Dude what new projet ? Literally Translation from Marvel's Master of Heavenly Magic by _Draco --------------------------------------------------
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You just stole the story from https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10766595/1/Harry-Potter-Three-to-Backstep by Sinyk and reposted here with new name and even try to make money on patr*on with it ...rly dude !! Scam 4 Life!!
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Put into Lifetime Detention by Death By: Harmonious Cannons is also a good story
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It´s the original account, author lost sign in details, so created 2nd account ruby_rose
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Scáthach is always a good martial wifu
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me too +1
thx for chapter =)
Well till Chapter 17 seems all fine and normal but afterwards 100% AI ChatGPT or other programm , what a letdown seemed promissing in the begining
I want to be noblesse in dxd
Anime & Comics · luciusxjune