"Nicht hier, Schwächling! Wir treffen uns in einer Stunde am Bach nahe der Rudelgrenze, dann kannst du mir zeigen, was du kannst." informierte er sie. "Gut, Herausforderung angenommen! Aber wenn ich dich besiege, hörst du auf, mich zu schikanieren und lässt mich in Ruhe!" Aurora knirschte. "Klar." Erwiderte er ihr. "Der Hass, den ich für dich empfinde, wird aufhören, wenn du nicht mehr da bist. Dort drüben wird dir niemand zu Hilfe kommen und ich kann dich endlich in Stücke reißen. Niemand beleidigt Dante und kommt ungeschoren davon!" dachte Dante innerlich, während er wegging. Auroras Leben sollte eigentlich perfekt sein, da sie von adliger Geburt war, aber leider war es alles andere als perfekt. Ihr Vater war der Beta, der Stellvertreter des Alphas in ihrem Rudel, und ihre Mutter war eine der starken Kriegerinnen des Rudels. Da sie die erste Tochter war, wurde sie wie eine Blume behandelt, geschützt vor Schaden, Traurigkeit, Unruhe und Ärger, und war nur der reinen Freude, der reinen Liebe, dem Glück und allem Schönen ausgesetzt, während sie aufwuchs, aber ihr Leben war nicht auf Rosen gebettet, als sie älter wurde! Als sie aufwuchs, hatte sie geglaubt, sie würde normal sein wie jeder andere Werwolf in ihrem Rudel und die gesamte Werwolfgemeinschaft, aber leider war sie seltsam anders. Sie war der einzige Werwolf in ihrem Rudel, der keinen Wolf, ein inneres Tier, hatte, und wurde deshalb wie eine Ausgestoßene behandelt. Während andere Werwölfe ihre Wölfe an ihrem sechzehnten Geburtstag bekamen, weigerte sich ihrer, aufzutauchen. Nicht einmal, als sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde. Nicht einmal, als sie ihren Gefährten traf!!!
"Watch out, Daddy! I'll be the worst villainess you'll ever see!" After being raised by an abusive family and dying from an illness at the age of thirteen, Lady Mireille was reborn as the six-year-old antagonist of the book she made for fun. Not only does she have to be pretend to be the illegitimate daughter of the country's most sought-after CEO in order to help him avoid marriage, but she also has to fulfill her role as the villainess so that all of the characters in her story can have a happy ending. She must harass the heroine, let her adopted father meet his future love interest, and get disowned later on. Becoming bad for the good of everyone - that's her goal. But little does Lady know that she's just not cut out to be evil. Naive and reckless yet kind and cheerful - instead of a fearsome baddie, she only comes out as this genuine girl who desperately wants to appear naughty. Because of that, she ends up unknowingly charming some of the main and side characters, including her stone-hearted adoptive father, her apathetic cousin, and a child prodigy from a wealthy family. "If you're acting evil to get my attention, then stop. You're just a child I bought to escape marriage." Stern and stoic - though claimed as the country's hottest CEO, Maximilian Mireille is an emotionless man who doesn't believe in love. He'd rather have a fake daughter than get forced to marry. "You saved me, you idiot. How can you be evil?" Aloof yet caring - Fallon Mireille has the smarts and the looks despite his dry personality. He's supposed to die in the story, but after being saved by his adoptive cousin whom he used to treat indifferently, he lives on and starts to get involved in all of her antics. "You're too cute to be evil, though? Rather than a devil, you look more like an angel to me~" Intelligent and cunning - Weiss Saoirse has it all. Perfect looks, perfect grades, and a perfect family. Ever the untouchable, he can't seem to fit in and enjoy anything in life. However, since meeting his peculiar yet interesting classmate and developing a crush on her, his once dull and boring life suddenly becomes fun and bright. Follow Lady's journey on becoming a righteous evil flower who'll bring about everyone's happy ending! --- [Warning: Mature Language] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the Original Artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)Als sie ihre Augen öffnet, wird sie zur ältesten Tochter des Großen Generals des Königreichs Liuyin. Sie ist das moderne Mädchen, das in eine Welt eingewandert ist, in der nur die Starken respektiert werden. Von ihren Cousins schikaniert... Gebrochene Verlobung... All das war ihr egal. Ihr Motto ist inspiriert von einem ihrer Lieblingsanime, Hyouka: "Wenn ich es nicht tun muss, werde ich es nicht tun. Wenn ich es tun muss, werde ich es schnell machen." "Du bist bereits in die Umarmung dieses Herrn gekommen. Traust du dich nicht zu fliehen?" Ein Lord bedroht sie. "Denkst du, ich habe Angst vor dir? Du kannst weiter träumen." Sprach sie zurück. Sie möchte einfach nur ein friedliches Leben führen, aber kann sie das auch haben? Anmerkung des Autors: - Das Titelbild für diesen Roman geht an seinen Schöpfer. Ich habe es nur bearbeitet. -Schauen Sie sich bitte auch meine anderen Romane an: Wiedergeboren: Space Intelligent Woman
Am Tag ihrer Hochzeit mit ihrer Jugendliebe erhielt Natalie Ford ein unerwartetes Geschenk: eine Heiratsurkunde. Darin stand, dass sie bereits mit einem völlig Fremden verheiratet war - Aiden Handrix. Während die Hochzeitsgäste sie weiterhin verspotteten und beleidigten, beschloss ihr Geliebter Ivan, sie zu verlassen und stattdessen ihre Halbschwester Briena zu heiraten. Zu allem Übel wurde sie auch noch aus ihrem Haus geworfen. Um ihre Unschuld zu beweisen, gab es für Natalie Ford nur eine Möglichkeit: Sie musste diesen mysteriösen Aiden Handrix finden und der Sache auf den Grund gehen! Am nächsten Tag gab es eine Neuigkeit im Fernsehen. Justine Harper, die Erbin der reichsten Familie in Bayford, kehrte nach Hause zurück. Natalies Augen verengten sich auf dem Fernsehbildschirm. Warum sieht dieser Mann genauso aus wie der Mann auf dem Bild meiner Hochzeitsurkunde? Auf der Suche nach dem Geheimnis ihrer besagten Hochzeit beschloss sie, ihm zu folgen und ihn persönlich zu fragen. "Sind Sie verheiratet?" "Nein." "Hast du einen Zwillingsbruder?" "Nein?" "Haben Sie zufällig den Namen Aiden Handrix gehört?" "Nein." "Wer zum Teufel bist du dann? "Dein Bruder." "Warte, was?" "Ja. Jetzt pack deine Sachen und komm mit mir nach Hause." Erst bekam sie aus heiterem Himmel einen Ehemann und jetzt einen Bruder mit demselben Gesicht? Hatte Gott Klone erschaffen und sie ihr mit unterschiedlichen Beziehungen angeboten?
Daniel and Carter met for the first time at work, Daniel was his secretary and Carter was the CEO of a multi Generational company, both were workaholics and thus they spent a lot of time together and became best friends. Both had everything planned out for the future but not everything goes as you plan. One day Daniel wakes up to a baby's cries and he find a baby on his doorstep who turns out to be his niece, with the request of his sister he decides to raise her, and Carter being the good friend he is decides to help raise her. Neither of them knew what would happen when they take on the challenge of raising Daniels niece.
[ #Gold Winner WPC 173] Alexander the prince of Arimelari was cursed by a witch as a child to live as a half-dragon and half-human. He would turn into a dragon by day and human by night. This was due to magic being outlawed by his father and witches being killed. The royal physicians have tried all but he can't be cured unless he breaks the curse. The only way to break the curse is by the hands of the person who is destined to kill him. According to the very witch who cursed him, his bane had the mark of the moon and the sun and the day they met will be the beginning of the countdown to his death. The King made sure that every child born with a birthmark of the moon or sun was killed. But will he be able to protect his son from his fate when it is written to come true and who will Alexander's bane be? **** Francis a young man who lives with his mother and sister is the sole provider in his family. He is a hunter and he tries to provide everything his family needs. But when his mother falls ill sick with an unknown disease he must raise money to get her treated. When the prince asks him for his hand in return for his mother's treatment he accepts. Will he be able to live with the prince and love him for who he is? And what happens when he turns out to be Alexander's bane. Cover by Tisha D and credit goes to the owner. Will remove if asked to.4.66
“So what if he is his child, he does not belong to me!” These were the words of Anastasia all her life until she faced her doom. Anastasia, a young and naive woman, thought that duke Garrison was the most handsome and skilled man in the empire and married him. But she had no idea that traps and betrayals were waiting for her in the palace. Soon she was entangled in an embezzlement case and then her step son died saving her whom she had never paid attention to, and the blame comes to her. she cried and lamented for choosing the wrong persons and trusting the one who wanted her dead but her biggest regret was the child, Rowan! “Relationships are not made by blood, but by love and care. I was wrong all my life.. But now it's too late.” the feeble words of her heart died in the noise that was created by the wailing voices of spectators and hooves of the running carriages. “Anastasia Sopheriene killed her stepson, Rowan Sopheriene, for wealth and power. For her sins, she would be given the death penalty and all her wealth would be seized. Not only that, her parents would suffer the same fate. The royal court would personally witness the whole punishment. The court is adjourned for now.” the bang on the table decided her fate. She did not get the chance to speak. No one thought it was needed and so the story of A Villainess ended. But….. sometimes the god gives justice to the villainess too. When she opened her eyes, she was young again. Her eyes stared at the whole scene with relief and determination, “I will change the future of that child with me! This time… I know who is my enemy!” from there started a new story of power, love and the villainess who would never let her enemies rest. contact me on.. I_am_creator#2352 if you like my creation, you can also buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/iamcreator01/4.77
DICARI!!! Seorang perempuan muda, usia tidak lebih dari 23 tahun, cantik, menarik, mulus, dan belum pernah menikah alias masih perawan untuk melahirkan minimal 3 anak. Akan dinikahkan dengan seorang billionair tua dan cacat. Kompensasi berupa uang 100 juta perbulan sampai melahirkan 3 anak. Dan kompensasi perceraian berupa uang 1 milyar, 2 apartemen mewah, dan 1 kendaraan mewah. Calista Ardiningrum menghela nafas panjang membaca sebuah postingan di akun IG maklampir, sebuah akun gosip yang memiliki jutaan follower dan beritanya selalu tajam aktual namun belum dipastikan kepercayaanya. Ribuan komentar beragam ada yang menertawakan, mengejek, mencemooh, bahkan ada yang menghina sampai ke urat. Calista adalah seorang mahasiwi jurusan keguruan sebuah universitas negeri ternama di Jakarta yang juga bekerja paruh waktu sebagai office girl di sebuah perusahaan multinasional ternama di ibukota demi membiayai kuliahnya sendiri. Dia juga anak rantauan dari kota gudeg yang ayahnya hanya seorang tukang becak dan ibunya penjual jamu gendong keliling. Calista anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara. Adik laki-lakinya masih menyandang status pelajar SMK yang setelah pulang sekolah menyambi jadi pengamen di sekitar stasiun Tugu ataupun sepanjang jalan Malioboro. Tapi, kenapa dia sampai begitu perhatian dengan postingan dari akun gosip tersebut? Karena tiba-tiba ibunya menelepon kalau ayahnya menjadi korban tabrak lari sebuah mobil yang tidak diketahui pemiliknya. Kini ayahnya masuk ICU dan harus membayar puluhan juta untuk biaya operasi. Calista tidak tahu harus meminjam kemana karena uang sebanyak itu tentu saja tidak akan mudah didapatkan dalam waktu singkat. Sedangkan, phak rumah sakit berkata semakin cepat uangnya tersedia maka operasi pun akan secepatnya dilakukan. Apakah Calista akan mengorbankan hidupnya demi menolong ayahnya? Temukan jawabannya di novel ini .... *** Terima kasih untuk semua readers yang bersedia meluangkan waktunya membaca novel kedua saya, yang kemungkinan besar akan hadir dalam versi bahasa Inggris juga. Author selalu setia menunggu komen, vote power stone, dan gift yang teman-teman berikan di setiap chapternya. Silahkan menikmati karyaku lainnya: 1. Cinta Tak Berbalas 2. Angel's Blue Eyes 3. Tetaplah Bersamaku! 4. My Lovely and Sassy Wife 5. Runaway Ex-Wife``` [CONCLUÍDO] Regra nº 4: Você não tem permissão para ver o rosto do seu marido. ___ Aos 19 anos, Davi casou-se com um estranho que nunca havia visto, para salvar seu irmãozinho. Depois do casamento, ela se viu atrelada a uma certa missão. Sua missão é seduzir seu marido frio como pedra, que nunca se interessou romanticamente por ninguém, e ter um filho dele. ____ Conta no Instagram: kazzenlx.x página do facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 Editores/revisores atuais: kraycee, lov3lamb, iamconi789 _____ Meus outros romances: > Eu Odeio Você, Diabo! > Minha Futura Esposa é Androfóbica > Condenado com você > Enfeitiçado _____ *a capa é minha. artes por gisel.arts ```
Sarah Hill is an introvert who does not want to attract attention. Other than mad coding skills, Sarah knows how to throw a punch. She believes that her biggest problem is the existence of the hacker Omega and her world flips upside-down when the most popular guy on campus approaches her. What does he want? Why her? (Ah, Sarah, that is only the beginning.) JoAnna Hill easily makes friends with her bubbly personality. Some call her a mad scientist, but she prefers ‘Dr. Hill’, because that is what she is. JoAnna is an excellent markswoman who can snipe out any target and she is wondering if her prince charming will ever come. Sophia Hill is the voice of reason, their pillar of support. She is a confident CEO who knows how to get what she wants. Sophia’s degree in law combined with amazing capabilities to analyze the situation and plan ahead make her the perfect strategist (to achieve a goal without ending up in jail). This is a story of three Hill sisters who are navigating through challenges while they uncover the complicated story behind their maternal side of the family. And their father is not a simple man either. Every sister is different, and so are their relationships. They all have in common: trust and belief that if they work together, anything is possible. Mature content! 18+ ***SPOILER? - START *** The story starts with a focus on the youngest sister (Sarah). After about 100 chapters, the oldest sister (Sophia) gets in the romantic spotlight. JoAnna finds herself pulled into romance last, at about 200 chapter mark. ***SPOILER? - END *** Excerpt from the novel... "Do you believe in destiny?", Sarah broke the silence. "Destiny?" Aiden didn't expect such a question. "Yes. The thing that is meant to happen, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. And when it does happen, everything feels right." "Why would you ask me such a thing?" "Until a few weeks ago I would say that there is no such thing as destiny. That we are all masters of our lives and that everything depends on our actions, or lack of it. But I can't help but wonder: why did I not push you away? ... Why does it feel like everything will be OK as long as we are together? ... You are a piece of me that I never knew was missing. Is this destiny?" "Mmm... if that is destiny, then I approve it.", Aiden lightly kissed Sarah's shoulder and rested his chin on it. --- 1st WARNING!!! Contains descriptions of intimate scenes. If you are not comfortable with that, don’t read it! --- 2nd WARNING!!! This is my first novel! :) --- ***** I own the cover. ***** Check out my other novels: * "Accident Prone" * "Amara - Reunion" * "The Alpha's Bride" * "The Supreme Alpha"Al abrir los ojos, se convierte en la hija mayor del Gran General del Reino Liuyin. Es la chica moderna que se transmigró a un mundo que solo respeta a los fuertes. Molesta por sus primos... Compromiso roto... No le importaba todo eso. Su lema está inspirado en uno de sus animes favoritos, Hyouka: "Si no tengo que hacerlo, no lo haré. Si tengo que hacerlo, lo haré rápido." —Ya has venido al abrazo de este Señor. ¿Te atreves a huir? —Un Señor la amenaza. —¿Crees que tengo miedo de ti? Sigue soñando. —Ella le responde. Solo quiere tener una vida pacífica, sin embargo, ¿puede conseguirla? Nota del autor: - El crédito de la imagen de portada de esta novela es para su creador. Solo la edité -Por favor, también revisa mi otra novela: Renacida: Mujer Inteligente del Espacio
“With every hour, day, and month I wait, I love you more.” Here is where the boss submits and the lady dominates. --- "A CEO hitting on a high school girl? Oh, how scandalous, Sir~” She is a sly teenager who likes to tease adults, use blackmail and ruin dates. But beneath that playful facade, she was once a naive heiress who was abused, mocked and neglected. Forced in a loveless marriage, she became even more miserable. For all her life, she tried to be perfect to gain acceptance, but in the end, nobody truly cared for her. Now that she went back in time after dying in the hands of her family, she decided to claim what was rightfully hers. "Hitting on you? Excuse me, who're you again? I don't think any girl would just ruin my date for no good reason – highschooler or not. That's unless you're actually a fan," was what her flirt of a future husband once said in this second life of hers. Though a jerk, this hot stuff has his uses other than being attractive. She needed him to get back on those who wronged her no matter how indifferent he was to her before. This time around, she will take her turn to piss people off while smiling all sweetly. With that in mind, she leaned closer to him and smiled as sweetly as she just imagined, making him drop his smug smirk and raise his brows in surprise. "I'm not your fan – I'm your future wife, you douchebag." --- Winter used to live with her adoptive older brother until her biological uncle and adoptive sister found her. She was a long-lost heiress whose deceased parents turned out to be an affluent and wealthy couple. While people would think that she was very fortunate, all this really did to her was take her freedom away. A whole new identity had been forced on her ever since. Meek and docile yet soft-hearted and hardworking – that she became. Trapped in expectations, Winter worked herself to death in order to be deserving of her position as the successor. Pressured by her family, she had to follow everything they said. Deprived of the freedom to decide, she was forced to marry someone who was older than her by seven years – and worse, a flirt of all things. Winter worked very hard but only to lose everything after her adoptive sister took the spotlight away. Everyone claimed her to be incapable of being the next head of their family business, thus making the adopted daughter the successor instead. Her uncle only used her in the end. This was what they were aiming for all along – to manipulate her and steal her inheritances before throwing her out entirely. Never did Winter expect that the first and last person who would at least pay attention to her at her worst was her husband, Marcellus. Flirtatious and playful yet detached and secretive – that he was. Devilishly handsome, head of a business empire, known for many notable attainments, and chased by beauties – Marcellus is a man of perfection. Not once did he treat Winter like a wife, though. She was nothing to him, and so was he to her. But before she met her eventual demise, he was the only person who tried to help her. Yet it was much too late. The next time they met again would be seven years back in time – where they would be a scheming duo of a bossy high school girl and a submissive conglomerate president. --- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)"He Wanted a Marriage of Convenience. She Shattered All His Rules." Arianna Costa never expected her life to be turned upside down during a routine medical check-up. Victim of a medical mistake that leaves her pregnant by a stranger, she soon discovers that the man in question is none other than Alessandro Valenti, the powerful and dangerous king of the Italian mafia. For Alessandro, scandal is unthinkable. Marriage, security, and control: he demands Arianna become his wife to protect his reputation and their future heir. But sharing her life with this authoritarian and enigmatic man will come at a cost. Thrust into a world of luxury, danger, and betrayal, Arianna begins to uncover an unexpected side to Alessandro. Beneath the mask of the mafia king lies a man torn between his need for control and his growing feelings for her. Yet danger lurks in every shadow. Alessandro’s enemies are determined to see him fall, and now Arianna and their unborn child have become prime targets. Torn between scorching attraction, conspiracies, and buried secrets, Arianna must make a choice: surrender to this forbidden love or escape a world that could very well destroy her.
A one-night stand was all she wanted, but that was never his style. Still, they ended up together in a night of passion. No names, no feelings, and no complications. Heiress and advocate lawyer Daniella Hamilton had never wanted her inheritance, only wishing to live a simple life. Still, she ended up in the center of an intense war for power. Now, she had to find the balance between the life she dreamt of and the life that she was meant to have. Enigmatic and brilliant CEO Prince Alexander Princeton renounced his title to his birthright, believing that true power should come from building his own legacy. However, the kingdom faced a new dilemma where he was asked to serve his people and sit on the throne. Separated after their one night of wild adventure. They thought that their unexpected encounter was an isolated incident. However, fate had something else in mind, as they find their way back in each other’s arms, not in a passionate embrace but with a contract that would bind them for a long time. Would their agreement fulfill their dreams, or would it end in a disastrous union? [Warning: Mature steamy content, slight violence (in the later chapters), and some inappropriate language] *** Nominated in the WSA - Webnovel Spirity Awards 2021 Thanks to all my readers for all your support. You have been a great inspiration during my journey in writing this story. I would have never made it if not for your encouragement through your votes, comments, reviews, golden tickets, gifts, and continued support. Thank you so much. COVER PHOTO - Commissioned by Vatarison Instagram: bishop_1275"You already know, Rina," Victor said sharply, his voice cold and dismissive. "I won't love you, no matter what you do or how many times you beg. You knew from the start that Helena was the one I loved!" Victor went on, his voice harsh, "The only reason I married you is because it was my grandmother's wish. I'll provide you with money, but please don’t bother me or Helena anymore." Tears streamed down my face as I struggled with the pain and despair. My dreams of rekindling our love were shattered before my eyes. I had planned to surprise him with the news of my pregnancy, but now it seemed he didn't care. My hopes for our unborn child felt pointless in a world where its father had already rejected it. As Victor’s words lingered in the room, I was left in a painful silence, realizing that the love I had treasured was nothing but a cruel illusion. My marriage had led me into a desert of broken dreams.
Celia died and was reincarnated in a young girl's body in Eben's world. This world where magic is not only an illusion was the opposite of hers, she came from a modern world and now she must learn to be a mage. Anaya is an orphan girl and she was borned to be a fighter, once she met Celia her life changed forever. A long time ago a prophecy was made: when the forces of evil are about to enslave the universe, a mage and a fighter with extraordinary powers would join forces to save all the worlds in this universe. Could they be them? ........................................ Celia used her spiritual energy to create wings on her back and fly to Anaya. Anaya caught her in her arms and asked her: "What's wrong my love?" Celia said with a grin in her face: "My beloved baby wife, I have a favor to ask you, can I fight with that level nine mage, I really want to try a true fight to see if I’m be able to handle an ennemy without my green papers." Anaya didn't get why she was asking for that, so she said : "If Liam has agreed then it's fine, why do you have to ask me?" Celia sighed and caressed her cheek with her finger, she said: "I have to because it's a girl, and Liam just remembered me that the wrath of a dragon is not a joke." Celia heard everyone coughing or mumbling and Alec was looking at Liam from afar with a smirk on his face, maybe I went too far this time thought Celia, poor Liam, Alec is going to eat him for a long time tonight, she could see that just with that gaze. Anaya spanked her and said: "If you are here to cause trouble then go back to fight I will take care of you tonight." Celia laughed happily and said: "Okay sweetie, don’t worry I will let you punish me the whole night." She heard at least five difference voices yelling her name "Cel..." so she flew back to the combat ring and once there she sent a flying kiss to Anaya. Liam seeing everyone's reaction and especially the piercing look that his man was giving to him, he couldn't help asking Celia: "What did you say to make Alec look at me like that? Damn Cel! This is not funny!" Celia just had an irrepressible laughter, when she calmed down she said: "Don't worry, I just set you up on a date with your man tonight." ....................... Want to read more please be awared that the main couple in this novel is lesbian there will be also BL couple (Starting from chapter 40). There will be also mature scenes. the extract is from chap 110 ;) Give a try to my other novel : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)4.68
(COMPLETED) Safiya's father never returned after embarking on a mission to save his land. As the head warrior of Dakar, his death remained a mystery. However, Safiya knew deep down that her father didn't simply die; someone had killed him. Determined to avenge his death, she embarked on a training and honed her skills as a swordsman. ____Ze I.G & Fb page @Zeera Jay``` Todo comenzó con un beso robado en su primer encuentro. [Advertencia: Contenido para adultos *NO hay violación y NO hay grandes malentendidos!] Estado: COMPLETADO ****** —Señorita Lana Huang... Espere pronto una notificación de acoso en su puerta... Eso fue lo que Lana consiguió por besar a un extraño para salvarse de un matrimonio arreglado e indeseado. —Hasta donde recuerdo, me correspondiste ferozmente e incluso dominaste todo el beso. Claramente disfrutaste tu momento conmigo, ¡así que por favor no hagas que suene como si hubiera abusado de ti sin justificación! Y te dije, ¡estoy listo para compensarte! —¿Y cómo planeas hacer eso, eh? —Liam se acercó, intentando intimidar a la mujer orgullosa que ni siquiera parpadeó bajo su presión asfixiante. Lana retrocedió unos pasos, levantó la mano y gruñó: —¡Detente justo ahí Abogado Sy si no quieres probar el dolor de una patada en tus bolas después de ser besado! ***** Conoce a Lana Huang, una mujer orgullosa que escaló la escalera del éxito en su carrera. Una abogada y una mujer audaz, excepcionalmente hermosa que hace soñar y babear a los hombres por ella. El amor era lo último en su agenda porque odiaba a los hombres... Pero el destino quiso jugarle una broma al besar sin querer a Liam Sy, un hombre rico, poderoso y arrogante. Un abogado de profesión, la fama y el éxito lo seguían a donde quiera que iba. Un abogado feroz que ganaba cada caso que tomaba. El orgullo corría por su sangre y el amor no estaba en su agenda porque odiaba a las mujeres... ¿Qué pasaría cuando estos dos... guapos y hermosos, orgullosos y obstinados, odiadores de mujeres y odiadores de hombres... se unieran y se vieran involucrados en un matrimonio? Bienvenidos a un torbellino de romance entre estos dos: una montaña rusa de amor cuando se mezcla con el orgullo, los celos, la terquedad y el odio... ¿Bofetadas? ¡Por qué no! Seguramente les encantará seguir su viaje donde ambos tomaron el riesgo de enamorarse... Un viaje de odio que se convierte en amor... ================ Nota de la Autora: Espero que disfruten leyendo esta novela ORIGINAL mía. Esto es definitivamente un final feliz. Muchas gracias de antemano por su apoyo. Con mucho amor, EUSTOMA_reyna Otros Libros: El CEO Que Me Odia (completado) El General Que Me Odia (completado) El Doctor Que Me Ama (completado) No me Beses (en proceso) El Indomable: Juego de Corazones La Trampa de la Corona contáctenme en: Enlace de Discord: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna Página de Facebook: @eustoma.reyna La portada del libro es mía... arte de la portada por ava_arts38 (instagram) ```
THIS BOOK IS COMPLETED! ~~~ Kevin Beischel was a renowned scientist in Serein City. He was a werewolf specialist who lost his parents because of werewolves. On a fateful night, he met an annoying man who tested his patience. The relationship between him and the man gradually developed, but he didn't know that the other man was a werewolf. Meanwhile, the werewolf clan was planning to conquer mankind. All werewolves had red eyes, but there was a prophecy about a blue-eyed werewolf that would help them to defeat humans. But, the blue-eyed werewolf in the prophecy was just a young girl who lived in an orphanage. She was the one who was growing up with Kevin and had a place as a younger sister in Kevin's heart. The situation grew tenser when Kevin finally learned the truth. It was getting worse when the blue-eyed girl in the prophecy finally fell into the werewolves’ hands. Moreover, there was a secret behind a secret, there was a conspiracy behind a conspiracy. How would Kevin overcome the tribulations? Would his love help him to save the world? It's not an ordinary werewolf story! ~~~ Author note: 1. Warning: slow-burn romance! The romance hint will start showing in chapter 10. 2. Devoted top x smart bottom! 3. There is a girl character in this book, but this is a BL book, so the main couple is boy x boy. THE GIRL IS NOT A THIRD WHEEL! :) 4. Original cover by callmeotooosan. (Commission is open! Contact her on her IG!)Uma mulher de 24 anos viajou para o mundo do romance devido a um acidente de avião. Ela assume o corpo de uma figurante que tem o mesmo nome que ela. Ela viajou para um tempo em que tudo era escasso. No momento em que abriu os olhos, foi-lhe dito que em dois meses, ela se casaria com um homem manco. Garota confusa : "Por que ninguém me disse que meu noivo é tão bonito?" Noivo orgulhoso : "Baby, estou feliz que você goste do meu rosto e corpo. Devo esquentar sua cama agora?" Garota confusa : "Não disseram que você é um aleijado? Como você consegue se mover tão vigorosamente?" Marido vigoroso : "De onde você ouviu tais rumores? Parece que tenho que provar a você." Garota tímida : "Tão descarado..."