64.61% Tales of a Seductress Saga / Chapter 84: Chapter 2

章節 84: Chapter 2

Of course, it'd be the coldness that returned first.

{Cold Resistance has increased to LVL 1.}

Interestingly, there was a heat resistance as well. However, it seemed like being burned alive wasn't the kind of thing that would increase these sort of resistance. When resistance increased, there was a diminishing return. The first ten levels induced a 50% resistance. The next ten 50% of the remaining, or another 25% of the total, and so on and so forth. After 30 levels, the cost and return for leveling was considered pointless compared to other factors. However, those first couple of levels were the most effective, and I immediately felt some relief from the cold.

It was insufficient for a woman being dragged naked through the snow, but I didn't fear the consequences of being frostbitten. I was an adequate alchemist now, and I still had a decent stash of healing potions. As long as I could survive without any amputations, I trusted I could heal the damage. However, I couldn't make any promises while surrounded by an angry mob as I was.

I was in darkness and being dragged somewhere. There was a blindfold over my eyes, a gag in my mouth, and my hands and feet seemed to be tied as well. I could hear the crowd around me screaming. Most of the words were the same. They were some variation of 'witch' or 'whore'. I don't think they even cared about the distinction at this point.

As I was dragged, my skin tore and burned against the icy path. I squeezed my thighs together, fighting back both the inappropriate sexual pleasure and pain. Trying to ignore the horrifying sense of arousal induced by that hated special skill, masochism, I checked my status. Without earning special skills or leveling, it had been a long time since I had last looked at it carefully.

{Name: Aria

Class: Seductress

Titles: Town Bicycle, Gang Banger, Dragon Layer, God Killer, The Reborn, Lesbian Lover, Rough Rider, Solo Player

Level: 30

Statistics: Strength 36, Intelligence 38, Wisdom 38, Endurance 62+7.5, Agility 40, Charisma 80

Resistance: Carnal 7, Charm 2, Concussion 2, Damage 4+5, Disease 3+10, Fear 3, Magic 3, Mental 20, Pain 11, Panic 4, Poison 2

Standard Skills: Climbing 1, Dagge 1, Flee 1, Magic MAX, Magic Sense 4, Multitasking 2, Potion Making MAX, Sword 1, Throwing 1, Whip 3

Advanced Skills: Enchantment 1, Lip Reading 1, Mana Alchemy 4, Poison Making 1

Arts: Sexual Art (Anal, Bondage, Blowjob, Cunnilingus, Deepthroat, Hand Job, Masturbation, Oral, Seduce, Titty Fuck, Vaginal Intercourse, Kegels, Dirty Talk, Tongue Craft) Total Level: 85

Art of Manipulation (Conceal, Deception, Etiquette, Sneak, Acting, Disguise, Role Playing, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) Total Level: 38

Techniques: Emotional Manipulation, Subliminal Message, Role Projection, Swipe, Grab, Waveform, Tie, Helicopter Swirl, Flicker

Special Skills: All Nighter, Beautification, Below the Belt, Black Widow, Cat's Meow, Celestial Whip, Charmless, Enhanced Positions, Eye of the Beholder, Frenzy, Freshen Up, Fuck Buddy, Limit Break, Lover's Breath, Many Titled, Masochist, Mental Fortitude, Pheromone, Phoenix Rises, Possession, Princess Kiss, Rejuvenation, Restoration, Rock A Bye, Sanctuary, Seduction, Sex Paralysis, Sexual Experience, Sexual Saint, Stalker, STD Immunity, Voyeur

Positions: Aries, Asian Cowgirl, Ben Dover, Bobbing for Apples, Cowgirl, Cunnilingus, Daisy Chain, Deep Stick, Doggie Style, Double Dip, Double Oral, Downward Dog, Eating Out, Face to Face, Fingering, Fully Loaded, Gemini, High Five, Italian Chandelier, Kneeling Blowjob, Lap Dance, Leg Up, Missionary, Ol' Fashioned, Rockin' Rockette, Rodeo, Scissoring, Sidewinder, 69, Spooning, Standing Spit Roast, Sultry Spooning, The Doggy Deluxe, The Fan, The Libido, Three's a Signal, Two in One, Valedictorian, Woman On Top, Workout

Status Effects: 10% extra experience per sexual partner beyond two in one day,+25% experience with two or more holes. }

I sighed at what I saw. I was still perpetually trapped at level 30. I had two arts now. If a basic skill could be considered 1st class and an advanced skill could be considered 2nd class, then an art was a 3rd class. As I understood it, when enough basic and advanced skills were earned, they evolved into an art. For a first class to have two arts, it would be considered amazing, but the sexual arts wouldn't help me out in this situation. The art of manipulation, a culmination of my acting, role-playing, concealing, and deception might have worked if my mouth wasn't stuffed while I was surrounded by a crowd. Manipulation worked well on a personal level, but crowd mentality was scary. I'd have been better off with a leadership art.

That left my remaining repertoire of special skills which had been unchanged for the last four months. With their guard up and already convinced of my witchcraft, it'd be difficult to turn even one of them to my side using any amount of charm skills. If I did, the mob would likely swallow them up and I'd unnecessarily cause the death of a person while only confirming the mob's fears.

I could Frenzy them, but that would only cause a massive orgy to break out around me. It wouldn't free me, but it would get me raped and possibly killed. During a frenzy, people lose all sexual inhibition. I was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman this village had ever seen. I had come to terms with how seductress had altered my body in that way. I was also tied up and unable to resist. What would every guy in this place do in that situation? The same thing could happen with pheromones. In fact, it was more likely I'd be hurt with pheromones.

As I went down the list, I only became more frustrated. All of these abilities were useless outside of sex. Special skills were awarded based on your experience, and as I leveled almost exclusively by having sex, all of my abilities became uselessly attached to the act. Is this the very definition of a poorly designed character? It's not like I ever really had much of a choice anyway. The only choice this world ever gave me was whether I wanted to take it from in front or behind. Wait…

Before my thoughts could solidify, my body was suddenly picked up. Two strong men lifted me up by my arms, and I could feel my back being pressed against a long wooden pole. I was glad it was wood, and not metal, as the thought of a metal pole freezing between my ass cheeks was unpleasant. It was at this point that my blindfold was yanked off.

As I looked around, it finally dawned on me what was happening. I was being tied to a giant pole that was set on top of a pyre. They not only accused me of being a witch. They were going to burn me for being a witch.

"I'm not a witch!" I shouted, starting to struggle now that I could focus my awareness.

The two men next to me didn't allow me to move, instead slamming my arms back with a creak as I gave out a moan. Ah, damn it why did that have to make me cum? Liquid started running down my legs, burning cold in the chilly outdoors. With the entire crowd on me, my body completely naked, there was really no way to hide what happened. For possibly the first time, I hoped that they confused it for me pissing myself from terror.

However, that kind of thinking only backfired. My Mental Fortitude was related to my sex. I lacked any shame cumming in front of a crowd. However, peeing in front of a crowd, at least in a way that was not sexual to me, did not get covered by mental protection. So, by treating it like they saw me peeing myself, I just increased my own humiliation. Fortunately, even without that special skill, my mental resistance was high, and so it only resulted in a light blush.

Of course, even managing that was amazing, considering the fear I should be feeling. They were piling wood under me, preparing to burn me alive. This wasn't a situation that I could meet calmly.

"Please, you made a mistake!" I shouted, using my art of manipulation to give myself the most pathetic appearance possible.

Rather than a prideful seductress, I had big tears running down my face. My body was completely red and swollen from the cold, covered in vicious bloody scratches. Even with this refined, sexually explicit body, the sight was hardly flattering.

"Shut up, you slut!"

My lips shut. I could deny being a witch, but at this point, I couldn't convince myself that the rest wasn't true. I was undoubtedly a sexually explicit woman. This world had turned me into this, although you could argue the signs were there before I ever came to this world. However, even in this world, fucking wasn't illegal, so these people who felt I should burn were only hypocrites. They all fucked. Their parents fucked. They wouldn't even be in this world if their slutty moms hadn't spread their legs because they liked the feel of some guy's dick inside her. If they hadn't decided at that moment of release to let him push it deep into her, so she could feel thick gobs of seed fill her up, no one here would exist. That's the reality of life that I had come to.

One of the torches was thrown onto the pyre. Then, another one. The dark stare I wore as I glared down into the crowd turned into fear. I wasn't as afraid of fire as I once had, after all, I had been burned alive once. However, the phoenix rises skill that I had used shortly after disappeared from my status. I only found out later that certain special skills had a one-time use function. These were usually skills that fundamentally altered the person in some way. If I was burned alive again, I wouldn't be walking out of it.

"Die, you bitch!" this came from an elderly lady who had sweetly sold me a loaf of bread when I first entered the town a few days ago.

How quickly two days changes things. I finally gave out a long sigh. I wasn't going to make it out of this situation without creating some waves. It's not that I didn't have ways to escape, but if news of me got out it could cause more problems. This world was a scary place, and I was too strange. I had hoped to escape in a way that wouldn't fan the flames, but it was impossible now.

"Jenai…" I let out the word.

Mana flowed through me as I released my skill. Although the people called me a witch, this was a world with magic after all. Normal villagers didn't typically have magic, but there were a handful of adventurers in the crowd who could likely wield a fireball or summon a bolt of lightning, so magic by itself wasn't unreasonable. However, true witches were those that dealt in skills, arts, and classes outlawed by the church. These often included spirit handling. Undoubtedly, seductress would be an outlawed class, if the church even knew it existed.

Meanwhile, these people had called me a witch, but they likely didn't actually think I was one. They were spectacularly wrong. These kinds of people would burn, hurt, and murder others simply because they didn't like them. The ones they propped these innocents up to be, the ones they falsely accused them of, if they met a real one, they wouldn't be able to handle them.

"You know all of those words you accused me of? All that fear you have in your heart? The demons that corrupt your children? The succubus that consumes your husbands?" My voice rang out in a hollow silence as the mana inside me continued to rise. "I'm her."

The flames suddenly seemed to die, shrinking drastically as my shadow grew from within the pyre. My demeanor, the surging mana of a magic user, and the darkening world, all of this added to a terrifying effect on the already emotionally driven crowd. A few instantly dropped their torches and fled. The adventurers drew their swords. They were likely just local sellswords only there for the money, but they knew a threat when they saw one.

The shadow started to form into a person, and the remaining crowd stared warily. Perhaps they would have tried to stab me dead before whatever magic I was casting completed, but the fire around the pyre was too hot for them to approach. For me, my previously frozen skin was now red hot, and my heat resistance had increased by two. However, as soon as I gave Jenai's name, a coldness rushed around me as if the heat couldn't penetrate.

The shadows finally started to coalesce, and what was left standing on the pyre a few feet from me was a dark-skinned woman. She was dressed in something undeniably erotic. There was a small loin cloth protecting her nether regions and a translucent cloth around her breasts that were so transparent that any detail on the shape and color of her dark nipples were not lost to the crowd. It was clothing that had any children been present, would have caused every adult in the room to race to cover their eyes. It was only slightly more modest than what she wore when she was alive.

"Does mistress wish me to kill these miscreants?"

The woman suddenly asked, brandishing a knife. It took a second for the crowd to realize that she wasn't holding a knife. Instead, her hand had merely become a knife. The casual way she asked to murder a crowd of thirty people, with several adventurers around, sent shivers running down every spine.

"No…" I said, hearing several sighs of relief from the crowd. "Actually, I need you to eat my pussy."

Jenai turned to me calmly, but the corner of her lip move up into a smirk. "Excuse me?"

Her words only echoed the words of half the crowd, who, in the intervening few seconds, had almost completely forgotten they were in the middle of burning a witch.

"I order you to eat me out!" I gave a command, raising my chin.

"As my mistress commands." She responded smoothly without asking questions.

In a single swift motion, she took two steps over to the spot where I stood and kneeled down on the logs at my feet. A few of them were starting to smolder, but she was completely unaffected by this. Instead, she lifted my legs, pushing on thigh over each folder, and immediately slid her tongue into me. Her lips and tongue began to work, and while she lacked the basic and advanced skills and techniques I prided myself on, it was clear that this was something she was experienced with.

The crowd had completely lost all logical thought. A woman was being burned alive, a fire slowly rising up around her. She suddenly summoned a horrifically terrifying, yet beautiful spirit that could create blades from her hands. That spirit immediately dropped down to her knees and started fornicating with the burning woman. Now, that woman had her thighs wrapped around the spirits head, riding her face while making moaning noises. Not only was this impossibly erotic to the point that everyone there was effected, it was so strange that no one even could fathom that this was real.

"Ah, I got distracted, it's starting to get hot." I laughed slightly.

Jenai's appearance had diminished the fire for a moment, and her continued presence seemed to take away the heat, emitting a continued presence of cold. It was to the extent that even I became distracted by how good she felt. Well, if all of the rough treatment previously hadn't gotten me riled up, this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

"Position shift."

Although the words weren't necessary, I liked to say it. A second later, I was on my knees. Jenai's thighs were on my shoulders, and my tongue was in her snatch. While I couldn't speak much to my own taste and smell, Jenai was an otherworldly spirit, and her pussy tasted sweet, devoid of any salty taste at all. It wasn't as sweet as a desert, but it was addicting like if I just gave one more lick I'd reach her creamy center.

However, I didn't have time to enjoy her, even if it had been nearly four months since the last time I had. While she didn't feel the heat. I did, and I immediately jumped up off my knees and pushed her off of me. My feet were now dancing on the burning embers which would become a raging fire in a few seconds.

I had merely switched position with Jenai, but now she was strapped to the pole. This was meaningless as the straps fell away, failing to contain her ethereal body. However, she was giving me a wry look as I danced on the hot logs under my feet.

"Can you go let him know? I should be able to handle the next part on my own." I said hurriedly.

"Of course." She nodded and then turned away before stopping and looking back with a smirk, "You know mistress, you could have just ordered me to cut away your restraints."

I sniffed. "What fun is that?"

She gave a smile and then disappeared. Her absence immediately caused the heat to jump up several levels. I let out a cry half in orgasm, half in pain.

{Heat resistance has increased to level 3.}

"Celestial whip!" I snapped as the whip appeared in my hands.

I immediately snapped the whip, causing it to catch on the branch of a nearby tree. As I swung out of the fire moments before it came to the point where I really would have burned alive, I grumbled to myself. Of course, I'd make sure Jenai would never learn that the reason I had asked her to eat me out instead of untying me is that the latter option had never occurred to me.

Whatsawhizzer Whatsawhizzer

Sorry if the status holds mistakes, it's quite the chore to sort through all those numbers.

章節 85: Chapter 3

Of course, position shift always resulted in a moment of confusion. With the exception of people with high perception, anyone who saw a position shift wouldn't see the strangeness of our bodies suddenly moving position. Those that were involved thought it natural in whatever position I put them in. I once even tested this theory when I enjoyed a guy who was thoroughly repulsed by eating pussy. I switched him down below, and he ate it for hours afterward.

Although I'm usually not so faithful, I slept with the same guy every day for a week, always sending him to my pussy. Each day, when I asked him to eat me, he'd refuse, only to spend the next two hours tasting me as I kept sending him down there. When I asked him about why he ate my pussy if he hated it so much, he'd just give me a dark look and grumble about it. On the fifth day, I didn't even need to position shift. As soon as we got into it, he immediately went down on me like it was what he always did.

I left shortly after, so I couldn't continue the experiments. At the very least, I'd like to think that I helped make the woman he inevitably ends up with a little happier by teaching him to give her a little mandatory attention. I wanted to try the same thing on giving a guy anal sex. The ultimate goal was to test whether I could change someone's personality through the use of position shift by continually exposing them to the thing they hate. Like exposure therapy, but with my prosthetic dick in their ass.

Of course, none of these thoughts were important at the moment. The important thing at the moment was that I was running bare ass through the snow. The confused mob had stared in shock for a few moments, but when it finally clicked that I was escaping their grasp, they immediately surged forward. I already couldn't feel my feet, and had this been a world without magic, I'd seriously fear the damage would have left me crippled for life.

Of course, I was still able to move. A combination of damage resistance, cold resistance, mental resistance, and pain resistance allowed me to keep moving long past the limits of a human from my old world. Furthermore, half the pain was converted to pleasure. While I wouldn't say something like I was in the throes of ecstasy, my body couldn't tell if the adrenaline pumping in my veins was preparing me for fight or flight, although fight in this situation could be substituted for sex. As a result, I felt exhilaration where I should be terrified. I ran with a smirk on my face which would have surely confused anyone who saw it. It should go without saying that this world and its unique set of rules had long past broken me.

"Kill her!" Shouts rose from behind.

I was glad that no one had brought a bow and arrow out. Perhaps they hadn't thought of it yet. I wouldn't last long if they started shooting me down like some kind of animal.

Just as I was thinking that I hit an icy patch. Quite literally, my bare feet slipped on some ice and I found myself plummeting head first into the snowbank right in front of me. The crowd, complete with angry shouts, quickly surged from behind. The ice and chill cut into my bodies, my bare chest completely exposed to the subzero temperatures. I quickly pulled myself out of the snow with a gasp, only managing to flop to the side. Blood loss and physical damage were starting to take their toll, and I felt a wave of dizziness.

As I focused my eyes, I found myself facing the entire mob once again. However, they seemed to be keeping a modicum of distance, only waving their torches and pitchforks instead of actually trying to stab me or set me on fire. It took me a second to realize that most of the eyes were no longer directed at me, but at something that was sitting up over my head.

I fell back and my gaze moved up over my head. Standing on the snow bank above me was an attractive man. With my current view, his legs looked long and shapely, light leather chaps framing a generous buttock. He had blond, short-cropped hair and a sword in his hands. Rather than feel fear, I only felt relief, as I recognized this man.

"Min…" I gave him a weak smile.

Without responding, Min leaped over my head gracefully, landing between my red, puffy, partially frozen body and the crowd. The look in his eyes clearly held a certain degree of anger after having seen me in this position. I was never the kind of person to get all dreamy eyed over the idea of a white knight. Guys who felt the need to put themselves out to protect a woman were some of the most annoying guys out there. They either felt like their heroics would get them something, or it stemmed from a deep-rooted belief that women needed to be protected. Either way, these actions didn't sit well with me.

However, the pain and pleasure I felt from this humiliating scenario had started to rapidly diminish, and my entire body was growing numb from the ice now pressed up against my entire body. I knew that this was not a good situation. As long as I felt pain, I was alive. This meant I had pushed my body far past its limit. I lived in a world where the capabilities of a level 30 far exceeded those of any person from my old world, but I still had limits to the abuse my body could take.

Min flourished his sword as three of the most aggressive men, likely lifetime adventurers from the local adventurer guild, emerged on him. His movements were fluid, and he seemed to step forward as if he was dancing. While the adventurers moved with precision, you could easily tell their movements weren't fluid. Each decision was thought out and executed with skill and planning. However, Min movements flowed from one to the next, almost like he had planned every action since the start of the battle, and now was only completing the predetermined dance.

Within seconds, three men were disarmed and tossed back onto their asses. I would have laughed at their misfortune, but my jaw seemed to be shivering to the point that I could no longer talk. One of the reasons I had only had Jenai free me and go to Min was because of this very reason. Jenai would have been far more likely to kill everyone present had I ordered her to protect me. In fact, you could say it was expected given her personality and origin. However, I had certain desires and dreams, and there would be no way I could achieve them if I left behind a constant stream of dead bodies.

A few of the braver villagers, likely the drunks, ruffians, and town bullies, also gave their try against Min, but like the others, they were pushed back with relative ease. Likely, there wasn't a second classer in a village this small, so Min outclassed them in every way. Although even if he had been against a fellow second classer, I had long since suspected that he would prove to be superior. It seemed odd that only six months ago he had found himself overwhelmed by a group of goblins, although I suspected there had been more to it than what he had explained. Either way, I greatly admired Min. Perhaps I wouldn't have even ended up in this situation myself had my own skills been geared towards fighting rather than other activities.

Regrettably, I wasn't the only one who admired him. Min's short blond hair, cold look, smooth skin, and warrior's physique gave off an incredibly sexy aura. Although, when I had met Min, he was a woman… he had spent a lot of time practicing the sword, as he likely had been doing when this whole thing got started. While his body still looked delicate and feminine for someone looking for it, he also resembled a high spec man with an exceptionally high charm.

I wondered myself if my own seductress abilities were altering his body in the same ways they altered my own. I had set him as my fuck buddy with the appropriate skill and I've spent more time, and ground more experience with him than anyone else. If there was anyone my sex and charm would rub off on, I've rubbed Min in every way possible.

Of course, Min remained oblivious to his own apparent sex appeal. Every village we came to, women would be eying him or attempting to flirt with him. His distant and cold attitude only seemed to encourage the worst of them. It could be said that my own sexual exploits were likely not the only cause of this lynch mob. Many of the women in the crowd had likely started this mob over jealousy from my possession of Min. They were perhaps angry at my promiscuity when I held such a charming companion.

Those same women were, even while watching their strongest men beat down by his wrath, sighing with dewy eyes over how beautiful his movements were. Of course, he had already won my heart and watching him kick some ass was starting to stimulate other parts of my anatomy once again, even as my body was likely shutting down from hypothermia. I was shaken from my thoughts when the angry mob began their next attack, coming from an unexpected direction.

"Min!" One woman suddenly spoke up. "We have caught this Tramp spreading disease and fornicating with half the men in this village! You don't have to defend a harlot such as she!"

"Leave her! We'll take good care of you!"

"Stay in our village!"

"I love you!"

I frowned at the onslaught of screaming women who had run out of expendable men to toss in Min's direction and decided to fall back on their own manipulative ways. I don't spread diseases. In fact, that could be said to be one of the best things about me. It irritated me intensely that these women would spread such blatant lies, especially to someone I cared about. Of course, Min merely gave them a cold look, which seemed to cause one of the women to even swoon slightly.

Before I could help myself, a burst of energy flew through me. The pain and numbness diminished and suddenly I could move my body properly again. I knew I had just activated my limit break. It wasn't intentional, but a combination of the desperation, the annoyance, and my own frustration had caused it to pop. I stood up using my newfound energy and walked the distance to Min, who was still holding the sword to keep the crowd at bay, although they weren't attempting to press forward anymore.

"That ugly skank isn't worth it!" one of the women shouted, and a crease formed on my forehead.

"We can give you more than she can!" Another spoke up.

Within those few steps, the anger and annoyance boiled over the top. I was done with their attitude. I reached Min and wrapped my arms around him, then grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted. Two small little hills plopped out into the cold icy air. These breasts could easily exist without the presence of a bra, and at best would be called A cups, but this was still unmistakably the chest of a woman. As soon as his bare chest hit the frozen air, his nipples hardened into sexy pink nips. Min's chest was fully exposed to the entire crowd.

"See!" I shouted. "He is a she! She's got a vagina! Do you get it?"

The crowd immediately went quiet. It was so quiet that you could probably hear it if a mouse sneezed. Suddenly, a low voice was muttering something quietly. It took me a moment to realize where it was coming from. The person standing right in front of me was speaking very softly. From instinct, I leaned forward.

"Please… Aria… why… bad Aria… please stop… this is bad play. So embarrassing… Aria. Sadist. Abusive wife… mean…"

Min's face had gone completely red, and his eyes seemed to be staring at nothing like his soul had already abandoned his body. I immediately lowered his shirt, and then it hit me.

"Ah… there's the backlash." My voice came out in a croak.

Blood immediately starting rise from my throat and spewing out my mouth. The energy I had used to stand dissipated like the strings of a marionette were suddenly cut. I almost hit the floor but was stopped just before me head went face first into a snowbank.

Things started to get a little blurry after that. I could hear Min's warm breath running across my ear, feel his strong arms wrapped around my ice cold body, and then nothing but darkness. The sleep was fitful, filled with nightmares where I went between being burned alive and frozen.

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