After making sure everyone understood the significance of the Divination, Loki continued the conversation and explained, "I can tell many of you have different thoughts about everything that was just revealed, but the most important thing you need to take away from all of this is simple. From here onwards, you need to develop an awareness of your current position and where you plan to find yourself, not in the next several months, but in the next several years. Because of your decision to associate with Vahn and continue to be part of the Alliance, you will always be targeted by those that wish to seize power for their own ends. For as long as you live, you may very well always be a target...never forget that."
Not only the girls, but Vahn was surprised by the solemnity of Loki's words and decided he needed to speak up as well. If he sat by the side for such an important discussion, it could potentially hurt the confidence of those present. Mustering up his resolve, Vahn showed a serious expression and stated, "If you choose to leave, I will do my best to ensure you have a safe place to retreat to...but, this world, though it has many beautiful sights, is a deceptively cruel place. Many of you understand how cruel the world can be and that isn't something that is related to our actions here and now. I want to make the world a better if you decide to stay here with me, you will be the enemy of everyone that pursues their own ends at the expense of others..."
Vahn looked around and saw that everyone was paying close attention to his words and the only person that showed signs of wavering was Milan. He gave her an encouraging smile and nodded his head before saying, "However, though our enemies may be numerous, they will never be strong enough to break the bonds between us as long as we work together. Even though not a lot of time has passed, many of you are already far stronger than our enemies themselves and, with continued efforts, you will keep growing the gap between you and them. Know that I will do my best to support your continued development to the best of my ability, no matter how many resources it might require. If you ever need my help, if you ever have any concerns, regardless of how trivial they may feel to you, please always reach out to me. Knowing that my failures had resulted in the deaths of five of the people I care about is a heavy blow...I never want to experience such loss again, especially if it is something that could have been avoided if we worked together!"
Everyone had different reactions to Vahn's words, though most of them were positive and he could see the signs of resolve kindled within their eyes as their auras flared up. Tsubaki shook her head with a sigh, but Vahn could tell she was also influenced by the atmosphere as she looked around at the other girls with a small smile on her face. Even Loki was laughing quietly to herself while Syr was proactively writing in a notebook and casting glances at everyone else. One girl, however, seemed to have taken special note of his words as Preasia asked, "Does that mean we can go into your workshop from now on?" Vahn blanked for a brief moment and it was Hephaestus who answered, "If Vahn is busy, it's better to leave him to his own devices since many of the things he develops require intense focus..."
Tsubaki, Loki, Naaza, and Riveria all nodded their heads in agreement, but Vahn shook his head and stared at Preasia and said, "If you have concerns, I'll never be too busy to address them. However, please remember that everyone here is your support and there are several people that are more qualified to address most problems..." Preasia showed a small smile and nodded her head without saying anything else and Vahn noticed her aura wasn't the only one that flared up at his words. Hephaestus shook her head with a wry smile on her face but didn't try to force the issue since it was important that Vahn decide his own boundaries. It was unlikely that many of the girls would actually disrupt his work, though they were very likely to sit in his workshop and simply watch him in the hopes of getting some of his attention later. She decided to leave the matter to Syr, Aki, and Hestia, as they were already taking special note of the potential 'problem' children in the group.
For nearly five whole hours, the discussion continued and Vahn did his best to address any concerns that were shared by the group while Loki, Hephaestus, and Eina also pitched in and explained some of the changes that would likely occur around the Manor in the next few months. Construction was about to begin on the Manor and they were going to greatly increase the amount of security as well as reinforce the defensive formations of the entire property. Though this was already the case, everyone needed to be escorted by someone that was Level 4 or higher until they were capable enough to defend themselves in the event of an emergency. They also needed to fill out a basic itinerary when they were going out so that in the event they failed to show up on time, a search or rescue party could be dispatched at the earliest sign of trouble.
Though it would interfere with their growth somewhat, everyone put in orders with Tsubaki and Hephaestus so that they could have suitable equipment made while Vahn researched how to draw out the potential of cloth and leather armors that would eventually replace their equipment. At the very least, every girl was going to be given arm guards, leg guards, and a thin adamantine breastplate that protected the heart. As for Lefiya, as she was a mage, her equipment was going to be forged by Vahn himself so that she could benefit from the amplified magical abilities of his arms. This was another highly protected secret, but the earlier vow was something that even gods wouldn't be able to break and there was no danger of the information being spread accidentally.
Riveria, learning that Vahn had the capability to make such types of equipment, even asked if he would design some for her. Vahn noticed her behavior was less 'distant' now and it made him feel somewhat uncomfortable because it was decidedly different from how she usually acted. He agreed to her request without thinking about it too much before Loki teased Riveria by saying, "You know, if Vahn is going to make clothes for you, he'll have to get veeeeery familiar with your body~." Vahn flustered slightly, but Riveria nodded her head without her expression changing at all as she said, "I'll leave it to you when the time comes." surprising both Loki and Vahn. The trickster goddess began to laugh loudly while Vahn simply nodded his head and said, "Yes...I'll do my best."
After things calmed down at the Hearth Manor, Vahn escorted Hephaestus and Eina back to their workplaces since there were several things they were trying to wrap up in preparation for the wedding. It was hard to imagine, but Vahn would be marrying both girls within forty-eight hours and this realization made him giddy with anticipation. Just knowing the girls would be in the Manor more often, especially Eina, made Vahn feel an incredible sense of relief and happiness. However, when he was thinking about who else would be staying in the Manor from now on, Vahn came to a stop on the roof of a random building.
When Loki had answered his question in the Divination, she mentioned all the girls in the Manor had given birth to his children with the exception of a few. Since Misha's name was brought up, this meant she had been accounting for the Guild Employees, which also included the werewolf, Ros. Loki wasn't the type to overlook such things, so it was highly likely that Vahn had gotten the woman he had yet to meet pregnant...
Shaking his head, Vahn decided not to worry about it too much and would simply confide in Eina before things developed to that point. Vahn wasn't sure what would be the catalyst that brought him and the Werewolf woman closer, but he believed everything happened for a reason. If he didn't pursue her, she would probably never open her heart to him so it was ultimately a decision he would have to make when the circumstances presented themselves. Vahn was, however, very curious about what she looked like and he felt like many of his inhibitions were starting to slip after experiencing the Divination.
He knew his mental defenses were lowered now and had seen many of the girls giving him 'contemplative' looks during the meeting, likely coming up with ways to get closer to him in the near future. Vahn wondered what kind of 'reasons' they would come up with and, if he had to be honest, it made him a little excited. They were all girls that had taken powerful vows to protect his secrets and they had all, at least for the time being, made the resolve to stay within the Hearth Manor at his side. Vahn felt 'obligated' to do his best for the girls and didn't see any sense in keeping them at arms-length as long as they were working hard. Knowing that, in the Divination, even the girls closest to him were close to their deaths had changed Vahn's perspective greatly. It would be tragic if he had the girls continually pushing themselves to get stronger only for them to die before 'receiving' the attention they sought from him. Life could be tragically short at times, and Vahn didn't want to be one of the reasons their life had taken such a sad turn.
Though he had been moving forward at a quick pace once again, Vahn came to a halt atop another building as the image of Riveria passed through his mind once again. He wondered how things would develop between them over the next few months since it seemed like she had made a 'decision' to open herself up to him even more. Her affection was even at 99(Interested) now, even though it had generally been in the lower nineties and was locked at (Trust). Vahn felt like the only thing that would prevent them from eventually ending up together were the decisions he made in the near future, as it looked like Riveria herself had become slightly more proactive.
Riveria wasn't the only girl who had a change in affection either, as almost every girl that had attended the meeting, that wasn't already at 100 affection, was now sitting at 99. It seems that the knowledge of their future relationship was enough to 'prime' the girls and now any major action on his part could bring them to maximum affection. The only exception to this was Milan, which worried Vahn somewhat because she had been at 99(Trust) previously and was now at 94(Confused). Vahn knew she had taken an impact knowing Tina's fate, but he could tell it was something else that was eating away at her. Since her affection towards him was affected, it meant that the matter had to be related to him and Vahn could somewhat infer what she was thinking.
Tina had obviously made the resolve to become much stronger and pursue him, so Milan was likely struggling to cope with her own feelings and may even potentially be readying her own defenses with the intention of cutting ties with him in the future for the benefit of her daughter. Vahn had been treating Tina like his daughter, something that wasn't going to change anytime soon, but he knew he would probably give in to her if she continued to pursue him in a few years. Because of this, Vahn wasn't entirely sure what action he should take because he wanted to respect Milan's decision without forcing her into anything.
Vahn wasn't an idiot, most of the time, so he had seen all of the tell-tale signs of her desire to be with him, especially when they took baths together. The ability to see auras made Vahn very perceptive to such things and he could see the tinge of passionate red that would often be present in her aura. Vahn knew that, if he had made advances towards her, Milan would have probably given in to him very quickly. Vahn had done his best to 'ignore' such signs, but now he felt like he was being drawn to make a decision in the near future or he might 'force' Milan away in the future. He had long ago made the resolve to take care of her for the rest of her life, and he didn't want to imagine a future where she moved out of the Manor or just remained a caretaker for his other children.
Because of her association with the Hestia Familia, it would be difficult for her to get close to other men in the near future, so this would require her to spend an additional four years 'alone' if things continued to progress as they were. Milan was already 33, so that would put her at 37 by the time she was 'on the market' once again. Vahn didn't mind older women, especially beautiful girls like Milan, but there were a large number of men that based their decisions to be with girls based on age and status. If Milan was only able to find a man because of her association with the Hestia Familia, Vahn knew she wouldn't be happy at all unless she met someone within the Alliance itself...
After stepping into his own courtyard, Vahn shook his head because the image of Tsubaki berating him for worrying excessively came to mind. The simplest thing to do would be to approach Milan and let her make the decision for herself. Letting her brood over the matter for years would just make things even more difficult for her and, even though she might have an outburst of emotion if he confronted her, at least they would be able to work towards resolving the problem. In the worst case scenario, it would open Milan's mind to seeking a different partner earlier so she wasn't just sitting in the Manor trying to maintain a status quo that had already been shattered long ago.
As he had been standing outside for a while, Vahn was surprised that Fenrir hadn't come to 'retrieve' him yet. She had been developing a habit of greeting the 'important' people lately so it was somewhat surprising that he had been outside for several minutes without her adorable form charging him. Turning his attention to the Manor proper, Vahn scanned the interior and found Fenrir sitting in a room with four other people. After thinking for a moment, Vahn remembered that she was currently receiving a troublesome 'education' from Riveria and Milan. The other figures were probably Tina and Shizune since their auras were somewhat smaller than everyone else in the Manor.
Vahn had been intending to talk to Milan, but it didn't seem like now was the best opportunity so he turned his attention to the other presences in the Manor. Because of the important discussion earlier, everyone was currently present and Vahn felt a strange amount of pressure from everyone now that such things had been revealed. It was almost like each person was a ticking time bomb that could be set off at any given moment and the only thing it required was him taking any action that increased their affection in a meaningful manner. Even girls like Mikoto were no longer 'safe', especially since she had made her resolve when they met in the bath a few weeks ago. She was probably struggling with this information a bit, but Vahn knew Mikoto's character wasn't the type to back down from such things. He could tell she was currently with Tsubaki and, based on the illusory aura, Haruhime was also with her.
The most 'troublesome' girls were the ones skulking around the areas he usually could be found in the Manor and Vahn could even see, who he assumed to be Preasia, sitting in his workshop as if she were waiting for his arrival. Vahn did have the urge to develop more clothing, especially the undergarments for Eina and Hephaestus, so that was currently a 'danger zone'. Lili and Naaza were sitting in the study with Syr and Vahn could also see the twins, Emiru and Maemi, in their own room moving about with their auras flaring like flames. As for the members of the Loki Familia, they were almost all located in the same room, likely talking with Lefiya or teasing the bashful Elf considering who was present.
The final group of girls consisted of Hestia, Ryuu, and Aki, who were all gathered in the former's room and probably discussing the matters of the Familia itself since Syr wasn't present. Vahn didn't really know how he could face any of the girls right now, but he knew it was pointless to delay such matters and he needed to carry himself with confidence and resolution from now on. The Divination showed him the importance of disposition and how brooding over matters within his own mind only caused problems that would eventually escalate to become tragedies. As long as he believed in himself, and trusted those that supported him, the future wasn't something that needed to be feared.
Just as he had learned from Ouranos within the Divination, the only thing that existed was the present. Vahn knew life wasn't going to wait for him to live it, so he stepped forward with resolve and entered the warm embrace of his own home without any further hesitation. From now on, unless it was something that required careful consideration, Vahn decided to simply 'act' instead. Hesitation would create gaps that could be exploited by his enemies and there was no need to fear losing the people that would 'abandon' him based on his decisions. Everyone had to live their own lives, make their own decisions, and find their own happiness. However, if it was something that he could share with them, Vahn decided he would do everything possible to guarantee they could walk the same path. With this resolve, Vahn headed up the stairs and proceeded toward the room where Riveria, Milan, Fenrir, Tina, and Shizune were located...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Defenses breeched','Riveria knows what she is about','Vahn decides to be a 'man' about things')
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Since the study door had been open, Vahn walked straight inside before coming to a pause when Fenrir snapped her head back and stared at him with glowing scarlet eyes. Vahn knew she had been aware of his presence long before he arrived, but his arrival in the study made it much harder to 'ignore' his presence. She had spent the last half hour listening to Riveria and Milan explaining the differences between men and women and learning how babies were made. Before Vahn was able to say anything, Fenrir jumped up and asked, "Does Vahn love Fenrir?" Vahn blinked in mild surprise before saying, "Yes, Fenrir is someone very important to me." The glow in Fenrir's eyes increased greatly and she covered her mouth with both paws as she sad back down 'snickering' at Vahn's answer.
Riveria looked to Vahn and asked, "Did you need something, Vahn?" Since Vahn had to be aware of the discussion that was taking place, Riveria had expected him to stay far away from this room. They had even moved to a study on the second floor, which wasn't visited often, just so Fenrir wouldn't be able to leave and go to him when he returned.
Vahn nodded his head and looked around the room before bringing his attention to Milan and saying, "I wanted to talk with Milan." Hearing Vahn addressing her, Milan startled slightly and he could see her gripping her dress with her hands as her aura flailed about chaotically. After a moment of hesitation, Milan asked, "Did you want to talk...right now?" Vahn nodded his head and smiled as he said, "I think it is something that needs to be addressed sooner, rather than later. Riveria should be able to handle things here since both Shizune and Tina are sensible young girls." Fenrir's ears twitched slightly at his words, but she continued to hold her paws over her mouth without saying anything while Milan sat in silence for several seconds before standing up and saying, "Okay...Vahn."
On their way out, both Vahn and Milan could hear Tina cheer, "You can do it, Mom~nya!" as she held up both of her small hands in an encouraging gesture. Vahn smiled as Milan began to laugh in a wry manner as he escorted her a fair distance away from everyone else until they reached a private room. Milan had become increasingly tense the further away from the others they went, but she didn't say anything and Vahn could see an almost indiscernible amount of red touch her aura.
When they entered the room, Vahn closed the door behind them and, instead of asking her to sit, Vahn grabbed Milan's hands and noticed they were shaking a fair amount. For a brief moment, it seemed like she was going to pull away but inevitably decided against it as she tried to put on a mask of bravado and asked, "Ara~? What did you drag me so far away to discuss, Vahnya..." Because of her nerves, Milan couldn't stop her own verbal tick from acting up and her face blushed slightly at the realization.
Vahn squeezed her hands and explained, "Milan, even if it might be shameless for me to do something like this, I needed to talk to you as soon as possible. I won't waste time talking around the subject...I want to be more decisive, so I'll tell it to you directly...Milan, I love you." This time, Milan managed to pull her hands away as she turned around and created a bit of distance with Vahn and placed both hands over her furiously beating heart. Vahn could see her aura fluctuating like a flame and could see her tail twitching about in frustration after his declaration. Without giving her any time to process his words, however, Vahn continued, "I won't force you into anything, Milan, I just needed you to know how I felt. Regardless of what you choose to do, you will always have my support."
Milan raised her hands and pressed down her ears as if she were trying to block out his words as she exclaimed, "This isn't fair, Vahn! My heart isn't ready for this kind of thing at all~nya!" Though she was refusing with her words and actions, Vahn noticed that Milan's affection had jumped up to 98 and her aura was becoming increasingly chaotic. He said he wasn't going to force her, but it felt like she was waiting for him to take action. Instead of doing something overly intimate, however, Vahn just approached Milan from behind and embraced her tightly as she writhed around in his arms.
After nearly a minute of 'struggling', Milan finally calmed down a bit and just continued to take several deep breaths in an effort to regulate her emotions. Throughout this process, Vahn just embraced her body tightly without taking any further action. He knew his actions were a bit 'unfair' to her, but he couldn't let things continue to develop in such a passive manner anymore. Vahn knew how indecision could adversely impact the future, so he would rather deal with the 'fallout' of the actions he took rather than regret the decisions he never made.
Milan continued in silence for a while before leaning her head up at an angle and saying in a low tone, "Vahn...kiss me..." Without any hesitation, Vahn leaned around and kissed Milan's lips as she had requested. He didn't know exactly what she wanted to discern from the kiss, but Vahn wanted her to feel his emotions so he 'eagerly' sealed her lips with his own before invading the interior of her mouth with his tongue. He wasn't too forceful, but he danced around with her tongue for nearly a full minute before she released a hot sigh from her nose and turned away. Vahn could feel her heart beating rapidly from his palm that was placed near her abdomen and he could sense the changes in her aura.
Hanging her head low, Milan asked in a quiet tone, "Do you love Tina...?" Vahn could feel her body shake slightly when he nodded his head and said, "I care for her like a daughter...but that will likely change in the future depending on the path she chooses for herself..." Milan lazily nodded her head and whispered, "Shizune too...I can tell that she..." before releasing a sigh and saying, "Vahn, I don't want to be alone while both of my daughters live a vibrant I a bad mother?" Vahn put some strength into his embrace and stated with absolute confidence, "Milan, you are a great mother. Circumstances have forced you into an awkward position, but that is something we can face together. I will protect all of you, no matter what anyone has to say about it..."
Milan leaned into his chest and Vahn felt like she would fall to the ground if he loosened his arms from around her body. She looked up at him with a deep melancholy on her face, but Vahn could also see a slight glimmer in her eyes as she said, "I know...I know the Alliance will also protect us. The other girls in the Manor are kind and understanding as well..." Milan began to take deep breaths once again and Vahn felt like she was going to begin crying as she said, "Promise me, Vahn, promise that you'll never try to convince me to have another child...and that you'll always look after Tina and Shizune..."
Milan knew she was walking down a path that contradicted her own sensibilities, but she just wanted to be loved again and it had been so long since she was held like this by a man. However, she swore that she would never bear Vahn's children unless he never developed a relationship with Tina. Sharing the same man already made her body shake with anxiety, so there was no way she could have his child if there were a chance her daughter would one day give birth as well. Vahn, understanding what Milan was thinking, nodded his head and said, "Milan, I promise...I will always respect your decision and do my best for all three of you."
As he spoke, Milan's breathing became increasingly ragged and Vahn could feel a major shift in her aura as it transitioned from a rosy pink into a passionate red that was intermixed with purples and even a small amount of grey. Vahn could tell that Milan wasn't truly convinced but had thrown caution to the wind as she turned around in his arms and began kissing him with tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes. He could tell she was 'blaming' herself for her own weakness, but Vahn promised that he would never fault her for such things. As he had told her earlier, Vahn really did love her as she had been the first person to show him what it was like to be cared for. Even though it was only for a brief period of time, Vahn had found a welcoming home at the Hearth's Embrace and Milan had been looking after him ever since their first meeting. Now, it was his turn to return the favor as he began peeling away each layer of clothing the protected her body...
(A/N: Here there be NSFW material. Proceed with caution~!)
Milan's body fidgeted as Vahn de-clothed her, but she didn't make any attempts to stop him as she began to unbutton his tunic. Vahn surprised her when he unequipped his tunic and she found her hands against his bare chest suddenly. After a brief pause, she let her hands wander across his muscles until Vahn began lowering her dress around her shoulders. Milan was one of the taller girls in the group, standing at 170cm tall, and she had a lithe figure with a pair of modest breasts that were around a B-Cup. Vahn had seen her naked several times, but this was the first time he had looked at her like this, standing in the low light of the room with a flushed expression as she made a bashful attempt to cover her body with her hands.
Though he didn't mind gawking at her athletic looking body, Vahn knew he needed to be decisive in moments like this so he moved closer to her before looking into her gleaming golden eyes, which were still moist with her own tears, and started kissing her again as he deftly unfastened her bra. He removed a sofa from his inventory and placed it behind him as he pulled her body, which was now attired in nothing but beige panties, that almost matched her skin tone, and a pair of white stockings. When he sat down, Milan was surprised at the sudden transition before staring down at Vahn's figure as his clothes disappeared into his inventory. Free from its constraints, Vahn's penis shot toward the sky and Milan's mind blanked for several seconds as she stared at it.
After coming to her senses, Milan took a deep breath and peeled off her panties to reveal the contents contained within. She knew her own state very well and she was embarrassed to see Vahn staring at the 'mess' she had become. Even though she felt a lot of inhibitions about what was happening, Milan knew her body wanted this and there was even a mild desperation welling up inside her body when she saw Vahn's nude figure. It had been so many years since she had been with a man, and she had been 'dreaming' about this moment even before she got to know Vahn well. From the very moment she teased the young boy and allowed him to touch her ears, Milan had thought about Vahn more than once, to an extent that Tina had even 'realized' what she had been up to.
Once Milan had peeled off her panties, Vahn smiled and muttered, "Beautiful..." which made the mature woman bite the bottom of her lip as she started to peel off her stockings. Vahn was tempted to tell her to keep them on, but this was an important moment for her and he didn't want to make things awkward. When she finally removed them, Milan grabbed her left arm with her right hand for a moment before sheepishly climbing up into his lap. She sandwiched Vahn's penis against their stomachs and Vahn could feel her body trembling when she pressed her somewhat springy breasts against him and started kissing him once again. Even though her tongue was rough, as was the case with all Cat Persons, Vahn was skilled at kissing them since he had a lot of practice with Chloe, Arnya, and Aki.
Vahn understood the significance of everything that was happening and knew he needed to be the one to guide Milan forward, even though he had to leave the final step to her. He began to trace his hands around her back using the combination of his [Hands of Nirvana] and [Petting] ability and she quickly began to release hot breaths as she writhed about against his body. Vahn was paying attention to each of her reactions and saw the wispy black flames in her aura dissipate almost entirely after a few minutes before he reached down and before she could utter a word of complaint, grabbed her chestnut brown tail with his hand.
Milan pulled her head away from their kiss and arched her body as she released a powerful moan while pressing her forehead against his chest and hammering it a few times. Vahn was somewhat confused by her reaction, but he continued molding her sensitive tail with his hand in a firm manner that wouldn't actually bring harm to the appendage. After several seconds, Milan 'glared' at him with her golden eyes before saying, "Vaaaaaaaaaahn, you jerk!" as she eyed his shoulders and found a spot to mark. Even though she knew something like this would probably happen, Milan hadn't expected Vahn to go for her weak spot at the very beginning. She still wasn't sure if she wanted to 'mark' him yet, but it didn't seem like he was giving her much choice. Unless she bit him, Milan felt like she was going to lose her mind because it had been so many years since anyone had touched her tail, other than those cruel men that had cut it off.
When she recalled that incident, Milan felt a small bout of panic but then she immediately remembered the warmth Vahn had brought to her during her desperation. Even when she had given up all hope, Vahn had come to her and pulled her away from that darkness. He had even been taking care of both her and Tina ever since then, even though she hadn't done much for him in return. Every time she needed something, it would always be provided to her and, even when she struggled interacting with him, he had shown an endless amount of patience and concern. Realizing this, Milan didn't know why she had actually been hesitating for so long because she knew Vahn would always do his best for her...
Vahn grimaced slightly when he felt Milan's teeth enter his shoulder but his expression quickly turned into a peaceful one with a happy smile on his face. From this point onwards, he would always carry the proof of their union on his body and Milan would also be aware of it. Even if she turned into a bashful and shameless woman, Vahn didn't care at all as long as she could find some happiness in his embrace. She had suffered a lot in the short time they had known each other, and now Vahn wanted to start changing things for the better. It might be awkward at first, but new things were always like that and, as long as they continued down this path together, they would be able to work through all of their issues together...just like a real family.
Milan eased up her bit nearly a minute later and started licking the area clean as she said, "Vahn, I'm ready..." Vahn nodded his head slowly as Milan raised her own hips while hugging his neck tightly as he placed the tip of his glans against her steamy entrance. He had noticed this earlier, but Milan was releasing an incredible volume of liquid even before she peeled off her beige panties. Her body had been 'awakened' after a long period of dormancy and there was a lot of heat emitting from her vagina as well and Vahn could feel her body temperature had increased to a feverish extent as they embraced each other.
Because she was more than prepared for his insertion, Vahn positioned his glans against the palpating entrance before pressing down on Milan's hips. He noticed she had started to hesitate so he helped her continue forward as she released a long, "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaafuuuuuuuuuuuu~" as he lowered her against his body. It had been a long time since Milan had sex, so her body wasn't quite adapted to foreign entry and he only made it around 70% of the way into her depths before hitting a dead end. Milan began to released hot breaths against his moist neck before she began licking her own bite mark once again. Vahn grabbed around her body and hugged her with his left arm while using his right hand to rub the connecting point of her back and tail. He also pressed down with a steady pressure and Milan's body was slowly sinking against his over time.
Before he could make too much progress, however, Milan squeezed his shoulders with a bit of strength and said, "Vahn, it's too body is completely stuffed...I want to move..." Though Milan didn't mind staying like this for a while, her body ached for 'action' and it felt like Vahn slow movements were going to drive her crazy. She had been crying tears of anguish earlier, but now she felt like crying in frustration because he was being 'too careful' with her body. Even though he hadn't responded to her, she already raised her hips slightly before releasing a gasp as she lowered herself once again.
Vahn was somewhat surprised by Milan's 'eagerness' but he understood her feelings and didn't want to let her down so he began matching his movements against hers and making her mewl every time his glans contacted the entrance of her cervix. Her insides were incredibly hot and Vahn enjoyed the comfortable pressure that was gripping his member. She was far more eager than he was in her movements, so Vahn was able to focus on finding her weak spots as he stimulated the nerves in her back and made her tighten around him every time her body spasmed slightly. Though she had taken the 'initiative' for a brief moment, it wasn't long before Milan was hugging him tightly and releasing her adorable mewls against his neck. This was one of the reasons Vahn loved Cat Persons because all of their reactions made his heart itch with how adorable they were.
Because she had lost the ability to move easily on her own, Vahn positioned his hands at Milan's hips and began moving them in a small circle as he traced around her cervix and made her body tremble at the stimulation. Vahn was using his thumbs to inject a line of energy into her pelvis and stimulating the surrounding muscles in tune with her heartbeat. Milan's grip around his neck had tightened to the point where it felt like she wanted to choke him, but Vahn didn't mind it at all just leaned forward slightly and nibbled on her exposed collarbone. When he felt her insides begin to writhe about and vibrate, Vahn leaned back slightly and pulled Milan's weight against him as he began to piston hard against her insides.
Milan had been on the brink of a powerful climax due to the intense stimulation she was receiving from Vahn, but she was caught completely off-guard when he began to 'crush' her insides in such an earnest fashion. She couldn't even gasp out and just squeezed his neck tightly as she held her own breath, almost as if she wanted to suffocate him in return. It had only been around ten minutes since they began and her body was already going through a level of stimulus she had never experienced before. Milan began to feel like, even if she wanted to leave Vahn in the future, she didn't think she had the 'courage' to do so any longer. He wasn't actually that skilled, but even his simple actions attacked her weak points and, even though he was somewhat uncomfortably large, he used his penis well and she found that her body had absolutely no resistance against him at all.
Vahn knew that Milan would likely be taking a contraceptive after this, especially since her body was very obviously in heat, so he unhesitantly pressed her butt down and pushed up against her cervix with his glans and released himself inside of her. He could continue going for hours if necessary, but he knew that Milan's body would continue to 'suffer' until he ejaculated inside of her. It was one of the racial traits of Cat Persons and she would just get frustrated unless he took decisive action. Now, even if they continued even further, the heat from her body would slowly fade and she would be able to 'relax' a bit and enjoy the moment even further.
Feeling the hot pressure swelling up inside her body, Milan released her contained breath and relaxed her weight against Vahn as powerful reverberations passed through her body. As Vahn assumed, she intended to take medicine right after they were finished but was happy that he had released his sperm inside of her without any hesitation. She knew of Vahn's 'exploits' and that he could continue for very long periods of time without ejaculating, so Milan understood he had been taking her state into consideration. She felt an incredible amount of comfort coming from the invasive heat and it felt like Vahn's powerful arms supporting her body would also be able to shield her from any adversity she would face in the future.
Even if it was just a delusion, Milan wanted to believe this was the case and began to affectionately lick her own mark once again. She was a little frustrated seeing the other bite marks and felt a powerful sense of incredulity imagining that her own daughter might mark next to her own in the future...however, that would be something she dealt with when the time came. She already made her resolve and it was futile thinking about events far in the future. At the very least, she had nearly three years to spend with Vahn before she took a step back for her daughter...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Education is dangerous...','Milan's Inhibitions','Release of tensions')
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