While periodically dodging sneak attacks from Nobunaga, Vahn had extended his search for Paracelsus to the south of Fuyuki city. According to Ishtar, there was a high chance he was located in the region but, even with her abilities, the various magical formations and concealment barriers made it impossible to know for certain. Since Paracelsus was one of the most well-known Alchemists in history, his Master shouldn't be someone incompetent. After they had been discovered the first time, Vahn didn't think they would be easy to locate until they were making their play for the Holy Grail. With his ability to produce golems, homunculi, and an apparently 'infinite' number of Philosopher's Stones, Vahn wouldn't be surprised if they showed up with an entire army by the time the war was reaching its climax...
After around an hour, Vahn found himself staring out over a rural farming district, admiring the rather homely domiciles. Suddenly, feeling a tingling sensation on the back of his neck, Vahn side-stepped another one of the reddish-black lasers fired from Nobunaga more than 2km away. He could see her standing atop a cellphone tower that was around 70m tall, using the vantage to get a better view of the surroundings. With her red mantle and long black hair flaring about with the powerful wings, she created quite the sight to behold as she manually operated one of her Noble Phantasms, the Tanegashima-style arquebus. Though she could summon up to three-thousand at once, assuming he provided her with a direct line of mana, the unique matchlock rifle was far more powerful when she operated it manually.
Since she could hit him if she put in a serious effort, Vahn knew that Nobunaga was just 'reminding' him that she didn't forgive him for grabbing her butt and running. This didn't stop her from doing her job though, even if she would periodically take potshots at him whenever he stared too long at once of the unique statues littering the rural area. Vahn's behavior was similar to that of a tourist and, though they were supposed to be seriously investigating the area, Nobunaga didn't want to dally too long. Though Vahn was tempted to tease her a bit, as it was almost as if she were rushing him, he ultimately decided against it since now wasn't the time for such things.
Finding nothing amiss, Vahn's last stop was at a small temple where residents of the small town would go to pray for health, wealth, and fortune in their love lives. It had a small shrine at the back of the temple where a bell, fixed with a thick ceremonial rope, hung over a small wooden donation box. There was an air of mysticism surrounding the small temple and, though there didn't seem to be any Magus nearby, Vahn could feel the spirituality contained within the land itself. Though this world was currently in the Era of Men, with most of the Gods, Spirits, and Lesser Deities retreating to the Reverse Side of the World, their presence could still be felt when enough believers frequented the same area.
With his [Eyes of Truth] active, Vahn could see the almost imperceptible silhouette of a fox laying atop the donation box. Since it reminded him a bit of Shirohime and Tsukyuu, Vahn dropped a solid gold coin into the donation box, catching the ghostly entity's attention. Then, after filling up a cup with some high-quality sake, Vahn set it next to the nascent spirit, smiling as he said, "Take care of the people here, okay...?" His words and actions seemed to surprise the small spirit but, as it lacked the ability to speak in its nascent state, it simply nodded its head before using its tiny tongue to lap at the cup of sake.
Sensing nothing else worthy of his attention, Vahn began heading north towards Fuyuki City as Nobunaga reverted back to her Spirit form to keep pace. Their next destination, after skirting around the periphery of the city, would be near the large beach located on the eastern side of the island. This was where, during the Summer, most of the younger residents of the island would spend their recreational time. Since the Record of Danmachi didn't really have the concept of beach faring, Vahn was interested to see the sigh of hundreds of people dotting the white sands as they socialized and generally enjoyed each others' company.
After traveling a little under 800km, Vahn found himself at the furthest eastern part of the island, an area spanning around 22,838km², according to the information stored in his mind. According to legends, which always had some basic foundation of truth in the Nasuverse, Japan had been the culmination of the efforts of Izanagi and Izanami. The island where Fuyuki City was located was supposed to have been one of their offspring, named Kyushu, becoming the fourth of Japan's eight principal islands. It formed the southernmost tip of the main chain of islands, having the highest concentration of mana and spirit energy due to the still active leylines running under Fuyuki City itself...
Staring out over the slightly tumultuous ocean, dark due to the waning moon overheard, Vahn felt some of the saltwater spritz against his face. It surprisingly smelled worse than he expected, the product of its high salt concentration and the presence of malignant elements such as waste runoff and pollution. This was one of the things that annoyed Vahn the most about this world as, even though there was much beauty to behold, it was 'spoiled' by the inconsiderate nature of humans in their pacified states. Though there were undoubtedly many exceptions, Vahn had observed that the vast majority of humans were wasteful and self-indulgent. This wasn't necessary 'wrong', as everyone was entitled to live as they please, but that was only insofar as their actions didn't negatively impact others. Since humanity as a whole was rampantly polluting the planet, solely for the sake of wealth, Vahn felt as if the only reason they produced such beautiful and vibrant structures was to distract from the destruction their errant habits had wrought upon the world...
Appearing in a flash of light at Vahn's side, Nobunaga joined him staring out over the sea, absentmindedly stating, "In the past, my only ambition was to unite the people of Japan...even though I knew there was a much larger world outside my country's borders, my efforts ultimately proved meaningless as humanity has continued along its path, the many propping up the few. I would have liked to see it, you know, the world you had aspired to create before stepping foot on this land." As she was speaking, Nobunaga held her hand out, fingers spread wide as if she could grab the horizon and claim it for herself.
Hearing the melancholy contained within her voice, Vahn used his hand to pat Nobunaga's shoulder as he plainly stated, "Regardless of the outcome of the Holy Grail War, I can promise you that, one day, you will be able to experience the world I envisioned. Concepts like Space and Time lose their meaning once you obtain adequate strength. Even if I have to track down and steal away the real you one day, that time will inevitably come..." Though he didn't intend to let Nobunaga disappear at the end of the War, Vahn didn't mind making such a promise. Since she was only a fragment of her 'real' self, it would ultimately be necessary to unify the two if he intended to keep Nobunaga as his ally and companion in the future...
In response to Vahn's words, Nobunaga began to laugh boisterously before teasingly stating, "I think you might be a little disappointed to see the 'real' me. I was going on 48 years old when I died. I even had one of my retainers comb through my hair every morning to make sure there weren't any gray hairs visible. Any sign of weakness would have empowered my enemies so I had to put a lot of effort into fighting against the tireless advance of aging..." With the Holy Grail restoring a Heroic Spirit to their 'prime', Nobunaga looked much younger in the present than she had in the past. As for why her appearance would change depending on the amount of energy she possessed, this was due to the rapid increase in her strength after reaching puberty. Though she hadn't been a Magus, Nobunaga had been born with a 'anti-spiritual' body, the very thing that led to her being declared a Demon King by propagators of the myriad Shinto religions...
Surprising Nobunaga, Vahn immediately laughed in response to her complaints about 'being old'. This caused her to frown, at least until he pointed out, "Didn't you see my memories? If you think things like age matter to me, how would I have ended up with Tsubaki? Hell, most of the goddesses I was with were several-hundred million years old. You'll need a better excuse than that if you think you can keep me away, Nobu." Vahn made sure to place extra emphasis on Nobunaga's pet name, essentially calling her similarly to how her childhood friends would refer to her. Though she required them to call her full name when she got older, Vahn wanted to emphasize the fact that Nobunaga's age didn't matter to him in the least...so long as she leaned towards the mature side.
As expected, Nobunaga didn't seem to enjoy the sudden shortening of her name, commenting, "I don't care if you are over 150 years old, Vahn. If you think you can get away with treating me like a child, I'll make you suffer for it." With an absolutely serious expression on her face, Nobunaga placed just as much emphasis on the word 'suffer' as Vahn had on the name Nobu. In response, Vahn had a teasing expression on his face as he asked, "What are you going to do, start calling me Old Man Mason...?" Since this was a rather amusing thought Vahn couldn't help but smile, something he immediately came to regret when Nobunaga seriously stated, "I will use up all of my mana until I am mana starved. Then, using the last bit of my power, I will wear a sailor's uniform and a bright red randoseru before climbing into your bed in the middle of the night..."
Any desire to tease Nobunaga was immediately exorcised from Vahn's body, followed by the smile on his face forming an expression that would give Scáthach a run for her money. Seeing this, Nobunaga's eyes squinted before an evil grin spread across her face. Vahn knew this was her way of expressing that she had just found his weakness. Knowing such information was in the hands of a 'Demon King', Vahn felt like his future had just become more troublesome. At the same time, he internally swore that, if Nobunaga ever tried such a thing, Vahn would 'pet' her into oblivion. He could tell she was genuinely fearful of the experience so, if she tried such a thing against him, all gloves would come off...
Feeling a shiver run through her body, Nobunaga's smile faded in much the same way as Vahn's. For several long seconds after that, they both stared at each other, slowly coming to an understanding that pushing things too far would benefit neither of them. Then, as if to make peace, Nobunaga took in an audible breath before saying, "When we're alone like this, I will permit you to call me Nobu. Just know that I'll be counting each time, so be prepared to pay for it later on." Though she didn't mention how Vahn would have to pay, he already had an idea of what she might request of him. Since this was another way in which someone else was deciding how he would act, Vahn felt a little annoyed but, remembering it was his decision to call her Nobu, he let the matter lay for the time being.
Finding nothing of interest on the coast, Vahn moved towards the northern region of Fuyuki to see how the others were doing. Along the way, he established a connection with Scáthach, asking ("Have you been able to locate the enemy?"). To this, she almost immediately responded, answering, ("We have not been able to identify if they are the cause, but we are currently tracking the Berserker-Class Servant, Asterios. Fenrir was able to detect his aura before Ishtar managed to pinpoint his location. Currently, they seemed to be engaging the Saber-Class Servant, Lakshmibai. We are waiting to see how the fight progresses before deciding whether to intervene.")
Hearing Scáthach's words, Vahn's brows perked up slightly as, among the Servants he intended to recruit, Lakshmibai was just under Paracelsus. Her title as the 'Jeanne d'Arc' of India wasn't for show as, during the 1850s, she had led an uprising and rebellion against the combined might of the East India Company and the British Empire. Leading a force that was predominately comprised of females, she was able to rally a large amount of support as she fought for her homeland against the tyranny of expansionism and capitalist ideologies. Though she ultimately lost her life in the Battle of Gwalior, she was celebrated as a modern Hero whose efforts were paramount in weakening the influence of the British Empire in India before the Industrial Revolution.
Not wanting to leave anything to chance, Vahn quickly added, ("Do not allow Lakshmibai and her Master to perish. To be able to summon someone on the level of a Saint, Lakshmibai's Master can't be a simple person. If you can't deal with-.") Before Vahn could finish his words, Scáthach plainly stated, ("It will not be a problem.") This had surprised him a bit as, given what he knew of Scáthach, she wasn't the type to simply interrupt people without reason. It wasn't until her voice came back a few moments later that Vahn realized she had already entered the fight and wanted to avoid the distraction...
With their connection still live, Scáthach had sensed Vahn's intentions before he even put them into thought. Since Lakshmibai had already been injured the previous night, she was already on the verge of losing the fight as Asterios' strength was nothing to be scoffed at. Knowing a single mishap could result in the defeat of a potential ally, Scáthach moved like a blur, somehow moving in such a way that she didn't even create a shockwave after breaking the sound barrier. Then, as the enraged Asterios, standing a monstrous 298cm tall, tried to use its massive ax to cleave into Lakshmibai's sword guard, Scáthach fell into a stance where her breasts nearly caressed the ground as she muttered, "Gae Bolg~!"
Moving with a speed comparable to lightning, Scáthach's [Gae Bolg] traced a direct path towards Asterios' heart. However, as the skill was only B-Ranked by default, the only thing Scáthach's attack had accomplished was knocking Asterios off balance. This didn't influence her decision to engage, however, as Scáthach, now wielding two spears, began a dance of death as she accurately pierced the gaps between Asterios' thick muscles with the tip of her spear. With the aid of her [God Slayer], it didn't matter if Asterios' natural resistance would have allowed him to ignore any attacks under A-Rank. She might not be able to deal a large amount of damage at once, but wounds dealt by her [Gae Bolg] couldn't be healed, instantly eliminating one of Asterios' only advantages.
With a loud roar, Asterios used one of its twin axes to try and dissect Scáthach's body but, almost like a spring catapult, she simply bent backward before immediately launching herself forward once again. It was around this time when Lakshmibai realized that Scáthach had come to her aid but, without knowing her true purpose, she chose to create a bit of distance from the fight before pulling out an ornate musket rifle. She began firing towards Asterios' eyes, aiming for the gaps in its bull-like helmet. This seemed to only make Asterios even madder, causing his body to glow with a red aura as he snorted out a dense cloud of vapor.
As even a normal human would be able to see that Asterios was powering up, Scáthach and Lakshmibai both decided on a temporary retreat. It was impossible for Servants to fight without rest so it was often the wiser choice to pull back whenever they used mana-intensive skills. Scáthach, however, had a slightly different reason for pulling back as, even if Asterios were to go all out, she could already see its defeat in her eyes. Without needing to communicate anything at all, Scáthach retreated towards the same direction as Lakshmibai as a massive purple projectile slammed into Asterios' face, courtesy of Ishtar floating in the sky above. Surprising even Scáthach, however, the mad Minotauros vanished in a small explosion of magical energy, indicating that his Master had used a Command Spell to forcefully summon him away.
Though she did not know the exact timing of Asterios' death, Scáthach had clearly seen one of Ishtar's arrows finishing the monstrous Berserker off. This seemed to be Ishtar's intent as well, considering that she began charging another arrow while taking aim at the distance. Seeing this, Scáthach understood that Asterios would still meet its end, just at it's Master's side. Even if Ishtar couldn't accurately locate Paracelsus' position, that was due to the preparations he had made to avoid discovery. For a Magus that had exposed themselves in the pursuit of an enemy Master, they could not hide from her eyes without a powerful artifact.
Entrusting the task to Ishtar, as the latter's pride would never allow her to let an enemy simply run away, Scáthach intercepted Lakshmibai's path before holding up her spear to bar her passage. This caused Lakshmibai, who was nursing a serious wound on her abdomen, to hold up a thin saber that glimmered with a subtle silver glow. As a Saber-Class Servant, her parameters were supposed to be on the higher end of the spectrum. Scáthach, however, simply shook her head and said, "I would rather not strike you down. My Master wishes to meet with yours, desiring a peaceful agreement that will benefit all parties. If you choose to battle against me, your pseudo-Divine nature has already guaranteed your loss. I am Scáthach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows. Stand down, inheritor of Alakshmi..."
Hearing Scáthach's introduction, Lakshmibai despaired internally, even as her expression remained stoic and determined. What confused her was the fact that Scáthach had referred to her as the inheritor of Alakshmi, even though she was possessed by the Goddess, Lakshmi. It was almost as if Scáthach was indicating she had terrible luck which, considering her encounters with Servants much stronger than herself, didn't appear far from the truth. Since Scáthach was a 'true counter' to her, leaving almost no chance for victory, Lakshmibai could only pray that their intentions were truly pure as she slowly lowered her saber.
Seeing Lakshmibai acquiescing, Scáthach gave an appreciative nod as she too lowered her spears. Now, they needed only wait for the arrival of Lakshmibai's Master and Vahn, the latter of which was moving at a startling speed towards their location. Though Scáthach couldn't see much value in having Lakshmibai as an ally, considering the latter was shrouded in a Divinity that guaranteed misfortune, there was no way of knowing Vahn's means. He seemed to be able to produce a plethora of items that didn't exist within her infinitely expansive knowledge base so Scáthach wouldn't discount the possibility that he could find some use for the brown-skinned beauty...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: '*Sniping Intensifies*','MILF Nobunaga stressing about gray hairs makes me smile...','TFW you think you are the avatar of the Goddess of Luck when its actually her sister, the Goddess of Misfortune...')
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Using his current speed, it only took Vahn eighteen minutes to cover the 840km distance between his starting point and the location where the battle had taken place. Though he had been capable of making the distance in a much shorter period of time, most of the tension had drained away when, less than two minutes after the fight had started, Scáthach informed him that it was over. This hadn't been too surprising, as the presence of Scáthach and Ishtar on the same battlefield would generally mean certain doom for whoever was unfortunate enough to face him, but it had still helped to put things into perspective for Vahn. As they were not even close to the pinnacle of power within the Record of the Nasuverse, he knew the distance between the current him and the top was a vast gulf he would need to tirelessly pursue if he wanted to have any chance of reaching it in a short period of time...
Upon arriving at the destination, Vahn found himself stumbling into a rather awkward scene where Rin, Scáthach, Fenrir, and Astolfo had all practically surrounded who Vahn intuited to be Lakshmibai and her Master. The former stood around 159cm tall, possessing dark brown skin, sand-colored hair, and pale pink eyes. Her hair easily extended past her waist while two thick braids flanked both sides, flowing down her shoulders before coming to an end with two silver bands. She also had uniquely styled bangs, two perfectly arranged fringe bangs that broke into three separate pieces while, covering her ears, two large clumps forming what almost appeared to be droopy ears could be seen. Most notable, however, wasn't the woman's unique and exotic beauty, but the fact that Vahn could see the presence of 'fate' around her...
Though she might have misinterpreted his gaze, Vahn gave Lakshmibai's body a once over, observing her white, military-style garb that had been structured in a way that the back and shoulders were completely exposed. This was completed with a pair of white, borderline skin-tight pants that were somehow tucked into form-fit boots that miraculously extended up to her thighs. Swirling around her body, however, was a powerful flow of 'fate' that, no matter how Vahn looked at it, seemed to be lingering around her body similar to an evil aura than anything beneficial. More troublesome was the fact that her 'aura' seemed to be flowing into the young boy that undoubtedly served the role of her Master...
Seeing that Lakshmibai's Master only appeared to be around 13-14 years old, possessing light-brown hair, piercing green eyes, and a slightly lighter skin tone than Lakshmibai's; Vahn couldn't help wondering how they had gotten wrapped up in the Holy Grail War. What bothered him the most was how the boy was practically hiding behind Lakshmibai as if she were a human shield, cowering under the gaze of Scáthach with his frail and surprisingly delicate features. Though not nearly as bad as Catherine, this boy seemed more than a little ill based on the thick bags under his eyes and the fact that his breathing was audible, even though he didn't appear to be exerting himself...
With Vahn's arrival, the tensions in the air shifted slightly, primarily the result of how everyone's focus seemed to be directed towards him. Thus, without missing a beat, Vahn put on his best smile before greeting, "Good morning. I am the Sage Emperor, Vahn Aldrnari Mason. May I ask, what are your names...?" Though he still introduced himself as an Emperor, Vahn decided to go with a polite approach as Lakshmibai seemed like a serious woman while her Master would likely respond better to kindness than any form of pressure. Then, as expected, the former gave a polite bow before saying, "My name is Rani Lakshmibai, the Rani of Jhansi. Thank you for your assistance in dealing with Berserker."
Returning a polite nod to Lakshmibai, Vahn's gaze then fell upon the youth who, also as expected, barely managed to stammer out, "My name is Vihaan Reddi...why...why did you want to meet with us...?" Though it wouldn't have been impossible to avoid having to meet with Vahn's group, the fact that Vihaan only had a single Command Spell remaining had essentially forced his hand. Due to a constant stream of bad luck, they had been targetted several times by other Masters and Servants since the very start of the Holy Grail War. To prevent Lakshmibai's defeat, he had been forced to use one Command Spell to empower her for a short period of time while, during the first battle with Asterios, the second had been used to teleport her to safety.
Understanding the boy's apprehensions, Vahn maintained his smile and simply asked, "Tell me, Vihaan, Lakshmibai, what is the wish you desired to make upon the Holy Grail?" Though it didn't appear as if the former was that thrilled to answer, the pressure coming from Scáthach's perpetual gaze eventually compelled him to answer, "I'm tired of the broken system in my homeland that treats certain people as if they are 'untouchable'...like they are less than human...! My wish was to truly abolish the caste system that is still in place to this day, even though the rest of the world pretends everything is okay...!" Though he lacked confidence at first, Vihaan's convictions showed through by the time he had finished revealing his wish.
Smiling gently towards her Master, Lakshmibai used her white-gloved hand to stroke his head as she softly answered, "My wish in life was for the independence and prosperity of my people. Now, my most sincere desire is to see the world of equality that my Master wishes for." It was obvious at a glance that Lakshmibai was very considerate towards her young Master, even though Vahn could see her aura practically invading his body, something he intuited would have dire consequences if he was continually exposed to such a thing. Since he found this strange flow of fate confusing, Vahn established a connection with Scáthach, asking, ("Do you know what the strange energy around her body is? It doesn't appear to be evil, but...")
Without showing no discernible signs of surprise in the real world, Scáthach continued to stare unerringly at Lakshmibai and Vihaan as she answered, ("Though not to the same extent as Rin, Lakshmibai's body is possessed by a Goddess. Her's, however, is the Goddess of Misfortune, Alakshmi, even though she herself seems to believe it is the Goddess of Luck, Lakshmi. As a result, her fate is tied to the misfortune of herself and others, making her a potentially dangerous ally to keep around. Unless you have a use for her, Master, I would suggest we avoid becoming involved with these two. The boy is already on a downward spiral so it would take a miracle to even guarantee he was able to live another five years.")
Hearing Scáthach's explanation, Vahn took in an audible breath through his nose, feeling more than a little shocked that someone known as a borderline Saintess carried a literal aura of misfortune around with her. He had already experienced the influence of fate in two different Records, finding it to be an extremely troublesome existence to deal with. This made him extremely apprehensive to even approach Lakshmibai as, unlike normal fate, the energy around her seemed to guarantee that misfortune would come their way.
Doing his best to prevent a frown from forming on his face, Vahn answered the Master-Servant duo's convictions by saying, "You have a very noble dream. However, using the power of the Holy Grail in its current state would not be able to grant such a wish. Forcibly changing the minds of hundreds-of-millions of people could only have disastrous consequences. The change you seek is something that can only be brought about through policy changes and a shift in how people are educated from a young age. Though I have yet to visit India myself, I am certain the social and political climate would only become more difficult to manage if you tried to introduce spontaneous change. At the same time, your actions would draw the attention of the entire world due to their nature, meaning you would be targetted by the Mage's Association and the Holy Church for a swift elimination if you try to follow through on such a wish..."
The Holy Grail, while possessing a phenomenal amount of power, lacked the ability to alter the way in which such a massive group of people thought. Though it could alter causality, to an extent, what Vihaan was trying to accomplish was a nigh-impossible feat as the backlash from introducing such a massive change would echo throughout the world. If one of the largest countries in the entire world suddenly had a 'shift' in perspective, it would catch a lot of attention in the media, something all three of the major powers seemed to want to avoid. This sudden shift would also severely impact the balance of power in a country that had over a billion people, exposing them to groups that would jump at the chance to secure power within India for their own selfish ends...
Finding Vahn's words unacceptable, Vihaan balled his hands into fists as he shouted, "You're wrong! You can only say things like that because you didn't have to grow up there...! If someone doesn't change things, more and more people will continue to suffer. Even if I have to die in exchange, I would rather live life as a piece of grass to be trampled on than watch as my people continue to suffer due to their idiotic focus on traditional and religious views...!" At this point, Vihaan was no longer standing behind Lakshmibai and, as if she was in complete agreement with him, she had a determined expression in her eyes and a gentle smile on her face as she looked towards her Master from behind.
Vahn now understood how these two had become Master and Servant as, regardless of whether or not others were in agreement, they unhesitantly looked towards the most 'ideal' future that they sought for their people. Since this wasn't all that dissimilar to how he had acted at times, Vahn could appreciate what Vihaan was trying to accomplish. However, Vahn knew it would be infinitely 'better' if Vihaan just wished for something along the lines of absolute power. If he worked to change the system by influencing those at the top, there was a chance that things could improve considerably after a generation or two. Using the Grail to essentially brainwash a billion people was an extreme method that would only have disastrous consequences, perhaps wrought by the aura of 'misfortune' that flowed around the two's bodies...
Releasing a small sigh, Vahn stared into the young boy's green eyes before saying, "There are no shortcuts to bringing about lasting change. Your dream will not unite your people, it will undermine your entire country. If you cannot handle the aftermath and cleanup, your dream is nothing but the selfish desires of a child who fundamentally misunderstands how the world works. Though I will not admonish you for desiring a better life for your people, your method simply creates another problem to replace the current system. The sad truth of the matter is, people have probably adapted to the current system so they can function within it without much trouble. In the world you would usher them into, tens-of-millions might die in the transition alone..."
Though he wasn't intending to put too much pressure on the boy, Vahn couldn't completely restrain his aura as he simply couldn't agree with Vihaan's 'lazy' methods. Then, before she could speak on his behalf, Vahn stared down Lakshmibai, sternly stating, "There is nothing wrong with supporting the dreams of the younger generation, but it is extremely foolish to push them down a path that will inevitably lead to tragedy. You are poorly equipped to understand the complexity of the modern world, yet you would spur your Master to follow through with his misguided actions without giving him proper counsel. I did not expect you to place more emphasis on the 'goal' than the people who were supposed to benefit from the changes you would force upon them..."
Vahn's words seemed to have some degree of influence on both Vihaan and Lakshmibai as, even though the latter didn't seem to outright agree with him, her brows furrowed in reflection instead of showing a desire to pointlessly argue the issue. This moderately improved Vahn's opinion of the two so, to make matters easier for them to accept, he added, "I'm sure you are the most aware of your current situation. Regardless of how competent Lakshmibai is as a Saber-Class Servant, you cannot hope to obtain victory in the Holy Grail War in your current state. There are at least three powerful factions still at large and, even if you used your final Command Spell to empower her, Lakshmibai would not be able to defeat the more powerful Servants that have been summoned."
Just as Vahn's rebuke had torn apart their dream, his recounting of the most basic fact of the matter was what really struck at the very heart of the matter. Even if they tried to insist they were correct, they had virtually no hope of actually obtaining the Holy Grail. If things continued as they were, the only thing awaiting this idealistic Master-Servant pair was the former's death and the latter's return to the Holy Grail. They would become the stepping stones for another person's dream, dying so far from their country that they couldn't even be considered true martyrs, just fools.
Seeing that they understood his words, Vahn eased up the pressure a bit, regaining his smile as he said, "So long as you still hold life within, there is hope for the future you wish to see. You will undoubtedly find like-minded people that agree with your views so, instead of foolishly chasing something like the Holy Grail, you would be better suited to leading a revolution internally. Focus on changing the hearts and minds of the people at the lowest rungs of society before working your way up to those who purport themselves to be their betters. Without a foundation to stand on, the so-called wealthy elites are only capable of blathering and resulting to military force in order to deal with their problems. If you control the people, however, even the military would be hard-pressed to take action against their own family members..."
With the current political climate of the world, it wasn't all that impossible for someone with Vihaan's ideals to garner a lot of attention. Though there was a chance he would be targetted for elimination by those in power, he had an advantage in the fact that he was a Magus. Even if he ultimately lost his life, at least he would have died for his cause and, depending on the people he had drawn to his side, there was a fair chance his legacy would outlive him. Since Vahn also intended to introduce great changes to the world, the status quo of most countries would be altered significantly by the time he was done. If Vihaan took advantage of the situation, the revolution he desired had a better chance at success than their odds of claiming the Holy Grail...
After hearing Vahn's words, the light in Vihaan's eyes had returned, even if it wasn't as intense as the blazing conviction he held previously. Then, in a slightly somber tone, he asked, "What would you have me do...?" To this, Vahn actually paused for a brief moment because he still had apprehensions about inviting someone who literally brought misfortune with them onto their team. Though The Path would undoubtedly have a solution, now was a critical time within the progression of the war. If Lakshmibai's presence immediately brought trouble to their doorstep, it would cause them more than a few troubles in both the short and long-term. However, at the same time, Vahn felt like he 'needed' to confront things like fate directly, or he would always be at its whims in the future...
Though Scáthach and Rin would likely rebuke him for it later, Vahn ultimately decided to see if he could alter Lakshmibai's imposed misfortune. It was an opportunity to see if he could put in a more concerted effort into 'manipulating' the influence of fate. Since he already had a few ideas about how to change the aura around Lakshmibai, Vahn wanted to put them to the test in order to gain even a small advantage against the concept of fate in the future. With that in mind, he looked into the woman's pale-pink eyes and said, "I will have you join our group in exchange for guaranteeing your Master's safety and ensuring he will have a better chance at fulfilling his dream. As he currently seems to lack connections, we can put him into contact with people that would allow him to grow his own network of support back in India. It will not be easy, but if he truly believes in his dream, hope will never fade."
Since there wasn't much meaning in convincing Vihaan, as he was simply too young to fully understand the situation, Vahn decided that addressing Lakshmibai directly would have the desired result. She was a dutiful woman who was considerate of others so, using both her Master's life and dream as leverage weren't things she could simply ignore. Though Vahn wasn't threatening them, his involvement in the war itself was a constant threat to both his life and dream, things she had proven incapable of protecting. It was this awareness of her inadequacies, combined with the fragments of 'hope' contained within Vahn's words, that ultimately caused Lakshmibai to nod her head in agreement. Though it wasn't her decision to make, this small nod was enough to give Vihaan a slightly deflated appearance, leading to his own agreement shortly thereafter...
After transferring Vihaan's Command Spells, bringing Vahn's count to six in total, they made sure he was safely escorted to the Fuyuki City Hyatt Hotel so that he could be placed under the protection of the Mage's Association. Rin used the opportunity to directly discuss what Vahn had promised with Lord El-Melloi II, taking it upon herself to get the boy an 'in' so that he could become a student at the Clock Tower. Any Magus capable of summoning a powerful Servant at such a young age had a lot of promise for the future so it wouldn't take much to get him accepted into the prestigious academy. At the same time, Astolfo went to spend some time with his former Master, Catherine. Even without Vahn healing her himself, she had been able to receive treatment from the Mage's Association or, more specifically, Luvia's personal team of Doctors. With their efforts, she was currently going through physical rehabilitation in the hopes of recovering her ability to walk in order to make her journey around the world easier...
On the subject of Luvia, Vahn felt rather fortunate that she had actually flown back to London in order to manage some of the affairs of her family, leaving him free to focus on other things during their visit to the Hyatt Hotel. This took the form of a short discussion with Gray, primarily involving the information their team had secured about the Grail War thus far. They also talked a bit about Paracelsus, ending with Vahn promising to find him before the completion of the ritual. Though it was hard to determine how things would progress, Vahn knew they still had the leeway to recruit two more Servants without compromising the completion of the ritual, at least in accordance with the available information.
With Lakshmibai, they now had one Saber, two Lancers, one Rider, and one Archer within their ranks. Vahn could 'recruit' a total of seven Servants to their cause, though, considering the assortment of Servants that remained, it didn't seem all that likely anyone but Paracelsus could be convinced to join them. The Servants remaining were the remaining Berserker, likely under the influence of the Einzberns, a yet-unseen Archer, Saber, and Caster, likely all belonging to the same faction, followed by the two Assassins and the as-yet-to-be-revealed Ruler-Class. With the war being nearly halfway done, at least compared to past wars, the lack of a Ruler appearing was becoming more troubling by the day. Since there was more than seven Servant, there essentially 'had' to be a Ruler in order to make sure the destruction of the Grail War was kept to a minimum. They also had the responsibility of making sure the Heaven's Feel ritual could be completed but, even after Ishtar's attacks had done a little 'too much' collateral damage, there has yet to be a single sign of the Ruler-Class appearing...
As was often the case in such situations, Vahn knew that there was something afoot behind the scenes. There were three major forces still in play, coincidentally belonging to the three main families that had created the ritual in the first place. The fact that the Einzberns hadn't sent their Master and Servant into the battlefield yet seemed to imply they were waiting for the other forces to weaken each other, or they had something greater planned. As for the Matou's, Vahn had no doubt that Sakura was the Master of Assassin given the strange vibe she had given off during their first encounter. In order to prevent Rin from having to confront her sister directly, he needed to find an opportunity to confront Sakura before her two Assassins came to them. Though this had always been his intention, Vahn felt as if the inclusion of Lakshmibai in their ranks almost guaranteed that things were going to 'explode' at any moment...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Poor Vihaan xD...','Vahn decides to confront fate directly...!? More like his 'tragedy' detector is going off the charts...','Only three factions remain...?')
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