17.41% Altora: The Chronicles of the Ren-Ky Warriors / Chapter 21: Chapter 21

章節 21: Chapter 21

River and Luna stared at each other, Lovell sat up, "You two know each other, Luna?"

Rivers pointed his sword at Lovell, "Shut your mouth!" River yelled at Lovell, "Luna, why are here?" Luna couldn't answer him as she turned away, "Luna, these people will be the death of you, please come with me you'll be—"

"No." Luna started to cry, "If I go to the faremin, I would be sending myself to my death bed!"

River lowered his guard as Lovell moved in front of her, "What do you mean, Luna! Tell me why you would—"

"Because she is the goddess Lunatica." Lovell raised his sword, waiting for him to make the first move.

River stepped back, the shock shaking him. "No, you're lying, she—Luna tell me he's lying!?"

Luna couldn't take her eyes off him, "I'm sorry, but Lovell is correct, and he is one of the Ren-Ky warriors the leader of them." Her words choking her as they appeared, River looked at her; a fireball blasted towards them. Lovell was covering Luna with his body, as River covered his face.

Lovell grabbed Luna, "Go to Scarlet and Lance tell them we are leaving!" Luna nodded as she ran off. Lovell looked at River, "River was it? So, did you join of your own free will or were you forced like ninety percent of my people within the Faremin army?"

River stared at him, "Wait, you're a Faremin?" Lovell nodded, River thought of what he said, "I was forced like all able bodies from Marewood. If you are trying to stop—" before he finished, a rogue arrow pierced his heart. Lovell ran up to him. River looked Lovell in the eyes. "You know all I wanted to do was be by her side, protecting her.

"Don't speak, you'll live River." Lovell tried to stop the bleeding with holy magic, but River stopped him. Lovell saw his life slipping away faster than he could heal. "Before you die in this world, make a spirit pack with me."

River coughed blood, "I will if it means I can still help her, I will make the pack."

Lovell nodded. "In the bindings, we shall share, I make this oath with the spirit River, to become a summon I can rely on in times of need." A magic circle formed where they sat, River feeling Lovell's magic pour into his soul. "I solanum this pack with Levi, the river lion!" A light emitted from Rivers' body as it disappeared. Another blast missed Lovell as he got up, grabbing River's sword. Lovell saw Fang and Gale heading towards him. "Hey guys, we're leaving!" They both nodded as they followed Lovell out of town.

Luna and the others waiting not far as Lovell told them to grab a horse; Luna wondered what happened to River as they rode off before ditching the horses in a river. Lovell was guiding them up the River until he felt they were all safe. They were all exhausted as night fell, Lovell asked if the twins could find some good firewood for camp. Zero reluctantly went as Zephyr said it was either that or hunting. Fang and Gale went hunting as Lance and Scarlet set the sleeping area.

Luna walked up to Lovell, "What became of River, Lovell?"

Lovell looked at her, his eyes saddened. "Levi!" A lion formed, form the water nearby. Luna jumped back. "He's right here…" Luna looked at Levi, "After I sent you away, I asked him if he was forced or not. Shortly after, he answered one of the men from his platoon shot him trying to aim at me."

Tears welled up as Luna looked at Levi. 'Luna?' Levi's new body became water, reforming as a human before her. Lovell shocked at what he did. "I'm just glad your safe right now." He smiled at her, stroking away her tears, "I know you don't want anyone to die, but Lovell gave me a chance to fulfill my dream of protecting you."

Fang returned with a deer, "Who this?"

Lovell looked at him as Levi turned back into his true summoned form. "Fang tells me, is that normal for a summons?"

Gale looked at Levi, as Fang put the deer down, "Not unless you have enough magic for him to do so?"

Lovell stared at Fang, "Umm, is there any way to see how much Ky energy I release?"

Fang nodded as he walked up to him. "Hold still," Fang pulled out a crystal from his pouch, passing it over Lovell the crystal burst into a blinding light, Fang letting go of it, then looked at Lovell, "There is no way you should have that amount of Ky pouring out of you!"

Lovell stunned at what was going on, "How much was that anyway?"

Fang had sweat dripping down his cheek, "The same amount as the planet produces you produce."

Everyone looked at Lovell, Levi, walked up beside Lovell, "I could have told you that, he has more than six thousand summons that are passed down the Krisnik family keeping it in check as well as the sacred five."

Lovell whipped his head at Levi. "Wait, you mean the azure dragon, white tigress, black tortoise, scarlet phoenix and the void wolf, are part of my summons, but I never made any packs with them!"

Levi turned back to his human self, "Well, you did, but you were too young to remember, form what they said." Levi sat down by the fire. "Anyway, the only way to summon them is to say their name and their form like you would normally summon a high tier to summon." Everyone listened to Levi as he explained the basics, "for example, if I ended up as a tier four or five you would have to say, 'I summon thee, Levi, the water lion!' And for tier tens, it's, 'From the water depth, come forth, Levi, the water lion!''

Lovell surprised by how summoning worked as Zero returned with Zephyr with the wood in hand. Zephyr looked at Levi, "Who is this, Lovell?" Zephyr asked him curiously. "Is he a summon of yours?"

Lovell sigh, as Levi turned to her, "Yes, I am, my name is Levi, but I used to be known as River before I, well, died back in Summerwind."

Zephyr looked at him and smiled, "Well, at least you have a second lease on life. So, Lovell, how did you make a contract with him? Summoning magic can be very tricky when it comes to making a contract?"

Lovell looked around, seeing that everyone was curious about it. "Lets first get dinner ready; I'm starving after all that transpired." Lovell got up and asked Zephyr for the wood as he made the fire.

Luna, Scarlet, Zephyr and Lance helped prepare what food they had for a stew. In contrast, Fang, Gale and Zero helped with carving the deer, Lovell noticed that they were working as a team, till Zero started arguing with Gale on how to cut the meat, and Scarlet patronizing Luna and Zephyr's knife skills. Lovell could see that they had a long road to becoming a team.

Lovell looked to Levi, "Hey, do you think that we will ever become a true force to be reckoned with, River?"

Levi smiled, "I might not seem it, but I do think you eight will; you just need to find common grounds that make it easier to understand and worked together. There is no handbook for any of this. Besides, you're all still learning."

Lovell stared at him, "You sound like you're an old man when I know for a fact you around Luna's age when you died?"

Levi smiled at Luna, "Well that's because in the spirit realm, time is either very fast or prolonged, depending on where you go, and with summons like me there is a plain made just for us that is contacted to our summoner." Turning to Lovell, Levi noticed Lovell was intrigued by what he was saying. "Yours is a fact one where one hour here is a thousand there."

Lovell dropped his mouth, "Levi, tell me your joking?" Levi shook his head, Lovell began to freak out, "So, you are thousands of years old even though you died earlier today?" The sun's rays trickle through the trees, as Levi nodded.

Luna came over in a slump. "Scarlet can be very controlling, is there anything you need help with here Lovell?"

Lovell looked at Luna, "Oh, Luna? Sorry no, she was like that even in her own home around her servants." Lovell laughed, "She is just worried about you and Zephyr getting hurt by not using the knives correctly."

Luna looked back at Scarlet, she snickered watching them, "I guess your right, now that I see it from a distance." She looked at Lance and Zero; they were butting heads at each other.

"No, the meat can wait; we are not ready to start cutting it!" Lovell looked to at Zero, who was yelling at Lance.

"Well we've finished the bulk we need to get started we need to start prepping the meat to add—" Lance was barking back him.

Lovell sighed as Fang jumped in, "Enough, we still need to clean the meat. If we don't, we could get all sick, and if you don't want that, then be my guess. We will all blame you, Zero!"

Zero stepped back at Fang's presence, "Ok, I get it!"

Lovell got up, touched their shoulders. "Look, we are hungry, scared and unsure what to do know that we are all here, but we need to work together if we have any chance against the dark lord and his seven generals."

Fang turned to Lovell, "What did you just say, Lovell?" Fang conserved at what Lovell said.

"The dark lord has seven general, I've met two so far, and they are crazy strong. Our father, Azoth, is most likely the top seat." Zero went pale as he heard the words. "But I know we can—"

"Don't kid yourself, Lovell! We are no match for any of them! We just ran away from Summerwind with our tails tucked between our—" Zero protested.

"Yes," Lovell cutting him off, "but we also have to know when to pick our battles, for now, let's just finish making some food so we can all be level headed." Zero and d Fang looked at each other. Lovell slowly removed his hands as they walked off. Lovell was sighing as he heads back to Luna. Noticing that Levi had left, as he sat down. Covering his head, Lovell could only wish that it would all turn out for the best.

Luna could find herself to talk to ask him if he was alright. A moment later, Scarlet and Lance set up the pot for the stew, adding the vegetables to cook first as Gale walked over. He looked around looking for Levi; Gale turned to Lovell. "Hey, Lovell?" Lovell sat u looking at him, his face stiff with worry, "Could you can—" Levi returned before he could ask. "Oh, Levi, great timing, I need to talk to you?"

Levi sat down, "Aske away; it seems that everyone is starting to settle down a bit."

Gale looked around, nodded in agreement. "Well, I overheard that thing about the spirit realm stuff and was wondering if you knew any more on what caused the war to begin with?"

Levi leaned back as Zephyr and the others came and sat down with them, "Yes, that would be nice to know, so we know why this is all happening?"

Levi shook his head, "That is something I don't know. I was only training to better use, to all of you and the ones who would have known, all decayed long ago."

Lovell looked at him, "Decayed?"

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