(Borderline NSFW~?)
After a short while, Syr managed to recover her composure, at least enough to put on her characteristically gentle expression. She clapped her hands together to draws everyone's attention and said in a chipper tone, "Okay then, now that everyone has clearly stated their position, the only thing that remains is understanding the current situation. It doesn't seem like anyone here is confused, but I'll say it for clarification in the event that there was a misunderstanding of sorts...ultimately, it's up to you to decide what you want to do Vahn, but we....ummm..." Syr began to act very bashfully and was seemingly unable to continue her words easily as she cradled her own rosy cheeks in embarrassment.
Ryuu had been watching Syr with an encouraging smile as she spoke, but now that she was mentally stalling Ryuu let out a short sigh and said in a 'calm' voice, "There are several reasons behind why we've gathered here, but the most important thing is that we wanted to show our mutual support of each other and make our intentions clear in a setting where everyone was present. Chloe and I have been in a position to be approached by you for some time, but we wanted to help support Syr's love since she isn't easily able to make headway on her own..." Syr gave Ryuu an aggrieved glare but Ryuu had been looking at Vahn and seemingly failed to notice as she continued, "Everyone here trusts Syr and wants to see her find happiness, so we didn't want to 'steal' you from her before things had developed beyond a certain point. Now that everything is in the open..."
Chloe burst out laughing the moment Ryuu started to blush and hesitate before she chimed out in an amused tone, "If you're willing, Vahn, every girl here wants to celebrate and have sex with you~nya! It's to show our unity, our sisterhood, and the emotions we all share together, not just with ourselves, but with you as well. How we go about it is entirely up to you though~nyahaha." With Chloe's little outburst, the atmosphere in the room became somewhat awkward and tense. Vahn could see the somewhat pink auras of everyone turn a richer shade with a small tinge of red.
Syr managed to calm herself down a little after things had been 'explained' by Chloe so she said in a guiding tone, "Even though it might be a little scary, everyone here has resolved themselves for this moment and we all came together with the proper convictions. I feel that we'll have a much stronger bond as a whole if we experience this together, though I won't deny I'd like some time of my own in the future, ehehehe." At the end of her words, Syr did her best to wink and poke out her tongue briefly in a teasing fashion directed at Vahn.
Though he felt like his heart was going to explode in his chest, Vahn did his best to remain calm and composed as he overlooked all the beautiful girls that had gathered together, not simply for his, but for their shared benefits. There was something strangely calming about knowing that, even though they outnumbered him, and were actually stronger than he was, every girl present placed their trust in him and allowed Vahn to make the decision about how to proceed. Since they were willing to go so far for him, Vahn decided to state honestly, "Though I've read up on it a bit, I don't have absolute confidence in handling more than three girls at the same time. I know things might get a little awkward if we're all together, but I also feel like it will bring everyone closer if we share our first experience instead of splitting apart and making it a personal matter. Just imagining the other girls waiting for me in their rooms makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable, almost like I'd have to rush matters..."
Vahn took a deep breath and felt a little more confident after seeing that all of the girls were patiently listening to his words. He felt emboldened as the giddy feelings in his body slowly dissolved and were replaced by warmth and passion as he continued, "Besides, seeing everyone together like this...it makes me feel very blessed, almost to an overwhelming extent. You're all so beautiful..." Vahn continued to pass his eyes over the girls and, from their perspective, the only things they could see were his clear aquamarine eyes, unclouded by any negative emotions. The only thing they saw within the transparent depths were intrigue, appreciation, and gratitude, intermixed with powerful emotions.
Syr began to laugh, almost as if she were trying to alter the flow of the atmosphere to prevent things from becoming too tense. Though Vahn spoke clearly, and honestly, he wasn't saying anything to guide the actions of the others and Syr was aware this would be the case. Unless he was incited to action, there was a very real chance Vahn could continue to stare at, and appreciate, the girls for several minutes without actually doing anything. One of the things she had discussed on the network was helping Vahn learn to take control of the situation instead of being swept up by it. Due to the nature of his existence, with consideration of his personality, there was a very real chance Vahn would often be tending to several women at once. If he always waited for the flow to be dictated by others, it would eventually cause problems for everyone involved, primarily Vahn himself.
After some of the attention had shifted to her, Syr beamed a beautiful smile and said, "Then the only thing that remains is what you wish to do...don't be shy Vahn, tell us what you want...nobody here will judge you, in fact, we'll do our best to make things exceed your expectations. You have to understand that, while the network may allow us to communicate easily, you are the unifying force that brings us all together. Your hopes, desires, dreams, these are the reasons we come together...so you don't have to hide them from us. Just be yourself...I promise there are many of us that will love you regardless of how you change..."
Incited by Syr's words, the only girls also pitched in a bit as Chloe said, "Syr's right, Vahn, restraint is important, but there are certain situations where its okay to let go." Following her words, Ryuu showed an encouraging smile and said, "I'll do my best as well..." Since Ryuu wasn't too fond of 'public' displays of affection, it was a pretty big deal that she was putting herself in this position. If not for her trust in all the girls present, it would be nearly impossible to get her together in the same bed as another girl. Taking over the silence, Arnya pumped her fist and said, "Right, right, I'm also very curious about how things will go~nyahahaha." As for Lunoire, her expression didn't change much as she mused with a gentle smile on her face, "Everyone trusts you, Vahn..."
Each time one of the girls gave him encouragement, Vahn could feel something welling up inside of his chest that was on the verge of exploding outward. He knew exactly what Syr meant since he would likely never have a simple relationship, at least with most of the girls currently on the network. Since he already had the resolve to help them overcome their pasts in order to build a better future, Vahn had no reason to hesitate at all, especially considering that they were receptive to his wants and needs. Every girl here was also stronger than he was, so there was no actual danger that things would take a dangerous turn if he lost his sensibilities for a moment. The moment things got out of hand, there would always be someone present to ground the situation, at least that was his hope.
Vahn laughed a short chuckle as he shook his head before saying with a gratified smile on his face, "Yeah, I know I shouldn't hesitate at all, it's just a little difficult to rationalize and guide things along when there are so many girls present. It feels like I need to pay attention to everyone equally, but I'm not sure that is even possible..." Vahn released a short sigh before continuing, "I'll just do what I can, so let me know if there is something you want, or something you'd like to try. I'll do my best to satisfy everyone, especially if you're willing to entrust yourself to my care..." Seeing all the girls nod, with various types of smiles on their faces, Vahn nodded his head before a powerful embarrassment overwhelmed him. A blush deeper than almost any he had ever experienced showed on his face and it made all the girls curious about what he was going to say.
Vahn laughed in an awkward manner before taking a deep breath and saying in a slightly dry voice, "Ummm, I'd like to...uh...see everyone's panties?" When he had been thinking about how to start, Vahn remembered Syr's earlier action of lifting her skirt to tease him. Though he would see much more than just panties later, Vahn was still interested in the sight of five girls showing their panties to him at the same time. As she had seen through his intentions, Syr walked forward and stood next to the other girls and said, "Okay, everyone, let's stand up in a line~!" She seemed to have taken the role of guiding the others in understanding what Vahn was trying to convey, and he realized this might have been the role she had delegated for herself after talking to Hephaestus, Eina, and Loki. Her organizational skills and management ability were incredible, and she also had a powerful understanding of how people thought, felt, and acted. Most importantly, she was the core of the group and inspired a great deal of confidence and trust in the other girls.
Everyone stood up in a line as directed by Syr, and Vahn was able to see the heights and figures of the girls and directly compare them. Arnya was the shortest, at 150cm tall, while Chloe stood at a modest 158cm alongside Syr. Lunoire was 161cm, and the most mature looking of the girls, while Ryuu stood the tallest at 165cm, the same height as Vahn. They all had incredible figures that would inspire men to action with their thin waists, fit bodies, and various sized busts and butts to accent their impeccable beauty. Chloe and Arnya, more so than fit, had very lithe and flexible looking figures, even though they were somewhat petite and had modest breasts. After they were all lined up, Syr grabbed the side of her skirt and waited for everyone to match her before they all raised their skirts in concert with each other.
Vahn's eyes widened more than a fair amount as he admired the beautiful thighs of the girls that were complemented by their choice of white stockings, white garter belts, and most importantly for the occasion, white lace panties. The impact of seeing all the girls showing off the hidden contents of their skirts all at once had been much greater than Vahn had expected. He wasn't the only affected either, as most of the girls had varying degrees of blushes on their face while Chloe commented, "This is actually more embarrassing than I expected, nyahaha~." Her words snapped Vahn out of his daze and he showed a large smile as he honestly stated, "I feel incredibly fortunate to be alive right now."
His words caused the atmosphere to mellow out into a pink haze until his emotions built to a critical level and he said, "In the future, I'd like to see you all wear all kinds of clothing...I can't even imagine something unsuitable for your beautiful figures. However, for now, I think things will become progressively more awkward if I keep making strange requests." Vahn casually stowed away the sofas that were behind the girls and they all, with the exclusion of Arnya, reacted by dropping the hem of their skirts. As for Arnya, she just stood there with a red face and wide eyes, almost as if she had frozen in time for a brief moment. When the floor space had been opened up, Vahn set out a large bed and the atmosphere immediately became tenser. Vahn could feel the strange awkwardness in the air, but he also took note that all of the girls had somewhat passionate auras, even though there were small tufts of purples and oranges, which showed their fears and inhibitions.
Vahn smiled and looked over the girls again and said, "In the future, I don't mind if you'd like to wear cute outfits when we're together, but I think, for this situation, it's better if everyone got naked." Though he could unequip his clothing in an instant, Vahn began starting to undress in the normal way before Syr snapped out of her daze and said in a guiding tone, "Vahn is correct, we shouldn't continue to delay things or there won't be enough time in the day to proceed forward." She also began to slowly undress, albeit with a little hesitation and awkwardness in her movements. As the youngest of the group of girls, even though she was the defacto leader, Syr's actions were a strong influence so the other girls also began to undress. The only one that struggled more than Syr was Arnya, whose tail had been twitching about chaotically for a while now.
While they were undressing, Vahn unabashedly looked over and admired the figures of the various girls, several of which he was just seeing for the first time. Syr had a very youthful figure with fair skin and a surprisingly flawless figure. Perhaps it was due to her demigoddess origins, but her body was nearly perfect in its balance and beauty, including her slightly bulbous, budding, breasts. Matching the pale red of her lips, her nipples were similar in coloration and everything about her seemed to trigger some primal instinct within Vahn's mind as his heart began to itch. When she finally removed her own panties, after hesitating for several seconds, Vahn's eyes widened marginally because he noticed that, like a goddess, she was completely bare. Though he didn't say it out loud, Vahn felt like Syr was closer to a goddess in appearance than an actual mortal.
Chloe had a very lithe figure, as Vahn had noticed before, with a thin waist and very athletic proportions. She had modest breasts and a slightly pale complexion with a pert butt that drew a tantalizing sight when taking into consideration her black cat-like tail that had a stark blue ribbon neatly tied near its base. Unlike the impeccably 'smooth' Syr, Chloe had small tufts of black hair around her slightly moist crotch. As for Ryuu, she had the lightest complexion of the group and was also somewhat similar to a goddess with how flawless her beauty was. Her breasts were the smallest of the group, but the pale pink protrusions at the center were somewhat mesmerizing because of how abnormally light they were compared to normal. As for her secret garden, it was neatly maintained and Vahn could tell she put 'care' into her appearance.
Arnya had surprisingly large breasts compared to most Cat People Vahn had seen. Though she still had the lithe figure of every other cat girl he had seen, her body seemed strangely more flexible and her breasts were closer to a C-cup than the modest A and B-cups of others. As if to refute his misconception, her butt was also moderately plumper than expected and, against any expectation he had, she was also clean shaven down below. Vahn suspected that she had actually shaved herself to prepare for tonight since there was a slight tenderness still present. As for her tail, it was slightly shorter than normal and had the same coloration as the rest of her brown hair except for the fact there were three rings of white fur and the end was frayed into a tuft.
As for Lunoire, she had a very womanly body with the largest breasts in the entire group, though not by much since Arnya was very similar in size, even though she was 11cm shorter. The most notable thing, other than her kindly face, was the fact that she had a very fit figure with the hidden outline of powerful muscles slightly present under her skin. Though her waist was tight, her hips were a fair bit wider than the other girls and she had plump thighs and a fleshy, yet muscular, butt. Although he still claimed to have an appreciation for everything about a girl, Vahn couldn't deny that he felt his heart palpitate slightly after seeing her shapely butt. He had a strange urge to grab it with his hands, even though every girl present had a fine butt of their own. Syr's was actually close to 'perfect' from Vahn's perspective, but it was very obvious she was still 'growing' as she was currently the youngest girl in the group at 16. As for Lunoire's pubic hair, she had a healthy brown bush that was also neatly groomed.
While he had been inspecting their bodies, the girls hadn't been shy about observing Vahn either. They noticed his figure had nearly no fat at all, and all of his muscles were clearly defined and had a very natural look to them. He wasn't incredibly ripped, but his figure still looked like it had been sculpted by the gods to be flawless in structure. Though he was somewhat 'short' for a man, he still struck a heroic figure with his healthy tanned skin and well-proportioned body. At least, they considered him well proportioned until he actually removed his briefs. Other than Ryuu and Chloe, the other girls went a bit wide-eyed at the reveal of Vahn's sleeping dragon. They had heard the rumors and mentally prepared themselves for the night, but it was still somewhat intimidating to see for the first time. Even Lunoire, the only girl with experience in the group, swallowed in an audible manner that caused the other girls to give her sidelong glances.
The moment the last article of clothing hit the floor, Vahn didn't want things to become awkward again so he looked around and gave everyone an appreciative glance before resting his gaze on Syr and saying, "I've kept you waiting long enough Syr..." As he spoke, Vahn walked over to the incredibly bashful young woman who actually took a step back for a brief moment as she tried to cover her naked body. She looked at the other girls and laughed awkwardly as she said, "It's fine, I don't mind waiting until the end so I can watch over everyone..." Vahn shook his head with a smile before stepping close and grabbing Syr around her waist which made her entire body twitch. He leaned forward toward her rosy red ears and whispered, "But I want to do it with you first...please?"
Syr released a strange sound as if she had suffered a grievance as her eyes teared up slightly from her overwhelming embarrassment. After letting out the strange cry, and seeing the teasing faces of the other girls, Syr hugged Vahn in return and said in a very quiet tone, almost like the squeak of a small animal, "Be gentle..." Vahn nodded his head and stroked the side of her face affectionately before turning his head to the side and saying, "I'll need everyone's support for this...Chloe, Arnya, I'd like for you to help tend to Syr. Ryuu, Lunoire, you two are the calmest so I'll have to apologize for having you wait a bit. I promise to make it up to you later..." Vahn then picked up the startled Syr and carried her over to the bed as everyone crawled in alongside them.
This was always the most awkward part for Vahn, the moment before things officially began. He had a strange desire to just stare and gawk at the girls for long periods of times, so it was hard to get things started unless there was something to incite him. Now, he was doing his best to take the initiative and also cement things with Syr, the girl that had worked hard to arrange everything. He knew she probably intended to go last, and that was exactly why he had bumped her up in the order. Even though there was a fair chance this was her intent to begin with, Vahn was still the one that had made the decision and he intended to follow through until the end...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's 'Strategy'','Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes','Syr's plan succeeds/fails~!?')
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Level 1 Vahn: https://imgur.com/a/zFOLFrT
Courtesy of https://www.deviantart.com/robusta-mania
After settling Syr onto the bed, Vahn got to look over her body from above as she made an instinctual attempt to try and cover her private areas with her hands. If not for her incredibly thick and pink aura that was practically sticking to his body, Vahn would have believed she was having second thoughts. Instead, he leaned over her body slightly and locked eyes with Syr as he began to trace his palm along her body. Though she was making an effort to cover her chest with her hand, Vahn was easily able to slip through her playful resistance. There was a fervent expression in her watery eyes and, even though she was putting on a show of behaving bashfully, Vahn could tell she had far more expectation than inhibitions. Within the depths of her eyes, there was a constantly glimmering light as her charm was passively activated and trying its best to affect Vahn's mind.
Chloe and Arnya had sat on Syr's flanks and were watching the intimate moment between Syr and Vahn with unveiled interest and curiosity. As they had discussed earlier, they were letting Vahn guide things at his pace, at least for the time being. Though they weren't ignorant about the matters between men and women, it was still their first times and, other than Lunoire, the only experienced person here was Vahn himself. After a few long seconds of caressing, Vahn whispered in a quiet, loving, voice, "You have an incredible body...it's nearly flawless, Syr. Don't worry, I'll make sure not to damage it in the slightest..." Vahn stroked the side of her face before planting a moderately short kiss on her lips. Since he couldn't get wrapped up in the momentum of events and fully focus on a single girl, he had to retain his senses and take control of the situation.
A warm, stimulating, energy began to appear on Vahn's palm as he caressed Syr's right breast with practiced movements. Her breasts were very soft, but there was a suppleness to them as well which seemed to perfectly align with her youthful appearance. Syr released a hot gasp as her face formed into a small frown as she struggled to accept the stimulation. Vahn was taking care to not go overboard, but he needed to properly prepare her or there would be problems later on. The entire time he was caressing her body, Vahn continued to hold Syr's gaze and the two stared at each other with passionate expressions. She seemed to be struggling with something, and Vahn knew she very likely wanted to kiss him and get lost in the moment together.
Vahn smiled gently before leaning down and sharing another, somewhat passionate, kiss with Syr before pulling his face away again. She had tried to hug his head with her hands, but there wasn't much she could do to hold him down with the constant stimulation to her body. Vahn whispered in a low, soothing tone, "I'll make it up to you plentily in the future...for now, just allow yourself to experience everything that is happening. Focus on the sensations and vocalize how you feel...don't be afraid, you're not alone right now, Syr." After he finished speaking, Vahn moved his head downwards and began performing an action that he had developed when dealing with Hestia. While he gently fondled Syr's right breast, he began roll her left nipple with his tongue while gingerly sucking on the hard protrusion with a moderate amount of force.
Syr immediately squeezed the back of his head and said, "Vahn...ahh...that feels strange~!" The other four girls were watching Vahn's actions with interest and Lunoire laughed gently from the side and said, "It seems the rumors are true...Vahn is a bit of a technician. At least you girls don't have to worry about being hurt." Everyone, excluding Vahn and Syr, gave Lunoire a passing glance and saw the care and concern on her face slowly melt away. As the only experienced girl among the group, they had been asking her about various things leading up until this moment. Her words made them all feel a lot calmer, including Syr who was currently suffering Vahn's 'care'.
Vahn placed his left hand on the side of Syr's ribs and rhythmically massaged the area while placing his right hand on the bed as support. He let go of her nipple with an audible 'pop' before tracing his head down and assaulting her body with small kisses. He kissed around her diaphragm and slowly traced further down her body, following the nearly indistinguishable line of her navel, the belly button itself, and the smooth transition of muscles leading down to the bare mound below. Throughout the entire duration of his 'journey', Syr continued to place her hands on the back of Vahn's head as she struggled to watch him by tilting her head. To help her, Chloe had grabbed a few pillows as support to make things easier.
Though she had initially concealed the secret area with her hands, Syr had slightly opened her legs wider as Vahn traced his head down her abdomen. By the time he reached the youthful-looking mound, Vahn's mind had begun to buzz from the strange, almost flowery, smell coming from Syr's vagina. Usually, the musk of a woman was somewhat robust and bittersweet, sometimes with a 'warm' smell. Syr, however, actually smelled incredibly pleasant, even though it was still a mind-numbing aroma. Vahn felt that not just her eyes, but her fragrance had the power to charm men as well. He was easily able to resist the effects as he arched his body a bit to lift up Syr's legs and spread them wider in a natural, relaxed, shape. Just like every 'goddess' he had seen, the line of Syr's vagina was almost a perfect line that only briefly opened with slight contractions even though she was already generating a healthy amount of fluid from the interior.
Even though she was probably 'prepared', Vahn still wanted to make the experience more memorable for her, so he gingerly opened the impeccably shaped vulva and peaked into the somewhat pale, yet rosy, colored interior of Syr's vagina. Without any hesitation, other than preparing himself to resist the tantalizing aroma, Vahn leaned forward with his head while lifting up Syr's legs a bit. The moment his tongue contacted her interior, Syr arched her back and began pulling on his hair like she was trying to rip it out. Vahn could feel the small convulsions slightly reverberating through his hands, tongue, and cheeks, but he knew he could take her to much higher heights. Her reaction was largely related to her inexperience, and Vahn knew she hadn't experienced a true orgasm yet and intended to bring her to it naturally without relying on [Hands of Nirvana].
He was actually very proficient in gauging the reactions of a girl's body, so Vahn very quickly found a few more sensitive spots within Syr's vagina while, very gently, thumbing the small bead at the top in a probing manner. Syr released pleasant moans as she stared at the top of Vahn's head with an incredibly passionate gaze in her eyes. Her light-grey eyes had started to glow silvery white and her charm was kicked into overdrive. For those with Divinity related to beauty, they were very capable of charming people in normal circumstances, but their power was the strongest during intercourse. If Vahn wasn't capable of actually resisting her ability, he would eventually become a slave to her and would be unable to rationalize his own actions without her permission.
However, Vahn didn't show any signs at all of the powerful charm having any effect on his body and it made Syr's heart palpitate powerfully in her chest. Though she had already made her decision to be with Vahn, it was only now that she had truly decided to dedicate her everything to him regardless of what happens in the future. Since her power didn't work against him, Syr felt like everything she was experiencing was the first 'real' interaction she had ever had with another person. Eventually, her emotions reached a critical level and she shouted at the top of her lungs without caring about how others saw her, "Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn, I love yooooooooooooooou~!"
Vahn could feel the powerful reverberations of Syr's body and heard her loud exclamation as she literally tried to bury his face into her depths while squeezing the sides of his head with her strangely slender, yet plump feeling, thighs. After a few seconds, her body relaxed its tensions and Vahn freed himself before pulling out a towel and wiping his face after giving a wry smile to the other girls staring at him with varying degrees of a blush on their face. Though he didn't ask, he felt like they were all wondering what it would be like when he showed them the same care as Syr. Vahn had noticed that every aura within the room, though they were all overlapping, was focused toward him and it made him feel like the center of this small world.
After drying his face, Vahn leaned over Syr's body and caressed her cheek before saying in a low tone, "I'm going to start, I'll make it as painless as possible..." Syr shook her head lazily and said in a slightly husky voice, "I don't care, do whatever you want with me Vahn. I'm yours, now and forever...and you're mine..." The silvery light in her eyes doubled in intensity but Vahn just blinked away the effects before leaning down and kissing her lips without losing his own momentum. Syr loosely hugged his body as she felt a very hot feeling at the entrance of her own vagina. She immediately started taking rapid breaths before Vahn placed his hand on her abdomen and she felt a powerful, calming, energy spread through her abdomen.
Before she could make sense of what he was doing, she felt a 'pressure' and invasive feeling enter her lower body. After a very short period of time, there was a painful resistance and a muted pop before the invasive, ridiculously hot, object hit a dead end that made her abdomen convulse and sent an electrical current up her spine that made her gasp painfully as Vahn continued to kiss her. Almost as quickly as the pain had come, it rapidly dissipated and Syr almost felt like she had imagined it because of how brief the moment had been. She understood that Vahn had done something to ease her burden and a sense of relief spread through her heart with a strange sense of loss accompanying it. Fortunately, Vahn continued to tend to her and any negative emotions were quickly banished as she indulged fully in his love and affection.
Vahn had noticed that, from the very moment he inserted himself inside Syr, he could feel a strange energy trying to enter his body through his penis. He knew that, once again, this was Syr's charm trying to take effect and it acted like a powerful aphrodisiac that tried to spread through his body. Fortunately, if it wasn't an attack on his mind, his body naturally diffused the hot energy just like it had done so when Eva drained his blood in the past. After the brief awkwardness, Vahn could feel the actual sensations of Syr's interior and was genuinely shocked by the conflicting stimulation he was experiencing. It was really weird because, though she felt tight, it wasn't constructive at all. It was almost like she was 'perfectly shaped' for his penis and he had been able to bury himself into her depths without any other preparation at all. There was also a strange, almost massaging, sensation that passively attacked various points of his penis, even though he hadn't moved. Vahn began to realize that Syr didn't just possess Divinity related to Beauty, but also very likely possessed one related to fertility and sex itself. Her body had immediately adapted to his size and shape, and even though she was completely inexperienced her vagina itself was instinctively reacting in a manner that seemed 'inhuman'.
When Vahn finally began to move, he couldn't stop himself from releasing a hot sigh because, the moment he tried to withdraw, her vagina clamped down with a comfortable pressure with a suction similar to an Amazon. He realized that having sex with Syr would be a very dangerous thing in the future if she ever got truly proficient with controlling her body and power. Even if he had incredible self-control, Vahn could understand how someone would become addicted to sex with a girl like Syr. It wasn't just her external beauty that was nearly perfect, but her insides matched, and perhaps even exceeded her nearly 'flawless' traits it in certain aspects.
Since he wasn't making much effort to resist the buildup, it was only around five minutes later that Vahn felt a powerful urge as he slowly pistoned into the slightly bloody mess where he was connected with Syr. She had also been releasing powerful moans that literally sent waves of a strange energy through the air that Vahn noticed had an influence on the other girls. It wasn't charming them, but their auras had becoming increasingly red with a passionate hue as they watched the intercourse between him and Syr. Though he didn't stare too much, Vahn could see that Chloe had turned into a veritable mess and there was a noticeable sheen on her raven black pubes as she watched him with somewhat hungry eyes.
Vahn was wondering when Syr would climax again and he noticed a strange peculiarity as he continued to resist the urge himself. Every time he eased up on his restraint a bit, he could feel the reaction from her body changed slightly. Given her earlier reactions, Syr should have long climaxed from the stimulation she was receiving, but the only thing she did was release pleasant moans while matching his movements with her own body. Vahn began to suspect that her body had actually, through the influence of her Divinity, matched his own tempo and tensions. He felt like, if he held back for an hour, Syr wouldn't climax at all in that entire duration unless he did. It was a scary thought, because it meant her body was constantly reacting to his, instead of him having to time his own climax to comfort the girl. To test his suspicions, Vahn relaxed his own body while speeding up his pace marginally while pressing into her with his weight.
He quickly reached a critical level and could feel Syr's body begin to release powerful vibrations before he eventually released himself deep within her ridiculously pleasant feeling vagina. They both experienced a powerful climax and Vahn could actually feel Syr's vagina contracting from the entrance to her depth in a powerful manner, almost like she was stroking his penis with her insides and trying to wring out the contents within his urethra. It was more stimulation than Vahn had ever experienced and he couldn't stop himself from releasing a strange groan as a shiver ran along his back for nearly twenty seconds. For a brief moment, at the very end, Vahn felt a powerful energy try to spread through his body but was able to resist it instinctually.
Though she had been taking long, drawn-out, breaths, Syr smiled and tried to speak between heavy gasps, "I'm...so...glad...you're you!...Vaaaaahn...hahaha...hahahahahaha~!" Because he had been able to resist, even during the critical moment, Syr felt an incredible sense of relief as she held her hands over her crying eyes and couldn't help but laugh because of how happy she felt. She knew better than anyone how dangerous their sexual relations would be and couldn't stop herself from letting her emotions show due to how relieved she felt at the moment. Things got even better when she felt Vahn pull her close and kiss her passionately for a long time...
After a few minutes, Syr and Vahn had separated and she was being comforted by Lunoire and Ryuu for a moment as she tried to regain her calm. Even now, there were tears that would occasionally fall from her face as Lunoire hugged her gently and patted her back in a caring manner. Though the situation felt a little awkward, Syr had wanted everyone to continue since it would help her calm down after the atmosphere changed again. She didn't want to be the reason why everything broke down and urged Vahn to continue with the other girls for a while until she regained her composure.
Vahn was concerned with Syr, but he knew she was speaking truthfully and there were already two people comforting her. The more affection and concern he showed for her right now, the longer it would take for her to actually recover. Unless he intended to take her away from this room and spend time alone, there was almost nothing he could do for her besides continue forward without hesitating for too long. Fortunately, Chloe was an attentive girl and had tugged on Vahn's arm playfully and said, "Come on, Vahn, I've also been waiting a long time~" As she spoke, Chloe affectionately stroked the bite mark she had left on Vahn long ago. Vahn nodded his head and showed a smile before moving over to the headboard and leaning his back against it. Cat People, especially for their first time, liked to hug from the front and lean into the male since it made them feel safe and comfortable. He had learned from Aki, and several documented sources, that they didn't like to be pinned at all, and it would actually stress them out a fair bit and cause them to feel a powerful anxiety.
Chloe smiled before quickly mounting on top of Vahn's lap before the atmosphere was temporarily destroyed when Arnya exclaimed in a loud voice, "Wait, you already have two bite marks!? What about me~nya!?" She had pointed at Vahn's shoulder at the two differently sized bite marks and had a face of incredulity and shock. Chloe looked over with a somewhat fierce look and bonked Arnya on the head as she shouted, "Pay attention to the mood Arnya~! You haven't even decided if you want to stay with Vahn forever, and you can always bite a little off to the side~nya!" Arnya rubbed the top of her head with a slightly teary expression until she heard Chloe's words. Her eyes widened into saucers and she patted her fist against her palm and said, as if she had a profound realization, "Nyahaha, that's right, I can just bite nyext to Chloe's bite~!" Chloe had an incredulous look of her own and seemed like she wanted to say something until Arnya waved her hand dismissively and asked, "Are you going to start~nya? I can see a lot more from this angle, nyahahaha~!" Because she was sitting in Vahn's lap, Chloe would be the person doing most of the moving and Arnya could clearly see everything when she leaned over and stared at Chloe's butt.
Chloe tucked her head a bit in a surprisingly bashful manner as she muttered in a low, almost threatening, tone, "Nya...I'll get you back for this, Arnya...Just you wait~" Though it was a low voice, Arnya and Chloe were both Cat People and had very sensitive hearing. Arnya's eyes widened again as she laughed in a playful manner and said, "Nyahaha~? Don't be mad Chloe, aren't we partners~?" As if to show solidarity, Arnya got closer to Vahn and Chloe before snuggling up next to Vahn and staring into Chloe's face as she said, "There, I'll watch from up close without staring at your butt~nyahaha!" Chloe's brows furrowed a bit until Vahn said in a gentle tone, "Chloe, Arnya, please don't fight. This is the first time I get to be together with everyone, so I'd like for it to be a memorable experience without any negativity."
Arnya responded before Chloe by rubbing her head against Vahn's shoulder and saying in a cheerful voice, "Nyaaa, Vahn is so kind and gentle~!" Chloe released a short sigh before saying in a confident manner toward Vahn, "I'm already more than ready, Vahn. Please treat me kindly~nya..." After she spoke, Chloe leaned forward and licked the bite mark she had left on Vahn's left shoulder in the past. Vahn nodded his head and began kissing her neck in turn before gently grabbing her tail. Chloe's body tensed up a bit before she raised her hips on her own. Vahn used his free hand to stroke her medium length black hair and ears before removing his hand from her tail and finding the correct angle for Chloe.
After positioning the glans into her slightly lukewarm insides, Chloe released a mewling sigh before lowering her hips a bit until the entire tip was inside of her. She laughed in a somewhat mischevious manner before whispering, "I probably can't take it all, but I don't want you to be afraid of hurting me~nyahaha...grab my tail, Vahn, it's already been your's since that moonlit light long ago..." Chloe then tucked her head firmly against his neck and licked the mark that showed their bond. For Cat People, kissing wasn't that common since they were more fond of licking with their somewhat rough tongues. The only reason most of them kissed at all was that it was a common trend that every species had adapted to show affection to each other.
Following Chloe's words, Vahn placed his hand around her tail and thumbed the blue ribbon before putting more force into his grip. She immediately rubbed her head and ears hard against his neck and face as a large volume of fluids began to drip from the area where they were connected. Vahn felt her body heat up a bit and he knew things were about to take a critical turn. Since Chloe was a Cat Person, and this was her first time, it meant that she would immediately go into heat and there was a very high likelihood that, unless she took contraception afterward, she would get pregnant. Vahn would leave the decision to her, but he felt like she would probably continue to try and act as his shadow for a long time unless he 'asked' her to have children.
Without any real hesitation, Vahn hugged Chloe's body a bit as she dropped her hips until Vahn's tip landed against a resistive membrane. Chloe released a strange chuckle before raising her hips slightly and putting a lot more force into her descent and immediately broke through her own hymen. Other than a small sigh, she didn't show any signs of pain or discomfort at all. As a trained assassin, and powerful Level 4, her pain tolerance was abnormally high and even the loss of her virginity was easily tolerable. If anything, it made her feel happy as a powerful heat began to spread through her body and she lovingly licked the slightly salty neck and shoulder of Vahn. After a brief period where she adapted to the foreign object in her body, Chloe began slowly rocking her hips from front to back as Vahn supported her movements while still gripping her tail.
Though he felt slightly guilty about it, Vahn couldn't help compare Chloe to Aki, since they were both Cat People. Not only did they have similar figures, but even the feel of their vaginas was strikingly similar. Chloe's started off with a lukewarm heat and pleasant tightness, but her body temperature rapidly increased with her own 'heat' and Vahn enjoyed the sensation and movements of her waist. Even though she was inexperienced, Chloe retained a lot of her sensibilities and actively sought to bring pleasure to herself and Vahn. It was a strange thing though, and Vahn realized that it may have been wiser to have sex with Syr last, as he now couldn't help but feel like something was 'missing'. He did his best to ignore the strange incongruity and managed to banish it entirely moving Chloe's head so they could kiss. He also got to the seem the amorous and affectionate look in her hazy eyes as she eagerly sought out his lips without any hesitation.
It took nearly twenty minutes, as Vahn wasn't relying on [Hands of Nirvana] and Chloe hadn't been 'prepared' beforehand, but he eventually managed to bring her to climax after their slow lovemaking session. The moment she cried out a loud, eat shattering, 'Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~', Vahn released his semen deep inside her fiery depths with the resolve of potentially fathering a fourth child. He held down her waist tightly, even though she was only able to accept about 80% of his length. The final decision would be left to her, but Vahn planned to talk about it if she had any insecurities over the matter. He didn't mind having more children, especially since he had been with Chloe longer than almost anyone else, but he wouldn't force the issue on anyone. He did recall, however, his daydream on that night many weeks ago when he imagined a childlike, smaller, version of Chloe running around in a white sundress playing with a miniature version of himself. If she decided to bear his child as well, Vahn felt like it would be a strangely fulfilling revelation...
(A/N: I know it might be a concern of some people, so know that this type of scenario will rarely happen, and probably to a far lesser extent than this particular event. The purpose of these chapters is so that, when there are eventual timeskips, people understand that stuff like this would be happening in Vahn's life without having to explicitly state that it happens. I try to romanticize and detail the first experiences of girls, and any new developments, so please bear with me on this (UwU)
(A/N:'Syr's Dangerous Capabilities','Emotional Outburst','Vahn's Delusions~nya?')
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Level 1 Vahn: https://imgur.com/a/zFOLFrT
Courtesy of https://www.deviantart.com/robusta-mania