31.08% anime system reincarnator(dropped) / Chapter 22: Attack on the leaf (II)

章節 22: Attack on the leaf (II)

The moment I saw orochimaru attach and take the third hokage to that roof I got ready.

The anbu was hot on there trail until the sound four showed up and knocked them out.

"Deploy the formation." orochimaru said to sound four.

they moved to the corners of the roof and started doing hand seals.

"four violet fla..." "ahhhhh" before the sound four could even sat up the formation and striked.

"Almighty push" zero said with his hand extended.

"Almighty pull" zero said this time.

one of the sound four went flying and hit a building over 20 meters away. and other one came to me. I held him in my hand before I stabbed him with my kunai.

"don't waste your time orochimaru, we already knew about your invasion plan and it wont work." zero

"huh, interesting. your the one I fought in the second round." orochimaru said

hiruzen was shocked by that statement, he must have realized I lied to him. thats going to be tough to deal with, oh well. I deal with that later.

" yeah, and I must say. I think I may have overestimated you. back in the forest of death I was expecting a pretty good fight but you didn't even make me use more than 5% of my true power." zero

"interesting" orochimaru.

Orochimaru started fliping through hand sign and when he was done slapped his hand on the ground.

"Summoning: Impure World Resurrection" orochimaru a small portal opened at his feet and two coffins came out of the ground.

"this technique, come on orochimaru i thought you were better then that. use your own power instead of borrowing someone elses." zero said as he put his hand forward.

"gravity manipulation." zero softly said.

the coffins slowly stopped halfway out and started to sink back down, until they where gone.

"what have you done you brat." orochimaru said pissed.

"this brat just sent them back. what your scared now that you don't have any back-up." zero

orochimaru looked pissed.

"your'll pay for this brat." orochimaru

"oh don't worry, naruto and sasuke have went after gaara and will defeat him shortly. plus all your invasion forces, Ive sent my clones after them along with a powerful friend. they won't be coming to save you anytime soon orochimaru." zero

I started to flip though hand seals.

"Time style: slow binding barrier jutsu" zero

the area around us flashed before going back to normal. you could see orochimaru having a hard time moving.

"w..what..have...y..you..done..to...m..m..me" orochimaru said slowly.

"oh don't worry, this is just a jutsu I created. you like it, its based on the flying thunder god jutsu. only instead of speeding me up, it slows down time for everyone I consider my enemy." zero

orochimaru, hiruzen and the raikage all almost had there eyes popping out.

I walked up to orochimaru and placed 2 seals on him. a chakra disrupting seal and a seal I invented. I does the same thing as my time jutsu only its on one target. this seal if great for food so that it doesn't go bad for other people.

I turned to the hokage.

"so old man, are you going to call your anbu to take him away." zero

he nodded. I then went home to go to sleep.

The next morning I got up, got dressed then.


[Hidden mission had been completed. defeat orochimaru. Reward - 200,00 system points and 1 lottery ticket]


[plot change- orochimaru defeated. rewards - 200,00 system points.]

"ok system buy me the final stage of the rinnegan." zero said excited for what ability's he could use.

My eyes started to burn again but this time it felt alot more painful. it lasted for 30 minutes and my chakra reserves went up alot.


[Host has received stage four rinnegan. you have received sasuke rinnegan abilities, it allows oneself instant teleportation by either switching the space time properties between places, or by swapping places with object in his eyesight. plus you received your own special rinnegan abilities as well.]

[ sense host already has the creation elemental nature, you can now use your rinnegan to create anything including bodies. your second ability to animate anything non living. and you can unanimate things as well. your third and final ability allows you to teleport to any place you can see with your eyes. you can use this ability with or without your rinnegan active. if you can not see the place a portal will be opened to allow you travel to said place. can not travel to places you have not been to before.]

"ok system use my lottery ticket on the fairy tail universe" zero


[ Received Shadow dragon slayer magic ( Legendary ) ]

"ok system show me my status" zero



AGE: 12 years old


STR: 30.1

AGI: 33.2

INT: 280

CHK: 750,000


HINA CHK: 1,750,000

CHK AFFINITYS: Fire (S) Water (S) Earth (S) Wind (S) Lightning (S) Space (S) Wood (S) Time (s) Creation (S)

LUCK: 10

SP: 300,000


KEKKEI GENKAI : eternal mangekyou sharingan / byakugan / rinnegan stg-4

BLOODLINE : Uchiha / Hyuga / Senju

SKILLS: Observation haki (Rare), Armament haki (Rare), Conqueror's haki (Legendary) Quincy bow (Rare) Shadow dragon slayer magic ( Legendary )

SEALED: 9 Tailed black flame dragon

"system how much does the bloodline of the sage of the six paths cost" zero

[ 400,000 system points host. it would cost 500,000 system points but you already have the rinnegan.]

*knock knock knock*

I got up and answered the door. there was an anbu there.

"the hokage has requested to see you" anbu

"very well, Im on my way." zero

the anbu flickered away. I had a great idea

I walked to a wall that had darkness all over it and I sank into the shadows. I made my way through the shadows into the hokages office and I saw him with naruto, sasuke, shikamaru, Akane, Haruka and a few other.

"who are we waiting for old man." naruto asked annoyed.

" were waiting on zero" hiruzen

"you talking about me" zero

everyone looked confused when I said that so I decided to show my self. I walked out of the corner of the room, from the shadows.

"how did you just do that" sasuke asked confused

"yeah and can you teach me." naruto asked excited.

I raised my right hand and shadows started come slid of my hand like fog. everyone had there eyes wide open when I did that.

"shadow travel, I can travel anywhere within shadows without being detected." zero

everyone looked shocked at that.

"and sorry naruto, I can't exactly teach you this technique. In order to be able to use it you need the shadow nature affinity." zero

I turned to hiruzen who was basically in shock.

"so what did you call us here old man." zero

he snapped out of it when I said that.

"ah, yes. everyone is here because they showed great results in the chunin exams and during the invasion. everyone here is promoted to the rank of chunin." hiruzen said as he handed us chunin vests.

"you may all leave now, zero stay." hiruzen

everyone left. hiruzen then looked right at me kinda disappointed.

"why did you lie to me. I know orochimaru didn't make you like yamato by the way he talked to you." hiruzen

"do you mind," zero said as I looked around the room

"you may all leave" hiruzen said and with a flicker all the anbu hiding in the room where gone.

"I lied because you wouldn't have believed me if I told you the truth." zero

"why don't you start then and see if i believe you." hiruzen said with in interesting smile.

"ok, The tailed be that is within me. I was born with it." zero

hiruzen looked shocked.

"thats impossible. there pure energy with personality they can't be created or destroyed" hiruzen

"the amount of chakra I was born with was too much for my body to handle, so the chakra took on the form of a tailed beast and has lived inside me ever sense, there is no seal its free. you could say I am the beast, sense it was created from me." zero lied

hiruzen was shocked hearing this.

"thats impossible, no human could be born with that much chakra." hiruzen

"your right, no HUMAN can." zero said while activating his rinnegan for hiruzen to see.

"I have the eyes of a god, Im not from this world." zero said

hiruzen was shocked seeing the rinnegan, it was only ever talked about from legends. the sage of the six paths had it and he was deemed the god of shinobi

"old man, I was sent here because the future of this world is uncertain. so when I arrived I chose 2 kids to help me without them knowing the truth. 2 kids with the greatest potential to save this world. those 2 kids are naruto and sasuke." zero

hiruzen had to sit down so that he wouldn't faint. I was almost about to laugh. it seemed my lie was working and it sounded like bullshit.

"you said no human can be born with that much chakra. well im not human. the moment I was born I already had 5 times your chakra old man not including my tailed beast, now I have so much chakra yours isn't even 5% of it. I was sent here when I was young , so I did forget my memory. However after the uchiha clans annihilation I remembered." zero

"that shadow travel thing I explained earlier. it not possible for anyone on this planet because you don't use chakra to do it. its magic. a technique from another dimension." zero

"now you see why I didn't just tell you at the start. you would have thought I was crazy." zero

"yeah, I never would have believed you. but those eyes and this presence. plus the results of everything you have done. training sasuke and naruto. taking orochimaru down almost without even lifting a finger. theres no real choice but to believe you. but if you have any plans against my village then I will not stand by and watch." hiruzen

"don't worry, if I wanted your village destroyed. I wouldn't even need to do anything. In a few years time someone will come to this village and destroy it anyway while hes looking for naruto. plus you would have died with orochimaru if i didn't stand in so." zero

I then walked into the shadows and traveled home. Ive got to admit. I love this shadow dragon slayer magic. its awesome. when I arrived home.


[mission completed, become a chunin. Rewards- 100,000 system points and lottery tickets.]

"ok system use the lottery ticket on the fairy tail universe again." zero

[ Received - Lightning god slaying magic ( legendary ) ]

"ok system buy the sage of the six paths bloodline." zero

There was pain all over my body all of the sudden. it wasn't hot but like needles and knives cutting me open. it lasted an hour but when it was done I felt my chakra double.

"system show me my status" zero



AGE: 12 years old


STR: 30.1

AGI: 33.2

INT: 280

CHK: 1,500,000


HINA CHK: 3,500,000

CHK AFFINITYS: Fire (S+) Water (S+) Earth (S+) Wind (S+) Lightning (S+) Space (S+) Wood (S+) Time (S+) Creation (S+)

LUCK: 10

SP: 0


KEKKEI GENKAI : eternal mangekyou sharingan / byakugan / complete rinnegan

BLOODLINE : Uchiha / Hyuga / Senju / Sage of the six paths

SKILLS: Observation haki (Rare), Armament haki (Rare), Conqueror's haki (Legendary) Quincy bow (Rare) Shadow dragon slayer magic ( Legendary ) Lightning god slaying magic ( legendary )

SEALED: 9 Tailed black flame dragon / truth seeking orbs 0/9

'ok so I got lightning god slaying magic. If i remember that correctly then thats a black lightning. Ill try that out later.' zero thought

"system whats is with the 1 star god rank chakra control and the sealed truth seeking orbs" zero

[ host, after SSS rank theres god rank. god ranks starts at 1 star and ends at 10 star. god rank control means of any energy not just chakra. the god rank control helps with haki and even your magic.]

[ and when host fused with the sage of the six paths bloodline, you received 9 truth seeking orbs sealed within the blood. host will have to pay system points to unseal them and the process will be painful.]

"well thats for the painful warning system." zero

[ No problem host ]

'ok now lets go to sleep' thought zero

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  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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