100% The Summoner (Temporary Title) / Chapter 2: Ch 2: Angeline Athena

章節 2: Ch 2: Angeline Athena

The figure that magically appeared in the magic circle before him was a beautiful young lady with luscious long silky hair kneeling before him. The colour of the hair was blonde. An elaborate suit of armour which is filled to the brim with complex carving. The breastplate is dye in bright white with a carving of a multicolour Lotus flower. The pauldron and the piece of armour in the arm in dye in pitch black. The pauldron that covers the shoulders of the girl in both sides contains a symbol depicting a terrifying creature made entirely of back and white that wear a cute red hat in stark contrast with its appearance.

The man was at awed and was enchanted by the lady who appeared before him. As he takes a sneak peek at her back, he can see a hand-crafted bow that looks to be made from moonlight that was worn on the woman back.

( Although my memory is fuzzy, I believe that Artemis's bow. I can't remember the exact materials that were used to make the bow but I believe this bow was from some sort of legend. Maybe it is from Greek or Roman mythology. I don't know.)

The man checked and see two distant wings from the lady back. One of the wings was bright white which people can associate with the wings of an angel. The other wing was dark red. While the angelic white wing might produce an aura of peace, warmth, and kindness. The other wing produces a demon-like aura of cruelness, deceitful, and death. The wings produce a juxtaposition of what is good and what is evil which is mixed into this lady. On the waist of the lady, there is a skirt which contains many mystical items which attach to the belt of the shirt.

( Well enough gawking at her appearance. It seems to call me Master Whitford. I guess that is my name as check the corner of my book. It seems to contain the words 'Luko Whitford'. Well, now I won't refer to as the man. I also should be referring to this as Angeline as that is her name on the summon's list)

" Sorry for making you kneel for long. You may now stand up, Angeline"

Angeline gradually stands up revealing her face which reveals her deep blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

" No need to apologizes as it is important to wait until Master beckons me to stand."

( Well, I should of plan ahead on ahead about what to do after the summon instead of hastily summoning one of my familiars. I am intrigued by how loyal my subjects are so let do a little experiment)

" Anyway, since I took the time and energy to summon you. I want to ask you a few questions. So would you mind?"

Angeline bends her knee outward and holding up her skirt and responded:

" Not at all Master Whitford, you may ask me a few questions."

" So on a scale from 1 to 2 how loyal are you?"

"I and many other of your familiars are immensely loyal to you as it would be monstrosity immeasurable on any scale you are able to provide. We are absolute dedication to be filling all your needs and wants and there won't be any hesitation on any command you have given us."

" Well, first of all, that is an excellent answer you have given me without hesitation. Now then, you said you are absolutely loyal. Is that correct?"

Angeline responded by nodding her head.

" Let me see your equipment first before we move onto the next question."

Angeline then gives the bow on her back and the items on the belt. Luko nothing the item pouch and look inside.

( I see that Angeline have her own inventory so I'm certain that my other summons also has their own inventory. There is a lot of clothes in here: Chinese dress, school uniform, apron, and even a string bikini. Well, that is really f****** obvious what that for and well I might as well use it but now is not the time and place to do this. From the other items, there are swords, bows, armour, dagger, arrows each with a different colour, potions and so on. There is a boatload of stuff here. That way more than what I carry in my item pouch. Must on dump my items onto my summons.)

"So then you would obey any command I give. Is that correct?"

Again Angeline responded by nodding her head.

" Okay, then I command you to bow down and lick my first my boots."

Angeline immediately bow down and start to lick his boots"

Luko was baffled how quickly she responded to the given command. He can see from down below that Angeline was dye in red and drooling over his boots. You can literally feel the heat of Angeline's blushing face that can melt steel beams.

" Ahh... Master's legendary dark steel boots. The ones that used to crush the skulls of many of those foolish foes who dare oppose my wonderful and dignified master. Anyone fool who dares cause any displeasure to my dear master will be curse and their own souls will be burn to a crisp."

Being a bit dazed and a little freakout over Angeline, he hurriedly composes himself.

( Shock or daze is an understatement on what is going on here. What is this beauty doing?!

Losing herself and drooling like a puppy just for licking my boots. I can't help but think perverted thoughts of this situation. My hazy memory remembers me reading a h*ntai manga about a submission girl and a pervert master. I believe the girl worship him as some sort of god and uses his clothes and stuff to.... Nevermind, I got off topic. I was expecting her to be a little embarrassed before submitting to my command. I guess she loyal and worship given her actions. If she was not loyal, she would have shown sign of disgust or displeasure indicating her previous words as lies. Let's do another experiment before I call it quits.)

"Uh.. Anyway, may you please stop licking boots and stand up."

There was no respond from Angeline as she continues to lick his boots and frolicking them.

Luko then touch on her head and then said:

" Hello! Can you please stop licking my boots and stand up."

Angeline finally realizes she is being called and quite swiftly stand up and bow and then sincerely

apologizing by saying:

" I'm so so sorry. I briefly lose my composure for a second. I was enchanted by your glorious appearance and start to lose my just thinking of licking your boots. Please forgive me for my ungraceful appearance."

" Don't worry. It's fine. There is one last command I would like to give to end my experiment."

"And whall shall your command be? Also, may I ask what is your experiment and why does the previous strange commands and questions had to do with?"

"Your second question will be answered after I finish my experiment."

Luko grabs a dagger out of the item pouch

" Now then I would like you to use this dagger and make a cut in my skin."

Angeline looks to be feeling anxious. She nervously questioned:

" W.Whyy should I do that? You are myy master. It would be inexcusable to harm one master as it is punishable by death. Even if one was to be tortured endlessly it would still not be enough to erase his or her wrongdoing."

" But your previous statement said that you were willing to follow every command without question and yet here you are questioning my command."

" BBut... But harming you is the greatest sin I could commit. I just can't do it."

" Well, that is enough. My little experiment is over. To answer the question of what the experiment is about. The answer is to test you."

" To test me?"

" Yes, I went to devise a little experiment to test your loyalty. I ask you a couple of questions on your loyalty. You answer that you and all my summons are 100 % loyal. I further want to test your loyalty so I have given a command to judge your behaviour and emotion. What I concluded is that you viewed me as a person with great respect and prestige. For the last test, I want to include that you would follow my order even if it means harming me which again you viewed me with great respect and prestige. So according to my analyzation, you are willing to follow my order however if I give an order which can potentially harm me this will conflict with your desire to keep me safe. I conclude that you are safe to trust, hopefully."

" But why you go so far to test my loyalty?"

" Before I answer that do you know where we are?"

Angeline around the cave and then said:

" No, I don't know where."

"FIgures. I don't know where we at too. I just wake up here with memory loss. I just realize my name was Luko Whitford just now. Other than that I can't recall what I was doing before."

" Wait! You lost your memory? "

" Yeah, I can't recall who you were before so I want to test you to see that you were trustworthy. I mean can't put my trust someone who I have no recollection of. Similar to an interviewer who asks questions and judges the behaviour and response of the person who is being interviewed, I want to ask a couple of questions to see how you would react and respond."

"I see. Master, I have a suggestion that I should let me refresh your memory by recalling what you did in the past. I have ample amount of knowledge of your famous battles and victories."

" For now pick up stuff. We talk about my past later as right now I want to explore where we are. We head through the gaping hole I made using Fire Blast."

( Wait just a moment, people could have seen us through the hole. I hope no one was watching us especially that thing we just did.)

Luko looks down on his legs and notices puddles containing an abnormal amount of drools left.

( Well my legs are really f****** soaked. Serious how much did Angeline drool. Like even 100 dogs can drool this much.)

" Anyway, are you done packing up?"

" Ah. Yes, master."

" Do you have any skills that can be used to scout the are?"

" Yes. I can create 3 low tier heavenly spirit to survey the area."

" Yeah, please summons those spirits."

"Yes, master"

Angeline cast a spell which took the which materialize from the surrounding rocks and air in the area. It took a form of a bubbly blue blob. Angeline went to the blob and then command:

" Survey the area around this cave."

The blob didn't respond. It just took off without a word.

" Shall we go ahead and explore what's outside."

" Certain, master."

Angeline and Luko head off and went to explore the world beyond the cave.

Sneean Sneean

Well, here chapter 2.

I might seriously start to write chapters next month. There is no Guarantee and I'm sorry you have to wait until next month.

I am planning on revising my work and moving it onto my main Qidian account as I was using this account to test the functions of writing a story here on Qidian.

Feedback is much appreciated as I will be revising my work soon.

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