Vahn was used to Tina being somewhat affectionate after a hard fight so he didn't mind her much and just picked up her sword and carried her over to where Milan was waiting. All of the surviving Killer Ants just stood stock still as they watched this happen and it wasn't until Vahn reached the corridor that their movement returned. Completely incapable of understanding what had happened, the monsters began to charge towards the fleshy trio until a wave of fire appeared out of thin air and began to torch their bodies until they eventually turned to purple dust and vanished from the world.
Without paying too much attention to the ants, Vahn set Tina down next to her mother and used his free hand to remove all the grime from her body. It was always a very interesting sight to see particulates of blood, organs, and small pieces of monsters just 'float' away from someone's body as it collected into a sphere near Vahn's palm. His 'cleaning' had developed much further than in the past because Vahn's 'image' of the ability had become solidified at this point. Instead of having to identify each individual mana signature, he simply had to 'want' to clean their bodies and the small magic circle in his palm took care of the rest. He wasn't sure why it didn't show up as a Magic within the system, but it didn't really matter since many of the spells he 'copied' didn't show up either.
Tina watched as all the guck left her body and wished she would be able to use such Magic in the future. Of course, she didn't want to learn it any time soon since the 'tingling' feeling she felt on her skin was very pleasant and it felt even better knowing that Vahn was the one doing it. He was probably unaware of it, but Vahn's 'cleaning' magic went all the way to the skin of the girls he used it on since it always pulled away sweat and cleansed the pores. It was a very refreshing and 'pleasant' feelings since it was like having all your pores opened up in a sauna as a cool breeze passed over the body. Tina's tail curled up happily in response to the pleasant stimulation until she saw the 'teasing' look from her mother and began to blush with a pouting expression on her face.
Vahn just had a small smile on his face because he found Tina was always adorable when she behaved like this, as it made her appear more like the child she was instead of the 'adult' she wished to be. Just like Fenrir, he wished she wouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up since it was very important to enjoy your childhood, at least in his opinion. Vahn understood he was a bit of a hypocrite at times because he often overlooked what was 'best' for himself when he was focused on other things, typically requiring other people to point it out for him. This didn't really change his feelings on the subject, however, and Vahn just wanted what was best for them before things naturally became more 'complicated' in the future...
Once her front was completely clean, Vahn placed his hand on Tina's stomach and lifted her up so she could stand on her own two feet with Milan's support. She had a habit of pushing herself to the limits so Vahn and Milan were very used to helping her recover after the fact. While Milan supported her body, Vahn helped replenish Tina's stamina while also treating any injuries she might have sustained, especially things like muscle cramps and tears. He also used his left hand and cast his cleaning magic on her back to remove the majority of the grime located on her backside as well. Tina's tail flickered about and she released an almost inaudible mewling sound, especially when Vahn moved his hand toward her lower body. Vahn knew to be 'careful' around the area and didn't tarry too long before moving down Tina's legs and finishing the process.
Milan shook her head with a wry smile on her face and just stroked her daughter's head after the latter buried her face into her abdomen again to hide the blush on her cheeks. As for Vahn, he placed his palm against the plate on Tina's back and used his [Petting] to help her calm down. Even through the durable Adamantine plating, Vahn's [Petting] was still effective and it made Tina slowly began to relax and loosen up her body. Milan watched this take place with a mild amount of shock because she remembered her experience the previous night and the whimsy and comfort she felt this morning. It was very obvious that Vahn had become increasingly skilled with his hands and Milan could feel an 'eagerness' welling up inside her own body as she watched Vahn move his hands against the back plating of Tina's breastplate while still being able to influence her daughter's body beneath the plating...
At this point, Tina's tail had drooped and she was completely absentminded as the very pleasant and comforting feeling came through her back. She had been shocked at first and tried to focus on the sensation but it wasn't long before she comfort 'overwhelmed' her and she simply wanted to experience it without thinking. While hugging her mother's waist as if it was a buoy within the sea, Tina began to take in throaty breaths before it eventually turned into a mild purring sound that made both Vahn and Milan nearly burst into laughter. Milan just stroked Tina's head and said, "I'm a little envious..." in a playful tone that caused Tina's ears to twitch as she snapped back to awareness.
Vahn pulled his hand away from Tina's back and had a huge grin on his face as he looked into Tina's golden eyes and said, "You're very adorable when you purr, Tina~." Though she knew what happened, hearing Vahn say it made Tina feel like her heart was going to burst out of her chest and she squeezed Milan's waist tightly in response with releasing an 'aggrieved' sound. Purring was a very embarrassing thing to do in front of other people and, even though Vahn was the boy she liked, Tina didn't expect to purr without realizing what happened.
Most Cat People stopped purring soon after they were weaned off their mother's milk and it was the knowledge that purring was something that 'babies' did that made it so embarrassing for many girls. Since Tina was always trying to appear more mature, she felt especially embarrassed by the fact and hugged Milan's waist for nearly three minutes as a result. Milan just stroked her daughter's head with an affectionate smile on her face while Vahn remained silent with a glimmer of shock in his eyes as he stared at the invisible system notification in front of him...
//Tina Yuel Has Reached Maximum Affection//
//Unable To Complete Quest: [The Hearts Desire:C-SS] As Result of Special Conflict//
//Tina Yuel 'Love' Parameter Temporarily Sealed. Secret Parameter 'Infatuation' Unlocked//
//Tina Yuel Current Infatuation: 417//
//Optional Quest Triggered//
[Quest: Bridging the Generations]
Rank: A
Objective: Obtain Lover's Promises From Two Girls In The Same Generational Line: (1/2)
Rewards: 300,000 OP, 2x[One of Heart, Mind, and Body]
Failure Condition(s): Death, Deaths of Objective Targets
Penalty: Accumulated Karma of Objective Targets, Deviant's Mark Of Scorn
Vahn felt his brain buzz as he read the system notification and decided to not worry about it for the time being since Tina was simply too young to get her to make a 'Lover's Promise'. Though the rewards were very tempting, Vahn didn't really care about 300,000OP that much since his current reserves were at 4,914,001 and constantly increasing. Even with his expenses for forging, Vahn earned OP for completing his projects and typically could earn more OP than he spends if he put in a serious effort. WIth [Petting], Vahn could get a few thousand OP every day just by spending time with the girls, even gaining nearly thirty points just from stroking Tina's back and making her purr.
Unfortunately for Vahn, fate didn't seem to be on his side in this case and, just as he was trying to set the matter aside in his own mind, his instincts triggered and his mind was effectively blown when he heard a system notification in his mind. While she had been hugging her mother, Tina had been 'brooding' over the matter of Vahn 'forcing' her to purr and decided that he needed to take responsibility. She had previously decided they would get married in the future, but now Tina was 'adamant' about it and wouldn't let Vahn weasel his way out of things. Knowing that her mother still had inhibitions about the future, Tina resolved herself to break down her mother's resistance to the idea because she wanted them to all be together forever. No matter what it took, Tina promised herself that they would all three love each other and create a 'real' family together...
//Optional Quest Completed//
[Quest: Bridging the Generations//
Rank: A
Completion Grade: SSS (0M0D0H01M16S Completion Time)
Rewards: 300,000 OP, 2x[One of Heart, Mind, and Body]
Grade Rewards: 100,000OP, 1x[Oyakodon Cook Book]
[One of Heart, Mind, and Body]
Rank: Unique
Use: Allows one person to experience the feelings, thoughts, and sensations of Milan Yuel.
Duration: 8H
Restriction: Tina Yuel
[One of Heart, Mind, and Body]
Rank: Unique
Use: Allows one person to experience the feelings, thoughts, and sensations of Tina Yuel.
Duration: 8H
Restriction: Milan Yuel
[Oyakodon Cook Book]
Rank: Unique
Use: Teaches the user how to create a variety of delicious dishes using a special set of ingredients.
Restriction: This is not an actual Cook Book. Use with caution as the information cannot be forgotten after the fact.
Milan noticed Vahn's strange behavior and tilted her head, asking, "Vahn, is something the matter?" which caused Tina to look over her shoulder out of curiosity. Though her face still had a ruddy blush clear for the world to see, there was a resolute look in her eyes that made Vahn release a deep sigh and shake his head, saying, "No, I just felt like my bond with both of you grew much stronger all of a sudden..." It was well known amongst the girls on the network that Vahn's 'bonds' could actually cause his body to naturally produce items. Though Tina didn't understand what he was saying at first, Milan knew what he was getting at and felt both curious and bothered at the same time. Her feelings for Vahn hadn't really changed much at the present so it must have been her daughter that triggered his ability to activate.
Vahn looked at the two [One of Heart, Mind, and Body] within his inventory and saw they took on the form of opaque glass orbs. No matter how he thought about it, Vahn didn't think it was a good idea to give either girl the orb even though it was obviously meant for their use. Tina would likely use it in a way he shuddered just thinking about while Milan would likely save it for an emergency situation. Vahn figured he could explain it away as an emergency use item, but there was no way of knowing what would happen if Tina's [Luck] acted up. He expected this entire situation was something machinated by her unawakened Development Ability and it was somewhat terrifying to be influenced by its effects, even though he wasn't even from this record initially.
At this point, almost as if she was acting on the cue of fate, Tina seemed to come to a realization and excitedly asked, "Y-you created an item from m-my love~nya!?" She was often envious of the girls that had enough love for Vahn that it took on a physical and tangible form. Tina had often wondered how much she needed to like Vahn for her own item to be created and was excited at the prospect of finding out what their bond had produced. As for Vahn, both he and Milan had complex expressions on their faces with the latter eventually grabbing her daughter's shoulders and saying, "It's fine, can tell us what it is..." Milan felt like a lot of things were coming to a head at this point and it was like the past few weeks had been leading up to this moment. Vahn's instincts triggering and the whimsy she felt seemed to be indicators of this occurrence and Milan decided not to oppose it since she wanted her daughter to be happy.
For the first time in a while, Vahn felt a cold sweat on his back because he hadn't expected Milan to be so 'receptive' to the existence of items created from the 'love' he shared with her daughter. He knew she had 'accepted' that Tina and him would probably end up together in the future, but it felt somewhat awkward to be put on the spot. However, Vahn had long ago decided to be more decisive when it came to his relationships so he nodded his head with an awkward smile and pulled out the two orbs. Milan and Tina looked at the mysterious orbs with curiosity in their golden eyes until Vahn explained in an honest and tired tone, "These orbs can only be used by the two of you...and it allows you to share each other's thoughts, feelings, and emotions for eight hours..."
Hearing the explanation of the items, Milan became a little pale and the orb in her palm suddenly felt heavy as she looked to the one her daughter was holding. Tina didn't seem to understand the implications behind the item at first but her face became beet red a moment later when a certain thought crossed her mind. Her eyes immediately snapped to Vahn and her own mother as she 'hid' the orb behind her back and stepped away from them instinctually. Milan squinted her eyes slightly and said, "Tina, unless its an emergency I don't want you to use that item...from now on, you need to show me you still have it at the start of every morning..." Such an item in the hands of her daughter, especially given how she had been behaving recently, was far too dangerous and Milan didn't want Tina to become a deviant and precocious girl as a result of her curiosity.
Tina swallowed hard and said, "Yes, Momnyaa..." while stowing the orb safely away in her pouch as if it was a precious treasure. She had previously thought about possible uses for such a strange item and let her thoughts wander to the time her mother spent with Vahn. Realizing what it meant to experience everything another person was going through, Tina knew the item was very 'dangerous' because she was tempted to make use of it the next time they spent the night together. Now, however, Tina knew her thoughts had been seen through and a great deal of guilt welled up from her heart under her mother's 'reproachful' gaze and firm tone.
To diffuse the somewhat tense atmosphere, Vahn plopped his hand on Milan's head and calmly said, "Tina is a very smart and sensible girl, Milan. You don't have to worry about her doing anything strange..." Milan felt like she needed to be firm on the subject since she was very worried about her daughter but, from the moment Vahn's hand contacted her ears, she found herself less worried about it almost instantly. Her firm expression slowly started to loosen up before she 'escaped' Vahn hand and said, "Mou...if Tina ends up getting any strange ideas, you'll be the one to suffer for it Vahn..." Realizing there wasn't really anything she could do about it if Tina used the orb, Milan gave up worrying about it and looked toward Tina, saying, "You only have one orb...don't waste it..." while placing her own into the pouch at her waist.
Though not direct permission, Tina realized that her mother had decided to leave it up to her when and how she wished to use the orb. This made Tina feel a little giddy and it was obvious to both Vahn and Milan that she was probably going to do something 'troublesome' in the future. Vahn's instincts had fortunately died down at this point, even though there was a subtle cautionary 'buzz' in his mind that seemed to persist. He couldn't blame Tina for being curious and knew that it wouldn't be a real problem unless he allowed it to become one. Since he was the target of her affection, Vahn just had to be firm with her and it wasn't like she would be able to get away with doing anything too forward with both him and Milan guarding against her...
With a newfound motivation, Tina had continued trekking into the Dungeon and was eager to return to the surface so she could think about the best use for the orb. Now wasn't the time to be distracted so Tina focused her mind on the task at hand, managing to efficiently kill dozens of monsters by the time they eventually decided to return to the surface. During the breaks they had, she allowed herself to be spoiled by Vahn and used those moments to consider the best course of action. She didn't really know what it meant to share all of the senses of another person and wanted to consult Maemi and Emiru about it when they got back. Thus, with Vahn carrying her like a princess, Tina snuggled up in his embrace with a happy smile and thought about the future. She didn't think about it much in the past, but now Tina truly believed she was very 'lucky'...
Once they reached the Manor, after being picked up by Terra since she didn't mind Tina and Milan, Hestia greeted them as usual before they all made their way to the onsen to clean their bodies. Vahn took the time to update Tina's Status Board, which was observed by Hestia and Milan, and was surprised by what he saw. He gleaned over the information several times until Tina grew curious and turned around with a questioning look on her face. Vahn smiled and said, "You've grown much stronger and-" Tina had originally been squatting down in the water and, when she turned to find out why Vahn was quiet, she actually managed to step on the end of her own tail for the first time in her life.
Unable to resist the shocking pain that shot up her back, Tina jumped forward and 'tackled' the surprised Vahn who also stepped on a small slip of soap that had been sneakily hiding under the water. Vahn fell back into the hot water as Tina slid down his body after colliding with it, ending up with a very soft and tender sensation pressing against his lower body. Vahn's eyes opened wide, allowing them to fill with the hot and opaque water of the onsen as he lamented the existence of Tina's [Luck]. Even though she was Level 1, with his own parameters nearly equal to a Level 6, Vahn still ended up getting pushed down by a girl half his size, allowing her budding breasts to press against a dangerous spot while her lips had briefly contacted around his belly button...
Name: Tina Yuel
Race: Cat Person
LV. 1
POW: F320->F335
END: F383->E401
DEX: F324->F336
AGI: F341->F368
MAG: I72->I99
Skill: [Eclipse: Innate(sealed)], [Shield Bash:H->G], [Counter:I]
Magic: -
Development Skill: [Luck:B], [Abnormal Resistance:(sealed)]
Rank: Variable (B)
Use: Increases the luck of the user, allowing them to experience greater fortune based on their perception. Has a moderate influence on fate and chance happenings based on the mental state of the user, meaning the skill can develop or regress based on reliance.
(A/N: It basically means that, if Tina tried to 'exploit' her luck, it would actually reduce until eventually ceasing to exist entirely. If she just behaved 'normally', it would continue to develop further, potentially reaching even greater heights~! RIP Vahn...)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Wash the kitty...','Precociousness: Struggles of Parenting','RIP Vahn')
Discord Invite:
Milan and Hestia had watched Tina cause another 'accident' and gave each other incredulous looks before pulling Tina off of Vahn since she didn't seem 'capable' of doing it herself at present. Tina had been so focused on the pain coming from her tail that she didn't even realize the situation she ended up in before two pairs of arms lifted her up. Opening her eyes in confusion, Tina looked in front of her and saw Vahn laying back with his legs slightly parted and his sleeping dragon clearly visible through the slightly opaque water. Realizing what had happened, Tina blushed fiercely and pulled her up her legs, allowing Milan to hold up her body as Tina tried to shrink into the smallest shape possible. From Vahn's perspective, however, he saw Tina coiling up with her thin chestnut brown hair the only thing protecting her 'dignity' from being visible.
Turning his head to the side, Vahn explained, "Tina's [Luck] Development Ability has awakened on its own and it's already at the B-Rank..." so that Hestia and Milan would understand the situation. Both girls' eyes opened wide because most skills were only at I-Rank when they were first unlocked, with a few exceptions for those that study blacksmithing and mixing before awakening the actual Development Ability for them. However, even they would usually be around G-Rank with only a few exceptional blacksmiths being marginally higher. It was already incredibly rare to awaken Development Abilities without leveling up so the fact that Tina's was already at B-Rank was a very significant revelation.
Shaking his head, Vahn clarified, "[Luck] seems to be unique in that it can degrade depending on various factors, unlike how other Development Abilities function. As for its effects, they are hard to quantify since it is related to luck, fate, and other somewhat abstract concepts..." Even though there were gods and goddesses with Divinities related to luck, it was one of the more abstract Divinities and there were examples of gods with luck Divinities experiencing great misfortunes. Fortune was a very 'fickle' thing as well, meaning you could experience great windfalls in one moment only to lose it all in the next. The important thing was to not try and 'exploit' luck if you wanted it to favor your, as intentionally trying to manipulate fate without putting in a real effort often resulted in tragedy.
With Vahn's explanation, Hestia and Milan could understand why Tina's [Luck] was already so high, even though she had just awakened it. Vahn had continued to avert his eyes until this point and said, "Milan, turn your daughter around or put her down..." since Milan was still holding her up as if she were presenting her to him. Realizing what Vahn had said, Milan's eyes opened and she immediately turned around with a blush touching her cheeks when she thought about the angle Vahn was at while she was holding up Tina's body. This was probably another proponent of Tina's [Luck] and it seemed to be very 'dangerous' since it caused other people to behave strangely without them even noticing it...
After things settled down, Vahn had everyone get dressed so they could talk more comfortably and explained several things Tina needed to keep in mind if she wanted to develop her [Luck] further. As long as she didn't try to exploit it, or become reliant on its existence, good things were bound to happen so she just needed to keep working hard without thinking about the ability at all. Knowing about it made it much harder to raise, but Tina was already a hardworking and sensible girl so Vahn was confident she would be able to even master it one day. It already had a noticeable influence on her life, and the lives of those around her, so Vahn was very interested to see how it would develop in the future. He just needed to keep his guard up until she reached adulthood and things 'should' be fine...
Tina listened patient to Vahn's explanation from a 'safe' distance with her mother holding her from behind as if anchoring her to the spot. She realized that many of the 'accidents' that had been happening recently were events that had been set in motion as a result of her [Luck]. Though they were all very embarrassing events, Tina knew they could easily be considered great 'fortunes' if she changed her perspective a bit. It was a fact that she often thought about things after the fact and was 'grateful' they had happened, even if it caused her to feel giddy and embarrassed. Now that she knew the only thing she needed to do to experience more 'exciting' events was work hard, Tina was shivering slightly in anticipation.
Deciding he needed to relax a bit, Vahn went to his workshop and took a nap instead of eating lunch with the others. However, shortly after he laid down against the sofa, Vahn sensed the arrival of a presence coming from the opposite end of his workshop. Sitting up, Vahn smiled as Hephaestus walked out of the secret passageway and looked toward him with her gentle and loving expression on her face. Before he could ask why she had come to his workshop, Hephaestus started walking over and said, "I got a message on the network saying you were probably troubled so I came to comfort you..."
Vahn felt a great deal of warmth from Hephaestus presence, especially when she sat down on the sofa next to him. Pulling out some extra pillows to support her back, Vahn propped Hephaestus up and then happily used her lap as a pillow while stroking her belly. She was already twenty-one weeks pregnant at this point and, even though her stomach was very smooth, it had a beautiful rotund curve and felt hot to the touch. Since she was pregnant with twins, Hephaestus' belly had swelled up a bit more than normal and Vahn could sense a powerful vitality coming from his daughters as both of their hearts beat with rhythmic thumps. As if she knew he was there, Ina moved around in Hephaestus' stomach and 'kicked' against it allowing Vahn to see the strange sight of her belly visibly moving.
Seeing this movement made Vahn's heart tremble at the realization that his children were getting progressively closer to being born, making him a father in the truest sense of the word. Hephaestus could feel his anxiety and the great love he had within his heart, causing her own to melt as she lovingly stroked Vahn's hair with her hand. Being pregnant had actually been more difficult than she expected but Hephaestus started to feel that the pains associated were a 'blessing'. She had already discussed this with both Loki and Freya, but being pregnant seemed to repress their Divinities a bit and she had felt less compelled to forge recently. Since she had been worried about injuring her daughters, Hephaestus was very grateful for this as it meant she wouldn't have to suffer from her compulsions even if she took a break from forging...
For the better part of two hours, Vahn stroked Hephaestus' belly and channeled a very gentle flow of source energy into her womb, allowing their daughters to absorb it into their bodies. Though it wasn't as concentrated as Terra, Fafnir, and Fenrir, Vahn could sense subtle fluctuations of source energy coming from his children and knew the nourishment they received from his own energy would benefit them in the future. He didn't give them much, as he didn't want to influence their growth even further, but it was just enough to help them develop 'on time' so that Loki wasn't forced to wait for Hephaestus to give birth even longer. Hephaestus already knew what he was doing, as they had talked about it previously, so she just enjoyed his caress while returning one of her own as they both had happy smiles on their faces...
Eventually, Vahn sensed another presence coming towards them and softly uttered, "I can sense Riveria, she must be coming to help with the development of the belt..." Hephaestus nodded her head but didn't seem to be in a hurry as she continued to stroke his hair. Though she was okay with how things were developing, Hephaestus felt a great deal of ire towards the Elven Kingdom after the Alosrin fiasco and didn't appreciate how they treated both Vahn and the Alliance. She knew the union between Riveria and Vahn was going to happen for a very long time, as Loki had confided in her about Riveria's past from the outset. There was no way Vahn wouldn't eventually get involved with her since he was the type that threw himself into the troubles of other people in an effort to resolve them. It was one of the things she loved the most about him as the happiness she now had existed solely as a result of his nature.
Vahn was also in no hurry to part from Hephaestus but he knew things would be a little awkward if he ignored the presence of Riveria. She would probably show up and then excuse herself if they were still lazing about when she entered the workshop. Hephaestus began to laugh around the same time he was thinking this and said, "There were a few smaller projects I was wrapping up, so I'll see you later, Vahn..." Hephaestus began leaning forward so Vahn lifted up his body to accept her kiss so that she wouldn't have to bend down and put pressure on her stomach. It was relatively tame but both of them could feel the love they had for each other, something that persisted long after they parted...something that Vahn believed would persist for all of eternity if he had anything to say about it.
Riveria showed up shortly after Hephaestus had left but spent several minutes just standing outside his workshop, clearly hesitant about coming inside. Vahn just shook his head and released a small sigh because it was situations like this that usually made Riveria feel embarrassed, even though he didn't do anything to trigger it. She would eventually remember that he could sense her presence and, because she had been standing outside for a while, she would inevitably get flustered before giving him a look of 'blame' if he tried to tease her about it. As expected, Riveria's aura eventually flared up with a variety of different colors before she eventually calmed down and entered his workshop.
Vahn had already moved over to his table and started working while he waited for her to enter, already working on the basic template and 'pretending' to have been so focused on his work that he didn't notice her. Turning his head to face her, Vahn's eyes opened slightly wider and he said, "Welcome to my workshop, Riveria." with a smile on his face. Riveria seemed to be relieved at first before she furrowed her brows slightly and asked, "How long have you known I was standing outside...?" Knowing that he wouldn't really be able to lie to her, Vahn gave a wry smile and said, "For around ten minutes..." while turning back to his work as if it didn't really bother him.
Realizing that Vahn was once again trying to cover for her, Riveria felt a bit ashamed and any blame she felt toward him had dissipated at the same moment as he showed her a wry and apologetic look. She was the one that waited outside like an 'idiot' for so long and he had tried to be considerate of her, only for she herself to break the convenient 'illusion' he had created for her. Riveria was realizing more and more how Vahn catered to her needs and it made her feel very guilty as she walked over to his side. Though she felt very anxious about it, Riveria stood very close to Vahn and said, "Thank you for your consideration, Vahn..." before kissing him on the cheek very briefly.
Surprised by Riveria's unexpectedly 'forward' behavior, Vahn gave her a questioning look but didn't hide the pleasantly surprised smile on his face. Riveria flushed a little and averted her eyes, holding her arm in a somewhat insecure manner as she said, "We're going to be married soon, so a little intimacy is fine...after all, we're the only ones here right now..." Though it almost sounded like an 'invitation', Vahn knew that Riveria had just chosen her words poorly and just gave her a grateful look before drawing her attention to the diagram before she realized the 'flaw' in her word choice. He already had all the materials present and he would actually be able to finish it in a single afternoon if he worked hard, which was a given considering the importance of the item he was making.
Since Riveria probably didn't understand how long the process would take, Vahn decided to explain the process so she could prepare herself mentally. In a firm and steady tone, which Vahn often used when 'acting' professionally, he said, "The prototype is meant to be fully functional from the outset, but there may be some changes required depending on how comfortable it is to wear for extended periods. Based on my observations of Ryuu, I can tell it isn't necessary to wear the belt at all points during pregnancy, but it would be beneficial to wear it for a few hours a day to prevent having the vital energy of the mothers be drained by the developing fetus. I've already prepared all the materials and it'll only take around two hours to assemble, so please let me know if there are any issues and I'll take care of them as I work..."
Hearing Vahn's explanation, Riveria became somewhat pale for a brief moment before returning to normal, without even a blush on her face. She knew they were doing something very 'serious' right now and she was trying to treat it from the perspective of a scholar. Nodding her head, Riveria said, "I understand, Vahn, I'll let you know how comfortable it is to wear. To make sure there aren't any issues, I may wear it during my entire pregnancy and we can alter the design based on how functional it is..." At this point, though she willed herself to remain calm, Riveria flustered slightly since she was talking about her own pregnancy, something that would become a reality within a week's time.
Pretending to not notice her flaring pink, yellow, and purple aura, Vahn nodded his head and said, "The most important part will be the 'buckle' as it needs to almost perfectly overlay with the navel. As you can see, I decided to go with a maternity band like what the other girls wear, as it seems like the most practical basis to work from for long-term use. Though there are alternatives to consider for mass production, I'll be using Terra's feathers, blood, and a few other precious materials for the prototype...I want to make sure everything works perfectly so there aren't any problems during your pregnancy." Vahn had a very serious look on his face as he said this, making it difficult for Riveria to feel anything but 'positive' emotions for the earnest boy standing before her.
Vahn had purchased a much higher quality maternity band through the system shop since there were some that even reached more than a billion OP, which wasn't that surprising considering how important children were. If it was in a higher tier world, Vahn could easily imagine powerful gods creating a variety of items to protect their wives and ensure there aren't any issues during pregnancy. Not every record had the same restrictions as the those within Danmachi and Vahn knew it wasn't that abnormal for gods to have children. The one he actually purchased only cost 70,000OP and seemed to be made of a synthetic material he had never seen before, even though it was still simply called [Maternity Band].
[Maternity Band]
Rank: B (Magic)
P.Def: 0
M.Def: 0
Abilities: Maternal Guardian(B), Shaping(B), Insulated(B)
A specialized maternity band that was created to guarantee no harm would befall the child during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the defensive capabilities of the mother increase greatly and the band becomes indestructible as long as there is enough energy to sustain the barrier. Take caution, as this band will sap the energy of the mother, including vital energy, if they truly desire to protect their child.
The [Maternity Band] alone was already an incredible item, causing Vahn to purchase one for each of the pregnant women as a gift. As for Riveria's he had to modify it a bit but hoped to keep the majority of the effects in the final product. One of his abilities as a [Master Smith] allowed him to reforge and modify existing items so, as long as he didn't compromise the important structures within the band itself, there shouldn't be any problems. After giving her the pareo to wrap around her waist, Vahn had Riveria remove her gown to reveal a completely different set of swimwear than the set he had given her previously. He realized she must have gone and purchased some new clothing while everyone else was in the Dungeon, which made sense considering she would probably be too embarrassed to ask him for a bunch of clothes.
To make sure it was comfortable, Vahn had Riveria try on the [Maternity Band] to get her opinion before he started modifying it. She was doing her best to treat the matter seriously and gave her honest opinion about the band, claiming it was very warm and comfortably tight without being restrictive. Since her abdomen was still tender, these relatively simple words were actually very high praise for the [Maternity Band] itself. Though most of the discomfort from the formation had faded after she soaked in Terra's wellspring, the 'tenderness' would continue for days as her body adapted to the focused absorption of natural energy. When the band was finished, this process would accelerate even further and Vahn also speculated that Riveria would enter an 'active' state once the gathered energy reached a critical level. Based on her capacity, it would take around two weeks for things to get to that point but Vahn wouldn't know for certain until the band was actually finished and functional...
Since he didn't want to compromise the structure of the original band that much, Vahn turned it inside out and carved a complex formation on the inside of the fabric using Terra's blood. This would allow the energy to gather and be channeled toward the core, which was a medallion that Vahn had made out of organic materials, almost all gathered from Terra's body. The base was comprised of one of her scales, from when she was in dragon form, and he had taken some of her smaller and more delicate feathers before soaking them in a solution to allow the rachis, the stems of the feather, to become malleable. He shaped them into a three-pointed loop before cutting two feathers in half and creating a circle and embedding them into Terra's scale, which had been carved to fit the feathers perfectly. To prevent them from falling out later, Vahn applied a very thin layer of 'glue' that he had made from a coagulated form of Terra's blood mixed with bonemeal harvested from other dragons.
By the time he was finished, slightly more than two hours had passed and Vahn ended up with a neutral-green [Maternity Band] that was adorned with a complex arrangement of emerald green feathers and golden leaves that he had decided to add to enhance the aesthetic appeal. Riveria was very suited to the color gold, especially with her laurel belt that was still seated firmly around her thin waist. She may have forgotten about it while watching him, but Vahn had been 'very aware' of the fact that Riveria had spent the entire two hours just watching him intently while wearing nothing but a bikini with a pareo. The top she had chosen for herself was actually somewhat more revealing than the one he had given her and Vahn noticed it also pushed up her breasts a bit. He would never really understand why girls, especially those with an almost unbelievable beauty, worried about their secondary sex traits so much...
Once he was finished, Vahn checked it work again to make sure there weren't any problems in the basic structure that had appeared while he was working on other parts. Confirming that everything was in place, Vahn gave the band back to Riveria and had her wear it once again. This time, she was far more careful than previously so Vahn had to help her wear it as Riveria was too afraid to damage the very important piece of equipment. Terra's feather actually took Adamantine clippers just to snip, so Vahn wasn't really worried they would break at all, not that such things could easily alleviate Riveria's worries given the significance of the band. With it firmly hugging her stomach, Riveria nodded and said, "It is still very comfortable...I can feel a strange energy gathering around it, though the connection is unstable."
Vahn smiled and explained, "Since it isn't complete, the effects would be a little lackluster. We just need to come up with a name and the formation will activate in prepared, though, as the sudden influx of natural energy might be a little stimulating if you're caught off guard." Riveria clenched her teeth in response to his words and her fair white face was once again touched with a small amount of ruddy red. As for Vahn, he was trying to consider what name to use and once again realized that his naming sense was more than a little terrible. Riveria noticed his 'plight' and asked in a curious tone, "Can you not think of a name...?" Seeing Vahn thinking so hard over something 'small' reminded Riveria that he was still a young boy, causing a small smile to appear on her face.
With an awkward smile of his own, Vahn scratched the back of his head and said, "It's different than when I research names for my subordinates...I'm not really that good at coming up with things on the fly. Sorry, Riveria..." Hearing his explanation, Riveria released a small sigh without losing her smile and said, "How about we call it 'Sage Aldrnari's Blessing' in honor of its creator. After all, if not for your efforts, this problem may have followed the Elves all the way till our destruction..." Realizing this, Riveria hardened her heart even more and determined that she 'needed' to do her best to return to Vahn just a portion of what she had received from him. She had to stop letting her own inhibitions get in the way or she wouldn't have the face to hold her head up high in the future.
Since he couldn't come up with anything better at the moment, Vahn decided that the band would be called [Sage Aldrnari's Blessing], even though it was a bit awkward. He understood why she would want to name it such a thing, as it would allow them to propagate the idea that it was his innovation far into the future. Every time an Elf made use of the band, they would be reminded of him and Vahn suspected his own karma would increase as a result. He was effectively changing the destiny of an entire species so it wouldn't be a surprise to Vahn if, by the time he was moving on to a new record, he accumulated several million karma points, most of which he wanted to be 'positive'. Though he couldn't use it much right now, Vahn knew he would be able to find plenty of uses for it in the future as it was one of the most important 'resources' available to him in higher tiered records, at least according to Sis...
[Sage Aldrnari's Blessing]
Rank: A
P.Def: 0
M.Def: 0
Abilities: Sage Aldrnari's Blessing(A), Maternal Guardian(A), Shaping(B), Insulated(B)
A specialized maternity band reforged by a skilled [Master Smith] that was determined to lead an entire species towards a brighter future. Carries the will of the creator and enhanced the parameters of the original band a great deal, guaranteeing the safety of the child by absorbing natural energy from the environment itself to provide protection. The creators desire that the band never be misused means that the women wearing it must be willing or it will instead prevent pregnancy.
Restriction: Entities of Elven Descent Only
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Tiny Tina's Terrifying Traits','Bashful Elven Beauty...','Making Sure All The Lady Elves Are Thinking Of Him~!')
(A/N: Some of you may be a little worried about me, but know that I'm getting better and should be back in top condition after a bit more rest. I was thinking of finishing out this week with slow releases to speed up my recovery, so please bear with me. Next week, I'll be trying for around 120k words, so look forward to a lot of developments (UwU)~!)
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