22.07% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 517: Stroll Through The Forest

章節 517: Stroll Through The Forest

Vahn had nearly forgotten how peaceful the forest could be since he had been so busy lately that he hadn't ventured into it in recent months. It wasn't like the forests in the Dungeon, which were typically very quiet and there were few natural sounds, so Vahn had temporarily lost his appreciation for simply wandering in nature. The Western Forest had been his first 'home' after a lifetime of suffering, but Vahn hadn't been able to truly take in everything that was happening during those seven months. He had been so focused on training, hunting, and surviving that he hadn't been able to enjoy everything the forest had to offer.

Unlike his past self, when he had been a relatively weak Level 1, Vahn was now a Level 4 that could even rival a Level 6 if it were solely based on his Magic parameter. He also had his domain now so he could feel the incredible amount of life that was present within the forest, below the ground, and even jumping about in the trees. There were millions of small signatures that belonged to insects while hundred of birds flitted about in trees picking small nuts and berries that had yet to ripen. The entire forest was in a revival right now with the coming of Spring and it was a very pleasant experience being able to simply 'take things in'.

Fenrir was also enjoying herself greatly as she bent over resting her chest against the top of his head while loosely hugging his chin and neck with her paws. It was a little awkward since she was 148cm tall and wasn't nearly as small as she seemed to believe, but Vahn didn't mind it too much since her weight was negligible at best. She never changed even so much as a hair, so Vahn had become very accustomed to her presence that seemed to be around him often in recent months. He couldn't say she was really that clingy, other than when he was in Vanargandr form, but it was more the case that she was always trying to comfort him while getting spoiled at the same time. Vahn felt like she spent more effort on reacting to how he felt than she put into her own thoughts at times...

Vahn heard a very pleasant birdsong overhead and looked up to see two Violet Thrushes, a relatively rare bird that could be sold in markets for up to 200,000V. They were very popular with young women because they had one of the most beautiful birdsongs among easily obtainable birds. Since he had been walking through the forest with his [Stealth] active, so as not to disturb the 'peaceful' atmosphere of nature, Vahn had been able to get very close to two birds undergoing their courting ceremony. With the coming of spring, many animals were preparing to find their mates as if they were eager to introduce new life to the already overflowing viridescence of the forest.

Since he thought the song was as beautiful as purported, Vahn closed his eyes and listened to it for several minutes until another birdsong suddenly reached his ears, this one much closer than the other two. Vahn opened his eyes and tilted his head slightly to see Fenrir emulating the birdsong with impressive accuracy. Her song seemed to confuse the two Thrushes as the male bounced around on its perch looking for the 'competitor' invading its territory. As it wasn't even strong enough to be classified as a Level 1, the small bird had no way of detecting their presence even though they were only separated by a few meters.

Vahn smiled before continuing to tread through the forest in a relaxed state of mind as he listened to Fenrir practice her birdsong. Ever since she had learned the [Mimickry] Development Ability, Fenrir could often be found 'copying' the voices and actions of the other girls. When she trained, she even tried to mimic their movements as if she were trying to familiarize herself with them. Vahn knew she wasn't trying to incorporate their fighting styles into her's, so it was more likely that she was 'preparing' countermeasures against their moves by memorizing them. He had taught her in the past that knowing your enemy is the key to victory, as you could use the gaps in their techniques against them. She already had the habit of 'emulating' people, primarily himself, but now it had been taken to an extreme as her vocal cords had developed in a peculiar direction after obtaining the ability.

After a half-hour, Fenrir began to tilt her head from side-to-side as she asked, "Master, do you like my song~?" Vahn gently nodded his head and continued walking forward, even though his eyes had been closed for a while as he listened to her song. Fenrir released a laugh that made Vahn pause his steps for a brief moment because she had sounded just like Tiona. Her own laughter was still a bit 'off', but she could copy the laughter of another person, something that Vahn found strange yet interesting. Out of curiosity, he asked, "Can you copy my voice?" Fenrir surprisingly startled a bit when he asked her what he believed to be a simple question.

Fenrir drooped her head and mumbled, "Fenrir has been a bad girl..." as she nuzzled against the top of his head. Vahn wanted to coax the answer out of her so he said very matter-of-factly, "Fenrir tries very hard to be a good girl, so she is a good girl. Even if you make mistakes every now and then, as long as you keep trying you will still be a good girl in my heart." Vahn felt Fenrir's tail thump against his back as her ears perked up at his words. Answering his earlier question, Fenrir hesitantly said, "Fenrir likes to talk to herself in Master's voice...because hearing Master praise Fenrir makes me happy..." What she didn't mention was that she also 'teased' the other girls by copying his voice at times and calling out to them.

Vahn laughed a bit because he actually heard her talking to herself before, though he hadn't been paying attention to what she was saying at the time. He could easily imagine Fenrir playing around and mumbling to herself using his voice and it was quite the adorable scene. Finding a fallen tree, Vahn sat down and grabbed Fenrir before pulling her around to the front of his body. She had curled up a bit, so it wasn't hard to move her around even when he was sitting. There was a slightly concerned look on her face until Vahn sat her down and began patting her head while saying, "Fenrir is a very good girl...she is adorable, brave, and powerful~. She is also very clever and growing up steadily...though I kind of wish you would slow down a bit at times...ahahahaha~."

Fenrir nodded her head with eyes closed and mumbled, "Fenrir will continue to be a 'good' girl until she matures properly. Don't worry, Master, Fenrir will be patient and study hard..." She hadn't told him yet, but Fenrir had thought about the matter lots and lots before deciding to learn from the scary Eva in the future. If she went into the orb again, even though it would be very lonely, Fenrir knew she would be able to mature even faster. She had seen Eva and her Master do lots of 'adult' things in the past, which she didn't understand at the time, so Fenrir knew she was 'mature' even though she was much smaller.

Unaware of Fenrir's 'clever' scheme to become an adult, Vahn squished her cheeks with his thumbs and played around with her ears for a few minutes before saying, "We should keep going or we will be late in returning." They still had nearly 850km of distance to cover and Vahn wanted to make some headway before they were inevitably forced to run the rest of the way. He could always call back Fafnir, but it would be 'more fun' if they ran through the forest together. Vahn had already designated this as a rest day for himself, so he also planned to stay with Eina to recuperate a bit before returning to work tomorrow.

This time, instead of riding on his shoulders, Fenrir interlocked her paw with his and happily matched his pace as she looked around the area, periodically emulating different animals. Vahn thought it was pretty interesting seeing one person produce so many different sounds, so he curiously watched her from the side, effectively egging her on. However, this didn't last too long as a large green creature that looked like a giant monitor lizard came running through the trees. It couldn't sense them at all, but this didn't stop it from continuing towards them as it hurriedly ran away from its pursuer, a large wolf that was more than 3m long.

Vahn identified the two monsters as a Level 1 Forest Monitor and a Level 1 Ironback Wolf, both close to Level 2 but not quite making the bar since they were closer to animals than monsters. As they didn't pose any threat, Vahn pulled Fenrir gently to the side and leaned against a tree as he watched the Forest Monitor burst through the underbrush as the Ironback Wolf followed it closely. Though the lizard was faster, the wolf had more stamina and agility since it was a warm-blooded monster compared to the cold-blooded Forest Monitor. It must have just recently awoken from its winter hibernation and had the misfortune of coming across a hungry wolf.

Fenrir watched the chase with slightly glowing eyes as she was interested in joining and defeating both monsters. After they vanished, she looked up and asked, "Master, why do you not interfere to protect the big green monster? Won't it die soon?" She could tell that the Forest Monitor was very winded and it wouldn't be long before the Ironback Wolf ended up claiming its meal. There were several other presences she could smell in the area, which were the companions of the previous wolf moving at the flanks a few tens-of-meters away. From her perspective, there wasn't a big difference between the races of the surface and monsters, so she was curious why Vahn didn't interfere.

Vahn thought about his answer for a short while before saying, "You often have to take into consideration the situation at hand and the differences between what is 'hunting' and what is being 'hunted'. Unless they are a vegetarian, most creatures survive by eating the meat of other living creatures, perpetuating a cycle of 'survival of the fittest'. Intelligent creatures can circumvent this by using their cleverness and ingenuity to get an advantage against stronger enemies, or even becoming strong enough to directly oppose them, so we have to prioritize 'people' over monsters. There is also the simple fact that, if we continually interfered with the Wolf's hunting, it would eventually die of starvation. Depending on the circumstances, the Ironback Wolf may have found itself the prey of the Forest Monitor in the future..."

Though his question didn't actually answer Fenrir's concerns, Vahn honestly didn't know how to properly rationalize it either. He could simply say that 'people' are good and 'monsters' are bad, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Vahn had seen monsters that were far kinder and more innocent than children while some seemingly kind 'people' turned out to be the real monsters. There were a few exceptions, such as Griffins hunting for sport, but Vahn had primarily seen cruelty as something propagated by 'people' and not monsters. They had enough 'instinct' to avoid attacking each other within the Dungeon while humans were prone to betraying close comrades if there were enough benefits. Without things like 'vows' in the world, Vahn imagined it would be even more chaotic than the somewhat dismal state of affairs currently present in the continent.

After releasing a sigh, Vahn picked up the contemplative Fenrir as she immediately stopped thinking and just enjoyed being carried. Even though she was a 'monster' that would literally devour anything, if not properly restricted, Fenrir was much purer than many of the normal people he had met. She didn't have a choice about her nature and proactively made efforts to 'behave' and be 'good', while most people had a choice in their lives, albeit in inarguably dire situations at times, so Vahn found it easier to empathize with her than most people. However, Vahn didn't want to give up on people because he had also experienced great kindness from some, and had even received an overwhelming amount of love from others. He knew the world could be a better place, and Vahn intended to do his best to ensure such a world was one day realized.

A few hours into their journey, Vahn could hear the flowing of water as they came upon a river that was around 20m wide even at the thinnest point. He knew this was likely the river that flowed all the way to The Plains and was often used to transport goods. As the harvest season had yet to arrive, there were currently no boats in sight which allowed Vahn and Fenrir to enjoy the scenic appearance of the winding river. It had crystal-clear blue water with smooth river rocks that could easily be seen in its depths. The most interesting thing were the numerous fish that could be seen swimming about in the water, many fighting against the current as they made their way up the river to lay their spawn.

Fenrir was fidgeting about excitedly so Vahn gently touched her back before she jumped into the relatively chilly water and tried to grab a large fish. Though she had no experience diving, Fenrir was incredibly agile and had caused a splash that reached more than ten meters when she dashed into the water. Vahn was a little concerned about her since it was actually very dangerous to collide with water at high speeds, but she seemed to fine, perhaps using her instincts to make a proper judgment. A few seconds later, Fenrir popped up out of the water holding a bloody white sturgeon in her claws with a proud look on her face. Unfortunately, she wasn't that great at swimming, to begin with, and had trouble holding up the fish as she bobbed her way towards the shore.

Vahn felt encouraged to try something so he transitioned into his Xuánwǔ form before haphazardly trying to 'stop' the flow of the river. Surprisingly, Vahn felt like he had been hit a charging Black Rhinos as he was dragged several meters along the bank of the river before being knocked over. This was very unexpected for Vahn so it wasn't a surprise when Fenrir discarded her catch and swam through the water faster than the surrounding fish before jumping out and exclaiming, "Master, are you okay!?" Vahn began laughing because, even though he had embarrassed himself, he was able to learn something very important as a result. After pacifying Fenrir, he rose to his feet and looked at the mighty river with eager eyes and an urge to 'dominate' it erupting from the back of his mind.

When using direct elemental manipulating, it often relied on the movements of the body to exercise control over what you were trying to influence. This is why Vahn had to shape water with his hands and use various hand gestures to get the results he wanted. Since he had tried to 'stop' the river, Vahn became linked with the flow under his influence before the rest of the river 'slammed' into the slightly stagnant flow and carried him along. Vahn had never realized he could 'anchor' himself like that and, now that he knew it was possible, his aspirations for achieving flight seemed a bit closer. If he could manipulate air elemental energy and 'anchor' himself to the flow of the winds created, he would theoretically be able to at least glide through the sky at a fast pace.

Undaunted by his previous failure, Vahn pat Fenrir's head and said, "I'm going to try something for a little while if you want to play around and catch fish. Everyone would be very happy if you caught a big catch, and I'll make sure to pamper you if you do well~." Hearing his words, Fenrir's eyes became sharp and she looked at the blissfully unaware fish as if they were already in her claws. Without any hesitation, she dove back into the water and swam around very quickly as she nabbed fish and tossed them out of the water. Compared to her earlier 'fault', she now looked like a seasoned pro that had been dive-fishing for twenty years...

Vahn watched her for a short while before jumping into the water himself and coming to rest at the middle of the river, firmly rooted to the bottom. He could currently hold his breath for hours if necessary, so he wasn't in any danger of asphyxiating any time soon as he took a wide stance with his feet against the bed of the river. The current was very strong, but Vahn could feel the water flowing smoothly around him while he was in his Xuánwǔ form so he was able to stand without being pushed back, at least for now.

After focusing his mind, Vahn traced the flow of water elemental energy through his domain before once against pushing both of his hands forward in an effort to 'stop' the water. This time, however, he didn't latch on to a large section and instead tried to form a 'wall' for a brief moment. Just as before, Vahn felt like he was hit by an unstoppable force as he was pushed back at the same speed as the flow of the river. It felt like he was trying to stop a mountain falling from the heavens and it seemed like an impossible feat to manage. However, Vahn had seen things like 'waterfall' training and 'diverting the flow of a river' in mana and he knew it should be possible. Even now, he was still able to hold his wall stably and it had caused the banks to become flooded slightly as a huge volume of water was displaced after being 'dammed' up by Vahn.

Vahn eventually crashed into a large rock in the river and had a small hope he would be able to get some leverage before the rock was obliterated after his body felt a monumental pressure. For the millisecond before he was pushed further back, Vahn had resisted the flow of an entire river and it had immediately broken his 'wall'. The only thing that kept his arms from shattering was the fact that his scales had shone with a vibrant ocean green as the force was dispersed into the water, displacing thousands of gallons as a result of the massive explosion. However, even though his ability had activated, Vahn felt both of his arms had become numb so he jumped out of the river before plopping down on the bank and inspecting the damage. In total, he had seventeen microfractures in his bones while several blood vessels had 'exploded' from the instantaneous pressure increase.

Popping a [Senzu Bean] into his mouth, Vahn felt energy flow through his arms as the wounds instantly healed leaving small sequelae behind, but no actual damage. With his [Hands of Nirvana] and increased recovery rate, his body would naturally remove the aftereffects of the bean even without him doing anything. It wasn't like when he was Level 1 and his body couldn't properly filter the energy from the 50OP bean. The fact that it had such an effect for such a small price had resulted in Vahn purchasing a total of 1,000 of them, the majority of which were contained by a sack in his inventory.

Looking out at the mighty river, Vahn gained an appreciation for the sheer might of mother nature and realized he wasn't yet ready to interfere with it, at least without making proper preparations. Vahn knew he would one day be able to manage the feat with proper mastery, so he intended to periodically return to the river in the future. Rather than simply erecting a wall, Vahn wanted to be able to 'stop' the flow of the river for a short while within his entire domain. He lacked practice in influencing things far away from him, as it was much more difficult to target objects on the periphery of his domain than those that were much closer. For now, he decided to settle for something different as he stood on the bank of the river and watched Fenrir swim through water at nearly 90km/h, easily snatching up fish with her claws.

After targetting a fish of his own, Vahn made a sweeping motion with his hand before the fish was launched out of the river after being lifted by a small water spout. He then twisted his wrist and made a grabbing motion as he formed the spout into a sphere and 'sealed' the sturgeon within. Unfortunately, his seal didn't seem very effective as the fish simply swam through his sphere before floundering about on the embankment as it tried to flop back into the water. Vahn dropped his hand to envelop the sturgeon again, this time forming the water sphere into a vortex by waving his right hand in a circular motion. This time, the sturgeon couldn't get its orientation to properly propel itself through the water and started spinning around with the disorienting current Vhan had created.

Vahn once again tried to 'seal' the fish within his sphere by trying to condense the water and increase the pressure. Even though it was in a liquid state, seemingly without any 'empty' space, Vahn knew there were 'gaps' between the individual molecules and he could control the elemental energy contained within to 'compel' them closer together. Through the proper conversion method, this was how ice elemental could be formed and the orb quickly began to turn into a solid state starting by the outside icing over. After a few seconds, the sturgeon became trapped in a prison of ice as it swam around in a small circle against the 5cm thick ice and tried to break free.

Since his experiment was both a minor success and moderate failure, as he had tried to store the sphere into his inventory, Vahn moved onto his next experiment and froze the entirely of the orb this time. He was curious about being able to freeze organic objects before storing them away in his inventory, hoping that it might allow him to move living matter in the future. Unfortunately, this proved futile until the sturgeon eventually died from shock and exposure. Vahn actually earned a point of negative karma, which was somewhat understandable since he had caused it to 'suffer' after 'tormenting' it for his own personal interests. After storing it away in his inventory, Vahn moved over to the 'mountain' of fish Fenrir had created and started killing the struggling survivors before throwing them into his inventory. This time, he didn't earn any karma at all, since putting a fish out its misery wasn't that great a 'feat'.

Vahn watched Fenrir swimming about and, the moment she was about to pounce on a fish, he slid his left foot forward before raising both palms toward the sky in a smooth arc. Instead of a 'spout', this time Vahn created a pillar that launched Fenrir up into the air as she flustered about in a confused manner. Before she fell back into the water, Vahn jumped atop a small ice platform he had made atop the pillar and caught her before vanishing once again as the pillar collapsed. Fenrir shook her hair and fur, dispersing cold water all over his face and body, before asking, "Are we going~?" Vahn nodded his head and said, "You caught thirty-eight large sturgeon, so I'll give you a thirty-eight-minute massage later." Fenrir immediately eyed more fish and fidgeted as she resisted the urge to catch even more.

After drying off both of their bodies, Vahn let Fenrir ride his shoulders again before he vanished from the embankment with [Shundo]. They still had a fair distance to cover and it was already around 3 PM. He could easily run the distance within an hour but wanted to increase his [Shundo] proficiency by trying to dodge through the trees in small bursts. Thus, with Fenrir pulling on his hair like 'reins', Vahn dashed through the forest and quickly calculated his 'jumps' before disappearing and reappearing a few dozen meters further along the path. Fenrir yanked on his hair slightly and yelled out in a voice similar to Tiona's as she said, "Faster, Faster~!"

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fenrir is a good girl...the best girl~! -spoken by Fenrir in Vahn's voice','Survival of the Fittest','Waterbending Practice','Fenrir likes to ride her Master~!')



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章節 518: Nirvana

After his stint within the relatively peaceful forests, Vahn had returned to the Hearth Manor in a much better mood than he had departed from The Plains. He spent the rest of the evening playing around with the youth troupe until eventually retiring to his room with Eina. She had been making a fair amount of progress in learning the basics for [Hands of Nirvana], though not quite enough to properly use the skill, so Vahn received a massage for her until he eventually fell asleep. This 'officially' marked the end of his 'normalization' period and was the small transition that meant it was time to return to work. Just like when he had been at the river, Vahn's thoughts were constantly brought to his research and he had been slightly distracted whenever he wasn't with the girls. There were simply too many things he wanted to work on, starting with his prototype armor, more reliable communication methods, and the 'growth weapons' for Tina and Shizune.

There was an even more important task he needed to tend to, however, which was inarguably more important than almost anything else. Eina had arranged things with Rose, Misha, and Mona so that she would be able to take the weekend off to undergo the 'Nirvana' procedure. Not only would this ensure that her future childbirth problems would be solved, but there were several other things Vahn wanted to 'fix' that he had compiled into a small thesis for both Eina and Riveria to read. Riveria had received permission from Eina to attend the event and Vahn had been unable to refuse her after forgetting his previous promise to allow her to witness the naming ceremony, not that he truly minded her presence.

Within the document, Vahn detailed some of the anomalous things he had found within Eina's body through observation, primarily using her mother Aina as a 'baseline' for how he would continue forward. Because she was a Half-Elf, Eina wasn't able to properly use mana because there were conflicts between the flow of mana in her body as a result of her shared heritage between Elves and Humans. Though there wasn't a big difference between the 'racial' systems, it was enough to make casting magic a nigh-impossibility without an incredible amount of effort. She would have had to isolate the individual flows and use them separately, something that was impossible for most people as they couldn't actually sense the difference between the mana at all.

Vahn also described exactly how he planned to remedy the issue of childbirth for Half-Elves, which was slightly different than what he had seen in normal Elves. At least in the case of Ryuu, Vahn had seen that their body 'filters' the vital energy within semen to nourish the inside of their womb to initiate the normal ovulation process. It would take constant nourishment to completely activate the body and there was a fair chance this would have to continue for a short while after the pregnancy was confirmed. The main reason why Elves had higher birth rates in the forest was that there was a greater amount of natural energy in the environment, including the vital energy they could naturally absorb into their bodies from the 'Sacred Trees' within the area.

For Half-Elves, the reason behind their infertility was once again related to the differences between their Elf and Human halves. Eina's body was still seeking nourishment from her partner, which wouldn't be a problem in the case of Vahn, but her body also couldn't properly regulate the energy even after she received it. Instead of being 'contained' within the womb, the energy would slowly dissipate over time and this would inevitably result in the pregnancy becoming a miscarriage. Vahn had several potential solutions to fix this, but he would be using 'Nirvana' as a permanant measure by forcefully combining the two conflicting mana flows within her body using his source energy as a catalyst.

When he used 'Nirvana', Vahn would be perfectly synchronizing his energy with Eina's body, but this also meant that her mana would be intermingling with his pure source energy, a much higher form of energy than mana itself. Vahn was planning to 'bridge' the two conflicting energies in her body by melding them together using his source energy. By the end of the procedure, Eina would technically be the only 'real' Half-Elf in the entire world, except for a few naturally occurring exceptions. This meant she would be able to use both the Elven and Human systems of magic in the future, though they wouldn't be nearly as strong as if she were a pure-blood of either race. She didn't really have any interest in learning magic though, so the only important thing was that there shouldn't be any problems with her future pregnancies.

Thus, after spending two days working on his prototype armor and spending time with the girls, it was time for Eina to undergo 'Nirvana' and Vahn had cleared up his entire schedule in preparation. Everyone in the Manor knew how important this moment was so, even if there were a problem in the Manor itself they would have to take care of it without Vahn's presence. It was unlikely anything would happen, but they still made a few preparations like giving the construction workers the weekend off and having everyone stay home instead of wandering about the City. Though they hadn't gone out of their way to increase the tension by setting up a defensive line, everyone was still on hand to both serve as a deterrent against attacks and a failsafe for if something happened.

After finishing their own preparations, Vahn, Eina, and Riveria made their way into his private forge located in the secret room attached to the Master bedroom. Other than Hephaestus' workshop, this was the safest place within the Manor itself and it would prevent any outside interference since Vahn was the only person with the activation key besides Hephaestus, Hestia, and Eina.

Vahn set up the table he would be using as Eina nervously waited at the side in a bathrobe, clearly more than a little concerned about the changes she was going to experience in her own body. It was a little scary, imagining that someone would be 'shaping' her body without her having any means of resistance, but she also placed a lot of trust in both Vahn and the nearby Riveria. Seeing Eina cast a glance at her, Riveria nodded her head slightly and said, "Vahn knows what he is doing and you are well aware of the significance behind this procedure. Just relax your body and, before you know it you'll be up and about, ready to live the rest of your life in 'balance'." Eina smiled somewhat awkwardly at Riveria's words and said, "I believe in Vahn...I'm just worried about the changes a bit."

Hearing Eina's words, Vahn asked in a comforting tone, "Is there anything you're specifically worried about...? If it isn't anything drastic, I can make small alterations..." Eina laughed slightly before remarking, "If possible, I wouldn't want my appearance to change too much...the biggest worry I have is that I'll come out looking younger than before and that my own little sister would end up looking like the eldest between us...hahaha~" Eina was only nineteen years old right now, so she was genuinely concerned she would look like a child after Vahn was finished. Though her height didn't really change, Tsubaki looked like she had regressed a good ten years...as for Eina, she didn't have ten years to spare...

Vahn smiled, stifling an urge to laugh, before saying to the now bashful looking Eina, "You don't have to really worry about that, Eina. Your skin may look very revitalized, but your proportions wouldn't change much unless I proactively try to change them. If anything, you will look roughly the same age, but have a more 'refined' look to your already incredible beauty...I'm glad I had the chance to marry you before since I imagine there would have been a lot more competition had I used 'Nirvana' on you at the start~." Eina puffed her cheeks slightly with a 'Muuuu' before eventually laughing along with Vahn as a healthy blush spread to her ears...

After the last preparations were made, Eina stripped off her bathrobe and climbed on to the table with a lot of her nervousness having faded away. Vahn caressed her cheek lovingly before looking to Riveria and reminding, "From this point onwards, you must not interfere or disturb me regardless of any questions you may have..." They had already discussed the precautions previously, but Vahn still felt compelled to remind her. Riveria understood his concerns so she nodded her head without saying anything and just prepared to watch from the side. She would be allowed to move around and observe from up close, but she had to take all of her notes away from Vahn at a table that had been set up. Even if there was a negligible chance she would disturb him with her note-taking, it was too high. If she accidentally dropped her notebook or something, a momentary lapse would be all it took for potentially devastating consequences.

Vahn contracted his domain and brought his mind to an absolute state of focus as he placed his hands on Eina's back and officially started the long process required to complete the procedure. He started off relaxing each of Eina's muscles while targetting the various nerve centers in her body carefully. By the time he was finished, Eina was completely limp and couldn't even breath by how on volition, requiring Vahn's assistance and the nourishment of his energy to sustain her life. Riveria watched this from the side with bated breath and understood, at least from a basic level, the complexity and danger of what Vahn was trying to do...

After relaxing her body completely, Vahn rubbed his hands together and the glow from his palms increased in intensity until it spread completely through his hands and up his forearms. This was the sign of using 'Nirvana' and it made Vahn look almost 'divine' in nature as he pressed his hands against the area above Eina's heart and her lower back. Vahn watched attentively with his [Eyes of Truth] active to make sure that there were absolutely no abnormalities. At this point, he felt like he knew more about Eina's body than his own, and it was almost like he was having an out-of-body experience as he carefully observed her interior.

Eventually, the light had spread from Vahn's hands into Eina's body and Riveria got to see the somewhat terrifying sight of Vahn's hand 'sinking' into Eina. She had read the descriptions Vahn had provided, but seeing it in person was completely different than reading a document on paper. It was somewhat difficult to even imagine the process, but this fundamentally proved that Vahn's 'theory' about magic was far more accurate than this world's current understanding. The fact that he could perfectly synchronize the 'mana' within his own body, to the point where he could use it to revitalize and even reshape the body of another person was something unfathomable within the 'old' system...

By inserting his energy directly into her heart, Eina had slowly entered the sublime state of 'Enlightenment' as the light spread through her body and nourished the trillions of cells contained within. Just as he had done with Tsubaki, Vahn began working from the inside to the outside, targetting the important marrow, bones, organs, muscles, veins, and even the fine capillaries of her body. As Eina was still young, there weren't many sequelae contained within her body at all, so Vahn didn't have to worry about 'undoing' any damage she might have sustained. Instead, he immediately set about fixing the most important problems, starting with combining the two varying flows of mana within her body.

Though it wasn't the same as the physical body, the mana body was perfectly linked together with the physical processes which meant that it could be influenced by altering the bloodflow and regulating how the energy passed through the body. Vahn had placed his left hand on Eina's lower back earlier with the intent of 'overwriting' the mana in her body by diffusing his own source energy directly into the 'core' of her mana contained around the navel. After inserting his index finger into the small vortex of mana, Vahn began to let his own source energy flow naturally into Eina's body alongside the other bands of mana as they slowly intermingled with each other.

Eina's mana was a very gentle green in coloration, but there was a subtle blue contained within that made it look almost ethereal in nature. As for his source energy, it looked completely white at first but a thorough investigation would show that the core was actually 'rainbow-like' in composition, being the amalgamation of all elements and comprised of laws that Vahn couldn't even begin to understand. Eina's own mana 'coiled' around the bands of his source energy almost like they were drawn to it naturally and, after nearly three hours had passed, the color contained within her mana slowly began to fade until it settled on a translucent cyan color. Vahn confirmed that the two varying energies had completely bonded with each other before he allowed his source energy to naturally filter out of her body, as the only thing keeping it inside had been his 'guidance'.

Vahn released an almost inaudible sigh before all of the pores in his body 'opened' and began to absorb the ambient energy within the air, including his own source energy that had escaped Eina's body. His [Spirit Healing] had evolved into [Well of Spirit] after reaching S-Rank, and the replenishment of his own source energy could now be accelerated slightly by the ambient energy from the void itself. Though his body was currently very hot, it made his skin feel cool as if there was an airflow pervading through his bloodstream before coalescing around his navel and condensing, somewhat inefficiently, into source energy.

After nearly ten hours, Vahn had completely fusing the mana within Eina's body, revitalized her blood marrow to ensure her natural recovery would be increased, strengthened her bones and removed any signs of microfractures, nourished her blood by infusing his source energy through her heart and allowing it to naturally spread, and cleansed her lungs of a small buildup of liquid that had spread into the alveoli, the microscopic air sacs the processed oxygen within the body. It might not have ever affected her, but Vahn wanted to prevent things like bronchitis and pneumonia from occurring in the future due to temperature variations and infection...

With the core structure of her body 'refined', Vahn started on the organs and muscles, ensuring that each important organ was in proper working words and being nourished by the mana in Eina's body properly. This was also when he checked to make sure Eina's womb was in working order before inspecting the individual eggs contained within her ovaries to ensure they were healthy. Unlike Tsubaki, who had a large number of 'dead' eggs, Eina's seemed perfectly fine, albeit a little lacking in vitality. Vahn nourished them with his own energy for a short while before moving on to the larger muscles of her body, what could be described as the 'reshaping' process.

Eina didn't want her body to change too much, which Vahn could understand as she was already a young and inarguably beautiful girl, so he just ensured that her muscles had improved flexibility so that she wouldn't experience muscle strains as easily in the future. She didn't do any heavy exercising, so there weren't many things he needed to 'balance' out except for the muscles around her abdomen and the connecting muscles supporting her breasts. Eina's breasts were still growing, but they had already become a healthy and pert B-Cup at this point. However, perhaps due to her diet and lack of proper exercise, but the muscle tension had decreased marginally which made her breasts curve slightly as they hung from her pectoral muscles. If they got larger in the future, Eina might have to worry about sagging later in her life so Vahn nourished the muscles before ensuring that the glands within her breasts were properly forming. It was almost imperceptible, but her left breast was marginally larger than her right so Vahn 'fixed' it for her.

As for her abdominal muscles, Vahn felt like Eina could probably benefit from doing a bit of stretching and proper exercise in the future. She had almost no discernable body fat, which seemed to be a trait she inherited from her Elven bloodline, but the tension of the muscles themselves and nerves were somewhat 'lax' compared to what Vahn considered normal. He couldn't imagine she would ever get fat, other than during pregnancy, but Vahn thought it help with her posture and prevent future back strains if he helped strengthen the muscles around her abdomen and lower back a bit. This required him to also work on all the surrounding muscle groups as well, to ensure everything was balanced and working together, but it would also guarantee that Eina wouldn't have common aches and pains in her body unless she strained herself for long periods of time.

By the time he had finished nourishing, strengthening, and massaging Eina's muscles, spending perhaps too long on her somewhat small butt and long legs, twenty hours had passed and Vahn was feeling very taxed, not that his expression showed any signs of exhaustion or lack of focus. Riveria had been watching from start to finish, even straining her own mind to process everything that was happening, so she had started to feel tired as well. When Vahn had been 'massaging' Eina's breasts and butt, her brows had twitched slightly but she hadn't said anything for fear of actually disturbing him. She knew Vahn's 'preferences' well and had even thought about her own body on occasion so, seeing him 'fondling' the body of an unconscious Eina made her mind wander a bit. Riveria had seen the 'care' it put into Eina's butt and legs and wondered if she would have to experience something similar in the future...

Vahn entered the final phase of 'Nirvana' and was slowly returning Eina's body to a natural state as he prepared to 'break' her free from the state of 'Enlightenment'. This was always one of the more awkward parts of the procedure because he needed to 'awaken' her body and stimulate all of her nerves simultaneously so they would all function properly. The only way to do this was to bring her down from 'Heaven' and return her to 'Earth', which meant using the 'Heaven and Earth Convergence' technique. Vahn quickly pressed each of Eina's pressure points and nerve centers in reverse order before placing his fingers against the base of her neck and the end of her spine.

He felt somewhat guilty but still brought his fingers together as powerful stimulating energy spread through her body and caused her to convulse. Eina's eyes immediately shot open and she released a silent shout for nearly twenty seconds before laying limp against the table and breathing heavily, body still twitching about like all of her nerves were exposed to the air and salted. Vahn continued to scan her with his [Eyes of Truth] to ensure that all the nerves were firing properly, periodically touching some areas to make them 'activate' in concert with the rest of her body. Unlike the previous incident with Tsubaki, Vahn still had a bit of energy to spare so he helped Eina calm down from the intense orgasm that wracked her entire body and whispered soothing words to relax her mind...

Riveria watched Vahn use the 'Convergence of Heaven and Earth' and it caused a fierce tremble to run through her body, almost as if she was experiencing the echoes coming from Eina for herself. It was a little scary and made Riveria feel somewhat nervous to be in the same room as the two because Vahn's care for Eina was strangely disconcerting to observe from the side. To distract herself, since the procedure seemed to be complete, she sat down at the table and began writing notes about everything she had witnessed. Though she could have done so during the procedure, Riveria didn't want to miss anything important so she had walked around and observed from start to finish. Using Vahn's original 'outline' as a guide, she began making notes of her own observations and wrote down several questions that she wanted to ask about the procedure. She also intended to observe Eina over the next few days, months, and even years since it was very important to document the long-term effects of such a 'ridiculous' technique...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Important Matters','Eina, "Don't do anything weird..." -shortly before Vahn does all the things','It's not proper Science without documentation~!')



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