In the world of the heavens, there are an elite few in history who transcend the word "genius." They rise through the ranks of cultivation with unparalleled speed, perform feats that defy common sense on a regular basis, and generally educate all who cross their path on just what it means for the difference between two cultivators to be as the difference between heaven and earth. This…is NOT their story. Xu Zuhui has never been considered a genius, or particularly talented, though no one would call him a failure either—no small feat in the cutthroat world of VRMMOs, the dominant form of entertainment on a dying Earth. Indeed, he is one of the lucky few to escape the terrible, ruined real world by uploading to a persistent virtual world based on the world of Cultivation. But though his new body and new life comes with substantial perks, he will soon discover there are substantial risks as well. He’s far from the only strong talent in this new world, and few such people are happy to welcome more into their ranks. In what was supposed to be a virtual world, Xu Zuhui will soon find that the stakes he’s fighting for are very real…and he’ll have to become very strong indeed to survive the events the real hero of this world will inevitably drag him into. Updates daily at 8 AM EST!
Xuanqian-Kontinent, wo es viele Sekten und viele Experten gab. Der junge Zhou Heng, der ein geheimnisvolles, schwarzes, zerbrochenes Schwert in seinem Dantian trug, kam aus der Stadt des Ursprungssteins und kämpfte sich seinen Weg, um in dieser großen Ära ein Stück der Welt zu erobern. An die überaus Bösen: Tötet! Tötet diejenigen, die meine Freunde und Familie schikaniert haben! Töte diejenigen, die mir den Weg zur Erleuchtung versperrten! Auf dem Weg zum Himmel schreite ich mit Liedern, mit dem Schwert in der Hand, ich allein werde unter dem Himmel geehrt!
Shao Nian Xie Tian faced a destiny full of trials and tribulations. By chance, he inherited a legacy that made the worlds want to cut him down. He smashed through the nine provinces and shattered mountains and rivers in battle! In the fight against the seven realms, the character for 'evil' covered the sky! When immortals arrive, I'll execute them! When buddhas arrive, I'll slaughter them! I will kill ninety-nine percent, leaving just a stubble, to watch me break the heavens!
Au cœur d'un volcan, le palais féerique mécanique laissé par les anciens aspirait à un successeur. La mère s'est sacrifiée pour obtenir le sceau du trésor du palais féerique, le confiant à Ning Zhuo sur son lit de mort. Sceau du Cœur du Démon de Bouddha ! Pour s'offrir à l'illumination, et livrer les autres à la démonisation. Le porteur du sceau, en gravant légèrement le Sceau du Cœur du Démon, pouvait contrôler les mécanismes comme s'ils étaient des plumes. Tandis que d'autres l'utilisaient, épuisés en esprit et alourdis en esprit ; Ning Zhuo pouvait le commander avec aisance, léger et gracieux comme dans une danse. Ning Zhuo dit, "Mère, votre enfant réalisera sûrement votre confiance et revendiquera ce palais féerique !" En effet : La rencontre fortuite avec un secret vif, où la compétence se mêle à la logique suprême. Des univers s'ouvrent à de nouveaux royaumes, où la beauté naturelle rivalise avec les cieux. Les cloches anciennes transmettent la loi, dansant sous l'éclat pur de la lune. Avec la véritable forme incarnant une myriade de choses, qui dans le monde pourrait rivaliser !
Di jantung gunung berapi, istana peri mekanik yang ditinggalkan oleh para leluhur merindukan pewaris. Ibu mengorbankan hidupnya untuk mendapatkan meterai harta istana peri, mempercayakannya kepada Ning Zhuo di ranjang kematiannya. Meterai Iblis Hati Buddha! Untuk membawakan pencerahan kepada diri sendiri, dan kedemonan kepada orang lain. Pembawa meterai tersebut, dengan ringan mengukir Meterai Iblis Hati, bisa mengendalikan mekanisme bagaikan bulu. Sementara yang lain menggunakannya, terkuras dalam semangat dan berat dalam pikiran; Ning Zhuo bisa memerintahkannya dengan mudah, ringan dan anggun seolah menari. Ning Zhuo berkata, "Ibu, anakmu pasti akan memenuhi kepercayaanmu dan mengklaim istana peri itu!" Sesungguhnya: Pertemuan dengan rahasia yang penuh semangat, di mana keterampilan berbaur dengan logika tertinggi. Alam semesta terbuka ke alam baru, di mana keindahan alami menyaingi surga. Lonceng kuno menyampaikan hukum, menari di bawah cahaya murni bulan. Dengan bentuk sejati yang mewujudkan berbagai hal, siapa di dunia ini yang bisa bersaing!
[Das neueste Meisterwerk des Autors von Reverend Insanity] Im Herzen eines Vulkans sehnte sich der mechanische Feenpalast, den die Alten hinterlassen hatten, nach einem Nachfolger. Die Mutter opferte ihr Leben, um das Schatzsiegel des Feenpalastes zu erhalten, und vertraute es auf ihrem Sterbebett Ning Zhuo an. Buddhaherz-Dämonensiegel! Um sich selbst zur Erleuchtung und andere zur Dämonenschaft zu befreien. Der Träger des Siegels konnte durch eine leichte Gravur des Herz-Dämonen-Siegels Mechanismen kontrollieren, als wären sie Federn. Während andere es mit erschöpftem Geist und schwerem Gemüt führten, konnte Ning Zhuo es mit Leichtigkeit beherrschen, leicht und anmutig wie bei einem Tanz. Ning Zhuo sagte: "Mutter, dein Kind wird sicher dein Vertrauen erfüllen und den Feenpalast einnehmen!" In der Tat: Die zufällige Begegnung mit einem temperamentvollen Geheimnis, bei dem sich Geschicklichkeit mit höchster Logik verbindet. Universen öffnen sich zu neuen Welten, in denen die Schönheit der Natur mit dem Himmel wetteifert. Uralte Glocken übermitteln das Gesetz, tanzen unter dem reinen Glanz des Mondes. Wer auf der Welt könnte mit der wahren Form, die unzählige Dinge verkörpert, mithalten?
[A última obra-prima do autor de Reverend Insanity] No coração de um vulcão, o palácio mecânico de fadas deixado pelos antigos anseia por um sucessor. A mãe sacrificou sua vida para obter o selo do tesouro do palácio das fadas, confiando-o a Ning Zhuo em seu leito de morte. Selo do Coração Demoníaco de Buda! Para entregar-se à iluminação e aos outros à demonização. O portador do selo, ao gravar levemente o Selo do Coração Demoníaco, poderia controlar mecanismos como se fossem penas. Enquanto outros o manejavam, exaustos em espírito e pesados na mente; Ning Zhuo poderia comandá-lo com facilidade, leve e gracioso como numa dança. Ning Zhuo disse: "Mãe, seu filho certamente cumprirá sua confiança e reivindicará aquele palácio de fadas!" De fato: O encontro fortuito com um segredo energético, onde a habilidade se funde com a lógica suprema. Universos se abrem para novos reinos, onde a beleza natural rivaliza com os céus. Sinos antigos transmitem a lei, dançando sob o puro brilho da lua. Com a verdadeira forma incorporando inúmeras coisas, quem no mundo poderia contender!
En el corazón de un volcán, el palacio de hadas mecánico dejado por los antiguos anhelaba un sucesor. La madre sacrificó su vida para obtener el tesoro del sello del palacio de hadas, confiándolo a Ning Zhuo en su lecho de muerte. ¡Sello de Corazón de Buda Demonio! Entregarse a la iluminación y a otros a la demonio. El portador del sello, al grabar ligeramente el Sello del Corazón Demonio, podría controlar los mecanismos como si fueran plumas. Mientras otros lo manejaban, exhaustos en espíritu y pesados en mente; Ning Zhuo podía comandarlo con facilidad, ligero y gracioso como en un baile. Ning Zhuo dijo: "Madre, ¡tu hijo seguramente cumplirá tu confianza y reclamará ese palacio de hadas!" De hecho: El encuentro casual con un secreto animado, donde la habilidad se fusiona con la lógica suprema. Universos que se abren a nuevos reinos, donde la belleza natural rivaliza con los cielos. Campanas antiguas transmiten la ley, bailando bajo la pura radiación de la luna. Con la verdadera forma encarnando mil cosas, ¡quién en el mundo podría contender!
[ A/N: This is a modern fantasy novel happening in a slightly more advanced parallel earth. The novel will delve into dark themes with a lot of blood and gore. Main character is a Villian that regresses to a time before he lost everything. The main theme of the novel is revenge. The main character’s ability is blood manipulation.] ---- As demons attacked the world, one of the most feared villain known to mankind escaped his prison. For the past decade, the high-security containment zone, "The Abyss," had held him captive. But recent demon attacks forced the transfer of essential prison personnel, weakening its security. Seizing this opportunity, Oliver Thorne escaped. Contrary to expectations, he displayed no anger, rage, or remorse, instead heading directly for the heart of the demon army. The blood of the fallen rose like a tsunami, merging with him as he flew across the sky. He reached the center of the demon army. Suddenly, the world turned crimson. An enormous energy wave tore through space and time, shredding the strongest demons into dust. More blood erupted, fueling further explosions. Until everything was reduced to dust. The crimson devil, the supposedly unkillable villain, finally perished. But unknown to him, fate had other plans. After death, Oliver Thorne was sent to his teenage years. The time before he became a villain. What would he do with the unexpected second chance he received? [ A/N: This is a modern fantasy novel happening in a slightly more advanced parallel earth. The novel will delve into dark themes with a lot of blood and gore. Main character is a Villian that regresses to a time before he lost everything. The main character’s ability is blood manipulation.] Tags : Action, Adventure, Scheming Protagonist, Villainous Protagonist, Politics, War, Military, Otherworld, Portal, Monsters. Super power, Super heroes, Super villains.
Julian Althan is a 14 year old orphan who lives in the slums of Vestand. His parents have long since passed and he has no one but himself to rely on. While following his daily routine of dodging Arthur, a sadistic debt collector, Julian gets caught trying to steal some food out of the trash from behind a restaurant. While lying beaten he doesn't know his fortune will soon change as a spirit from another world seeks to escape pursuit.
In The Quiet Embrace, a young man battles deep emotional turmoil while trapped in the shadow of his family’s tragic past. The novel explores themes of loss, trauma, love, and the inescapable consequences of past actions. The story unfolds through two perspectives: that of a grieving son and his mother, Gloria. The son, Ike, is emotionally distant, barely speaking, and withdrawing from the world after the death of his father, Jonah. Gloria, drowning in alcoholism, reminisces about the love story that once defined her life—a love that ultimately led to suffering. Flashbacks reveal Jonah’s past as a gang member who, despite his attempts to leave that life behind, could not escape its grip. His choices eventually lead to his death in a tragic accident, leaving behind a broken family. Gloria, once hopeful for a perfect life, finds herself spiraling into despair, while Ike struggles to find meaning in a home that reminds him only of loss. As the novel progresses, questions arise: Can Ike break free from the cycle of trauma, or will he succumb to the same quiet suffering as his mother? Will Gloria find redemption, or will she continue her self-destruction? The Quiet Embrace is a poignant exploration of how the past clings to the present, shaping destinies in ways no one can predict.
Men yearn for nothing more than to carve their name into the bed of history. The vastness of eternity haunts men. Thus, we ask: Will our deeds have an impact on future generations? Long after we are gone, will others hear our names and wonder who we were, how valiantly we fought, and how fiercely we loved? The Naldeans are a terrible tribe of slaves, forced to slave away for their ancestors sins of betraying humanity. Down below in the immolating heat and unforgiving environment of Hel, a young boy starts a cult in an effort to jailbreak from Hel in itself. His name is Artam and he is the Mummer of Hel, one of the greatest men to ever live. But inside his mind lives an unsatisfied man who once enjoyed a boring life on earth until he woke up in a war-torn fantasy world. Reborn as a destitute orphaned slave with nothing to his name but memories of a previous life, Artam will do what ever it takes to carve his name into the anals of time.
A young man with a bright future ahead of him gets run over by a talking train, and is sent into a mystical, fantasy world filled to the centimeter with anything a man can think of. Uniquely interesting individuals to meet, grand locations to explore, and strange societies, with underlying mysteries awaiting to be explored. However... a good protagonist is always aided by an equally noteworthy, and possibly bizarre, cast of acquaintances. *** Tags: [Realism], [Isekai], [Cynical], [Dark], and [Slow-paced] (Or so I've been told). Disclaimers: 1. In spite of what Randall (the MC) says at the start, it is NOT a harem. 2. I will also shift POVs (and provide a clarification) whenever I consider it's worth it. However, the spotlight will be on the MC most of the time. 3. The MC starts off overpowered, but that will change after Chapter 40. I don't really like OP MCs too much. 4. Please read the first 3 chapters to decide whether it's worth reading. Finally, this is also my first time publishing a novel, so I hope it's not too bad. (PS: Cover is AI made.) PSS: Currently in hiatus (didn't know how to put it)
[highly mature book] [crime and psychological thriller webnovel] *[This novel takes a refreshing break from overused plot tropes such as the billionaire playboy or bad boy falls for good girl. This is a new taste of mystery/thriller genre that offers something new, something deeper and darker]* In the opulent streets of Beverly Hills, a string of murders sends shockwaves through the city, Los Angeles. Each victim is left with their eyes replaced—a signature as chilling as it is mysterious. Detective Lorenzo Hoffman, a seasoned investigator known for his unrelenting focus, is drawn into a case that grows darker with every clue. The accused is a world class opthomologist and in the eye of public, she is perceived as innocent for her breathtaking beauty and noble profession. As he digs deeper, Hoffman finds himself entangled in a web of psychological manipulation and hidden motives, where nothing is as it seems. The killer’s methods are calculated, their presence elusive, and their purpose disturbingly personal. With each revelation, Hoffman is forced to confront not only the darkness of the case but also the shadows within himself. The glass ball eyes is a gripping tale of obsession, deception, and the thin line between justice and madness. When every truth feels like a trap, can Hoffman uncover the killer before they strike again?
Kigu was in an intriguing crisis in the direction of desperation. Resilience is all he had inorder to escape from despair. The world was chaotic and confusing.It had no place for the innocent , everybody was treated like a criminal. The country of Ecade though rich and famous with plenty of job opportunities. It was also the most dangerous place to be. With the walking around of dangerous organized gangs that was in a battle with the government. Kigu belonged to a race called the Veilkins which had been living in hiding for years but then they re-established their bonds with the outside world as they called it. Kigu faced the massacre of most of the people from his village which were then turned into hostages and slaves working with a minimum pay. Their home was turned into a hell and they all wished they had never bonded with the people from the outside. Not only did he escape the massacre, he also escaped the death door after being saved by a mysterious person. He encountered a deity which offered him magical abilities in exchange for some of his senses. Kigu wanted to use that new found power inorder to rescue his hometown and punish those who had enslaved them. The road had several struggles including, battling his own weaknesses to keep on going. His impulsiveness kept getting in his way and the distance between him and his quest's succeed kept getting longer and longer. He had to fight his own weaknesses first inorder to save the others. Veilwalkers : Bonds Across Realms is a urban fantasy story that has a huge world filled with a lot of experiences. It is set in Ecade a country with whole lot of people of different kinds. The greed , the dreamers , the cynical and those who just want power. The story show " actions vs consequences" " hope " " resilience" and " desire and possession " Dive deep into the story to discover with a massive world where there is a lot to chose from.
The world of Gaia was a peaceful one well was is the best way to put it. the eruptides a race was laying dormant under the planets crust they have been awakened by the constant war as well as the biological, radiological and thaumaturgical disasters of humanity the dominant race of the planets surface. after the awakening also known by the humans as the first eruption humanity is at the brink of extinction, and only survives from 12 city's on the continent of salmirove. albert Stewart a human from earth finds himself reincarnated as Alexandrove bellkenin a nobody with only a name and the cloths on his back in the slums of one of the city's. this is his story
Ten years ago, twenty-six prodigious heroes were summoned from another world to defeat the Demon Lord, a battle they won, cementing their status as legends. However, their victory came at a cost-Elianor, one of their own, was mysteriously murdered. Distrust and grief tore them apart, and the once-united group disbanded, each hero walking a separate path, leaving the past buried. Now, a decade later, a dark prophecy looms once again. The world calls for its heroes, but they are no longer the same. Shin Hiiro, an average mage and former companion, is sent to reunite the fractured group. As he tracks down each hero, he finds that time and tragedy have changed them-some have embraced power, others have vanished into obscurity, and a few harbor dangerous secrets. With every hero he encounters, Shin begins to unravel the truth behind Elianor's murder. Old friendships are tested, and loyalties blur as Shin realizes that the heroes who once saved the world might now be its greatest threat.
“If you had the choice to live your life again, would you do it?” That was the question that pestered someone's mind as his body was crushed by debris, waiting for death. He had lived as nothing more than a cog in a machine, a puppet for his father's will. Although as abrupt as it was, his disappointing life ended in a devastating earthquake, surrounded by the corpses of his colleagues. As he was contemplating how unfair his life was, he made a resigned declaration to sleep normally again, one last time. But, even the eternal rest didn't happen. Upon opening his eyes, he was reincarnated into another world as Deilos, the son of Demon Lord Dantalion, and found himself trapped in a jail where he was tortured, starved, and left all alone for days on end. Just when Deilos thought his life couldn't sink any lower, a mysterious knight appeared before him and was rescued by the orders of the Demon Lord Barbatos. Deilos was used by Barbatos as a pawn in a petty dispute between human nobles and demon lords regarding the rebellion of humans within the demon territory. The only way to survive was to be a more cunning predator among predators in a battle of wits and deception, where one misstep can lead to death. How will he face this awful life now? Will he be just another pawn, or will he be able to reclaim his life again? Well, that is what we'll see.