33.91% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 797: Clarification

章節 797: Clarification

Seeing the gathered members of the Hermes Familia, many of which looked like they were immediately about to jump out and begin questioning him, Vahn chose to make things clear by holding up his hand and saying, "Please, remain quiet for the time being and everything will be explained shortly..." With these words, the group suddenly found themselves unable to say anything and, with a few exceptions, most of those gathered realized that Vahn had already finalized the contracts. From this point, until the duration of a year had come to an end, this boy before them now controlled their life and death...

Though he had experience with such a phenomenon because of his ability to subordinate others, Vahn was still slightly awed by how a few words of his had silenced the entire room. He was even tempted, with a large number of girls present, to make them perform a pirouette together, just to see what it would look like. Fortunately, the more than twenty other males kept him from doing anything he might regret later so Vahn casually smiled towards them, confusing them greatly. When he saw one of them have an aura that flared up with pink, Vahn felt his brain dull slightly so he turned to address the larger group, saying, "As Pot and Elilly have likely already informed you, I have just purchased the entire Hermes Familia for the next year..."

Vahn left out the fact that he had purchased the complete contracts of some of them, but that was something he could bring up later on when he had a clear plan to resolve their matters. There were many amongst those gathered before him that he took a great deal of pity on and, though he couldn't personally liberate all of them, he would do his best to at least prepare them to purchase their own freedom in the future. For the time being, their services were required by the Alliance and, by the time his ownership was coming to an end, Vahn would outright give them the money to buy their freedom, if they desired it. The only reason he chose not to was that their contracts actually made them unable to accept bribes, gifts, or take out loans in order to purchase their freedom. There was nothing that prevented him from giving them a bonus while they were in his employ, however, so Vahn intended to exploit that little loophole for those that genuinely sought a better life for themselves...

Since he had everyone's attention, Vahn decided to use this moment to clarify some things and, seeing the 'fervent' look some of the girls were giving him, it was better he get it out of the way now. Though there were undoubtedly a few girls he was interested in, a part of him had already come to rely on Lili for such things and he would try to avoid a situation where he felt guilted into allowing them to position themselves at his side. If they wanted to be someone like Aisha, who was content only receiving his affections while leading her own life, that was one thing. He just wanted to avoid having numerous girls with a lot of emotional baggage entering into the Manor, especially since there were so many children running about, with even more on the way...

Though it made him feel a little guilty to see them almost immediately become melancholic, Vahn still hardened his heart and explained, "So as not to mislead any of you, know that it isn't my intention to have you do anything that would compromise your integrity, demean, shame, or defame you. It is entirely my intention to have you work in the capacity of your specialties, not exploit you for my own needs and whims. Though I cannot deny that there are those among you that I may favor in the future, I will always act in consideration of your character and background. By the time this year comes to an end, it is my intention to reward those who have worked hard with the freedom they desire...to this, I will solemnly swear, lest my blessing becomes a curse and my power be stripped from my body...!"

With his final words, golden chains emerged from the void and, for what felt like the hundredth time, Vahn had a vow imprinted on the surface of his soul. He knew he could void the vows if he truly wanted, as there was nothing within the records that could influence his soul directly, but that wasn't something he was willing to do. It might be something he exploits to get an advantage against his enemies in the future, but Vahn didn't want to become someone associated with breaking his promises, especially if he had treated them seriously enough to make a vow.

If not for the fact they were currently unable to speak, as Vahn had asked them to be quiet, many of the members of the Hermes Familia would have had a lot to say. Even so, there were a few that were communicating with small hand signs and signals, some keying in on the fact that Vahn had effectively admitted there were some in their ranks he might 'favor' in the future. Though their freedom was a tantalizing prospect, many of the members of the Hermes Familia were actually satisfied with the relative freedom they already had.

With few exceptions, they all had outgoing personalities, loved to gamble, and enjoyed living their lives to the fullest when possible. Though they certainly had to do some disreputable acts, it was still better than being an actual slave or prostitute. If they could manage to leave an impression on Vahn, someone who could just waltz in and purchase their entire Familia on a whim, they believed they would be able to live an unrestrained lifestyle in the future. It didn't really have to be said that Vahn was a handsome boy, but he was also the representative of the most powerful force in the world while also possessing the strongest individual might within the City. He was a 'jackpot' for any sensible woman who desired more out of life than the lot they had been given, especially those that had been born as expendable slaves...

Vahn was gauging the reactions of every member and made a mental note of who he would have to watch out for in the future. Though it was almost impossible to avoid them outright, as his petting habit had developed almost to the point of compulsion, but he could avoid any serious developments. An easy way was to simply guilt himself into remembering girls like Sylphia, Tina, and, to a lesser extent, girls like Rufina and, to a much lesser extent, Shakti. Though she would probably try to beat him to a pulp if she learned about it, Vahn decided to use Shakti as a 'shield' against girls he didn't directly take an interest in...(A/N: Wow, rude...)

While looking around, Vahn also set eyes on the people he was somewhat interested in and wanted to help out over the next year. There were Reid and Tallow, the Chienthrope and Pallum duo he had met in the past. Though they had caused a few problems for him, they were also victims of a rather traumatic event. Since he had children of his own, even though Tallow wasn't a child, Vahn had a soft spot for Pallums. He could still remember her tear-stained face as she desperately tried to protect Reid, even when she was almost completely naked...

Other than the duo he had already met, Vahn would help Elilly overcome her self-conscious mentality, as it was somewhat cruel that she was judged for something she had no control over. Her liberation clause was also something he could resolve relatively easily, as it pertained to one of the well-known slave breeders back in the Iron Hills. Vahn would seek a reckoning from them in the future and, as long as the man was still alive, he didn't mind leaving the cur for Elilly to deal with...

As for her counterpart, not that they were actually a duo, Vahn decided he would help Pot buy her freedom in the future. He couldn't really give her a bunch of children, as he already had more than his fair share of problems dealing with his own Pallum lover, but it wouldn't be difficult to potentially find her a spouse. Since her brother, Pock, aspired to be strong like Finn, and they would both be acting within the scope of the Loki Familia in the future, Vahn figured Finn might actually take a liking to her personally. Finn now had five children of his own, even though he had only gotten two of his lovers pregnant, but it wasn't as though he was too old to add more girls to the rather 'fierce' group surrounding him. As long as they took a liking to Pot, it ultimately may not even be up to Finn if he wanted to accept her...

Other persons of interest were another Pallum, Meryl Tear, an adorable girl with fluffy purple hair, blue eyes, and clothes that identified her as a rare Pallum Mage. There was also her mute protector, a man by the name of Dodon who had been tortured and exiled by his tribe, now wearing clothes that completely covered his body. His liberation clause, instead of revenge against his tribe, was actually to free Meryl by making her own dream come true. Since she had a rare talent as a Mage, it was her dream to become someone like Riveria, who could inspire her entire race to great aspirations...

Wrapping up the people he was interested in, though almost everyone before him had troubled pasts that qualified them for happier lives, was a peculiar Chienthrope named Lulune Louie. She was the first Chienthrope Vahn had ever seen who had light brown ears coming out of the side of her head instead of the top. Though this alone wasn't that peculiar, it was the fact that her shaggy hair was black, contrasting the color of her ears completely. At the same time, she had bronzed skin, golden eyes, and was garbed in the attire of a Thief with red shorts with, matching red boots, a red jacket, and a crimson scarf. Completing her outfit, she also wore black gloves, a black belt and a black shirt beneath her jacket. All of these things, including her long and shaggy brown tail, were enough to make her stand out greatly. However, the thing that truly caught Vahn's attention, though her file didn't mention anything about it, was the fact that Lulune was a demigoddess...

Seeing Vahn looking towards her, Lulune felt like an electrical current ran through her body, causing her tail and ears to perk up as she tried to hide behind the nearby Dodon. She didn't mind if Vahn wanted to do anything to her, in fact, she was somewhat hopeful for the chance. However, something about his gaze made her heart flutter in a different way than she expected, almost like he had suddenly become very interested in her all of a sudden. She hoped that, at the very least, he didn't want to make her do something embarrassing in front of everyone else...!

Noticing Lulune's strange reaction, Vahn resisted the urge to produce a wry smile and said, "I can assure you that you won't be forced to do anything too dangerous, but know that you also will be at the behest of Loki for the next year. I paid twice the amount for joint-ownership and she will be the person directing you in most circumstances. At the same time, however, both of us will be working to help fulfill your liberation clauses so please don't mistake the situation and think I'm trying to abandon any of you. As I'm sure many of you are aware, I'm proactively trying to avoid a situation where I arbitrarily accept women into my life, even if many of you are very beautiful. Please, consider your happiness in a setting that doesn't include trying to use the Alliance as a means to elevate your status and give you an easy life. Just like the girls that currently reside in the Manor, you need to be willing to work hard for your dreams if you want to become happy. Even the youngest person in the Manor, Tina, only thirteen years old, has managed to reach Level 5...please keep that in mind..."

Since they couldn't disclose the information he releases to them, Vahn didn't mind elevating Tina's status a bit while also making his point clear to everyone gathered. As expected, his words shocked most of the Hermes Familia members to the core, including Asfi herself. She was only around the middle of Level 4, even though she was twenty-two, so it was a big impact to hear that a thirteen-year-old girl was Level 5. Though it wasn't unheard of, as Tiona, Tione, and Ais had all achieved the feat, they were considered exceptions, not the standard...

Pot, having previously associated with Vahn, had enough confidence to raise her hand like a child wanting to ask a question. Vahn nodded toward her, allowing her to excitedly ask, "This Tina girl, what race is she? Will you help us become stronger too~!?" Vahn furrowed his brows slightly when he heard Pot ask about Tina's race but, considering that she was a Pallum, it wasn't that surprising that she was curious. Without concealing the matter, Vahn clearly stated, "Tina is a Cat Person who started training around two years ago. Like the other girls in the Manor, she has worked hard to become strong in an incredibly short period of time. As for each of you, it will ultimately depend on the efforts you make, your character, and the level of trust I can confidently place in you. By the end of this year, the majority of you will likely have earned your freedom, but only a handful of you would be privy to extra benefits within the Alliance. I have always tried to reward hard work and merits directly. Don't expect me to simply help you increase your power if you intend to use it to exploit others or selfishly pursue your own interests..."

Pulling out a scroll, Vahn tossed it to the surprised Elilly and said, "Since I've already seen that Elilly's character is commendable, I have no problem giving her a reward that she would greatly appreciate. That scroll details a special technique that, if you practice seriously, will allow you to slowly shape your body however you like. Even if you wanted to be the size of a Pallum, though it would take several years of effort, it wouldn't be impossible." Though she had been confused at why Vahn would suddenly give her a scroll, Elilly's eyes became rounded like saucers when she heard his explanation. The scroll in her hands suddenly felt like it was made of fragile glass that also weighed a thousand kilograms...

Seeing how happy Elilly was after her shock had faded, Vahn produced a genuine smile and explained, "It's actually thanks to Elilly that I had decided to purchase the Hermes Familia today. If possible, please extend your kindness and gratitude towards her in the future. At the same time, you can bear witness to her transformation and decide for yourselves what kind of future you want to pursue. Those that are willing to work hard, I promise that you will have my support, even after you have earned your freedom. The Alliance could always benefit from having capable people within its ranks and, even if you don't wish to join a Familia, there are a variety of positions within the Civilian Sector that you could fill."

Elilly felt like Vahn was trying to give her a heart attack, saying and doing so many surprising things that impacted her heart and mind like a hammer. She even began to wonder if, by some strange machination of fate, Vahn had come to like her. Though it didn't seem possible, the kind smile he showed, combined with his supportive words and gestures, made Elilly suddenly feel like a bashful maiden once again. She was one of the older members of the Hermes Familia, with no real intention of ever leaving it in the future, but that might very well change now. Even if he didn't currently like her, Elilly felt like the scroll in her hands could become the key to unlocking Vahn's heart and finding a place for herself within...

Watching Elilly's aura suddenly flare up, as a resolute light began burning in her eyes, Vahn felt a cold sweat on his back but didn't break his smile. Instead, he considered if there was anything else he needed to say right now and, believing he had said more than enough for them to mull over for the rest of the day, decided to wrap things up by saying, "For now, don't take any missions and just talk amongst yourselves about these new developments. Try to contact those that are currently on missions and inform them of the changes and I'll try to give you a more concrete idea of what you should expect in a few days. The Traveler's Inn is included in the provisions for purchasing the Familia, so you can stay here for the time being. Loki may stop by to discuss things with you and, unless you feel as though your life is maliciously endangered by her orders, you will listen to her."

With his final words, Vahn dismissed everyone but, before she could go too far, he called out to Lulune, causing the girl's tail and ears to go rigid. Though this type of action was very adorable, to the point he had an urge to pet her into oblivion, Vahn controlled himself and went into a side room with the nervous Chienthrope and Asfi. The moment he closed the door behind them, Vahn was surprised when Lulune suddenly said, "I never thought I would ever have to do it with the Captain in the same room...haaaa, today is such a strange day!"

Before her words had even finished, Lulune had deftly removed her red jacket and had started to lift her black shirt, which had only covered the upper half of her torso. Like many of the Beast People he had met, Lulune wore a shirt that exposed her stomach and her shorts weren't much longer than the length of a hand. This not only made it easy for her to move around, but the clothes themselves could be removed in a very short period of time. As a result, Lulune had already lifted her shirt, revealing the fact that she hadn't even been wearing a bra.

Though he was briefly distracted by her slightly pale pink rosebuds, which stood out against the backdrop of her bronzed skin, Vahn quickly said, "Lulune, that isn't why I called you into this room. Please, wear your..." Just as Vahn was going to tell Lulune to wear her clothing, he remembered that he did actually want to check her Status Board. As a demigoddess, she should have at least three Innates and he was more than a little curious to see what they were. This hesitation resulted in the strange situation where Lulune, with her arms above her head in mid-motion of removing her shirt, was staring at him with a confused expression.

Resisting the urge to sight, Vahn clarified, "You can remove your shirt, but please don't misunderstand that I'm intending to do anything uncouth towards you. I actually have the ability to check the Status of others and, though you may not be aware of it yourself, there are a few unique things about your heritage that I can confirm by checking your status. When I'm finished, you can put your clothes back on without worrying that I'm going to ask you to do anything selfishly..."

While he was speaking, Lulune had already finished removing her shirt and, once he was done, immediately said, "You're too serious, Vahn. If you want to fuck, I don't really mind it, you know? You seem like a good guy, much better than some of the ones I've met. You don't need to make excuses if you want to see my body." As if to emphasize this, Lulune brought her arms together and squeezed her almost nonexistent breasts together. She didn't seem to believe his words at all and, as he hadn't formed them as an 'order', Lulune genuinely believed he was just pussyfooting around the matter.

Realizing this, Vahn released a genuine sigh this time and said, "Asfi, pull over a chair for Lulune to sit down on. Lulune, turn around with your back facing me so I can check your Status. For the time being, please remain quiet and see for yourself the truth of the situation." Unable to refuse his words, Lulune remained quiet and sat down in the chair that Asfi had provided. She felt a little awkward and hoped she didn't offend him, especially when a magical light shone from her backside as Vahn traced his finger along her spine, sending a shiver through her body at the same time.



Name: Lulune Louie

Age: 18

Race: Chienthrope, God(sealed)

Level: 3

POW: E472

END: D529

DEX: C644

AGI: C637

MAG: H148

Skills: [Thief God's Blessing:Innate:H], [Pickpocket:A], [Featherfoot:B], [Silent Strike:B], [Double Thrust:D]

Magic: [Reaper's Death Gaze:Innate:(sealed)], [Red Owl:F]

Development Abilities: [Noctourne's Avatar:Innate:(sealed)], [Abnormal Resistance:C], [Escape:D]

[Silent Strike]

Rank: B

Use: Allows the user to strike without generating any discernable sounds.

[Double Thrust]


Use: Allows the user to issue forth two strikes in a very short period of time.

[Red Owl]

Rank: F

Use: Controls red shifting to not only obscure the user but make it difficult for opponents to discern distance and attack trajectories.

Chant: Bloody Baron~!



Use: Allows the user to greatly increase their speed when running away from danger.


(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Everyone wants to hit the Jackpot (O,...,O)~!','Dodon, stay strong friend...','Lulune is a bit of a ditz...?')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh

章節 798: Heartbreak

Upon seeing Lulune's Status Board, Vahn referenced her file in his mind and began looking over her background again. Unlike many of the members of the Hermes Familia, Lulune had never been a slave. She had apparently joined the Hermes Familia after the passing of her mother and Hermes had picked her up after debt collectors came to try and enslave her to pay off her mother's debts. As a result, Lulune ended up joining the Hermes Familia but, given what he knew of Hermes, and what he could ascertain from Lulune's Status, Vahn knew things weren't nearly as simple as they seemed...

There were only a few gods with a divinity related to Thievery and, given the circumstances, the only person that could have been Lulune's father...was Hermes himself. Though it was possible he was making a misunderstanding, the fact that Lulune was one of the girls with the highest buying prices, Vahn felt Hermes had to know of her heritage. He might not be able to see all of her Innates, as many things were hidden from even the eyes of gods, but the fact she had such a high valuation must have had a reason. The thing that bothered him the most was the fact that Lulune's 'services' weren't particularly expensive, meaning that she would have had to work hard on missions and 'selling' herself in order to accumulate the ridiculous 700MV to purchase her freedom...

Seeing Vahn stare at Lulune's back with a face of trepidation, even though he was doing his best to hide it, Asfi was curious about what he had discerned. She had known Lulune ever since the latter was a young girl of only twelve and, to Asfi's knowledge, there wasn't anything particularly unique about her. Though she was a gifted thief, Lulune was also an airhead who could be very clumsy at times, making it difficult to entrust her with missions that required tact and finesse. In fact, she was so ditzy at times that, even though she was Level 3, Lulune had never been entrusted with an executive position and many of the other members resented the fact they had to clean up her messes on occasion...

The only peculiarity Asfi could think of was the fact that Lulune had a very high valuation from Hermes and, as a result of her nature and the fact most people refused to team up with her, Lulune had to work much harder than most of their members. Unfortunately, as many of her missions ended in failure, the only 'reliable' means for her to accumulate income was to offer her services at relatively low prices. This had also caused more than a few problems though, as Lulune would often use her services as a pretense to 'scout' out marks and then rob them later. As a result, other than a few clients she couldn't afford to offend, quite literally, Lulune's struggles in the Familia had almost reached a legendary status...

Suddenly, against the expectations of both Asfi and Lulune, Vahn asked in a somber tone, "Tell me...does Hermes ever purchase the services provided by Familia members...?" Though he knew this was undoubtedly the case, Vahn wanted to have a leading question before he asked Lulune what he actually wanted to know. She seemingly didn't think anything of it and immediately nodded her head and said, "Yes, Hermes-sama has a few girls that he likes within the Familia. He also tries to help out anyone who is hurting for money and will often purchase their services before they try to lower their prices." The only thing really going through Lulune's mind right now was how long she was going to have to sit in this chair with her top removed, especially since Vahn said he wasn't going to do anything...

After clenching his teeth lightly, something he noticed Asfi had taken note of, Vahn sent her a warning look to keep silent before asking, "Has Hermes ever propositioned your services, Lulune?" This time, Lulune's shoulders slumped slightly and she released an exasperated sigh before saying, "I think Hermes-sama is actually bullying me. Though he says flirtatious shit all the time, he never follows through with anything and berates me instead! It's super fucking frustrating you know~!? Why doesn't he give the other girls shit for reducing their prices to make ends meet? It's not like I have any other fucking choice. Hell, I have even had to practically beg members of my own Familia for money at times, did you know that? Have you ever tried borrowing money from a bunch of money grubbers before? Hahahahaha~"

When she first started speaking, Vahn felt like he might have to track down Hermes and give the errant god a piece of his mind. However, listening to the rest of Lulune's complaining, it was apparent that Hermes actually gave her slightly preferential treatment and, as a result of the 'fair' contract he gave out to everyone, he was powerless to stop this potential daughter of his to ruin herself. Vahn felt that, if they were truly related to each other, Hermes could have just raised her as his daughter openly and avoided all these issues. Unfortunately, likely as a result of his Divinity and his nature in general, it seemed that Hermes had put himself in a position where he had to watch his own progeny...

Unable to complete the thought, Vahn suddenly felt a bit of pain in his chest just imagining how he would feel if his own daughter developed such a nature. For some reason, Vana crossed his mind for a brief moment and Vahn had to shake the image from his mind before saying, "You can put your clothes back on. I've learned what I wanted to see..." To this, Lulune leaned back, exposing herself and staring up at him as she said, "Are you sure? You know, now that you own me, I don't mind if you want to do something. Unless..." Suddenly, Lulune's tail and ears perked up before immediately drooping sadly as she muttered, "Don't tell me you think I'm not good enough...? You know, I'm a Chienthrope so I have a little confidence..."

Vahn pinched the bridge of his nose and said in a tired voice, "Put on your clothes, Lulune..." This time, Lulune's shoulders drooped as well before she climbed off the chair and began getting dressed. Instead of trying to appeal to him again, she kept her back facing Vahn and avoided direct eye contact with a sad expression on her face. As for Vahn, his brow had started to twitch since, even though Lulune looked very distraught, her aura had threads of pink in it and she kept glancing at him periodically. Eventually, she seemed to realize she had been seen through and just released a sigh before quickly putting on her clothes and muttering, "Damn, I thought there was at least a chance...haaaa...unlucky."

When she was fully dressed, Lulune looked towards Asfi and spontaneously asked, "If Vahn purchased you, does that mean you're finally going to lose your virginity? Hermes-sama is going to be super butthurt that his darling Asfi got bought up by another person~." To this, Asfi's eyes became sharp as she coldly stated, "Vahn has purchased my contract completely so, while I may act in the capacity of the Hermes Familia Captain, I am no longer bound to Hermes-sama. The moment I am no longer required to help manage the affairs of the Familia, I will be expatriating myself and joining a different Familia. You may concern yourself with Hermes-sama's feelings on the matter, but I no longer have any interest in his shameless antics..."

Lulune seemed genuinely surprised by Asfi's words, her tail becoming ramrod straight as she brought her hand over her mouth in shock. From the perspective of everyone in the Hermes Familia, Asfi had always been a very dedicated and loyal follower of Hermes. In fact, it was even rumored that Asfi had a 'permanant' contract with their god and many assumed the two had been bumping bodies in secret. Now that Asfi was clearly showing that her fondness for Hermes was almost nonexistent, Lulune couldn't quite believe it so she looked towards Vahn with an incredulous expression and asked, "Is this the kind of play you like? I didn't think you were the type that got his rocks by making girls badmouth other people...hnnn..."

Appearing to be deep in thought, Lulune brought her index finger to her chin but, before she could say anything else without thinking, Vahn raised his hand and said, "Lulune...I understand that you are trying to get some advantages in this situation, but you need to stop. Also, there are some things you should know about your heritage as it will be important for your future growth. Once I'm done explaining, I will help you come up with a plan of action for how you want to live your life in the future. Stop trying to think about how you can take advantage of the situation to try and escape from the troubled existence you've lived till now..."

Though she wanted to refute Vahn and say that she didn't really mind her current lifestyle, Lulune wasn't quite sure she would even believe her own words. Sure, she actually enjoyed having a relatively free and unconstrained lifestyle where she could almost do anything she wanted. At the same time, since they were a 'special' existence that worked with the Guild, it made her feel special herself, especially when she was tracking down bad guys...inversely, however, she was worried that the other members of the Familia actually hated her for being clumsy. At the same time, because she failed a lot of her missions, the level of trust she had was relatively low and, unless she accepted dangerous missions or sold her body, there were no easy ways to make money. It wasn't all bad, as some of the men she had met with were quite nice, Lulune had burned a lot of those bridges by trying to take advantage of their kindness...in fact, now that she thought about it clearly, Lulune realized her life kind of sucked.

Seeing Lulune stay quiet and attentive, Vahn took a breath to calm himself before explaining, "This is a secret between the three of us, at least for the time being. Don't go exposing what I'm about to reveal to anyone, especially Hermes and the other members of the Hermes Familia..." Since he had worded it in the form of a 'command', Vahn knew neither girl could even talk about it if they wanted to now. Making sure to frame his words appropriately, he then continued, saying, "Lulune, though I can only speculate as to who your father was, I can state without any doubts that he was a god. In other words, you are a demigoddess, being part god, part Chienthrope."

Vahn could see Lulune's hair begin to bristle as her tail and ears began to arc upwards in slow motion. Understanding what she was about to do, he held up his hand and said, "Stay silent." in a quick and curt tone of voice. Lulune, who was just about to scream a very loud 'Eeeeeeh?' suddenly found her voice stuck in her throat, almost as though she was going to choke on her words. Then, just as it felt like her head was going to explode from the pressure, a very warm sensation entered her body and she was able to relax again. Lulune immediately felt like a very pleasant feeling had wrapped her entire body but, just as she was trying to discern the source, it had vanished completely, replaced by a strange 'emptiness' she hadn't been aware of previously.

As he hadn't expected his order to cause Lulune to choke, Vahn had moved his hand slightly and allowed his petting energy to transfer through his domain to help Lulune calm down. Though his maximum range was only around eighteen meters right now, Vahn had found the fact that he could pet someone at a distance to be a very interesting discovery in the past. He liked to use it to tease the girls every now and then, even though they had caught on to his antics very quickly. Still, it was very useful for situations like this as, be they male or female, his petting energy could calm anyone that wasn't antagonistic towards him in an instant.

With Lulune now calm, even though she was now giving him a slightly curious and inquisitive look, Vahn explained, "They aren't listed in your file, but I have the ability to discern a person's secrets through their Status Board, including any hidden Skills, Magic, or Development Abilities. Though your race is listed as Chientrhope, there is also a hidden race that lists you as a God, even though it is currently sealed. This is the case for all demigods, which is how I'm able to discern the fact that you are a god. I was also able to intuit this from seeing the flow of energy in your body, which was one of the reasons I had called out to you to test my theory...do you understand?"

Lulune, still unable to talk, nodded her head in affirmation, even though she couldn't quite wrap her head around what Vahn was saying. She found it very difficult to believe that she was actually a demigoddess but, considering that she had never known her father, and that her mother refused to tell her, it started to make sense. Now, combined with what Vahn was saying earlier, Lulune felt a small sense of dread rising up in her body as the potential identity of her father crossed her mind. If that was the case...Lulune felt like she might break...

Seeing the sudden shift in Lulune's aura, which had started to take on a muted grey and purple, Vahn wasn't sure he should reveal his speculation. However, he felt like everyone deserved to know about their past and, even though it might be difficult for her, Vahn believed she would be able to overcome it with enough support. The problem with that was Lulune didn't seem to have too many friends, which meant he would have to introduce her to people that could help her. At the same time, he had the option of helping stabilize her life himself and, considering he was the one to cause the instability, it wasn't exactly beyond his responsibility to do so. He just didn't want to suddenly pull a second girl into his circle on the same day...

After considering his options, Vahn internally sighed and reminded himself that he had an entire year, or more, to help Lulune recover and live a happier life. Even if he didn't take her in as a lover, he could still be a friend to the unfortunate demigoddess. In fact, he needed more female friends who he could interact with in a platonic fashion. If all the girls around him ended up as his lovers, it would be very difficult for him to have normal relationships in future records. Thus, though he was certain Lulune would probably become an existence like Aisha within his life, Vahn walked over and planted his hand atop her shaggy black hair and began lightly petting her head.

Even without him explaining anything, Lulune knew what Vahn wanted to say and it made her heart break in an instant. Her legs suddenly felt like jelly and, if not for the fact she had been told to remain silent earlier, Lulune felt like she would have had to scream out. Instead, feeling the comfort coming from the hand on her head, Lulune gave into the overwhelming emotions and buried her head into Vahn's chest and began sobbing. This whole time, she felt like she had been alone in the world and it turned out that her own father had put her into such a terrible situation. All of his refusals suddenly made a lot more sense and, even though she could tell he wanted her to be more considerate of herself, Lulune couldn't help but blame Hermes for all of the heartache and negativity she had experienced in life...

Asfi also understood the reality of the situation and wondered how she could have been so blind to the truth for such a long time. Though she hadn't truly hated Hermes before, Asfi suddenly felt a great deal of resentment towards him. After all, she knew better than most what it felt like to be betrayed by family, even if her situation was significantly different from Lulune's. She, at the very least, had a father who had cared for her and tried to protect her. He had been the reason she was able to flee on that fateful day, even though it cost him the lives of his most faithful guards, men and women who willingly embraced their deaths to cover for her escape...

Vahn comforted Lulune until she had stopped crying nearly an hour later, a giant stain of tears and snot left behind where her face had been buried into his chest. She looked apologetic and embarrassed about it but Vahn just waved it away and, causing the two girls' eyes to widen, quickly changed into a spare tunic. For a brief moment, they had been able to see his body and, having 'secretly' memorized Vahn's scent over the last hour, Lulune felt her heart flutter. She didn't know why, but Vahn's hands were very comfortable and, now that she was separated from him, she 'really' wanted him to hold her again...

After changing his tunic, Vahn did his best to ignore the two sets of eyes that were perusing his body as he explained, "As I said, you will keep this a secret for the time being...I know this event might be something you struggle to deal with for the rest of your life, Lulune...but, if you never give up, you can overcome this moment. The best thing you can do is try to seek happiness for yourself and become strong enough to take control of your life. By the end of this year, I can guarantee you will be free your contract, even if the burden on your heart remains for a long time...you know, we can't really choose who we are born to and, in some instances, there are people who simply aren't suited to be parents. If you talk to Asfi, I'm sure you will be able to understand very quickly how truly terrible a person's parent can be. Stay strong, Lulune, and this will just become a minor event in your life, not something that defines how you will live for the rest of your life..."

Hearing Vahn's words, Lulune nodded her head but, at the same time, she swore in her heart that she would one day make Hermes pay. She hadn't really thought her life was that bad previously but, knowing that her father had been watching her struggle for the last seven years...it was the most heartbreaking thing she had ever experienced. Even now, she could remember the first time someone had purchased her first time, something he had reprimanded her for selling so cheaply but ultimately allowed her to follow through with. At that time, she had been severely indebted to the Familia after having to consume an Elixir to save her life. Since she had no other means to quickly earn money, and had just reached adulthood, it was the only choice Lulune thought she had...

Remembering that event, and the rather cruel and greedy man that had bought her, Lulune felt like crying again. Then, just as this thought crossed her mind, the warm hand had returned to her head and, looking up into Vahn's eyes, she could see compassion and concern in his vibrant green eyes. Now, seeing his handsome face and the amount of concern he showed her, Lulune actually felt even worse about the decisions she had made in the past. Part of her even blamed Vahn for not being there for her back then, even though she knew it wasn't fair to blame him at all. In fact, he hadn't even been in the City back then and it was ultimately her decision to follow through...

This time, instead of bawling her eyes out, Lulune just lowered her head and muttered, "Please, keep petting me for a little while..." She didn't want to make another wet stain on Vahn's chest and, more than just sadness, there was a lot of anger within her heart and mind. More than ever before, Lulune had a very powerful urge to just start hitting and breaking things, with Vahn's warmth the only thing keeping her from lashing out. At the same time, as her mind slowly calmed down and relaxed, Lulune tried to embed Vahn's words into her heart. She wanted to work hard to live a happy life, save up a lot of money and, if possible, completely ruin Hermes...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Does this make Hermes a fair god...or a massive cunt...?','All Chientrhopes are good girls (T ^ T)...','A demigod that hates their father and vows revenge...this could be an actual Greek myth xD...')

https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)


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