad watching Master do his best only to see his partner worrying about themselves..." Seeing Artoria fluster in response to her words, Fenrir knew she had taken the bait but she kept the smile from her face as she plainly stated, "Here, do as I do..."
With less than half an hour until he was supposed to be heading out, Vahn released a contented sigh as a pair of blond pigtails tickled his waist, accompanied by a powerful suction and a few audible gulping sounds. When he was completely 'empty', Vahn had to inhale sharply as Ereshkigal gave him a few more probing licks before slowly ascending his length and releasing him with a 'pah' sound. After he had tended to Rin and the ever-voracious Ishtar, Ereshkigal had 'fused' with her sister in order to learn how to give a blowjob. When she had gotten the hang of things, Vahn had to be her experimental dummy as she spent a good twenty minutes trying different techniques to try and get a rise out of him.
After releasing a hot sigh of her own, Ereshkigal turned her maroon eyes up at Vahn before asking in her cold monotone, "Was it good...?" Without needing to embellish anything at all, Vahn gave an approving smile that seemed to satisfy Ereshkigal as she returned one in kind. After that, she crawled up his body before trying to rest her head against his chest, an action that caused her crown to poke into his collarbone. Vahn's brow twitched in response to the unexpected puncture but he prevented Ereshkigal from seeing it as he prevented her apology with a kiss. Though others might be afraid of accidentally 'tasting' themselves, Vahn was confident she hadn't left any lingering surprises for him within her mouth...
With time quickly counting down, Vahn separated from Ereshkigal before stroking her chin with his thumb and saying, "I need to get going. The four of us can have more fun later on..." This earned him a small nod from Ereshkigal in response before she reluctantly separated from him, muttering, "You must take care of yourself...there is no Underworld in this place so I cannot guide you back if you not leave us alone..." Though she was less expressive than Rin and Ishtar, Vahn was well aware of the fact that Ereshkigal had the most 'tender' feelings towards him. In a way, he was her first love and, though she still didn't fully understand these feelings, he knew better than to play with such a delicate maiden's heart. Even the inexperienced Artoria wasn't nearly as 'vulnerable' as a woman like Ereshkigal who, before being summoned for the Holy Grail War, had never even left the Underworld a single time...
After spending more time than he probably should have promising Ereshkigal his safe return, Vahn found himself face to face with Scáthach just outside of Rin's bedroom. This immediately killed his mood, causing Vahn to release a tired sigh before shaking his head and choosing to get it over with. He didn't even choose to fool around this time, cutting through the fabric of Scáthach's bodysuit with a single swift motion before hooking his finger inside her hot yet barely moist vagina. This didn't so much as cause Scáthach's brow to twitch as she casually asked, "Are you feeling better?" in her usual monotone.
Vahn knew she was just trying to rile him up so that he would put more effort into his training later, causing him to roll his eyes in response to her question. He still hadn't gotten over what she had done to him four days prior, especially since he knew it would only get worse now that she had once again confirmed the method's effectiveness. Vahn would never forget the unnerving sense of shame and comfort he had experienced when Scáthach had slipped his jewel inside her body, letting it be warmed by her furnace-like insides for several hours. It had taken even longer than normal to reform himself as her body had been siphoning off parts of the Source Energy he radiated, absorbing it into her womb before disseminating into the rest of her body...
Once Scáthach's eyes were glowing with sufficient intensity, Vahn pulled his finger free before placing it against her lips. As this wasn't the first time he had done such a thing, Scáthach remained expressionless as she unhesitantly suckled on the finger that had been inside of her moments prior. Though this was an ultimately pointless act, Vahn felt like he needed to do 'something' after what she had put him through. After all, while he was actually grateful for her assistance in becoming stronger, Vahn felt like he would break before actually learning 'everything' she had to teach. He pitied her circumstances a great deal, especially after experiencing [Laplace's Key], but his one-sided concern was hard to maintain since Scáthach herself was simply incapable of expressing any sign that she cared at all...
When Vahn plucked his finger from her lips, Scáthach didn't even bother to wipe the line of mucus dribbling down her lips and simply stated, "Channel your frustrations against your enemies. Take care not to let them control you..." With that said, Scáthach vanished from the corridor, leaving Vahn standing alone with a slightly dampened finger being the only sign she had ever been there in the first place. Then, after reminding himself that Scáthach was just a victim of her circumstances, Vahn shook his head before psyching himself up for the coming battles. He knew she couldn't truly be blamed for her actions as, just like he was helpless in his [Laplace's Key] state, Scáthach was essentially forced to behave like an emotionless machine whose only sincere desires seemed to be training him and dying...
By the time Vahn reached the outside of the residence, he found Scáthach and Artoria both waiting for him, the latter accompanied by Fenrir. They were both wearing matching gothic dresses, causing Vahn's mood to improve considerably as he gave a sincere smile and stated, "Those clothes suit you both look adorable." As even Artoria could sense the sincere emotions contained within Vahn's words, she gave an awkward smile in return as a slight blush crept up her face. Fenrir had a far more honest reaction, however, leaping through the air to hug her Master's waist without inhibition. She could sense his earlier frustration and was more than willing to help improve his mood before he set out into the night without her...
With his mood successfully recovered, Vahn gave Fenrir's body a firm hug before ruffling her hair, knowing thanks wasn't necessary to express how he felt. In response, Fenrir snickered happily before making Artoria sweat bomb when she tiptoed to whisper into their Master's ear, "Artoria is a good girl. When you get back, she will show you want I taught her previously, shishishi~." Since she made no effort to actually keep her words private, everyone present heard Fenrir's words clearly. Artoria suddenly felt a little betrayed but, knowing it would only exacerbate her embarrassment, she kept mum and simply changed into her battle attire to help focus her mind. As for Scáthach, she just stared at Fenrir for a few seconds before silently returning to her Spirit form to conserve mana.
After coming up with a simple battle strategy, primarily revolving around Artoria dealing with Hassan and Scáthach dealing with Yan Qing, Vahn and 'Saber' were making their way toward the Matou Mansion under the cover of a light fog. Even for a relatively normal human, it was only around a 30-40 minute sprint between the Tohsaka and Matous residences, meaning it had taken them less than five minutes at a casual pace to reach an area only two blocks distant from their target. At this distance, it was easy to see the protective magical array protecting the fortress-like mansion. With Vahn's domain, he was able to sense far more than that, however, causing his face to darken as he regretted not coming to deal with Sakura sooner...
Noticing the look on Vahn's face, Saber asked in a concerned tone, "Is there something wrong, Master?" In response to this question, it was Scáthach who emotionlessly answered, "This place is a breeding ground for Crest Worms. There are more than a dozen children imprisoned within an area beneath the Mansion..." Before Scáthach could say any more, Vahn's glare brought her to silence, causing her to change tune and say, "We should move quickly. The only other presence within the Mansion should be Sakura Matou herself. Be careful, Master, as I can sense something 'wrong' with her body..." The whole reason she had appeared from the start was to warn Vahn about the fact that she couldn't fully see through the girl. Her vision was blocked by an anomalous aura and, even though she didn't feel any 'danger' coming from it, there was 'something' she couldn't quite put into words lingering around the girl's body...
With Scáthach disappearing once again, Vahn hardened his resolve and, even though he abhorred what Sakura had done, he reminded himself that she had been twisted by the same process. Though he may not ever truly forgive her for what she had done, Vahn was determined to save both Sakura and her victims from their suffering. When he was done, Vahn intended to crush the Makiri family for ever daring to come up with such a despicable method. Though he wouldn't ruthlessly slaughter all of them, Vahn would personally claim the heads of everyone who was involved with perpetuating this cycle of suffering...
As the knowledge she had obtained included the existence of Crest Worms, Artoria knew well why her Master was so angry. She felt righteous indignation in her own heart as she comfortingly placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "We will save them all." This earned her a nod from Vahn who, with just as much confidence, stated, "These are the things we will fight to prevent, Artoria. Thank you for being here with, let's go...!" With that said, Vahn leaped into the air before vaulting off a roof and easily clearing the walls surrounding the Matou Mansion. As for Artoria, she tightly gripped her fist with a resolute look in her eyes before following shortly thereafter. A lot of her uncertainty had been swept away by Vahn's comment, allowing her to view things from a different where she knew victims all over the world were waiting to be saved...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'After-care is important','Vahn isn't worthy of Ereshkigal (T ^ T)','Fuck the Makiri, seriously...') <-(p.atreon link)
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