After around thirty hours of catching up with the girls in the orb, Vahn felt refreshed and ready to head out to the Dark Continent at a moment's notice. With the additional time to think of possible solutions, Vahn came up with a few theories that could be put into play in order to save Artemis. However, before he could start to implement any of them, he needed a better understanding of the situation. Hearing about it was one thing but once he had seen Antares himself, Vahn was confident in coming up with the proper solution. After all, he would likely be able to 'see' and intuit more about the scenario than Hermes and Artemis had been able to.
With that thought in mind, Vahn was sitting on the third-floor balcony with Fafnir seated on a low stool in front of him. Since the flight would be rather long, Vahn was helping Fafnir groom its wings, both as a means to help it relax and to simply spend time together. Vahn knew that, because Fafnir and Khaos hadn't been 'female', his treatment towards them hadn't always been the best. There was just something about Fafnir being a giant dragon that gave Vahn confidence in having it deal with problems for him, contrary to how he felt 'protective' towards Fenrir. Now that Fafnir had the ability to take on a humanoid appearance, Vahn had grown closer to it, even if it was a little strange to have a True Dragon version of himself running around...
Slowly but surely, the sun began to crest over the horizon and it was around time for his rendezvous with Hermes. Vahn had been keeping tabs on the three goddesses within Hestia's room and noticed that Artemis either didn't sleep or had woken up before he exited the orb. He suspected it was the former as, at least for the time being, Artemis likely had to 'focus' on her existence, even if it was a subconscious process on her end. Vahn didn't yet know if Artemis herself was completely aware of what kind of existence she was but, considering how she had 'covered' up matters to divert Hestia's attention, it was very likely...
Ruffling Fafnir's onyx-black hair, Vahn softly muttered, "I'll go get Artemis. We'll be out in a few minutes..." Fafnir answered with a long yawn and stretched its wings before saying, "Okay, Master, I'm ready to go whenever you are~." Vahn gave a curt nod, turning towards the balcony's entrance and making his way down the hall where Hestia's room was located. Though he would normally enter without knocking, Vahn lightly rattled on the door out of consideration for Artemis. He was certain the outfit she had manifested in was her raiment and, given the complexity of the garment, it was highly likely she went to bed wearing one of Hestia's or Hephaestus' nightgowns. She didn't seem like the type of woman to have much, if any, experience with men and Vahn didn't want to make things awkward when he was currently trying to 'save' her...
Vahn could sense that Hephaestus woke up almost immediately after he knocked and, though she wasn't much of a morning person, Hestia also stirred awake much faster than normal. There was a bit of movement within before the presence Vahn knew to be Artemis' made its way toward the door. He sensed Hestia practically fall out of the bed but, with the soundproof wards installed on every room, no sound actually reached him. Vahn harbored a slight suspicion about what was going to happen and inhaled through his nose to stay calm as Artemis, wearing nothing but a silk-lace nightgown opened up the door, smiling radiantly as she said, "Good morning, Orion..." Hestia was nursing a bump on her forehead, wearing a cream-colored nightgown as she complained, "Artemis, where did your sense of propriety go? Aren't you supposed to be really bad around men...?"
Contrary to expectations, Artemis nodded her head in agreement with Hestia but, with the same radiant smile on her face, stated, ", Vahn, is a way, we are fated to be with each other. Though I may be a Goddess of Purity, it doesn't mean I can't learn to love...after all, love is the most powerful force in the entire world..." As she spoke, Artemis brought her right hand over Vahn's heart and, by the time she had finished her words, nestled her forehead into his chest. Hestia and Hephaestus had somewhat dull expressions at first but, after processing Artemis' words, the former released a sigh while the latter began to laugh in amusement.
Hestia climbed to her feet and looked toward Artemis' figure for a short while, the exasperation in her expression turning into a happy smile as she muttered, "If it's Vahn, I believe anything is possible..." After speaking these words, Hestia's smile became rather vibrant as she looked into Vahn's eyes and stated, "Vahn, make sure you take proper care of Artemis, okay? She and I have been friends for a very long time...don't make her cry..." Hearing this, Vahn gave a confident nod, lightly embracing Artemis' body and startling her slightly as he said, "No matter what it takes, I'll make sure everyone has a happy ending..."
Though similar words had been heard by Hestia and Hephaestus hundreds of times at this point, they had quite the impact on Artemis. She knew her situation better than anyone else and didn't have much hope for a truly 'happy ending'. By not giving up on life, she would eventually reform after enough time had passed but that could take thousands of years since her Arcanum had manifested in the mortal world. It was rather tragic, learning about the 'power' of love, only to have to use it as a weapon to take her own life while placing a heavy burden on a pure-hearted individual like her 'Orion'...
At least, that was how she felt before Vahn grabbed her arrow and used his incredibly pure energy to do several things that should have been outright impossible. He wasn't the Orion she had expected, but something far more unique...utterly beyond her imagination. When she learned about all of the things he had accomplished over the last few years, even after having such a tragic background, Artemis felt even closer to him than before. Now that he was promising her a 'happy ending', a small flame of hope had ignited itself within her...
//Artemis Affection Has Reached Maximum Affection//
//Quest Completed: [The Hearts Desire:C-SS]//
Completion Grade: S
Rewards: 10,000 OP, [Bow Mastery:S] Replaced by [Archery Goddess' Blessing:B], 1x[Hearts Desire: Artemis]
Grade Rewards: 1x[Tears of the Moon Goddess], 20,000 OP
[Archery Goddess' Blessing]
Rank: B
Use: So long as the bond between the user and the Goddess of Archery remains, it is said possessors of this skill cannot miss their target when using any form of marksmanship. Greatly enhances critical strike potential of attacks made with a bow.
[Tears of the Moon Goddess]
Rank: Unique
Use: So long as the ego has not completely vanished, can be used to resurrect a target that has received the Blessing of the Moon Goddess.
Vahn's eyes widened slightly when he saw the system notification, not just because Artemis' Affection had instantly hit the 100 threshold in an instant, but because of the ridiculous Unique item he had obtained. He knew Unique items were existed outside of the restriction of laws, bound only by the restriction and use of the item itself, so they were capable of pretty much anything. Having a 'resurrection' item was beyond expectations, however, as the 'ego' would diminish very quickly after the death of most people. Even so, depending on the state it would restore their body to, this [Tears of the Moon Goddess] was truly a miracle contained within a small tear-shaped vial...
Though he was momentarily distracted by the system notification, Vahn didn't allow it to show on his face as he gently stroked Artemis' back and said, "You should get ready, Artemis...we need to resolve things as quickly as possible..." As much as he enjoyed Artemis' soft body in his embrace, Vahn felt that it was better if they deal with Antares sooner, rather than later. Once Antares was able to use Artemis' Arcanum, things would become extremely problematic. Though his [Magia Erebea] should still be able to contend against a Tier 4 entity, that didn't translate to him being able to deal any meaningful damage to such an existence...
Artemis nodded her head in agreement but, instead of changing into her raiment, grabbed the sides of Vahn's face with her hands and smiled for a few seconds before giggling. He wasn't sure how to interpret her behavior until Hestia plainly stated, "Unless you're intending to watch her change, you need to leave, Vahn..." These words caused a very subtle blush to reach Artemis' cheeks as she released Vahn's, turning her face to the side while casting a shy glance towards Vahn. Though he found this reaction of her's rather adorable, Vahn returned a polite smile and said, "I'll wait in the hallway..." before stepping back through the door and closing it behind him.
Once Vahn was out of the room, Artemis brought her hand to her chest, feeling the rapid pulsation of her own heart as she turned to the other two goddesses and asked, "Is this how the two of you feel all the time...?" This caused Hephaestus to laugh, amused by Artemis' words, while Hestia puffed out her well-endowed breasts and bragged, "Though I won't say what you're feeling isn't love, it can't quite match up to our feelings just yet, Artemis~! My bond with Vahn is stronger than anyone else's, ehehehe~." Hephaestus gave a wry smile when she heard this, rubbing the ring on her finger as she muttered, "Vahn and I share a very powerful bond as isn't just my own heartbeat that I can feel, but I am always able to sense his as well. It is a very comfortable and pleasant sensation...even if it can be distracting at times..."
Knowing Hestia and Hephaestus for hundreds-of-millions of years, Artemis didn't discredit their words, even a little. Just the fact that Hestia gave up her virginity to Vahn was something that had completely shaken Artemis to the core. The fact that Hephaestus now had children, while also committing herself to an Eternal Vow, were equally as impactful, even though it should have also been 'impossible'. It seemed like that was a completely foreign concept to Vahn, however, as these two things were just a fraction of the other 'impossible' feats he had performed...Artemis found her heart beating even faster as she wondered what miracles he would perform before her was very exciting...
After peeling off the nightgown she had borrowed from Hestia, Artemis brought her hands together as though she were praying. Illusory beams of moonlight began to shine within the room as the internal lighting dulled in comparison. Wherever these moonbeams touched, clothing would form on Artemis' body and, after a few seconds had passed, she was completely clothed in the same outfit she had manifested in previously. The only 'real' part of her garb was the dagger that she kept in the back of her belt, a gift she had received from Rethusa, the former Captain of her Familia...
Thinking about the tragic fate of her Familia, Artemis' excitement was tempered in an instant and she couldn't help but tightly squeeze the dagger for a few seconds before fastening it to her belt. Hephaestus and Hestia had witnessed this, with the later showing a concerned expression as she said, "Artemis...I don't know exactly what happened...but I believe in Vahn. Even if something truly terrible has happened, know that your friends will always be waiting for you thing I have learned from watching over mortals is that, by working together to support each other's happiness, burdens that are too big for one person to carry become much easier to bear..."
Hephaestus, agreeing with Hestia's statement, nodded her head, adding, "It's the thing we gods have always desired, ever since the first mortals began walking the world long ago...the feeling of having a family...people that can replace the feeling of loneliness with warmth, compassion, and love..." Even now, Hephaestus could vividly remember the long loneliness she had tolerated before opening her heart to Vahn. She knew most gods felt something similar, bound by the compulsion of their Divinities and never truly being able to confide in each other. Vahn had stepped into her heart and filled a void she thought would persist for all eternity...not only that, but he had never stopped adding more of himself, giving her children, and making her happier than she ever thought possible...
Artemis was awed by the behavior of Hephaestus and Hestia, feeling the sincerity in their words and the concern they had for her. It was different than the affections they would show in the past, that which had made them, the amount of sincerity contained within those words felt meaningful. Artemis herself knew exactly how much a god could change after being exposed to their 'children' for long periods of time, as she had also changed a great deal, so she was able to empathize and truly understand the significance of their words...
With a gratified smile blooming across her face, Artemis nodded her head, saying, "I have already placed my trust in, I will see with my own eyes what kind of man he is...I want to be able to understand...more and more...this feeling inside my heart..." Both goddesses smiled in response to Artemis' words but Hestia also added, "If you truly open your heart to Vahn, you need to be prepared for the consequences...he won't force you, Artemis, but you have to seriously consider how you want your relationship to develop. Vahn has a lot of people that can fulfill his 'needs' but, for a goddess with your beauty and purity, you may never get a chance to find a more suitable partner..."
Understanding Hestia's words, Artemis blushed slightly and averted her eyes, stating, "I'm only now learning how to love...things like that...I..." Hestia had bounded over to Artemis while the latter was talking, grabbing the bashful goddess' hands as she sternly exclaimed, "Artemis, listen to me very closely, okay...even if you're a goddess presiding over chastity, you have to be more open-minded. Without sex, procreation would be fundamentally impossible...the very creature we gods have protected since the dawn of time wouldn't even exist in any meaningful is not a bad thing, especially if you do it with the person you love...!" Being, formerly, the oldest virgin within Heaven, Hestia's words carried a great deal of weight and Artemis was slightly taken aback by the diminutive goddess' seriousness...
Out in the hallway, Vahn was wondering what the three were doing to get so riled up, especially with how chaotic Artemis' aura had become. It kept fluctuating with a rainbow cascade of colors, with a few pinks and reds intermixed that made his heart palpitate slightly...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fafnir needs some TLC too~!','Artemis is surprisingly affectionate...','Vahn's self-propagating Harem...') <-(p.atreon link)
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After waiting for a few minutes, the door to Hestia's room opened and revealed all three goddesses, Hestia and Artemis wearing their raiment while Hephaestus was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of tight shorts. Vahn's eyes gravitated towards her well-shaped posterior for the briefest of moments but he wasn't able to escape their notice. Hestia and Hephaestus both began laughing in a light-hearted manner while Artemis' brows raised slightly before she asked, "Will we be going to meet with Hermes now...?"
Vahn, smiling in response to Hestia and Hephaestus, nodded his head and said, "Honestly, I don't really think it is necessary for Hermes to come along. So long as you can show the way, everything should be relatively straight forward. There is a lot going on in the City and he should stay to help clarify some matters..." Since Hermes had given him some bogus reasoning that the Guild actually intended to keep other gods within the City until this even was resolved, Vahn didn't see why he should be an exception. He knew that Ouranos was planning to have the majority of gods return to Heaven if the mission was a failure, as their presence would only serve to strengthen Antares further, so Vahn planned to refuse Hermes' offer to accompany them.
Artemis didn't argue in favor of Hermes, instead, asking, "Will it be...just the two of us...?" A very subtle blush touched her cheeks, the conversation she had with Hestia and Hephaestus still fresh on her mind. When Vahn shook his head, Artemis felt both relieved and conflicted at the same time, at least until he said, "There are a lot of things you'll have to get caught up to speed with in the future, including the existence of my subordinates. We'll be riding a True Dragon named Fafnir to our destination and, if we need any backup, I can summon my other subordinates over in an instant. The entire flight to the Dark Continent shouldn't take more than ten hours..."
Hearing this, Artemis' mind blanked for a moment, parroting, "Ten hours...?" with a tone of disbelief. She had previously thought it would take close to ten days, giving her ample time to prepare her heart and spend more time with her 'Orion'. The efficacy of her arrow increased based on the amount of love they shared and, though she already felt very close to Vahn, Artemis didn't believe it was enough. Becoming closer over just ten hours didn't seem very realistic, even if she tried pushing herself and opening her heart completely...
Vahn nodded his head in response to Artemis' question, explaining, "We could reduce the time even more if Fafnir pushed itself, but that would potentially lead to other problems upon our arrival. In total, I'm guessing everything should be resolved in a few days' time...ultimately, it will depend on how the situation plays out and if the monster requires immediate attention..." Since he also knew of the timeline established by Hermes, Vahn wasn't too worried that Antares would begin moving before he could come up with a concrete plan. Things would become very dangerous if he waited too long but they would have more than a week to make preparations, if necessary...
Since she could see that Artemis was very confused, Hephaestus explained, "You haven't had enough time to adapt to how truly 'unique' Vahn is, Artemis. His power is already far beyond most mortals, including those legendary heroes from the past. Even if he were to go alone, I have full confidence that any monster on the Dark Continent would end up meeting their end at his hands, regardless of how strong they'll see it soon, so watch closely..." Hestia also nodded her head in agreement, adding, "You're lucky that Vahn was the one to pick up your spear but, even if he hadn't been 'chosen', the odds of him being the one to help you were already very high. He has a soft spot for beautiful women who need help...ehehehehe~."
Vahn released a lighthearted sigh when he heard Hestia's words, reaching out to rub her head as he mused, "You're not exactly wrong...hahaha..." Now, Vahn, Hestia, and Hephaestus all started to laugh while Artemis was still struggling with how 'fast' everything was going. She didn't doubt that Vahn was very powerful, as even Hermes had introduced him as the 'strongest', but the fear embedded in her by Antares was fresh. That monstrosity had not only managed to consume her body, but used her own Arcanum to slaughter her wasn't an easy image to overwrite within her mind. She wanted more time with Vahn, both as a means to prepare her heart, but also to guarantee that he would be able to make full use of her arrow when the time came...
Sensing the change in Artemis, Vahn changed hands so that he was rubbing Hestia's head with his left while stroking Artemis' with his right. Producing the most encouraging smile he could manage, Vahn calmy stated, " in me...I will not fail you..." As he spoke, Vahn not only sent calming energy into her mind with his [Hands of Nirvana], he also made full use of his [Grooming] and added some pure Source Energy into the mix. Her body was currently that of a 'false-avatar', but he knew his energy would be able to stabilize her better while also helping her relax and calm down...
Feeling the wave of warm energy wash over her like a very comfortable stream of water, Artemis nearly released a sigh of relief but managed to restrain it in time to avoid embarrassing herself. She didn't know what kind of technique Vahn was using, but it was unlike anything she had experienced before. Part of her even thought that if he continued this for the full ten hours, it might be more meaningful than ten days together...if she knew the full 'capabilities' of the boy before her, who had even 'tamed' goddesses like Loki and Freya, Artemis would have known to 'fear' the hand that was currently bringing her nothing by comfort and a sense of security...
Though there was no particular reason to hurry, other than resolving the matter even faster, the group migrated to where Fafnir was waiting. Artemis had been shocked to see the 18m long 'evil' dragon, nearly pulling out her bow before a childish voice entered into her mind, saying, ("Hello there, I'm Fafnir. It is nice to meet you, Artemis~!") Vahn had also moved forward, stroking the massive and lethal looking maw of Fafnir as Artemis paled slightly in confusion. Hestia, with a teasing smile on her face, nudged Artemis' side and said, "The sooner you accept that Vahn can do anything, the easier it will be to deal with all the 'surprises' you'll experience through interacting with him. He is even...well, I'll leave that as a surprise, ehehehehe~."
After stroking Fafnir's rather smooth and cool scales, Vahn turned to Artemis and extended his hand, asking, "Shall we...?" She walked forward with a bit of hesitation but managed to grab his hand without any major difficulties as Vahn levitated them onto Fafnir's back. This had caused Artemis' eyes to widen yet again as she asked, "You can fly, Vahn...?" After setting her down, Vahn nodded his head, explaining, "If I move at my fastest speed, I can actually reach the Dark Continent in just a few seconds. I wouldn't be able to carry you with me, though, so we'll be using Fafnir for safe passage..."
If not for Vahn supporting her, Artemis felt like she might have lost her balance when she heard how casually he mentioned traveling more than 43,000km in 'just a few seconds'. Now, she felt like the 10 hours he had afforded her were very generous while, at the same time, the tiny flame of hope in her heart began burning more vibrantly. It felt like, every time Vahn revealed even a small amount of his capabilities, all of the things that she had been worrying about seemed less consequential...
Though Fafnir created two comfortable seats for them to use, Artemis ended up insisting that she sit with Vahn. They eventually ended up in a position where she was sitting in his lap while Vahn held her waist from behind somewhat awkwardly. He had some suspicions about why she wanted to be so close but, out of consideration for her, decided to keep any questions about her motives to himself. Since she had a very soft body and an indescribably pleasant aroma, Vahn didn't mind the rather intimate arrangement. It was actually more awkward when they arrived near the walls of Orario a few seconds later and had to separate from each other while Artemis was, once again, surprised and confused...
Hermes was already awaiting them, a large wyvern resting atop the walls of Orario, packed with a variety of different supplies for a long journey. Vahn had no need for such things with his Inventory, something Hermes took notice of as he lightheartedly remarked, "That storage magic of yours is truly something enviable, Vahn. If I had such a useful ability, my job would be so much easier~." To this, Vahn just gave a curt nod before explaining, "Well, you won't have to worry about transportation that much this time around. Since things will only be more troublesome if you accompany us, I'll have to stay here in Orario. You should go meet up with Loki soon and answer her questions while I go and take care of Antares myself."
Hearing this, Hermes was slightly taken aback and it showed with how his eyes opened to an almost natural degree. However, when he saw Fafnir stretching behind Vahn, Hermes was able to rationalize why Vahn had made such a decision. It was rumored that Fafnir could travel several times the speed of sound, much faster than a normal Wyvern. If Vahn had to keep pace with him, the journey would take much longer and, as the boy alluded to, it wasn't as if he would be any real help in combat. Hermes knew very well how powerful Vahn was and, if he was unable to defeat Antares, the only purpose his presence there served was bringing back the bad news...
Releasing an 'exasperated' sigh, Hermes remarked, "And I thought I might be able to postpone having to interact with that little hellion of a goddess for a few days know, I'm starting to feel like you genuinely dislike me, Vahn...hahaha~." Hermes really wasn't looking forward to having to deal with Loki, especially since Hephaestus and Freya were likely to be present. Any single one of them would be troublesome but, together, they were a veritable nightmare for any god unfortunate enough to enter their sights.
Vahn knew Hermes had every reason to be 'afraid' of meeting with Loki but, as if to answer Hermes' remark about whether or not he disliked him, Vahn stated in a dull monotone, "I know the system you put into place was better than the fates those children of yours would have faced, Hermes...but I will never forgive you for the situation you put Asfi and Lulune through..." Hermes, for a brief moment, appeared as though he was going to make a light argument to exonerate himself but the look in Vahn's eyes made him realize the greater meaning behind his words...
After taking a deep breath, Hermes explained in a serious tone of his own, "You're a good man, Vahn...better than most could ever hope to be. However, you are too quick to jump to conclusions and hold others in contempt when you are lacking the full story. I am not going to try and justify my actions to you, as I have no need to explain myself to an outsider who wasn't involved with the events taking place at that time...if you have a problem with what I did, just keep doing what you already do best...make this world a better place. One day, when you become a more reasonable person, I may trust you with the truth of the matter..."
Just as he finished speaking, Hermes pat the tamed Wyvern and sent it flying back towards the Ganesha Familia. In the next instant, in a movement that caused Vahn's eyes to widen a great deal, Hermes turned into a blur and had completely disappeared from his perception. From his left, Artemis furrowed her brows slightly and said, "God of envious ability..." Hermes was one of the few gods that served as an active messenger between Heaven and the Mortal World, as he was not actually bound by distance, barriers, and general obstructions. So long as it was within his perception, he could move almost anywhere in an instant, far faster than magic spells like [Shundo] and [Void Movement]...
Vahn also frowned slightly when he heard Artemis' words, understanding that Hermes would be a very difficult enemy to deal with if they were truly at odds with each other. He would need to completely lock down the area with [Enkidu] to have any hope of preventing the god's escape, though such an act would reveal the secret of his golden chains to a rather troublesome individual. For better or worse, this display actually made Vahn feel more confident that Hermes wasn't their enemy, as his assistance to Enyo would have likely brought her plans to fruition long ago...
After collecting his thoughts, Vahn turned to Artemis and held out his hand for her to grab, saying, "We should get going soon..." Artemis nodded her head, placing her gloved hand into Vahn's and allowing him to levitate her body onto Fafnir's back. They resumed their rather awkward seating arrangement, causing Artemis' heart to pound anxiously within her chest, before Fafnir spread its wings and took to the sky. She found herself leaning into him while his hands around her waist felt somewhat hot and ticklish, even through several layers of clothing. As for Vahn, though he had noticed Artemis' aura fluctuating quite a bit, he was currently thinking about the fact that Hermes would very likely show up during the fight with Antares, even after their previous discussion...
Upon taking off from Orario's walls, Fafnir began ascending higher into the sky, intent on rising into the upper atmosphere before proceeding towards the Dark Continent. There were powerful magical storms and other kinds of hazards that would prevent them from crossing directly over the ocean so Vahn had implanted a route into Fafnir's mind through their mental link. Artemis was surprised by how high and fast they were moving but, much like how Hestia, Hephaestus, and Loki weren't that impressed by the visual impact of seeing the world below, she was more focused on Vahn than her surroundings. She knew the time they had was very limited and, even though Vahn's existence seemed increasingly more reliable, Artemis couldn't help but think about how they might grow closer over the relatively short flight...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn had already broken the common sense of Hest and Hephaestus long ago xD...','Hermes is a fast boi...','Doki Doki, Artemis-chan...') <-(p.atreon link)
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