After a short discussion about the basic capabilities of everyone present, the conversation quickly transitioned to the more important discussion they had originally gathered for. Lord El-Melloi II, who had come up with the original plan to destroy the Greater Grail, gave a surprisingly well-informed accounting of the previous two Holy Grail Wars and their 'projections' for what to expect this time around. From him, Vahn learned that the Servants who participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War were the Heroic Spirits of Iskandar, King of Conquers, Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, Arturia Pendragon, King of Knights, Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, Hassan-I-Sabbah, and Gilles De Rais.
Though Vahn's wasn't too surprised that Lord El-Melloi II had been the Master of Iskandar, the revelation that Arturia, derived from the legendary 'King Arthur', was actually a female. Even more surprising were the revelations that Gray, who essentially acted as the protege and 'knight' of Lord El-Melloi II was descended from the Line of Kings, a descendent of Arturia herself. When she was introduced as such, Gray seemed somewhat uncomfortable with the attention, pulling her hood to hide her face for reasons Vahn wasn't aware of. It was obvious that she also had a past shrouded in darkness but, as now was not the time to probe into such things, Vahn continued to listen to Lord El-Melloi II's explanation.
With the Fourth Holy Grail War ending without a decisive victor, primarily as the result of the Lesser Grail's destruction, the Fifth Holy Grail War took place only a decade after its conclusion. Much like the Fourth, the Saber-Class Servant ended up being the King of Knights, Arturia, once again. This time around, she was the Servant of Rin's deceased friend, Shirou Emiya, the adopted son of Saber's former Master, Kiritsugu Emiya. As for the other Servants, there was Rin's Archer-Class, Ishtar, the Assasin-Class, Sasaki Kojirou, the Lancer-Class, Cu Chulainn, the Caster-Class, Medea, the Berseker-Class, Heracles, and the Rider-Class, Medusa. Vahn was more than a little surprised that the names Heracles and Medusa both appeared, but he quickly set wayward thoughts aside since he knew they were fundamentally different existences.
During the discussion regarding the Fifth Holy Grail War, Lord El-Melloi II went out of his way to talk about various theories that were common within the Magus Community. This was primarily related to the 'unstable' nature of the fifth ritual as, for the first time since the Grail Wars had started, a Goddess had manifested. Now, as a result of external interference from Masters and Servants that had bided their time since the completion of the Fourth War, the Fifth had also ended without a victor. With how quickly information traveled in the current age, it was impossible to keep this fact hidden from the rest of the world so, unlike past Grail Wars, the number of people expected to try and participate had increased exponentially. Not only that but, due to the growing instability within the Grail's mana, it was expected that other gods could manifest, further complicating things...
The primary reason behind Lord El-Melloi II's and Rin's decision to destroy the Greater Grail, other than the trauma they had both experienced, was out of concern for the World's safety. With the Grail now having increased its internal mana to an unfathomable extent, the power gained by whoever managed to complete the ritual would be monstrous. If they actually managed to have their wish granted, while happening to have malicious intentions, there was a very real chance the entire world could be thrown into chaos. After all, the only restriction of the Greater Grail was the fact it could only grant wishes that were within the scope and power of the World itself. Though this seemed like an arbitrary concept, those that knew what resided at the 'pinnacle' were very aware of how dire things could come if such individuals got their hands on the Greater Grail.
Transitioning from the discussion of the Fifth Holy Grail War, Lord El-Melloi II went on to explain, "This time around, the Mage's Association has placed the significance of securing the Greater Grail as one of their highest priorities. Unfortunately, after the failure of the previous two wars, it is expected that the Einzbern family, the creators of the Lesser Grail, have tweaked the ritual to benefit their side. At the same time, Magi from all over the world have begun to flock to Fuyuki and its surrounding territories in order to try their luck at gaining access to the Grail. Since the previous War manifested Sasaki Kojirou, a fictional Hero from an eastern legend, and the Goddess, Ishtar, it is obvious that the rules presiding over the ceremony have become discordant. Previously, the Grail was only supposed to be capable of summoning Heroes from western legends, so as to even the playing field for participating Masters..."
At this point, Lord El-Melloi II opened a briefcase full of documents, each detailing a potential Master and the expected catalysts within their possession. This allowed them to predict which Servants may appear, effectively giving them ample opportunity to come up with countermeasures. One of the most important factors of every Grail War was secrecy, not only from the public, but from the participating Master's themselves. Having your Servant's name and legend known could provide a significant disadvantage as, depending on their legends, they could have easily exploited weaknesses. Now that the world was in the 'Era of Information', the availability of information, primarily as a result of the internet and telecommunications, made it much easier to research and counteract your opponents' Servants...
After passing around the documents, Lord El-Melloi II explained, "Much like previous Grail Wars, the families involved in the establishment of the ritual have priority when it comes to participating as Masters. The Einzbern's have given their privilege of participation to a foreign Magus named Alex Everdale. He is a mercenary who made a name for himself killing high-profile Mages, making him one of the more dangerous Masters that will be participating. As for the representative of the Tohsaka and Makiri families, they will be Rin and, if the information you have provided proves accurate, the current head of the Matou family, Sakura Matou..."
When Lord El-Melloi II mentioned Sakura's name, Rin's expression turned dour but, as there was nothing she could do to change the reality of the situation, she remained silent. Seeing this, Lord El-Melloi II's expression turned empathetic but, as now wasn't the time for such things, he quickly moved on, explaining, "Unlike past Grail Wars, the Einzbern's haven't been too cooperative with the Mage's Association. They blame the Mage's Association and the Holy Church for the failure of the previous two wars, even though it was their own agent, Kiritsugu Emiya, who ordered his Servant to destroy the Lesser Grail. Regardless, the other participating Master's could be any of the Magi currently located within Fuyuki. So long as they have a proper catalyst and access to the ritual required to summon a Servant, practically anyone has a chance at participation..."
Without wasting any time, Luvia leaned a little closer to Vahn as she added, "Regardless of if a Magus gets selected as a Master at the start of the War, you can be sure that this won't stop others from trying to get in on the action. It is common knowledge now that the theft of a Master's Command Seals, the crest used to compel a Servant's loyalty, would grant you the right to claim the Grail for yourself. As a result, there are more than a hundred sharks swimming around, each waiting to step in at the moment an active Master shows any sign of weakness. We're not the only group that is planning to game the system but, fortunately, the vast majority are just ignorant fools trying to fish in troubled waters."
Piggybacking off Luvia's words, Flat laughed in an easygoing manner before saying, "It's like watching a bunch of noobs trying to steal a rare drop while more skilled players are distracted. This is turning out to be the bloodiest Holy Grail War ever, hahahaha~."
Earning a glare from both Rin and Luvia, Flat laughed it off while rubbing the back of his head, giving Lord El-Melloi II the chance to sigh before going on to explain, "Originally, our goal was to secure the position of Master for each of us, even if it required 'stealing' Command Seals from others. However, I can't help but feel that your presence, especially at such a sensitive time, has greater significance than even you yourself are aware. You are something the other factions couldn't have possibly factored into the equation...tell me, Vahn, are you willing to play the part of an extra Servant to sow discord amongst the other Masters?"
With Vahn's power already being at a level above many Heroid Spirits, Lord El-Melloi II felt they could use that to their advantage to fool the other Masters. Vahn, however, instantly shook his head before explaining, "It is impossible for me to play such a part, even if I were willing. Instead, I have every intention of being one of the participating Masters. Even if my Servant ends up being on the weaker end, I am certain I would be able to empower them to the point that other Master's have no chance at victory." Following this, Rin also added, "Even if Vahn is unable to become a Master through the normal method, I intend to transfer my Command Seals and Servant to him. I have a better understanding of his power and character than everyone else so trust me when I say this is the best chance we have at victory."
As Rin hadn't discussed this with him previously, Vahn was a little surprised by the fact that she instantly supported him, even at the expense of being a Master herself. He couldn't help giving her a small smile in return before saying, "The moment I learn the identities of the other Master's, I will move to secure their Command Seals for our faction. It is my intention to move independently for much of the Holy Grail War, so I can still achieve the purpose of being an unexpected variable for the other Masters. I also have a method of allowing Rin to appear as a Master, though it will be up to her if she is willing to go through with it..." To this, Rin gave a nod of approval as everyone else present showed faces of confusion in response to the two's 'selfish' antics.
From Vahn's right, Luvia had the most 'extreme' expression as she muttered, in much the same way as Rin, "How does Rin keep getting all the good I doing something wrong...?" Following this, Luvia looked down at her rather buxom breasts before using her arms to press them together. This caused her to immediately shake her head before whispering, "There is no way I'm lacking in charm compared to that gorilla girl..." Though these words were spoke to herself, everyone present could hear Luvia's soliloquy, Rin included. Her twin-tails were beginning to 'ripple' as her anger continued to rise but, not wanting to spend his whole afternoon discussing plans that may not even matter after first contact, Vahn leaned his body forward to obscure each girls' view before saying, "If there are no other pressing concerns, I would like to discuss when the summoning ritual is to take place. Based on Sakura's words, am I wrong to assume it is already possible to summon a Servant?"
Understanding Vahn's intentions, Lord El-Melloi II cleared his throat before answering, "The official start of the Holy Grail War is scheduled to begin in ten days. Before the three families summon their Servants, others will be unable to conduct their own rituals. Because of this, there are a large number of Magus who have been lingering around in an attempt to gather information. Everyone wants to be the first to summon a Servant so they do not lose the chance. Since many catalysts can only be used one time, they are forced to wait until Rin, Sakura, and Alex summon their Servants. Though there are some advantages to summoning a Servant early, the Overseers of the Holy Grail War could enact a severe punishment on anyone that exposes the existence of the event to the public..."
As the Holy Grail War made use of a City-wide formation that would basically hypnotize people to retiring indoors early in the evening, keeping the streets clear for any conflict that would occur, it was highly frowned upon to begin fighting early. Without taking these measures, the death toll during the Holy Grail War could easily extend into the tens of thousands given how powerful some Servants could be. Though this had the downside of making it easy for disreputable Mages to take advantage of the common citizens during the event's duration, they were considered 'acceptable' sacrifices for an event as major as the Holy Grail War...
After hearing what he wanted to know, Vahn then asked, "Do we know if the other two families have summoned their Servants?" In response to this, it was Gray who shook her head lightly before answering, "At the end of the last Holy Grail War, the Einzbern's managed to recover the stone earrings of Cu Chulainn after coming to an agreement with the Mage's Association and the Holy Church. We don't know if they used them as a catalyst to summon Cu Chulainn as a Lancer-Class Servant, but we know they have already completed the ceremony. As for Sakura Matou, it is almost impossible to determine if she has completed the ceremony due to the secrecy surrounding the Makiri family..."
With her sister being mentioned once again, Rin released an audible sigh that caused a small lull in the conversation. When she saw everyone was focused on her, she showed a resolute expression on her face before saying, "We'll know once I summon my own Servant. If she genuinely mistook Vahn as a Servant, there is a good chance she had already summoned one for herself. If that is the case, we may be able to get away with several summonings before anyone realizes the battle has already begun."
Following up Rin's words, Gray once again spoke out, drawing attention to herself as she said, "Now is the best time to move forward with that plan. Last night, many of the Mages that had been sent to investigate Miyama Town quickly left the City. Something must have happened behind the scenes that spooked them all..." As she spoke, Gray's eyes were locked on Vahn, even as she shrunk away under the combined gazes of everyone else present. This caused them to also turn their heads to Vahn, resulting in the latter smiling as he said, "I may have gone for a walk last night..."
Since she hadn't known about this previously, Rin showed a dissatisfied expression on her face but, choosing not to discuss it in front of everyone else, she kept mum. This didn't stop her from using her heel to dig into Vahn's foot though, even if it had absolutely no effect on him. As for the rest of the people present, Gray gave an approving nod to Vahn while Flat just laughed in an easy-going manner before remarking, "Your actions have probably caused others to think that the Assassin-Class Servant is already in play. Nice going, hahahaha~." As the Assassin-Class Servant was often the weakest amongst the other Heroic Spirits, it was far more common for their Master's to have them target other Master's while acting from the shadows.
After Flat, Luvia held her chin with her index finger in thumb, smiling with a thoughtful look on her face as she mused, "Knowing the Makiri family, there is a good chance their Servant is actually of the Assassin-Class. This is something most people should be aware of so there is a good chance most of the focus of other potential Master's is placed on them at the moment. With the precedent set by the Einzbern family, we can assume they have either summoned the Berserker-Class, Heracles, or the Lancer-Class, Cu Chulainn. There is a good chance their move to secure Cu's catalyst was a misdirection, especially when considering they hired a Mage-Killer. Logic would indicate they once again summoned the Hero fo the Twelve Labors, Heracles..."
Agreeing with Luvia's conjecture, Rin nodded her head, even as a fearful look passed across her eyes. Having born witness to the awesome might of Heracles with her own two eyes, Rin cautioned, "With Heracles charing from the front, it would create an easily exploitable gap for Alex Everdale to take out enemy Masters. Heracles has the ability to resurrect eleven times after death, all while gaining immunity to almost anything that previously killed him. With a skilled Master commanding him, their combination would be one of the hardest to deal with..." As she knew this information was well-known by everyone else present, Rin's words were primarily intended for Vahn. Even if she knew his own existence was greater than Heracles', she harbored no illusion that it was 'impossible' for him to die...
Knowing Rin was worry about him, Vahn adopted a gentle smile before saying, "If Heracles is truly who the Einzbern's have summoned, I already have the means to deal with him outright. Please trust me Rin..." After fighting a previous Heracles, with surprisingly similar abilities, Vahn knew what he should expect going into the fight. If he used [Enkidu] from the start, it should be possible to bing a Heracles that has been blinded by the Mad Enhancement. Then, regardless of if he had twelve, or even twelve-thousand lives, Vahn was confident he could kill the enraged Demigod. As for his Master, Vahn didn't think the Einzbern's would have hired him if he didn't possess quite a bit of skill. Vahn wouldn't underestimate him but, at the same time, he also didn't believe the purported Mage-Killer would be a threat without his Servant.
With the atmosphere suddenly becoming a little awkward, Lord El-Melloi II made a show of clearing his throat before saying, "We'll leave the decision of when you want to summon your Servant to you, Rin. Once the ceremony has completed, make sure to update us before informing the Overseer at the Fuyuki Church. Up until the official start of the Holy Grail War, we'll be keeping an eye out for any Master's that appear in the area. If we get any news about any Servants who have appeared, we will contact you immediately." As there was little they could do other than provide support indirectly, much of the fighting would be left to Vahn and Rin unless they could keep their involvement a secret from the Overseer assigned by the Holy Church. Though other, lesser-known Magi might be able to simply lay low for a while, even if they got caught breaking the rules, Lord El-Melloi II's status made it much harder to take a more proactive role.
Nodding her head in understanding, Rin radiated confidence as she stated, "No matter what it takes, let's make sure this is the last time this bloody ceremony ever occurs...!" In response to her outburst, Lord El-Melloi II gave a decisive nod of his own while Flat, once again, just laughed in a light-hearted manner. As for Gray, she gave a curt nod without uttering a single syllable while Luvia, not wanting to be outshone by Rin, raised her head high before saying, "Using something like the Greater Grail to have there wishes granted is an action only cowards would seek out. If they have the power to obtain the Grail, they might as well use the same resolve to improve themselves. There are no limits to a person's growth so relying on such shady methods is simply irreprehensible...!"
Surprisingly, of the two arguments, Vahn actually found Luvia's to align closer to his own thoughts on the matter. He might not be the best person to speak on the subject, as having access to The Path afforded him opportunities others couldn't even imagine, but Vahn genuinely believed that people should always put in the effort to grow stronger. If they relied on their family, background, or external resources, it would never be 'their' power. Since so many disreputable types relied on power they had 'recieved', compared to power they had obtained for themselves, Vahn's impression was that power you didn't earn was often what led to corruption. There was an incalculable number of examples to pull from, each seeming to affirm this theory, so Vahn had a bit of confidence in his conjecture...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn be like, 'Why not da Queen of Knights...?','Rematch of the Ages, the Emperor vs. The Strongest Hero...!','Standing at the precipice...') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
After a seated discussion lasting more than three hours, extending to the point that the group nearly took a 'break' for lunch, Vahn and Rin were finally preparing to return to the Tohsaka Manor. Almost as soon as the meeting had ended, however, Luvia blocked their, or, more specifically, Rin's path before saying, "It pains my heart that you kept Vahn to yourself for the last month, Rin. Tell me, is he the reason for your sudden increase in power?" As she had known Rin for nearly twenty years at this point, Luvia was very aware of her Rival's strength. They both used a similar fighting style, including a reliance on [Jewel] Magecraft, so she had often been able to gain a small advantage as a result of her more developed physique. Since Rin had been able to land a few solid hits on her the last time they met, something which had never happened before, Luvia believed it was the result of Vahn's 'interference'.
In response to Luvia's accusation, Rin crossed her arms, adorning an annoyed expression as she answered, "I wasn't 'keeping' anyone to myself, Luvia. Vahn is his own person...besides..." When she got this far, Rin shook her head suddenly before changing her words, adding, "It is true that he is helping me grow stronger, but that has nothing to do with you. You wouldn't be able to last two days under Vahn's training regimen so don't even think about pestering me during the Holy Grail War...!"
Though Luvia's eyes gained a curious glint when Rin fell into a sudden silence, the latter's words caught her interest even more so she looked towards Vahn and uttered, "Oh~?", before following it up by asking, "You are helping Rin with her training, Vahn? I wonder what kind of intense physical workout would take place between a fine man like you and this...well, I digress. I must admit that I'm curious about your methods so, if you find yourself wanting to expand your familiarity with this world, please give me a call~."
At the end of her words, Luvia snapped her fingers with a seductive smile on her face, resulting in a burly man wearing sunglasses to seemingly appear out of nowhere before handing over a gold-encrusted cell phone. Vahn received the device with a somewhat skeptical look, causing Luvia to step a little closer as she whispered, "It isn't fair if you give Rin all of your attention...that cell phone is pre-programmed with my phone number. Even if its the middle of the night, it should still get through to me. Call me if you ever-" As Luvia had attempted to walk her fingers up his chest, Vahn moved faster than she could even perceive as he snatched her wrist and answered, "It has been a pleasure, Miss Edelfelt. Thank you for your consideration..."
Vahn could tell that Luvia wasn't actually a bad person, as she had a mellow and calm Earth Elemental mana flowing through her body. There was even a strand of gentle green that ran through her mana circuits, showing that Luvia had an extremely rare 'Life' affinity as well. Though it wasn't impossible for there to be evil and cruel people capable of using the element, the color would be distinctly different, almost as if their nature had polluted their Affinity irreversibly. However, even if Luvia's true nature made her out to be a gentle and kind soul, Vahn had a 'practiced' resistance against anyone with her outward, highly entitled, personality.
Feeling the strength in Vahn's grip, even though he wasn't putting enough pressure to hurt her, Luvia didn't show any discomfort at all. She didn't seem to mind his dismissive attitude either, maintaining her seductive smile as she giggled and said, "The pleasure is mine, Vahn. I look forward to our longlasting friendship..." With this said, Luvia pulled back her hand before retreating to her room at the penthouse's far end. Along the way, she put a little bit of effort into her gait, causing her waist to snake noticeably, even though Vahn had already turned away. Surprisingly, instead of being allowed to leave outright, their path was blocked yet again, this time by Gray. This caused Rin to produce a deep frown but, before she was able to make any comments, Gray simply said, "I hope you are able to return home one day..." before bowing politely and walking off.
This time, Vahn followed Gray's retreat with his eyes for a few seconds, an appreciative smile on his face as he muttered, "Thank you..." in a voice he was certain could reach her ears. With that said, he and Rin finally left the hotel before venturing back to the Tohsaka Manor. Along the way, she had attempted to confiscate the phone Luvia had given him but, even if he found her character lacking, Vahn wasn't going to let Rin dispose of a 'gift'. Ultimately, she settled on having him program her own number into the phone, teaching Vahn how to use the phone in the process. As they had gone back using the train, there was plenty of time for Rin to teach him all of the basics as Vahn kept people from bothering them by releasing a subtle 'threat' through his domain...
Upon arriving at the Manor, Rin disabled the proximity barrier surrounding the property as Vahn, already prepared, opened his arms to receive Fenrir. She made sure to properly conceal her ears and tail with transformation magic so, even though there were a few people walking around, none paid too much attention to the Fenrir other than noting how cute she was.
After settling back into the Manor, Vahn prepared lunch for everyone before sitting down with Fenrir and Rin to discuss when she would perform the ritual to summon her Servant. Rin had already been considering the matter since the previous discussion so she quickly answered, "There are still ten days until the Holy Grail War officially begins. I think it would be better to wait until the day leading up to the event so that other Master's aren't able to build any momentum. Since they will be waiting for the opportunity to summon Servants of their own, it might disrupt the plans of our enemies if we force them to compete amongst themselves. There is also a chance that we will be targetted once the War begins so I'd like to improve my parameters as much as possible before then."
Agreeing with Rin's decision, as it was the suggestion he was intending to make, Vahn smiled approvingly as he said, "You've put a lot of thought into this. I'm impressed, Rin." This caused Rin's face to form an awkward smile as, even though she wanted to play off his praise as unnecessary, her nature made it impossible for her to let such a compliment just roll off her. Seeing this, Vahn's own smile broadened before they spent the rest of the meal making casual conversation and simply enjoying the food. After this, Rin and Fenrir took care of the dishes as Vahn pulled out a piece of paper and began writing down a far more intense training menu to match Rin's convictions...
Eight days after the original plan had been discussed, Rin found herself laying in bed with her entire body feeling as though it was swollen. She had quickly come to regret the strong front she was compelled to maintain as, without showing any form of leniency at all, Vahn had practically turned into a 'demon' during their training. Worst of all was the fact that, instead of simply training in the morning, Rin had a menu that lasted the entire day. Her only breaks were during the five scheduled meal times, something she wouldn't have even considered in the past. Now, however, Rin felt like her stomach was always empty as the training intensity only seemed to increase without ever getting easier...
Rolling over with a groan, Rin looked down at her exposed abdomen before muttering, "Well, I guess it hasn't been all that bad..." Though she had always been fit before, she found the subtle lines forming her abdominal muscles to be strangely appealing. As even Vahn had complimented her on the development of her body, Rin, who had lamented the idea of becoming a 'muscle-woman', was slowly opening up to the idea of pushing her physique to the next level. Vahn assured her that she wouldn't start to look like a bodybuilder and, as even Luvia's figure maintained its appeal with her slightly developed muscles, Rin figured she would be able to pull it off without a hitch.
Lifting her head forward a bit, Rin saw her muscles tighten up in response, causing a small smile to spread across her face. This persisted until she relaxed, causing her smile to immediately fade when another wave of pain washed over her body. Following this, Rin quickly corrected her previous thought, muttering aloud, "I take it back...tssss...Vahn needs to learn to treat women with some delicacy..."
Almost immediately following her complaint, Rin was startled by a surprisingly loud knock on her bedroom door. Following this, an ice-cold voice that sent a shiver up her spine plainly stated, "Rin, Master wanted to know if you plan to eat breakfast this morning..." Based on the sound alone, Rin was able to determine that Fenrir had heard her prior words. The latter was always hyper-defensive of her 'Master', something Rin was keenly aware of, even though it never seemed to 'stick' within the forefront of her mind.
Releasing an exasperated sigh, Rin rolled to the side of her bed before answering, "I'll be down in a moment..." in a tired voice. Following this, she could hear the pitter-patter of footsteps as Fenrir left without affirming she had heard her words. Rin produced a wry smile as a result before unsteadily leaving the comfort of her bed and going through the arduous process of dressing herself. It was at times like this that she envied Luvia a bit as, from what she had observed, the latter had an entire wardrobe team to help her prepare for the day. Though they both used [Jewel] Magecraft, which was enough to bankrupt most Magus families, the Edelfelts actually had a surface business that served as a major player in the trade of precious gemstones. The main reason her relationship with Luvia had always been rocky was due to the fact that, as much as she hated the reality, Rin was reliant on her connections with the Edelfelt family to procure more than half her stock of jewels...
After dragging herself all the way to the dining room, Rin found a plate already awaiting her, its contents seeming to be a golden apple that had been arranged like a flower before being baked. The aroma alone was enough to make Rin's stomach growl audibly, causing a ruddy blush to appear on her face as Vahn stared back at her with an amused smile. It was at moments like this that Rin felt Vahn was a hateful existence as she was almost certain he was trying to make her 'dependent' on his delicious food. At this point, she couldn't even remember what normal food tasted like as her tastebuds had already been conquered by the meals Vahn prepared, even before her training had begun...
While shaking her head to clear such thoughts, Rin walked over to the table before plopping down in her usual chair. She told herself that she could stop eating his food whenever she wanted, even as her body moved on pure muscle memory as she unhesitantly bit into a slice of the baked apple. The moment the flavor spread across her tongue, Rin cupped her cheek with a blissful smile on her face as she intoned a satisfied, 'Mmmm~'. Any thoughts about the 'danger' of Vahn's food immediately faded from her mind as she quickly finished of the delicious apple, relishing the perfect balance between sweetness, tartness, crunchiness, and juiciness...
Waiting for Rin to finish annihilating the breakfast he had prepared for her, as her eating habits had become somewhat 'uncouth' over the last few days, Vahn then asked, "When do you plan to perform the ritual? Though waiting until the last moment might sound like a good idea, the chances of something going wrong increase the longer we wait." At this point, Vahn was a little bored with just simply clearing out any Magi that were lurking within the Miyama district. After wiping out a group that had set an 'ambush' for him three nights ago, there hadn't been any other incidents so he was growing a little restless.
Now feeling completely reinvigorated, Rin smiled radiantly as she nodded her head in agreement and said, "We can perform the ritual whenever you're ready. I've been preparing a catalyst over the last ten years so there shouldn't be any problems with the summoning itself. Just promise me that you won't do anything reckless as soon as the ceremony is over." With how strenuous her training had been over the last eight days, Rin was more than ready for the 'reprieve' that the Holy Grail War would provide. Though her strength and speed had increased by a truly shocking amount over the last few days, causing Rin to wonder if she was becoming something other than human, there was also a fair amount of 'stress' building up inside of her as a result.
Knowing what Rin must be thinking, Vahn issued a light chuckle before rising to his feet and saying, "Very well, then. We should get it over with so we can begin preparing for the official start two days from now. Depending on which Servant you acquire, it could impact the plans I have moving forward." Though this wasn't guaranteed to be the case, Vahn knew there was a non-negligible chance that actual gods would be summoned during this Holy Grail War. As this would put them at Tier 4, even if they were restricted by the rules of the War itself, Vahn knew they wouldn't be simple opponents. He was very confident in his own strength, enough that most 'restricted' Gods didn't concern him, but that could change very quickly depending on the circumstances...
Without delaying the event any further, Vahn found himself standing alongside Fenrir as they watched Rin conduct the summoning ritual within her workshop. Over the last few days, Rin had allowed him to enter the area freely so Vahn wasn't surprised by the complex magic circle that had been inscribed on the workshop's floor. He had already completely analyzed its structure and, if necessary, had the potential of recreating the entire thing in a short period of time. Though he no longer had the [Pactio] reflected in his status, Vahn's skill and dexterity made him capable of forming Tier 5 magic circles without any real difficulty.
Once everything was prepared, Rin began a long chant that, while not necessary for the ritual, increased the 'connection' between Master and Servant. For her catalyst, she used the same rainbow-colored gemstone she had nearly thrown at him during their first meeting. According to Rin, it had nearly ten years of her accumulated magic power. Since it was also crystallized using a complex process and several rare materials, it was the most powerful jewel in her possession. If placed on the market, it was even purported to be worth more than thirty-two-billion Japanese Yen, an impressive fortune going by this world's standards. It also served as Rin's trump card, capable of rivaling an S-Ranked Magic Spell, meaning even he wouldn't have come out unscathed if she had used it against him...
While watching the ritual, Vahn kept his [Eyes of Truth] active, doing his best to try and comprehend exactly how Heroic Spirits were manifested. Unfortunately, though he was able to see the flow of Mana, Vahn wasn't able to make any sense of the ritual other than the fact it seemed to bend Time and 'Fate' within the confines of the magic circle. Since there wasn't anything within the 'formula' that should have allowed such functionality, Vahn ultimately ended up more confused by the time Rin had completed her incantation than he had been before she started. Even so, now that he had witnessed it, Vahn had all the time in the world to study the phenomenon within his mind to try and make sense of what exactly went into making the summoning ritual function...
The last part of Rin's incantation had her loudly exclaim, "Come forth, my Servant. Become my blade so that I may cut down my enemies...!" Since Rin specifically wanted to summon the Saber-Class Servant, as it was purported to be the strongest of them all, she had included several verses related to blades, knights, and chivalry. In response to her completed incantation, the magic circle beneath her feet began to radiate an intense magical light as the various overlapping energies began to intertwine into a single stream. Vahn found this phenomenon rather curious but Rin, having experienced this 'anamoly' once before, showed a fretful expression as she cursed, "You've got to be kidding me...!"
Hearing Rin's exclamation, Vahn knew something had gone wrong so he immediately moved to protect Rin while using [Enkidu] in an attempt to prevent the ritual's completion. Though he had moved almost instantly after Rin's shout, this ultimately proved too slow as Rin's body had started to radiate with a pink light that spread from her heart and quickly encompassed her from head to toe. At the same time, her clothes 'literally' exploded as a red crest, forming a circular shape with three distinct segments appeared beneath her clavicle. Then, just as Vahn had begun to probe Rin's body for further anomalies, her black hair began to change color, starting from the roots. Like a gradient shift, it quickly transitioned into a natural-looking blond as mystical light began to wrap around Rin's body in several black bands...
Though it felt like the process had taken a long time, Rin's transformation had actually only taken ten seconds before she looked like an almost completely different person. Instead of her former casual clothes, she now had a skin-tight black bodysuit that was accented with actual gold. Overtop this, she had what looked like the upper half of a dress that had the actual dress part removed, revealing Rin's soft thighs and long legs ending in two ornate shoes that, much like the rest of her outfit, were adorned with gold. Her right leg had a peculiar black legging of the same design as a maroon tattoo, shaped like two teardrops, glimmered like gemstones above her knee. Completing the outfit, Rin had a maroon mantle that was covered with a layer of fur that had a texture similar to velvet. Atop her head, a black crown seemed to grow from her skull while her previously black ribbons had now turned the same maroon as her mantle. With various other golden accessories complimenting her appearance, Vahn couldn't help but sigh as he was already aware of what had happened based on the familiar aura radiating from Rin's body...
After laying still for an additional twenty seconds, Rin's eyelids began to twitch before slowly opening. Instead of their original aqua-blue, her eyes were now a few shades lighter than wine-red while a subtle golden light radiated from their depths. For several seconds after she opened her eyes, she just stared back at Vahn in silence before drawing a slow and audible breath. Vahn already knew what was about to happen so he covered his ears with a soundproof barrier just as 'Rin' shouted, "Unhand me, you scoundrel! You dare lay your hands upon this Goddess!? I will ensure that your soul is imprisoned for all eternity within the deepest depths of the Underworld...!"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Rin is not simply RIP, but RIPPED','It's too late girl, your stomach is already within Vahn's grasp...','A Goddess descends...!')
(A/N: Some people already know whats going on but, for the unitiated, this is Rin's current appearance: <-(p.atreon link)
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