I'm starting to have a feeling that they are both reincarnated boys :)
"I'm sorry Ikarus but I must insist, just let me pay the bill"
Fantasy · ACFoster99
Many thanks for example!!
Shimmering ice-blue silk spilled from her hips in a tiered skirt pooled around her like a frozen fountain. Spills of white lace draped over the blue silk, resembling icicles that glittered with reflections and refractions from hundreds of tiny crystals set into the shimmering dress.
Fantasy · JustJae
My Granma younger cousin died after passing out in sauna about 10 years ago. No fun at all, it dangerous.
Hmm, I do understand sauna in north, where +25 is considered summer heat. But why do ppl want it on south? I remember I lost all "bad water" and any other I had in just in hour while walking in summer heat in Malta. :)
"Dis smoke," the reptilian woman said as she lit another bundle of herbs and placed them in the center of the room. "It helps to expel de bad waters. Jus' sit back and tink' on de tings' dat made you sad or hurt or mad. Breathe in de smoke and let de bad waters go."
Fantasy · JustJae
Oh, conflict of interests! Sing of favoritism and corruption :)) Just joke, got tired of those regular trainings on work.
"Auntie Ashlynn, ma petite, Heila," Jacques said, looking embarrassed. "Dis is ma little cousin Aledia. She'll take good care of you both, non?" he said, raising a scaly brow at his excited cousin.
Fantasy · JustJae
I guess I've seen it in reality. Why is it fantasy, slow life?
Vampires should learn from ancient clan, and they would have less problems with emotions withering away. :)
"Ah, but here, dey know dat good food and good company feed de soul as much as de belly," Jacques said with a warm smile. "De Ancient Clan, we learned long ago dat having enough and enjoying what you have brings more happiness den always wanting more."
Fantasy · JustJae
Round 1 Starts!! :)
Good job! Will she get exp for drowned humans?
Noticing the place where the water was rushing into the ship from, Scaly could not help tilting her head to the side with a curious expression on her face. Not fully grasping what was happening, as this was the first time she had ever been on a ship.
Fantasy · PurpleSpring
Wait, why her narcissistic fantasies were not triggered?
Reincarnated as a Phoenix
Fantasy · ACFoster99