36.02% Transmigration Upgrade Specialist / Chapter 58: Rebellion (1)

章節 58: Rebellion (1)

With the pickaxe in his hand, Zhang Wu Ji and his big brother Li is heading over to where the Under-Valley Golden Roots flourished. The journey to the valley is not a difficult one, but as they went deeper, the situation changed. It seems that due to the rich in chemical component's rock and the wet condition in the valley, a special kind of moss propagates all over this place.

Zhang Wu Ji bends down to grab a small piece of the moss so he can inspect their descriptions.

Shantai Muscle Hornwort

-Usage: When this bryophytes plant is used dried, the medicinal improvement includes increasing metabolism, faster wound binding, removal of dead blood, and temporary antidote for Common-Poison. When this bryophytes plant is used fresh, reduce the possibility of leaving internal injuries.

-Durability: 300/300

-Special: Hornwort special ability [Cryptobiosis] is now passive. Any dried hornworts can return to usual metabolism when given the minimal amount of water.

"What the hell? Durability is 300! Is that because of its amazing Cryptobiosis ability made it become extremely durable in a different situation, weather, and atmosphere?" Zhang Wu Ji first impression was shocked by the description is shown. What was more unbelievable is that, this Shantai Muscle Hornwort are actually a life-saving plant that completely propagates all over this area on their way down to the bottom of the valley.

"I am speechless, in my humble opinion... The valley itself provides a grand healing medicine that can be used anytime if one faced with an accident when going down to the bottom of the valley, yet nobody actually noticed that. It was a ridiculous statement to say that the slippery moss that was to be a healing medicine, end up become the cause of their death and injuries."

"But still, both side is lucky as nobody made a move to destroy each other. If the villagers actually intend to burn the whole valley's entrance for the sake of harvesting the Golden Roots easier, won't they become the cause of the destruction of a natural medicine?" Zhang Wu Ji speaks his opinion deep inside his mind. As he was considering the best option to proceed with their initial motives here, Zhang Wu Ji decided to make his big brother Li to understands one fact.

Using the Longfeng Jade Ruler before him, Zhang Wu Ji executes an air blade to gave his big brother Li a simple but enough to bleed's wound.

"Little Brother Wu Ji, what have you done!" it wasn't that painful for a man to handle, but nobody will stay calm when somebody he trusted took the decision to hurt him. Won't that went to his families and fellow villagers next if he ignores such an action?

But Zhang Wu Ji did not answer his question. Instead, he bends himself down in order to take harvest a small palm size full of the Shantai Muscle Hornwort and dab it on his wounds. Unexpected even to big brother Li himself, the Shantai Muscle Hornwort that was on his wound started to make him feel itchy, but after a short moment, the wound is gone from his body, leaving not even a single scar on it.

"This moss, how can it have such a miraculous medicinal effect?" Big brother Li cannot believe that as a veteran Golden Root harvester, he failed to notice such a treasure lies below his feet. And at the same time, he was actually stepping on such precious moss like it was a waste that propagates all over the valley, making it dangerous for harvester like them to collects the Golden Root.

"Little brother Wu Ji, how did you found out the medicinal properties inside of this plant?" Big brother Li cannot believe it, but after he'd seen such an event, he no longer can remain quiet with his surprise towards this youth.

"Big brother Li, I found out about it by coincidence, but at where I came, we have something similar too, but of course it wasn't as miraculous as this. I believe if the villagers are educated with some knowledge books related to medicinal plants such as liverwort, hornwort, and lichens, it will be easy for them to recognize this as well. But I believe these hornworts can only grow in this place or places with rich limestone minerals." Zhang Wu Ji did have the intention to help them to increase the production of this medicinal plants, but after some consideration, it was best to not doing anything.

A normal moss or wort grows in places high in acidic substance. But form this Shantai Muscle Hornwort, they actually grow all around this limestone mountain and valley, which was rich with alkaline substance. If he purposely promotes them to grow this plants, it might take him too much time to prepares the villagers with sufficient knowledge.

"We should begin with the process to dig a tunnel that can lead the villagers down to the bottom of the valley." big brother Li advised that they started their progress as soon as possible, but Zhang Wu Ji has a more different idea the moment he noticed the surface covering the sides of the valley.

What he was considering is something called spiral stairs, but perhaps it wasn't a practical design for the people in the villagers, nor the townsmen. This idea came out when he remembered that back in his former world, in order to increase the production of mineral ores harvesting, the miners for deep Open-Pit mining usually created the stairs leading to the top in a spiral, which allows them to descend downwards safely without any life-threatening issue like slipping on their way down, or fallen to the bottom because of weak climbing material.

As the soil surrounding him were soft and easily mold, Zhang Wu Ji, grab a lump to make an example of his idea, which is by rolling the soil clay into a mountain shape, he begins to press open the top gap, creating a hole which represents the bottom of the valley. He then begins to use a marking tool to create some stairs leading downwards, in a spiraling way.

Meanwhile, on the top where Zhang Wu Ji and others are standing, a four-pillar strong well system is practiced, in order to increase their number of harvest. The idea quickly gains the approval from his big brother Li as they started to pick the Limestone wall and created a wider open top, roughly enough for them to start building one meter wide steps.

Following this kind of building design, their workload reduced by at least twice lesser effort is needed. By the end of their first day of work, they were a third down into the bottom. After taking a night rest again, the duo went to the Limestone Mountain once again, to continue their works which already two-thirds complete.

By the end of the third day, their work is finally completed, with all the scraps from the Limestone Mountain is gathered by the side of the entrance, where Zhang Wu Ji suggested that they were to be milled into gravels of limestones, which is good enough to provide nutrients to the Shantai Muscle Hornwort and also the Golden Roots at the bottom of the valley.

With his work is completed, Zhang Wu Ji prepares to take his part of the deal before leaving. Although three days delay before going home is not too much in his mind, but returning earlier to the Sect is better than later. After he collected the wine and bid farewell to the others, Zhang Wu Ji prepares to leave the village, only to be obstructed by the young lady name Meng Ran.

"Master Senior, can you please bring me to the Seven Star Sect?" with both hand entangled just in front of her belly, the little lady speaks.

"The Seven Star County is at least nine-day distance from here. Are you sure you want to go? If you hesitate in between of your way, you're going to have difficulties to come back." Zhang Wu Ji stated before he went ahead and agree with her request. Although her cultivation is slightly weak, it was not too far if comparing to his five weakest attendants.

Plus, he will have to include the differences of cultivation resources among the two sides.

At his attendant's side, Zhang Wu Ji provides them with plenty of cultivation pills and special cultivation arts that allow them to become stronger than basic cultivators, but none of them were comparable to this lady named Meng Ran who cultivates herself using her own ability to forage natural resources.

However, one more fact made Zhang Wu Ji did not reject her request straight away, which is her ability in crafting Formation Plates. Up to date, Zhang Wu Ji did not encounter anything with a relationship to the Formation Master's information and books, which almost a requirement to possess some drawings within.

Based on this fact alone, Meng Ran can be said to be a very precious treasure if she's following him, because from her indirectly, Zhang Wu Ji can learn a lot of things related to a Formation Master. But one main issue still remained if he accepted her to tag along.

According to his knowledge of her works... She's completely untalented. Will this bet be a winning bet or a losing one? Zhang Wu Ji has no idea about it for now but can only hope that this bet will not end up as a wasteful opportunity.

"I don't mind. As long I'm given the same opportunity to cultivates and strengthen my skills information crafting, I can become somebody useful to you." Meng Ran said as she took a book out from her inside of her clothing. Although there was an inner garment blocking between her flesh and the book, it was still something that filled with the perfume of a female.

"Master Senior, please have a look at this book. It was given by my parents before they left me in the village." Meng Ran handed the book to him, inviting him to take a look.

Personal Formation Record of Meng Yang and Meng Yue (Formation Phase)

[1]. Energy Gathering Plate Engraving

[2]. Wind Calling Plate Engraving

[3]. Qi Sewing Plate Engraving

[4]. Natural Hatchling Plate Engraving

-Durability: 14/14 [Note: the material made by formation thread, only destructible by Corrosion of Time]

-Special: Unless obtaining approval, the book and it's content will not be visible to outsiders

"It was an engraving practicing book. Your parent's left you something very good in your hand. You must appreciate them." Zhang Wu Ji returned the book to Meng Ran as he added a word of appreciation. By activating his Fighter Qi into the Qiyue Flying Sword, Zhang Wu Ji throws the sword away as it expands into its full size.

"We can only stand on this sword. Are you comfortable by holding at my cloth as we travel back to the Seven Star County?" Zhang Wu Ji looks at the young lady as he questioned. But her expression already gave him the answer he wanted to hear.


Both riding on top of the sword, Zhang Wu Ji controlled the sword and begin to move. After flying for about ten minutes, Meng Ran cannot help but ask;

"Master Senior, aren't we going to the Seven Star Sect?"

"Eh?" Zhang Wu Ji stopped the sword as he looks at the Meng Ran. He hesitates for a moment before he said...

"Do you know the way?" the embarrassing question made the two laughed. After a little understanding, their direction is soon heading correctly as the Qiyue Flying Sword went past a few villages and towns until they cross the border of the Heavenly South County around six days later. And in this six days of travel, Zhang Wu Ji catch up in his knowledge related to the Formation Master and their tools.

Three more days after they entered the Seven Star County, Zhang Wu Ji is much more familiar with the location he's at and quickly directed the sword to fly towards the Seven Star Sect Vicinity.

But unfortunately, after being out from the sect for almost a month, the situation inside of the Seven Star Sect is no longer the same as he remembered. Before he managed to enter the vicinity of the Seven Star Sect, it was already blocked with a layer of a brilliantly lighted shield.

"What happened to the sect?" his first impression towards the sudden appearance of a shield is related to the misfortune event happened within the sect. Heading to the entrance he used to went in and out frequently, Zhang Wu Ji is greeted with a group of disciples he'd never seen before.

"Open the shield." Zhang Wu Ji ordered.

"Present your identification plate if you wish to come in." the group of guards replied. Questioning the legitness of how these guards behave, Zhang Wu Ji withdraws his nameplate and pressed on the shield, which it opens up to allow him and his companion to enter. But for the guards, the nameplate he took out shocks everyone.

Looking at their reaction, Zhang Wu Ji initially thought that the guards were shocked by their bravery to stops a Master Senior from entering the sect, but soon, he realized he was mistaken. The guards rang the bell located not far from the guard's building and inform the people from inside of the sect about this commotion.

Taking out their weapon as they surrounded Zhang Wu Ji and his companion, the guards attacked.

The attack puzzled him at first, but after noticing a few hints that exposed the identities of the guards, Zhang Wu Ji retaliates! With the Longfeng Jade Ruler in his hand, Zhang Wu Ji executes twenty of the air blades and disable all his opponents before he went to took their sword up for an inspection.

Golden Wolf Syndicate's Curve Sword

-Attack: 14

-Defense: 9

-Durability: 19/22

-Special: As long the weapon is wielded by members of the Golden Wolf Syndicate, allows the user to executes their attack 50% stronger. (Current Contractor: Yang Chen Kun)

"Golden Wolf Syndicate! How come they're so daring to make their appearance in the sect! No... Wait... they're disciples as well, but at the same time, they belong to the sect, which is why the Grand Elder Yang Cheng Kun can mobilize them at any time!" Zhang Wu Ji seems to understand some fact related to this sudden change of situation.

With haste, he quickly returns to his courtyard before planning to retaliate. But the moment he reaches his courtyard, it was already been destroyed. Fire still burns from the inside of the courtyard, which caused Zhang Wu Ji to felt a little heartache for his losses. He then went to the main door and give it a push.

The door opened, revealing a destroyed farm, the garden where he used to entertain his guest, and also the buildings wheere his attendants and himself resides. The Blacksmithing room is cleared, where most of the Ingots he refined before he left is gone, leaving only a destroyed furnace with some firestones that have been ignored.

His Pill Making Room did not survive the ordeal either. The cauldron is destroyed with some ingredients is thrown on the ground, wasted. Since he did not leave too many treasures in the room, the losses in this room weren't as heavy as the Blacksmithing Room. Zhang Wu Ji next went to the Storage Vault and was surprised that it was still intact. Without any hesitation, he opened the vault and collects everything inside, including the books and also Double Xuan Paper before he left.

It was amazing that the ten item capacity is actually differentiated into type, and not amounts. Which means, the papers and books were counted as an item, and those like medicines, pills, herbs is counted as an item. This perk allows him to store most of the item left inside the vault before he left and headed to his bedroom.

He entered and noticed that even his bedsheet and blanket has been destroyed, with the Iron Ruler and the White Zircon Pure Vein Rock is missing. seeing nothing else worth taking, he left the room and noticed a piece of paper is slit in a broken gap where Tang Yuan loved to lean himself whenever he got some free time. Zhang Wu Ji took the paper out to see if that was helpful to him.

"Master Senior,

Yang Chen Kun rebelled. Jie Clan, Upper South Merchant Corporation's partners, the Upper South Mercenaries, and bandits from the Lan Shan Clan invades the sect. The headmaster and the Grand Elder of Right escaped to the Seven Star Apprentice Hall.

Do not worry. We are all there at the moment, with the help of brother Li Jing, Li Yin, and Li Tong. We took most of the treasure we could, but the attack is too fierce. Currently, the Wen Qing City and Wen Yang City have refused to help the headmaster, as for the Seventh Floor Pagoda Elder, he chose to support Yang Chen Kun to become the new sect master of the Seven Star Sect.

Wen Wu City Lord is supporting us now. If you return, come to the Apprentice Hall. We're planning for a counter-attack, but without you and the other Master Seniors, it will be difficult for us to take action for now.

Signed: Tang Yuan"

"Yang Chen Kun rebelled! He actually in the same ship along with the Jie's Clan, Upper South Merchant Corporation, and the Lan Shan Clan Bandits! My master is blind to let him become the Grand Elder of the Left!"

"And what is wrong with the seven Knowledge Pagoda's Elder? Are they old and senile to not see what does all these means?" Zhang Wu Ji put aa part of the blame to the Knowledge Pagoda's elders. But how would he knows that in order to shut their mouth and getting their support, the three parties have invested much to search for the lost [Seven Star Ascension Manual] that will help all the remaining elders to successfully advance through the Sheng Tian Process?

"Zhang Wu Ji! I'll see where can you run this time!" a loud voice is transferred using the power from Fighter Qi to delivered to where he stands. charging from not too far away, the previous disciple that the Grand Elder of the Left brought back during the entrance test made his appearance!

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Last of the promised chapter for the week.


Can we try to aim for the top 50 spots this week?

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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