38.85% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 914: Compromise

章節 914: Compromise

After hearing Vahn's 'declaration', Odin's response was to laugh in a lighthearted manner, causing Vahn's eyes to shimmer violently until the onyx-haired god stated, "There is no need to be so overbearing, Vahn. You should have seen it yourself already, but there really aren't many here who would openly antagonize you without due cause. Even if you clash with some of our members in the future, would you really go out of your way to attack people that aren't hostile towards you?" As if answering his own question, Odin shook his head and said, "No, and that is one of the reasons why we determined you aren't a real 'danger' to the world. As long as you still listen to the counsel of the gods within the Alliance, that is enough for the time being. We don't want to offend all of them just because we might disagree with some of the actions you take..."

Vahn took a deep breath as he listened to Odin's words as, much like the god pointed out, it was very difficult for him to attack people that weren't hostile towards him. In general, Vahn wasn't fond of killing others, especially if they weren't actively harming others or showing antagonism towards him and his family. The only exception would be if a member of Legend ended up attacking and injuring one of the people he cared about as, depending on the circumstances, it would be difficult to restrain himself. Even if it showed his own 'bias' in the situation, Vahn didn't believe the girls were the type to take any action that would have earned them the attention of Legend...

Seeing Vahn thinking about his words, Odin showed a knowing smile as he said, "The Alliance and Legend will probably have a cooperative relationship if the future you mention ends up becoming a reality. You'll understand one day but, when individuals possess too much power, it can become a problem to allow them to stay within society without strict regulations. That type of environment would just breed corruption and invite the very same tragedy you wish to avoid. Even if you possess great power, enough to defeat all your foes, it would be impossible to prevent dissent and selfishness from propagating in an environment that promotes individual growth. If it doesn't happen in the outside, it will occur right under your nose, amongst the people that have been born in the protective environment you have produced...one day, even if you do not allow Legend to preside over them, you will come to realize that powerful individuals need to be isolated to prevent a catastrophe."

This time, Vahn knew Odin's words held a great deal of truth, as there was an infinite number of examples that would verify such a claim. Even Eva had told him similar things while Vahn himself had already been worried about this very issue. The reason why he placed so many restrictions on the School and Academy was to prevent the methods he would teach from being spread without limit. He even placed heavy restrictions on the Haven Defense Force while his support for the Civilian Legislative Branch was the result of their willingness to take highly restrictive vows...

Even with these efforts, however, Vahn knew it was only a matter of time before the techniques learned at the School would spread throughout the Continent, regardless of his efforts to prevent it. At the same time, there would undoubtedly be people that are produced by the system he had implemented that were adept at manipulating it to their advantage. The only way to prevent this was is if he managed and regulated everything, something that was simply impossible if he wanted to live free and happily with the people he cared about...

Vahn had long felt the weight of the responsibility he carried on his shoulders, as it was something he had accepted upon himself from the very moment he began forming bonds with others. The only way to truly be free from such things was to isolate himself, becoming completely detached from the very world and people he wanted to protect. This wouldn't truly make him happy, however, as, much like the gods themselves, Vahn would eventually seek out change. It was the nature of all entities that possessed a soul to seek out others and experience what the infinite number of records and their contained worlds had to offer. Even if he allowed his ego to fade away, choosing to refuse the gift of The Path, Vahn's soul would have reincarnated an infinite number of times, constantly seeking new stimulus to imprint upon itself...

Understanding this was the 'nature' of reality, something he would be bound by so long as even a basic desire for 'freedom' and 'happiness' existed within him, Vahn could only accept the reality of the situation. He would continue to shape this world, his home, into a better place for all those who resided here in the future. It wasn't meant to be easy, as the power and feats required to accomplish such a thing were arguably 'impossible' for most people. Vahn, however, knew it was something that was within his capabilities and, remembering his 'reason' for setting out on this path, he was determined to see it through until the end. One day, when he finally reunited with his mother, even if it was just a fragment of her ego, Vahn wanted her to understand that he had never given up on the happiness he had found for himself...the love he shared with those he had been blessed to meet in this second life of his...

Feeling decidedly calmer than before, Vahn restrained his leaking energy before saying, "The future is a heavy responsibility...but...so long as I share the burden with those who seek a better future, it is something we can bear together. I am not alone and, even if I possess greater power than all others, it is the presence of the people I care about that allows me to keep my focus on what is important." So long as there was a single person that sought the same future as he did, one where people could smile without facing persecution over inconsequential matters like race, gender, or status, Vahn would never give up striving for that future. Even if it took billions of years of trial and error, he had all the time in all records to figure out the solution, not to outright prevent tragedy, but to avoid situations where tragedy was something people were born into and had to bear alone...

Odin saw the conviction in Vahn's eyes and allowed a small smile to spread across his lips, even though he simply couldn't share the same ideals as the young Hero. He had lived for a very long time, watching over the Mortal World since the first men emerged and made the surface their home. The future Vahn sought wasn't an impossible one to obtain but, in the grand scheme of eternity, it would merely be a 'blip' in time. History had shown, time and again, that widespread prosperity was impossible to maintain, even in a place like Heaven. For a time, everyone could play nice with each other but, eventually, regardless of the efforts people take to prevent it, there would be instability and chaos once again. The catalyst for this chaos had already been born into the world and, even if Vahn couldn't see it himself, Odin knew that the 'Vanir', the children Vahn had sired with goddesses.

Unless Vahn isolated the Vanir entirely, Odin could already foresee the future that awaited the world once they were able to influence it. They would either shape the world around them or be shaped by the world after meeting people that were able to make an impression on their hearts and mind. Even the gods themselves could be fickle and whimsical, regardless of the fact that even 'young' gods were well over a hundred million years old. All it would take was a single Vanir, possessing incredible potential and status, being influenced by any form of negativity. It could be something as small as unreciprocated love, or something as petty as dissatisfaction with the words of another person. All it took was a single impactful incident for the seeds of chaos to be born within their hearts and, with the inherent bias most parents had towards their children, Vahn would likely fail to notice until it was too late...

With both parties having formed their respective resolve, Vahn and Odin continued to hold each other's gaze until the latter looked towards Jeanne and asked, "What do you think of all this...?" From the very beginning, Siegfried and Jeanne had gathered to try and prevent things from escalating out of control as, even though they had a conflict with Vahn in the past, they were still 'familiar' to him. His actions would be more measured in their presence, giving them the opportunity to negotiate and come to a compromise that would prevent things from reaching an irreconcilable point. At the same time, Jeanne would be the one to protect Odin from Vahn in an emergency as the only other Hero that could 'guarantee' the safety of the gods was perhaps Heracles. If the latter met with Vahn, however, their battle would probably destroy much of the City of Heroes, causing a great many inconveniences for everyone residing within...

Jeanne had been somewhat pale at the beginning but, after the long conversation between Vahn and Odin, her complexion had returned to normal. With Odin asking for her opinion, Jeanne gazed into Vahn's eyes and smiled as she said, "I believe our treatment towards Vahn has been an injustice towards him and his family. What he has been trying to do is something deserving of respect and admiration, not something we should have troubled him over. Though the incident with the Iron Hills could have been handled better, it is a fact that hundreds of thousands of slaves had been liberated as a result while a larger war was avoided. I am regretful for the loss of an ally but, once again, it was our mistake that had led to this outcome..." Towards the end of her words, Jeanne gave a polite bow with an apologetic expression on her face, her ashen grey bobbing as a result...

Odin stroked his chin while listening to Jeanne's words, giving small nods as if he were agreeing with some of the things she was saying. When she raised her head once again, Odin's eye passed over Jeanne before looking toward Vahn and saying, "In order to prevent further conflicts between our organization and the Alliance, I believe it would be ideal to have a mediator between the two groups. Though you may not agree with how we have done things, the purpose of Legend had always been for the benefit of the Mortal World, even if 'some' of our members haven't always been forthright. At the very least, our association with each other should be able to prevent any major conflicts from arising..."

Vahn had an idea about what Odin was proposing but, at the same time, he was very aware that any actual cooperation between the Alliance and Legend would serve the latter far more. Currently, there was a large shift occurring in society as, slowly but surely, the average strength of Adventurers was on the rise. With the existence of the School and the future Academy, the number of individuals that could be considered 'Heroes', even if based solely on power, would continue to increase. In a way, the Alliance was doing what Legend had failed to do, fostering an environment where capable individuals would continually be produced. Legend would undoubtedly reach out to some of these people, slowly building up their numbers with the passage of time...

If Vahn chose to accept Odin's proposal, it was the same as giving Legend a direct line to the future talent that would be produced. At the same time, it gave them a connection to the Hearth Manor and, even if Odin wasn't mentioning it, Vahn knew that individuals with Legend, especially those like Zeus, would be eyeing the Vanir. They may not take action any time soon but there was no way a 'snake' like Zeus could overlook their existence as everything Vahn knew of the errant god made him out to be a despotic scoundrel. The moment he accepted a cooperative relationship with Legend, it was opening the door for their members to begin associating with the Alliance, even if only loosely at first...

Regardless of how things turned out, even if his children came to hate him for it, Vahn would never allow someone with a reputation like Zeus to weasel his way into their lives. Hera was almost as bad since she enabled Zeus to act in an unrestrained fashion while also having a scheming nature and a petty character. Thus, even though he could undoubtedly learn a great deal about Innates and other things from interacting with Legend, Vahn shook his head and said, "It would be better if we simply choose to remain neutral towards each other. I can even refer capable individuals to Legend in the future but I will not allow an intermediary to exist that would allow Zeus and Hera to set roots in Orario once again. I've already had to make preparations to prevent him from using Bell to influence the Alliance in the future so why would I allow that despicable man to have other means to do so?"

This time, Odin's brows raised in surprise before he released a very long and exasperated sigh, saying in a tired tone of voice, "I understand what you are trying to say...however, there are some circumstances...haaaa." Apparently unable to find an excuse, Odin pat Jeanne's shoulder and simply stated, "Honestly, for the same reasons that you don't want Zeus and Hera in Orario, there are some Heroines within the City who would be happier being able to reside outside, at least for a while. This one is the type that can only really be happy if she is serving a Lord that she respects. Since you're trying to unify the whole of Eden, she could serve as your Knight Captain and help to train others to serve a similar role. If it's you, she might even be able to open up her heart instead of living for the sake of duty alone..."

Jeanne's lips formed a small pouting expression upon hearing Odin's words but, instead of refuting them, she kneeled ceremoniously, bowing her head as she said, "It would be my honor to serve as your shield. I would like to see the world you wish to create with my own eyes...I cannot be a blade to cut down your enemies, but I swear to become the strongest shield to protect your ideals." As if helping to promote her further, Siegfried gave a thumbs up and added, "Jeanne is quite the prize, Vahn, especially if you are serious about that whole spiel you gave earlier. You should know the stories about her, yeah...?" Not only was Jeanne a true master with the sword, but the legend of her loyalty and sacrifice had stood the test of time. If he wanted to remain on the 'straight-and-narrow', having someone like Jeanne there to keep Vahn honest wasn't a bad arrangement.

Vahn was mildly taken aback by the situation but, even during their altercation in the past, his impression of Jeanne had never been bad. He actually thought she was a little 'too' innocent and believed she would be good friends with Vana and his other children. At the same time, even while he was in his Azure Dragon state, Vahn's instincts were still telling him that he couldn't defeat Jeanne. He didn't feel like he would lose, either, but 'something' about Jeanne made it seem like she was an insurmountable wall that he wouldn't be able to breach without going beyond his limits. If she became his Knight, it would be impossible for her to keep such secrets from him while her protection would make the Manor even safer in the future. At the same time, as Odin pointed out, it wasn't really 'safe' to leave someone like Jeanne around Zeus. Vahn was actually a little surprised that the errant god hadn't put his hands on her, regardless of how much it would hurt the image of Legend...

Ultimately, Vahn knew there were far more reasons to accept Jeanne's fealty than there were to refuse. Regardless of Zeus' efforts, the Alliance and the citizens of Orario, in general, treated the god as a target for contempt. There were still people alive who had experienced the reign of the Zeus and Hera Familia and, so long as the Alliance existed, they would not be allowed to take root in Orario again. If Zeus tried to press his luck, Vahn was absolutely determined to force his return to Heaven, even if that very action became the catalyst for the 'chaos' Odin warned of. When the records were linked in the future, Vahn would deal with people like Zeus personally, allowing a new god to inherit his Divinities instead of allowing the despot to continue acting as he pleased...

Knowing there would likely be future troubles, but willing to do whatever it took to overcome them, Vahn accepted the system prompt and allowed Jeanne to become his retainer. At the same time, he walked forward and extended his hand, bringing Jeanne to her feet as he said, "I will never force you into a course of action that goes against your principles as a Knight. Please, protect my family and the future we are all striving to create..." In response to this, an elegant smile blossomed across Jeanne's face as she placed her hand atop her heart and said, "Yes, my Liege...!"


//Jeanne D'Arc has reached 100 Affection//

//Quest: [The Hearts Desire:C-SS] Cannot Be Completed Due To Special Circumstances//

//Jeanne D'Arc Affection(Exalted) Has been upgraded to Hidden Parameter: (Allegiance)//


Name: Jeanne D'Arc

Age: 329

Race: Human

Level: 8

Allegiance: (Innate)

Soul Strength: 3

Karma: 3,019,442

State: [Active]

[Physical Details]

Hair: Ash-Grey

Eye: Pale-Blue

Height: 154cm

Weight: 53.1kg

Bust Size: 83.2cm

Waist Size: 61.4cm

Hip Size: 84cm

Status: Virgin

[Unit Modification]

-[Rename] (*Unavailable*)

-[Modify Race] (*Unavailable*)

-[Modify Gender] (*Unavailable*)

-[Modify Physical Details] (Variable : Variable)

-[Modify Preferences] (*Unavailable*)

-[Modify Affinity] (*Unavailable*)

-[Reset Status] (*Unavailable*)

System Warning: Modifications may have inadvertent effects and unforeseen consequences. Use extreme caution when using [Unit Modification] Function as the actions of Subordinates and Retainers directly impact the accrual of Karma by the Host(Vahn Mason).


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's biggest 'weakness' is not being a sociopath xD...','Zeus has his name firmly at the top of Vahn's shit list','Obtaining a Kneito-chan')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/mn5xMbE

章節 915: Resolution

As if it were the most natural thing in the world, Jeanne stood on Vahn's left with her chin raised slightly and a 'serious' expression on her face. Right now, Vahn was still in an 'alert' state so, as his Knight, Jeanne was prepared to protect him at a moments notice. She even locked eyes with Siegfried who, even while doing his best to act casual, kept flexing his hands to keep calm. His instincts made it impossible for him to relax while Vahn was in his Azure Dragon state, causing the two companion Heroes to end up in a staring contest with each other as Odin laughed at the side, clearly amused by the sudden change.

Taking the opportunity to strike while the iron was hot, Odin controlled his laughter, making eye contact with Vahn as he said, "Truth be told, there is another in our ranks that would benefit from alighting to Orario and enjoying the company of your Manor's residents. Unfortunately, I fear you do not have the ability to claim her, immortal or otherwise..." As Odin was speaking, Vahn felt Jeanne's aura fluctuate slightly, even though her bearing made her appear completely unflustered. Thus, even though he knew he was being 'baited' by Odin, Vahn still furrowed his brows, saying, "Explain..."

No longer showing a complacent expression, Odin's face became stern and serious as he said, "I'm certain you will come to learn of each resident in the City of Heroes in time. The three you 'need' to be aware of, however, are Heracles, Musashi, and Helen. Even with your immortality, Heracles' might is something beyond even the Laws of the world. As for Musashi, he is a man you should avoid at all costs, as his mastery of swordsmanship has reached unfathomable depths. Lastly, Helen, the woman fated to be the most beautiful...any words used to describe her would be a severe underestimation of her beauty, putting even goddesses to shame..."

As Odin listed off the names, Vahn was able to pull up information relating to each, including Helen and Musashi. The former was said to be so beautiful that Kingdoms would wage war, brothers would fight to the death, and women would hang their heads in shame upon witnessing her. As for the latter, he was a famous Samurai that had pioneered the Niten-Ichi-Ryu style, meaning 'Heavenly School of Two Swords'. He was rumored to have been so skilled that, over the sixty-year period of his life, he had won more than ten-thousand duels and destroyed the dojo of almost every single rival school in the entire Far East. Legend stated that he had died when several thousand vengeful students had surrounded the mountain where Musashi resided, burning poisonous herbs for two weeks to smoke out the entire region. Though the feat had cost them their own lives, this was how the tale of Miyamoto Musashi, the greatest Samurai in the Far East came to an end...supposedly.

Though he knew he was taking the bait even harder, Vahn frowned as he said, "I'm guessing most of the Heroes within Legend would try to stop me...I can't imagine Zeus would let the most beautiful woman in the world go, either. Honestly, I'm surprised that...well..." Vahn nearly commented on the fact that Jeanne was a virgin but realized it was incredibly inappropriate to do so. He wasn't even sure how a 'Human' had been able to live for over three-hundred years but, considering the strength of her Soul and the Level she had obtained, it wasn't that difficult to believe. Even a 'normal' human, once reaching Tier 4, would become biologically immortal while their Soul would also be able to persist long after their body was destroyed. It would take shattering their ego and stripping away the Divinity it had obtained just to force them back into the cycle of reincarnation...

Even without Vahn finishing his words, Odin cracked a knowing smile that made his face seem exceptionally 'punchable'. Fortunately, his smile didn't last for too long before he returned to a serious expression and said, "Zeus is admittedly a pain in the ass when it comes to a lot of things, but the bigger issue, as you pointed out, are the other Heroes. Amongst them, it is Heracles who would take the greatest offense to Helen leaving as, even though they are siblings, his love for her would never allow him to accept another man taking her. In fact, Heracles is one of the reasons why the City of Heroes is decidedly lacking in population as, either through their challenge of his title as the strongest, or their pursuit of Helen, many Heroes have died at his hands...immortals included."

Odin placed a heavy emphasis on the last few words as, much like Helen was 'impossible to harm', there had been other Heroes with traits that made them unkillable. Rare skills that made a person immortal almost always led them to become complacent, arrogant, and hubristic. Without any exceptions among them, including those that had 'intangible' natures, they all died after a very short fight against Heracles. Even Vali, one of the greatest Heroes that had ever resided in the City, an immortal who possessed the ability to halve the strength of an opponent, adding it to himself, was ultimately taken down by Heracles after seven hours. Their battle had resulted in hundreds of kilometers of landmass on the northern side of the Continent to sink into the sea, creating a massive lagoon which now had a completely unique ecosystem from the energies that had soaked into the underwater terrain...

Hearing the serious undertones of Odin's warning, Vahn suspected that Heracles must have had an Innate that either allowed him to prevent regeneration or directly enabled him to kill 'immortals'. Though he doubted Heracles would be able to overwhelm his [Magia Erebea] immortality, as he fundamentally lacked the ability to destroy the Source Energy comprising his body, it didn't mean he wouldn't take the warning seriously. Even if the sub-atomic particles making up his body were indestructible, it didn't mean he would be able to outright ignore Heracles' Innate and reform his body. There was a high chance his avatar would be destroyed completely while his main body would potentially take several hours to reform. So long as he was able to keep his ego within the record, Vahn would eventually be able to regenerate from 'nothing' if it was necessary...

Throughout the conversation, Vahn had noticed Jeanne's aura fluctuate several times, causing him to restrain a sigh as he asked, "Is she in any danger here...?" To this, Odin shook his head and stated, "Of all the members of Legend, she is likely to be in the least amount of danger, at least physically. I've heard the rumors regarding you Vahn...I'm certain you can understand the pain of loneliness. For nearly eight hundred years, she has been the source of many tragedies but, amongst them all, she has been the one to suffer the most. With what you know of the world now, what do you imagine the life of a woman that can inarguably be considered the most beautiful must have been like...?

Even for a normal beauty, regardless of age or race, they would be a 'prize' sought after by many men, too often against their will. With the legends regarding Helen, who likely had an indirect body count in the millions, Vahn could only imagine how difficult life must have been. Since her beauty was likely related to an Innate, most people wouldn't have had any form of resistance against her at all. This meant her only outcome, besides becoming a caged bird that was locked away from the rest of the world, was death or an even greater tragedy. The fact that she had lived this long would have meant that, had she been less 'fortunate', lacking an overprotective brother like Heracles, Helen would have experienced suffering that could have lasted centuries...

Vahn's face had formed into a slight grimace as he contemplated the depths of loneliness that would have lasted nearly eight-hundred years. He had a fair amount of experience with the emotion himself but, compared to Helen, who likely had few people to rely on, his life had been blessed with numerous people to support his actions. If not for the fact he had experienced several goddesses' [Hearts Desire]s, each feeling loneliness even Helen wouldn't be able to comprehend, Vahn wasn't sure if he would be able to truly empathize with what she had gone through. If possible, he would like to help her but, considering the 'trouble' that would come with such an action, Vahn wasn't sure if the benefits would even come close to the detriments...

When this thought crossed his mind, Vahn's eyes widened slightly as his first conversation with Loki resurfaced in his mind. Back then, he had lashed out against her for considering a person's 'worth' and how many benefits could be gained from a situation. Now, he was rationalizing 'abandoning' someone that could use his help, all because he was afraid it 'wouldn't be worth it'. He was currently trying to create a world where everyone could be happy, all while 'allowing' someone that had lived a tragic life to continue suffering, fully aware that it was going on. In a way, he was acting 'afraid' of Heracles and the troubles that Helen might bring, choosing to let her remain in isolation as a result of his cowardice...

Now, Vahn's blood felt like it was beginning to boil as azure lightning began to crackle and arc along his scales, all while Odin watched with intrigue in his singular eye. Siegfried, however, appeared as if his body was itching as he scrunched his shoulders and said, "I have to get out of here. Next time you stop by, let's have a drink or something, Vahn." With these parting words, Siegfried took to the sky, hardly able to resist transforming himself after seeing Vahn's power amplifying by the second. Even Jeanne appeared to be slightly uncomfortable by the field of energy radiating off Vahn's body, though she stood her ground without shying away from his side.

Even though Vahn hadn't said he was going to fight against Heracles, Odin had a small smile on his face as he said, "Heracles is exceptionally arrogant, but he has a lot of reason to be. He also has the qualities of a 'True Hero', even though there have been a number of Heroes who have fallen to him. If the world was in danger, he is the strongest weapon on the side of the Mortal World and, for more than eight hundred years, he had defended this world from several threats that could have caused life on the surface world to become a part of History. He is also one of the only people in the whole of the Mortal World who could fight against the Golden Emperor, Gilgamesh, ruler of the Golden Empire in the west. If you try to battle against him, there are only two outcomes..."

Odin had actually harbored a bit of a grudge towards Heracles for a long time as many of the Heroes he had brought into the City had been killed by the 'Strongest' Hero. If not for Heracles' existence, pacifying the remaining Heroes and giving Zeus greater authority, there was a chance that this splendorous City could have been filled with the descendants of Heroes. It was the existence of Helen that made most of the male Heroes simply 'not care' about other females and, with Heracles protecting her, it had ensured that not a single child had ever been born in the City he had spent an excessive amount of resources building. In a way, all of the brood of Zeus were a pox that had infected the City of Heroes like a curse, to the point that he had sired the Valkyrie just to try and stimulate the production of Heroes. Instead, they became the playthings of Zeus and, though many were nearing their one-thousandth birthday, none of his daughters had given birth to a single child. It was a very vexing and frustrating situation, both for the Valkyries and for Odin himself...

If Vahn knew how Odin had treated his daughters, even though they themselves 'accepted' the role they had been given, the two wouldn't have been able to negotiate to this point. For the time being, however, the only thing Vahn was thinking about was how he would be able to defeat Heracles. Even with Odin saying there were 'only two' outcomes, Vahn knew there was only one inevitable outcome. Odin didn't know the limits of his immortality and, so long as Heracles was unable to attack Orario, his loss was guaranteed. Even if Vahn was struck down multiple times, he would eventually emerge victorious in their confrontation, assuming Heracles didn't lose his rationality and lash out at others. Vahn suspected his Innate might even allow him to break through Terra's barrier but, if things came down to it, the odds of Hestia or Artemis stepping in were extremely high...

Deciding he would need to confer with everyone back at the Manor, Vahn opened his eyes and matched gazes with Odin as he said, "If Heracles is as you've described, I imagine he has been wanting to fight me as well...since our battle is inevitable, I'd rather get it out of the way sooner, rather than later. Tell me, Odin, is there any chance of Heracles losing his mind and trying to attack Orario...?"

Seeing that Vahn wasn't worried at all, Odin felt an urge to sigh, thinking that Vahn was 'too young' and inexperienced. From his perspective, Vahn was another person that was too confident in their immortality, even though he also hoped that the young Hero would emerge victoriously. To answer Vahn's question, he shook his head casually and explained, "Unless someone has been labeled as an active threat to the world, the members of Legend have all taken comprehensive vows that would disallow them to take such actions. There are a few loopholes that can be exploited, but nothing that would allow Heracles to charge into Orario and attack the Hearth Manor, if that is what you're worried about. Besides, there are a few 'monsters' within that residence that even someone like Heracles wouldn't be able to oppose..."

Though it was very subtle, Odin's aura 'trembled' slightly as his expression became solemn. Even though he was not from the Northern Pantheon, Odin had visited Hestia's Divine Hearth in the past and, witnessing the unfathomable strength contained within the diminutive goddess, he had never directly antagonized the Olympians since then. He knew that those gods who 'didn't act', such as Ouranos and their own Pantheon's Ymir, were the most dangerous. Hestia was one of the few existences he wasn't able to see through, possessing what felt like an 'infinite' amount of Divine Power, something only the four Primordial Gods remaining in Heaven could match...

Upon seeing Odin's reaction, Vahn was slightly surprised and relieved at the same time as, without the ability to attack the Manor, Heracles wasn't a major threat. This was potentially an opportunity for him to temper himself against an enemy that was far more powerful and, by the end of things, Vahn was certain his own strength would have increased. Currently, he was only at the early stages of Level 7 while Heracles was presumably around the peak of Level 9.

Being a Demigod that had lived for hundreds of years, polishing his Innates as he tried to reach Tier 4, Vahn assumed that Heracles must have had one or two Innates at the SS-Rank, or higher. This would become one of the most important battles he would fight within the record of Danmachi as, at least until the balancing component of Karma kicked in, there shouldn't be anyone near Heracles in strength. Though the Golden Emperor, Gilgamesh, could potentially pose a threat, especially since he wasn't restricted from attacking the Manor, Vahn doubted the man even knew what was occurring in Eden...

Confident that his chances of victory were infinitely close to 100%, even if it required more than one attempt, Vahn steadied himself as he said, "I'm certain your organization has the means to regulate and officiate duels. I need around an hour to recover my mental energies but, once I am at my peak, I want to challenge Heracles for the title of 'Strongest'...!" The moment Vahn finished speaking, it felt like a predator had locked on to him as his instincts caused the already molten blood in his body to boil. Turning away from Odin, matching the direction both he and Jeanne were looking, Vahn sensed a pair of eyes looking 'through' him, even though the owner of the gaze was nowhere in sight. It felt like he had been completely locked onto like a hare beneath the gaze of a lion as, moments later, a figure descended from the sky with enough force that the ground rippled outward in defiance of physics before rupturing with a massive explosion...

(A/N: There are two options for how things will develop from here. I can place emphasis on the fight and the members of Legend for a short while or I can make the fight resolve relatively quickly so we can move on to other plot advancements. Regardless, things within the City of Heroes will continue for another couple of chapters so, even though this is a big cliff, I will be cutting today's chapters short so I can release the full fight all at once tomorrow. When the daily reset happens, there will be 2-3 chapters released at the same time while another 2 should follow that. I have already cleared up my schedule for the day so there will be no interruptions in the action sequence.)

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'I wonder how Musashi and Mikoto would react if they met...','Hestia is secretly the final boss!?','Vahn seems to have developed a new Innate, [Flagmaster:SSS]')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/mn5xMbE

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