Coming back to her kingdom, Nuwa already had her own plans. She wanted to fully connect the two worlds and bring both her race and Xuefeng's Clan to another level.
Naturally, she had to be cautious with her actions. If the people from the outside world learn about Holy Land, they would flock over and try to get inside. The situation would be even worse if they learned about Fate Stones that endlessly appeared. They wouldn't have any peace left.
To protect their people, she could only use the best control tools at her disposal.
Fear, manipulation and deception.
She had to inflict fear into both Humans and Elves, making them wary of each other by manipulating them with different deceptions. It sounded wrong but once she loses the control, everything will turn into a mess. She didn't want to see chaos once she is gone either.
Sorry I'm so late on chapters but I learned yesterday morning that we are actually leaving for a ski trip tomorrow and I had to pack today. I will be away from tomorrow till next sunday but I wills till try to upload once a day. Please continue voting and when I'm back, I will continue double upload streak. <3