(A/N: NSFW, btw~!)
After Tsubaki flipped him over on his back, Vahn couldn't do much more than try to get some small advantage by molding her large breasts with his hands. She had started a breathing rhythm with her eyes closed and, every time she lifted her butt from his body, Tsubaki would exhale loudly through her mouth as she tightened up her abdominal muscles as if she were trying to crush his member. Vahn could feel the edges of his eyes twitch as the edges of his glans scraped against her folds in a very stimulating manner. He had tried to adjust his angle, but Tsubaki had pinned his legs with her hands and was carrying out a one-sided assault while he made feeble attempts to counterattack.
It might have been tolerable at first, but Tsubaki's enamored expression and teasing smile made Vahn's heart itch. She had been persisting in a steady rhythm for nearly a half hour and Vahn felt a little bit of fluid drain from his penis every time she lifted her body. He had tried everything from rubbing her breasts, massaging her sides, stroking her abdomen, and even trying to rock her hips. Tsubaki, however, easily countered his movements and, whenever he tried to reposition to get an advantage, she would pin down his shoulders once again with a teasing laugh before continuing her assault.
The most 'frustrating' thing of all was that Vahn could tell that Tsubaki's breathing and straining over her muscles was preventing her own climax. Though she was obviously feeling it greatly, Tsubaki was in a state of absolute focus where she wouldn't let him get a single advantage. Other than a few minor liberties, he was almost completely at her mercy and was on the verge of 'snapping'. Vahn knew that using [Hands of Nirvana] would immediately change the momentum in his favor, but it was also the same as saying he had 'given up' and had to rely on cheating to win against her.
As his tensions continued to rise from Tsubaki's constant assault, Vahn tried a last ditch effort to get an edge against by trying to stimulate her clitoris with his right hand, but Tsubaki caught it in an instant before pinning both of his wrists above his head as she leaned forward and pressed her breasts firmly against his chest. She had a big smile on her face as she asked in a husky tone layered with amorous undertones, "Are you about to hit your limit~? You've lasted much longer than I expected...it's actually very impressive...but I'll be taking this win, Vahn..." As her words fell, Tsubaki began to sway her butt from side to side in a tight circle with Vahn still firmly held inside of her. It was incredibly stimulating for her, but Vahn was much closer to release than she was to climax. She had felt the warm sensation spreading inside of her several times and knew he couldn't keep holding it in much longer.
Vahn tried to free his hands from Tsubaki in one last desperate attempt before she leaned in and sealed his lips with a deep and passionate kiss. This was one of the few times when Vahn was on the 'receiving' end and he wasn't actually that fond of it. Though he enjoyed everything that was happening, Vahn knew he was the type that liked to get a rise out of people more than he liked being 'forced'. He didn't like feeling helpless in this type of situation and, if not for the fact that he cared about Tsubaki, Vahn would have escaped from her instead of letting his tensions loose and releasing his pent-up emotions deep inside of her body.
Feeling the pressure expanding inside her depths, Tsubaki stopped kissing Vahn and released a hot sigh against the side of Vahn's face when she rested her head next to his. Her breath tickled his skin and her words made Vahn's heart itch fiercely when she chuckled and said, "That's another point in my favor..." Vahn nodded his head in affirmation as he reached his hands around her back and held her firmly in his embrace. Tsubaki showed a happy smile and kissed the side of Vahn's face as she stroked his cheek with her right hand. After a few seconds passed, however, Vahn said in a plain tone, "I'll give this bout to you, Tsubaki, I'll even give you the final victory..."
Tsubaki felt a bit of anxiety well up inside of her stomach as she listened to Vahn's calm words and felt a bit of warmth enter through her back. Tracing his hands around her body, Vahn continued in a gentle, almost soothing, tone, "But, if you're allowed to use your strength to get an advantage, don't blame me for using my own...I'll give you the victory, but it won't be without a cost. It's my turn from now until you call my name and I'm satisfied...there is quite a bit of time left in the day..." Vahn had hugged Tsubaki's body tightly against his as she weakly tried to lift herself from his embrace.
With a slightly shaky voice, Tsubaki whispered, "I might have gone a little too far...but fine, do what you want, Vahn, just make sure you don't break me. You already changed my body from the inside out, at least spare me my mind and soul...hahaha..." Vahn nodded his head slowly as he stroked Tsubaki's long black hair with his hand and said, "I will never hurt you, Tsubaki, this much I can promise you. Just remember that teasing goes both ways...and, even though I'm still young, I'm also a man. My pride might not be developed to the same extent as some, but I still hold it close to my chest...of course, if you want me to stop for real, I'll-"
Before Vahn could continue, Tsubaki pinched his left cheek with her right hand in a somewhat painful manner and said, "Shut up, Vahn, you talk too much. Now is the time to act, don't worry, I'm not so fragile and I know you won't do anything that would risk 'our' baby. Just make sure you start thinking of a name, I'll be expecting a good one..." Vahn freed his cheek from Tsubaki's fingers and said in a confident tone, "We'll both talk about it, after all, I want to know everything about you in the future. I'll make my decision once I have a better understanding of the situation. For now, my only concern is what I'm going to be doing for the next...four, maybe five, hours?"
Tsubaki swallowed hard at Vahn's words before a shiver ran up her back as light reverberations began to spread through her body from Vahn's 'unfair' hands. He had been gently pressing into each of her pressure points and nerve clusters, almost like he was linking them all together and constantly compounding the tensions in her body while also forcing the surrounding muscles to relax. It was a very frustrating and complicated feeling because, even though she tried to resist the mounting pressure, each echo built up on top of the previous ones and they continued to bounce around in her body without ceasing for a single moment.
Vahn could feel the vibrations through Tsubaki's body and felt her vagina wriggling about as if it had come to life as her body entered the early stages of what would likely be a perpetual climax. He didn't want to push her over the edge simply using his massage techniques, but Vahn wanted to keep her at the precipice. He lifted her panting body before managing to shift her weight for a brief moment where he could get his feet under him. He hadn't done much to her lower body, so Tsubaki still had strength in her legs when Vahn gripped her butt and said, "Hold on tightly..." Tsubaki was currently biting her lower lip again as she loosely hugged Vahn's shoulders with her arms and wrapped her long brown legs around his waist.
Though things would continue on the ground later, Vahn wanted to try something 'interesting' since he had confidence in Tsubaki's tolerance. Using Shundo, he reappeared next to a wall before pressing Tsubaki against it with his own body. She was surprised by the sudden change and put as much strength as she could in her weak arms to hold onto Vahn as he pried open her legs with his hands and lifted them to the point where her knees touched the wall behind her. Since she couldn't put much strength into her arms, the only thing that kept Tsubaki from falling was the wall behind her, Vahn's hands, and the hot rod that was piercing her to the point where a constant pink glow emitted from the imprint on her lower abdomen.
Vahn used Tsubaki's own weight, combined with the leverage he had gained, to piston powerfully into her body from below. Other than when he took someone from behind, Vahn felt like this was one of the positions where he could most 'reliably' control the body of the woman. He wasn't sure if it was a trait of all girls, or just the ones he had been with, but they were all very flexible. When he had been with Hephaestus earlier, she had even been able to do a full split as Vahn rocked her hips around. Though his own flexibility was very high, Vahn knew he couldn't do the same things as the girls because of the orientation of his bones. He could easily do a split, but it would cause some discomfort for obvious reasons.
Another reason Vahn enjoyed this position was due to the loud, sloppy, intense, and erotic sound that was coming from where they were connected. He knew it was the 'pride' of a woman to show their tolerance during intercourse and how effective the sounds coming from their body could be when used against them. For a strong woman like Tsubaki, it was especially effective and Vahn could feel her legs quivering in frustration and she clung to his body and released sensual moans into his ears. Vahn pressed his weight against her even more and Tsubaki's stifled moans became even louder as he adjusted his position and scrapped his penis along the topside of Tsubaki's vagina in slow and steady pistons that made her entire body vibrate powerfully as a flood of juices constantly dripped from the tantalizing brown flesh.
A powerful reverberation passed through Tsubaki's body and her womanly moan became closer to a pitiful whine as she pressed her head into his neck. Vahn could feel a powerful stimulation gripping around his own penis as a result of her climax, but he ground his own teeth and continued his movements to push Tsubaki further and further up the endless ladder of pleasure. This was something he had long noticed about women, the fact they were able to have simultaneous climaxes that could be drawn out for more than an hour if properly managed. He was a bit jealous since, though it was incredibly pleasurable for him, the moment of release was very short and faded away just a few seconds later as if all the tensions in his body had been an illusion.
Tsubaki began to pat his back as she muttered almost pitifully into his ear, "Okay...Vahn, that's enough...I'll call your name....as much as you want...just let me down..." Though she had made mental preparations for what was to come, Tsubaki had severely underestimated Vahn's technique in conjunction with his [Hands of Nirvana]. Her body was way too sensitive after the change and it was like the energy coming from his hands was especially synergistic now. It might be because he had 'shaped' her using that same energy, but Tsubaki felt like it was way stronger than she had remembered from the past. Even though his hands were just on the backs of her knees, it was like the energy was spreading through her blood and making her entire body ache from the waves of pleasure coming from where she was connected with Vahn.
Vahn slowed his movements, but he didn't come to a complete stop as he said in a teasing voice similar to Tsubaki's from earlier, "I don't simply want you to call my name, Tsubaki, I want you to scream it as I continue to push you higher and higher towards a greater pleasure. I'll let you down...as soon as I ejaculate again, or when you say my name... let's say, one-hundred times?" With his words, Vahn pistoned hard into Tsubaki's body and she released a long moan before saying, "You...really..." Though not as hard as before, Vahn scraped himself along the top of Tsubaki's inner walls and sent a powerful wave through her body that instantly changed her tone as she said, "Vahn..."
The sensual way she had called his name was almost like the starting gun and Vahn moved his hips in a very small circle as he undulated in a steady rhythm while moving Tsubaki's legs to match his movements. Tsubaki began to release gasping breaths but, instead of calling his name again immediately, she said in a serious manner, "If I ever hear...any of the other girls...mention this in the future...I will make sure you go through hell training....every day until you become...stronger than me!" Somehow, Tsubaki regained a bit of strength in her arms as she tightly hugged his body and placed her mouth near his ear without directly shouting into it as she loudly moaned, "Vaaahn~"
Though he had already been in an excited state, Vahn's heart fluttered and he felt a chill run down his back at hearing Tsubaki call his name in such a manner. From then onwards, every time he scraped her insides, Tsubaki would continue to call his name over and over with an increasing amount of passion each time. Vahn could feel his teeth clattering and felt like his own sensibilities were beginning to deteriorate every time she opened her beautiful lips and called his name. He hadn't expected the impact of such a simple act to resonate so powerfully with him and he wasn't sure if she would reach one-hundred before he couldn't hold himself back anymore...
Tsubaki had held back at first, but after repeating his name more than ten times she began to stop caring and just said Vahn's name as loudly as she felt like. Every time he pressed into her, Tsubaki could feel him knocking against the 'barrier' inside of her body and the resonate energy spread through her body like a tidal wave. She was beginning to feel like the time before her current climax was an illusion. It seemed to never come to an end, no matter how much she tried to resist the pleasure, so the only form of release she could manage was crying out Vahn's name as she held tightly to his body.
Tsubaki could actually feel Vahn 'growing' inside of her and could feel the powerful heat rising in his body and it only stirred her up even more and she resolved herself to beat him up in the future for doing such a thing to her. As if he wasn't satisfied with changing her body with his 'Nirvana', now Vahn seemed intent on rewriting her memory of what normal pleasure was supposed to be like. She just wanted to beat him up until he had turned into a pig face but the only thing she could do right now was to continue calling his name in the hopes that he would give her a momentary reprieve in the seemingly distant future...
Even Vahn wasn't sure how much time was passing at this point as he mechanically counted the times Tsubaki called his name as he resisted the urge to release. Perhaps she had remembered her earlier actions, but every time he tried to pull out of her Tsubaki would clamp her abdominal muscled and clench up her butt to tighten around his member as if refusing to let it escape. It wasn't the same vice-like tightness of a goddess like Hestia and Anubis, but it was a powerful force that almost made it seem as though her insides had turned into a powerful suction force. Tsubaki's voice had, ironically, become like a beacon that showed him the way through stormy seas and warned him of an inevitable collision if he continued forward without proper caution.
After what felt like an eternity for both of them, which was actually only around seven minutes, Tsubaki shouted Vahn's name one final time as he finally released his built up tensions deep inside of her with a long gasp escaping his throat. Tsubaki herself, as if hypnotized by her own words, had released the final shout at the top of her lungs. Vahn felt like his legs were going weak and Tsubaki's relatively light body began to feel heavy against his hips. Before he actually fell over, Vahn did his best to use Shundo as they both appeared on top of the futon. Without the support of the wall, Tsubaki fell back while still in the middle of her own cry and Vahn used what remained of his strength to guide her body safely to the bed. She wouldn't actually have been harmed, even if he let her fall freely, but Vahn didn't want to be accused of lacking 'delicacy' after the fact.
Vahn had slipped out of Tsubaki when she fell to the futon, so he also collapsed next to her as they both drew gasps of breath and tried to regulate their breathing. Since she was under the effects of [Hands of Nirvana], Tsubaki was at a severe disadvantage and Vahn was able to recover long before her. Tsubaki looked up at him with glazed and passionate eyes and, from the very moment they matched gazes, Vahn could feel her aura flare up and wrap around him greedily. He knew he had flipped her switch and there was still plenty of daylight left before he would have to return.
Without much hesitation, Vahn crunched a [Senzu Bean] in his mouth before flipping Tsubaki over on her stomach and raising her rather large and plump butt so that she was on her knees. Vahn released a fervent sigh of his own as he stared at the slightly open vulva that dripped with a combination of Tsubaki's love juices and his own life-giving serum. It wasn't an exaggeration to say Tsubaki had the biggest butt among girls that he associated with and, because of his past efforts, it was very shapely and pleasant to the touch.
Vahn could see her anus twitch a bit in a steady pulsing manner and it was slightly moist from all of the fluids she had produced earlier. Spreading her slightly swollen vulva, Vahn positioned his glans at the entrance to Tsubaki's vagina before pressing forward with his hips and straddling her legs with his own. Tsubaki released a long sigh at his re-entry and tried to lift her body before a shock ran through her back that made her collapse back to the bed. Vahn had started massaging her butt using his [Hands of Nirvana] and was tracing his thumbs along the edge of her vulva and spreading them as he probed their interior and continually stimulated her. He avoided the 'danger zone' at the top, since he didn't want Tsubaki to actually break, but continued to knead Tsubaki's fleshy butt and insides with his dexterous fingers as she buried her head into a pillow.
Though he couldn't understand it fully, Vahn felt his instincts sending warnings to his mind and telling him that he was putting himself in an increasing amount of danger. He imagined that Tsubaki was probably going to be angry with him later, but that was something he would have to deal with the time came. Now, and for nearly three hours after, Vahn placed his full focus on Tsubaki's body as they both experienced the changes that had occurred ever since she experienced 'Nirvana' in the past. Though it might be an illusion, Vahn felt like Tsubaki was becoming increasingly more beautiful the longer they were together and it incited him to eagerly seek out her body. Towards the end, she had even started calling his name again and Vahn's instincts went haywire the moment he pulled out of her body.
By the end, they had spent nearly five hours together without rest and both Vahn and Tsubaki were exhausted from the exertion. Tsubaki was especially affected since she had been on the 'receiving' end for a long period of time and was only now being 'allowed' to recover. Though she had egged him on a bit, and greatly enjoyed the time they spent together, Tsubaki now felt incredibly embarrassed as she began to recall everything she had said and done at Vahn's behest. There was even a point where he had pinned her wrists in the same way she had done to him, almost as if he were trying to get 'even' with her. Now that the effects of his energy were beginning to fade, some clarity returned to her mind and she lazily raised her body to stare at Vahn sprawled out with his arms wide.
After watching him for a few seconds, Tsubaki crawled over to the side and reached for a small vial before removing the top and downing the contents. She felt a cool sensation enter her throat before a warmth began to spread through her body. What she had consumed was a High-Grade Elixer that costs nearly 500,000V and recovered both stamina and injuries. However, even with the effects of the potion, Tsubaki could feel like there was something 'missing' in her lower body as an ache continued to persist. Though it had been a long time since she experienced such a thing, Tsubaki knew her body was 'craving' Vahn's and it would likely take her several hours to 'return to normal'. She pressed down on her own abdomen and dragged her hand down as a large volume of fluids drained from her interior. Because of Vahn's actions in the past, her insides were very pliant and closed very quickly. This allowed a fair amount of buildup to persist even after the fact and Tsubaki knew it would probably be 'dripping' out of her for the rest of the day unless she tried to clean it out in the bath...
Releasing a long sigh, Tsubaki looked over and saw Vahn sitting up and she said in a plain tone, "Vahn, I'm sorry..." Vahn cocked his head to the side in confusion and looked like he was about to ask a question before his eyes widened and he tried to rise to his feet. Tsubaki, however, had already moved over in a flash and used her long leg to kick at Vahn's guard and send him tumbling through the room. Before he could land on his feet and use Shundo to 'escape', Tsubaki had already appeared next to him and grabbed his wrist mid-air before flipping him onto his stomach.
As if emulating their first meeting, Tsubaki dropped her naked and plump butt down on Vahn's back. She noticed a bit of fluid drain out of her vagina and leak out onto his lower back and begin to pool. Tsubaki's brows began to twitch at the sight before she raised her hand and lowered it down to smack Vahn's rear end and gave him his second spanking between two lives as she lectured him about proper restraint and to not bully women. When Vahn tried to apologize, Tsubaki said in a somewhat snide tone, "Sure, I'll forgive you, as long as you apologize one-hundred times~!"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Tsubaki's Dominance','Vahn's Vengeance','Godhand versus the fist of love!?')
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By the time Tsubaki finally released him, Vahn had learned various lessons about how scary a mature woman could be. Fortunately, Tsubaki hadn't continued to spank him until he had apologized entire one-hundred times, but she did lecture him quite a bit after releasing him. Vahn sat with his back straight in a seiza position as the beautiful half-dwarf woman from the Far East paced back and forth before him completely naked. If his eyes averted from her face, Tsubaki used a reinforced bamboo fan to smack the top of his head and continued her lecture until it was nearly 5 PM. There weren't many people that were 'restraining' Vahn in his current life, so Tsubaki took it upon herself to discipline Vahn properly for doing things excessively.
When the lecture finally came to an end, they both took a bath before changing into clothes that Tsubaki had set out previously. Tsubaki helped Vahn wear an indigo blue yukata with a white symbol on the back that displayed the Hephaestus Familia Emblem. Vahn had asked why it was necessary for her to help him get dressed, especially considering that he could equip clothing much faster, but Tsubaki flicked his forehead and said, "If you don't want my help, go ahead and refuse. Sometimes a woman just wants to help her man get dressed..." Without explaining further, Tsubaki pulled the sash around Vahn's waist tight before giving him a crimson red haori to wear over his yukata.
Vahn liked the style of the Far East and had read up on it a bit, so he actually understood exactly what Tsubaki was doing and just wanted to tease her a bit. Though he wasn't going to do it in 'excess', he still liked to rile up the mature woman a little. It was a tradition in the Far East that, after you consummate a marriage through intercourse, the woman would help the man dress in a new set of clothing to emphasize the change in their relationship. Vahn also knew there was another part to the ceremony, though they had skipped it previously since they had never actually mentioned getting married beforehand.
There was a type of formal wear called a Furisode, which was a type of kimono worn by unmarried women in the Far East. Since Tsubaki wasn't a maiden and prided herself as a warrior, she wore a red hakama, which was typically associated with men. It was a tradition that, before you consummated the marriage, the man would slowly strip the newly wedded wife of her furisode before they had sex for the first time as husband and wife. After the fact, the wife would wash the husband's body and help him wear a different set of clothing depending on the occasion. If it was their first marriage, they would wear a white haori and, if the woman was still a virgin, there would be red sewn into the sleeves. The red haori that Tsubaki gave Vahn was indicative that she had dedicated herself to him as his mistress...
Vahn wanted to release a sigh, but he just showed a polite smile and accepted Tsubaki's resolve as he continued the final part of the tradition even without Tsubaki having to explain anything. She gave him a wry smile after understanding that he knew what was going on and allowed Vahn to help her wear a velvety black kimono known as a Kurotomesode. This was the traditional garb typically worn by married women and consisted of a crisp black fabric with the pattern of a phoenix and a dragon embroidered into the lower half. There was also a beautiful crimson obi that Vahn wrapped snuggly around Tsubaki's waist before helping to tie up her hair into a styled ponytail. Tsubaki was a little surprised that he was so capable at styling hair and allowed him to pin two crimson red hairpins into the top of her hair to accent the ribbon tying up the ponytail.
By the time she was completely dressed, Tsubaki had been turned from a fierce warrior, and capable blacksmith, into a beautiful young woman with a confident disposition and crystal clear red eyes that shone like gemstones between the silky black hair that framed her face. Seeing Vahn 'appraise' her, Tsubaki showed a wide grin that somewhat spoiled the elegant image as she crossed her arms and said, "Well, that's that I suppose. I might not become your wife, but I can become one of your mistresses at the very least. Besides, this way I can support you and Hephaestus while also helping to take care of the household and the children when you're away. Be grateful, okay?"
Vahn released a short sigh through his nose as he walked forward and took Tsubaki's hands into his own as he said in a gentle tone, "I have been grateful for everything you have given me Tsubaki, including yourself. No matter how much time passes, no matter how difficult life may get at times, I will never forget moments like this. They will become my power and help me push forward towards a brighter future for our entire family...thank you, for everything you have, and everything you will do for me in the future. I wouldn't be the man I am today without your guidance..." Tsubaki showed a wry smile with glittering eyes as she leaned forward and said, "Vahn, you really do talk too much..." before kissing him deeply for nearly an entire minute afterward.
When she finally released him, Tsubaki showed a happy smile and said, "You give me strength too, Vahn, and so much more...but those aren't things we need to say each other. In fact, there is a simple way that saves a lot of time, you know~?" Seeing the cheeky grin on Tsubaki's face, Vahn blinked twice in confusion before his expression turned soft and he hugged Tsubaki's waist as he whispered, "Tsubaki, I love you..." Hearing his words, Tsubaki began to laugh boisterously for several seconds before she shouted, "It would be problematic if you didn't, you already put a baby in my belly, you idiot! Hahahahahaha!"
Before he left, Vahn spent a bit of time sitting alongside Tsubaki in the open air corridor as they both sipped on tea and watched the waning sun begin its descent from the sky. They talked a little bit about the future and Vahn discussed his plans to go into the Dungeon and hunt Bloodsaurus on the 30th floor. If he had let her know sooner, Tsubaki said she would have gone with him as she also wanted to test out a new weapon she had forged recently. She also made a comment about 'refusing' to let Vahn die until he came up with a name for their child and told him to take better care of himself.
The final part of their conversation related to her moving into the Hearth Manor in the future and Tsubaki said she would take care of a few things before packing up and heading over once all of her supplies and tools were moved. She would likely have everything taken care of before he returned from the Dungeon and promised to 'reward' him plentily when he got back to the surface. However, she also went into detail about having Vahn restart his training since it seemed like he had been slacking off ever since he moved away. Tsubaki had a lot of experience training others, so she would likely become the head instructor for the girls since she was far more capable than Ryuu and Aki.
Tsubaki finally kicked Vahn out of the Manor soon after their conversation wrapped up when he tried to cop a feel of her butt while they were sharing an embrace. Since she was still wearing her tight kimono, she couldn't move around easily and just hit him with a flat sandal before shooing him away. Vahn protected the top of his head with his hands and escaped from the 'angered' Tsubaki who had a big grin on her face as she watched his departing figure until he eventually disappeared from the streets using Shundo. She released a hot sigh before absentmindedly placing her hands on her abdomen and walking back into the warm interior of the Manor. Though she had never thought about it previously, the once familiar residence where she resided for nearly ten years now seemed somewhat large, silent, and lonely...
Vahn had made his way back to the Hearth Manor wearing the yukata and haori that Tsubaki had given to him. The thought of removing it so suddenly made him feel a little awkward, but he knew it might cause a stir with girls like Mikoto and Haruhime present. He eventually changed out of the 'ceremonial' clothing and stared it safely within his inventory for future use. There was no special significance to actually keeping it on, Vahn had just felt like he should have worn it for a longer period of time. He knew Tsubaki wouldn't begrudge him for such a thing and would probably reprimand him for not showing consideration to the other girls by keeping it on.
When Vahn arrived at the Manor, he was met at the door by Fenrir, Hestia, and Syr before they made their way into the dining room where dinner had already been prepared. Vahn apologized to everyone for his late arrival and joined everyone since he had skipped lunch earlier. During the conversations that followed, many of the girls gave him 'knowing' looks as they asked about how Tsubaki was doing. Vahn eventually caved under the pressure and told them that he had used the [Matryoshka of Fertility] and she was now pregnant as well. Both Aki and Arnya were present at the table and had thoughtful expressions on their faces as everyone offered various congratulations and started talking about celebrating in the future.
Vahn had been paying special attention to Arnya and Chloe ever since he got back and could see that Arnya was still somewhat absentminded. She usually pretended to be a ditzy girl, but Vahn knew she was actually a prodigious talent when it came to combat. He could tell there was something on her mind as of late and hoped it was just the pregnancy weighing on her mind. Vahn knew she didn't have any problem getting pregnant, or she would have taken the contraceptive with everyone else, so there must be another reason. Unless, of course, Arnya got pregnant intentionally and was now brooding over a matter that had yet to come to light...
Mealtime in the Hearth Manor usually turned out to be closer to an 'event' than a normal meal as there was always a moderately festive atmosphere as everyone talked happily amongst themselves. Many of the girls got along well with each other and Vahn could see the budding relationships shared between everyone, even the newer additions to the group. One of the most problematic girls that were constantly on his mind, Lili, was even happily sitting with Lefiya and Preasia as they talked about various topics, many of which included him.
Vahn credited the success of things to Syr's efforts and the existence of the network. Even now, the girls would periodically open up the little logbooks they carried around with them everywhere and briefly write something inside that would be transmitted to the other girls at the table. Vahn was somewhat jealous of this and thought about extending his own network through Ouka, Welf, Gareth, and maybe Keith, Finn, and the yet unseen Raul. Vahn was actually beginning to worry if he would ever meet the man that might have ended up as Aki's lover if circumstances had been different. There was a good chance they had already met and Vahn was simply unaware of it because they had never been introduced.
After the long meal came to an end, everyone split off into their own small groups to do various activities before bed as Vahn made his way to his own room. Typically, when he sent an invitation to the girls, they would usually arrive at his room after making their own 'preparations'. He had sent his offer to both Chloe and Arnya since he wanted to spend time with them before entering the Dungeon, but neither had shown up even after he was inside his room for twenty minutes. Vahn could track the auras of everyone in the Manor and could tell that both Chloe and Arnya were in her room and he assumed the slightly larger aura with them was Syr. Vahn wondered what they were talking about but knew he couldn't get involved with everything or it would cause problems in the future. Everyone needed to have their secrets and, unless she willingly revealed the information, Vahn couldn't force Arnya, or any of the girls, to reveal the matters they wanted to keep secret.
Vahn had decided to lay down in his bed and simply enjoy some rare time alone, if that ended up being the case. Though his tensions had been high throughout the day, he had relaxed a lot after his time with Tsubaki and actually wasn't in the mood for doing anything else. Of course, he wouldn't back away at all, especially since Chloe was one of the girls he invited. Chloe was actually one of the girls closest to his heart, and Vahn was always worrying that he didn't spend enough time with her. She didn't seem to mind it at all, and her Love parameter was constantly increasing, but Vahn still wanted to do more for her when he could. Arnya was in a similar situation, but she and Vahn had always been closer to friends than actual lovers. Though Arnya's affection was 99(Love), Vahn felt like she had distanced herself from him after their first time together...
Though he had been somewhat lost in thought, Vahn still detected the presences outside his door and sat up around the same time as they knocked. Soon after, the door opened to show Chloe with a smile on her face as she playfully shouted, "Nyahaha~! The beautiful Cat Person Duo, Chloe and Arnya have arrived~!" Behind Chloe, Arnya was also present in a set of peach pajamas that were covered in small cartoonish figures. She had a slight blush on her face and her ears were twitching about periodically as she walked into the room and closed it behind them. This was one of the things that Vahn found confusing because he could clearly see Arnya pink and yellow aura, which implied she felt both happy and affectionate, but she also had an awkward and almost melancholic look on her face as she hesitantly walked over with Chloe.
Chloe was wearing a white nightgown that barely reached her waist and each of her movements gave Vahn a glimpse of none other than the pair of stark white panties he had gifted her in the past. She came 'battle ready' compared to Arnya, who was wearing pajamas that covered her top and bottom, and Vahn could also see the line of an undershirt and shorts beneath the loose fabric. Unlike Chloe, she didn't seem to want to be here and Vahn felt a bit pained by this realization and wondered if there was something unique about her aura that made it harder to read than others. Her aura seemed normal, so she shouldn't be a demigoddess, but her actions were a clear contrast of the aura radiating from her body.
Vahn snapped to attention when he heard Chloe laughing playfully as she said, "See, we told you he would be worrying, didn't we?" Arnya nodded her head slowly and stared at Vahn with an apologetic expression before bowing and saying, "I'm sorry, Vahnya! Please don't worry about me too much, I've just been thinking about the past a bit is all~! Ever since..." Arnya placed her hands on her stomach and blushed a rosy pink before continuing, "Ever since I got pregnant, I've been thinking a lot about my past family and friends...I'm just worried that this happiness won't last...that I won't be strong enough to protect my...no, our child..."
The worries that had been starting to root themselves in Vahn's mind vanished entirely after hearing Arnya's words. He showed the best smile he could manage before shaking his head and saying, "It's not a worry you have to bottle up inside of yourself, Arnya. There are plenty of people that will help you carry your burdens, myself included. There are many things in life that, as individuals, we are unable to accomplish yet, when we work together, they suddenly become very easy to manage. Please, confide in me when you are feeling worried, I will do my best to bring you some comfort and ease the burdens in your heart..."
Arnya had glittering brown eyes as she stared at Vahn while Chloe had started laughing from the side after having already crawled onto the edge of the massive bed. Vahn and Arnya looked over at her and she said, "Though it isn't the same, you said something very similar to what Syr said you'd say. That girl knows you better than she knows herself, nyahahahaha~." Arnya seemed to recall what Chloe was talking about as her eyes opened wide and she began laughing as well. Vahn was left there staring at the two Cat Persons that were sharing a laugh on his behalf. He just shook his head in mock exasperation before patting the bed and saying, "Here, let's relax tonight instead of doing anything intense. I feel like spoiling the both of you..."
Chloe's tail twitched after hearing Vahn's words and his eyes were drawn to the blue ribbon tied around her tail for a brief moment. A sudden realization hit Vahn and he turned his eyes to Arnya's tail, which was also twitching about but was without the promised ribbon. Vahn mentally remarked, ("Sis, if I make a promise with a girl, please periodically remind me about it so I don't forget...") An elegant laughter sounded in his head before Sis said, (*Certainly, Vahn, leave it to me...however, it's not very 'manly' that you have to rely on my help to keep promises with girls...fufufu*) Vahn felt embarrassed by Sis's words and waited for Chloe and Arnya to crawl into bed before he pulled out a green ribbon.
Arnya saw the small ribbon and blinked several times before her eyes widened and she pointed at herself and asked, "Mi~nya?" Vahn originally tried to show an honest expression and thought about making an excuse but decided to instead say, "Sorry, I had forgotten about it previously..." Arnya began to laugh in a cheerful manner as she waved her hand dismissively and said, "Nyo problem, I was beginning to worry a bit, but you managed to pull through in the end~nyahaha." Vahn took a bit of a mental impact from Arnya's words until she turned around and waggled her butt at him as she said in a mischevious tone, "Put it on me, Vahnya~!"
Vahn got on his knees and approached Arnya's behind and got momentarily distracted by her somewhat plump rear that was marginally larger than most Cat Person's. During his momentary lapse, Arnya asked playfully, "I don't mind, but how much longer are you going to make me wait~?" As if to emphasize that her tail was still lacking a ribbon, Arnya flicked it once and it lightly whipped Vahn's tunic. Without making her wait any longer, Vahn reached out and began to tie the green ribbon around the base of Arnya's tail. Her body flinched when he tightened it snuggly but she said, "Ah, I can understand why other girls do this...it makes my heart feel at ease for some reasonya~?"
From the side, Chloe reached over and gently pulled on the stray end of the ribbon and said, "Ah, it's nice and tight. You're lucky, Arnya, when Vahn first gave me my ribbon he didn't know how to tie it properly at all~." The two girls began to laugh in their characteristic 'nyahahaha' manner as Vahn still kneeled behind Arnya. Even though he had already tied the ribbon for her, she seemed to be 'pretending' to be ditzy and had 'forgotten' to stop waggling her butt even when she was laughing with Chloe. Vahn would have felt she was trying to seduce him if not for the fact that her aura was very stable and had more yellows and blues in it than pinks and reds. In other words, she was just being playful and wasn't trying to actually stir him up at all.
Deciding to take the initiative a bit, Vahn nodded his head and said, "Okay, I'll spoil the two of you a bit and then we'll go to sleep. We've all got big days tomorrow, so I'll make sure your body is in pristine condition for your Grand Opening. As an apology, I'll start with Arnya so you can stop wagging your butt and lay on your stomach for now." Arnya began to laugh in a coy manner after hearing Vahn's words before saying, "Nyaaaa? I heard you were fond of butts and just wanted to apologize to you for making you worry about me~nyahaha." As she spoke, Arnya flopped down onto her stomach and left Vahn slack-jawed after hearing what she said. He looked over and saw that Chloe had a gentle, yet mischievous, look as she watched him with her beautiful green eyes.
Like all Cat People, both Chloe and Arnya had a playful and mischevious personality and they fed off of each other well. Even Aki and Milan were very similar and Vahn realized it would actually be very fun if they spent more time just enjoying each other's company. He didn't have to spend all the quality time with the girls just having sex with them. Just like he had done with Tsubaki, at least after they had sex, it was actually very refreshing to simply talk and drink tea with each other. Since he hadn't been visiting the Hostess of Fertility, Vahn had almost forgotten about how he simply used to spend time pampering Chloe while she laid down in his lap and ate his 'offerings'.
Vahn nodded his head with a thoughtful smile as he began to massage Arnya's back while only partially relying on his [Hands of Nirvana]. When Chloe asked what he was thinking about, Vahn explained, "I just realized something very important...I think I want to try being friends with everyone, not just their lovers..." Chloe's brows raised slightly and she cocked her head to the side as she said, "I think it would probably depend on the girl, but I think it would be a good idea to get closer to them as well. We all know so much about your past, but I think there is a lot about the girls that you haven't learned yet..." As Chloe spoke, she gave a glance down at the 'drooling' Arnya who was very much so enjoying the massage and seemingly unaware of their conversation...
Vahn traced his thumbs along Arnya's spine and caused her pajamas to rise up a bit and reveal her lower back. She wiggled her legs slightly as her tail flickered about and she released a mewling cry even though Vahn wasn't overly stimulating her. Since he wasn't going to try and undress her, Vahn changed from rubbing her back to using his fingers to ease the tensions in her muscles. Because they had experienced his massage before, many of the girls around Vahn didn't actually have any strains he needed to take care of, but he still went through the motions just because he didn't like to cut corners on things like this.
All the while he gave Arnya a massage, Vahn was thinking about Chloe's words and knew she was completely correct. Just as Tsubaki had said earlier, Vahn knew almost nothing about many of the girls, other than the small tidbits he had picked up through casual conversation. He knew about Chloe's past, because she had told him, but Vahn had almost no information about any of the girls unless he had viewed their [Hearts Desire]. He knew a lot about Lili because she too had told him about her past, but Vahn didn't even know the girls he was close to like Hephaestus, Tiona, Ais, and several others. Yes, he had seen their important memories, but they had never told him directly and were entirely unaware that he knew the traumas hidden deep inside of their hearts...
Vahn had been thrown into a very unique situation and, because of his empathetic nature, character, capabilities, and even wealth, he had somehow gotten close to a large number of women in a very short period of time. The strangest part was how they had actually created the network and 'expanded' their own numbers a bit through their own careful moderation. Because they had been looking out for him, they held their private 'Vahnatus' and spread his information to the girls that were previously unaware of his past. His empathy, combined with their sympathy, and various other factors, had brought them very close together in a decidedly short period of time. Even the number of girls he was sleeping with increased exponentially after he finally fulfilled his promise with Hephaestus...
After coming to this realization, Vahn made a firm resolve deep within his heart that, until he was able to better understand the girls already involved with him, he would avoid situations where he might get close to others. He didn't want to become someone that simply created bonds with people without regard to their past and where they'd like to go in the future. Vahn wanted the girls to be self-reliant, but he also knew they would likely get wrapped up in the major decisions he made in the future. Since there was a very real chance he would be involved in wars, it meant there would very likely be some of the girls standing at his side during the trials he would face.
Vahn wanted to become closer to the girls he cared about, as he had started to truly love several of them. When he returned from the Dungeon, Vahn had decided to talk with Hephaestus, Eina, Hestia, Loki, and Syr, about his concerns so he could try and get a better understanding of each girl. Though he wouldn't force them to share, Vahn still wanted them to have that level of trust with him. He would put off using any of their [Hearts Desire]s that he might obtain until hearing directly from them what they wanted. This would allow him to justify using the item, as there was a very real chance that some of the girls might not even truly know what they want.
Once he had finished up with Arnya, she lazily climbed up from the bed and, before Vahn could start tending to Chloe, Arnya hung from his neck and pressed her deceptively large breasts into his chest and began to lick around his chin and neck. Vahn looked over at Chloe with a mild panic on his face, but her response was to simply laugh as she helped Arnya push him to the bed as they both started licking around his body with their rough tongues after stripping off his tunic. Vahn was very confused by what was happening and tried to respond to their strange actions, but both girls straddled one of his arms and sat on it with their butts as the continued to lick his body in a playful manner for nearly twenty minutes. When they were finally finished, Arnya simply said, "You spoiled me, why can't I spoil you~? You have strangely sweet sweat, it's very peculiar~nya."
After they released him, Vahn began massaging Chloe as well, but now there was an added element to things as Arnya kneeled behind him and hugged his body as she continued to absentmindedly lick him. She had even moved up to his hair at one point and didn't seem to be bothered by it as she licked the base where his hair connected to his neck. Vahn didn't understand how such a simple thing could be so pleasant but just did his best to ignore it while he continued to massage Chloe. When her time had come to an end, Vahn ended up getting jointly assaulted by the two girls once again. Arnya seemed to have become fond of licking around his hair and ears, but Chloe was far bolder and licked around his lower abdomen and even tongued his navel several times.
Eventually, Vahn noticed the passionate red that had started to emerge in their auras and knew they had also had their switched flipped after nearly two and a half hours of affectionate contact. Though he had initially said they were going to just going to spend some time together, that changed very quickly when Chloe went even lower down his body and began to sniff and lick around his trousers as if trying to get at something contained within. Arnya had also been pressing her chest to his and Vahn could feel hard protrusions scratching against him so he changed his mind and the three began an additional two hours of lovemaking. Arnya and Chloe worked very well together and made the entire experience very fun so Vahn ended up losing out and getting caught in their combined momentum. At the end of things, Chloe had come full circle and Vahn had to grit his teeth as she dragged her rough tongue around his glans...
(A/N: This volume was originally supposed to end around the Monster Feria, but I decided to wrap up a few things in preparation for the Dungeon 'Expedition'. There are a lot of overlapping subplots going on, as well as a few major events that have been set in motion. Look forward to the future~!)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Sneaky Tsubaki Secures the Early Victory','You know nothing, Vahn Mason','Affectionate Kittens')
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