99.28% True King of the Pirates / Chapter 137: Elbaf Be Damned

章節 137: Elbaf Be Damned

On the port of a large island dominated by mangroves, a seemingly ordinary golden brown ship with white sails pulled up and docked. 7 hooded individuals calmly disembarked and made their way through the forestation.

"Ori, where did Gildarts go this morning? I thought he said he wanted to come to Sabody Archipelago with us but when I woke up this morning he was already gone."

The hooded figure at the front shrugged their shoulder as they replied.

"I don't know, he didn't say anything to me before leaving. But he already made it clear he wouldn't come to our aid during our time on the island so we're on our own from here on out.

Now does everyone remember their missions?"

The smallest member of the group replied.

"Silk and I are going to look for an inn, Benji and Bai are going to check the details for the auction and Shaya and Malia are going will do recon to find out who's arrived so far.

Before we go though, I had one question…

Whilst we're all doing that what are you going to be doing?"

As Sabo asked that the heads of the others turned to Ori waiting for his reply.

Seeing their curious looks, Ori smiled mysteriously as he replied.

"I'm going to see my future wife."

As he finished his body disappeared with the wind.

Sabo turned to the robed figure behind him in shock and confusion.

"Ori's engaged?! Shaya, why didn't he ever say anything before?!"

Shaya shook her head helplessly as she replied.

"He's not married, he's just being shameless. Don't worry about him for now, let's just focus on what we need to do."

The others all nodded putting the shock of Ori's last comment to one side as they disappeared in their pairs to get to work.

On another part of the island, Ori was stood in mid-air looking down at a 2 vs 2 battle. On one side was a 10-foot axe wielding 30-year-old man dressed in golden armour with what could only be described as a zombie beside him.

The zombie had white hair tied in a top knot, no eye balls or nose and bandages covering part of its rotting face. It was dressed in a samurai gi and a blue scarf which partially covered his mouth. Fighting them were 2 identical 6" 20 year old Samurai's with a katana in one hand and a wakizashi in the other.

[Going from the Swordsman boundary to becoming a peak of the Master Swordsman…

Iori's improved quite a bit over the last 6 months!]

That's right. The 2 samurai's battling the giant and zombie was the first mate of the Kozuki Pirate and right hand of Tsunade Kozuki, Sengoku Iori and his clone with the use of his Clone Fruit.

Ori could see that Iori was far superior in terms of comprehension being only a hairs breadth away from the Grandmaster Swordsman boundary. His opponents on the other hand were only at the Axeman and Swordsman Boundary respectively.

Ori then scanned everyone else present. There were only 3 groups nearby. On the right were a group of armour wearing giants varying in size from 9-12" but the person stood in the middle with the others stood round him respectfully wasn't giant like the others.

The man who appeared to be the leader was only 6". He was a cold and arrogant man who seemed to be in his early 20's. He had long curly black hair that passed his shoulders and jade coloured eyes, with a little goatee covering his chin. He wore a red gladiator's skirt, a golden cape holding a black mace over his shoulder.

Even though he was the smallest of the group Ori could sense his strength was by far the strongest. Ori guessed that his strength was somewhat above Enel's.

Stood directly opposite them was Tsunade and her crew. Other than Tsunade herself, the only member he recognised was the teenage Bartolomeo.

As his eyes stopped on Tsunade, Ori couldn't help but smile. She had her arms crossed beneath her busty chest as she calmly watched Iori's battle with her sparkling brown eyes and long blonde hair tied in 2 loose pony tails. Physically she still looked exactly the same as she did 6 months ago. The only change was the mystical aura she exuded.

[She's gotten stronger!]

The last group Ori noticed was one he would easily recognise anywhere.

[Ooh so Gekko Moriah and his band of merry men are here as well, I wonder what's going on…]

As he was lost in his thoughts, the fight between Iori and his 2 opponents was about to reach its climax. Just as it looked as though Iori was about to clinch victory both Moriah and the leader of the giants made a move.

"I thought we agreed that as long as Iori won you'd let us go?!"

As Tsunade spoke she shot towards Iori to divert the attacks of Moriah and the long-haired mace wielder.

"Kishishishish! You only have yourself to blame, who told your right hand to go and steal something that he's not strong enough to hold!"

Moriah appeared in front of Tsunade stopping her from approaching Iori.

Tsunade's fist shot through the air in domineering fashion travelling towards Moriah's skull.


Just as her punch was about to make contact, Moriah's body transformed into a myriad of shadowy bats.

"Kishishi. You'll have to do better than that to defeat me!"

Just as Tsunade was about to attack Moriah again she saw Iori being held up by the throat.


The purple diamond on Tsunade's forehead started glowing as her eyes turned bloodshot.

"Let go of him or today all of you will die!"

As she spoke her body was enveloped in a purple aura.

"Little princess, your Samsara powers may be enough to intimidate others but not for me!"

The mace wielding man looked at the enraged Tsunade with mocking smile suffused on his lips.

"Let him go or this oversized idiot dies."

Everyone spun their heads in the direction of the source of the lazy sounding voice. It was only then that they noticed that the giant golden armoured man was being held by the neck by a hooded figure floating in the sky.


When did…"

Both Moriah and the leader of the crew full of giants looked shocked and a little fearfully at the figure in the sky.

To be able to sneak up and capture one of their men from right under their noses meant that the strength of this new arrival had far surpassed theirs or they had an ability to prevent them from sensing him. Either way this new arrival spelled trouble for them.

Tsunade looked up at Ori with a confused frown.

[That voice…

It sounds so familiar…]

After getting over his shock, the arrogant man holding Iori could barely hold in his anger as he icily spoke.

"Let go of my subordinate and fuck off or kill him and die. The choice is yours!"

Ori glanced his way as he replied with complete indifference.

"Let go of Iori or I slaughter you and your whole crew starting with this idiot. You have 3 seconds…


"Who the fuck do you think you are?! If you carry on courting death don't blame me!"


As Ori reached 2, the grip around the neck of the titan in his hand tightened.

Seeing his subordinate being choked slowly thoroughly enraged him.


Have it your way!"

As he said that he shook his hand slightly. As they heard the cracking of bones and the body of the captured man turned limp, everyone understood that this hooded psycho had snapped his neck.


When he saw the manner in which one of his crew was killed, he looked down at the samurai in his hand wanting nothing more than to kill him right there and now but managed to restrain himself. He threw him over to the rest of his men and glared icily at the mystery man in the sky.

"Next year today will be the 1 year anniversary of your death!"

Ori's voice remained calm and indifferent as he replied.

"You should leave before you lose more than just a subordinate!"

"Hahaha, you should know there are some people you just can't afford to offend!"

As he said that, he shot into the air towards Ori swinging his mace in the direction of the head of the conceited mystery man.

Ori channelled his Qi through his arm and covered his fist in a layer of haki as he calmly punched out to meet the incoming mace.

Seeing his actions, everyone present looked at him as if he was an idiot, Tsunade included!

"Your arrogance truly knows no bounds!"


Ori was sent flying 10 meters before being able to stabilize himself in mid-air. He looked at his hand which took the attack and shook his wrist a few times.

"No wonder you were so confident, you're quite strong!"

As he said that, Ori noticed the shock on the faces everyone present, especially his attacker. Even though Ori had no idea who this young arrogant man was everyone else clearly did.

"He took a punch from Prince Loki and got off so lightly?"

"Loki's said to be physically the strongest of this generation's super rookies!"

"I heard that in terms of raw power Loki's even been compared to a young Garp."

Ori ignored the shock as he looked at the surprised Loki.

"Are you going to leave on your own or do you want me to send you on your way?"

Loki snapped out of his shock as he heard that.

"I don't know what kind of animal raised you but clearly whoever it…"

Before he could finish his sentence, Loki felt the temperature in the surrounding area plummet and a fearful killing intent crash down on him.

"What did you just say?"

To Loki, Ori's voice sounded like a devil that had just emerged from the depths of hell. He froze in fear as he felt the chilly aura exuded by Ori.

"Did you just compare my parents to animals?"

Before he could reply, he saw Ori's hooded figure appear directly in front of him as if by teleportation. His fist was covered by a transparent ball of energy as it shot towards Loki's chest like a bullet.


As the fist made contact with Loki's body, it created a giant shockwave sending him flying 50 meters through the air coming to a forceful halt after creating a giant crater in the ground where he landed.

As the dust cleared, they could see Loki on his knees coughing blood clearly severely injured.

Ori's expression was void of any emotion as he looked down at the crater. Despite not being able to see his face, they could hear his indifference from the tone of his voice.

"Your body really is strong for you to still be alive after that."

It wasn't until they saw him walking slowly through the air in Loki's direction that they realised that this robed mystery man really intended on killing the super rookie.

Tsunade still wasn't sure who the mystery powerhouse was, but it was clear that whoever it was, they were definitely not an enemy. Not wanting them to attract too much unnecessary attention she hurriedly reminded him.

"You can't kill him! That man isn't only the captain of the New Giant Warrior Pirates but also the current prince of Elbaf. If you killed him here today, you'd essentially be declaring war on all giants."

Although he was still angry he hadn't lost all control. Even though he didn't care about angering the giants, he didn't want to bring any unnecessary trouble to Tsunade.

He turned to Loki's crew and said lightly.

"Take your captain and scram. If you make a move on the Kozuki Pirates again in the future I'll kill you all, Elbaf be damned!"

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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