Ed headed back into the encampment and traded his manullium coins for raw manullium ore and some steel tools. He loaded the ore onto a crude wooden cart and pulled it towards his shack on the outskirts of the settlement. Fortunately, manullium ore was extremely light, making its transportation easy and convenient.
He restarted his fire and began melting the raw ore. He didn't purify it completely, choosing instead to only partially purify it. Soon, he had created a completely solid door. 'I guess this will have to do for now.' He sighed. All of the manullium ore had already been used up. He took a crude steel shovel and began to dig beneath his shack.
Hours passed. Ed groaned as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Digging an underground base was not an easy task for a one-armed man. Especially since the cave floor was unusually hard. It was unlikely that an ordinary man could even scratch it.
Ordered my Nintendo Switch last night >.>