read ratmen as ramen, and was confused for awhile." why is it surging and what are ramen knights?" then i woke up.
With the faint trembling of the ground, the overwhelming swarm of ratmen surged forward.
Anime & Comics · Zaelum
yes, let's goooooo
Here We Go Again
Anime & Comics · Karstag
technically, this is the story of how their training started.
The training of one of the most powerful Asari and Quarian that ever lived started like that, but that is a story for another time.
Video Games · Pop0
The voyage to Rorikstead was surprisingly peaceful, or not considering we were traveling with an entire unit of hold guardsmen and hosecarls.
Video Games · Rastislav
Jaden then turned around and smiled "Come then let us go," he said as he walked through the muddy terrain with Aubrie and Zule at his side as he was informed about the current events of the planet; most recently being the battle at Shelter Base and the deaths of various Jedi —most notably Master Sirrus and Master Obi-wan Kenobi. Jaden couldn't help but feel a little more nervous than before, he didn't think war would be easy, but he didn't expect the republic to be losing like this 'Jedi are incredibly powerful and yet here they are dropping like flies,' he thought to himself. He just hoped he didn't suffer the same fate as all these masters; he definitely wouldn't because he didn't plan on fighting, he would get out of here.
TV · TheManUnderTheBed
I've been wondering, how damn big are these carriages?
Standing directly still, I simply used the dash I had prepared earlier, appearing ten meters to the right.
Fantasy · avbutt
why though?
Traps had to be meticulously planned, well thought out, and personalized, so setting a trap for someone like me, whom you had no information about, would be impossible.
Fantasy · avbutt
they way it's worded makes me think ten meters total
-> [[E] Dash] : Not requiring any mana usage, the skill allows the user to move 10 meters from their current location in any direction with a cooldown period of 7 seconds. The skill does not instantly move the user but temporarily increases the user's speed until they move 10 meters.
Fantasy · avbutt
isn't specialist usually a master of one? sounds more like all-round
"Okay, your turn now. Tell me more about this place…" said the warlock with a friendly tone.
Fantasy · CaracasM
hoot hoot, i was expecting this image.
Still, Hedwig did not directly approach the man. She frankly didn't have the opportunity to do so, as all her aunts, uncles, and cousins had forced their way to speak with the personal representative of the German Kaiser.
Re: Blood and Iron
War · Zentmeister