寫檢討Lack of updates and tht fact that it starts off smut and goes back months ago it's should be the story and then slowly goes to smut, but that's just my opinion
揭示劇透I'm rotting away waiting for the other chapters... Come on 😭 how long are you gonna make me wait like this???? I'm dying to read the upcoming chapters... Waiting for a few weeks now😔
enteresting story more fun to read... but i feel dismay a little for releasing the thier chapter a little bit slow.... charrrot im just kidding its just want more to read excited to read what next to happen... overall so far the story got fine and smooth... nice try
Hmmmm.....,.......................................................... Don't know what to write but the English is Great... Anyway this is nice for those who wants some *ehem* *ehem*... As the title says it all.
I think im gonna like this novel. So please update more chap..... 😮😉😀 Oke, jadi karna my english so poor, aku akan pake b.ind aja. Baru baca sinopsis nya aja aku udah falling in love gitu loh. Jadi buat tranlator nya cepatin dikit dong updatennya. Pengen baca, tapi klu cuma 1 chap bawaanya jadi malas. Takut baper jatuhnya kepo tapi gakada lanjutannya, kan sedih...
揭示劇透I really like this novel. It's a good novel but the waiting is just torturing. Don't know how much longer we have to wait for the updates. So sad.. please..give us an updates ..
Lack of updates and tht fact that it starts off smut and goes back months ago it's should be the story and then slowly goes to smut, but that's just my opinion
揭示劇透I'm rotting away waiting for the other chapters... Come on 😭 how long are you gonna make me wait like this???? I'm dying to read the upcoming chapters... Waiting for a few weeks now😔
enteresting story more fun to read... but i feel dismay a little for releasing the thier chapter a little bit slow.... charrrot im just kidding its just want more to read excited to read what next to happen... overall so far the story got fine and smooth... nice try
Hmmmm.....,.......................................................... Don't know what to write but the English is Great... Anyway this is nice for those who wants some *ehem* *ehem*... As the title says it all.
I think im gonna like this novel. So please update more chap..... 😮😉😀 Oke, jadi karna my english so poor, aku akan pake b.ind aja. Baru baca sinopsis nya aja aku udah falling in love gitu loh. Jadi buat tranlator nya cepatin dikit dong updatennya. Pengen baca, tapi klu cuma 1 chap bawaanya jadi malas. Takut baper jatuhnya kepo tapi gakada lanjutannya, kan sedih...
I really like this novel. It's a good novel but the waiting is just torturing. Don't know how much longer we have to wait for the updates. So sad.. please..give us an updates ..