56.75% anime system reincarnator(dropped) / Chapter 41: Passing the hunter exam

章節 41: Passing the hunter exam

After the second phase of the exam netero allowed us on to his blimp to sleep and eat. He would be taking us to the Third phase of the exam. he gathered us all into a large room with all the remaining applicants. netero then stood in front of us.

"allow me to properly introduce myself to the forty-two remaining applicants. I am Netero, chairman of the selection committee for this year's Hunter Exam." Netero

"I am his secretary, Beans." Beans

Beans really looked like a bean. He was a green bean dressed up in a suit. It looked kinda funny.

"originally, I had planned to make my appearance during the Final Phase of the exam, but since I'm already here, I'll accompany you for a while, and enjoy this nice edgy atmosphere." Netero

"we are Scheduled to arrive at our destination at 8 AM tomorrow morning. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. you are also welcome to get some rest. Please feel free to do as you please until you are called." Beans

"ok gon, zero. lets explore this air ship." killua.

"yeah" gon

"ok" zero

we went around exploring. running around and talking to gon and killua was actually really fun. I was surprised. there both 12 and I just turned myself 12. I was around 15 maybe 16 when I first died and got sent into the naruto world. Then I grew up and am 15 in my mindset, but being in a 12 year old's body again and handing our with killua and gon was actually pretty refreshing. Im normally always thinking about my next move and always fighting someone or doing something important. so this was like a vacation.

we quietly went into the kitchen without being discovered and grabbed a few pieces of the good meat. the chef caught us and kicked up out of the kitchen through a back door into a hall way.

we walked through the halls eating our meat went killua suddenly stopped and ran to the window.

"wow, awesome! look, gon, zero." kullua

"yeah what is it." zero

"Hmm? what is it." gon

we ran to the window too and saw all sorts of lights from a city. It was beautiful.

"Hey killua, I was wondering..." gon

"Hmm." killua

"where are your mom and dad?" gon

"Hmm...They're alive. Probably. " killua

"what do they do." gon

"They're assassins." killua

gon looked kinda shocked.

"Huh? Both of them?" gon

killua started laughing.

"That's your first reaction?" killua

"you really are a riot." killua

"you're the first person who's ever responded seriously like that." killua

"well, you're telling the truth, right." gon

"yeah, and it cool." zero said

killua was kinda shocked by my statement.

"What make you think that." killua

"It's just a hunch." gon

"that's weird...part of my charm comes from never letting on if I'm serious or not." killua looked defeated.

"I'm from a family of assassin's. They're all assassins. And my family has really high hopes for me..But I can't stand it. who wants to have their life planned out for them? when I told them I wanted to decide my own future, they all flipped out! My mother had tears streaming down her face as told me I have the potential to be a top assassin. They're horrible parents, right?" killua.

"we ended up fighting. So I slashed my mother in the face, stabbed my older brother in the side...and ran away from home. I'm sure they're stirred up right now. But if they find me, I'll send them packing. When I become a Hunter I'll start by Capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bounties.." killua

thats went netero walked into the hall and saw us talking. he sent a feeling towards us then disappeared. we all looked that way only to find nothing. then he talked to us. from behind us.

"Is there something wrong?" Netero

killua was looking at him weary and gon full of curiosity.

"Mr. Netero, did you see anyone coming from that side?" gon said pointing at the other end of the hall.

"No" netero said with a clueless expression.

"You're pretty fast for an old man." killua

"That little trick? I barely moved." Netero

killua and Netero were staring at each other.

"What do you want, you don't have to do anything until the Final Phase, right?" killua

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored, and was looking for some companions. By the way, I meant to ask the three of you..any thoughts on your first attempt at the hunter examination.?" Netero

"Uh-Huh! It's Fun!" gon

"I'm disappointed..I expected the exam to be far more difficult. I hope the next phase will be more entertaining." killua

"Yeah, Its been kinda boring so far." zero

"Well I don't know if It will be any more fun." netero

"Lets go Zero, Gon." killua said turning away.

"Now wait just a moment. Would you care to play a game with me." Netero

"A game you say, ok Im in." zero

'I just had a lovely idea, I pass the exam by taking the ball from netero.' I thought

"A Game?" gon asked confused.

"If you're able to defeat me, I shall let you be hunters!" netero

"Really? I'll play!" gon

"How about it, eh? " Netero

"fine" killua

we went to a round room with wooden flooring. he got dressed in a black shirt and some pants and grabbed a ball.

"Now, I'll go over the rules of the game.If you can take this ball away from me before the airship reaches its destination, you win." Netero

gon and killua looked at none belief.

killua went first and started walking around netero and started the Rhythm Echo.. there were alot of killua suddenly walking around Netero. after a minute killua started after the ball but failed every time.

"ok killua, Im going to copy that technique." zero

killua looked at me confused for a second before I started walking around netero in the opposite direction. I used the Rhythm echo to a less degree then killua and there were alot of after images of me around Netero all of a sudden.

killua was shocked.

'how did he just copy me technique that easily' killua thought.

while walking around Netero with afterimages I threw kunai with my seal on the walls and they stuck. I ran at Netero and made a grab for the ball re turned and the ball moved from my grasp. I teleported with the kunai seal using the flying thunder god and was suddenly in front of netero.

Netero suddenly seeing me in front of him was shocked. I reached for the ball be moved again and I teleported again. I started to speed up and teleport so fast all anyone saw was a blur. then went Netero passed the ball around his head. he let go of it and threw it to his other hand. it was behind him so while the ball was flying though the air I created a small portal and the ball passed through it and into my hand. Netero was confused when the ball didn't land in his hand. he looked back to see me standing against the wall with the ball in my hand.

"you, how did you do that." netero asked confused.

I pointed at the kunai stuck all over the walls.

"Its a Technique much the one killua used. see old man. Ive got a skill. the moment I see something I can copy it enough to also do it. not within the same skill level as the one I copied it from tho. the technique I just used I copied as well. those kunai set a range. within that range I can teleport myself with extreme speed, or I can teleport another Item. I had you confused by my speed you didn't notice the ball teleporting into my hands." zero lied

"marvelous, splendid. you truthfully are skilled enough to become a hunter." Netero said with a smile.

I threw the ball back to him and he caught it.

"so you are going to make me a hunter and keep your word correct." zero

"why of course, you can stay here on this blimp with me until the hunter exam is over. when the exam is over you will be presented with your hunter badge along with everyone else." netero

"ok, your still going to let them have a chance tho right." zero said pointing at the confused gon and surprised killua

Netero looked back and saw them.

"yes, it wouldn't be fair to only give you a chance now would it. Gon, Killua you may come at me together if you like." netero

killua and gon started going after the ball while I started to collect my Kunai. after an hour or so killua got made and pointed out that netero wasen't even using his right arm or left leg much and left. Gon stayed and tried to make him use his right side more all while I watched.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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