With the 'monstrous' size of their Expedition party, the progress into the Dungeon was relatively slow since they had to clear through every Floor. Many of the people that specialized in carpentry, construction, and other trades, had never cleared to the 18th Floor and they couldn't simply be left behind. They were relying on the Loki Familia for protection and had accepted this commission with the guarantee that their protection would be the highest priority. This was also another one of Loki's 'plots', as she wanted to increase the number of 'normal' citizens that had ventured deeper into the Dungeon. When they returned to the Surface, they would be able to spread information among their colleagues that could be very beneficial for the Alliance.
Not only would their 'reputation' increase, especially if they could avoid casualties and encountering any dangerous situations, but it would also make people less fearful of the Dungeon. Many people, even Adventurers, simply gave up progressing into the Dungeon after earning a stable income. Since the 'goal' of the Alliance was to one day conquer the Dungeon entirely, setting up settlements along the way, they needed to greatly increase the number of people venturing further in. At the very least, they could increase the confidence tradesmen had in the Familias of the Alliance, potentially allowing them to create 'merchant caravans' that ventured deeper into the Dungeon to obtain goods. They would be making several rare items available within the Dungeon, adamantly refusing to 'transport' them on behalf of other businesses unless stringent contracts were signed beforehand.
Though it took a bit longer than expected, the Expedition managed to reach the 18th Floor, Rivira, after around ten hours, setting up camp near a lake to the west of the settlement. This time around, the number of people that wanted to make arrangements with the Loki Familia had increased exponentially because the current 'mission' had been highly publicized throughout the City. There were so many people in Rivira right now that several encampments could be seen all throughout the forest, each belonging to Familias that either wanted to profit from the Loki Familia or simply touch base with some of the more famous Adventurers. As the 'Leader' of the Expedition, Vahn actually had to meet with some of their representatives while Finn, fortunately, dealt with all the extra commissions.
Vahn was currently sitting with Haruhime and Mikoto at his sides while someone he hadn't expected to see had come to meet him. It was an intelligent looking woman with short aqua-blue hair, neatly arranged to frame her face with a strip of white in her bangs. She had cyan-blue eyes and was bespectacled, making her appear to be a calm and intelligent young woman. This was their first time meeting, but Vahn had recognized her unique look immediately, understanding this was none other than Asfi Al Andromeda, the 'Perseus' and Captain of the Hermes Familia.
At the same time Vahn was 'evaluating' her, Asfi was doing the same thing and she realized now why Hermes was always teasing her. Vahn was a very handsome boy and he radiated an air of mystery and 'danger' at the same time. He was much like a placid estuary that had powerful currents deep beneath the calm surface, threatening to swallow up anyone that carelessly treaded into his life. As a member of royalty, Asfi had been trained to discern the qualities of people from a young age so that she could select capable vassals. Though part of her whimsically thought about scouting Vahn, Asfi felt like she would quickly get wrapped up in his affairs instead. There was also the fact that he was the true 'heart' of the Alliance, causing Hermes to ask her to build an amicable relationship with him, if possible.
Not letting her emotions show on her face at all, Asfi maintained a calm and cool demeanor as she said, "Vahn Mason, Sage Aldrnari, Captain of the Hestia Familia, thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice. I'm certain you're curious as to why I've approached you like this, thus I will get straight to the point so as to allay any concerns you may have. Simply put, I come carrying a message for you and have also been tasked to request, not the Expedition, but you personally to attend a matter. Though I would like to convey the details, I must ask that you agree to keep the information we discuss a secret amongst your people..." Asfi had also evaluated Mikoto and Haruhime, feeling a strange pressure for the young Renard girl while Mikoto gave her a similar feeling to Vahn. Compared to a deep river, however, Mikoto was more like a sheathed blade that was waiting to be drawn at a moment's notice...
Vahn brought his fingers to his chin, contemplating what possible reasons behind Hermes' decision to send Asfi here. Her presence meant the Hermes Familia, perhaps even Hermes himself, was likely present in Rivira. Unlike most gods, Hermes could freely enter the Dungeon because his Divinity allowed him to pass through without being restricted by barriers and such, going completely undetected by the Dungeon's defenses. Even in the Manga, he always seemed to be nearby, constantly pushing Bell further along his path to becoming a hero. Vahn wondered if the 'seemingly casual' god had taken a similar interest in him, though it was more than likely related to a task assigned by the Guild.
Deciding to test the waters a bit, Vahn asked, "Is it related to the Xenos...? Ah, don't worry, I can guarantee everyone here will keep the matter a closely guarded secret. I'm certain your god, Hermes, would attest to the fact that the people close to me can be trusted, especially in situations like this." Though her expression hadn't changed in the slightest, Vahn noticed Asfi's aura flare up and was pleased to have guessed, at least one of the reasons, for her being here. There had been a bit of turmoil in the City over the last few weeks and the Xenos were often talked about, generally in a negative light.
Asfi felt like her valuation of Vahn hadn't been high enough, as he seemed to be more intelligent than his 'honest' face showed. Recalling the fact that he was given the title of Sage and had also become the youngest [Master Smith] in history, Asfi decided she needed to treat Vahn in a more respectful and cautious manner. Without any great delay, Asfi nodded her head slightly and said, "It is indeed as you've guessed, Vahn..." Though she was going to address him by his full title and name, Asfi noticed the subtle change in Vahn's expression and realized he wasn't the type that liked to be talked up to. This was going to be a little more difficult than she expected...
Collecting herself in an instant, Asfi continued, "I have a parchment to pass to you, for your eyes only. As for the sender, even I am unaware as the parchment was given to me anonymously, including a sizeable payment and a simple explanation of the request. Please be cautious, as the parchment will likely burn as you read it..." Asfir passed over a very official looking scroll that was sealed with a red wax seal, showing a red, white, and black circle orbiting around what looked like a stone. Vahn couldn't discern anything from the mark though, given the fact the parchment was given to her anonymously and they still accepted the mission, Vahn suspected the person to make the request was Fels, Ouranos' subordinate.
Opening the scroll, Vahn felt a fluctuation of magical energy that seemed to be able to track where his eyes passed, meaning he only had one chance to read the message. Activating his [Eyes of Truth], Vahn quickly scanned the contents, confirming there was nothing strange attached to it before reading the message itself...
*Sage Aldrnari,
Be cautious of enemies within.
Vahn was surprised by the very 'curt' message and felt that the expensive parchment used to carry it had been a gross waste of materials. However, he was able to obtain a great amount of information just by the '-F' signature at the end, almost confirming it was indeed Fels. Since it was coming from him, that meant Ouranos had likely discerned something and was cautioning him to pay attention, either to the enemies within the Dungeon, or potential enemies within the Expedition itself. This was the main reason he had most of the girls stay behind at the Manor this time around, as Vahn had already anticipated something might happen. The fact that the orb awakened at such a time was almost like the manifestation of karma's 'will', meaning he would likely face a trial in the near future.
The parchment burned into ashes, surprising Asfi a bit since Vahn didn't release it, even when the flames touched his fingers. Almost as if he was exploiting the gap in her thoughts, Vahn immediately asked, "Well, what request did you want to make, Asfi? If possible, I'd like to know who is making the request or it will make the rewards negotiations more difficult. The Hestia Familia isn't in the 'business' of working with anonymous clients, as we act very above-board because of our intent to remain a 'righteous' Familia."
Asfi nearly answered immediately, managing to collect herself just as the words reached her lips. She could tell Vahn was the type to try and control the 'momentum' of a conversation, though he didn't seem to be aware of it himself. This was likely the result of some 'training' he had received, with Loki being the first person that came to mind when she thought about it. So as not to cause any misunderstandings, Asfi blinked consciously before answering, "The request comes on behalf of the god of my Familia, Hermes-sama. If possible, we ask that you take one of our members down to the 39th Floor, personally guaranteeing their protection and allowing them to map the area. As for why the Hermes Familia didn't officially join the Expedition...it is because many of her members operate in secrecy and we try to conceal as much information as possible about our numbers and Levels. The person you'll be escorting won't be fighting unless there is an emergency situation that you're unable to deal with on your own..."
Vahn tilted his head slightly and thought about the request, wondering if there was actually any reason to accept it. The Hermes Familia was part of the Alliance so Vahn could simply give them a far more detailed map of the area if they requested it. This meant the person he would be escorting may have a secondary objective, perhaps sending a message or carrying an important object. Other than that, the only thing Vahn could think of was that Hermes was just trying to get someone close to him so they could 'spy' on him and the others. Squinting his eyes, Vahn asked, "Is the person I'm supposed to be escorting a cute girl...?"
Though it was a seemingly 'harmless' question, perhaps misleading some to simply think Vahn was a bit of a pervert, Asfi felt a bit shaken since she could tell he had guessed part of Hermes' objective. She had actually been planning to introduce several of their members to Vahn, allowing him to pick from amongst their group since it didn't matter who accompanied him. Seeing the subtle changes in his expression, Asfir could even tell Vahn was able to see through her slight perturbation and she suddenly felt like she had already walked a little too deep without realizing it. Stifling the desire to release a sigh, Asfi nodded politely and said, "Forgive me for being roundabout, but the member that was originally going to accompany you was me...I would not be so boastful as to call myself a cute girl, so please excuse me from having to comment on that."
Hermes had advised her that, if Vahn was able to see through their plan from the beginning, Asfi should conceal the fact that their people were in the area and accompany Vahn herself. Though she had some inhibitions about it, feeling as though Hermes had set her up somehow, Asfi realized the other girls wouldn't be able to deal with Vahn, nor would they be able to carry out their secondary objective. She could easily excuse herself from combat since, though she was recorded as a Level 4 with the Guild, she was far more famous as a craftsman and nobody would expect her to take to the frontlines.
Vahn was surprised by how 'adaptive' Asfi was, feeling very impressed by the stability of her character and the perceptiveness of her mind. Since he was sitting cross-legged, Vahn put his knee on his elbow and propped up his head, appearing to be thinking about it while maintaining eye contact with Asfi. He hadn't realized it himself, but Loki had indeed been 'grooming' him to make better use of his perception and better control conversations. She was afraid he would end up being fooled by someone, specifically other gods, so Loki had been 'priming' him during their conversations. Because of this, Vahn was able to see through and infer many things by the very subtle changes in Asfi's expression, body language, and aura. His [Eyes of Truth] had been active since earlier so he could even see her arteries pulsing and the flow of air in and out of her nose...
Asfi felt like she couldn't keep any secrets in front of Vahn, almost like his stark blue eyes could pierce straight through her. She had a strong desire to cover her chest, causing her fingers to twitch a little as Vahn continued to stare directly at her. He wasn't actually using his ability to see through objects right now, but Asfi didn't even know he had that capability or she very well might have tried protecting her dignity. Fortunately, she didn't have to withstand his intense gaze for much longer as the Renard to his right, who she knew as the 'legendary' Sanjouno Haruhime, began to laugh in a very elegant manner. Asfi felt like she was standing amongst her peers in the royal court when she saw Haruhime's behavior, deciding she needed to investigate the girl further after returning to the surface.
Vahn turned to Haruhime when he heard her laughing, curious about what she found so interesting about the current situation. Haruhime's pale golden eyes glimmered with a magical light as she said, "I think you should accept to escort her, Vahn...she seems like a very interesting girl and I think we can be 'good' friends in the future~." Much like Asfi, Haruhime had realized that the latter was definitely either a noble, or some other high-born woman. It was very obvious she had been trained in court etiquette and the way she carried herself, with her straight back and slightly raised chin, showed that she was accustomed to authority, both given and earned. Though it wasn't impossible she had 'learned' it from other sources, Asfi's behavior was too 'perfect' and Haruhime believed she would be a powerful ally in the future...
Squinting his eyes, Vahn smiled slightly since he could tell Haruhime was being a bit 'playful' and was likely teasing Asfi a bit. Since the latter was probably around twenty years old, Vahn found it kind of funny to see a fourteen-year-old girl teasing a mature beauty with a 'cool' disposition. Without pressuring Asfi any longer, Vahn turned his now-green eyes to her and said, "Well, I never really had any intention of refusing since the Hermes Familia was one of the first to join the Alliance. We haven't had the ability to collaborate much in the past so this is a good opportunity to better our understanding of each other, smoothening future cooperation between our Familias."
Though he couldn't be absolutely certain, Vahn felt like these events had been orchestrated by Hermes, someone Loki had cautioned him about several times in the past. It would be 'problematic' if Vahn couldn't accept escorting the Captain of an Allied Familia, especially since it wasn't a difficult task given the face the escort took place during the Expedition. He was positive Asfi had another reason for venturing into the Lower Floors as well, something Vahn was interested in as it likely related to the Xenos. It was a good opportunity to touch base with them, potentially paving the way for easier access to the Dungeon if they could make use of the hidden passages only Xenos could find.
Before Asfi had any chance to breathe, however, Vahn asked, "And, may I ask what the reward is? I don't mind escorting a 'beauty', but I have a feeling you aren't part of the payment. Or, perhaps you are...?" Asfi realized that Vahn was teasing her at this point and she felt like she had suddenly come across another Hermes-like person since she could tell he was both serious and playful at the same time. 'She' was indeed part of the reward, though not in the sense that Vahn's words might imply if someone heard him without understanding the context. Asfi realized his perception was far higher than even Hermes realized, as Vahn had even been able to glean insight into the reward before the negotiations even began.
Struggling to maintain her calm disposition, Asfi closed her eyes and stated in a cool monotone, "The Hermes Familia isn't in the best financial situation right now so I had agreed to assist in the production of a unique Magic item fitting the specifications you designate. As you are a [Master Smith], you likely have many rare materials that would be useful in making unique items that only someone with the [Mystery] Development Ability would be able to produce. In addition, we will also provide thirty of each, Burst Oil, Thunder Oil, and Healing Grenades, valued at 14,900,000 Valis." As Vahn would be providing the materials for the Magic Item, they obviously couldn't make that the only reward as they would become the laughing stock of the City if someone heard such ridiculous terms.
Because he had access to 'any' item through the system shop, Vahn would have been perfectly fine with just having Asfir create a Magic Item for him. He figured he could learn the [Mystery] Development Ability through observing her and, after checking the price of the three items she mentioned in the shop, Vahn saw he would save nearly 200,000 OP by accepting them. Without considering it in great detail, Vahn smiled and said, "Very well, I, Vahn Mason, will accept the request of the Hermes Familia to escort Asfi...Andromeda to the 39th Floor, protecting her safety until the Expeditions return..."
As he spoke, there were two realizations that took place, though for very different reasons. Asfi heard the pause in Vahn's words and, though some might misconstrue it to mean he had simply forgotten her name, Asfi knew he had 'stopped' himself from saying something else. She hadn't told him her middle name but, though she wasn't sure how he had figured it out, Vahn seemed to be aware of her origins. As for Vahn, he realized that he may not be able to actually keep his word to Asfi since he may have to return via [Heroes Reprieve], meaning she would be left behind when he teleported out...
Vahn furrowed his brows and decided to put his faith in Eva, as she would most certainly teach him Magia Erebea before he had to return to the surface. He also had the option of 'carrying' Asfi to the surface when the rallying whistle was blown, confident he could reach the exit in less than a day if he pushed himself. With the training he would undergo in the orb, Vahn didn't think it would be difficult at all, especially if he managed to contact the Xenos through Asfi. Resolving himself, Vahn looked to Asfi and said, "As you know, I'm currently expecting my children to be born within the next two months, meaning I may have to leave for the surface at a moments notice. In the event I am called back, we will have to break through to the surface in a single push...I can guarantee your safety, but you may have to suffer a few grievances in the process..."
Asfi inhaled slightly more than normal, having many questions pass through her mind that she was certain she couldn't ask outright. One of the reasons Hermes wanted someone to get close to Vahn was because he had many secrets and a variety of unknown capabilities. Asfi could infer, through his words, that Vahn had a means of communicating with the surface. He also seemed to have a method to make a three day trip within a single day, likely even just a few hours, which was both terrifying and exciting to think about. However, the 'grievances' he mentioned unnerved her a little bit, even though she nodded her head and said, "I understand...childbirth is very important and you should be at the sides of the mother's instead of holed up inside the Dungeon. If it comes to that, I will tolerate 'mild' grievances without blaming you..."
The truth of the matter was, Asfi also had a few means to pass through the Dungeon very quickly and, if things got 'bad', she could help guide Vahn out instead of following normal routes. Their Familia worked with some of the 'Xenos Refugees' on occasion so Asfi knew a few key passages that would allow them to skip a few floors. She also had her [Talaria], a pair of winged sandals that allowed her to fly, so they could outright skip the Great Falls area on the return trip. Vahn seemed to be an 'ally' of the Xenos so it wouldn't be a bad thing to allow him to interact with them in the future.
Vahn smiled, somewhat apologetically because he imagined using [Shundo] to run through the Dungeon, carrying Asfi in a princess carry for several hours. He thought she was an interesting woman but was currently in a phase where he wasn't really trying to start any new relationships. Since she seemed like an intelligent woman, Vahn figured they could be friends since she was loyal to the Hermes Familia and would likely return to her own country in the future. He could use this as an opportunity to potentially meet the Xenos while also being able to witness the [Mystery] Development Ability in action, two very beneficial things. Thus, without beating around the bush any further, Vahn matched gazes with Asfi and said, "I look forward to our cooperation, Asfi. Hopefully, the Hestia and Hermes Familias can get along well in the future..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Unexpected Guest','Battle of Perception, Vahn's Momentum','RIP Asfi-chan...')
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After sending Asfi off with Haruhime and Mikoto, Vahn dealt with a few other representatives of various Familias and groups, refusing most of the personal requests made. Most of them simply wanted to get extra benefits while trying to make a connection with the Hestia Familia, something Vahn had no intention of allowing. If they wanted to work with the Alliance, it would have been better to simply join beforehand, benefitting in the long term through cooperation. The fact that they specifically tried to make a connection with the Hestia Familia showed they were less interested in 'cooperation' and were trying to take 'shortcuts' to gain benefits.
By the time 5 PM was coming around, Vahn moved from the Command Tent and headed one tent over, where the Hesta Familia Tent was located. It wasn't really that accurate a description, as four members of the Loki Familia were also using it, but it was better than the name some had given it. Because Vahn shared the tent with 'only' women, some people in the Expedition called it the 'Heaven Tent' or 'Harem Tent', some in jest while others in jealousy. Vahn had become somewhat 'notorious' in the City, not because he had done anything bad, but due to the fact he was the only male member in a Familia comprised almost entirely of women. There were even some that had started calling him the 'Flower Collector' since there was such 'variety' within the girls surrounding him...
Vahn ignored the majority of these comments since it didn't really matter too much how other people saw him, so long as they didn't actually try anything. Most people had enough sense to not even try and approach the girls around Vahn, as another one of the 'rumors' surrounding him was that he could be very overprotective. Since the only people he lashed out at were despicable people, often devoid of normal sensibilities, Vahn didn't really consider himself overprotective. From his perspective, it was 'normal' to get annoyed when arrogant or abrasive men tried to approach the girls, seeing them more like a 'trophy' than anything else. Those that were lascivious by nature were generally bad people and were more prone to causing harm than offering anything constructive through association...
After entering the tent, Vahn saw Haruhime sitting with Asfi, both drinking tea in a very practiced manner that betrayed their origins to those perceptive to such things. Seeing his entrance, Haruhime smiled and said, "Welcome back, Vahn. Thank you for your hard work~." Vahn gestured to prevent Haruhime from rising, asking, "Where are the other girls?" out of curiosity. Haruhime blinked in a strangely slow manner before answering, "Ais, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya had all gone to Rivira to see if there was anything interesting in the stalls. As for Mikoto, I imagine she will be back soon..."
Understanding the implication behind Haruhime's words, Vahn smiled wryly before nodding to Asfir and making his way into the area where they would have been sleeping. He would probably have to change their arrangements out of consideration for Asfi, but it likely wouldn't make much of a difference. This tent had enough space for twenty people to rest comfortably and Vahn could always attach an extra room later on. By the time they reached the 39th Floor, it wouldn't really matter much since he would create a makeshift residence for them with earth magic, potentially relying on Terra when the time came. Though she would probably spend the majority of the time in the orb, Vahn didn't think she would be against staying outside for a few hours every couple of years...
Though it would only cause him to become 'unconscious' for a few seconds, Vahn made sure to use the orb in a secure location where Asfi couldn't see him. She may have been sent to spy on them, simultaneously trying to get closer to the core members of the Alliance, but Vahn didn't expect she would try to impose on them much. It seemed like she and Haruhime were having some kind of 'confrontation' at the moment and Vahn decided to trust in her judgment. Thus, after relaxing in a seated position for a few minutes, Vahn pulled out Eva's orb and inserted his intent inside, preparing himself for the potential changes that had occurred with Fenrir and Terra...
The moment he entered the orb, Vahn was reminded why he generally laid down before entering the past since Eva immediately 'pinned' him from his seated position and forced him back on the bed. She had a playful and borderline seductive smile on her face as she licked her lips and said, "It's good that you're on time, Vahn. I had a lot of time to think about 'punishments' for you over the last few years...such a shame~." At the end of her words, Eva chomped down on his neck and began draining his blood, a ritual he was very accustomed to. As he hugged her body, Vahn closed his eyes and noticed that she was draining a fair amount this time around, likely as a result of consuming her mana while training the girls...
Almost as soon as he started thinking about Terra and Fenrir, Eva bit him a little harder than normal before separating from his neck and saying, "Don't think about other girls when I'm sucking your blood..." Vahn wasn't sure how Eva had been able to glean what he was thinking but he just smiled and said, "Sorry, Eva..." as he stroked the back of her hair. Eva released a small 'hmph' sound and carefully bit the same spot where she had previously bitten him. She couldn't really read his mind, but Eva could tell if Vahn was thinking about other things since the flow of energy in his body would change. Since he passively resisted her influence when his mind wandered, Eva knew he wasn't thinking about her, even though they were together like this. It made her a little frustrated since she had spent the last few weeks looking forward to their reunion and Vahn didn't seem to mind that much. She knew it hadn't been very long for him since their separation, but it was hard to consider things rationally when she was feeling emotional...
For nearly two hours, Vahn pampered Eva and tumbled around with her in the blankets as a means of apologizing for his inconsiderate actions. He could understand why she was upset with him so Vahn wanted to make it up to her by focusing entirely on the adorable little vampire. Compared to his last visit, she was back to wearing white clothing again so Vahn believed she was actually in a better mood than before. Though this made him curious about what changes had occurred, Vahn wasn't in too much of a hurry, even if he was worried about Fenrir...
While they were taking a bath, Eva eventually released a sigh and said, "You don't have to worry so much about those two...well, at least the big one. Jeez, this is why I didn't really want those girls to stay inside here from the beginning. I already get so little time with you and now your focus is all over the place, even when I'm naked right in front of you~!" Eva had a frustrated face with a healthy blush as she leaned against the side of the tub before climbing out of it. After walking a few steps with her long blond hair dangling behind her, it suddenly self-dried before Eva was wearing a soft blue gothic dress. Looking back, she had an expression of blame on her face as she said, "Come along my foolish little disciple..."
Vahn felt apologetic to Eva but he couldn't deny he was really worried, especially concerning Fenrir and her mental state. Ever since he entered the orb, Vahn had a strange feeling in his heart that was difficult to describe, almost like he 'craved' something. The reason why it was so 'strange' was because Vahn knew the feeling wasn't his own and, though he couldn't trace back the source, he was almost certain it belonged to Fenrir. Eva also didn't really seem to blame him too much for his concern, causing Vahn to feel a little nervous since she was typically more 'forward' than this.
When they reached the courtyard of the castle, Vahn noticed that the amount of vegetation had actually greatly increased compared to his previous visit. Most notably, however, was the fact it looked very organized and almost 'pristine' in its arrangement, almost as though he had wandered into a paradise of sorts. As if to explain away his curiosity, Eva looked around and said, "Terra has a very high affinity with nature and has helped convert the area around the castle into a massive garden. How peculiar..." Eva brought her fingers to her chin in thought, curious as to where Terra had gone since she had been here earlier. Remembering why she was currently showing Vahn around, Eva realized why Terra had probably 'hidden' herself so she grabbed Vahn's hand and said, "Let's go..." in a somewhat dull tone.
Seeing Eva's behavior, Vahn felt even more nervous and it didn't take long for this emotion to reach a peak since, after Eva brought him into the sky, Vahn saw that a large area of the orb's 'island' had been converted into pure ice. Once again, Eva seemed to realize what he was thinking as she said, "That little wolf of your's has a natural affinity with Water, Ice, and Devouring laws...she really has been a troublesome disciple." Though Eva seemed to be complaining about Fenrir, Vahn could tell from her 'soft' expression they had grown somewhat close over the last four years. Eva liked to put on a cold and resistant front but she was actually a kind-hearted girl that cared about the people she was close to, seemingly more than she cared about herself.
After a very short flight, as Eva could even outpace Fafnir is she was serious, they landed in front of what looked like a poorly designed ice palace. It had a 'wild' feeling to it, almost like it was a mixture between a man-made structure and the wrath of nature itself. There were ice spires and twisted landscapes all over the place, accented by what Vahn could tell were supposed to be statues of him. It was honestly a little creepy, but Vahn was more concerned about the inhabitant of the palace than the decor. With his domain, Vahn identified a very small signature within the heart of the palace and quickly made his way forward using [Shundo].
Since the internal structure wasn't that complex, Vahn quickly found his way into a large central area where he could see the figure of Fenrir laying on a large bed that had been frozen over. She was clutching a very worn-down version of the [Dakimakura] and didn't seem to be moving at all. Vahn could tell she was alive and quickly made his way to her side using [Shundo], picking her seemingly fragile body up and embracing her tightly as he replenished her nearly depleted energy. Fenrir's eyes fluttered and her startlingly vibrant scarlet eyes opened slightly as she mumbled, "Master...Fenrir has been waiting for you..." in a husky and tired voice.
Vahn had already identified that Fenrir wasn't injured so he felt a great sense of relief as a warmth flowed from his chest, answering, "Fenrir is a good girl..." as he stroked her hair. The 'craving' in his heart completed faded away in an instant as Fenrir closed her eyes and showed a happy smile on her face before nuzzling into his chest. From the side, Eva explained, "As her magic power increased, Fenrir's consumption of food reached an unsustainable level. She spent less and less time near the castle, constructing this place as a means of coping with her hunger until asking me to seal her power until your return. Though she could have returned to her core, she wanted to be here when you returned..." Eva felt a little awkward about being here during this reunion because she knew how 'difficult' things had been for Fenrir, and even Terra.
Hearing Eva's explanation, Vahn showed a smile that was full of pride and appreciation for the little Vanargandr in his arms. He could also tell that her power had increased greatly since, even after giving her more than half of his energy, Fenrir seemed like a bottomless pit right now. He was tempted to check her Status Board right now but knew it wouldn't actually reflect her growth since the Magic parameter wasn't a perfect indicator of how much mana/magic power a person had. A thousand Magic for an Elf could be significantly more than a thousand Magic for a Human. This was due to the fact that the parameters gained from a Falna didn't always reflect the base parameters of a person properly, which was why Vahn once had the misunderstanding that it didn't matter how much he trained his body in the past. He previously believed that the only important thing was the parameters themselves but, after seeing several signs this wasn't necessarily the case, Vahn believed there was more to it that he needed to research in the future...
Fortunately, Vahn didn't have to replenish all of Fenrir's energy for her to regain her ability to move around, allowing her to hug him tightly as she rubbed against his chest. The glow in her eyes had faded a great deal and they now appeared somewhat hazy as a result of the moisture covering them. Fenrir sniffled in a manner that made Vahn's heart ache as she said, "Fenrir missed Master so much...I don't want to stay here anymore, it's too lonely. I'm sorry, Eva, but I want to stay with Master from now on..." Over the last four years, Fenrir had grown closer to Eva and, even though she was still 'scary', Fenrir knew she was a 'good' girl. As for Eva, she had slightly furrowed brows since she was a little bothered by the act that Fenrir was putting on.
Though Fenrir had some difficulties communicating clearly at first, Eva had put in a great deal of effort to 'fix' her bad habits. Fenrir could now speak, read, and write in three different languages and they had often conversed together to practice speaking properly. Since Fenrir was able to 'mimic' people very easily, she had been able to fix most of her problems within the first year, meaning she spent the last three years conversing relatively normally. Eva could tell that she was 'pandering' to Vahn a bit, either trying to earn his pity or...thinking till this point, Eva realized that Fenrir may actually be trying to make Vahn feel relieved by pretending not to have changed much...
Releasing a sigh, Eva shook her head and said, "I'm going to go find Terra so make sure to head back to the castle after you're done playing around. You're the one that was supposed to learn magic in this orb, Vahn, so make sure you take my lessons seriously later on." With her words finished, Eva teleported directly to Terra's location without bothering to point out Fenrir's little act. Everyone had their own ways of coping with things and Eva wasn't going to get in the way of their little reunion, especially since it was a little annoying to be the third wheel in such situations. She found Terra sitting at a wooden table, sipping on an emerald green tea with a soft smile on her face and a knowing look in her eyes...
The moment Eva left, Fenrir's tail began to 'wag' from side-to-side in a natural and steady manner as she looked up and said, "Fenrir has become much stronger, Master...but, Fenrir isn't sure if she has become mature enough...?" Since she hadn't wiped her eyes earlier, there was a fair amount of moisture in Fenrir's eyes as she looked up with a 'puppy-like' expression. Vahn felt like his heartstrings were being plucked at as he looked at her pitiable expression and stroked her head, saying, "I'm sure Fenrir has become much more mature than before..." As the words left his lips. Vahn felt a little unnerved because things would probably progress in a direction he wasn't sure he was ready for.
Fenrir turned her head down and just nuzzled against Vahn's chest as a glimmer passed through her scarlet red eyes. She could tell that her Master still wasn't 'ready', even though she knew her own maturity had already passed muster. If she didn't behave childishly, Fenrir knew she would finally be able to become one with her Master, something she had been dreaming off for the last few years. However, her maturity also gave her 'perspective' and Fenrir was able to understand better the reasons why he had been delaying things. He was very reliant on her for his mental stability, almost like one of the 'anchors' that Eina had talked about in the past. If she pushed things forward before he was ready, Fenrir felt like she would be taking advantage of her Master and introducing more chaos in his life...
After collecting her thoughts, Fenrir hugged her Master tightly and said, "Fenrir thinks it will take a little longer until she matures completely. When we return to the Manor, Fenrir will talk with the other mature girls and try her best to learn more...Eva is a good teacher, but Fenrir can tell she isn't good at being 'mature' yet..." Though a shiver ran down her back when she badmouthed Eva, Fenrir apologized to her second Master in her heart. She knew how to read people better now and, after watching Eva for nearly four years, Fenrir knew she was a 'damaged' girl, just like her Master was a damaged boy. They both needed companionship and understanding to function properly or they would potentially be corrupted by the loneliness. Now that her understanding of loneliness had also increased, Fenrir felt empathy towards both Eva, and her Master...
Completely unaware of what Fenrir was thinking, as she was one of the few people whose aura he couldn't see, Vahn used his [Petting] as he gently stroked her back, saying, "I'm so proud of you, Fenrir...you've really grown up a lot. In the future, I think you'll be able to grow even more, but...I'm glad you haven't changed too much, even if its a bit selfish of me to say..." Vahn knew that Fenrir had probably worked very hard while she was in the orb, especially since Eva gave her some indirect compliments. He was certain things would eventually progress to the point where they ended up together in the future but, for the time being, Vahn felt very relieved that she hadn't immediately wanted to advance things.
Fenrir could sense the 'relief' coming from her Master so she just closed her eyes and enjoyed his [Petting] in silence, promising to protect him well with all of her heart. She had worked very hard to increase her strength and even believed she would be able to defeat her Master if they fought, not that she would ever do such a thing. The reason she had worked so hard to become strong was so that she could protect her Master from others, both physically and emotionally. She was now one of the strongest people around him, something that gave Fenrir peace of mind since it had been very frustrating to be surrounded by so many strong people. Now she had the opportunity to stay at his side, protecting both his body and his mind from harm...
Opening her eyes slightly, Fenrir suddenly turned her head up to look at Vahn and decided she deserved a bit of a reward for her dedication, saying, "Master...Fenrir has thought about it a lot and wants you to know that she loves you...for now, please just give me a kiss...okay?" Since she already decided not to pressure her Master too much, Fenrir at least wanted something small to tide her over. After all, she waited for him for a whole four years...that's longer than the other girls even knew him, something Fenrir felt gave her the right to ask for a small reward. Fortunately, her Master seemed to agree as he smiled before leaning down and giving her a kiss on the lips, causing Fenrir's heart to flutter as she wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed being selfish for a little while longer...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Envious Eyes','Eva, the eternal Tsundere','Fenrir is a good girl...')
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