83.33% The Strongest Migrant / Chapter 10: The Darkblood Assassins

章節 10: The Darkblood Assassins

As everyone in the mansion has gone home or returned to the inn. Adam stayed at the mansion and looked at one of the assassins bodies. He already opened the mask that covered their faces, it seems that this assassins are not of the Demi-Humans race. Instead, they're human.

The fact that they're human angered Adam for some reason. Perhaps it's because they dare to attack Liliana, or perhaps it's because this reminded him at the time when people of Earth hasn't united as one. War between countries keep happening, while assassination of important figures in countries are a normal thing.

"Whatever, I'll find them sooner or later."

Adam had a feeling that this assassination are clearly planned by other countries. He remembered that Krisna told him that the Demi-Humans and Human are always at odd with each other. War keep happening between the Nara Empire and Natesta Kingdom. Perhaps, this has something to do with Natesta Kingdom?

He walked to the balcony again and looked at the blast marks from the explosions before. The explosion are comparable to a HE grenade. Except, it's only comparable to the grenade made in World War 2 era. But Adam can feel a sliver of foreign energy in the explosions. Perhaps they inserted a small amount of Mana or Internal Energy to the grenade. Making the explosions more lethal than it should be.

The moonlight shined on Adam's face. Slowly, it started to revert to his real face. Luckily, no one is here, so nobody can see his real face. He planned to reveal it, but that only limited to Liliana and her family, he only trusted them and Krisna for now.

A vibration came from the pocket of his pants. Adam reached his pocket with his right hands and retrieved a phone. When he saw who's calling, he unhurriedly answered the call.

"So, what did you got?"

The one who called Adam are Krisna, who has not shown himself for a couple of days. He has given a task by Adam to secretly protect Liliana from the shadow. But after the attack from before, Adam give Krisna a new task--that is to investigate who sent the assassins.

"I already found what Young Master want. The assassins are indeed sent by someone, but these assassins are part of an organisation. They're called the Darkblood Assassins, an organisations of professional assassins. They're known to have assassinated anyone as long the one who hires them have the money to pay them. One of the high ranking elders from Shaerallon Kingdom has been assassinated by them in the past."

"That's good, but who sent them?"

"I'm sorry, Young Master. But I haven't found who sent them yet, give me time, I will surely find it."

"For now, find where their headquarters is first. We can find who sent them later."

"As you command."

Adam then ended the call. He felt relieved that he gave a phone to Krisna a couple days before. It made communication more easier. Though he can use his telepathy to do it, he prefered to use his phone. He already used to it anways.

His real face then covered by his disguise again. He looked to the distance. Where the mansion that belonged to the royal families--Liliana's families.

He slowly floated to the air and glided back to Liliana mansion. He did not stop at the front gate, but instead flew straight to Liliana room.

Landing to the balcony, he saw that Liliana has not sleep yet. So Adam knocked on the window, shocking Liliana who then turned to see where the sound came from. Whe she saw it was Adam, she stood up and opened the door of the balcony and greeted him.

"You're late." Said Liliana, while staring at Adam in front of her.

"Sorry, investigating something takes a decent amount of time you know." Adam can only smile while being stared by Liliana.

"I'm bored, Adam. I'm worried that you will do something crazy once I'm gone."

"But I did no such thing, am I right? I'm here talking to you right now instead of chasing those assassins. Because why should I chase the assassins when I can snuggle with my lovely fox wife?"

"Stop with the flirting, Adam. It's already late at night and I'm tired."

"But I'm not tired, should we do something to make me feel tired so we can sleep together?"

Adam smiled ambiguously, resulting in Liliana blushing. How many times that Adam has make her blush? Neither Adam or Liliana remembered, but they didn't even care.

"Carry me."

Adam smiled and lifted Liliana from the ground. His right hand touched her thigh 'accidentally' making her face that already red became more redder. He then lay down Liliana on the bed. Adam laid down right beside her. Both of them staring at each other, looking at each other eyes in the dark.

Adam hands then pulled Liliana closer. He hugged Liliana and just stayed like that. He didn't plan to do anything further. Liliana also didn't urge Adam to do 'that'. Both of them are not ready. They also have something to work with. Liliana is busy taking care of the Nara Empire and Adam doing his.. Thing.

Without them realizing it, they both fallen asleep while hugging each other. The next day, when Adam woke up, he realised that Liliana already gone, he didn't really think about it. As an Empress, he know that she would be busy.

He stayed in the bed for an hour, just lying down doing nothing while listening to music. After that, he get off from the bed and changed his clothes. Adam did not bother to eat breakfast because he wanted to meet Krisna fast. He received news that Krisna found where the Darkblood Assassins currently hiding, though it's just a branch, not it's headquarters.

Adam also didn't tell Liliana about what will he do next. He didn't want Liliana to worry about him, she should focus on managing Nara Empire. Beside, Adam can handle himself, there's hardly anyone who can harm him, though Adam is not very sure himself.

The reason is because he hasn't traveled far enough, there's perhaps a strong enough entities to make him bleed. If so, then they must be a God, or at least a Demi-God.

Walking to the front gate, Adam greeted the two guards that's guarding the gate. He then takes out a black motorcycle from his storage space. Another strange thing from Adam that mae the two guards surprised. They has seen Adam take out a bike from before, but when the look closer, they don't see any pedal on the side of the new vehicle, so how was it supposed to moves?

Adam started his bike, the sound of his motorcycle engine startled the two guards and the people around. Countless eyes stared at him, making Adam laugh before he pulled the gas and headed to the place where he and Krisna are supposed to meet.

People started to talk about Adam weird vehicle again. Yesterday, it was a bicycle. Though, it was not really impressive because it still need people to operate the vehicle by pedalling it, making people get tired. But his motorcycle that he showed just now was entirely different. It was clearly much faster than the bicycle, and it also don't need people to manually move it.

So what kind of vehicle is that?

Meanwhile, Adam is oblivious to all of this, he's still riding his motorcycle while enjoying the wind blowing in his hair. Krisna should be waiting on a village, near a forest not too far from Nara city. And because he's riding a motorcycle, it only takes him around twenty minutes before he arrived at his destination.

The sound of engine from Adam vehicle scared the inhabitant of the village. They thought it was a monster attack, so they ring the bell to alert all villagers outside the village to quickly get inside. A group of militant then come out and stood near the village entrances. They're bringing any kind of weapon they could find, be it rusted sword, axe, or even a broken spear. They're prepared to do anything to protect the village.

Adam stopped his motorcycle in front of the militant. All of the militant then realised it's not a monster, but a man with his strange vehicle, so they dropped their guards and approached Adam.

"Hello there, young man." One of the villager opened his mouth, from how old his looks, it seems the old man is the village chief.

"Hello, chief. Sorry that I scared you all, I'm here to meet my friend, so don't mind me."

Though the villagers still can't trust him, the village chief can see the honesty in Adam's eyes. So he told the villagers to go back to work. Adam thanked the village and walked to the outskirt of the village, where he found Krisna sitting down under a tree playing his phone.

"Having fun there?"

Krisna almost thrown his phone up in the air when he heard Adam's voice. Luckily, it didn't happen, Krisna then stored his phone in his spatial storage.

"Y-Young Master! Don't scare me like that!"

"Haha, sorry, surprising you seems a good idea at that time."

"Anyway, I already find out where their hideout is. They've hidden it pretty well, but fortunately, Young Master already helped me to advance before, so finding them with the power I have now is easy."

This is a good thing, at least Krisna can help him now. Even though Adam still don't know why Krisna insisted calling him with 'Young Master' instead his name, him getting stronger is always a good thing.

"So where are they hiding?"

"They hide themselves on the foot of the mountain. There's a cave there that leads their hideout in the mountain. I already observed the surrounding area around the hideout, they placed guards around there, but with out strength, they should pose no threat."

Adam laughed, he can finally make a move againts these assassins. After destroying the hideout, he will interogate some of the assassins to tell him who hired them to go after Liliana. He will chase whoever sent the assassins to Liliana even if it means he must chase them to the edge of the worlds.

"Now then, Krisna. It's about time we practice a little, right?"

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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