Though everyone had the weekends off, the majority of the residents within the Manor were the types that woke up early regardless. One of the few exceptions was Hestia herself, who had a tendency to easily sleep upwards of 10-12 hours depending on her exertions the previous day. Because of this, Vahn got to experience peeling her from his body once again before bundling her up in a roll of blankets so he could prepare for the day. Even though he had taken the previous two days to 'relax' a bit, he hadn't really done much idling about since he was very interested in the topic of magic. Now that the weekend had come, Vahn wanted to go out and do something interesting so he sent a message through his personal scroll to let everyone know about his plans.
Since he had spent the night with Hestia, Vahn went down for an early morning soak in the onsen and noticed there were a few girls inside that had arrived before him. After entering himself, Vahn saw the presences he had detected were Mikoto and Haruhime. Ever since she first learned that the Manor had an onsen, Mikoto had been quite fond of taking baths but she often avoided taking one at the same time as Vahn. Recognizing it was the two girls, Vahn gave a wry smile before deciding to enter later since he didn't want to shame Mikoto while she was spending time with Haruhime.
Before he had fully left the bathing area, Haruhime called out in a polite tone, "Ah, Vahn, you don't have to mind us. Mikoto..." Hearing her words, Vahn turned back and saw that Haruhime had a somewhat gentle smile on her face as she looked toward Mikoto. Vahn turned his attention to the generally serious swordsman and saw that, as expected, she had a serious expression on her face as she said, "I want to stay with Haruhime...I also want to become much stronger in order to protect the things I care about. Though I know you are unlikely to accept my allegiance, I already consider you my liege and will dedicate my blade to protecting this Familia. Something like being seen naked...I will learn to accept it."
For a brief moment, Vahn considered if he should leave the onsen regardless of her words since both she and Haruhime weren't on his 'private' network. However, he inevitably decided to honor Mikoto's resolve since it was something of a big deal for her to take a step forward like this. Her affection for him was at 89(Loyal), but Vahn knew she was slowly opening up after interacting with the other girls, especially Haruhime. She was at the age of adulthood, so it wasn't unexpected that she would be interested in the opposite sex to an extent. Now that Haruhime was actually stronger than her, even though Mikoto had been training for years, there had been a subtle change in her awareness because she understood the reason behind Haruhime's, and many of the other girls' strength, was because of their emotions.
This was Vahn's first time seeing Mikoto naked but he decided it would make things difficult if he stared so he only gave her body a casual glance before checking her development in his mind. Though she was barely an adult, her breasts were growing well and she would likely have somewhat large breasts when she fully matured. Mikoto also had long black hair, black eyes, and a somewhat angular face that emphasized her traits as someone hailing from the Far East. Her eyebrows were smaller than usual, and it appeared like she also had a serious expression on her face because they were angled toward her brows at a slant. As for her figure, she was very slim and had a somewhat pale complexion with a thin waist and a relatively small butt.
After Vahn joined them, Haruhime was very pleased with the unexpected boon and happily attended to Vahn after he gave her permission. Mikoto, seeing Haruhime's behavior, also tried to attend to him but Vahn said she didn't have to push herself if she was uncomfortable. As if incited by his words, Mikoto grabbed the sponge regardless and helped wash his back and shoulders while Haruhime scrubbed his arms and chest. She also tried to help clean his lower body and legs, but Vahn prevented her from doing so before helping shampoo and wash her long hair and tails.
When she had first arrived back at the Manor with an extra tail, it had caused a bit of a stir since it was considered a very rare trait for a Renard in the Far East. Typically, if someone had more than a single tail, they were actually required to become shrine maidens and serve the goddess Inari as her attendants. Haruhime had no interest in this at all, however, since the girls that 'suffered' such a fate would also be required to maintain their purity until death. As for males that had more than one tail, there had never been a single instance of such a thing occurring in the entire history of the Far East. Male Renards themselves were actually quite rare and the gender ratio in their species was around 15% to 85% between males and females. The males also had shorter ears and tails and didn't possess the same capacity for magic as their counterparts.
After the bath came to an end, Vahn parted with the two girls before greeting some of the others that were wandering about the Manor, mostly on their way to the dining room for breakfast. Vahn spent some time discussing various topics with the girls before politely refusing the offer to go on a date with Lili and Naaza. He explained that he intended to go visit the Anubis Familia today and see if they needed help moving their stuff before discussing a few matters with Tsubaki. His plans carried into the afternoon, but he told them he should be back by around 2 PM and promised a surprise for everyone within the Manor for when he returned.
Vahn didn't tell them what it was, but he was intending to practice his massage techniques more often and was going to use it as an opportunity to spend time with everyone privately. It would only be around 15-20 minutes per person, but Vahn would guarantee it was a very 'high-quality' twenty minutes. This would also prevent them from getting sick while also serving the purpose of improving blood circulation while enhancing the natural beauty of the girls. If he could, Vahn would like to be able to spoil the girls and take better care of each of them individually. He had thought about saving up to purchase a scroll for a technique like the [Shadow Clone Jutsu], but Vahn decided against it after discussing the matter with Sis. Since the technique literally split the energy of the person in half for each use, Vahn would quickly run out of energy trying to maintain the skill.
There was also the fact that he would have to bear the mental strain of each clone and none of them would be able to use his Innate abilities or earn Exilia from monsters. It could potentially be a solution for gaining OP, but the mental strain of one of his clones eventually dying could cause him problems in the real world if he was focused on something else. Though it seemed like an interesting idea, it was simply an unreliable technique without something like a tailed-beast to sustain the extra clones and mitigate the mental strain received by the user. Vahn had enough trouble dealing with stress on his own, and his clones wouldn't have the benefit of using [Will of the Emperor] to protect themselves.
(A/N: Seriously, if you actually know how shadow clones function, you would very quickly understand why it's a bad idea. Shadow Clones are just a lazy gimmick that invalidates real problems since EVERYTHING can be solved if there are enough people working on the same thing. The only way Shadow Clones actually work is if the Author completely ignores the logic behind the skill or gives the MC some bogus way of ignoring the severe detriments. There is a reason why it's an S-Ranked skill in Naruto, and there is also a reason why every fanfic that relies on that type of mechanic dies out and gets dropped. The story quickly becomes uninteresting when Shadow Clone Jutsu is the literal solution to every problem (O',....,'O)~! I could literally write a 5k+ word chapter explaining the detriments of the ability, so stop spamming it in the comments as if it's an actual solution without thinking about it.)
After he separated from the girls at the Manor, Vahn headed out into the cold morning mist and made his way toward his former residence behind Tsubaki's Manor. The Anubis Familia would be moving into a larger residence to the south of the Hearth Manor in the future, but it was currently being worked on and had yet to be prepared for their move. The Hearth Manor itself was also about to undergo construction, but it would be in several passes starting from the foundational work and the underground section before moving on to the structures above the surface. Estimates put the time required at around two months, but they were delaying the beginning of the project until after the wedding.
Around twenty minutes later, Vahn arrived outside of Tsubaki's before deciding to head inside for a short visit. He had seen her once after performing 'Nirvana' on her, but Vahn still wanted to spend time with her when he could, especially now that she was living alone again. Her workshop was located in the center of the entire Hephaestus Familia workshop district, and she still had to perform her duties as both a [Master Smith] and the Captain of the Hephaestus Familia. Since Hephaestus herself didn't participate much in the management of the Familia, most things were left for Tsubaki and a few trusted executives to deal with. Vahn would have liked Tsubaki to move near the Hearth Manor as well since he didn't want to see her alone, but it was simply impossible for the time being.
It was only around 7 AM, so Tsubaki hadn't yet opened for business but Vahn was able to easily enter through the courtyard without being barred passage by the security formations. Of course, since he hadn't hidden his presence, Tsubaki was alerted to his arrival and appeared in the corridor that Vahn had been walking down towards her room. She likely hadn't expected company, since the only thing she was wearing was what looked like a purple yukata and was barefoot even though it was below freezing in the open air corridor.
Seeing Vahn's appearance, Tsubaki crossed her arms and showed a cheeky grin as she said, "Heya, kiddo, what did you stop by for this morning?" Vahn cocked one of his eyebrows as he titled his head at her question. Though she might not realize it herself, Tsubaki only called him 'kiddo', or 'kid', whenever she was trying to hide her embarrassment or get a higher position than him in the conversation. After he used 'Nirvana' on her, she had started calling him by name, but now seemed to have reverted to her old habits.
Vahn squinted his eyes and responded with a small smile, "Good morning, Tsubaki, I came to visit you. I thought you might be lonely in this large Manor all by yourself and wanted to see how your body was holding up against the cold. Tell me, do you feel any sensitivity or discomfort~?" Vahn knew that, after someone underwent 'Nirvana', most of their nerves would be renewed and their body would be very sensitive for several weeks after the fact. Now that he had a better look at her, Vahn knew that Tsubaki was most likely wearing the loose yukata because other clothes were likely 'rough' on her tender skin. Since he had high visual acuity and enhanced perception, he was also very aware that she wasn't wearing her usual sarashi around her breasts and was likely wearing either silk panties...or no panties at all.
As soon as he spoke, Vahn noticed Tsubaki's aura flare up as she slightly averted her eye and laughed before saying, "Yeah, I'm still adapting to the changes in my really did a number on me, kid. The cold is fine, but there are a number of problematic issues I've been dealing with...I'll have to get even with you someday." Tsubaki released a long sigh that sent a cloud of condensation through the air because of the heat of her breath. Vahn squinted his eyes slightly before completely disappearing from Tsubaki's line of sight before the cloud was able to dissipate. Tsubaki hadn't seen his movement, but she sensed his appearance behind her and prepared to turn around before she felt a jolt of electricity run from her tailbone up her back.
Vahn hadn't caused Tsubaki to lose control of her body like in the past, he just decided to tease her a bit since she was putting up a front against him. However, he hadn't expected that his simple touch would make her release a stifled moan before she glared at him with her slightly watery eye and said, "You snot-nosed little you think you can just play with my body at your leisure!?" Vahn had still been surprised by her earlier reaction and hadn't processed her words before Tsubaki grabbed him by the collar of his tunic and flipped him over in a blurred motion. He prepared himself for the impending collision but, against any expectations he had from their past experiences, Vahn landed 'gently' on the hardwood floor instead of smashing through it.
He had tensed his body for an impact that never came so there was a slight delay in his mental processes before he felt a 'pleasant' weight mount his stomach as Tsubaki sat down on top of him. Because of the design of a yukata, when Tsubaki sat on his stomach with her slightly open legs, the fabric opened up and created a tantalizing image with her healthy brown skin and the conceal contents that were ever-so-close to being visible. Tsubaki hadn't missed his glance at all, since there wasn't much that could avoid the eye of a [Master Smith], and asked in a teasing tone as she gripped Vahn's tunic with her immense strength, "See something you like...Vahn~?"
Hearing the somewhat sultry voice of Tsubaki, Vahn gulped audibly and caused the tyrannical Tsubaki's smile to grow a great deal as she yanked his upper body off the ground and said, "I don't go back on my word, Vahn...after what you pulled, I don't really have much of a choice on the matter anymore...I decided to give you a chance, so make sure you treat the matter seriously if you intend to take responsibility for this body you so carelessly made into your own." Tsubaki released a sigh after saying the words she had prepared in advance for this inevitable meeting.
She had originally intended, before experiencing Vahn's 'Nirvana', to turn him down and allow them both to move on with their lives. Tsubaki considered herself somewhat 'past her prime', and she didn't want to burden Vahn with having to worry about her when he already had so many younger girls on his platter. However, against any expectations she had, Vahn's technique had far exceeded her assumptions and now she couldn't help but accept him after the efforts he had put in. Not only had she become far more youthful, but her body was nearly flawless now and even her strength, which had long started to stagnate, had increased greatly. Even if she was considering finding a guy to settle down with and have a child, Tsubaki felt like she would be 'betraying' Vahn if she gave the body he had made for her to another person.
Vahn's mind blanked for a brief moment after hearing Tsubaki's words before he showed a genuine smile and said, "You're a good woman, Tsubaki...thank you." Tsubaki snorted a cloud of heat before yanking Vahn by the tunic and sealing his 'stupidly' smiling face with a somewhat inexperienced kiss. She had only ever had one other partner in life, but he had died more than ten years ago in the Dungeon and her life had been very busy after that. This was her 'first kiss' in her new body, and she still felt very awkward since she was kissing a boy more than twenty years younger than her. Vahn didn't seem to mind at all, however, as he 'casually' grabbed her butt and pulled her forward before she fell deeper into the kiss and pinned him to the ground.
From the moment she kissed him, Vahn realized Tsubaki's 'awkwardness' and decided to take the initiative in order to ease her tensions. When he grabbed her butt, Vahn felt his mind buzz for a brief moment and he actually exclaimed, 'Wow...' in his own mind before pulling her forward and fondling the strangely malleable, yet incredibly firm, rear end of Tsubaki. Her large breasts pressed into his chest and he felt her full weight as he guided her tongue with his own and turned the 'awkward' kiss into one filled with passion and building emotions. Though he largely ignored it at first, Vahn eventually turned his attention to the system briefly because he had heard a louder notification.
//Tsubaki Collbrande Has Reached Maximum Affection//
//Quest Completed: [The Hearts Desire:C-SS]//
Completion Grade: S
Rewards:10,000OP, 1x[Hearts Desire: Tsubaki Collbrande]
Grade Rewards: 1x[Proof of Affection], [Master Smith] Increased from I->H, 9,000OP
Tsubaki had been at 98 Affection before, so it wasn't too unexpected that she suddenly hit 100 while they were sharing a passionate kiss each other. Vahn was pleasantly surprised that his [Master Smith] had actually increased in rank since each successive increase as a monstrous wall to overcome. He put a little more strength into his grasp and Tsubaki actually moaned slightly as he more eagerly sought her lips. Vahn suddenly felt a jerking sensation and heard the sound of cloth ripping before a brief chill touched his skin. Tsubaki had torn apart his tunic with her hands and had traced them along his chest before gripping his shoulders in a manner that made Vahn feel slightly nervous because his bones began to creak painfully.
She must have noticed it herself, as Tsubaki pulled her lips free from Vahn's kiss and gave him an awkward smile as she said, "Sorry, I can't quite control my strength yet...give me a few days and things should be fine...maybe? Hahahaha." Tsubaki tried to laugh in her characteristic manner, but Vahn could feel the awkwardness radiating from her body as he reached up and pulled the slightly open collar of Tsubaki's yukata apart. As he had deduced earlier, Tsubaki had indeed not been wearing anything to cover her breasts and Vahn got a full view her very healthy, remarkably flawless, and incredibly large breasts. Before she could say anything, Vahn smiled and mused, "Now we're even...though I can't help but feel I got a slight advantage~?"
Though he hadn't expected her to act bashfully, Tsubaki's response was still somewhat unexpected for Vahn as she didn't make any effort to cover herself at all as she began to laugh, this time without any awkwardness. Vahn was happy she had recovered until Tsubaki reached down and pinched both of his cheeks with her fingers as her large breasts dangled in front of his face. Vahn tried to grab her wrists and break free of the 'torment' until Tsubaki said, "I read the note you sent earlier, shouldn't you be running off the Anubis and those brats? If you stay around much longer I can't guarantee you'll arrive in one piece, hahahaha~! Besides, do you really want to carry around the smell of another woman when you're about to walk into a den full of Chienthopes? Use your head you idiot boy~!"
Finished with her 'lecture', Tsubaki released Vahn's face before laughing at his now swollen cheeks. Vahn rubbed the tender flesh with a frown before a glint passed through his eyes and he tried to reach out for Tsubaki's exposed stomach. Though she had been laughing heartily, Tsubaki wasn't the type that fell for the same trick over and over again so she easily swatted Vahn's hand away before saying, "My body is way too sensitive for that type of thing right now. Don't push your luck too hard, Vahn." Vahn showed a wry smile before reaching his hand out again, this time without trying to touch Tsubaki's belly as a light glowed in his palm. Tsubaki had been preparing to swat his hand away again in a playful manner before noticing the change. After around two seconds, a strange container appeared in Vahn's hand and she asked, "What is this, some kind of medicine?"
After using the [Proof of Affection], a small container appeared in his hand and Vahn checked through his system to see that the item was called [Magic Lens]. Curious about its function, Vahn checked the description before a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he said, "Inside the container, there is a small lens that can be placed over the eye. If you wear it on your magic eye, it will allow you to control its activation while keeping its appearance similar to your other eye." Tsubaki arched her brow before reaching out and opening the small white container in Vahn's hand. Inside, there was a clear, highly transparent, circular disc submerged inside some kind of fluid. Unaware of how to use it, Tsubaki asked, "You said it goes 'on' the eye, how so?"
Vahn nodded his head before saying, "Remove your eyepatch, I'll help you wear it properly. According to the information in my mind, it should be a permanent solution, though you'll be able to remove it later if you choose." Tsubaki casually removed her eyepatch and Vahn saw the chaotic blue eye contained within. He had seen it when using 'Nirvana' in the past, but there wasn't much he could change since it was an integral part of Tsubaki's strength and it wasn't like she had a deformation like Hephaestus had in the past. Vahn actually thought her magic eye was pretty cool, but he knew it also put a strain on her mind if it wasn't 'sealed' away by her eyepatch.
After Tsubaki removed her eyepatch, Vahn touched the clear lens with his finger before saying, "Stay absolutely still...this won't hurt at all, I promise." Minding Vahn's words, Tsubaki remained perfectly rigid as he opened her eyelids wider with his right thumb and index finger before placing the clear lens against her eye with his left hand. The moment the lens touched her iris, it glowed with a pale light before Tsubaki's magic eye turned the same deep red as her right eye. When Vahn removed his hands, Tsubaki blinked a few times before checking her appearance in the mirror Vahn handed to her. Seeing that her eye looked 'normal', Tsubaki showed a brilliant smile because she also felt that the lens sealed away her magic eye in a similar manner as her previous eyepatch.
Vahn was pleased to see how happy Tsubaki was at viewing her own appearance so he showed an equally large smile until she gave him a sideward glance before yanking him over by his torn tunic and kissing him once again. He didn't mind being kissed, but Vahn felt slightly awkward about being 'handled' by someone much stronger than he was. It was especially bad when Tsubaki, perhaps trying to get even with him, wrapped her hands around his butt and playfully squeezed it a few times before laughing out loud when he squirmed. Before she sent him off to Anubis, Tsubaki gesticulated with her hands and commented, "You have a great butt, Vahn." before laughing at his bashful appearance as he 'fled' the premises.
(A/N: 'My Lord, My Liege, My...Lover?','Not a real solution','Tsubaki's Dominance?')
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Level 1 Vahn:
Courtesy of
(A/N: NSFW Btw...)
Not long after he 'escaped' from Tsubaki's Manor, Vahn arrived outside his old residence and workshop. Just like in the past, Anubis was already waiting for him before he stepped through the courtyard and Vahn could also sense that Nanu was also present. When he entered into the foyer, the two bowed politely to him as Anubis said, "Welcome, Master, it is a pleasure to see you today~." After Anubis finished her greeting, Nanu said, "Master, thank you for coming to visit us. I have been working hard to increase my capabilities, so please feel free to test me whenever you'd like!" As the first person to receive Vahn's 'flame seed', Nanu had benefitted greatly from it and was well on her way to Level 3. Though she was around average strength amongst the members of the 'pack' in the past, she was now much stronger than the other six children.
Vahn affectionately stroked the small girls head in a somewhat rough manner that made her coo in a pleased tone as she rubbed her head against his palm. Recognizing the look in Vahn's eyes, Anubis bowed her head politely before excusing herself without a word. Nanu's ears twitched slightly at the sounds of her exit, but she pretended to not notice and, when Anubis finally disappeared, she stepped forward and started rubbing her head against Vahn's abdomen after wrapping her arms around his waist. Now that she didn't have to 'front' with Anubis around, Nanu teared up a bit as she said, "Master, I want to spend more time with you...I am doing my best, but my heart hurts from not being able to see you..." Nanu was sniffling a bit as Vahn used [Hands of Nirvana] to ease her mind as he continued to pet the back of her head.
After a few minutes of consoling the small chienthrope girl, Nanu took him to their previously shared workshop and Vahn checked her progress and walked her through some of the steps she had been struggling with. Though she had also become Tsubaki's apprentice, she spent the majority of her time trying to improve her skills alone since she didn't want to 'betray' Vahn, who was her first Master and future 'mate'. Once she had shown her progress in forging, Nanu sparred with Vahn in order to display the growth in her combat skills.
Nanu was still incredibly flexible and used a fighting style that made proper use of her instincts, but she couldn't gain any edge against Vahn after the qualitative improvement of the majority of his skills. Instead of being upset at her one-sided defeat, Nanu was actually ecstatic that Vahn was so strong and he could see a competitive flame burning within her eyes while he walked her through various techniques that would help her strength develop further.
By the time their training session had ended, Nanu was left gasping for air while laying on the cold grass without seeming to mind it at all. Her olive-brown skin was radiating a bit of steam because of her exertion and, when she saw Vahn looking down on her, Nanu showed a somewhat hopeful smile as she pulled up her shirt and showed her belly to him. Vahn arched his brow slightly before showing a smile and reaching out his hand to rub the somewhat hot stomach of Nanu as she happily writhed about on the grass with a happy expression on her face.
Around the time for lunch, Nanu was sitting with her back to Vahn while he brushed her hair before she suddenly sat up and said in a straightforward manner, "Thank you for being so kind to me today, Master. I will continue to endeavor to become a worthy mate for you in the future!" Nanu then bowed in a somewhat reverential manner before trotting off towards the inside of the residence with a pitter-patter of footsteps. Vahn followed her retreat with his eyes before turning his attention to Anubis, who had just recently arrived and had likely been the trigger for Nanu's departure.
Anubis showed an elegant smile that reached her eyes before she bowed politely and said, "Good afternoon, Master...I have come to receive your affections...that is, if you'll spare a few for this faithful servant~?" Vahn bounced up to his feet before vanishing from sight the moment his foot touched the ground. Anubis's ears twitched, but she didn't break her composure as she turned to her left and matched gazes with the smiling Vahn as he said, "You've been too good to me, Anubis, today I'll spoil you plentily as thanks for everything you've done. It's not an order, but I'd like you to tell me honestly if there is something you'd like to do..." Vahn paused for a moment as he stared deeply into her moonlight eyes and continued in a low tone, "As long as it's within my power, anything is fine..." As he spoke, Vahn reached out his hand and stroked the interior of Anubis's large and fluffy ears with his thumb in a spot he knew she enjoyed.
Though she usually appeared very elegant the majority of the time, Anubis's composure immediately broke down under Vahn's touch as she fidgetted about with a slightly enamored look on her face. Her tail began to waggled from side to side in a steady rhythm as she asked in a somewhat husky voice, "Maaaster...anything~?" After passing his perception over the surroundings and confirming there were no onlookers, Vahn closed the distance with Anubis before wrapping his hands around her waist and stroking the top of her tail with his fingers. She released a stifled crying sound as Vahn leaned close to her pointed, dog-like, ears and said, "Today, it can be anything you long as you're willing to tell me honestly."
Anubis grabbed the hem of his 'new' tunic with an angsty expression on her face as she looked up into his eyes and said in a somewhat pitiable tone, "Master, please be rough with Anubis...she wants to feel like she belongs to her Master...haaaaaauuu~." Vahn was a little caught off guard when Anubis began to speak in the third person but he still continued to maintain his demeanor as he whispered into her ear using the type of tone he used to speak with Fenrir, "Good girl, Anubis, you're being you just have to tell me what you want me to do..."
When she heard his words, Anubis shook her head powerfully and her ears battered Vahn's chin in a somewhat confounding manner he thought was very adorable. After a few seconds, she looked up at him with a 'sad' look and said, "No...Anubis can't make such a request. Master has to make the matter what it is, Anubis has already prepared her heart..." Vahn began to feel a bit of pressure from her words because he hadn't actually thought of anything he wanted to do with her before visiting. There were a number of things he wanted to 'try' with her in the past, but Vahn wasn't sure it was appropriate to go to that extent in the present moment.
After a very brief moment of hesitation, Vahn saw the almost 'pleading' look in Anubis's eyes before resolving himself for what was to come. He didn't know how far he would push her, but Vahn couldn't help but feel curious about how far Anubis would allow things to develop. He knew she had a few 'deviant' tendencies, but he didn't know the extent of her submissive nature and her desire to be dominated. Vahn really wasn't the type to 'forcefully' have someone submit to him, but it didn't mean he wasn't interested in putting on an act and expanding his range and curiosity. Ultimately, he just wanted to make the girls that worked hard for his sake happy, and Anubis had done a lot for him in the past and would continue to 'serve' him well into the future.
Vahn promised to be back at the Hearth Manor at 2 PM, so he had slightly under an hour and a half to spend with Anubis before he would be 'forced' to return. Accounting for taking a bath after the fact, Vahn had little over an hour to 'tend' to her needs and this was plenty of time given that this would be a somewhat exploratory experience. After confirming his plan of action, Vahn pulled out the leash he had used when taking Anubis for a walk in the past and her ears immediately perked up as she happily presented her neck to Vahn. Once he fixed the link to her collar, Vahn said in a firm and commanding, "Anubis, come!" Vahn knew quite a bit about the ecology of the Southern Tribe and about their customs for how an 'Alpha' was supposed to behave. If she wanted him to 'dominate' her, he would play the part until the very end to remove any unease that might be present in her heart.
Anubis beamed a smile as she followed along behind Vahn with her tail beating from side-to-side hard enough to create a small sound of wind being distorted. Vahn followed his memory and walked Anubis to her room before she paused and had an awkward smile on her face as she said, "Master...Anubis overstepped her boundaries and moved into Master's room when you left. Please punish Anubis for her mistakes..." She had a passionate look in her eyes that were also filled with expectations as she 'pleaded' to Vahn for a punishment. Vahn cocked his head to the side before squinting his eyes and 'dragging' her next door to his old room. He didn't pull on the leash too hard, but Anubis released a strange choking sound that had several undertones that made a shiver run down Vahn's spine.
Vahn noticed that his room hadn't changed much since his departure, but he could smell a powerful scent in the room that undoubtedly belonged to Anubis. She might not have done it intentionally, but Vahn knew that she had 'masked' the former scent of Hephaestus with her own pheromones and likely comforted herself in the bed he used to treat as his own. Though he initially planned to use the bed, Vahn recalled the first time he had triggered Anubis's arousal in the past and how she had presented her butt to him while supporting herself against the wall. It had been a powerful memory that firmly planted itself in his heart, so Vahn wanted to return the favor to Anubis now that he had the opportunity.
After thinking about the best way to 'punish' her, Vahn showed what he hoped was a cruel smile as he gazed at her expectant look and said, "Strip, all the way down to your lingerie...if you're not wearing any...well, I'll have to punish you even more~?" Hearing his words, Anubis quickly discarded the robe she had been wearing and, as Vahn had anticipated, she was indeed missing any undergarments. She had probably planned for things to develop in this direction after receiving his earlier message and had likely 'prepared' herself for the encounter. The only thing she was wearing after removing the robe was the black and gold collar Vahn had given her in the past as she 'proudly' displayed herself before him.
Vahn admired the exotic nature of Anubis's beauty from the tip of her ears down to the delicate toes on her feet. She had the same olive-brown complexion of the past, a very shapely and mature figure with somewhat large, impeccably flawless breasts. Her most striking features, other than the long black hair, were her moonlight colored eyes that emitted a gentle glow, the large pointy ears on her head, and the large bushy tail flailing about like a propeller on her relatively large butt. Like all goddesses, she was completely bare around her genitals and her skin had a healthy gloss with a somewhat subtle blush beginning to rise due to her increased excitement.
Now that she was fully nude, Vahn nodded his head with a smile and said, "Turn around, I want to look at your tail." Anubis happily complied and turned her back to Vahn before doing her best to stop her tail from wagging so he could view it better. Vahn had actually wanted to do this for a long time, so he leaned down near the base of Anubis's tail, right where it connected with her backside, and stared at the connection before getting at a zero distance and smelling the topside. He lifted her shaking tail with his hands and dragged his nose along its length and could feel his brain buzz from the stimulating scent of the pheromones coming from the somewhat bristly, yet incredibly soft, fur.
Though he hadn't done anything yet, Anubis released a stifled cry intermixed with a sensuous moan as she said, "Maaaster~" Her voice tickled Vahn's ears and he opened his eyes after enjoying the smell of her tail for a while. After standing, Vahn said in a teasing tone, "You're quite beautiful, Anubis, and your tail has a tantalizing smell with a fine texture..." Vahn had decided that, since Anubis wanted to be punished, he would do the opposite and pamper her plentily since it would 'torment' her more than if he were actually rough with her. He began to gently trace his index finger over her exotic body while using [Hands of Nirvana], but not before he said in a commanding tone, "Don't move at all...the more noise you make, the longer your punishment will be..."
Even though he was pressed for time, Vahn was curious about each of Anubis's reactions and 'tormented' her for nearly twenty minutes as he treated her body as if it were incredibly precious. Her body had been shaking as if she were left out in the cold for a long period of time even though her body was burning up. She released muffled cries from the constant stimulation and there were a few tears welling up in her eyes as she fought against the urge to move and make noise. Vahn almost felt pity for her, but Anubis's Loyalty had been constantly increasing for a while and her aura had long-ago turned a passionate red with a vibrant pink mixed within it. She likely understood Vahn's 'punishment' and was actually agonizing while also feeling very happy at the same time.
After another small flood of fluids drained down her thighs, Vahn decided her punishment had gone on long enough as he stood close to her back and gingerly bit the tip of her pointy ear with his teeth. Anubis wasn't able to stop herself from crying out and she immediately leaned her back against Vahn with her mouth gasping for air before she clenched her teeth together tightly as if still following his earlier orders. Vahn traced both palms from the outside of her thighs upwards until he had his hands on the connecting tissue between Anubis's torso and her legs. He thumbed the bones of her pelvis gently before slowly guiding her body forward and forcing her to take small steps.
Anubis began to draw labored breaths as she entrusted her weight against Vahn and took awkward steps until they were less than a meter from the wall they had been facing. Vahn arched his fingers into a claw-like shape and traced his nails up Anubis's body as he uttered two words that made her body tremble greatly, "Bend over..." As she began to move, Vahn 'helped' Anubis as he pushed down against her shoulder with just enough force that she wasn't actually unable to resist him. Her tail began to beat about rapidly as Vahn inspected the veritable flood coming from her slightly open vulva. She had the 'flawless' vagina of a goddess, but Anubis's arousal had made it so that the enticing mound had an 'eager' look to it.
Because of how violently her tail was wagging about, Vahn gripped it with a bit of force which made Anubis's body shake as she released a loud moan and another tide of fluids that had a pungent aroma that made Vahn feel a little dizzy. He wasn't trying to hurt her, so Vahn activated his [Eyes of Truth] to make sure there wouldn't be any damage as he lifted Anubis's hips slightly using nothing by her tail. She immediately screamed out in a scarily aroused voice, "Maaaaaaaaasterrrrrrr~!" Her upper body fell down slightly until the point that her butt was actually higher than her head and she was standing on the tips of her toes as Vahn lifted her body from the sensitive tail on her backside. Vahn confirmed that, though it was likely painful, his actions didn't damage the bones or muscled in her tail and instead most of her nerves were firing as if she was in immense pleasure.
Vahn hadn't properly prepared himself before getting to this point, so he unequipped his clothing before becoming completely naked in the blink of an eye. He felt a strange sense of conquest in him before he even did anything just because of the somewhat compromising position of Anubis and her very over the top reaction. He grabbed his readied member before placing the glans against the surprisingly 'burning' vaginal entrance of Anubis. The moment he made contact, Anubis began to take deep breaths through her nose before exhaling loudly. He saw her clench her hands into fists as she closed her eyes in preparation for his entrance yet, after several seconds passed, nothing changed. Confused, Anubis tilted her head to look at Vahn and, the moment he saw her eyes Vahn jerked his hips forward with a fair amount of strength and she practically yelped before releasing a powerful shriek at the top of her lungs.
Understanding that her body was well prepared for his insertion, Vahn had waited for the moment when Anubis had 'relaxed' due to her confusion before pressing forward in a single decisive thrust. She immediately put her hands back against the wall during her loud shriek that very quickly turned into a sensual sounding moan before shrinking into a throaty gasp when she ran out of oxygen. Vahn noticed that, other than the surprising heat of Anubis's vagina, she actually clamped down fiercely in a manner very similar to Hestia. However, Vahn noticed an immediate difference as a strange 'massaging' sensation began to take place within Anubis's insides and it was very stimulating even though he couldn't exactly move his hips.
As he had never had sex with a Chienthrope, Vahn wasn't sure if this was a racial trait or if it was something specific to Anubis. His concerns were answered quickly, however, when Anubis explained with a panting voice, "Anubis became...a chienthrope...because she likes...when it hurts a bit...Master...please dominate Anubis even more...even if it hurts...I want it to huuuurt~." From her words, Vahn understood that sex with a Chienthrope probably didn't require the male to move at all. Instead, they were almost locked together by the clamping force and Vahn knew that, if he actually moved, it would likely be 'painful' as he dragged her insides a bit with his movements.
Though he was hesitant for a moment, Vahn decided to trust Anubis's experience and give her what she asked for. Vahn let her hips fall a bit as he stopped pulling her tail and instead grabbed her hips with his hands for better leverage. He noticed that he still couldn't move easily and Anubis's body followed his movements as she was unable to easily support her own weight in the current position. Resolving himself, Vahn grasped her hips with a much stronger grip that would most likely leave bruises on her skin as he pushed her hips forward while pulling back his waist. Anubis released a loud cry that sounded like a mixture of pain and pleasure as Vahn forcefully pulled out his penis from her insides. Though it didn't 'come out', Vahn watched the somewhat scary sight of Anubis's vagina invert slightly as it clung tightly to his penis.
After getting slightly more than halfway out, Vahn thrust himself forward with a bit of intensity and pumped against Anubis's butt as his eye twitched a bit. The powerful grip of her vagina on his penis actually made the thrust somewhat painful and Vahn felt a twinge of severe pain shoot through his penis and up his spine. The normal state of his erect penis was a combination of firmness and flexibility, but Vahn realized that would be a problem considering what Anubis requested of him. After having experienced rapidly changing his body very recently, Vahn 'willed' his penis to become harder and focused on making it less malleable so he could oppose the clamping power of Anubis's somewhat dangerous organ.
As a stop-gap measure, Vahn had moved his palms to Anubis's butt cheeks and began releasing a powerful stimulating energy that alternated between his hands and made her butt spasm as all the nerves fired and caused her hips to shake rapidly while easing up the muscles in her lower body. Anubis released a strange cry like, 'Gyaaagagagagagagaga' in the same rhythm as his stimulation and Vahn felt like she might be losing her mind but noticed that her aura was surprisingly stable. After a minute or so, Vahn had successfully 'hardened' himself and returned his hands to roughly the same spot on Anubis's hips. It was easy to find since there were actual handprints left behind because of his earlier actions.
Now that he was more 'durable', Vahn repeated his earlier action and had a much easier time removing himself before pounding hard into her interior again. He felt less stimulation, but it was still a very pleasant sensation so he didn't mind it much and began trying to keep a steady pace as he slowly pulled out over and over again before repeatedly pounding against her somewhat plump butt. Vahn got distracted by the ripples that ran through her backside and a strange urge began to well up inside of him because of her 'cries'. Deciding it shouldn't be a problem he couldn't fix, Vahn removed his right hand from Anubis's hip before raising it slightly and dropping it down swiftly to smack Anubsis's backside.
Anubis released an almost hiccup-like moan as she drew a sharp breath before sending Vahn a strange, almost 'taunting' smile and said, "Harder...Master...punish Anubis more and more~." Incited by her words, Vahn began to proactively spank Anubis and her shouts turned into strangely pleasant cries that became progressively louder over time. This continued for some time until Anubis seemed like she was losing the strength to support her body with just her arms. Vahn had a dangerous thought and decided to 'help' her by grabbing the leash that had been dangling down from her collar since the very beginning. He pulled back on it a little bit and Anubis made a slight gagging sound before her aura flared up immensely as she grasped her collar with both hands and an extended tongue.
Vahn could feel another tidal surge coming from Anubis as her insides writhed around for what felt like the twentieth time. They didn't have much time left and Vahn felt like something dangerous might awaken inside of him if he continued trying to test Anubis's 'limits' during their very first time together. He could tell she was very satisfied since her Loyalty had increased nearly a thousand points in the last hour, so Vahn decided to bring things to an end. He walked forward while pulling up Anubis's upper body with the leash and pressed her against the wall so she could support herself more easily. Knowing she would probably enjoy it more if he was rough, Vahn pressed his weight against her and 'squished' her against the wall a bit as he powerfully pistoned upwards into her body while using [Hands of Nirvana] to stimulate Anubis's abdomen with his right hand, and her little bead of nerves with his left.
Anubis began to spasm slightly and dropped her arms powerlessly as she drew short and shallow breaths from the overwhelming stimulation. Even her feet were lifted off the ground by Vahn every time he pressed into her body and it seemed like she was on the verge of asphyxiating before Vahn finally released a large stream of semen into her depths with one final push while pressing her firmly against the wall. He continued to hold her while passively inspecting her body to make sure she wasn't actually injured from his actions. Other than some light bruising, she was entirely fine and even her breathing was beginning to recover at a faster rate than he expected.
After around two minutes of light spasming, Vahn let Anubis slide down the wall as he gently guided her hips back until he managed to separate from her. It might be another racial trait of a Chienthrope, but the moment he released inside of her, Anubis's vagina 'dropped' a bit as if it were trying to absorb his semen before loosening up a few seconds later and releasing the powerful clamping that had persisted since the beginning. Though he didn't let her 'fall', Vahn allowed Anubis to drop to the ground before she laid almost lifelessly on her side with a dazed expression. Even though this was the case, Anubis's tail gently lifted from the ground before thumping against the floor over and over as a satisfied smile appeared on her face.
(A/N: This puts the word count for the week at 103k words, but I may write another chapter before the reset. Lots of loooooong chapters this week.)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Jebaited~!','Anubis's Switch','Hurts so good...')
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