A former soldier with no memory awakens twenty years into a post apocalyptic wasteland, controlled by the company responsible for the apocalyse, terrorized by ruthless gangs and filled with horrific creatures. Trusting only the broken, the weak and imprisoned, Dante must adapt to the savage wasteland and unlock the mysteries to who he was.
R For Strong Bloody Post-Apocalyptic Violence Including Some Brutal and Sadistic Measures, Some Disturbing Images, Pervasive Language, Some Smoking and Drug References, Some Sexuality, Graphic Nudity and a Scene of Rape.
Running Time: 164 Minutes
Superhumans known as Enhumans are currently feared by humans One faction of Enhumans led by John Parker and his family seek the being together the two species while another faction led by Adrian Tombs (Dr. Genesis) seeks the dominate humanity.
PG-13 For Intense Sequences of Sci-Fi Action Violence, Crude and Sexual Humor, Language, Brief Drug References and Some Smoking.
Running Time: 120 Minutes